Pi 1 'M 1 l -1- am -i -; THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. ESTABLISHED 1888. CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1908. PRICE 5 CENTS. The News hes the Largest Circulation of Any Afternoon Pamper Published irv the Two Carolines THE CHARLOTTE JS3EWS. SEN AT 0 R BORAH HERS OF M. GUI LTY OF Declares Testimony Proves Guilt Beyond Reasoce Doubt Thinks no Moi Serious Charges were Ever Made Against U. S. Soldier For Less Serious Off ense Sol diers Have Been Shot at Sunrise, He Declared Calls Affair Treason of Worst Form. V. Associated Tress. Washington. D. C, April 13. -The af fray r.t Brownsville, Texas, again called forth the most intenss interest in the senate. Senator Borah, of Idaho, taking the around that the testimony showed conclusively that the negro soldiers of the 25th regiment shot up the town. Washington. April 20. Senator Borah (Idaho), in course of a speech, in connection with the condemnation of all efforts to condone the offense at Bn-wnsville. reviewed at length the tes timony in the case and announced his (oiu-lufion that, "It discloses the guilt of certain members of the 20th infantry as participants in the Brownsville raid bevond reasonable doubt." 'If." he added, "they were guilty at all they were guilty of deliberate mur dermurder planned and deliberated on and accomplished with deadly pre cision. One point in which the rioters failed was with respect to the number f their victims. They evidently ex necte.l to kill more than they did." Mr. Borah dwelt upon the enormity of the offense and necessity for con digit punishment saying: No mure serious charge than this has ever been made against a soldier of the Timed States. For less offenses many a soldier has been condemned and shoi at sun rise. To my mind it was treason; if not technically so, yet morally treason in its most aggravated form. "Fin-ting lawlessness there so close to i ho vital forces of this government, wlrM was the duty of those entrusted wkh power, and responsibility of deal- ma v;t!i it.' striKe it qowu Alabama Lines Up v For Wm. J. Bryan e Associated Press. -uingham, Ala., April 20. In com plu. with the primary plan that two i. d or more qualified demo cratic v may place the name of any demo, at on the ticket for nom inee for president cf the United States, to be voted for direct, John W. Tomlin son, president of the Bryan State Dem ocratic Club, filed with the chairman of the state democratic committee a pe tition signed by the governor and ev ery state official and over 2,000 demo crats for the name of William J. Bryan to be placed on the ticket, delegates to democratic national being instructed, under that plan, to vote as a unit for the man receiving the largest vote, which gives Alabama's 22 votes for William Jennings Bryan. Interesting Case Up. By Associated Pi ess. Washington, D. C, April 20 The su preme court refused a writ of mandam us requested by the shtfe of Nebraska in the case of that state against the Burlington, compelling Federal Judges W. H. and T. C. Hunger to remand back to the supreme court of Nebraska the suit began by that state to enjoin the railroad company from charging for its intra-state traffic more than the rate fixed by the state statute. W-MmMmM YOUTH MURDERED HIS SISTER -v MMMzmoaw mm mWWlUL- HGlfflMim IIVSW- 1 1. 1FI8NIVU1' 61I1II II i - im-i" " m m m mm mm mr t .r i n m ii i w TBBFE RED LETTER DATES. '"' HORRIBLE TRAGEDY ENACTED STAKES COUNTYiNSRNE In Memory of The . Bard of Avon Prisoner Spirited Away. Bv Associated Press. Bristol. Tenn., April 20. Albert Johnson, a negijo, was arrested on. sus picion of having murdered George M Smith in Bristol Saturday. Fearing mob violence the officers spirited John son to Jonesboro on a midnight train. Bryan Goes to New York Says He is in City to Meet His WHe Has Nothing to Discuss Concerning New York State Convention, - -. t -i ii. n inn -- 1 .ir. i'.oran a vea uyuu mC Bv Associated Pretes iiiisnmcnts of the negro race since tne - , v aholiiion of slavery, and found much cans,, for congratulation; but, he said, this fact could not excuse individuals f rem punishment for a crime even if such leniency should be in the interest of the race, which it would not be. Concluding, he said that the army of the United States must be one m which women and children can feel pcrfoetlv secure when they retire for the night. Steamer Floated. Bv Associated Press. Norfolk, Va., April 20 The British Ktenmshin Glenaen. which was strand- r.i of Pnhhs Tsland Bar. April 16th, v:ib finntPfi vesterdav and arrived here last night. The Glenaen is uninjured at Lam horrs' Point and will proceed on her voyage to Genoa and Leghorn with a. cargo from Port Tampa, Ma. Manitoba Teachers Meet. WinninPff Man.. April '20. The an nual meeting of the Manitoba Educa tional association opened in this city today with a good attendance. Hon. ri v rniriweii minister of education, and J. A. McKerchar, chairman of thn wirminPP- school board, were speakers at the opening session. Ihe convention will remain in session until Thursday. Mow Vnrt Anril 20. Hon. W. J- Brvan. who arrived here today said he had no appointments with any ot the political leaders here. He was met at the hotel by his daughter, Miss Grace, who came up from her school in Virginia. "I came to New York to meet my wifo " eairi Mr. Bryan, ..He will speak at three or four dif foTOnt nincfis - while here. I exnect to attend a banquet given jointly by the Associated Press and the American News Paper Publishers' Association. Then I am going home," said Mr. n,-vnn Wp. said his arrival here just v,Q rpmncratic State Conven- tion met was a coincidence because his wife had selected a vessel arriv ing at this time. "I have nothing to say about youi convention, and in refusing to discuss t Mmniv observing a rule 11 l til" B"'F'J . " have observed in other states, Mr Bryan also said he had not dis cussed the question of abrogating the .u-Ac vnio at the convention. When ouestioned concerning trie icwi wnnrt that Chairman Con- rr.Jwn. to meet Leader w 7 Tmmanv Hall, Mr. Bry an said he had no iwu n the report. "When 1 saw ivi. . ow ners ' said Mr. Bryan, "he said noth tai about it and because I saw some ULt ,ini. it in the New York pap imug, .. . . T.o- in ers I do not assume il ' fact, knowing the animus of some ot Williams Scores Speaker Cannon Minority Leader Declare Speaker Cannon Has Grown Despotic-Action oj Saturday Severely Criticized. Bv Associated Press. Washington. D. C, April 20. Gain ing the floor by unanimous consent to speak to the question privilege, Minori ty Leader Williams, in the house of rep resentatives directed the attention to what he called the speaker's breach of the privileges of the house in arbitrari ly adiourning the house Saturday. He would make all allowance, ne ni.l for "Pestering" with which he said inflicted the speaker and for hu man nature becoming intolerant at.be ing so pestered, but at the same time he declared the speaker's act was one of the gravest things that nau occiuieu rmvlianipntfll'V history. ttp (lppt.nrpfl there was no breach in npvsnnnl friendship between the f , i is TirjnioTOf. Vi on J GUBERNATORIAL BULLETIN. U. K. 11. i . County. . Stanly ... Buncombe lreaen . . . Yancey .. J. Polk J. Mitcneu . . Graham . Asne 3 22 12 7 3 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 5.7 3.37 G.50 .43 5 0 1A J Burke 4. Alexander t . , ,i i 00 00 ( on 9-!Q A Tc TOtatS, IO UU.Lt: uo.Oi u.ou -JT 4 .57 4. .07 0 4. Hornets to Play Roanoke Team Game Will be Called at 4 O'clock-New grounds Will be lised For The First Time. Line Up of The Teams. Nat. Congress Of the D. A. R of of 1 he Won't Visit England. Bv Associated Press. t i-v-,-1 TT-n cr AnHl 20. It has been .;ti,r vmt thP American, ' T ocenme it to be untrue. fleet of battleships will not call at any vag asked concerning the tt.. r, trc w!iv home, with ' t llt Chairman Conners had the exception of certain points m the that he had left lt with him Mediterranean. This information is whether an attempt to secure instiuct- ronveyed in the American repy ed delegation lor ivir. extended by ureat DUShed at the recent 0 - i nvlni1i1 r .. Trt- null tnillP- TO allV- invitnf inn that the fleet come to England. Squadron Not to Go. T ...wl.-r, TT-no- Anril 20. A dispatch from Rome says: Orders sending tne Italian squadron to Turkish waters has tf v thinsr to any tion 1 never icj-i- . hodv in vhicn 1 was - ouuy i" WotorsfiTl said SS there wL notMng in c sation with Mr. my" ue cared to maite Vuu. "-Porcinnallv 1 nav no doubt Mr been countermanded because of the sat- m De nominated," said Mr. isfactory settlement 01 me umci-. Waterson, "anu 1 "V. tJp aid r.- ..rr. SOOll CUf" - and added rcu tin; ... Talt wouiu " 7- , ,oc,kc By Associated Press. , I tnat he lef t Washingign . - - 1 A 1 VII 1 VV.i that inn i-ICDlutxn. Am., iM c aeo conviutc thp W X. cnMVor nnri himselt. wiuiams spoke of the constitutional right of nVomViova tn vote bv veas and nays. "Thp Rnpaker's action is undeniable and undenied by him," said Mr. Wil-f liams, who added in the most nnim passioned manner: "The truth is, Mr. Speaker, you are one of the best men in thP world, but Ions and undisturbed power, whose lesser abuses have been good naturedly passed over has made you somewhat despotic and intolcrbale of position." FFor some moons, he said, members of the house and press gallery have no ticed that the speaker frequently has mnrtP n ifist. of some official act, and, no doubL the speaker thought he could so treat Saturday's incident. "But, hp said, "the motive, purpose ajia ei feet of that action, which was unpre noripntpfl nnoxnected and unannounced ,iQctrnv thp verv essence 01 rpnr esentative governmnt by anmhilat intr thp constutionanty siiarauweu the right of one-fifth of the house to place themselves on recora m PHSPS. Mr. Williams then offered a resolu tion ilcclarins the action of the speak- pv in adiourning the house baturaay was "a breach of privilege of the-house affecting its safety, dignity anu mte rity of its proceedings. Cannon Explains. After quoting from the constitution bearing- on the duties of each house of congress. Speaker Cannon, in reply declared that Mr.". Williams was pro ceeding in a dilatory manner when the chair announced that the motion had prevailed. The speaker admitted he lieard Mr. Williams' reouest for division, "But," he said, "as the, gentleman was pro ceeding as he had preceedea lor iwc weeks and many times upon tnax uay, and just before the motion to adjourn had exercised his power for dilatory proceedings, he resorted to diiatoiy proceedings. Tne cnair wauuieu wic fully to see if he invoked the consti tutional risht to demand years and w.nshin?tnn. D. C. April 20. The seventeenth Continental Congress thP National Society, Daughters the American '"Involution, convened in this Htv today, with an attendance 01 mm-P thnn 1.000 delegates and other visitors from all the States of the. Union. The Congress will be in ses sion throughout this week and al ready bids fair to be one of the most successful gatherings in the history of the famous organization.. Althougn the election of President-General does not tnire nlace until next year, there is already much interest in the pros-T-.pets rrf. Mrs. ' Donald-, McLean, the in,-mnihPnt obtaining a third term, and politics will consequently have an important part m tne present ircr The lmsiness seasiuus Congress will be interspersed during the week with many aitrauLivc in ures of social entertainment. London, April 20. During the three weeks beginning today, Stanford-on-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare, is to be the scene of one of the greatest celebrations of its kind ever held in memory of the immortal poet. In reality it is the annual memorial celebration extended from one week into three. During this time fourteen of Shakespeare's plays, including some of the greatest tragedies, the most popular historic plays, and the favorite comedies, will be given in the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. The performers wilt include such not ed players as Forbes Robertson and Miss Gertrude Elliot, Arthur Bourcn- ier, Henry Ainley, Miss Violet Van- brotigh, Lewis Waller and Miss Kve lyn Millard. A Di'st Devouring Machine. Mr. D. S. Monteith, of this city, fcas secured the Charlotte agercy of the Carolina Renovating Company, of Wil mington. The company operates and sells vacuum cleaning machines, which work on the following principle: Attached to an incandescent globe j socket is a wire which connects the current with a small half horse-power motor. A fan making 3,500 revolutions a minute provides the suction force which picks up in a mouthpiece 12 inches wide all particles of dust( trash, etc. As fast as the dirt is drawn in it is deposited in a big can procided for the purpose and as fast as this is filled it is automatically emptied. An ordinary room can be cleaned in from one to two hours, depending on ... the iamount of dirt to be removed An ideal Indian summer day, wnicn Tne' machines are designed to do fall broke bright and early this morning and spring cleaning. with the rising of the sun, has brought. ladness into the hearts of several hun- rirPfl hungry baseball lans, ciauKb, rooters and those less enthusiastic Terribly disappointed over the game Saturday afternoon between the Uni vovcitv of North Carolina and Davidson which was not played on account of the DolparateS Her C ReDre weauicr, mw tiauno News of Fearful Murder of Young Lady Reaches Win ston To-day-Boy Under Arrest Makes Confession Gives no Motive. Aged Father Returns Home to Find Daughter Lying Dead in Pool of Blood Account of The Killing ot Yesterday. Special to The News. Winston-Salem, N. C, April 20. Miss Mollie Tuttle, aged 2S years, daughter of .John H. Tuttle, a splendid citizen of Stokes county, was shot and instantly killed by her insane brother, Oscar Tuttle, aged 22. The sister was in a room at her fath er's home, near Germanton, making up a bed.-.when the brother appeared with a single-barrel shot gun and fired upon ,i i. -i j -i - JM? i Kak ner, tne entire loau taiting enecL iu uci hip. The aged father, upon his return from the barn found his daughter lying in a pool of blood, dead. The son was arrested and carried to jail at Dunburg today. He has confessed his crime, hut re fuses to say why he did it. Oscar has been unbalanced mentally but his father never regarded him as dangerous. However, the family endeavored to keep guns, razors, and other weapons out of his reach. Sorority Girls In Convention SUITS AGAINST THE CITY extent, held in quantities of pent up disgust with the hope of seeing a con test this afternoon when, at; the same time thev will have an opportunity of seeing what kind of material Reynold's bunch is made up of. The cluD win linp nn this afternoon promptly at 4 o'clock against the Roanoke College team. Trouble Between White Settlers And Natives P.v Associated Press. a TT'.-nn risco April 20. Army of fipp nrriving on the transport Buford !,,.i.r t,pWr of serious uprisings m Mindanao and spasms of guerilla war- f.irp between the wmte seiueib try - 1 tr rc Tv.a' notivps fired on the whites said Col.v Mansfield, "and we have ended the trouble for a time, but an 4.i .tiotiir mav come at any uiuei uuluh."" minute." Intercollegiate Debate. Ai.-,T,tn fin Anril- 20. In a JV 1 ltUlLU, --7 i final the chosen repre LIU 11 B..L.'-"-' - . ... nTlf1 senting Thirteen Active Chapters. 1 he Ladies Will be Recipients of Many Social Pleasures. More than 50 young ladies repre Marketman Wants $300 For Water Damage, and Clark Hall May Also Bring a Suit. A suit has been instituted against the city by Mr. Henry Haymen, who runs a meat market on East Trade street for alleged damage to his business on ac count of the lack of drainage in front of his place. The amount of damages asked is ?300. This alleged damage is the result of inadequate drainage on that part of the street. When it rains the pipes are not large enough to carry the water fast enough to keep it from accumulat ing on the pavement. The city has had its street force working to remedy this, and the trou ble will be relieved. It is understood that Ciark Hall, a well known character, will sue the ftty for an injury alleged to have been re ceived by him on account of the back ing of a street sprinkler. Mr. Hall alleges that some days ago he was sitting on a curb near Hands' drug store, counting some money, and while there a street sprinkler came along and caused a dray of Davidson & Wolf to back on him, causing an Ki-nnt PV. A a.. A nil "rirm nf . , . c 1 dftV, . J.J ! a prominent citizen nfc.ent renomiuauuu. weatnenoru, a iu"'"f " "-, not accept- . ,i cn that the this place, was shot and Kiuea yt- general situation l wum as ( nv jv ms nemiew, nvci x T?pnnh icans J"" . . Mercer University Wake Forest college are to meet in debate in the Grand theatre m this tiot Large delegations students are here from both colleges. Wake Forest has e affirmative M Mercer the negative side of the ques tion: "Resolved, That the present ten dencies toward the centralization ot power in-the -Federal government is for Se best interest of the republic' KIIMTE ER CASE not yet been filed, and therefore the amount of damages to be asked is not known. M'lVER SCHOOL TO CLOSE. The game will be played on the new senting thirteen active chapters of the grounds. The new grandstand win ue Kappa ueita uonoge ooroniy m used for the. first time since its com- charlotte as delegates to the sixth niPtirm ;infi of course, many win go out annual convention wnicn conveneu tu- 'for the view. rne piayers aujwuwc aay at iz o ciuck, uie uiicums ocooin A i . r.rmr, fvrm nnv liolrl in flip Qohijvn hntpl a.ssem- t-np ripif! n ;iv lit: occu iiuui 1 1 .- i I n 1 11 hciu iii . kv . j f ti1Q r,n n ri stand witnout ruu- h v hall, in tnis convenuou winuiw 1,UI Wl ? . .. . I . e tn..nn;nr tho bering or strain on tne eyes . wu.a n.as tne pisasure ui Cuicii.aiiuu0 .x neppcenrv in the old grandstand. young ladies the second time within mu n,-,D.,m nf the HoanoKe team as many vears. tne louim auuucu u- 1 1IC lliU- "1' , - . . ... - . 1 .;n ip no fniinws! Brannon, center vention being neid nere, at me uuiwu -Vlll . .... - ml. Jl.c. f.ia. Pnnroro thirfi hnsR: Miner eaten- hotel, two vears aso. hib ueicgura pr- stv.ns. first base: Cooper (H. F.) who did not arrive m the city labt . , to his les The complaint has ' .i woich short, ston: Coop- nieht. came this morning and all are i . . ,.00 therefore the er left field; Doherty, ngnt ueui, uuu ln tne city reauy to eutci mi Txr:ni ;tni,oi- business or tne coiiventujii. moi, VViino, i- j nnn1 nAnirpiitinns Mnnnp-pr (uemnier orougiiL aiuug seconu aim mnu axia. v,,... i,s oi,otitiitps Mc.Wane and were Tield at Richmond, Va., at tne Frav The Roanoke team has played Jefferson hotel, the fourth in Char- in citccpss this season, me vv auui5- lotte, aim lug mm .m , i ,i T op TTnivpvsitv team was de- at Colonia hotel . tnnp pf o to 2: the Vir- The Kamia Delta, while young in leateu tu - - : " .11 nn,i pt -inia Military Institute 4 to s; isnuge- years, is one ul lu uuufa. water College 9 to 5; and the Green- influential of colle-e sororities. It was vine ami Tusculum College, 15 to 0. . established in 1897 at the State Nor V1" .;n pvt- pvprvhodv. Hin- mal Collese. of Farmville, Va.. and be- ttejuoiub . behind came national in 1902. Since that time ton win wno " ' , 2rst he. rl,nntfil. liaVG bpen established in BTeSn at 1 NeSn at short; many of the leading colleges both in Se.ii v,i,..i- Tpwici in left: Bate- southern and' northern institutes, ontuuei ctu"x , northern extension was not mFlnn and the two Piatts will be given decided upon until last year. The So linn. ana tne iwu box. mritv magazine. "The Angelos," has rReynolds expects to throw a few been edited since 1904, first at the Un; - iversity of Alabama and for the past From here the Roanoke boys go to year in charge of the Zeta Alumnae irom neie uie xv Four editions are issued . -n'-l . 1 i rY t HU I II I J I I III' UUl V lJl I IV. UaiC lliuge, euuiiig i " " , . I of ver The murder was the culmination ot an i e are We are old feud. Trouble With The Moros both trading our ggs, and some of the eggs are ban. Waterson said. Brvan ni o"i-""3' oiyciii conference Mr. liiyaii . ,T. t .. .oiK Pftitnrs Ot iNew jciac, tlie jeuiuv.a----- . rnovtl hfi also a inrnniTi; wneie ot rrrentoii wm-- - - , i Tin he the guest at a itmcneou aau will be wuipJ makins an a" - nublic meeting at 3 p. m. Bv Associated Press. I dU" to New York at 5 p. m. AToniln Anril zu. ijetaciiuicjiLo j , , ninv were owie- the 23rd' and 25th infantry with con- Among the Democratic Nat- , , , ,1 lo.innhpe flRRlSt- tarv VVOOdbUU, ui. n.T;nol r!om- staauiary aim - anucvi - , . pnmnlittee ana ixnu"""" ins. under command of Major Finley.i nal Commit discuss. are engaged in disarming the Moros , m"wu tlc situation and latter Cu . .- Vlr TVIr WOOQSU 1 -. 1 ? - 1 -T iXi i- AI I Ul IV. A'A m. . " not shivering over the The Moros have been restless and trouble has been feared, particularly from one armed band of 80. : j -R-rvnn was results, expected in Illinois. nays. . The speaker then said as neither Mr. Williams nor any otlier member demanded them he held it his duty to sweep aside the dilatory and declared the house adjourned. The resolution was tabled 146 to 119, Cooper and Nelson, republicans, voting with the democrats. Bubonic Plaeue in Venezuela. r?v a ssociated Press. J . n A A Washington, U J., Apru -su-nlnrnnnsr spread of what' is declared tn hP huhonic ilasue continues to be reported unofficially from several pia- ces in Venezuela, vvnuie laminco m Laguaira are said to have been strick en "and many deaths have resulted from the disease.. - Dividend of $2 a Share. - By Associated Press. New York, Aupril 20. The United ir-.tntps TSxnress Company declared a semi annual dividend of $2 a share to day. TO WU Arr, Tir inn Ta.. April . 20. The VV do U y - . , p'QTrpttP pomitv . srand jury which as T,i,ii AJ will take no the mur o nf Arlo Whitebeck, the aged farmer who was beaten to death in v.i -rnnrwnT on the nignt ot Marcu 18, and robbed of a considerable sum of monev. Walter Whitbeck, son ot v. miiy-iPT-Pi man. is being for tne crime, and the widow is also held as nn important witness. iuunS beck was arrested at Duleth a hnc.k to the city, where ot.S nf first degree murder was orninRt him. The young man i o -,-pnrs of aee. has continued silent with respect to uie . xx and the authorities have been able to ntip cntisf action from him. m contradiction to his statements that he was in St. Paul on the night of tne o nmhev of persons who knew him are said to have seen him in the vicinity of his home on tne nignt ui the murder. . i . , ... ii. sitv of North Carolina on Saturday. During theii stay m cnariotte jue suy oi iNuiLii uai in;a win pniov manv social JUUllg luaii-o nioacurcc inphiriins' luncheons, a the- The Day Nursery atre narty and a bancuet. The first j T.nn ri-n riinrhT ot tnese was a muuicuu 6v. And Japan 10-nignx Migg Nancy Brown at ter home - nn TCflst avenue. Tonight all the visi- A benefit lecture, illustrated with tors and the members of the Charlotte A ueneni. ""uiv., I , r, ,.,i Ainmnoo phnnters will at- tprponticou views win ue given w aim v""1-""1 . " 1, jm-., steieuptiuii Yicno norfnrmanfp at the Academv night at 6 .15 o ciocki. f f M . D Wolf Hopper in "Happy .r-.T-.-v-l -t- -l fllim II V l I . V 1 - MAm J " I" the Day Nursery Association of thisj Clta ioriiP in charse of this great charity in our city appeal to the public for a liberal free-will offering on this occasion, on the basis oi tne monu. tion to be received uum .uC and also of the mentonousneb ui cause; and they would return thanks in advance for tne courtesy ui . Brown and the secretary of the Y. M. a ,-n rivin!- them tneir sei vitco du freely, whereby all the offerings of the evening will be devoted to the interest of the Day Nursery. con views T 7"", 1 " fM,p at the Academy -.-.io-l-it at S-Ifi O ClOCK 31 tne I. iVi. iciiu l' " - . nignt at &.xo u "i ,,..,. t-, wif Hnnnpr in "Hannv- Qn " The nartv will occupy seats nn "R c. n. E. and F." center. Another luncheon will be given tomorrow at thp Selwvn hotel, which the young iohpo win ntend in a body. ine V ' 1 Mvstic Theatre Opens. iim0,,v0D Wis. April 20. With the opening of the Majestic theatre tonight Milwaukee will be m posses T f nnp nf the finest and most completely equipped playhouses in the United States. The new theatre is absolutely fireproof and handsomely ..nionQri an decorated. It is to pe a part of the Keith-Proctor-Orpheus drS and,will be devoted to high class vaudeville. t ' Pittsburg, Pa., April 20-About JO, 000 miners employed in; te Pittsburg district resumed work today. Continued on tenth page. To Wed Bishop's Daughter, Tnneka. Kan.. Anril 20. A number of guests from out of town are here tn nttpnri the wedding at Grace Cath- oroi thia evenine- of Miss Elvira Millsnaueh. daughter of Bishop and Mrs. Millspaugh, and Mr. wiauuuej - 1 j.1 tfn tn r0 C Dewey, formerly a weanuy rvauooo pnttieman and now a resident of Cni Pfio-n rtnests from Omana, nicdgu and Kansas City will be in attend ance. : 1 : Bonds No Good During Panic. Tv Associated Press. Washington, D. C, April 20. Rep resentative Vreeland. of New xonc whn anneared before the house com mittee on banking and currency and explained the provision of his curren rv hill, said that during the panic innia hpiH hv hi bank vere "not This School Called for Great Educator, Is Appropriately flamed. The closing exercises of the Mclver school in Berryhill township will take place Wednesday. Prof. R. J. Cochran will deliver the address. This school is taught by Miss Eunice Hoover, and is one of the most progressive schools in the county. Prof. Cochran in speaking of this school and how it's name came to be called Mclver, said: "We named this school after Dr. J. D. Mclver, because it represented more fully the idea that he fought, for in the state than any other school in the county. Dr. Mclver's life was spent in the work of changing log school . houses with poor equipment to those of better buildings, and modern desks, and worthy teachers. The Mclver school has changed from a ?-2a 4 months' school in a log building t6 a $40 school running for 7 months, in cod frame building, equipped wun patent desks, slate blackboards, and is one of the best scnoois in tne coun ty, and its name is very appropriate." Mr. Sexton's Mother III. Mr. James L. Sexton has been called to Milwaukee by the critical illness of his mother. He was due in Milwaukee last night. Mrs. Sexton formerly made her home here with her son and made many warm friends. Mr. Sexton is her only son. She has two married daugh ters. - - , Mrs. James Sexton and mother, Mrs. Branch, leave Wednesday morning for Savannah, to attend the Bemorial Day exercises. - ' Egg Rolling at White House Washington, D. C, April 20. A large crowd witnessed the annual egg rolling carnival on the White House grounds today. Juvenile Wash ington, attended by their parents, friends and nurses, indulged in the festivities and had one of the brst times they ever enjoyed on a simi lar holiday. For the greatest part of the afternoon children of all ages and colors frolicked around the worth more than a bale of hal so far as grounds, rolling tneir coiorea eggs getting money was concerned." playing games.- .''--- ft i is--.- i - mmh fi v.; 1 . 1MB :K ; -rf ";S-V- ' ' v ;:t.. wm Hi -V. : II 1 '- i' x t-.t------ j ' I .-. fir: m i! ,K ; t-.-v J!l-i-!. m