10 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 6, 1909. THE I 4 WEATHER 4 Fortcast for Charlotte and vicinity: K.nr st ml colder day. tonight and Stm- FANCY MAINE CORN The best canned corn in the mar ket. 2 cans for 25c. nrTr?Mriiffrirci7irrffl S. R. LENTZ State Forecasts. Washington. D. C. Feb. 6. For North Carolina and South Carolina: Fair, colder to-night. Sunday fair. Moderate west winds becoming variable. Weather Conditions. The storm central over Lake Michi gan Friday morning has moved slow ly eastward over the lower Lake re gion. It has caused rain over the Mississippi valley and eastward and high winds in many localities. It has caused wanner weather over the At lantic coast states, but has been follow ed over the Central Valleys and the Lake legion by lower temperatures. Another center ot low pressure np- third is moving in over the north Paci fic coast. Rain has fallen over the Pacific states. Generally fair weather has prevailed over the plateau and Rocky Mountain and Slope regions, un der the influence of and area of high pressure central this morning over Wyoming. Indications are for fair, cohlt'r weather in the vicinity of Char loir.1 lo-ninht and Sunday. V. J. BENNETT, Observer. RECEPTION BY PHALANX LODGE Last Most Enjoyable Affair Given Night in Masonic Hall. The reception given last night in the Masonic Hall by Phalanx Lodge No. 31, A. F. and A. M. was one of those informal affairs that always prove so entertaining and enjoyable. Delicious refreshments were served, and ;i program of music delightfully rendered by Miss Cathrine Walter. Miss Rose Chappelear. and Miss Cyn thie Sessions, of Elizabeth college, Mr. 11. J. Zehm, Mr. R. L. Kesler and little Miss Alice Fielding. In the receiving line were Mr. W. S. Liddell and Rev. Harris Malinckrodt, Mrs. 7. S. Franklin assisted by several other ladies. FEED A large stock or Peavine Hay, Shucks, Straw, Meadow Grass, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal and Ship Stuff all at very low prices. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 42 N. College St. 'Phon 510. iiSCELLAN EOUS Taks BY THE YOU WANT IT GOOD A steak or roast must be tender, juicy and sweet or you feel that your money as well as your temper are lost. Our steaks, roasts, chops, hams . j ii T I and sausages are tne oest money wiu buy. They will please you. Try our j pure open-kettle rendered lard. S. B. HALL. 215 East Trade St. Phon 111 !; SEASONABLE GAME Quail, Snipe, Woodcock, Wild Duck, years over Western Nebraska, and af Turkey, and choice Oysters, served in the most tempting style. Best 50c Dinner In the Soutfe. THE GEM RESTAURANT THE LONGEST frnd Broadest, and the Fairest and Squarest guarantee Is behind the L. C. Smith Typewriter.. The makers know that It is made right, know-that it is made ot the best ma terial obtainable and stand behind It to tout entire latisf action, J. K. CRAYTON CO GOING TO BUILD? Let me figure on your roofing. 1 will give you the best of work and ma terials and perhaps save you money. I paint and repair slate or metal roofB. C. F. SHU WAN j ZOO N. College. 'Phone 611 , WOOD WOODI TERRA COTTA P1PEI Wood. Both Pine and Oik Wood, Dry and Good. 'Phone SfO. srrra Cctta Pipe ill si??, c. v. FiJaa. Thrilling War Picture. "Thriling Days in Old Vorginia," is the best war picture ever shown in Charlotte. A good idea of the real battle is gained from seeing this picture. The scenes are us real as could be, the horses fall over dead as if they were actually shot. The final picture shows Clen. Ie surrendering. This is the Plan Deposit all of your income in our Savings Department Draw out from time time what you need for expenses THE BALANCE IS SAVED they smirzi THEIR HOMEY, j BANK ft LET US BEE 0 M WISE AND f 'ml SAVE OUR lZW money. d;i lvani uau riumugc OlUie i s0ppfy Fine Tenement Location All combined in this offer. Fronts on Brevard Mipm i railroad .131 feet. Can be cut into about 20 lots. pr Jper month, with room for 14 to IS additional teDant bnlidhi ty is close in and can be purchased for $C,.2T,(i.uu hy f4-,.i Call at office for further information. The biggest shoe manufacturer of Boston was a shoemaker at the bench in Golden Colorado less than forty years ago.. He SAVED the little 25 cent pieces he got for patching shoes and put them in the bank. He has spent millions of dollars just for advertising and is worth millions today. In our Savings Department we will pay you 4 per cent, interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest every three months. We also issue Certificates of Deposit bearing 4 per cent, interest. to TRY IT ! A. & M. College Smoker. The A. & M. College men of Char lotte and surrounding towns will hold a smoker tonight in the engineering hall ol the Piedmont building. The meeting is not confined to graduates and all who have ever attended the rolleue are invited. It is estimated that about ."0 men will be present. A Stirring War Picture. The Confederate Scout which is be ing shown at the Edisonia moving pic ture show today is said to be, by all who have seen it, the finest war pic ture ever shown in Charlotte. Besides an intensely interesting subject, the photographic qualities are unusually line. It goes off tonight. Veteran's Choir at Belmont. The Confederate Veteran's choir has accepted an invitation to sing at the morning service in the Bel mont Presbyterian church on North Pegram street tomorrow. The entire song service will be con-' ducted by the Veterans and those who attend may expect to have their hearts warmed by the sweet strains ff the "Old-time" hymns. STORES 205 N. Tryon St : $00.00 Auditorium 25.00 902 X. Graham St., suitable for beef market . .' 10.00 904 X. Graham St 25.00 Four offices in Hunt Bldg, each 10.00 HOUSES West Sth St., 3-room cottage, per month 7.00 203 E. Morehead St 25.00 7 rooms, modern conveniences. 304 E. Liberty St., C rooms 20.00 7 room house Craighead Park. . 20.00 1414 E. nth St., 5-rocm cottage 10.00 4-room cottage. Villa Heights, per week 1.50 203 N. Tryon St. Trust Building REAl. hSIATb FARM FOR RENT. 40-acre farm, 6 room house, barn and other outbuildings. Good water. Splendid community. $150.00 per year. 52 miles out. W. G. SHOEMAKER 227 N. Tryon St. Phone 306 or 444. R. A. Dunn. President. Wm. E. Holt, Vice President. OFFICERS: A. G. Brenizer, Cashier." A. T. Summey, Assistant Cashier. Say "Scottish" to your agent when you ask for a Fire Insurance Policy and he will do the rest Scottish Ft re Policies Protect siate,Loan4I a no i 1 ID 'M ere bants ational & Farmers " V s, Bank 1 if 32 hi 35 East Trade Street Capital $200,00000 Surplus and Profits $135,000.00 Accounts Invited m m GEO. E. WILSON, President 8 rJNO. B. ROSS, Vice President m W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier S m Q 14 Wot Sl j J. F. FLOWERS, V-Pres and Mgr. 'Phone 535. Westminster Presbyterian Church. K' v. F. I). Jones, pastor. Commun ion service at 11 a. m. and preaching at 7:30 r. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Public cordially invited. Mr. O. J. hies is preparing to build a handsome brick dwelling on Eliza beth avenue, near the corner of Fox Mn-et. The houe will contain nine tooms, all modern conveniences and will cost approximately $tj,000. FOR SUE No. 211 Elizabeth Avenue, new 7-room, metal roof, modern home, with modern plumbing and lighting. Nice mantles and tile, cement walks, etc. Price right. $500 cash first pay ment. The People's Loan & Realty Company Room 309 Realty Building. Phone 313. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS IN Real Estate A Tryon St. corner lot, $1,000. A Tryon St. 80-foot corner,. $1,200. A Boulevard residence bargain. A six-room residence, $2,S50. A new, modern corner home, $4,850. Four more Crescent avenue lots at Colonial, 60x200 each, at first sale prices. No finer lots in Greater Charlotte. Two beautiful lots at Hill Crest, un usually large in size, 70x345; located on the shady side of the street and on a high terrace, and one block from Elizabeth car line. A few more choice 66-foot lots on Cen tral avenue at Piedmont. FOR RENT Three modern homes, 6-rooms, bath electric light, $16.00, $18.00 and ! $20.00. ! One handsome new residence, will be completed in a few days $30.00. can handle your business after a. fashion, -when times are good and money easy. When times are hard and money tight you feel the need of a bus iness connection with a BIG, STRONG and RELIABLE BANK We invite you to try the e CharSotte National Bank along this line. RESOURCES ...i'. ll.GOCT.OOO.OO Five-room cottage, practically new, city water, wired for eriric lights, lot 50x143, 10-foot alley in rear, well located in a gotr! neighborhood and is very desirable for a small home or i'a ce ment, terms to suit the purchaser. Our price $1450.00. For far ther information call or phone, Carolina Realty Company O. J. Thies, Pres. B. R. Lee, Secy. W. D. Wilkinson, Mgr. and Treas. J. P. Lcng, Salesman. .. 211 North Tryon Street.. 'Phone 600. 111 I III III I II B P Mill m II 111! I Bill llll lllll II W Mil II II Mil II ! 1 1 MM ! I I I II I ! II I I I Miss Essie Stokes entertained this afternoon at 3:30 to 6 in honor of Misses Lila and Cora Stancill. Mr. V. M. Long, chairman of the board of county commissioners, has been confined to his room for several days, suffering with the grip. Miss Mary King, of Concord, is the guest of her cousin. Miss Essie Stokes on North College street. Mr. W. E. Dye. traveling renresenta live of the Buc. Range Stove Company, spent yesterday here with his family U1SS BUILDERS F. C. ABBOTT & CO. Everything in Real Estate. GROChRb "REMEMBER" We have a bargain for, yon every Saturday. Beginnine; Saturday Fob. 6th the price will only be for the. day named. The bargain today (Feb. 6) is Ferndell Strawberry Preserves in glass. Watch for our Friday and Sat urday morning ads. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. THE NEW SERIES Mutual Building & Loan .Starts with First Payment anuary Start right, stay right, -win out, There's no other place just like the Mutual. Age, experience, success are not to he sneered at. You find them all here. lew Five-Room Dwelling For quick sale the owner will sell on easy terms a five-room dwell ing, pleasing style of architecture and convenient interior ar rangements with lot 100x250 feet. Good location and desirable neighborhood. Address E. T., care Charlotte News. ' WE SUPPLY ELECTRICITY in any desired form that you may need and our service is of exceptional advantage to you for we know the electric business from A to X. DIFFERENT DEVICES for lesening labor are shown at our shop, as well as lighting and heating apparatuses that will save you their cost of installation in a year's time. Come and see what we can do for you. deal Electric Co. 15 South Church .Street. t I ourth Wan Cottage We offer for sale a nice 5-room cottage, besides reception 1'' with gas, sewerage 2nd bath, on car line. Lot 40x1 9S. fc'ht ...id la quickly taken at price offered, of $2500.00. me none irust arm wm mm Room 305 Realty Buildmg PHONE 377 A. G. Craig, Secretary V. J. Chambers, Treasurer uburban Building Sites 1 tract 200x480 feet. 1 tract 200x350 feet, each ?700, easy terms. 18 tracts, close to the above, all are "well wooded and w!!i homes. 5-acre tract inside city limites. 1 , 19-acre tract inside city limits. ""'-' 10-acre tract 4 miles out, good improvements. " - 138 acres, 5 miles out, at a bargain if taken at once. r.v-.Ve E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 'Phon 344 E5 S. Tryon St. HAMS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Sugar 5c. liest Buckwheat Flour 3V2c Self-yeatsed at cut prices. .1 oz pick les LTc. Sweet Potatoes 17 c. Irish 2Hc. Iemon Cling Peaches, large yel low fruit in syrup, 1( 2!c. 3 hs. ears in syrun $1.50 dozen. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 W. Trade. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We will give you "Monarch Brand" eanned fruits, a strictly high-grade California pack for 30 cents per can. Regular price 3.r)C. THIES & BURKE. 'Phone 119. 211 W. Trade. For We offer for sale a five-room cottage on North Graham street extension. The place is in excellent shape, surrounded with at tractive fence and located on high level lot. Let us show you the property. J. E. PHY & CO. 41 N. Trycn. tWmm m -K 4, 4y .fr ft . wifrW I W 'I Modern 5-room house 409 X. Brevard St $16.66 Modern 5-room cottage, Cleveland Ave $16.66 Modern 5-rocm Flat East 12th Street 5-room house 418 X. Church Street, very close in $11.00 5-room house 1207 X. Caldwell Street $ 8.00. 5-room house 1209 X. Caldwell Street $ 8.00 5- room house 908 Mint Street $10.00 6- room house 507 East 4th Street $ 8.00 5-room house North Cedar Street $10.00 4-room house 401 East" 13th Street, per week $ 1.50 3-room house East 13th Street, per week $1.00 Large Hall over brick store in Belmont. We write Fire Insurance for the "Glens Falls", "Hamburg-Bremen", "Pied mont" and "Scottish" Companies. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Phont 58. 219 N. Tryon. 1 Wilkinson & Company Room 6 Old Hunt Building. Phone 43. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. A Small Cash Payment S3 FOR SALE CRAIGHEAD PARK, NEAR ELIZABETH COLLEGE 4-room cottage, lot GOxlGO, $1350.00: $200 cash, balance on ea.-:- t - VILLA H EIGHTS 4-room cottage, lot 50x150, $800.00; $50.00 cash, balance on easy u Other bargains. Compa 203 N. Tryon St. m m & You Will be Hurt or Sick BWdfli la ycr U wktps tomorrow. AtfcM? w L;t: , some unexpectedly. Prepare tor then now. Let tu tel 7C- i tie KARYLAND CAanAT.Tv rmirpaTJV'a TTnlver&J.l D - Policy, corerin EVERT DISEASE AND EVERY ACC'iD WITHOUT BICIPTION ud py llbtril imsu fr s? HARVEY LAMBETH. Manager Insurance Department, American Trust C" s 1 9 I t J P 0

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