1 HE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 27, 1908, 10 (l If ,:! 'ft :!;f .MM I if. I .i M If!- tit m il 'i (S ; Hi Hi i I :".!' i: ill I' J;! .-'1 Si '1 TJ! M i it Hi.; , I; i 9 I Hi-- ivt H "; H ,1: Mi ASHEVILLE WILL GIG HORSE SHOW THIS WEEK Special to The News. Asheville. X. C, April 27. All is in readiness for Asheville annual society event, the horse show, which opens at Riverside Park on Tuesday, with the) lamest entry list of lush-grade in the history of the association. Vis THE WEATHER 4 For Charlotte and Vicinity Rain and cooler tonight. Tuesday fair and cooler. State Forecast?. For North Carolina and South Car olina: Showers and cooler tonight;. Tuesday fair, colder. Fresh to brisk southwest to west winds. v Weather Conditions. An area of low pressure of consid erable intensity covers the lake re gion this morning, and has caused showers and thunderstorms generally the eastern half of the country except New England. Over the west- Iters from all sections of the country . " . tltVr of Msh are liocuvng into me city, ana conai- . -K," Ml ,., nin, tions i.re auspicious for the most sue cessful show yet held in Asheville. The parking spaces have all been taken and the soei:I side, as usual, is an assured success, and when the bugle blows for the opening event on Tuesdav society will be at the ringside m full toree A tniie.uo feature of the show thisj season will be a tilting tournament, j ..mu .:: u. ,.v,. - "VV,,. ""'cotton belt except teams nae eiueieu iu: i i'uu, wi 'r,...t ...! iviuo f-illon .in ciiieuiy tic states. and generally fair cooler weather prevails. With the eastward drift of conditions now prevailing dur ing the next 3ti hours; rain may be ex porter in the vicinity of Charlotte to night with lower temperature, follow ed bv fair, cooler weather Tuesday. W. .1. ISENNHTT. Observer. Cotton. Bulletin. Rainfall has been general over the cotton belt except over the western Bank Talks Y THE composed of local riders, one Biltmcre Forestry School, and one from Knoxville, and the contest promises to be a keen one. Events for Tuesday. i Following is the official list of events j for Tuesday: J Class 11 Ponies under saddle, open' to all, to be ridden by a child. Cup by Battery Park Hotel. Cup by the asso ciation. Class IvLadies single harness horse. Cup by Mrs. George Vanderbilt. Class 2 Single harness horse, open to all. Cup by Mrs. Harrison L. Yan Schaiek. Class T Gentleman's saddle horse, open to all. $30 or plate. Class 17 Pair Livery horses, to be shown before appropriate trap. For local dealers only. First prize $50; second ?13. Class 20 Mare and foal. First $20; second !- Class 4 Pair harness horses, open to all. First $30; second $13. Class 14 Pair roadsters, open to all. First $150; second S50, cup by The Manor. Class 21 Best foal, the get of any stallion shown in Asheville shows for 1007 or 1007. First $23; second $15. Class 10 Hunters, open to all. Best performance over six jumps. First $25 or plate; second $10. Class 2 1-2 Single harness horses, open to all. $10 or nlate. over western and central dis tricts. Hail was reported at Lake, Mississippi. THE HOLY CITY, Or the Story of Mary IVUgdalene, at THE CASINO. BUSINESS BUILDERS American Trust araain in a Farm We are offering a farm of 139 acres near Wallace's store at East field, at a price that will interest you if you ever' expect to own an acre of farming land in this County. On the place is a six-room dwelling, barn,v crib, blacksmith shop, well in yard and orchard. Call and see us for price and terms. Traders Land Co. 'Phone 530. 9 West Trade St. Co. An Interest Quarter began April 1st, with over 100 new ac counts and we rather expected to see the daily number of new depositors fall off this month. ' But still they come. Of course they are wise" in thus building up balances in time for the next Interest Period, and it is just in line with the point we have been advertising on that subject. GROCbRh POLICE COURT GETS SUSY . which has just closed the po-)Kams nja :ourt was again in the ring thus 1Sc H 15c nd Recorder Smith Does Justice Like an Umpire Call Strikes. As is usual, just after the criminal court lice c mcrninc. snd for several hours Re corder Smith dealt out sentences like an umpire calling strikes and balls. There was a. large number of cases' on the docket, and while there were several continuance and forfeitures,' yet there was enough left to keep the court busy for some time. Sam Mosely, an old negro, who keens a restaurant - on South Alexan der street, described by on "A TREAT" for those who like the rich ripe flavor of the Raspberry. Our Raspberry Shrub makes the most deliciously re freshing drink imaginable. Try it once. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., 27 N. Tryon. , LISTEN. You are entitled to the best for your money in every article you buy. You get best value when you buy Richelieu Coffee whether you buy 20, 25 or 35 cts per pound. Remember if you are not perfectly satisfied .your money will be cheerfully refunded. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St. SEED IRISH POTATOES, 35c. Onion Sets 5c Quart. All kinds seed corn. New supply North Carolina DO It NOW" is one of the mottoes of modern business. If you are thinking of starting an account do it now, don't wait. The start (and $1.00 is sufficient to start an account) is the most important step. Remember that a private ranking Room for Ladies is among the up-to-date facilities at our Bank. Neat Cottages For Sale We have for sale on East Third street, near McDowell street, two live room cotages, new, never been occupied and wired for electric lights with city water. These are nice little cottages and can bo sold on easy terms. Now if you arc looking for a home of this kind you had better let us show you these. J. E. MURPHY & CO, 43 N. Tryon. 'Phon S42. Bank Protection Offices in the Trust Building pound. BRIDGERS &. CO., 203 W. Trade. FOR SALE CHEAP Two beautiful building lots 50x105, with ten foot alley. Near Swift's re finery. Three hundred dollars each if taken at once. Terms easv. W. G. SHOEMAKER, witness' 227 N Tryn st- Phones 306 or 444. as a ngnt nice piace, was mea iui assaulting one Ed Jackson with the small end of a billiard cue, and dur ing the cross examination of Jackson T t Lettuce and Celery ot H OME GROWN and Asparagus. STRAWBERRIES. Fresh Snap Beans, i that there was some evidence Mosely being a blind tiger. Jackson claimed that he had gone to Mosely's place on Saturday night, and had gotten a pint of whiskey and paid fifty cents for it, and that on Sunday morning he went back there after some clothes he had left therej and that Mosely without any provoca tion pcunced on him with the stick, and run him out of the place. Moseley, on the other hand, corroh-, orated by several witnesses testified' that Jackson, whom he had never seen before, came there and wanted to buy whiskey, and that this so in censed him he run him out of the place. Moseley was fined 510 and the costs in the assault case, and was bound over under a $50 bond on the charge of selling the whiskey to Jackson. Clarence Alexander, the one legged negro, who works at the court house,! was tried oil the charge of an as sault and for carrying a concealed weapon. He was bound over under the two charges and two bonds of ?25 each were required. S. CHANGE IN CONVENTION DATES City 'Phone 251. R. LENTZ. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. DRUGGISTS TOILET SOAPS 'Phone Us Your Orders We Have all the Leading Brands. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South "Tryon. Delicious GOLDEN ORANGE ADE the peer of all the soft drinks. 5 Cents . At our Fountain. DILWORTH DRUG STORE w 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis. MISCELLANEOUS REFRIGERATORS REPAIRED. Let us put your refrigerator or ice cream freezer in perfect order before hot weather comes. Painting and re pairing leaky roofs a specialty. C. F. SHUMAN 200 N. College. 'Pho.ne 611. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 1C0 rental machines, all makes, ready for Instant delivery. Every machine drat class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St 'Phone 304. REAL tS I A TI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In North Charlotte , two fine, lots 50x180 on the corner Brevard and 21st St. Will sell for small profit. Bankers to Meet at Morehead June 16, 17an-j 18. Members of the North Carolina Banker's association will be interest ed in the following letter, making public the change in the date of the annual convention: Henderson, N. C, April 22, 1908. At the request of members of the Executive Committee and quite a number of the members, the officers of this association have thought best to change the dates of our Twelfth Annual Convention from June 21th, 25th and 2C, to June 16th, 17 and 18th, 1908, in order that our Convention will not conflict with that of the Democratic State Convention, which will be held in Charlotte on June 25th. I trust that the new dates selected by your officers will be satisfactory and that every Bank in bur Associa tion will be represented at Morehead City on the above dates. We are planning for a large Con vention, and at least one representa tive from your Bank should be there, for business reasons. WThy not now de cide to go? You may acquire some new ideas, and what is equally as pleasing, give some to the other fel low. Do the right thing this year, and GO. Very respectfully, x Wm. A. HUNT, Secretary. L. C. Smith Typewriters. I have an other shipment of the No. 2 models, price $70. Others ask $100 for them. Will place on examination beside new ones from any other dealer. I buy in large numbers for cash and my cus tomers get the benefit. Frank F. Jones. The Typewriter Man. CENTRAL PRESSING CLUB 36 East Fifth Street. Ladies' Skirts cleaned and pressed in first class style. Men's Suits press ed and returned same day if wanted. High-grade work and promtp delivery our specialty. 'Phone 977. D. W. FINK, Proprietor. 'Phone 977. FOR RENT Ocean View Hotel, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Hotel situated just south of the new $10,000 pavillion "Lumina", 30 rooms furnished throughout, elec tric lights, artesian water, sewerage, etc. Address Ocean View Co., Box 127, Wilmington, N. C. Also two par tially lurmshed cottages for rent. . L. REDWINE 620 E. 7th St. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 106 acre farmi3 miles Derita, road; 50& acre farm 4 miles, $2000; 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 acre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $650; .5 room cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Spring Co. 'Phone 918. STAR GROCERY COFFEE is the best 25c Goods on the Market. For sale only by W. M. CROWELL, 'Phone 744 and 297. 8TORE ROOMS. Auditorium -1 $25.00 HOUSES 1904 Euclid Ave., Dilworth, 6 rooms, modern conveniences, $18.00 1011 East 4th St., 4 rooms .$10.00 505 E. 9th St., 4 rooms $ 8.00 507 E. 9th St., 3 rooms. .$ 7.00 FROG LEGS Snipe, Squab, Spring Chickens, Shad Shad Roe, Trout and every seas onable delicacy at THE GEM. 720 E. 4th St.,7 rooms, modern I , conveniences $25.00 218 East 8th St., 4 rooms $10.00 611 W. 8th St., 3 rooms $ 7.00 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern ; conveniences $22.50 Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Tbraighead'Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 rooms". ..... 1 ............... . 700 916 N. Caldwell St., 4 rooms $10.00 918 N. Caldwell St., 6 rooms.. 12.50 BROWN & CO.. ational MEANS A GREAT DEAL TO A DEPOSITOR You have all the assets of the bank guarded by the National Bank ing Act, and in addition the individual liability of the stockholder, to protect your deposits. There 'Is not better security for your savings. We pay 4 per cenL interest, compounded quarterly. Certificates of Deposit bearing same rate of interest issued In any amount not less than $25. Capital, Surplus and Profits $800,000.00 givess absolute security. Interest allowed from first in Savings Department on deposits made first five days. . Commercial National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Bank Helps you v as a business man especially In the matter of credit. Get the right bank back of you and your business will expand more rapidly. We invite you to try the. The char otte National Bank ' along thi s line. OFFICERS: B. D. Heath, President; Jno. M. Scott, Vice President; J. . Little, Vice President; W. H. Twitty, Cashier. Look lead. If 3Tou would provide against the rainy day by a gradual and easy ac cumulation; if you wish to make permanent disposition of exisiting or con templated debt; if you desire- to invest any sum now on hand in the safest and best revenue bearing proposition on the market, so as to legally and justly escape the -burden of taxes, however fairly and rightly imposed, as it will be" on Junelst, you should at once take shares in the utual Buildino & Loan New Series Still Open E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 25 S. Tryon St. Sec. & Treas. 01 w m m m ft y Si IcNlrich uompa Realty ny Office Piedmont Building 1 FARM 160 acres, will interest you. 1 FARM 79 acres, good poultry, handy to town. 1 FARM 90 acres, both side of S..R. R. 3 miles out. 1 FARM 34 acres, gooI True k Farm, close in. One desiratfte location on S. R. R. for wood yard. HPhone ESSr t03 N. Tryon St. B. B. B. Class Entertainment. Tomorrow night is the time set for the entertainment to bd given by the B. B. B. class of the" First Baptist Church cunday school. The program is a very unique one and the entertainr mcnt to be provided by the boys and young men of the class will be some thing out of the ordinary. " Limit Yotir: Spehding i ' ..... and SAVE the balance.1 . That is a bet ter way to get a start financially than to limit your saving and SPEND the jalance. - We help you to save by paying you interest on your deposit. Southern Loan & Savings Bank as o A Few Choice Bargains in City Property fS rj m m ft' ru ftj fu m FOR. RENT JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. Pres; W. L. JEN KINS, Cashier. 2 brick stores June 1st, each , 1 store room No. 3 N. Pegram Street 1" store room Belmont Ave.. No. 6 7- room house 908 N. Pine Street. .. . Modern 7-room house 401 West 11th 5- room house 811 East 9th Street 6- room house 613 East 13th Street ... 4-room house 1113 N. Brevard -St., per 4-room house 306 East 11th St., per we 4- room house 310 East 11th Street, 8- room house 51,2 West 11th Street .. . 5- room house 609 East 7th Street. . . . 3- room houe West 4th Street, per wee 4- room house 317 South Cedar Street 3- roorn house 309 South edar Street, 4- room house 14 South Harrell Street, 4-room house 204 N. Allen St., per w 4-room house-No. 4 N. Allen Street, 4-room house 302 Belmont Ave., per 4-room nouse 704 East 3d, St.-,-per.w Street per week . . week ek .... per week , k per week . per week. per week eek per week. week .... ggIv i J Arthur , . $20.00 ..$10.00 .. $10.00 .. $15.00 ...$25.00 ...$12.00 ..$1.75 , ...$ 1.50 $ 1.50 . . .$ 1.50 .. $12.00 $ 9.00 ...$ . ..$ . ..$ ... $ $ ....$ $ 1.25 1.50 1.40 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Henderson Bro J J AIT -4X lV J-V rf-fc 44 111T4 -W A uuuu luuiiey iu ue iriaue m uuywg rvcreages in Close Touch With Charlotte WE OFFER: ' On the Derita Road, one of the most beautiful drive.s out of the a tract of 76 acres with mile railroad front and one mile macadam fr wnicn maites it particularly desirable tor manutacturing and sub-divi in two to ten acre tracts for trucking. r We offer this for a short time -at. the very low price of $110.00 per a Terms: One-Third cash, balance in 6, 12 and IS- months. cut, ere. Southern Real Estate, Loan: & Trust Company Capital, $75,000. W. S. ALEXANDER, ' President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President. Surplus, $100,000, A. m. Mcdonald, Sec. and Tr eas. r r t t t SOME DESIRABLE HOMES DILWORTH Splendid 8-room house, all 'modern conveniences, lot 75x150. A bargain at price asked. ELIZABETH Delightful home, on car line, almost new, elegantly finished, large lot. Price $7250. EAST 4TH T. Splendid locality and neighborhood, 7-room home, with all conveniences. Price .' $4250 4TII WARD Nice 8-room residence, large corner lot, all conv-n- iences, now offered at a bargain. Price $5500 FOR RENT EAST 4TH ST. 6-room new house, all modern conveniences, per month $20.00 1ST WARD 5-room cottage, per month." t $12.00 The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company 4 CAPITAL 1200,000.00. A. G. Craig, Secretary. 1 D C T A W. J. Chamber, Treasurer. I U Li I QUO Phone 377 i age New 4-Room Cott $750.00. $50.00 Cash Balance Through B. & L. Association.. Lot 50x150. VILLA HEIGHTS High Location Overlooking the City. ; Brown: & Company Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. .1 -J I?IITI"I-I'I4fr4 $ John D. Rockefeller still has the little book in which he kept accoimt of every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men whowork,for him today. . -' He "saved" his money. Are you saving? Ws would appreciate your account and pay 4 per cent. Interest. . u SAVINGS DEPARTMENT , " The Merchants & Farmers National Bank GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. 4. i i6 VACANT LOTS FOR SALE Elizabeth Avenue, 100x198 . . . . $2300.00 Elizabeth Avenue,-75x198 $1750.00 Elizabeth Avenue, 50x198 $1150.00 Elizabeth Avenue, 66x198 $1250.00 East Avenue Ext., 115x200, corner $1300.00 East Avenue Ext., 57x200 : $ 650.00 East Avenue Ext., 58x200, corner $ 700.00 East Avenue Ext., 50x150 $,5C0.00 Central Avenue, 132x150 Piedmont $1900.00 Central Avenue, 66x150, Piedmont: $ 950.00 Parkwood Avenue, 50x150 N. Charlotte. . $ 225.00 Our prices are reasonable; our Terms are Yours. Carolina Realty Company W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. No. 5 W. 5th Street. ' " 'Phone-609. Henry M. McAden, President. John F. Orr, Cashier. n First National Bank CHARLOTTE, W. 0. Oxganizsch 1868 . . i .... . $800,000.00 Capital , Surplus and Profitg $245,O00.0G 4 PERCENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Your Business Solicited. W.vmirw TvnvtAav anil onrwm Tr-k a H rvn mriemAatil mrmwimtmmt "wrltif fcl YOU CANT AFFORD TO to that Fourth Ward corner lot which we arev offering for the first time; it i; close in and well suited for a fine fiat, the price is very .low for such dcintio property. i t Farms, City, and Suburban property. T. Wilkinson 6 Company J. A BROWN, Notary Public. 'Phone 439. Wilmoore Lots-50x200 . - v Just at the foot of South Tryon . Street. V Directly opposite Dilworth. - Within easy reach of the car line. At prices for the present about 40 per cent lower than' other equally well located property. Terms easy, or 10 per cent off for cash. Special price for a block of them for building good class of houses Ur investment. ' ; F, C. Abbbtt Gompany SifitULIJLkiHS N, Tryon, .? "Everything in Real Estate." "Tl