1 HE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 15, 1908. 10 How they Make Bitulithic Manager Copeland Ex plains the Scientific Pro cess by Which Charlotte Sts. Are to Be Paved Chemist Coming Soon. The people of Charlotte have heard a great deal lately about bitulithic pavements, but possibly few have an idea of what bitulithic pav ing really is. A News man "was taken by Super intendent Copeland to the extensive plant of the paving company, on the Southern tracks near the old rock quarry yesterday afternoon, where the paving material is to be pre pared, and the process of preparation and laying the stuff was explained. Mr. Copeland was asked to start at the initial process and explain each st.-isre of the work. Alter the ex planations and viewing the working of the plant, were seen the scien tific accuracy with which the work i done, thereby obtaining absolute uniformity. Every piece of ro?k is weighed and this is mixed with the bitulithic preparation under the eyes of n chemist, who prepares the for mulas to be followed. The bitulithic conies in barrels, which are numbered, each barrel hnvinsr :i number according to its eonsistaney or degroe of thickness, and the kind of bitulithic used is de termined by climatic and oilier local conditions. ' What would do in one part of the country, would not do in another. The kind's to be used here are four, Xos. 24, 22. 21U and 21. The first is very thick, about like rosin, and No. 21 is about the thick ness of molasses in cold weather. The Wearing Surface. The machinery, which has been erected is for the mixing of the wearing surface. This is prepared as follows: The clean rock is led into a conveyor, which carries it through a kiln, in which the rock is heated. From the kiln it goes into a sepa rator, and there is again screened, and fall:; into six compartments each com- .J. THE WEATHER J. w w t Forecast for Charlotte ard Vicinity. Rain tonight. Thursday fair and colder. Weather Conditions. The low pressure area central Tues day morning over the Dakotas has moved eastward over the lower Lake region, and has caused rain generally over the Lake region and Ohio val ley. Rain has also occurred over the middle, south Atlantic and Gulf states, and the middle and lower Mississippi valley. An area of high pressure moving in over the Dakotas, has caus ed fair, colder weather over the! Missouri and upper Mississippi val-l leys. Over the Plateau region and the' Pacific states, pressure is relatively! low an drain has fallen in scattered localities. Indications are that asj the high pressure area now over the Dakotas moves southeastward, rain; in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight,! will be followed by fair, colder wcath er Thursday. State forecasts not received. V. J. BEXNETi, Observer. Bank Talks BY THE There will be a regular com munication tonight at S o"clock of Charlotte Lodge, Xo. 392, B. P. O. Elks. After the regular order of ex ercises there wil lbe a social session. An Interest Quarter began April 1st, with over 100 new ac counts and we rather expected to see the daily number of new depositors fall off this month. Too Bad That You've Got to Move But such is (he luck of those who will rent, when the house Is wild, the mice is raised too much, or the place goes to pieces and the landlord will not repair it. HERE'S YOU OPPORTUNITY to become independent of such circumstances. A neat, almost new. live-room cottage, on N. McDowell St., largo lot. lies well, shady side of street, cement basement, sta blom lot, house nicely papered and the price is only $1700.-00. Terms almost as easy as rent. Traders Land Co. 'Phone 530. 9 West Trade St. p ; fegi The James Boys in Missouri at the Theato Today and Tomorrow BUSINESS BUILDERS JVLOVINJPICTURES "THE GRAFTER" and French Army Pontooning a River. Latest song: "Two Little Baby Shoes." THE CASINO. GROCtRb But still they come. Of course they are wise in thus building up balances in time for the next Interest Period, and it is just in line with the point we have been advertising on that subject. FRESH CUCUMBERS. North Carolina Strawberries, fresh - i i i i ,,-rtmont rpivinrr rnrk of a different! asparagus, fiery aim an uomesue size, ranging from sand to pebbles oi 'DO It NOW" is one of the mottoes of modern business. If you are thinking of starting an account do it now. don't wait. The, start (and $1.00 is sufficient to start an account) is the most important step. Remember that a private Banking Room for Ladies is among the up-to-date facilities at our Bank. Cottage For Quick Sale 5-room cottage in fine condition with city water, one block from Southern Passenger station, good size lot and good neighbor hood. Owner needing money and will sell for $2100 cash. See us quick. J. E. MURPHY & CO. 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. Valuable Timber 218 ACRES 1 miles of Depot at Monroe, mile of graded 1 0:Ui r. r, nnlnnr Vi51.- in mill timhrr fninnl 7". '"' l.i", v I ram "It . . -m -9 -f- J t dergrowth of dogwood in the timber. Lies level. Well 'wiTtr!!1' nan coll nil thA stnnclintr timber with ?V venrs fr. ... ' r '1 UUU I i - J A. l ' - ' ' i " 11 1 ,1 3-t1s, rT-tl oil 'i t" i virion tliot (-1 w . t . 1 Jl Sell lallU, lliiiuci emu. au at. a. jjhuu iuai oiiuuiu lluei'et mill man or farmer. For further information, apply at our office. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Compaq Capital, 175,000. w. . ALEXANDER, President. Surpluf, 1100,000. R. A. DUNN, A. M. McDCNALD, Vice President. Sec. and t. r f - - r For You A Homo v 9 rooms, elegant home, Dilworth, lot 75x150 . . . $r,oo i 8 rooms, all conveniences, 4th Ward 9 rooms, all conveniences, near Southern Passenger Station, Sr.nfMi 10 rooms, all conveniences, 1st Ward ?o7.".i) 6 rooms, nice cottage home, modern conveniences $u7ni 6 rooms, nice cottage home, 1st Ward 21'u ational Bank rotection MEANS A GREAT DEAL TO A DEPOSITOR You have all the assets of the bank guarded by the National Bank ing Act, and in addition the individual liability of the stockholder, to protect your deposits. There is not better security for your savings. We pay 4 per cent, interest, compounded quarterly. Certificates of Deposit bearins same rate of interest issued In any amount not less than $25. Capital, Surplus and Profits $800,000.00 givess absolute security. Commercial National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. the size of a bird's egg. After reaching this stage "the mix is set' that is, the proportions ot each to bo used in the mixture, is determined. These compartments are over accurate stales, and the com partments are opened, and each grade of the stone is accurately weighed. This mixture is then dumped into the mixer, and added to it, are certain quantities of the No. 21 bitulithic. ibis being hot and of a definite quan tity. This mixture is then dumped from below into wagons especially made, and is carried to the streets hot, and is distributed from the wag on from a kind of hopper from be low. How the Work Begins. After explaining the making of this mixture, Mr. Copeland then related every stage of the work on the streets. The streets are first graded down to six inches below the pav iiie line. First comes a layer of clean stone six inches in depth. This is rolled to four inches. On the top of this is placed a coat of pure bitu lithic, the Xo. 2-1 kind, which is called a "binder," and this also is rolled. On the top of this is laid the wearing surface, the making of which has been explained. While this is still hot and soft, it is also rolled. On top of this is put a flush coat of softer bitulithic, and this is put on with specially made tools patented by the company. On the top of this warm mass is then placed the final layer of "snuegee" stone, which is about the size of bird eggs. This is rolled, and the pavement is com plete, and absolutely uniform, every thing being done from start to finish with scientific accuracy. When the actual paving begins, Mr. Copeland expects to lay one thousand square yards a day. The chemist from the home labora tories of the company, will probably arrive the latter part of the week to "fix the mix," and by Monday the work of laying the paving is expected to begin. Vegetables, and be sure you call and try a Westphalia Ham Sandwich free. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., 27 N. Tryon. NEW SUPPLY those good hams that we sell thre( cents a pound under regular prices All sizes. Country butter 20c. BRIDGERS & CO., , 203 W. Trade. STEEL CUT COFFEE We have the only Electric Coffe( Mill in the city that will cut coffet which makes the coffee 20 per cent bet ter. S. R. LENTZ, 'Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr Offices in the Trust Building BRIEFS Kitchin will keep you awake. News has been received here of the death of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Gid ney's 3-year-old son at Muscogee, Ok lahoma. Ilathbone Lodge, K. of P., will hold their meeting tonight instead ot Thursday night, their regular meeting time, when they have tendered the Masons to use their hall for an obli gatory meeting. Mr. G. G. Scott, manager of the Southern Pants Company, states that his plant will resume operations some time next week. The burned portion of tho building has been repaired and new machinery installed. The News' carriers have only one more day of waiting, as their theatre party at the Academy of Music will take place tomorrow evening. They are pressing their Sunday suits and all expect to "dress-up" for. the oc casion. M. J. A. Yarbrough. of Knoxville, Tenn., has been elected president of the Southeastern Retailers' Associa tion of coal dealers. Mr. Yarbrouch is president of the Yarbrough & Bel linger company and this is a deserved honor. Mr. D. A. Tompkins will deliver an address before the students of the New Bedford. Mass., Textile School, Friday evening. May 20th, on the sub ject of "Industrial Education. He will also deliver an address to the gradual: ing class of Biddle University, this city, June 3rd. AT THE ROYAL "PU LCI N ELLA" A beautiful love story richly colored. 12 00 feet in length. IF YOU WANT the very best 25 cent peaches in the city just call 'phone No. 103. All kinds of vegetables that are obtainable, fresh every day. Monoich Asparagus, suffi cient guarantee for best quality. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Are Our Greatest Care. Prices Right. Service Prompt DILWORTH DRUG STORE 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis FOUNTAIN SYRINGES and all other Household Articles. 'Phone Us. We will Send What You Want at the Right Price. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. MCELLANEOUS ROOFING I will tear off the old shingles anc put on a new tin roof for you at aboui the cost of a new shingle roof. A tii; roof is better and gives you cheapei insurance. Ask for estimates. C. F. SHUMAN REAL tSlAft FOR RENT One 6-room house No. .201 North Davidson St., per mo., .10.00; one 3-room house No. 925 "forth Davidson, per ino., $G.00; ona .-room house, 1211 North Caldwell St., cr mo., $10.00; one 4-rooni house No. .209, No. Caldwell St., per mo., 8.00. W. G. SHOEMAKER, :27 N. Tryon St. Phones 306 or 444. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE n North Charlotte , two fine lots iOxlSO on the corner Brevard and 21st St. Will sell for small profit. J. L. REDWINE 620 E. 7th St. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 106 icre farm 3 miles Derita road; 50y2 icre farm 4 miles, $2000; 13-acre farm t miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 tcre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $650; 5 oom cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 913. iVestphalia Hams, Kingan Hams, Slic ed Breakfast Bacon. Query House Farm B. Bacon Strips. Helps you as a business man especially in the matter of credit. Get the right bank back of you and your business will expand more rapidly. We invite you to try the. Naliona Bank along this line. OFFICERS: B. D. Heath, President; Jno. M. Scott, Vice President; J. H. Little, Vice President; W. H. Twitty, Cashier. W. M. CROWELL, 'Phone 744 and 297. FROG LEGS Snipe, Squab, Spring Chickens, Shad Shad Roe, Trout and every seas onable delicacy at THE GEM. Typewriters for Rent I always have on hand big lot all makes, in cluding Remington, Olivers, Under, woods, Smiths, Royals, and others good as new kept exclusively for ren tal purposes by day, week or longer. Each typewriter I rent is supplied with new ribbon, kept properly oiled, cleaned and adjusted. See if I don't rent first-class typewriters for less than others charge for old second hand ones. Office 37 North Tryon St. Jones The Typewriter Man. 'Phone 243. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for Instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 204. STORE ROOMS. Vuditorium $25.00 HOUSES "0.r E. 9th St., 4 rooms $ S.OO .07 E. 9th St., 3 rooms $ 7.00 Elizabeth Avenue, 8 rooms, mod ern conveniences $25.00 Uoulevard, 10 room apartment house, modern conveniences . . $30.00 720 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $25.00 218 East 8th St., 4 rooms $10.00 Oil W. 8th St., 3 rooms $ 7.00 718 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modem conveniences T $25.00 10 S. Myers, G rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 G. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St., 7 rooms, modern con veniences $20.00 Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 rooms 7.00 918 N. Caldwell St., 6 rooms.. 12.50 BROWN a. 0.. Phon 635. tOS N. Tryon t Your Child's Future A SAVINGS ACCOUNT opened when your children are young will pro vide for their education and give them a proper start in life. You can open an account with us with ONE DOLLAR and upward, and it will earn 4 Per Cent Interest and be Compounded Quarterly. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. W. L. JENKINS. Cashier. Ess "fi Hi w Foo There are B. & L. Associations galore. Most are good ones, some are bad. You know there's some bad Whiskey. I study these animals in all their phases. I know their virtues and their faults. Have made compar isons in statements carefully and conscientiously. Have taken those of Pennsylvania,, Louisiana, New York, South Carolina, North Carolina, and others, and, taken all in all, I am convinced not one of them v. ill quite measure up to THE MUTUAL. 27 YEARS OLD and not a penny lost. A long list of matured series unequalled by any oth er yet heard of. She's better today than ever, and she's buzzing and sciz zling with the New Series right now. E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 25 S. Tryon St. Sec. & Treas. O Q rh r nn si" i n a. ta jy ta? hie fi lain w 1 1 iivui&y ft I uompany I Office Piedmont Building jg 01 If you have Property to Sell, TRY US. $ 5rf We can help you. H g If you wish to Buy Property, TRY US. S We can help you. jy If you wish Loans on Realty, TRY US. jy JfH We can help you. rj m iy m A Few Choice Bargains in Medium fy Price Property m FOR. RJCNT 908 N. Pine, modern 7 rooms, (April 20th) $15.00 401 West 11th, modern, 7 rooms $25 00 o07 N. Tryon, 9 rooms, 2nd floor 30.00 Sl E. 9th, 5 rooms, (city water) $12.00 1 1 J Trevara modern conveniences, 4 rooms $10 00 ji3,N- Bl'evard, 4 rooms, ,er week $ 1.50 31 So. Cedar, 4 rooms, per week $ 159 vi 1 xy :arru St., (Belmont), 4 rooms, per week . 2.00 ono o 4Jlen st- (Belmont) 4 rooms, per week '$ 1 50 So. Cedar St., 3 rooms, per week. $ !40 04 East 3rd, 4 rooms, per week "$ lo -06 East 11th St., 4 rooms, per week " "t 150 3 room house West 4th St., ner week "t i'o; 1 store room N. Pegram St., '. " $1000 2 new Brick stores, Belmont. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro Phon. 51,. lUN. Tryon. The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company Phone' 377 w.. CAPITAL I200.000.0f. A. G. Craig, Secretary, Chambers, Treasurer. ;.,18E, Trade 3r New 4-Room Co B $750.00. $50.00 Cash Balance Through B. & L. Association. Lot 50x150. VILLA HEIGHTS High Location Overlooking the City. rowa & Compa Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. John D. RocnefelSes4 still has the little book In which he kept account of every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men who work for him today. He "saved" his money. Are you savlng7 We would appreclat your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Merchants & Farmers National Bank GEO. E. W!LSONf President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice Prtsldtnt. W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. 4 BWJWW 'UMiJi I BUMP R MM 6-roora cottase, No. 10 So. Myers St., modern $20.00 6-room cottage Euclid Ave., Dilworth. modern ... siR.on 5-room r.nt.taerfi. 9.0?. T7!ao.t flal.- t Also 3 and 4-room houses for colored people $1.50 and $2.00 per week. rolina Ge Realty Company Henry M. McAden, President. j0hn F. Orr, Cashier. First National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Organized 1865 Capital snn nnn nn Surplus and Profits 145,000.00 1 t rfeKltblMT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent wltS Safe Banking. Wot TWO BEST LOTS IN WILMOORE. EIGHT NICE LOTS ON 100 IN EAST END, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST twn vST TERMS ON ANY OF THEM "Abl EVER LAbl CITY PROPERTY AND I'AItMS. , i.SlMB' W. T. Wilkinson & Company bhuwin, in ota ry Public Sale n On 7th Street at Piedmo We will make special inducements on tS'tew remaining lots. ' F. G. Abbott & Company 5j n i "Everything in Real Estate."