V'l in the Two Carolines The News h ecs the Largest Circulation of Any Afternoon Peeper 'I"I'-I'.a-I"I"lvW"I"H-I-:4- SECTION TWO SIX PAGES SECTION TWO SIX PAGES. B." ' i i THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PEfS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. PRICE 5 CENTS. ESTABLISHED 1888. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 1908. -1 i k . 1 ? t . News Basket Mall s Phenomenal MEWS 1 , 1 , ill i i " - "JL11'-"' " ' ''" i-. , r-. "Dope" for The Lo v er s off Sport I . . ; 1 J3 iD&nt To yTIirv mJk DvsincsJ CHo3l?V pa n 1 ' T'-icK-. i I. I jf ? V t. -'-4. 1 v I. I 'CHFSTFRIIII PUT WINSTON BLU nilT STRIM fill I IRE SHOHC W W imw ww- TEI TITS SOI TO BLWIIIIIEIIS 1 11 1 Success at x . M. c. A. During the Past Season 19. 15. 32 47 21. The physical department of the ;i closed one of the most successful .visnn iii baket ball ever conducted v the locai association, and a very re-...vL-ohi,-. thinor about the season was ;LII y he fact that in all of the leagues the. , ,,.r.l I -rk- o f rVi A nnrl ri I sanies closely contested. This sea- m's series comprised the touowmg t'lltlLS. OC111U1 O, lULCliUUIUl.l.kl, U rs and Boys. In The Senior league the Tar Heels ere the winners, they having won 11 ., 1 , mhioo nlnvpH The tpnm was ,;t III LJ - ( i pruned by Frank L,. Crowell, who liieved the distinction of being tne i , st coal thrower in the Association. !L' is a clever and fast player and his ir .il shooting was always accurate. Huntington is another good man and :s work at center and forward always 34 v.-on laurels for nis team. Thos. Stewart, another one of the forwards, is the lightest man on the ;oam. but he is quick and during the j amst critical periods of a game he has! measured up to the opportunity and helped his team to win. llalton, who played a guard is one ei the best in the business and his manner of playing was always cool and deliberate and hjis work always won admiration. Ih'nson is another man of the old school who hasn't lost out in the u;;ir.e. and at guard and forward he nlnved splendidly. - Averett. "Big Boy," the youngest member of the team is a player that 1 . . . 1 - , - , . 24- nnmAO i Tl 1 0 aas lew euudis wucu il iuuica pui tiiiR up a defensive game. Nov. Hi Tar Heels, 28; Mystic Five, lve. 7 Tar Heels, 38; Southerners, Dec. 21 Tar Jieels, 30; Athletics, Jan. 1 Athletics, 20; Southerners, Jan. 4 Athletics, 22; Mystic Five, Jan. 18 Athletics, 12; Tar Heels, Jan. 31 Athletics, 36; Southerners, 21 41. Doe. 28 Tar Heels, 37; Mystic -Five, .Jan. 11 Tar Heels, 33; Southerners, Jan. is-Tar Heels, 32; Athletics, 25 Tar Heels, 22; Mystic Five, Feb. 1 Athletics, 34 Mystic Five, Feb. 21 Athletics, 25; Tar Heels, 24. Feb. 29 Athletics, 18; Southerners, 26. March G Athletics, 23; Mystic Five, 21. v March 21 Athletics, 19; Tar Heels, 45. 3 March 2 S Athletics, 24.; Southern era 37 Aprii 4 Athletics, 25; Mystic Five,; April 18 Athletics, 19; Tar Heels,' ot. The players composing the Mystic Five team are the following: Clyne Clark, captain, center and guard; Beniot and Bradfield, forwards; rvii uy aua rage, gum uo. x "ij"'1" Five team began tile season with win ning ball, but owing to the change in the team due to illness of some of its memoers anu oiner reci&uus i,ue icum was badly crippled during most of the season. Despite these conditions tne team played a good, steady game witn ..11 . . C i . . . .Ullll T1 ( i' The following is the record of the team: j Nov. 16 Mystic Five, 30; Tar Heels, . 8 Nov. 30 Mystic Five, 20; Athletics,1 iy. Dec. 14 Mystic Five 27; Southern ers, 33. Dec. 28 Mystic Five, Z; rar neeis, 37. Jan. 4 Mystic Five, 15 Athletics, 22. - .. Jan. 17 Mystic Five, 2d; Soutnern- ers, 16 Told In Brief Three tie games in one day is a record for the South Atlantic League and indicates that the S. A. L. teams this year are evenly matched. Dr- XlUgU d CIllllll&o 11 (Jl LI 11 V. vi u troit team clown to 18 players. Won der if he has saved the right 18. The true story of Honus Wagner's wiinnoiaing isisuamn- - niii.i on innr TYinst. read jrin&uui g tuiino-vt .. i i n . . n 1 1 i n e like the money market quuianuu. Jack Warner of the Washington team has purchased an interest m the Galveston club and will be a minor league magnate next season. ir.i xn-ic. ' lnrvL-c tn hfi llist the riUUt? Cllia iwv'jvM Vw "six-cylinder" that Manager McAleer of St. Liouis was iuuiuub be a great deal better off this season. . . . . , :JB 1. n Mill ah iliH Outside tne uox unu uas a oijiuuiu team. Mrs. Jack Chesbro, wife of the New York pitcher, has brought suit against a railroad for $500, which represents the value of a diamond brooch lost on a train between Atlanta and New York. After a retirement of eleven years Captain Anson, the old Chicago war-- rior broke into tne game icwcmij, catching two innings for his "colts" against the Rogers Park team of Chicago. iri hieve.le track at 1 lie lamuuu Vailsburgh, N. J., is being demolish ed to make room for a modern ath letic oval. FS iTERSt GBMIMT UP! OF MEREST N SPORTOLQGY Umpire Stafford, with the Ameri can League last year, is using his voice this season in the Eastern League. tt, v. ,a,r Taoi.- Tavlor nitched r rum me vv f - . c i. Q wnniri sRfim that tne I11S Ul&t penile 'I ""-.v. - ia former Chicago Cub intends to place the Columbus team on the high seat in the American Associauuu. It is said that the Eastern League increase Presi- dent Powers' salary from $3,000 to a nan f it iii i i i i . iir; aa w president of a baseball league. t. j..t,4. ,i,nnf the American be XNO UUUUl auuui , , ., . i f lMmiD now. Wash ing tne siruu&coi. icv. r5T, ington broke the ice and escaped with 5 " u.fnr0 thA St. Louis Na- a game ucwxv, lorcrp .niii make a hole large LIUliaJO wuiu enough to get out. 34 Feb. 8 Tar Heels, 24; Southerners, Feb. 21 Tar Heels, 24; Athletics, Feb. 22 Tar Heels, 44; Mystic Five, March 27 Tar Heels, 45;' Southern ers. 30. March 21 Tar Heels, 45; Athletics, 1 0 March 27 Tar Heels, 36; Mystic Five, 21. 1 April 11 Tar Heels, 49; Southern ers. 19. April 12 Tar Heels, 34; Athletics, 17. The largest scored game of the sea- - - i 1 r- xl . son'was played between tne oouuiem ers and the Mystic Five, March 1.4th, when the Southerners scored 51 points .--.,.4. i.U.- irc 9C The fight, of the season" tor tne tro-j p:eb- "iMystic Five, 21; Athletics, Feb. 15 Mystic Five, 11 ; Southern ers, 37. Tr , ' Feb. 22 Mystic Five, 25; Tar Heels, 44. March 6 Mystic Five, 21 ; Atnieucs, 23 March 14 Mystic Five, 26; South- rncrs 51. March 27 Mystic Five, 24; Tar Heels, 36. April 4 Mystic Five, 21; Athletics, 25. . April 18 Mystic Five, 22; soutnern ers, 26. Tar Heels . Southerners Athletics . . Mystic Five Played Won . ..15 11 .. .15 , 10 . .15 6 .. .15 3 Lost 4 5 9 12 P. C. 730 667 400 200 Correspondence The News. p.hPRtPr R. n. . Anil 25. The men signed up for tio Chester team by Manager Caldwell will report here today and begin practice. The men signed todate are as follows: W S. Temple, Wake Forest'. N. C. W. S. Biel, Charleston, ;. v,. E.' N. - Brandon, Charlotte; N. C., pitcher. . Waite C. Hamrick, Wake Forest, N. C pitcher. ' . "Jbseph Snook, OtwayO., catcher. Matt,Coch, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Jas. W. Widemart, Due West, S. C. L. C. Drake, McAdenville, N. C. Jno. Ivev Smith, Greenville, S. C. DeWitt " Kluttz, Chester, and' at present playing fine bail with David- w t. Rmwnlfifi. Due West, S. C Correspondence The News. WinstonSaien:, N. C, April 25. The winctnn-finlfim leasuers went up against the strongest team in the Wake Forest tmd Davidson hate each other as bad as A. & M. and Trinity. "We need pitchers," has been the cry of the New York Americans for several years and they don't seem to Tnwa wrest- ler is walking from Des Moines to Chicago, iie must nave "... 1. 1 ? . t- hoc i ii f- pleasant tne wrestling game -come in the -Windy City. n,ro!n-owiPv the Austrian wrestler is coming to the United States. Stut tering Oscar, wnat a name: Ever hear of a baseball team with out a first baseman t a omuv.i . scribe is responsible ior tue i-- in"That Pittsburg team of 1893 wafl a beauty. The players who helped to make the great record were Kulian, Terry, Gumbure and Ehret pitchers ; MiS Mack, Sugden and Me. catchers; Bierbauer, second Lyons, third; Glacock and Shugart, shoit uiiiu., , ... Qtoripi niiddle. K rTght. fleral play were tried at first, but no one f iled The hill." No one filled the bill at first! Athletic Association Formed in Twin City f j c-t n -.-.rill ln riTID Cif ttlP. south at Fairview Wednesday ana baseball teams in the South what they did for the college boys, eague this summer. She more tn&n pieasea tne "U!,'luu'i 1)aS secured Hamrick and Temple pi . . yelled themselves .hoarse. It was aj Forest; John iVy. Smith, an- old ( Special to The News good game of ball, notwithstanding, Forest player and .Duck- Wmston-Salem, N. v.q -.iioo-o lmvs. made seven errors. . . P -mi a niri etarsJ nv,v, - uraKe. one ui a. x. o - - Along m tne nrst oi i ue & Ur, n number of other good ones witn Kinn" rnr i n H i . things locked "kinder blue' for. the locals, but finally they got warmeu up and their fielding and batting were first class. tiivoo prrnrs were creditea jiiij iiiiv- v.. i waKe r orest, ttuu mc Tn innaio anri the one the scorer i yvaKe rme L nantists to marked up against Harrison is open Qf the strongest teams of J... .i; ... 1.1- lnin The locals used two lett-handed pitchers. Rooney, the promising voung southpaw, was m . he.hind them. The league opens Friday, May 8th. The exhibition game here between Wake sorest anu iub , Vi TiaritlKta J.f W L Brownlee, Due west, . . i .vouug "'-. - q- - -Manager Caldwell has other men the first three innings and gave a . " S , . . ol- o nrps. orrr1 apemiTit. of himselt. He StrUClv Considerable of interest was mani fested in the minor leagues. The Seminoles won the cup in the Interned- - i- t mill ttioir rppnrrl of 16 iaie League, auu tiiv.il r straight games puts them at the top '. . i ,, f Ti i cln 5 of all preyious leagues uj. uuic i,. The fiaht of the seasoif for the tro- The team was captained py ixju nhv cut) was between the Southerners -White, who played a iorwaru. xne uiu- and the Tar Heels and it was a diffi- er members of the team were as iui c ult matter until the very last to pre- lows: ' , .' T .Viet which one of the teams would wm Henry Allison, forward; Mwin u tt . v nmA TilQToft Anril Tmioc rptitpr' Geo. Howell ana KOD- '"li. rwwevei, luc i""jvu i ouuw, v...- , ri-,?Vi . tira-ir the rrmtpfit ovt Whitp S'liarnS." i i Lii utxiucu v :i i v. li muj i" p - X. V J Vl. (IVWLii.J.l' out three men an aanuweu hits "Kid" (for that is what his team-mates call him) made a favor able impression on the crowd. Wills then took charge of the box hnll. besides mak- ciuu uiaucu 6"-"" 1 i:i rrn i-rnnr TP IOW infr n cord ii 1 1 i ins .yiiin - h wbitp. euaras; . v ! r . i 1. .. T ..,ii.i I 11 ' I (111(1 ' ' " i,. . : tVio n nvors nf the The record of tne soutnerners is is won uie senes, a.nu the Eagles i f)M)vS I teci-in Cll wu i- . . Nov. ' 23 Southerners. 22; Athletic,! Coburn Alexander, Captain; bpur- t 1 . geon Cook ana us ")us, -. ' Greek. Dt.c 7 Southerns, 37; i Tar Heels, Elbert Montgomery aim jumuo mi, C - i i iT t- Anotin rontpr oN. t ' ana ivian, nuouu, v-v- . Dec 14 Southerdkrs, 37; Tar Heels,. The pennant was won by the Buna S " loes in the Boys' League, captained by Dec. 14-Southerners, 33; Mystic 'Caldwell McDonald forward and the Five 97 ., other players are Henry Newell, cen- Jan." 1-Southerners, 19; Athletics, ter; Frank Dowd Jr. and Byr on Scott, oi, . . i guards; Parks Alexander, forward. " Jan 11 Southerners, 44; Tar Heels, This team achieved the success of win .... . 16 t Qf lg games played, giv- . ..." .. . 6.. . CSQ fan. 17 Soutnerners, 13; Mystic tnem a peicene MalutgCl uaiui'.i signed whose identity cannot at pres i i l ; ent be macie puum:. All the above-named men are ex cellent baseball players, in fact Man ager Caldwell savs his team this year will be decidedly better than bis fast Lincolnton aggregation last COtO niT llllt) V -J LI 11 fi year- . . , , jnc.tD,i tr. or. iin higher in base Thp others vno nave uetn aism "uumi a -arJ the S that can be secured andballdom, for he has the goods, the Chester bunch will certainly make -a strong bid for the pennant m tne ayCI b Runs State League this season. NThe Anon Whean i.i . ir o.. ,i.i, 7 ninh vims, covering "One of my ancestors was a noceusenes ui ouuua v. ,,ust 30 nu-ntp'' "That's nothing. I'm a di-the dates from May 5 to August oU. Scf aescendStSofna coloration law- Two double days are provided " t ifo Julv a run win yer- Lli! ton5 and Philadelphia, and I Augm - 2 - 11 j ,nn- on tl-iQ nhlh W VlblL w ' Rotripr sntrer man uu vviyue. on v-m IN. I . 1? Tlieill cl ijcn,ruuic vi. - ,-: or . The annual banquet oi uie oemui Janr's'l-Southerners, 47; Athletics,' League and other -leagues, will tae -I place some time next montn. " "Feb. 8 Southerners, 43; Tar Heels, ' ; 24- . 1 At-il Tn The i.-(.i, ir, Southerners. 37; , Mystic x MO 11 I Ko'b. 29 Southerners, 26; Athletics, Southerners , 30; Mystic Annals ol Sport March 7 "i Is. 45. March 14 Southerners, 51; i v .:. iii). ...... March 28 Southerners, 37; Athiet- 24. April 11 Southerners, 18; Tar Heels Mystic , . ,-, , j. r vnrir- jack Dempsey iar, tsoi ie, n and Joe Hayes iougnt o iuuhvio. to a draw. Pitv! The home team 19 unities with tne Bridgeport baseball club with out a run oemg suuicu. 1H80 Albert M. Frey, champion pool - n...n oc- Mvst.ioi i,r. iiPi in New Work. April is ouuuiemeiD, uu , jiiotci, Thnmpa Pettitt de- The Southerners comprised the toi-. feated Albert Wright m matcn -wing players: ;.'. " for professional racquet cham- I. W. Kirby, captain; Withers and pionship. Htwart, guards; W. C. Hinson, center; -s t Baltimore: Joe Gans won ilhnan and Green, forwards. . - 16aJ .J" tae "Kentucky Rasebut" ThP AthiPtipR onmnrised the follow- ,ic. iiiK players: ; w ' icqqAt New York: Joe Wolcott W. Bradfield, captain; center; Ma- . knocked out Dan Creeden m fun ami Pperram. forwards; Garrett, iv rnnnn Hill cnimti rnards. and their rec- in,e wan risen: George "id is as follows: . ' Gardner defeated Joe Walcott f,v 9QAthlP.tics. 20: Southerners, , d'u" 22 I - T,T,nnnliB: Hugo Kelly Nov so Athletics.. 19: Mystic Five, l9Uo over "Phila :;0' -1c' delphia Jack" O'Brien in , ten ti,. oi a ii-ii-ic. i R Tnr TJp.elS. , ueipni" w, isi aiuieuvp, j-vi, - rounds. IN. I - 1 i Tar Heels Winners iTropnyCup Series 1907-8 : 1 ' I 1 lllllllilllllS S, ir 1 I 1 i i nArA.A I I 7 "rti ii MM I Paiton A,nerett Crowell (Capt.) ja large attendance. J ' -3 any college in the state. Promoter Wittig says that he won $15,000 on the Gotch-Hackenschmidt wrestling match. n.v f vnndprbilt Univer- 5UU JJiaivc, vi v . 7 , . . sitv and one of the best ends that the south has ever had, has been awarded the Rhodes scholarship ol Tennessee. TT:,rc.n nf Vireinia and Carolina will meet soon to play on thp tip. each scnooi nu,vmS game to its credit. The . date wi oe arranged m- ved is thougnt tne same r- at Chapel ttiii. Wait C. Hamrick, catcher and cap tain of the wane ruieoi. v,no tain L i 4- oiViora in team, is one oi tne uet the state., as wen a 1 1f in the he being only 18 yea? Jn SS5 -1 them before tney gut . " " Lliein v. Ji.j.ho willow shOW- thp wav ne uauuwu . - ed himself to be a ball player who understood tne game. .. .. , ,i ttio nrtst week All tne uan gciinco. r , A" . tioi upw eround Sh ra STedlmprov7ment over old one. The stand is comfort able and a good view of every play can be had from any seat. winctnn-Ralem. N. C, April Zi. The Winston-Salem Athletic Associa- tion was formerly organizeu JC day when the following officers were chosen: President-W. M. Hendron. r - j 4. TViAmoo Maslm. Vice-rresment x -nnarles Secretary . ana nea0uW M. Norfleet. . M T birectors-W. D. . Curnn, N. L. Cranford, L. B. Brickensin, R. W. nice, Dr. C. L. Summers and J. B. Kavanaugh aT)nointed A committee ----- a-y to-take subscriptions for necessary lu . o ctrnm? team, ine 2535- will Win work at once. The local association, tllieJ sisTSce of Manager Carter, ha. sug reeded in getting together a strong ceeaea m & and one that team of ball Players t will upnoid vvmswu tion on the diamond. "Did he get on his knees?" "No he couldn't, I got there first! -Syra cuse Herald. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. National League. Cincinnati 4; Chicago 2. Boston 5; Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 4; New York L St. Louis 3; Pittsburg 0. American League. Boston 7; Washington 0. Philadelphia 3; New York 2. Cleveland 2; Detroit 1. St. Louis 2; Chicago 1. Southern League. At Atlanta: Atlanta 4; Montgom- SBirming hTtPMrPh!s: Memphis 9; Little Rock 3. No others scheduled. Virainia League. At Roanoke: Lynchburg 6; n At Richmond: Richmond 4; Dan- ViAt Portsmouth: Portsmouth 2; Nor folk 2 (10 innings, darkness.) Roa- STANDING OF THE CLUBS. South Atlantic League. Won. Lost. Tonircnnville ci v. hi- - ... 1 . . . V . i . . . O VjUiuuiuit 6 6 6 10 wmK MATCH HELD n ,T CHESTER Special to The News. Chester, S. C April 25.-A wrest otni, w held here Thurs day night, the contestants being - Ru dolph Hatchell, better known as The Atlanta (Ga.) Kid," and Cyclone Moran,- of Cleveland, u. First fall Moran put the KiQ.s shoulders to . the mat in 13 1-2" aonntiH fall the "Kid" put Mo- iiripr-B tn the mat in 10 min ran ouvi faU Mnran utes, 14 seconas. i""" - won again putting the "Kid" to the mat in 13 minutes. mlh . , .rt is new to Ches ter and although" a sniaU audience iei, a u . . th wrestle here rgaaS.nPinaSur3wee tnere w.U be a large attenuate. 1U1 uiu" ' 1- .1 tiavannau - Macon . . . . Augusta Charleston Southern League. Won. Lost. ifntitimmprv ... . . 5 Ai i vi n ti . Memphis Mobile Nashville Atlanta - New Orleans . . Birmingham Little Rock American League. Won. Lost, r Cnctmi ' j. i -1 j i. w n - - . , at T .niiis New York & Cleveland Chicago Philadelphia Detroit Washington ... - l 2. Other Games. At Raleigh: Guilford 12; A. & M. 2 2 3 3 3 5 4 4 P.C. 818 625 455 455 500 231 P.C. 714 667 Roanoke 1. At UUina.ni. nuu., - 1Vl!!, At Chapel Hill: Carolina 10, Dela WAt Greensboro: Greensboro 9; Da ViAtn Greenville: Wake Forest 6; QoV Hill: "Charlotte 2; Rock HiI1t1'Greenwood:' Clemson 8; Fur- maAt Charlottesville: Pennsylvania 6; University of Virginia 3. Durha'm: Trinity 13; Rnoke l At Atlanta: ijeuieia 625 nology 7; Sewanee 0. 3 a 6 National League. Won. Lost Chicago 1 New York Philadelphia . . - Pittsburg Cincinnati Boston Brooklyn - St. Louis 1 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 7 Virginia State League. Won. Lost Richmond Portsmouth 2 Lynchburg 2 Norfolk 2 Danville . . 1 T?-QTrlrp . . . 1 0 2 2 2 3 2 400 400 375 333 333 P.C. 667 667 625 571 444 444 286 2o0 P.C. 875 750 625 625 500 250 222 125 P.C 1000 500 500 500 250 333 lnev : oewance . Agy-no,viiie. Tenn.: Vanderbilt o. University of Tennessee 3. COLLEGE GAMES TODAY. Carolina vs. Roa- At Ciiapel Hill noke. At Greensboro: Guilford vs. Dela ware. At Charlottesville Virginia. Davidson vs. CHARLOTTE WIS FROM ROCK NIL! 5 Tlie Special to The News. T?r.r.t- Hill S. C. Apnl ii"vit - j Charlotte team of the Carolina Lea gue, defeated the Rock Jini here vesterdav y a si ui e - mv. ii,,io.i third baseman lor llie J CU uvauvu ........ Charlotte made the only spectacular play of tne game, swi6 before it reached the ground ' Score: 0K Charlotte ; '. Rock Hiii Batteries: Finn, Plott and HmtoU, Eagan and Oakes. I ! I' t' u h k 4 s , A" -J ( t i ! i , 5 , j s- i ' i ' 5 ".rf' i 1 ! ; ' I I i P ' '' c p; M 8- 1 ; -Mi I 1! : .......... . .... m m w . v k. 7 y

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