THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 29, i9C8 W5IDI ft Wfll It's the Little Things that Count-Try One WAMtU WANTED Good Stenographer. Ad dross "Stenographer," care News 2S-U WANTED A number of young men 'boarders; fine location; in four blocks f square; hot and cold water; good fare; room and board or table board alone. Address II. A., care News, or 'phono 142S. 29-lt WANTED Board and room. State terms and location. X. Y. Z., care 'ews. 27-3t WANTED A lady stengrapher; al so to assist in keeping books. "Star," LVie News. 2S-3t CIGAR SALESMAN wanted. Expe rience unnecessary. $100 per month and expenses. Feerless Cigar Co., To ledo, Ohio. 25-5t VANTED Your orders for electric fans and to bid on your construction work. Ideal Electric Co. 17-tf WANTED Your machinery repairs. Prompt service, first class work and material guaranteed. W. G. Jarrell 31 ch. Co. FOR SALt OK RtNl 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent. No. 9 i-vuth Brevard. Price $1S.00 per jiionth. J. K. Wolfe. 28-3t GOOD six-room cottage for rent, r.rod location. $10.00 month. Selwyn Harbor Shop. 29-lt FOR SALE Five-room cottage and si ore room, on lot 50x200 feet. Two blocks from old Graded School. Price to miiek buyer $1273.00. C. H. Robin son. 2S-3t-eod WELL-FURNISHED rooms to let to gout lemon. 11 W. Vance. 28-lt FOR SALE OR RENT Eight room modern dwelling, corner 5th and Mc Dowell. C. M. Carson. 27-3t FOR RENT New house just com pleted, 610 No. Graham St. Gas and electric lights, gas range and gas wa ter heater, 7 rooms. 'Phone 69. J. W. Sheppard. 2 i-tf A FEW OFFICES to rent in new, Lar Building. See L. W. Humphrey, secretary. 17-tf FREE 10c Paeka Powder and 25c Poultry Book. Bring ad, io R S- Davis' Charlotte. 4-28-36t AWNINGS and Tents Camp Stools, Folding Cots. Everything in canvas, fcee Li. c. Herndon. nvpr niii' n- store. 2S-6t WHITE VESTS are comfortable when we starch them just enough to be not too stiff. 'Phone 800. Will send at once. Sanitary Laundry. AT THE DIXIE tomorrow "En chanted Guitar." It is something that will please all. 29-lt NOW is the time to clean old Elec tric Fans and buy new ones. See Harkey & Page, 243 West Trade. Phone 921. s RTICULAR people always 'phone 800 because they know our collars are the best. Sanitary Laundry. FASHIONABLE Dressmakin N. Graham St., on car line. T1 C 31 i'J 22-6t SCREEN DOORS and Windows We will go to your house, take accu rate measurements and make and place screens for your door and win dows that will fit. We make them in our own shops and guarantee fit and quality. Carolina Manufacturing Co. 'Phone 31. 20-tt FOR SALE First-class repair work ?.t reasonable prices. W. G. Jarrell Meh Co. FOR SALE CHEAP Good, second hand Remington typewriter. Can be scon at Xews office. 2-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR TIRED FEET nothing like "Kasem." -2Zc at Atkinson's. 'Phone "K" On the Corner. 29-4t 'PHONE 393 for Kingan's Hams, 1:;. Chickens and groceries. 317 E Trade St. J. A. Morse & Co. 29-3t LITTLE DOUBT of not getting it repaired at 309 W. Trade. WORLD'S CHAMPION Wrestling match. Hackenschmidt vs. Rogers at the Dixie today. 29-lt PANAMA HATS cleaned and shaped into the latest style. M. Kirshbaum, the Hatter. Established 1898. Char lotte, N. C. 22-tf AT THE DIXIE World's champion wrestling match, Hackenschmidt vs. Rogers. 29-lt ELECTRICAL If you know an elec trical contractor or dealer we will pay you $2.00 to secure his subscription for the Electrical Record. Our present solicitors are making from five dol lars a day up. Electrical Record, 123 Liberty St., New York. 27-3t Johnson lours UtoinQ Tif a i iviaiiio Detroit, Mich., April 29. William J. Bryan recently made a short tour through Michigan to look over the political situation and renew ac quaintances. This week the Wolver ine State is making its first ac quaintance with another candidate for the democratic presidential nomina tion, Governor Johnson, of Minnesota. The Michigan governor reached De troit today from the northern part of the state and tonight he is to de liver an address before a high school alumni association here. From De troit ho goes to Ann Arbor and before he leaves the state he will have had an opportunity to become acquainted with the most of the Democratic leaders of Michigan. Politics And Politicians Woman Ma! tes Oath emeni In connection with the intense in terest manifested by the public at large in the theory of L. T. Cooper as to the human stomach being the source of nearly all ill health, the statements of Mr. W. D. Spauding, of? 7 medicine of which I have taken the contents of three bottles, and can to day eat anything without inconven ience to myself. For a number of years I had suffered intensely with . severe headaches, sour stomach, indi- Hallowell, Me., one of the odest and' srestion. Dains in mv sirio anri-o.nm- best-known druggists in that state,! plications which made it exceedingly STOCKS Or. John R. Irwin sor Office: 21 South Trvon St. Woodall & Sheppard's 'Phone:' Office 69. Rsedicenca 125. A..MllBOn Atchison PId I...' Baltimore fe Ohio.. tV;4 Canadian Pacific lott Chesape.iic & Obio Xt Cbicasto & Alton Chicago 4 Great Western 4 1 Erie.. 18'4 I ' - fVteiSHrt::":::::::.:::.::::::::::::::. iaBsmatsmsBamaasaaama LiiuioiR uemrai .. -s--'4 The Socialist Party will meet in New York city on July 4 to nominate a state ticket. a Dr. J. M. Bradley, state auditor general of Michigan, has announced his candidacy for the republican nom ination for governor of that state. It is expected the chief offices of the Taft campaign bureau will soon be moved to Chicago from Columbus, where they have been located for a year or more. Harry St. George Tucker, who was president of the Jamestown Exposi tion, has formally launched his cam paign for the governorship of Vir ginia. The German-American Central Alii ance of Iowa has decided to inaugu rate a tate campaign for the elec tion of none but liberal delegates to the conventions of the two great political parties of that state. s Governor John A. Johnson, of Min nesota, will be chief guest of honor at thc annual banquet of the Iro quois Club of Chicaga next week, when he is expected to deliver an address of national political import and of Mrs. Frederick Ilarvev, a well known nurse living in the same place, i will be interesting to thousands of persons who are today suffering from ailments directly traceable to the stomach. The fact that these state ments are made voluntarily, under oath, removes all element of doubt. The statements follow: "Hollowell, Maine, July 20, 1907. "To the Cooper Medicine Co., "Dayton, Ohio. "Gentlemen The policy of Spauld ing's drug store is to gain the per fect confidence of the public by never recommending any medicine or treat ment until its virtues have been fully established. The Cooper Remedies were to us an unknown quality, we were very sweniicai or taeir medici nal value, and it was not until several of our customers had received such beneficial results from their use that we could no longer doubt their value that we consented to. take the agency for the Cooper Remedies in this terri tory, heartily endorsing the same. "Herewith we give the testimonial of a lady whose case came under our personal observation from her being a regular customer, and she says: " 'Gentlemen of the Cooper, Medicine Co., Dayton. Ohio: It is with pleasure I recommend your New Discovery hard for me to accomplish even my household work. Physicians had giv en me dozens of prescriptions, which failed to accomplish a cure or even re lief. Your New Discovery medicine advertisement attracted my attention, and I purchased a bottle of the medi cine, which I took according to direc tions and before it was half gone, I felt very much better; when I had taken the contents of two bottles I gainer courage to eat many things which for years I had denied myself, and found they caused me no ill effects. Today, after having used three bottles of the New Discovery, I can eat anything and and feel that I am a well woman once more, and therefore would advise any- i one to take Cooler's New Discovery, for I teel sure it will cure them.' Mrs. Frederick Harvey, Halloweil, Me. "We endorse the above testimonial under oath, as being correct. "W. D. S PAULDING. "Testimony before me under oath this 22nd day of July, 1907. "GEO. A. SAFFORD, (Seal.) "Notary Public." The Cooper remedies have proven eminently satisfactory wherever in troduced. We will be pleased to ex plain their nature to anyone wishing to know about them. We are agents. R. H. Jordan & Co. LouiKvillo & K asliville 101 Manhattan ! Mexican Central Mihsouri Paclrio . Missouri Karcag T -S'A ' Sew York Central 101 Norfolk A Western -. (! i Ontario Western &Vi ' PeuusylvanU 107, i iieadina luii;4 Hearting Pfd ! 81. Paul 123 j Southern Pacific 7h', ; Southern Railway l5'.-i ! Southern Railway Perferred 40.2 Texas te Pacific ! Union Pacinc 1jH Wabash Wabash P'fd 1!) rvmaleainattfi (louper 60 Brooklin Rapid Transit 47 Colorado Fuei Iron 21 i;ou was : Peoples ias 'd Sugar ....lil5 ! 81oss Iron & Btcel , Tenessoe Coal Iron Unitod States Leather United Ktate Steal 3(i!4 Jnited States yteel Prierred. . . .- lUi'A ' Western Union For the HIP, VEST, OR COAT POCKET the J-P Virginia Carolina Chemical vi. Cnrolim Chemica Pfd.... Northern Pacific Smelters Anaconda Copper 2tfV .i:k4 To-day 's Markets J. S. Bache & Co's Cotton Letter. New Comparative Port Receipts. To- Year day Year. Galveston "ENCHANTED GUITAR" will be presented at the Dixie tomorrow. CAN SELL hotels and restaurants wood by car delivered cheap. 'Phone 2W0. 28-6t MRS. GRIER asks the ladies to read tlie letter from China, and the N. Y. Druggist's note about "The Real Hair Restorer, in circulars mailed today. -vi t AT THE DIXIE World's champion wrestling match, Hackenschmidt vs. Rogers. 29-lt KING QF PORTUGAL TAKES UTH TODAY Lisbon, April 29. Extraordinary precautions were taken today to pre vent any public disorder or attempted violence on the occasion of the as sembling, of,; the new parliament. .- Troops were massed in the princi pal squares and a cordon of military stretched from the royal palace to the parliament buildings. King Manuel, who appeared person ally before parliament to take the oath to observe the constitution of Portugal, was escorted by a large body of mounted troops to prevent any attempted repetition of the trag edy which raised the young king to the throne. influence of a better Liverpool cable our market opened 8 to 12 points rvmnrati,, stato r-ommittee of higher and upon some active local t,Bfl flvpj .mon nnrl short covering gained another 10 June1 10 as the place and time for Pmts and has held the rally very holding the state convention, at which Montana s delegates - 10 me ueuvw New Orleans 3478 nrKti. Charleston Wilmington convention will be selected Governor James O. Davidson, of Wisconsin, who has been regarded for some time as a possible candi date to succeed Senator Stephenson, is said to have changed his plans. According to his friends he has abandoned his senatorial aspirations Liverpool closed well up and much of the more favorable local sentiment was a reflection from that market. Temneratures were around the freezing point in Northwest Texas which helped values as did a report that China and Japan were enter ing the market foe goods. The south who lias been selling m this market lately were buyers to- Norfolk 623 Boston 23 New York 5265 1937 436 3240 5 107 1066 54 309 Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by R. II. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 20 25 Turkeys per lb 13 14 Hens per head 40 (LM5 Ducks 25 Butter 12A(aU5 Eggs 11 15 IRISH LINEN LAWNS. LOOSE LEAF MEMO. BOOK is the Cleverest, Neatest, Sim plest and Most Practical. It is Light, Strong, Durable and easy to open. You couldn't put it out of order if you tried. We have these books in all sizes. Found & Moore Go. Commercial Stationers and Office Outfitters. 229 So. Tryon St. 'Phone No. 40. Total 9774 12479 Chicago Grain and Produce. FOR PROFITABLE Investment, pay ing 15 per cent, address "C," care .ew-s, for personal interview. 27-tf "ENCHANTED GUITAR" will be presented at the Dixie tomorrow. 29-lt 'PHONE 1060 for dry stove wood. Dilworth Wood Co. 28-6t Maj. Gen. Hall Retires. Washington, D. C, April 29. Maj. Gen. Charles B. Hall, in charge of the general staff college at Leavensworth, Kas., was retired today for age. Brig. Gen. Frederick Funston, who calls Kansas his home, has been men tioned as the probable seccessor of Gen. Hall as commandant of the Leavenworth school. For the the present, however, the vacancy will not be permanently filled. The army loses a veteran officer through the retirement of Gen. Hall. A native of Maine, he served through the civil war as a lieutenant in the 25th and 30th Maine Infantry regi ments. In late years he has seen service in many parts of the United States, in Cuoa and the Philippines. r4ll Vrt TirMTiin o firm for thf I dclV governors to I buccS Thyself". There Is nothing in the general sit- Governor Glenn is being warmly terday when cottoiv sold at the low- commended in North Carolina for his est ol tlie season out me oec o volnntarv withdrawal from the United oeen severe aim ii , yMU.c .... . , 1 imiimrH rol Pti rn m i r ro Sll I I States senatorial race for tne sase oi uywaiu " . Vix harmony. The governor intends to turtner. i ..f oil Vita . anormea rlnrill? thel werK toaket orth Heyward & Clark's Cotton Letter, Carolina a "dry" state at the prohibi New Orleans, La., April 29. Liver- tion election next month. - pool stopped once more to see whether conditions claimed a reaction. Games A boom has been launcnea ior report traae ana MCtfaaaen uuym Fred E. White, former congressman Market s0ld out. futures tnere were from the Sixth Iowa district, tor tne about 5 better than oue. bpot sates fiPTiinrmtic nomination for governor are larger 8,000. Prices uncnangea of the Hawkeye State. Mr. White This and bad weather in the north- was twice a candidate of his party western quarter ot tne belt maucea fnr thP c-overnorshin. and both times I short covering and caused a higher op- was defeated by Leslie M. Shaw. He ening here. Progessionals sold on the was elected to congress in 1890. rise on the idea that there is no bull support to back the advance. However Georee Johnstone, of Newberry, is there was enough scatered buying to tho latest candidate to enter the race coevr and sustain the market. The for United States senator from South weather may shows freezing in the Pan Carolina to succeed F. B. Gary, wno Handle; 34 at Oklanoma, ana excessive i filling the nnexnired term of tne I rains in north Texas, Uklanoma ana late Senator Latimer. Other candi- western Arkansas. Indications point datec for the office are ex-Governor to frost over night m rsiortn iexab, D. C. Heyward, ex-Governor John Oklahoma and Arkansas, showers in flarv Evans and O. B. Martin. the southern and eastern oeit. High. Low. Close. WHEAT May 98 97' 97 Julv 88 87 88 Sept 84 83 84 CORN May 67 65 67 July 63 62 63. Sept 62 61 62 OATS May .. 53 52 53 July 45 45 45 Sept .. 37 3G 37 PORK Mav 13.17 13.00 13.15 July .... .... .. 13.52 13.32 13.50 Sept 13.82 13.67 13.S2 j LARD Mav 8.40 8.12 8.40 July 8.60 8.32 8.G0 RIBS May .. 7.02 6.85 7.02 Julv 7.30 7.12 7.30 Manufacturers Aoree Upon a Minimum List of Prices. Consul Samuel S. Knabenshue writes from Belfast under date of April 2 that an agreement has just been reach ed among the linen spinning firms of Ireland, whereby they pledge them selves not to sell below these minimum prices : Ordinary lino wefts, 5s. ($1.22) per bundle; ordinary tow wefts, 6s. ($1.46) per bundle. This agreement is to re main in force until December 31 next. It has been signed by firms represent ing 800,000 spindles, out of a total of about 910,000 in Ireland, while several firms which declined to bind them selves by signature are understood to he in entire harmony with the agree ment, and will act accordingly. The top prices for yarns, before the decline set in last fall, were 7s. Gd. ($1.76) per bundle for the line wefts, and 8s. ($1.95) for tow wefts. It is stated that this agreement was entered into primarily to protect deal ers, who have heavy stocks of yarns on hand, or contracted for at consid erably higher figures than the mini mum prices now fixed. As it is, they will lose heavily on stocks already pur chased, and it is hopel this arrange ment will prevent still heavier losses. It is deemed inevitable that there must be a considerable fall in prices, and this agreement is simply to substitute a gradual decline for a threatened sud den slump. The Call OF THE South FIRST Read the wonderful book by that title. SECOND Tell your friends to read it. THIRD SUPPLY (in less than a week) re ceived yesterday. Get it now. Price $1.50. Stone &6amnger Go. Booksellers and Stationers. Seventh Annual Meeting cf Georgia Library Association HAVE the Carolina Renovating Co. do your house cleaning with their Va cuum Cleaning Machine. Rug3, Drug gets, etc., called for. cleaned and de livered promptlv. 'Phone Montieth 2222. 28-4t ' DR. F. O. HAWLEY Office, Room No.5 City Hall; residence 9 N. Long St. Calls answered in city and surround ing country. Office 'Phone 737.; resi dence 'Phone 743. 24-tf AT THF. DIXIE tomorrow "En chanted Guitar." It is something that will nlease all. 29-lt MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 25-6t ROOMS and board for men, close in. 9 North Caldwell. 'Phone 1961. 28-2t f "ENCHANTED GUITAR" will be on fit the Dixie tomorrow. It is a fine production. 29-lt QUEEN CITY Laundry, 243 West Trade. Shirts 10c; collars 2c; Cuffs 4c 3-31-tf WORLD'S CHAMPION Wrestling match. Hackenschmidt vs. Rogers at the Dixie today. 29-lt ENCHANTED GUITAR" will be presented at the Dixie tomorrow. 29-lt ALL BUCHERS of the city will close from 1 to 4 o'clock for the sum mer, Saturday excepted. 29-6t ENCHANTED GUITAR" will be on at the Dixie tomorrow. . It is a fine production. , 29-lt KEEPING fePEN HOUSE Everybody is welcome when we feel good ; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working prop erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel in sr eood when he uses these pills. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. NORTH CAROLINA WILL HAVE A COMPULSORY SCHOOL LAW. SOME OTHER STATES ALREADY HAVE. Atlanta, Ga., April 29. The seventh annual meeting of the Georgia Li brary Association was called to order in the Carnegie Library in this city today by the president, Mrs. Eugene B. Heard. The chief features of the day's pro gram wefe addresses on library work and development by Henry E. Legler, secretary of the Wisconsin Library Commission, and Miss Mary W. Plummer, director of the library training school of Pratt Institute. The convention will hold ' its con cluding session tomorrow morning. The attendance includes represen tatives of the leading city and col lege libraries throughout Georgia. At The Dixie. The world championship wrestlin; match between Hackenschmidt and Ro gers may be seen at the Dixie today for the last time. The film isunusu ally good and is receiving a liberal patronage from the sports. "The En chanted Guitar," a film of very fine photographic qualities will be put on at the Dixie tomorrow. It will be run two days. National Meeting of Phi Delta Phi Fraternity The cold weather wil hardly extend far James Hamilton Lewis, who enough south to cause much actual his candidacy for the damage, but the deloy caused by rains democratic nomination for governor of I in the northern half of the belt is of niinnis has had a varied career, importance. Also tne sweeping ue- Born in Virginia and educated at the I cline and bear control in the market University of Virginia, he began tne checked, lor whatever reason, woum nrartire of law in Georgia. In 1886 be a substantial advantage to the bull he located at Seattle, Wash., and in j cause. What probably disturbed pro- 1892 was the democratic canaiaate tessional shorts most toaay was me for c-nvernor of that state. In 1897-99 news of the leading spot house in this hp was a member of congress from country buying. We have arrived at a Washington and twice he was tne basis acceptable to tne consuming nnmh,oo fnr United States senator. trade. New crops around 8 cents at . - . , . . ... rtrt ml Iowa City, la., April z me na tional meeting of the Phi Delta Phi fraternity began today at the State University of Iowa and will continue over tomorrow. The Phi Delta Phi is the oldest the United States and has chapters in the United States and has chapetrs in years he was connected with the Des Very little good cotton on the mar- every law school of any note in the Moines Daily News as reporter, eai- Ket. tor and proprietor. Mr. Hamilton is ree-arded as an authority on the race problem, of which subject ne udb made an exhaustive study. May Rnnriav School Convention. July John this time of the year snouia satisiy J. Hamilton, wno nas an- anticipation, tor n bears anticipate tuu nounced his candidacy for the repub- much they will also have to reckon lican nomination for governor of Iowa in case of disapointment. After an i0 rmQ nf tho best, known citizens of advance of 17 points over last night's that state. He was born in Pennsyl- close, buying became better and the vania hut as a boy he removed witn market eased oil. bpots are steaay hia nnronts to Iowa. For twenty-one and some buying of lower grades New York Cotton High, v Low.: Close. April 29. 8.33 8.43 8.19 8.27. 8.25 8.25 8.28 8.2733 8.35 36 8.3839 8.32 33 8.36 37 FOR WHAT? To give the coming generation Educa tion and Knowledge. OF WHAT? Of how the past generation was far behind the times and never had your chance of knowing. WIIAT', that the next generation will be su perior to the present. BECAUSE They will know this is not the proper way to say their & Z Y X W V U T S R R Q PONML K JIHG F E D C B A. And have knowledge enough when feeling unwell to spell MRSI JOE PERSON'S REMEDY and sense enough to know it is saving LIVES, MONEY and WORRY; CHIL DREN spell it for your parents MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY. For sale by all druggists. I a o on Seattle, Wash., April 29. Seattle aub is entertaining during the remainder ct .... ...... it.:- i. V, onnnal nnn vnn- Dec o.lo tion of the Western Washington Sun- Spots quiet, V).0). .. - , day School Association. A record- today "Working for Practical Re- steady; receipts 2.000 American 1,- milts" is the general tneme oi tne o,wv, Marion Twrence. inter- port 500; middling 5.16, middling yes national secretary, and other noted Sunday school workers are to be in cludeu among the speakers. Tenth Avenue to Hear Dr. Kirk. The prayer meeting service" at the Tenth Avenue church this evening will be omitted in order that the congre gation may hear Dr. Kirk at the Sec ond Presbyterian church. Mr. Shaw holdsDr. Kirk in high esteem and ex presses the earnest hope that the Doc tor will see his way clear to accept the call to the Second Presbyterian church. These pastors were once mem bers of the same synod. You'll not find beauty in a rouge-pot or complexion whitewash. True beau ty comes to them who take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Gives that love lv color that's made beauties famous. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jor- j NewOrleans dan & Co. Houston . . terday 5.17.: 2 p. m. sales 7,200.'; Jan-Feb ' : 5.53 Apr . . 4.80 Apr-May 4.72 May-June .. .. .. .-. .. .. 4.72 June-July . ...... '. " 4.71 July-Aug 4.70 Aug-Sept . . 4.65 SepkOct 4.60 Oct-Nov 4.56 Nov-Dec Dec-Jan . ; 4.54 4.53 Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling ............ 10 Strict middling 9 Middling .... . 3 Tinges and stains 6 tc 8c Estimates. To morrow. . . 35005500 . .. ..10001500 Last Year 3514 968 roimtrv The attendance at the present con vention is unusually large as it is the first time that the national meeting has ever been held in the West. The girl who marries against her father's wishes can't very well expect the old roan to defray the expenses of the divorce. DEES 8, THOMAS Successor to VOOTEN & CO. House Building and Repairing Build-dc-rs of Lawn Swings and Seats. 33 W. 4th. 'Phone 437. Increase Your Income by buying good dividend paying stocks, for cash on our easy monthly payment plan, at present low levels to net yoif from 5 to 14 per annum Dividends belong to purchaser from first payment. Send for particulars. James McCrea & Bro. 52 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. We make a specialty of filling pre scriptions, repairing and adjusting frames. TORIS LENSES recommended, once tried always used. Ask for one of our eye glass cleaners. 33 N. Tryon St. Accidents rule men, not men acci dents. Herodotus. THE PRINCESS in the VASE. At the Roval. We Will Buy 5 Ozark Cotton Mill stock, 5 Modena Cotton Mill stock. 5 Clara Cotton Mill stock. 18 Imperial Mill stock. 20 American Trust Co. 10 Henrietta Mill stock. 10 Commercial Bank stock. We Will Sell 5 Little-Long Co., 118.50 10 Fuller Gin Co.. S1.00 40 German American. Pref'd. 98.00 50 Pacolet Pref'd. 100.00 100 Highland Park, Pref'd. 100.00 15 Gaston Mfg. Co., stock, 101.00 If you want to buy or sell securi ties list your wants with us. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST COMPANY. 15 So. College St., Charlotte, N. C. $10.00 Deposit, Balance Monthly. THE GAS" CO TO INVESTIGATE i r i r ivfinn a S J ! L U 1 1 " L. fc? J I 1 1 U V y nLrfii'jLnaiuna A See Our "STONE-WHITE" "The Chest With the Chill In It." COLDEST AND CLEANEST. J.N.McCausland&Go ""ove Dealers Roofing Contractors. 221 S. Tryon. SALE 35 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LOTS On West Avenue, Fifth and Sixth Sts. H. M. IRWIN No. 908 W. 5th St Phone 1483