THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 6 1909 ill I mi mi 7 " ' " . 7 mi mi in Mum, H ' Pi i mini i i n l Pledmn Eg ASSETS Cash in National Bank and Of fice - 6 387 1 Premiums in Course of Collection - . 13,0904 Real Estate (unencumbered) - . . JJJJJJ Loans secured by coUateral, first mortages, etc. 1 13,043.37 Rents Accrued and Other Items - - 158 86 Total Assets - . ... CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA e Gooipany I HENRY M. McADEN, President C. VALAER B. D. HEATH, Vice President LIABILITIES Cash Capital - Reserve for Re insurance Unadjusted Losses - Total Liabilities Net Surplus - . . . Surplus as Regards Policy Holders $ 50,000 00 72,905.60 6,778.94 $129,684.54 78,014.78 $207,699.32 $128,014.78 J. M. ANTHONY HENRY M. McADEN DIRECTORS' W. H. BELK A. L. SMITH, Secretary B. D. HEATH AMUS EMEN Tnc Blue Mouse. !.';;. Mouse," the reigning : . s in Now York, where presumed nightly to !.i'ii's. will bo presented . iu;ii' future by a special '!i;;iiiizfil by the Messrs. i(i.aied usder the di '' .! Fitch, the author of CDWIN BOOTH'S JOKE -if Took the Conceit Cut of an in His Company. i'"t'h. usually described as -' "io and unbending, of -. a-;: fond of his occasional .! Woods the original Gov-.-imn in "The Clansman." !"! ua follows: hack in the seventies when i i i-lioy of the old California ;n San Francisco that the '"ok place. Mr. Booth was :i tri-star engagement in t! v iih John McCollough v;'":!ur V. Keene. 'Julius 'v, ih.. piece and the 'three !: :iTil 12 flirt r0 11-... ..... vi i.- me jju.1 ia ji Dili 11 '( d .Mark Antony, while! r.cA.-iins assumed the role of ';.'-:ir. Tim hitter took s-riousness, and Booth !'"'"i!oii;;h nsolved to put up rday matinee -with Keene Caesar was mouthing nous self-ininortnpo tho tirpt act: have men about me when William A. who weighed two hundred j ""iiidH, and C. R. Bishop, horter tipped the scales 'm.ired and twenty-five, iich side of Edwards his hands and kneeling . 1 h and mighty Caesar, nougn v was paralyzed with as- i lit re was silence for a n the audience taking in "' burst into a mighty "i 'inter which made it 'or 'Caesar' to continue "'! off the stage and fol- nnre train. Booth and joining heartily in the Dmdy Dixie Minstrels, !llnt pretentious aggre i coioreii pertormers will be , ''"I'ly Dixie Minstrels" at ; ;; ;"V t Music, this afternoon ; ; - "iiiy kersands", whose i monologue and parodies , ;'.' thousands of theatrego ' " N'-w York Roof garden. nanny Dixie Min " ' an olio of specially en rt ''"' 'I' s. a first part of stun , ; -, "i ir 'fr'ects, an afterpiece ; . f,:nuy farce, "The Pos V.; "i'''l"is" and the famous , Hand. Traveling in -"',1'ulhnan Palace Car, ,"''-. This magnificent - ' ' nnnstrelsy will tour the , ' ' Veiling every important J"1 ;;d States and Canada. -'ill-star performers are, - r .mil.s, the grand old min ."(:':. J.a,nf'H Crosby, the tall J,;; PlHI and Meaux, comic ;;';: Monroe Tabor, the tenor; Prince, the "111- 111,11, A., I,... . ' 1 uunay Jones, the 'la nciii" 1 . n iinuini ana ' auiino sinzpra rhnnru minstivi nu.n ''i!l!i r h V'" stock Company. v.VV.''k 'Sinning next Mon , "-on Stock Company will ,,. ,;,,h.I,n attraction at the , ' . ;M'sic. Seats are now on - " ii mil preseni 'Towded house will be , '. l.'tnville, Va, Register ,, ;, I K''vc the following ac '" '"mpany and play: S'ock Company last '''''I the thrilling t,,i-. drama of western life. "The Cowbov's Romance," to a large and wildly en- husiastio audience. The plav 'is a tale ot the west thirty years ago, the scenes being laid in Utah, and the fhrl,S a love aflair in whicH the irllii T CISSeC? aUd tanled. wh f I ev hv'erinS over the princi 2' ;r: Robei't Turner in the title iole of the cowboy looks the part and :uauc 41 '"aest nero, but one measur ni"p to th,e nroic ideal in devotion, E o S aV-d Phsical strength. Miss r Randinoff, who essayed the role oi a half-breed io tho oi v. vonn n FIea Cunigs as Elisha oiing made such an accomplished Mlhan as to elicit hisses whenever he appeared. The play is full of action growing out of the love of the cowboy and the villian for tha v.Q; ...un. t ohaiJua.1nval fPr the cowboy's heart ocau me inuian maiden, who how ever makes thp heroic o.,, save her lover from conviction for a i.uiuci committed bv an Indian at nS?aiion of Youn& the villian. The third act of the piece presents a trial scene in the early Utah davs in which the attorneys, witnesses and others are well fortified with shooting ..w.i.,, Hmni mey exhibit occasionly m the tense moments of the trial, inis ends in the acquittal of the cow boy and the exposure of Young's guilt uus, me Apache. Young es capes and is pursued and cornered by the Indian, and a knife duel in the moonlight ensues, in which Young fin ally shoots the Indian with a revol ver he had taken from a tenderfoot. Just at the critical moment the cow boy appears and he and Yonn en gage in a physical combat in which i me wounded Inri a mmo, t-wuitfl I Lilt? rescue, "ioung is thrown over the canon and all ends well. The play as presented went with a w-hoop and aroused the enthusiasm of the audience throughout. The verdict of the crowd Monday and last night is that this is the best repertoire company which has plaved here this season. The same company will present an wngiuui production of "The Devil" at I ine matinee performance todav. The play is not the Savage version 'of the piece, but is said to be on somewhat similar lines. The bill for tonight will be a bright comedy production "A Runawey Match," which is one of the best in the repertoire. On Friday night the same company will present what it regards as its best bill, Camille." 1 liTO-MlWi $&'J8z-'Uj-',m,m,. - i " EUG. H. CHISHOLM, Manager A. L. SMITH SAM'L E. WHITE SS'J ED LIFE OF IflBLB-BE SUICIDE Special to The News Greensboro, Feb. 6. Miss Rosa Cook a waitress at the Hotel Guilford tool"' poison yesterday with the inten Ion of committing suicide and would hive succeeded but for th w., .,.. llave I work done by the summoned. There was apparently t o cause for the deed except h at to" J had become dissatisfied with her si r rmmaings She is popular among h" r lTl If employers? ani uiwirui nme nas possessed -i jolly and bright disposition Howe e? for the past few dnvs Bha f e?1 pondent and hysterteaL MiConJT din active, good looking and is hiehiv i-espected. It is statPr? thJl lrhlj sesses some DronoHv; i""1 uisiiKes to be idle. a nonor ot tl. E. Bonitz, oi' Wllmin ton, who is srn.nri " lodge of Rol Arcniiiirn l?cal Quet laat night in the-K--p- -J- Addresses wero mn,tQ i. u. ' r,r T w t iur. lioilltv, T t.- UonS, Messrs. J. c Mo-rin DiM S ..'v- caies. y. R. son tL d6S and S' C' AnP- son. ihe occasion was most eniovn- MIC. ! Blanc-hp Rat 1 criiL. ..v.. ioui.ii i-errormance. mn,i R,ay tVeing' Febl'uar.v 1st, will S "Thl Thf ,Bates 150th Performance m I he Fighting Hope" now plaving to crowded IionPC nt k , to theatre. Rpantifi to r.uuvcairs, com- memorative of the occasion, will be presented to evprvnno cttA, v.. ijcuuiiuaiice. auss Bates ex pects to create a new record for lonsr engagements before lo.nvtnn- .v, ..o ! ,i1't,.rlF'h0Use aiul if e incessant ,u,st ai may be taken as an indication the Belasco star's expecta tions will be more than realized. The ..v.wiivauuy matinees each week are extremely popular and nfrr i opportunities to those theatregoers unable toattend evening performances. David Warflslrt Davul Warfield enters upon the fourth week of his engagement at the Academy which has been devoted so sr to Charles Klein's "The Music faster, now hi the fifth season of its remarkable career. Mr. Belasco an nounces two weeks more of "The Music Master." and indications point to a continuation of capacity business for the remainder of the engagement. A Grand Army Man" is scheduled for revival m about two weeks. &ClXT!& 39-J vL.r.tji,, v.ii.T vemon stock company. Capt McLean .3,e,r Af any Jealous statesman PILES CURED 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed 'to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 daya or money refunded. 50c. ever told Henrv rio",. mud. J J his name was ''ii.-. imp NEWS AND NOTES OF SPORTING WORLD. The Snokane Con ning the finest golf course in the Northwest. Charles V. Bover hue rpcicmd oo president of the South Atlantic League. Manager Clark G riffith nf Pi'nmn. natihas sixteen pitchers to try out this spring. a "Emergency" Kellv and "Riink" M. Closkey are back in Boston looking for bouts. Jem Discoll and Leach Cross will furnish the next fistic entertainment in .ew York. t Sailor Burke and his Madden, have reached the nartinsr nf the ways. If he is reinstated hv thu NTntirmnl Commission Elmer Stricklett will be back on the job with Brooklyn. Manaser Husrh .Tennina-s nf th rP- troit team has not turned over Catcher Stanage to George Stallings. The mayor of Terre Haute, it is reported, has agreed to lift the lid and permit a little boxing now and then. Capt. Y. H. McLean of the hi rS,.S!e'amsW!' ty of Sydney of au( nnama makes this important statement: In December, 1904, I was in the last stages or Brighfs Disease. San Fran cisco physicians told me that there was no show for me. The dropsv was so deep that I could stick a finger "i iiebn almost an inch. J v Burnhani. President Burnaham" Barsh Co., told me he knew several cases of Brighfs Disease that had re covered under Fulton's Renal Com- , or, - oin tri-nd Donlon of Don Ion & Peck told me the same thing said he knew of worse cases than mine ht sot well. This started me. The first half-dozen started the change, and l am at this writing (ten months la ter) as well as ever, and can pass for ?I&Jnf,u,rance- , liave told Passengers "um 11 uver me world of mv recov ery. This treatment ought to be known all over tve ?rlobe TAFT- w- h. m'clean, Pacific Mail Deck, San Francisco Bright s Disease an nioi curable in 87 per cent of all cases by Fulton s Compounds. Send for lit erature. Woodall & Sheppard, local agents. When to suspect Bright's Disease weakness or loss of weight; dropsv; puffy ankles, hands or evelids; Kidnev trouble after the third month; urine may show sediment; failing vision drowsiness; one or more of these w ta.l a cle.ver Sivl to make a fel- iinise wnen he doesn't A man must ho mnsttioMMA nar when he feels that h on anything he says. want The woman who tries tn rnnpani t- age is general! v nlri onnimh i better. ' & l l" 1VUU" Why We Sell So Many Pocket Knives We sell them of good quality and at fair prices. Why we sell so much Community Silver Ware. The quality !3 nne qualed and our prices are within tbereach of every one. The poor caa afford to buy and the rich like to save money. All mechanics like to trade with us. because thov nn w want in tools our store and the prices reasonable and quality firt class. Housekeepers like to visit our store because we carry such a very laree stock and variety of articles used in the house, the dinins room and the kitchen- You will do well to see our stock. f A Poor Weak Woman has been ehiof -n.u:-I S:0.' f Dr-Pierce in the treatment of rJI'JP1'?31 "Perience His medicines are .S in C IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, The mnv j SICK WOMEN WELL. forfhTpVinVnS STTTt'????' revised and up-to-date Editfon of Pwh; i'Cfi dv,rr (1008 paes a receipt of 31 one-cent .tamn- ' coth-boun5. "ill be mailed free on . Z one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above! 29 East Trade Street echanic OFFICE OF THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0LLAR At Our Store Buys a Full Round Hundred Cents Worth of $' Perpetual B.&L ACADEMY Saturday, Matinee and Night. The Dandy Dixie Minstrels and the COTTON PICKERS' BAND. Best 40 Bets Sure Enough Dandiest Real Darkey Minstrel Show in the World, Bar None! See Billy Kersands in the "Essence of Ole Virginny" The New York City Big Minstrel Hit. Watch For the Parade. Prices: Matinee 25, 50 75 N'ght 25, 50, 75, $1.00 association Y Many a man who is well bred needs the dough. Prejudices are merely other people's opinions. r CoMfa OnCn?L Days on every 25c ALL NEXT WEEK First Southern Tour Emphatic Success in Charleston, W. Va.,- Lexinaton. Kv.. Portsmn.:h n Royalty Plays Correctly Staged With Special Scenery, Costumes and Properties. Opening Piay Monday Evening. THE UNWRITTEN LAW Ey Mark Swan. Not Thaw Tragedy, But a Play Writ ten Around the Most Talked of Subject of the Day. Ladies free Monday night when ac companied by person holding 30-cent ticket, purchased before 6 p. m. at Hawley's. . . Prices 10, 20, 30 February 4th, 1 909 nnfl ?ith he.cincominS month of March, this Association (one of the oldect United States business OR a strictly Serial plan of the maturing value of $100 per and nS issued'f."P to date, 52 Series, of which 40 have been matured and paid off, amounting to nearlv S2.000.0ftft. r. E iompany Con enes Va S1'WU1 commence on Saturday, March 6th; the subscription books for which are now open. to iJaeh A Mifrmv t?tS. make this the banner "Series" in order lHfif? , J"LLI0 DOLLAR assets by July next. The management is f y i rUf f new subscriptions already obtained (as 25 appli STTRSrmnTrMTTt Taea(iy been filed) so ALL YOU PROSPECTIVE Summer! ' " y" Want your loans to be reached this S. WITTKOWSKI, President R. E. COCHRAN, Sec, and Treas. j We are overstocked on Conrhos iW at th,-c n i moe some of them at once, we are offering some very tempting prices. Beautiful Velour Couches, worth $17.30 now $?,.2T,. Genuine Leather Couches, marked as low as ? 19.23. If you need a Couch now is your opportunity. M cCOY & CO. The Home Furnishers i i ) i - ' ' . i - 'i . T I i 'It i. I'M 1 : : t

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