THE CHARLOTTE MEWS APRIL 28, 1 908. 6 mm m m mm mm mm Mi 1! Iff orting PLAYING FOR DIUIMD TITLE F" New York, April 2S Billiard admir ers on both sides of the Atlantic will follow with keen interest the interna tional amateur championship tourna ment, which will begin tonight in the concert hall of the Liederkranz Club. .The entrants include four of the most prominent amateur players of the United States and one representative I'rom France who is of equally high standing. The Frenchman is Lucien de Rollo, who for several years has held the amateur billiard championship of France. The American contestants will be Calvin Demarest and C F Conk Sin, of Chicago; J. F. Poggenburg. of New York, and Edward V. Gardner, of Tassiac, X. J. Each of these players lias in the past carried off fifirst honors in the national amateur tournaments. The tournament will mark a depar ture in amateur championship con tests in this country, in that the games -will be at is. 2 instead of 14.2 balkline. The balls also will be a trifle larger than the American standard. Both of these were agreed up as concessions to the French player. Trinity Tennis Team Defeats Thomasvilie Special to The News. Thomasvilie, X. C, April 28 Satur day afternoon Prof. Jerome and Mr. Jim Pepper, of Trinity, played a match game of lawn tennis with Mr. Jim Lambeth and Mr. Ed. Pepper, of Thomasvilie, the Trinity team beat, sets played as follows: Thomasvilie winning first set by 6 to 4 and Trinning winning the two other sets by 6 to 2.. and 6 to 3. The games were well played and much enjoyed. Tennis is a very popular game this season here, a number of good courts have been made and no doubt a tournament will be held here this spring, we have a number of good players and the games will be in teresting. April 28 In The Annals ot Sport 1S75- -At New "iork: Albert Gamier defeated Maurice Yagnaux. i 00 to 2."iS, i:i three-ball billiard match for $1,000. 1SS1 At London: Lord Falmouth's stud sold, realizing 4'Jl Busybody, $11,000; Harvester, $43,000. 1S31 At Sydney, X. S. W.: James Stansbury defeated John Mc Lean in scullers' race for cham pionship cf the world and ?2, 000, 3 miles 33! yards. 1S9S At Detroit: Joe Walcott and "Kid"' McPartland went eight! rounds to a draw. 1903 At San Francisco: Jimmy Britt won decision over Willie Fitz gerald in 20 rounds. 1905 At San Francisco: James Wha len of thy San Francisco ball club pitched 39 innings with out allowing the opposing team to score. Clinchfield The Coal of Qualiy. "Yes," said think our ho the proud father, "we will be President sonic nay. w nat makes vou think so "He's always either conspicuously de lighted or else obviously cross because things don't suit him." Washington Star. CASE AFTER CASE. Plenty More Like This in Charlotte. Scores of Charlotte people can tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Many a happy citizen makes a public state ment of his experience. Here i:s a case of it. What better proof of mer it can be had than such endorsement? Walter Marks, 5 South B. Street, Charlotte, X. C, says: "I willingly vouch for the efficiency of Doan's Pills and advise anyone afflicted with kid ney trouble to use them. Several months ago I was suddenly attacked by pain across 'the small of my back. At times they were in the form of sharp shooting twinges and then again they changed to a dull steady ache. When I sat in one position for any length of time, I became so lame and sore that I could hardly arise and I could hardly go about. Finally pro curing a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at It. II. Jordan & Go's drug store, I used them and was cured. I have had no return of the trouble since and can only give the credit of my present healthy condition to the curative pow ers of Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. war take CALOMEL? When ""Mozley ' Lemon Elixir, a purely vegetable compound, with a pleas ant taste, will relieve you of Biliousness, and all kindred diseases without griping1 or nausea, and leave no bad effects. 50c. and l;00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. LEtiWH ELiXi. "On Son Cwtoicm." I i m News Horse Show At Asheville Asheville, N, C, April 28. Horse lovers and society folk turned out in force today for the opening of the annual exhibition of the Asheville Horse Show Association. The show this year is to continue two days. The entry list is larger than ever before and the competition for the Yanderbilt cup and' other trophies to be exceedingly brisk. Connecticut League Opens Its Season New Haven, Conn., April 2S. The Connecticut League, one of the strong est of the minor baseball organiza tions in the country, begins its sea son today with Hartford playing at New Britain, Springfield at Ilol yoke, Meriden at Waterbury and Bridgeport in this city. The season will continue until September 12. Some Comments on Yesterdays Game Metb was right there with the goods on nrst, accepting rweive um ti sim- teen chances. Keep it up, old bo; Goheen, the boy with the emerald pants, who occupied the middle gar den for the visitors, robbed Bateman of a pretty single in the fourth and as sisted O'Xeal in a double play that put an end to the scoring in the eighth. He must wear those trousers for a bluff. Manager Gunter was right there with the stic':. He lammed out a beau tiful single to center the first time up, drove another through short field the second time up, and drew a baso on balls the next time. Lewis gathered him in on his last effort. But .6G7 is sure batting them some. Plott replaced Mickey Finn in the seventh and the visitors were unable to find him safely. Looks like Jess cer tainly has a tip-top herd of slab ar tists. Charlotte's infield played clean, fast ball, of the so:t the fans like to see. Metz's error was excusable, and other wise the Hornets had a clean col umn. Foley, besides leading the list with the stick (being the nulv Hornet to connect safely) robbed Prim cf two bates in the seventh: as there was a man on first when he nailed this drive, it probably saved the game. Phil Hinton received several rounds of applawse from the grandstand, and showed that he appreciated it by play ing a perfect game of ball under the guns. It is a cmch that this lad will place many victories in the Hornet's column this summer. Jess was not in the batting list yes terday, but he was "a-shepherdin' the rear" from the first base coaching line, encuragincr, directing, and keeping an eagle eye on the general run of events. Jess lias the head on him al right, all right! REPUBLICANS Parkersburg, W. Va., April 28 Re publicans of West. Virginia are to meet in state convention tomorrow to se lect, their delegates to the national convention. Whether the convention will '-end an instructed delegation is not definitely decided. The Taft peo ple are insisting that this be done, and their strength indicates that they may have their way. West Virginia, however, has instructed rarely, and the men who are opposed to the ad ministration and Taft will make every effort to block instructions. But wheth er they succeed or fail, it is regarded as extremely doubtful if any other can didate than Taft will have West Vir ginia support. The state committee has already endorsed the secretary of war for the oresidenrv and nmrtimllv all of the avowed candidates for the office of delegates-at-large have ex pressed their preference for Taft. HMughes. Fairbanks, Cannon and Knox, however, are not without their supporters among the republicans of West Virginia. Senator Knox has some strength in the section of the state known as the Panhandle, which abuts on Pennsylvania. The anti-corporation sentiment in West Virginia is de cidedly strong, and Governor Hughes, because of his work in the insurance investigation, has a good many admir ers here. The Fairbanks sentiment flourished for a brief while, but almost totally disappeared when Senator Scott, who was supposed to be a Fair banks man, openly stated that he be lieved Taft to be the favorite candi date among West Virginians. The Can non strength is more or less of an un known quantity. Several of the mem bers of the West Virginia delegation in congress are supposed to favor the speaker, who also has some admirers among the business element of the state. But West Virginia's proximity to Ohio and the fact that the great majority of the party leaders have de clared in favor of Taft are expected to carry the day for the secretary of war. Plan Ovation for Taft. New York, April 28. The new Taft organization in this city has arranged to turn out in great array at Carne gie Hall tonight, when Secretary Taft delivers an address under the auspi ces of the Civic Forum. The Secre tary is to speak on "The Influence of America on Popular Government of the World." The beaten path Is the safest Latin. IT One of the Erwenticifa of the happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world-wride acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of ' the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. NONETS 11 IN FIST GAME FROM ROCK HILL TEAM Charlotte and Rock Hill meet for the last of their series on the diamond this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and both teams are out for blood. If the visitors can carry off the game it will split the series even: if the Hornets win, it will give them the series by the decisive score of three to one. Wiley Piatt and Reynolds will pitch for the home team, while Sawyer will officiate for the vis itors. Reynolds has released Corrigan, Da vis and Harry Piatt to Chester, and the lads leave for their new home this afternoon. The line-ups for this evening have been announced as follows: Rock Hill: Blanton left field; Gun ter, first base; James, short-stop; Swink, catcher; Brown, third base; O'Xeal, second base; Goheen, center field; Vasbinder, right field, and Saw yer, pitcher. Charlotte: Newton, short-stop; Lew is, left field; Foley, right field; Metz, first base; Hinton, catcher; Sneddon, third base; Bateman, center field: Brennan, second base', and Reynolds and Piatt, pitchers. The Hornets stung that Rock Hill bunch to the tune cf three to one yes terday afternoon, in what was a typi cal pitchers' battle, Crouch officiating for the South Carolinians and Finn and PIctt for the home teamfl. The visitors managed to get three hits, Manager Gunter securing two cf these, while Foley's lovely drive to right in the eighth was the only thing of its kind that Reynolds' men could do. Bateman opened the second for Charlotte by planting a ball about ten feet from the plate, which Haman hurl ed clear into right field in his attempt to catch the runner at first, the sandy haired pitcher taking third on the play. Brennan, the next man up, w-as hit by a pitched ball and promptly stole sec ond. Bateman scored cn Hinton's fly to center, and Brennan chased home a moment later when James fumbled Finn's drive. Xewton went out to short, and Lewis ended the inning by fan ning. In Rock Hill's half of the fourth, Guntry and James singled in succes sion, the former scoring on Hainan's sacrifice. The Palmetto hopes soared high, but sank again when James was caught at the plate and Haman was forced at second. This score of their manager's was destined to be lone some. In the. eighth Lewis was safe on O'Neal's fumble, stole second and scor ed on Foley's drive toright. Nothing else in the scoring line was done by either side. Spectacular catches by Goheen and Foley were the fielding features of their respective sides. Umpire Grove gave general satisfaction in this his first appearance with the indicator on a Charlotte diamond. The score ROCK HILL AB R H PO A E Blanton, l.f 4 0 0 2 0 0 Gunter, lb 3 1 2 8 0 0 James, s.s 4 0 1 1 3 1 Haman, c 3 0 0 7 1 1 Swink, r.f 3 0 0 0 0 0 Brown, 3b 2 0 0 1 3 0 O'Neal, 2b 2 0 0 2 0 1 Vasbinder 1-0 0 0 0 0 Goheen, cf 2 0 0 3 1 0 xPrim 1 0 0 0 0 0 Crouch, p 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 28 1 3 27 8 3 xPrim batted for Goheen in the seventh. "Vasbinder batter for O'Neal in the ninth. CHARLOTTE AB R H PO A E Newton, s.s 3 0 0 1 4 0 Lewis, l.f 3 1 0 2 0 0 Foley, r.f 4 0 1 2 0 0 Metz. lb 4 0 0 11 1 1 Sneddon, 3b 3 0 01 0 0 Bateman, cf 3 1 0 1 0 0 Brennan, 2b 2 1 0 1 3 0 Hinton, c. . .- 3 0 0 8 0 0 Finn, p 2 0 0 0 2 0 Plott, p 1 0 0 J) 0 Totals 28 3 1 24 11 II Sffiro hv inninsrs: Rock Hill 000 100 0001 Charlotte 020 000 Olx 3 Summarv : Left on bases, Charlotte ?,; Rock Hill 4. Struck out, by Finn 6; by Plott 1; by Crouch. 7. Bases on balls, of Finn 2; off ' Plott 1; off Crouch 3. Passed ball. Haman. Sac rifice hits, Lewis; Haman. Stolen bases, Metz, Brennan, Finn, Newton, Swink. Hit bv pitched ball, Brennan. Double play, Goheen and O'Neal. Um pire, Grove. Time of game 1 hour 45 minutes. TO !ive in hearts we love is not to die. Campbell.'" . " F THE Hi league TEAMS-TD MEET A meting of the managers of the several teams and the directors of the Carolina Baseball League was held last night in the Selwyn. The meeting was called to order by President J. H. Wearn, and those present were: Messrs. L. J. Brandt, of Greensboro; S. P. Jones, of Spartanburg; E. D. Hines. of Anderson; W. M. Henderson, of Winston. After a lengthy discussion, it was de- j cided to make a new schedule, as the one adopted in Spartanburg some time i ago did not prove satisfactory to all the teams. The opening games, however, will remain as fifirst fixed, and the re arranged scheduled wil be announced in a few days. THE SUMMER FASHIONS Grace Margaret Gould, the dress ex pert, says in the Woman's Home Com panion for May: "There are two distinct types of dress this summer, both emphasizing the straight up-and-down effect. One is the tailored coat suit showing in many instances a cutaway coat, which gives the hipless effect, and a skirt comparatively narrow at the bottom that is, it is made without the sudden flare that the tailored skirt used to have. "The other type of dress is the cut-in-one gown, and great will, be its favor throughout the summer. In the form of the new princess juniper this J cut-in-one dress is a most practical gown to own. It can fasten in the front quite as easily as the back, and it is a model equally good for silk or linen. "This style dress is always cut out at the neck, and is generally sleeve less, to show the guimpe, or trimmed just sufficiently over the shoulders to give a modified large armholc effect. Or it may be made, as a number of the imported models are, so that it has much the effect of a polonaise cut out at the neck, but having a sleeve which is cut in cr o with the bodice. "New, of course, there are many variations of these two basic ideas in dress, but whatever the fashionable model this summer, it is sure to be simple in design, lacking entirely any exaggeration in form. "Perhaps this idea is better shown in the sleeve than anywhere else, which has diminished in a pronounced way in size within the past six months, and now in- most cases follows very closely the outline cf the arm." GERMAN WIRELESS RATES. Transmission of Messages From and to Ships at Sea. Consul Wilbur T. Graccy, of Tsing tau, transmits the following informa tion regarding wireless telegraph in stallations which have recently been placed on the ships, of. the , Hamburg-; Amerika line running between Shang hai, Tsingtau, and Tientsin in China: Sea telegrams are those which are exchanged between shins at sea and the stations situated on land. They must, when forwarded via wireless stations, be either in plain words, or in code terms contained in commer cial cable codes.. If intended for ships at sea., the address must con tain, in addition to its iAisual contents, the name or official number of the ship and its nationality. Rates from Tsingtau to ships at sea or vice versa, are 5 cents Mexi can (approximately 2 1-2 cents in gold) per word, with a minimum charge of ten words. For messages from ships at sea to other places or countries the rates of the German postoffice as published are applica ble. In addition to this word rate a fixed sumptuary sea rate of 40 cents per message will be added. Total charges on messages sent to ships are payable by the sender, of messages received from shins by recipient. Telegrams sent to ships at sea are, like all other telegrams, sent through the German post and telegraph office and messages from ships at sea are delivered to recipients in the same way. A wireless station is situated at Tsingtau, and instruments have been installed on the "Admiral von Tirpitz" and the "Staatsekretar Krae tke," both of the Hamburg-Amerika line. It takes an expert sometimes to dis tinguish between enthusiasm and gush. ManZan Pile Remedy, Price 50c is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold by S. L. Alexander. Jack "I'm afraid it will be hard work for you to induce Miss Roxleigh to marry you, old man." - Tom "Well, I know it will be hard work for me if I dont." Chicago Daily News. WHY BE BALD? When Parisian Sage is Guaranteed to Stop Falling Hatr or Money Back. A luxuriant head of hair is God's birthright to every man to every wo man. If you hair is falling out if it is turning gray if it is harsh and un controllable then it is diseased, and prompt action should be taken. Parisian Sage is a real Hair Re storer it will darken gray hair it will stop Dandruff in one week by promptly killing the germs that in fest the roots of the hair. Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing in the world ; it is pleasant, invigorating and refreshing. It makes the hair soft, beautiful and luxurious. Wherever Parisian Sage is known it is the Ladies favorite hair dressing. "We urge all women who desire beau tiful hair to try Parisian Sage. If after using one bottle you do not say it is the most delightful hair dress ing you ever used, you can have your money back. The price is only 50 cents a bottle, at R. H. Jordan & Co's or by mail, charges prepaid from Gi roux Manufacturing Co., Buffalo, N. IMS 0 TIB nflMC AMR 5CC $IRNl4u-44tt4 I iitu uunifc- niiu ull uiuii This sign is permanently attached to the front of the mam building of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. What Ioes This Sijrn Mean ? It means that public inspection of the Laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. Itmeans that there is nothing about the bus iness which is not "open and above board." It means that a permanent invita tion is extended to anyone to come and verify any and all statements made in the advertisements of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Is it a purely vegetable compound made from roots and herbs with out drugs ? Come and See. Do the women of America contimi- ally use as much of it as we are told ? Come and See. "Was there ever such a person as Lydia E. linkham, and is there any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick woman are asked to write ? Conic and See. Is the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and are the letters kept strictly conrklential ? Come and See. Have they really got letters from over one million, one hundred thousand women correspondents? Come and See. Have they proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands of these women? Come and See. p This advertisement is only for rlmiTifnTc- rn-r ormvnf ''nmen who know from their own personal ( experience that no medicine m the world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for female ills will still go cn using and being ben efited by it ; but the poor doubting, ' suffering woman must, for her own ; sake,be taught confidence,for she also j might just as well regain her health Mrs. Henpeck "I suppose if I were to die tomorrow, you'd marry some other woman immediately." Mr. Hen peck "Not right away. I'd take a little rest first." TJtica Observer. Chas. M. Stieff carries a record of 66 years of honorable, fair and sQuare deal ing. If you buy your piano from this time-honored firm, no mat ter how much or how little you wish to pay for a piano, you will always get full value for your money. CHAS. M. STIEFF Manufacturer of The Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self-Player Piano. SOUTHERN WAREROOMS 5 W. Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. Woman is interested and should know about tne wonderful iMARVELWhirlingSpray ine new vneinm pyrniice. Jjest .! OBI conven ient. It cleanses stantly. Ask your druggist for It. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, hnt send 8 tarn n for illustrated book sealed. It (rives full particulars and directions in valuable to ladies. MAKVELCO. 44 Eat 83d Street.NliW VORK. Coi Peas. Wood's i Seeds. We are headquarters for all Farm Seeds Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Millets. Sorghums, Ensilage Corn. Crimson Clover, etc. prices quoted on request. Write for prices and Wood's Crop Special. giving . interesting information about Farm beeas. Mailed free on request. T. 7. WOOD & sons, SEEDSMEN, . RICHMOND, VA. Reliable ' OF 4. orh WE CARRY THE FAMOUS F. & Best wearing Bracelets on the $0.00. Children's, $2.f0 to $3.!i0. or Roman finish. Mail orders will attention. a - - a a I ill C3 a a a it VViL jl g This way please, if you're ready for your Spring and Summer Outfitting. There are other ways, to be sure, but this way is the best way. It's the way to Gcod Clothes and satisfaction. Many have found the way and more and more are still finding it, lyut today we're looking for you. (We want you.) Should you notice our guide board, make haste to come while our Spring Stocks are so full of Spring newness and freshness. Clothes, Hats and Haberdashery for Men and Boys. We expect to win your trade by the excellence of our weara bles at the price not by the price alone to do this we must "show you," not tell you. For this reason we say, "This way, please." S3 IS &2 as ,.- : Yorke Bros. & Rogers '0 - .. . 3. i " "" " " i Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Nowhere in the South can you find a larger stock of Shirts than here. Nowhere a variety so great, with garments conforming to every correct style and individual taste. We have Stiff Shirts, Soft Shirts, Colored Shirts, White Shirts, Shirts with or without Collars and Cuffs and made of the finest Madras, Cotton Linen and Silk. Prices Range From If its Shirts you need see us The Tate Ed Mellon Co. j Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Shirts Jl Spring ! "f " r ti B. GOLD FILLED BRACELETS. market. Ladies sizes $3.50 to Plain polished, Rose, English receive our prompt and personal i, Bruns & Dixon t first. Signs of spring are on every hand. Not only does the calendar say it'-i time to get into spring garments, but the weather says so too. We've been patient. Now it's time to give us the satisfaction of providing satisfaction for you in the matter of Clothes. Straw Hats and Negligee Shirts are ready. Brown Co. $18.00 $35.00 1