fHE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 22, i908 QKLYAtGD It's the Little Things that Count Try One WAM hU WANTED You to see 402 W. nth iMvt iH'iiu'o you rent. Dining and , o oom and every apartment in -.-I class condition. It. B. Alexander. WANTED Couple or two business , . ca lor elegant rooms and board. ;.-. Mocks from square. 'Phone 18S6. WANTED Your orders for electric r.s and to bid on your construction k. Meal Electric Co. 17-tf WANTED To rent my residence, ::i,iu-i. 315 W. 0th. J. B. Shirer, 2 ,V:-t 10th. 22-2t WANTED Gentleman and wife to , :,nl in private family. Call at 409 . Hrevard St. 22-lt WANTED By small family, house 0 take care of through the summer . hile owner is away. Best of refer- 1 ( es. "House." care News. 21-2t WANTED Fresh milk cow at once. V. Kerryhill. 22-2t Rn3H VtESL " a storycJIent Rome, s te attraction at the Casino, it is all hand-painted. 22-lt FURNISHED HOME for rent for the Reasonable terms, two blocks from the sauare. Address D.. care News. 21-tf QUEEN CITY Laund Trade. Shirts 10c; collars 2c; Cuffs ry L?SIrA.lap robe by D- A- Preston, 17 tf Retu to News office. SEWING MACHINE Repairs If it can be done, we will do it. If we do it it will be done right. New Home Agency, 24 West 5th St. 21-6t ONE OF PATHE'S latest pictures, ' The Vestal," at the Casino today. . 1 1 Hi ' WANTED Your machinery repairs. Prompt service, first class work and material guaranteed. V. G. Jarrell Men. Co. WANTED To rent three (3) unfur :.: i.t-d rooms. 210 East 6th street. .--Jt FOR SALt OK RtNI. FOR SALE Stock general merchan dise of ?2000. Easy trms. Good dis- CALL 2103 for McD. Watkins. milk and cream. 31-tf DR. F. O. HAW LEY Office, Room No.5 City Hall; residence 9 N. Long St Calls answered in. city and surround ing country. Office 'Phone 737.; resi dence 'Phone 743. 24-tf white VESTS are comfortable when we starch them just enough to ue not too sua. 'Phone 800. Will send at once. Sanitary Laundry. SPECIAL SALE this week Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fountain Pens, Spec tacles. Watch repairing a specialty. American Jewelry Co., Watchmakers and Jewelers, 319 E. Trade St. 20-5t nit in Charlotte, 'v News. Address Store, 23-3t 1 HOUSE FOR RENT No. 7 South vaid. Price $10.00 per month. J. K. Voile. 21-3t FOR RENT Residence 400 N. Try on. ixiy dollars furnished, fifty un luniishoJ. Apply H. C. Williams. lb-tf FOR RENT Large airy room, nice ly furnished, desirable location, mod ern improvements. 'Phone 1SG6. LU-Zt FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman in private family. 715 N. Graham St. IT-'Jt FOR RENT Eight room modern dwelling close in, twenty-two fifty. C. M. Carson. 20-3t FOR RENT -New 7-room house, modern 4th Ward. Apply John W, Shc-i.nard. 'Phone CO. 14-tf FCR SALE First-class repair work v reasonable prices. W. G. Jarrell .l-.-h Co. NEW modern 7-room home, just c 'iiii if te and ready to move into. For sale direct from the owner. Large corner lot. 23S care News. 13-tf FOR SALE OR RENT Five room ei nacre, stable on lot. Piedmont. J W. KP.ioit. .Model Laundry. 20-4t FOR SALE CHEAP Good second hand Remington typewriter. Can be seen at News office. 2-tf A FEW OFFICES to rent in new Law Building. See L. W. Humphrey secretary. 17-tl MISCELLANEOUS THREE fersh cows for swap or sale. '. 1" k'ast Stonewall St. S. A. Crane. Conference of Laymen Chattanooga, Tenn., April 22. At the sessions of this, the second day of the laymen's conference of the Southern Methodist church, addresses were de livered as follows: "The One Great Mission of the Church," Bishop A. W. Wilson, of Bal timore. "The Educational Movement in Mis sions, ' Rev. E. F. Cook, Nashville Tenn. "China, the Gibratter of Missions,' Dr. D. L. Anderson, Soochow, China "Korea, a Great Religious Awaken mg, Kev. J. L. Berdme, Seoul, Korea. "The Problem of ihe Down-Town church," Dr. W. F. McMurray, Louis ville. "Medical Work in the Orient," Dr. T. F. Staley, Bristol, Tenn. "The Christian Conquest of Japan, Dr. S. H. Wainwright, St. Louis, Leading speakers to be heard this evening are Bishop W. A. Candler of Georgia and William T. Ellis of Phila delphia. : Thaw May Get , Out. By Associated Press. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 22. A writ of habeas corpus was granted at White Plains on application of Harry Thaw. The writ is made returnable at Poughkeepsie Saturday, at which time Mr. Jerome wil be given an oportunity to opose the proceedings for the re lease of Thaw. Old Spanish Swindle Again Charlotte Man Named in Spanish Prisoners Will Which Disposes oi a Large Fortune The Conditions, A Charlotte man. who wishes his name withheld for the present, has come into the possession of a part of a fortune of more than a ouarter ot a million dollars, unless the docu ments now in his hands turn out to be a "revival of the old Spanish swindle." However, the facts in the case have the appearance of being genuine, while the correspondence . which has passed between the Charlotte man and the Spanish "millionaire" is enough to drive a sane man to the "bug-house." Several weeks ago the Charlotte party received an earnest, almost heart-rendering appeal from a poor Spaniard who writes that he was thrown into prison for bankruptcy. He professes to have a large sum ot mcney, about $280,000, "hidden i na trunk deposited in a railway station of England." He says "a check pay able to bearer for $12,000 together with the railroad receipt for the trunk is hidden in a secret compart ment of a hand valise, forming a part of the baggage of mine seized in Spain." The prisoner bears the name of Louis Serra Perates and claims to be confined in Castle Fort of Villafranca del Panades, Spain. He informed the Charlotte man, in his first letter, why he was cast into prison and said that he was in need of some friend, whom he could trust, to furnish a little cash to help him out of his trouble. He wrote that his baggage ha dbeen seized an dheld by the au thorities at Cartegena. He mentioned other particulars and conditions. The Charlotte man, perhaps out of mere curiosity, sent a cable, as di rected by the prisoner. In a few days he received a second letter, written in a more unsteady hand than the first. The man wrote that he felt death approaching, and in a few days the Charlotte man received another letter; this time from a sup Dosed Driest advising him of the Spaniard's death and enclosing a copy of his last will and testament written in Spanish. "One-fourth was left to the Char lotte man." The priest wrote that he was ready to start with Senor Serra's daughter for America but before coming he "would like to get the baggage out of the hands of the tribunal, or au thorities, and in order to do so he would have to ask the loan ofabout $953, and traveling expenses to Amer ica for himself an dthe daugnter. Here the Charlotte man balked and has not yet determined upon what course he will pursue. Only One Way to Good Health, S Retain ays Co oner L. T. Cooper's theory regarding the only way to secure general and perma human stomach is rapidly becoming ajnent good health." topic of universal discussion. Cooper claims that the human stomach has be come chronically deranged by modern conditions, and that sickness generally is the result. In a recent interview while intro ducing his medicine in a leading city, Mr. Cooper said: "There's just one way, in my opinion, to maintain gen eral health, and that is by building up the digestive organs. The vast major ity of Americans today have weak flab by, distended stomachs. This has been caused by "many generations of over-feeding and lack of exercise, until today the entire civilized race is af fected. This is the true cause of most of the ill health of today. Little can be (fone to relieve it until the stomach is once more brought back to normal conditions. "I am successful because my prepa ration puts the stomach in sound con dition, and as I maintain this is the Among many prominent people who have recently become converted to Cooper's theory is Mr. E. M. Howey, of 4712 De Russey Street, Binghamton, N. .Y., who says: "I had stomach trouble for about six years. After eat ing. I would 'become bloated and have a distressed feeling for several hours. This would be accompanied by heart burn, and I reached the point where I could not enjoy my meals at all. "I tried different remedies in an ef fort to find relief, but without success, After taking three bottles of Cooper's New Discovery I am entirely cured. My stomach does not bother me in the leasti and I can eat anything I like. I can cheerfully recommend Mr. Coop er's medicine to anyone afflicted with stomach complaints." Mr. Cooper's medicines are making a remarkable record. We sell them. R. H. Jordan & Co. Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by R. 11. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 20 (g25 Turkeys per lb 13 14 Hens per head 40 (i 13 ducks so Butter 1215 Eggs 14 13 Professional Cards Dr. A. M. Berryhill DENTIST. Office No. 4 South Tryon St. Office 'Phone 326, Residence 'Phone 284-6- Dr. H. C. Henderson Dr. L. I. Gidney DENTISTS Office Hunt Eldg., 203 N. Tryon St. Office 'Phone 816. Residence 'Phone 499. DR.C.R. ZICKLER Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. April 14th, 19 38. That a meeting cf the County Board of Elections, of the County of Meck lenburg, held in the City of Charlotte, cn Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 190S, it appearing ta the said County Board of Elections that the registra tion book for Ward No. 2 Bex No. 2, of Charlotte Township, has been lost and cannot, after diligent search be lo cated, it is thereupon ordered by this Board that a new registration to be held for said precinct and public no tice of said order is hereby given. The said registration book to be op ened by the registrar of said precinct, at Hooper's Store on South Tryon street on tne 24tn clay or April, is-js, DENTIST, and to remain open until tne ilui day i 2? s Tryon st.f Charlotte, N. C. ul iuay, isuo. A. M. MCDONALD, Chairman County Board of Elec tions. Secretary, W. S. CALDWELL. T o-day's Markets STOCKS 76K ONE OF PATHE'S latest pictures, Th. Vestal," at the Casino today. 22-lt - , - - "i TEN O'CLOCK SALE of Tubs, 25c, Thursday, Kress'. It Cotton Receipts. Cotton receipts today were 21 bales at 10 1-4 against 60 bales at 11 1-4 on the same day last year. Hayward & Clark's Cotton Letter. New Orleans, La., April 22. With the break in Liverpool yesterday over 20 points and another sharp dip in New York, the atmosphere seemed cleared and bearish expectations sat isfied for the present. Although there is no evidence of any real strength, all markets recovered a little. Liverpool is today about 6 better than due and New York prices soon after the opening showed an advance of 20 points over yesterday's low point. The turn started yesterday on the publication of the official week ly weather summary but received a check by the announcement of the sus pension of a firm in that market. The report for the Louisiana sec tion says excessive heat, 8 to 10 above normal, and excessive rains. The re port for Texas says heavy rainfall in north and west cf state and that for Oklahoma says excessive rainfall near ly twice the normal. Today s weather map shows pros pects for further rains in the western and northern belt. Our market ruled steady at a few points advance over Monday's closing figures, but was very susceptible to any .signs of weakening in New York. .4 Frequent rumors of firms in distress and sudden slumps in" that market dur ing the past days intimidated buying and kejt bears in the advantage on the moral and sentimental side of the question. - Spot people report a good demand for everything decent. Midw and above scarce and holding well up in price. One hundred on May was iree A.cniBon , Atchison Pfd , Baltimore & Ohio Canadian Pacific , Ohesapean & Ohio 31 unicago k Alton Chicago & Oreat Western iyH Eie '8 Erie Pfd 'H Rock Island 15'4 Illinois Central Vli'S Louisville & Nashvlll6 Manhattan Mexican Central 16 Missouri Pacific a Missouri Kansas AT 24 New York Central Norfolk & WeHtern Ontario & Western 3 534 Pennsylvania Heading 105 Reading Pfd .118 . 71V 141 St. Paul Houtharn Pacific , Southern Railway Southern Railway Perferred lexas & pacinc Union Pacific Wabash Wabash P'fd .rvmaieamated Couper Brooltlin Rapid Transit Colorado Fuei A Iron (Ion Gas Peoples Gas Sugar 81ossIron fe 8teel Tenessee Coal A Iron Unitod States Leather United State Steel United States Steel Preierred 9i "4 y esiera u nion 51 Virginia Carolina Chemical 19J4 Va. f'arolina Chemica Pfd Northern Pacific VX, Smelters 69 Anaconda Copper We Will Buy 5 Ozark Cotton Mill stock, 5 Moderia Cotton Mill stock, 5 Clara Cotton Mill stock, 18 Imperial Mill stock, 20 American Trust Co. 10 Henrietta Mill stock. 10 Commercial Bank stock. We Will Sell 5 Little-Long Co., 11S.50 10 Fuller Gin Co.. 81.00 40 German American. Pref'd. 9S.00 50 Pacolet Pref'd. 100.00 100 Highland Park, Pref'd. 100.00 15 Gaston Mfg. Co., stock, 101.00 If you want, to buy or sell securi ties list your wants with us. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST COMPANY. 15 So. College St., Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 1224. Z4 ...1 ... 1U 58 .. 46 ... 24 ... 40 35 PANAMA HATS cleaned and shaped into the latest stvle. M. Kirshbaum, fl!'- Hatter. Established 1898, Char-i lotto. X. c. 22-tf WE SELL, Rent and Repair Sewing -MtHkinos. City dealers for The New Home Sewing Machine, 24 West 5th St. 21-6t FASHIONABLE Dressmaking, 715 (Jraliam St., on car line. 22-6t SCREEN DOORS and Windows VY- wiil go to your house, take accu i'ijfe measurements and make and '' .ice screens for your door and win 'lvo that will fit. We make them in own shops and guarantee fit and 'i-'iuy. Carolina Manufacturing Co. 'I'iiOTio 31. 20-tf Royal To-day and To-mor-row "A Roman Spectacle." WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE From October to May, Colds are the most frequent cause of Headache LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE re moves cause. E. W. Grove on box 25c. NORTH CAROLINA WILL HAVE A COMPULSORY SCHOOL LAW. SOME OTHER STATES ALREADY HAVE. May July Oct Dec New York Cotton April 22. Low. Close. 8.53 S.65 8.58 8.G$ High. S.GS S.82 S.7S 8.79 Spots quiet, 10.10; 10 points up; clos ed easy. . ' , . Carpenter, Baggpt & Co's Jetter. tvtpw Ynri,- A-irii 11. The rally came as expected. On the better cables the f ly bid for Liverpool fully mid local market started off in a confident way and advances of about $1 per bale from the low prices reached yester day were scored in the first hour. Heavy buying of July by a large commission house was the feature just after the opening and during the first hour of trading. Later, however, a floor cable announced that Mr. Bus ton, who is a correspondent of the commission house mentioned, was a heavy, seller in Liverpool. This intelli gence rather offset the influence of the buying by the iirm on this side, as it was assumed it was only the making, or undoing of straddles between Liv erpool and this market. On this con clusion, realizing was the order of the day and coupled with short selling by the ring, prices soon declined back to or around last night's closing fig ures. In the afternoon considerable sell ing was noticed by spot houses here which was said to come trom tne south. This discouraged buying by local interests who have been friendly to the market on the theory that it was entitled to a good reaction after such a continuous decline. 8.52-8.65-S.5S-8.60- 53 66 59 61 THURSDAY, 10 o'clock, sale of Tubs . worth 59e. Kress'. It NOW is the time to clean old Elec ts ic Fnns and buv new ones. See lUrkey & Page, 243 West Trade. 'I'hone 921. 30-tf THE NEW HOME Sewing' machine. i i Three Vibrator, Rotary, and Sin- " Thread automatic. 24 West 5th :-t. 21-6t ONE OF PATHE'S latest pictures, 'h" Vestal," at the Casino today. 22-lt LADIES Skirts cleaned and pressed v lok like new. Central Pressing ''hi! . 'Phone 977. 20-3t :o-:;t j9c PAINTED FOOT TUBS Thurs y 25c. Kress'. It PARTICULAR people Always 'phone fc00 because they know our collars are w;o best. Sanitary Laundry. WE SIGN everything except Notes Timmons & Butt. Opp. Gem Hotel. FOR WHAT? To give the coming generation Educa tion and Knowledge. OF WHAT? Of how the past generation was far behind the times and never had your chance of knowing. WTH AT ? that the next generation will be su perior to the present. BECAUSE They will know this is not the proper wayto say their & Z Y X W V U TSRRQPONML K JIH'G F E D C B A. And have knowledge enough when feeling unwell to spell MRS JOE PERSON'S REMEDY and sense enough to know it is saving LIVES, MONEY and WORRY; CHIL DREN spell it for your parents MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. For sale by all druggists. KEEPING PEN HOUSE Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and ve feel that way only when our digestive organs are working prop erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel ing good when he uses these pills. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. FUNERAL OF MRS. M'JRRILL. Men's Clothing; Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired Soecial Attention Given to Ladies' H Skirts. MEN'S HATS Cleaned and Blocked in Latest Style. Carolina Pressing Club Services Conducted By Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt, Rector of St. Peter's Ersiscolanl Church. The funeral servises of Mrs. Caro line Wilder Murrill were conducted yesterday afternoon at the residence of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. M Wilder, by Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church The parlors, hall and porch held scores of friends of the family, and the expressions of sympathy, told in beautiful flowers, were elaborate and numerous. The casket rested in a bed of roses and lilies.' The service of the Enisconal church was read. The hymns, "Abide With Me," "Lead Kind ly Light" and "Peace, Perfect Peace" were sung by members of the Episco pal choir, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. P. Caldwell. As the body was borne out of the house the choir sang "In the Hour of Trial." Many friends ' had assembled at the grave vhen the funeral procession reached there. The pallbearers were Dr. B. J. With erspoon and Messrs. C. N. G. Butt, Walter Taliaferro, Chas. Moore, W. J. Chambers, B. D. Springs and Harry Sanders. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, April 22. Futures open ed steady and closed barely steady; receipts 19,000, American 14,200; sales 5,000; speculation and export 5,000; middling 5.42, yesterday 5.38; spots steady, 2 p. m. sales 4,500. Close .. 4.70 . . 4.9S . 4.93 4.93 4 A ir i ri 4 i J l 1 ci4 4 I a & THE WEATHER A Forecast for Charlotte and Vicinity, Partly cloudy Thursday afternoon Rain probable Thursday afternoon or night. I. W. JAMIESON DENTIST No. S S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Office 'Phone 326. Residence 'Phone 962. DR. H. P. RAY Osteopath - Registered Office Hunt Building. Hours. 9 to 12; 2 to 5. 'Phone, Office 830; Residence 871. Consulation at Office, gratia. Hugh W.Harris ATTORNEY law Building, Charlotte, H. G Dr. J. E. S. Davidson Office Hunt Building, Room 3. Calls Received at Hawley's Pharmacy. Office 'Phone 13. Recidence 'Phcr:e 650. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C.,. April 22. For North Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Light to fresh south west winds. For South Carolina: Showers to night. Thursday partly cloudy. Light to fresh east winds. Jan-Feb .. .. April , Apr-May May-June June-July 4.93 July-Au Aug-Sept Sept-Oct , Oct-Nov . Nov-Dec . 4.92 4.S5 4.79 4.74 4.71 Dec-Jan 4.71 Estimates. To- , morrow. ! New Orleans .. . . :.35004500 Houston 500 1500 Galveston 1500200 Last Year. 3120 1018 1643 Comparative Port Receipts. To- Year Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile . . Savannah . . Charleston . . Wilmington day .1915 .5457 . 37 52 Norfolk . .180 Boston Philadelphia Baltimore .. 100 Year. 3400 3056 34 2249 20 5S 792 46 88 Cotton Bulletin. Rain has fallen over western and central portions of the Cotton Belt and excessive over portions of Ala bama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Ar kansas. Temperature changes unim portant. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. Mr. R. L. Vernon is spending a few days in Ashcville, on railroad business. at our price do not be without them. EngraA'ed Plate and 100 Cards Script Typo, $1.20. 100 Printed From Plate, 75c Order today, you may need them tomorrow. . Pound & Moors Co. 229 So. Tryon St., 'Phone 40. Look for No. 6 E. Trade St. An examination of your eyes by Dr. Levy will disclose their actual condi tion and the Glasses furnished will correct any existing defects. Broken lenses matchedon short notice. Exam ination free. DR. SAM LEVY, Eye-Sioht Specialist Charlotte, N. C Total Est . .9000 9743 To Drive Out Malana And Build Up the System. Take the Old Standard GROVE' c TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking. The .for mula is plainly printed on every bnt- I tie, showing it is simply Quinine and W H C BARKLEY, Prop. J Iron in a tasteless form, and the most ,Duna mR I effectual form. For grown people and 227 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 306 cWldren 50c. v ', , Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling 10 Strict middling .... .... 10y8 Middling 10 Tinges and stains 6 to Sc Chicago Gram and Produce. High. Low. Close. WHEAT May 97 July 88 & Sent 85 CORN May . . 07 July 63 TO INVESTIGATE REFRIGERATORS See Our "STONE-WHITE" "The Chest With the Chill In It." COLDEST AND CLEANEST. J.N.McGsusland & Go ove Dealers Roofing Contractors. 221 S. Tryon. Everybody Comes to Us to Get Their Garments Cleaned and Dyed. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works 95 87 84 61 53 46 37 Sept . . '. OATS May July Sept PORK May 12.82 July 13.17 Sept 13.42 LARD Mav 7.95 66 62 53 July RIBS May July 8.17 6.85 7.10 53 45 37 12.72 13.02 13.37 7.90 8.07 6.77 7.05 TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me., bearing date the 19th day of March, 1908, recorded in Book 233, page 214, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and because of default in the payment of debt therein secured. I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the County Court House Door, in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, on Monday the 25th day of May, 190S, at 12 o'clock, M., the following describ ed land, lying and being in Charlotte Township, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the Provi dence Road, the South corner of lot No. 4, the said stake being 265 feet from S. J. Torrence's corner on said road and runs back with a line of said lot No. 4 Two Hundred and Thirty five (235) feet to a stake on an alley: thence with said allev toward Cecil Street fifty-three f 53) feet to a. stake; thence parallel with the first line two hundred and forty-two (252) feet to a stake on the Providence Road, one one hundred and eighty-five (185) feet from Cecil Street: thence with the Providence Road fifty-three (53) feet to the Besrinninc. Same being lot No. 84 3 on the plan of Geo. Stephen's proper ty, to the map ot wnicn reiereuce i& hereby made. Together with the right to i'-se an allev way 12 feet wide ex tending from Cecil street to the lands of S. J. Torrence, which alley way runs along the rear of the lot hereby conveyed, and is dedicated to the common use of owners of the lots abut ting thereon. The lot hereby describ ed having located thereon one six room frame dwelling house, the same being the lot conveyed by J. F. Shan non and wife, S. W. Shannon, to J. D. Clark, bv deed dated the 19th day of March. 1908. This 22d dav of A ii. 1908. PLFMMER STEWART, 22-oaw-tds. Trustee. 908 STYLES OF Vehicles OR. JOHN R. IRWIN, Office: 21 South Trycn 8t. Woodall & Sheppard'. 'Phonet: Office 69. Residence 125. and 9C 87 We have in our repository, the largest stock of new style vehicles in the Carolinas. Quality, prices and terms are right. j. W. WadsBilii's Sons' Go 'Queen of Summer Trips.1 MERCHANTS & M INERS Transportation Co's STEAMSHIP LINES Between NORFOLK, BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. Accommodations and Cusine Unsur passed. Steamers New, Fast and Elegant. Finest Coastwise Trips in the World. Send for Tour Book. Direct Line Newport News to Baltimore. E. C. LOUR, Agent, Norfolk, Va. H. C. AVERY, Agent, Newport W. P. TURNER. P. T. M. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. IF? !tu w m m PJ3EH AHDWi35tfEft 4tffl CfiaLiKO for unilateral &5 Gunr&ntei-d 1KJ) irritaiions ui -.uwiklivu' not to smctnre. of micous 7iieinLr'mo( Pr-T.nu Coatulop. Paini"8?. and not aBtria ALUO. sent or poiponon?. or sent in plain wrapper iy fcxprros, prepaid. jC 1.0t. or3 bf'Wa $2.7. FOR ALE! 66 62 61 53 V2 45 37 12.80 13.12 13.42 7.95 8.15 6.77 7.07 RESIDENCE LOTS On West Avenue, Fifth and Sixth Sts. H M. IRWIN No. 908 W. 5th St Phone 1483 rt i Stiff ,r4 '?. my '.It. !

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