THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 28. 1908. Connecticut Democrats Nov.- Haven. Conn., April 2S. Lead ing democrats of Connecticut have gathered in this city in readiness for the state convention, which will hold a preliminary organization. Tomorrow morning the convention will reassem ble to choose fourteen delegates to represent Connecticut at the Denver convention. Alexander Throup and other recog nized leaders of the Bryan element are busy in behalf of the Xebraskan's can dicacy for the presidential nomina tion. "Though Mr. Bryan has a stronger following in Connecticut than in any other part of New England, it is not regarded as probable that the state convention will instruct for him. The indications are that the Connecticut delegation will contain men pledged to "!Ur "lb-van and others who go un pledged, according to the sentiment of I their home districts. Here's the Proof The Only True FORM REDUCING Corset BUT BESIDES CATARRH, HYOMEI CURES GRIP, COUGHS AND COLDS, CROP AND ASTHMA. Read; If You arc a Sufferer From Ca tarrh. Reason ar.d Reflect. My wife and I swear that llyomei cured me of the worst case of catarrh that ever existed. I used to cough con stantly at night, and had a dropping 11 the throat, which kept me awake n great deal. I raised thick phlegm, anc was in a horrible condition. However. I am entirely cured, suley through the use of llyomei." Dr. Philip Z. Hart. Laconia. X. II. Reader, this is one of thousands of testimonials praising the marvelous curative power of Hyomei. If you are a sufferer, why not try it? R. II. Jor dan & Co. guarantee it, and will re fund your money if it fails to cure, llyomei is not a stomach nostrum; it is dry antiseptic and medicated air, and all you have to do to cure any dis ease it in through the Hyomei inhaler. A Hyomei outfit, including a scientific inhaler, only costs $1.00. Get one to day. Subsequent treatment is only 50 "cents a bottle. Get one now. R. H. Jordan & Co. take all the. risk. They guarantee it. ! SvM "no 1 m,mmm swe ici lilMili? Style 1011 U jm wvtr x s :n 1,1 vu ft B mm ft iu rt $ nil ! 1 BRASS EYELETS" for tall stout figures r medium stout figures "DON'T Y0USAY A WORD ABOUT THAT LIQUOR" Gradually reduces the form from 3 to 5 inches, producing a long nnd slender figuie with ttiaifcht Lack ami straight hip ' cfiect; readily adjusted while being tvurn. Eoned throughput with double uon-rust- ablf, jiuariiiiteed unbreakable steels. Si hose supporters, front and sides. Sues, 20 to 38. Price, $3.00 A: All Cellars KABO CORSET CO. CHICAGO Write lor Kubo Style Book WTS SHOW FOLK IN FAST RUN Rushed From Pittsburg lo Chicago Under Seven Hours. Chicago, 111., April 2S Traveling at an average rate of more than 67 miles an hour a special train, consisting of two sleeping cars and three GO-foot baggage cars carrying scenery and bag gage, brought a theatrical company to Chicago from Pittsburg. The troupe left tiie Smoky City at 2 o'clock and arrived at S:4S, having made the -ICS miles in six hours and 58 minutes. Only two stops were made to change engines. The Pennsylvania special, the 1S hour train between Chicago and New York, takes 9 hours and 10 minutes between Pittsburg and Chicago. Only twice before has the road ecualed this 11111 in test trips. Clinchfield Coal is a Steam Froducer. A woman's heart strings are almost as easilv broken as her shoe laces. SUFFERING & DOLLARS SAVED. K. S. Loper. f Marllla, N. Y., says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arni ca Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best heal ing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever sores, ec zema and piles. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's, druggists. syrup CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. An improvement over many Cough. Lung and Bronchial Remedies, because it rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO, U. S. A. S. L. Alaxander & Co. i&22&&' -Sgr sM3V ""iSS" Ai'SS SSSS taw, fissas gggHBs 2222s. dBBfc. CTT A T IT y AND -:- IN -:- IT AND The ood Co Delivered the "Y & B" Way 2-Eleven Gait horn This Was the Warning Given By An Atorney to Kis Client When the Latter's Constitutional Rights While On the Witness Stand Were About to Be Violated. The recorder's court this morning presented a most business like scene. There were lawyers, witnesses, defen dants and spectators galore, and dur ing the long session from 9 to 12 o'clock, there were many little tilts between counsel which broke the mo notony. When Col. Kirkpatrick warn ed his client not to "tell" and Col. Jake Newell administered cough drops to his client so she could talk, there was laughter, which could not be suppressed. A man's constitutional rights when on the witness stand came in for a 'steenth argument when Col. T. L. Kirkpatrick was " attempting to keep his client from testifying in a case in which his client might tell some thing to prejudice him in the upper court. "How many lawyers are in this case?" asked the recorder when the colonel was defending his client's con stitutional rights. "The only lawyer in this case is I," answered Mr. Shannonhouse, who was looking after the interests of the defendant then on trial. "I am not in this case," answered Col. Kirkpatrick, "but I am going to look alter the interest of my man, who is on the stand, and I am going to be the judge of his rights. "The witness is the only judge of his rights," Mr. Shannonhouse came back, "but you can warn him about not an swering certain questions, which he thinks may incriminate him. Col. Kirkpatrick then put his warn ing in a very clear way when he said: "Now, John (talking to his client), don't you tell one thing about this liquor. Keep your mouth shut about that." The court had to rap for order, so great was the laughter at the colonel's direct methods - ot warning his client John Hall, a negro boy, the witness whose constiutional rights were so ably defended as above stated, was tried and bound over in two cases for retailing. The evidence of the prosecution -was that May Utley, a white woman of a disreputable character, who has just returned from a- year's stay in the penitentiary, was last night, touring the city in the carnage of Bob Sutton, the contorted yellow faced negro hackman, and that she gave Sutton fifty cents to buy .liquor. Sutton then1 got one Will "Patterson, another ne gro, to go after it, and he found John Hall, and then John Hall alleged that he got another!-negro to get it, and so the chain of go-between lengthened. Hall was bound over as being the last link inj the chain. ,-- After this case was disposed of, Sutton was tried for disordei'ly con duct. It was charged that at a late hour of the night he was found at the corner of . East avenue, and Davidson street with' May Utley and Will Pat terson in his carriage, and that they were drinking. Mr. Shannonhouse ap peared for Sutton, and contended that the moral question should not be con sidered, but that Sutton was not guil ty, as he had not committed an un lawful act in hauling the white wo man and the negro about the city if they were not disturbing the peace and quiet of the community. Sutton was found guilty and fined $5 and the casts. Mr. Shannonhouse gave notice of appeal on the ground that a verdict of guilty wouid give the chief of police the right to take away his client's license as a hackman, and there was not evidence to convict. Mary Clifton, a negro woman, who lives on Tenth street, was charged with keeping a disorderly house, and for being a vagrant. Various witnesses swore that they had seen white men going into the wo man's house at all hours of the day and night, and the officers making the arrest testified that when they went there a white man was then in the house, and was drunk. Mr. H. N. Pharr appeared for the wo man, and contended that there was no evidence of disorder nor vagrancy, and the defendant was dismissed. BABY GIRL CRIED AND SCRATCHED All the Time Torturing Eczema Covered Her Body Could Not Sleep Doctor Said Sores Would Last for Years Skin Now Clear. CURED IN THREE MONTHS BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I take great pleasure in telling you -what a great help it was for me to use Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment for my baby niece. She was suffering from that terrible torture, eczema. It was all over her body but the worst was on her 1 ace ana nanus, ner nanas wei t 60 bad that she couid not hold anything. She cried and scratched all the time and could not sleep night or day from the Bcratching. I had her under the doc tor's care for a ycat and a half and he seemed to do her no good. I took her to the best doctor in the city and he said that she would have the sores until she was six years old. But if I had de pended on the doctor my baby would have -lost her mind and died from the vrant of aid. "I used all the remedies that every body told me about and I tortured the child almost to death. Then I saw in the paper how Cuticura was the thing for irritating skin. I bathed her with warm water and Cuticura Soap and used the Cuticura Ointment. She was cured in three months. Now her skin is as clear and smooth as it could be. I shall recommend the use of Cuticura wherever I see the skin in bad condition. Alice L. Dowell, 4760 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo., May 2 and 20, 1907." GROWS HAIR Cuticura Removes Dandruff and Soothes Itching Scalps. "Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap, and light dressings with Cuticura, pre vent dry, thin, and falling hair, remove crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroy hair parasites, soothe irritated, itching surfaces, stimulate the hair follicles, loosen the scalp skin, supply the roots with energy and nourishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all other treatment fails. Complete External and Internal Treatment tot Every Humor of Infants. Children, and Adults con sists of Cuticura Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin, Cuti cura Ointment (50c.) to Heal the Skin, and Cuti cura Resolvent (50c), (or in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills. 25c. per vial of 60) to Purity the Blood. Bold throughout the world. Potter .Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Frops., Boston, Mass. narMaUed Free. Cuticura Book on S&a Diseases. MR. J. H. CHADBURN HERE Echo of a Woman's Voice Oh my, we need one of those rv-c trie Fans that "AUTEX" sells. An-i if I had one of those Electric buns i could do my own ironing. 'I'm 1307 or 1308 and ask about it R. 6. Auten C 'Phone 1307 or 1308. NEVER LEAK ' Tornado Prominent Wilmington Citizen In spects Charlotte Schools. Mr. .7. H. Chadburn, of Wilmington, who is taking a leading- part in the light to secure a deeper channel for Wilmington, is in the city. Mr. Chadburn is also very much in terested in schools, and this morning he was taken over the Charlotte schools by Prof. Alexander Graham, Mr. Chadburn was much pleased. Contains no Tar or Aspliat. Is not affected by hot or cold weather, Acid and Alkali Proof, and is the best Roofins on the market for any kind of Roof. Send for Free Sample. B.F. WITHERS Distributor. CHARLOTTE. N. C. and Windstorm Insurance We sell it, in good companies, at reasonable rates. What occurred far ther South, when so many lives w. ie sacrificed, and so much property de stroyed, a few days ago, might ocour here. Act in time. C. N. 0 Butt &. CO (INCORPORATED.) INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. Stuck iri' tho Mud. One of the large Southern Express wagons filled to the brim, drawn by two large horses, stalled on one of Charlotte's most prominent streets, in the mud this morning just at the en trance to the Trust building. The wheels on one side were sunk to the hub. Chief W. S. Orr had two of the seconds of pulling the wagon was extricated. I ? m mmWimt r e;. b. respess Civil Engineer. Railroad Location, Land Surveying, Plans and Specifications for Sewerago and Municipal Work, Construction, Superintended. L Office: Carson Buildingfi, Charlotte. Phone 1348 and 1409. R. N. Hunter. S. L. Vaughan. Hunter & Vaughan ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Charlotte, N. C Phone 840- 312 East Fifth St b. 0. P, DIVIDED IN CALIFORNIA Columbia, S. C, April 28. About 125 delegates, the great majority of them negroes, assembled here today for the state convention of the Union Republican party of South Carolina. The convention is to name delegates-at-large and alternates to go to Chicago. : : . Chairman Edmund H. Deas of the state committee is -an anti-Adminis tration man and is supposed to favor a Foraker or Hughes delegation and is believed to be willing to go as far as suporting a resolution condemning President Roosevelt for. the Browns ville affair. The influence of Capt. John G. Capers, United States commissioner of internal revenue and republican national committeeman from South Carolina, is expected, hpwever, to prevail against any attempt on the part of the convention to condemn the president. There is also a considerable fac tion among the negroes who are op posed to Deas and in favor of in dorsing Secretary Taft. It is possible that a compromise will be reached by sending an unin- , structed delegation to the national convention. . -. Bingham's Lecture. Ralph Bingham, the humorist, will lecture at the Selwyn hotel on the evening of May 4th at 8:30 o'clock. A percentage of the proceds will be ap plied to the treasury of the Crittenton Home. This lecture was postponed from April 27th, the first date an nounced. f Before U Buy or Rent o FOR SALE 2 lots on N. Davidson St. 1 house and lot on N. Tryon St. j 1 house and lot on N. Graham. C-room cottage East Vance St., all modern improvements 9 a J. M McMichael ARCHITECT Rooms 505-E06 Trust Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. The noisy man has plenty of friends if he can only make a sound like real money. EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY English-McLarty Co., the reliable Druggists of Charlotte, are having calls for "HINDIPO," the new Kidney Cure and Nerve Tonic that they are selling under a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming the talk of the town and everybody wants to try it, and why not? It costs nohing if it don't do you good not one cent. They don't want your money if it does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it today. Mississippi Republicans. Jackson. Miss. Aloril 28. Renuhli- cans of Mississippi met in state con-! vention in this city today to name delegates to the national convention The administration followers have the upper hand, and will put through resolutions indorsing President Roose velt and Secretary, Taft in spite of the objection of, a. small but active minority that Is understood to favor Foraker. Seventeen Times More Labor Is required to climb up stairs than to walk equal ly as far on the level physicians say. Does your wife run up and down stairs to answer the tele phone? An extension set on the other floor saves her this labor. Costs but a trifle a day. " REASONABLE RATES CALL CONTRACT DEPT., NO. 9050 Satisfactory FOR RENT. Three 7-room houses .on S. ; Church St., all modern im-( provements. -. ( One 5-room cottage East Vance W street. I I t C. (VSclMELIS j 202 S. Tryon St-82 Phone 604. H?iri?:"i":"i"W"i'hM":"X"M' Hackney Bros. Company Is the place to get prompt service for anything in the line of Plumbing and Heating. We carry a full line of Supplies. 'Phone 312. f West Fifth Street. If you nare property to sell, Uet ft In thia office- If your have houses or storec ta rent, let me do your collecting and save trouble and worry. The place to Insure your properii Is In this agency, R. E. COCHRANE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATa AGENT. life Havi That Bicycle you are thinking of bn ing. We handle Ruggy and Carriage Tires. Repairing: & specialty. Relay M'Vg Co., 131 Sooth Tryon Street. WE SELL GARDEN Charlotte Hardware Go NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD

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