THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL. 8, 1908. 10 Rev. Edward L. Ogilby 's Great Sermon Against Liquor, Preached in '04 At St. I'eter's Episcopal church on' .May I 1 :'. Rev. Edward L. Ogilby i.ciic'.mi u powerful sermon against Hie saloon evil. TIk- N'evrs published a i uDiinary of his sermon at that time and had this to :-ay in the introduction; to the sermon: "There was a larcre audience at. St. IVter's Episcopal church hist niyht that, hoard with much ijratincatioti the masterly handling of the saloon ques tion by Mr. Oi;iiby. lie was temperate himself in his discussion of the sub ject, and of course this added much force to a lecture on temperance. At the same time he was straight forward in his nil or condemnation of the saloon evil and his words to christian people etui, er iiiii:; their duty in the present contest in our' eiry was plain enough. The sermon made a Sine impression. Titus i: 11 and "'For I lie iirac of Cod that brin.;;oih salvation haih appeared to all men. teaching us, thai donyim" umu .-.Unless and oi!d!. do sires, we would live soberly, right eously and :',odly in this present world." That branch of fne Holy Catholic or I'n'u ersal Church of Christ which. 1 represent is Known as the Protestant Episcopal Church in the railed States. Her position, or lelation to popular cpie.'i ions or movenunls o! the da is o'.teu misunderstood b many well-un-aniii::, persons. When our and Master save hi. final commission to his disciple.-. II. i oiiinianded them to ro forth, to all n.t lions, preaching and lea chins;' His j',s iel. That, and that only, was n be their w ork. Now ihere are zealous people who thinK the church is not broad and com prehensive, but narrow and bigoted, ii she coiilines her work to the teaching of the tiospol only, wliile the truth of the mailer is directly the opposite of that view, for the commission .uiven by .Jesus Christ is u' the broadest and most comprehonsh e character. It is world-wide in its scope, and if the Church does her duty by it. she has enough and more to fully occupy her time ami energy. And so it lias conit about that our branch of the Church, authoritatively, as a body no mattet what individual members here am" there may do or say. confines herself to the preaching of the doctrines oi Christ, the fundamental truths of the gospel, tints st living to develop and enlighten the consciences of people but leaving the individual conscience to apply these principles and truths tc the details of its own life. And. as to wor"k. the Church endeavoring tc follow tiie example of her Lord and Master, endeavors to develop a practi cal everyday Christianity, because she lirmly believes that Christianity is not r. i he;' -ry b.r. a life with a steady, con tinuous growth, and she oxemnlifie this by her great missionary work both at home and abroad, and in establish i ii ii" and maintaining everywhere hos pitals, homes, asylums and orphan ages, all of which is . so well shown lorth in your own city. As to the va rious humanitarian movements of tin iay. the Church having taught her members the fundamental principles i f Christianity, thus encourages them, either as individuals or in associations, to help forward any good work for the uplifting of their fellowmen. that may come to their hands to do, and it had come about that an association ha? been formed ami organized both in England and in the country, by mem bers of our Church, which is known as the Church Temperance Society, work ing on the lines of moral suasion, re striction and total abstinence. Thus through this society we are in full ac cord with temperance work every where, and especially so on the line of work being engaged in here in this community, in addition lo the fact that temperance in all things, being 0110 of the fundamental truths of the gospel, is taught and enjoined by the Church. I hold in my hand a circular, which reads. as follows: Church Mission House. Fourth Avenue and li.Inl St., New York City. "near P.ret hren : The Church Tem perance Society asks for the setting apart of a Sunday each year, as the day when the great subject of temper ance may be presented to our peoph If. is scarcely needful that, we urv the necessity of plainly dealing with so destructive an evil as intemperance such a necessity must be obvious; to all christian men. "We. therefore, cordially second their desire, affectionately requesting the clergy of our several diocese and jurisdictions to set lorth in sermons on the day selected the duty of all christian people in helping to restrain the monstrous evil which is working nic'u !i:.rm to the bodies and souls of men." . Signed by the presiding bishop of the Church in America, the lit. Rev. John Williams,. I). I., and thirty-five other bishops, including the bishop of North Carolina. The limits of an ordinarv sermon will only permit a general survey of so large a subject, the consideration of but few points in detail. We will, how ever, endeavor briefly to lock into the relations the individual bears to it. While legislative and admininstra- tive efforts should largely bo directed against the fountain head of intemper ance, the manufacture and sale of in toxicating liquors as a beverage, the individual efforts of professed chris tions should be directed toward miti gating the evil effects of the traffic by personal example, by persuasion, and the helping hand. Whatever may be the divergence of opinion as to legisative methods of limiting and controlling the liquor traf fic, all reasonable persons agree that the saloon, in its present condition and methods of conduct is a most dangerous enemy, both to the com munity and the individual, a serious menace to society, morality and relig ion. The liquor traffic is so vast in its extent that it is difficult, almost im possible to grasp its magnitude. When figures go beyond ordinary amounts it requires a skilled mathematician to comprehend them. The statistics of the liquor traffic are so enormous that the ordinary mind cannot take in their vastness. As to quantities, the nations at war could float their battleships in the flood of liqr.i.r '.hat is annually poured down the throats of mankind. The great amounts in dollars and cents paid out for the purchase of liquor are but a fraction of the enormous expense con nected with the unholy traffic. Five-sixths of the criminals and pau pers that occupy ihe time and atten tion of the police forces, magistrates and fit her public servants, and that crowd our prisons, reformatories, asy lums, almshouses and oilier public in- si Rations, are brought to ii!e condition Ihrough irink. entuling upon the trious citizen taxpayers oil! lay iu money in the order to keep up and various institutions, ami i comparatively small I heir misera intoxieauiig sober, indiis an enormous aggregate, in .upport 1 hose all this that and legally :ri iie.:ed ciass ot !v benefit the community may themselves, through iie-i'ini ia ! the vile Then drink, t '.OSS of" i rathe.. again, every dollar spent for aking into consideration ti-.e im;', menus mere than a dollar taken from better food, better clothing ind better homes for both the drinker and tiiose dope'idi nt upon him, and all this enormous waste is to temporarily exciie and gratify a base carnal ap petite. Money, time and health hiown aa with nothing gained in el urn. bul on the other hand poverty, li-.oase and misery follow.., in increas ing ratio, as the time goes on. litii time will not permit us to go into the endless details of statements, s'guros. statistics, and. even if we iiad the time, where would we find the space on which to place the figures ;f our statistics? Take the walls of this church build ing, inside and outside take the walls jf all the churches in this city: i ' ;he school houses, colleges, city hall, Histoiliee ami business blocks take .he long stretches of our great mill it met ure.-? cover them all with figure1:-; of microscopic . fineness; borrow the vast expanse of the blue sky above us, and cover its space with letters of fire as numerous as the stars of the milky way, and still we would fail to reach rhe extent of the desolation and mis ery of want and distress of heartches uid despair, the waste of time and money, and opportunities for good, the cries of little children, the agony of women's souls, the degradation and ruin of manhood, the despoiling of womanhood, the blotting out of heaven from earthly homes oh the list of Appalling woes is never ending; heart 2annoT conceive., mind cannot grasp fhe enormity and extent of this hell born traffic. The countenancing and legalizing of his mir't awful damning business, and he indifference to its results, is a most terrible arraignment of the peonle of the land, the citizens of our country, for fostering and favorable legislating this principal ally of the devil, and all for a delusive idea, the license fees are so much monev gained to the pub lic treasury. Xo true follower of Jesus Christ, no sincere christian, will countenance or uphold the liquor business in any term, nut on the contrary will throw their every effort and influence against it. The individual cannot excuse him self under the plea that it is of no use to light against it; that it. is a hopeless task to overcome the evil, impossible to accomplish its downfall. One might just as well claim that it is of no use to fight against evil in any form; that we might as well close our churches and disband all organiza tions that have been formed for Cue spiritual and moral welfare of man kind, because inevitable exists in the w --M. I toll you. in all soil: l.-nes, my friends, that Almighty (Jod will surely hold each and every one of us to a terrible reckoning some day for all this district and indirect upholding and encouraging of these most, aw ful forms of sin that exist, in our midst.' How earnest people, well meaning people, and professed christian:; can refrain from constantly raising their voices and steadily exerting their in fluence against this gigantic curse, is ast comprehension. If yen can persuade good men to start in the right direction, it is not so difficult to them to advance gradually from one vantage point to a higher po sition. Our Church Temperance Socie ty does well to include these two lines of work, as the two branches of its organization. Lei no one differ on these points, but let. us all work together in the same direction, doing our plain duty as christians, with all the energy and power we possess, and as fellow sol diers in different regiments advance on the same road to meet our common enemy, an enemy ever alert, always unscrupulous, more treacherously dead ly than any other foe like the dragon of mythology, striving to satisfy its insatiate appetite with the nation's heart blood. Oil let us stand up brave ly, shoulder to shoulder, to fight to a finish this common foe of our com mon humanity. Brethren, you have the weapon, the elective franchise; you have the am muntion, the ballots. Then I beseech you to w-e them righteously; with them you can drive Satan's greatst al ly, the saloon, from your midst. With the ballots silently falling from your hands you can obliterate the hell borne traffic as the snow-flakes falling on the earth blot out the unsightly THE JUMPING OFF PLACE. "Consumption had me in its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King's New Discover y; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Im provement began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grimesland, N'i C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New Discovery is supreme. 50c and $1.00 at Woodall & Sheppard's, druggists. Trial bottle free. 1 things, leaving nil the land-scape fair and white 10 loot- upon. With your ballots driving out the sa loon you can take one great step in tdvance in the welfare against intem perance, one great stride in cont roll- ing the deadly traffic putting in position where it can be : t etii .1 n' 'V from the grossly selfish interests, whose greatest object and effort is to ever increase the output of the liquid damnation. And now I can do no better., in clos ing my discourse, than to quote the burning words of Hon. Henry W. Gra dy, that comprehensive writer, that elonuent orator, that brilliant exponent of the sterling young manhood of the New South, as he uttered them m one before of the last he made his untimely death, a speech in he most forcibly renounced the traffic. Each separate count in his which liquor indict ment is true, and each count is in itself a 'sufficient reason for annihilating the cursed things. Listen to his words: "Tonigmt the demon alcohol enters an humble home to strike the roses from a woman's cheek, and tomorrow it oha'le-nges this republic in the hands of congress. Today it strikes the last crust of bread from the lips of a starving child, and tomorrow it levies tribute from the government itself. There is not a cottage in this city humble enough to escape its dead ly approach, no palace strong enough to shut it out. It defies the law when cannot coerce-suffrage: it is flexible, io cajole, but merciless in victory. It is the moral enemy of peace and or der, the despoiler of men, the terror of women, the cloud that shadows the faces of little children, the de mon that has dug more graves, and sent more souls unsaved to judgment that all the pestilences that have wast ed life since Almighty God sent the plagues to Egypt, and all the wars that have ravaged the earth since Joshua stood before Jericho. It comes to ruin, and it. shall profit mainly by the ruin, of your sons and daughters. "It comes to mislead human souls. and to crush human hearts under its ! rumbling juggernaut wheels; if comes j to bring gray-haired mothers down in j shame and sorrow to their graves; it I comes to change the wife's love into despair and her price into shame; it comes to still the knight or on the lips of little children, and stifle all the mu sic of the home, and till it with si lence and desolation; it comes to ruin men in body and mind and wreck their home", forever, and it knows it must measure its prosperity by the swift ness and certainty with which it de stroys humanity." Brethren, though the eloquent lips of Henry W. Grady are cold and stiff in death, yet they speak to you again this night as forcibly and as plead ingly as of yore. Oh will you not heed them and act upon them in the holy cause ot right and justice. Of ye men of this fair Southland, will you not rise in the courage and true bravery and upright manhood and strive to wipe out this dark blot that is upon the civilization of today. I tell you plainly that on you rests the awful responsibility of these most terrible consequences of this hellish da.tion and ruin, all the sorrow, misery and want, the awful cost in treasure and lives, is all brought right back to each one of you, for you with your ballots, either license it to continue its hellish work, or you restrict and control its worst features by elminat ing the saloon, and thus put Ihe traffic in a position where you can hope to so regulate if, that it will not be such a terrible and successful drunkard ma ker. Again I say that the fight against the liquor saloon and intemperance is a holy and righteous cause, which ev ery Christian man and woman should engage in. Oh ye christian voters, en list in the tempeance army, let your term of enlistment be until the end of the war. It is a present day army whose banner can well be the blended folds of the stars and stripes and the stars and bars, with the cross of Christ on the top of the flagstaff. Fight bravely and valiantly for God., your county, your homes, your loved ones, and when the fight is won and the de mon foe is vanquished let the South ern yell and the Northern hurrah blend together in one grand harmon ious cheer of victory. Alleluia, Amen. oqcningaon yvbgk qj bgkq xzfiflffzfi jno Mamie, dear, it is doubtful if even a fishmonger could scale a prison wall. mill Winsiou-Salem. X. C, April 8 The North Carolina grand council of the Royal Arcanum convened in an imal session in this city today with delegates present from many parts of the state. Ile-ports of the several officers show the aiTaiis of the order in this state to be in a highly satisfactory condi tion as regards both the membership and finances. Some people are; as easily pleased as an old maid lotik4ng for-. a husband. NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITE. Urs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine, speaking.,-of Electric Bitters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite hero with us." ..It deserves to be a favorite everywiifirc. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, .liver complaint, kidney dcrangwhieht, '""malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general de bility. Its action on the blood, as thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative ";'jtonic is sold under guarantee at WJjodall & SheppardV drug store, 50. 4 Kawr ur Jtiiaes. vShip thA above to M.SABffi& SONS Dealers in HIDES, FUR, PELTS, WOOL Louisville, Ky. Established in 1S5C Reference: Any P.anic in Kmrisville. Weekly Price List Issued Write for it. Everybody Comes to Us to Get Their Garments Cleaned and Dyed. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works ? it,iiiyi'i'i,'-i,iiv- j NEW 1908 STYLES and MEETS OF Harness We have in our repository, the largest stock of. new style vehicles in the Carolinas. .v. Quality, prices and terms are right. J. W. Wadwortii's Sons' Go 4 yHWI,wI!MMI 4 "I just do this to keep my hand in," remarked ihe man as he pulled on his gloves. Low Rates and Mileage Books Via Sraboard Commencing April 1st. On April 1st the Seaboard Air Line Railway will put on sale intra-state rates in the state of North Carolina at rate of 2V2 cents per mile, and as soon as possible thereafter, will issue tariffs showing inter-state rates to all points south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers on basis of 22 cents per mile, it being understood, however, that the R. P. & P. will continue to use $3-50 rate between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. Two thousand mile books Inter State and Interchangeable will be sold for S40.00, good for five or less peo pie members of a firm or corporation, only one person being allowed to us it at a time. One thousand mile books Inter-State and Interchangeable for $20.00, for person whose name is shown on cover. Five hundred mile books (family) good on the Seaboard in North Caro lina only, for $11.25, good for five or less people, members or family, who can all use it at the same time. f ' The' two thousand1 and one thousand mile books sold at rate of $40-00 and $20.00 respectively, will be good over practically all of the principal lines in 'lie South and East, including the Southern, Norfolk & Southern, Atian dc Coast Line, R. F. & P. W. S.. Aber leen & Asheboro and Bay Line. Sea loard. For further information apply to icket agents or JAS. KER. JR.. C. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. C. II. GATIS, T. P. A., '-24-12t Raleigh. N. C. Baseball Game Between University of Virginia and University of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C, April 6th. For above occasion Southern Rail way will sell round-trip tickets from all points within one hundred miles of Greensboro. Following rates will ap ply from points named: Charlotte $.90 Concord 2.90 Salisbury 2.10 Winston-Salem 1.10 Durham 2.30 Raleigh 3.20 Tickets on sale April 5th, and for trains- arriving at Greensboro before noon of April fith; final limit April 7th, 190S. R. L. VERNON, T. P. A. ,n-r,t "Gueen of Sea Tripi " MERCHANTS & MINERS Transportation Co.'c STEAMSHIP LINES Between NORFOLK, Boston and Providencs, Newport News and Baltimore Accommodations and Cuslne Unsur passed. Steamer? New, Fast and Elegant. Finest Coastwise Trips In th World. Send for Booklet. E. C. LOHR, Agent, Norfolk, Va. H. C. AVERY, Agent, Newport News, Va. W. P. TURNER, P. T. M. General Offices, Baltimore, Mat. Use Eig ii for unnatural diecharecB.iiilaniuiations irritations or v.lceraiion of mucous iiiembranca In 1 to & 4J-y iiaaranteea not to stricture. i'aiolfws, and net aBtriu gent or poisonous. Sold bjr ra(reiBtau or sent in plain Trrappev, by express, prepaid, for SI .CO. or 3 bo- J'.es 2.J5. Circular ;,ct tevsag$ INJECTION Prompt Relief for ihe : KQS7 OBSTINATE CASES without incoi)vemt.n'-e. No oilier tr-at'i-i!t rtNj.iired. Drink Kenny's Cheon Tea The best uOc Tea in America specially blended for Ice Tea. Drink K. , nv's fresh Roasted "Special" blend of coffee at 25c or any other of j,. grades of coffee from 10c up. You get jyour money's worth and then sweeten all with Kenny's Hest Sugar at 5t6c 25 ib. bag 1.3o. C D. KENNY CO. 23 -So Tryon St Brings New Lite to Siic I5ody sand Builils Up I5ic Enlirc System In Ail FEVER CASES E. FOU1EKA (& CO., Aeciats for the U. S., 90 Scekman St., New V; t t 1000 pennyweights of Old Gold Jewelry. Will pay full market value In cash or exchange new good;' for same. We make special order pieces in our shop on short notice. Any kind of repairing given prompt attention. f Leading Garibaldi, Br ill icst Quality Bloe Gem and JcUico Block Lump Coo! Quality and Quantity Guaranteed 0 s UNDEil EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN. . t - Evrropean $1.50 per day and up. American ?3.00 per day and up. CAFE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Prices Reasonable. The Most Modern and Luxuriant Hotel In the Carolinas. 150 ELEGANT ROOMS. 75 PRIVATE BATHS. Located in the heart of Charlotte, convenient to railroad station, etreet cars and the business and shopping centre. Caters to high class commercial and tourist trade. TaMe de bote dinners 6:00 to 8:30. Music every evening 6: SO to 8:30. EDGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. Presbyterian College For Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. Special Rates to New Pupils. REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. L., President A School with a Reputation for doing high-grade work. One of the best equipped schools in the South. THE LARGEST, THE BEST. The strong est faculty. More graduates in positions than all other schools Iu Vm-. State. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Tel egraphy and English. Write for haa.l gorue Catalogue. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte, N. C. or llalelgh, N. C. Ball Bearing Typebars Why cf Course. Biggest Bearing Surface to Smallest Amount of Friction. And there's no crowding in the Segment either. J. E. Crayton & Co., Gen'l Agts. 217 S. Tryon St. tk ty TlS" V TUT 8 u .EL-J .U-d Jul. Jit. JA.i. V IS SIS I V Jewelers! 9 NEW MANAGEMENT m m rj m m H r Phone 304 er I on e aelwyn I