THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 10, 1909. 12 THE WEATHER Forecast for Charlotte and Vicinity. Fair and cooler tonight. Thursday fair. J plague-infested districts of the Azores mutinied recently and invaded the bac teriological laboratory in one of the towns. They ordered the doctors to Ftop the epidemic within fifteen days, failing which they made dire -threats against the laboratory workers. Later, however, the mutineers returned to their ijnarters, and no further trouble is expected. Weather Conditions. The Htonn which was central over Iowa Tuesday morning, has moved northeastward over the upper Lake, region and into Canada. It has caused rain or snow generally over the eastern half of the country, with high winds in some localities. It has caused warmer weather over the lower like region and the Atlantic States, but. has bees followed by a decided fall in temperature over the .Mississippi. Ohio and Missouri val leys. Over the Southeastern States, thiiiider.xtoims have occurred in many localities, accompanied bv heavy rain. Over the western half of the country there is an absence of decided baro metric gradient, pressure being rela tively low over the north and high over the south. Temperatures pre rising, although they are still below zero, over Montana and Wyoming. Hain has fallen over the North Pa cific States. Indications are for fair, decidedly tolder in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight, and fair weather Thursday. SPORTING NEWS. The fencing team of the University of Pennsylvania won from the Naval Academy by a score of 5 bouts to 4, scoring the first victory with the foils that that institution has ever won at Annapolis. John Evar.son. of Duluth, National S'ki Champion of America, won the pro fessional run of the Fifth Annual Ski Tournament of the National Ski Asso ciation at Eau Claire, Wis. His two jumpo in long distance jumping, but fell. Ole Larson, of Minneapolis, won the prize for the longest jump, clear ing I 111. feet, seven feet short of-the i world's record. ISrown. bv defeating Harvard, ::7 to 14. at Providence, won its first, basket- j ball victory of the season. The visit ers were far outclassed and in the first half got but one field goal. James H. Crowley of the Irish-Am erican Athletic Club won the indoor i Marathon race at New Haven in the Second Regiment Armory, in 2 hours, ;:S minutes, !S seconds. State Forecasts. For North Carolina: Fair, much colder tonight. Thursday fair, cold er in east portion. Brisk to moder ately high west to northwest winds South Carolina: Fair, much colder tonight. Thursday fair, colder in east portion. Brisk west to northwest winds. 1: BY TUB I V i" I ffl 6 r I G 3 fl 1 -n i :e i ra ww mm i fr .fr shM"I,i,I"I' 'I' -I"I"II" ! 'I 'M"I-M"IvX ! fr'H All For V V A cottage home and three vacant lots fronting 205 feet on East Avenue extension and running back 220 feet to an alley, city wa ter in front of the property, and it is located in a rapidly grow ing section of the City, and sure to enhance in value rapidly. The above price is a special one for this week. Call and let us show you this property. J. E- MURPHY & CO. 4S W. Tryash EOT 'pfetM K& ' Store room, 30x90, 17 East Third street.. Store room,. 208 North College Store room, 201 South College Eight-room dwelling. Elizabeth Heights, on Five-room dwelling, East Fourth street Six-room dwelling-, SOS East Third street Seven-room dwelling, 714 West Fifth street Six-room dwelling. 714 North Graham street I Five-room dwelling. 207 North Cedar street I j Five-room dwelling, J415 East .fifth street i Five-room dwelling, 9 North Clarkson street Three-room dwelling, S21 South Myers car li: i c GROGhRb DtRS i j Little Nuggets of Foreign News The ('term an Legation at Santiago, Chili, was totally destroyed by fire. The charred body of Secretary Beckert was t'oiuul in the ruins. Many diplomatic Questions which have aiisen at the naval conference in I London will be settled in the course (I the next three weeks, and an agree ment covering practically all the lead ing points under discussion is regarded us practically assured. The January statement of the Brit ish Hoard of Trade shows decreases of 1 1.2H0.O00 in imports and $2. 02;'., 300 in exports, as compared with the same month last year. The greatest loss in txports was in cotton textiles, which declined $12,500,000. The trial which began at St. Peters burg on Friday before a military court of r.ine civilians and fourteen soldiers, charsed with attempting to organize a revolt in St. Petersburg garrison in 1007. ended with the sentencing of six teen of the prisoners to penal servi tude for terms of from three to eight years. It Is stated that Wilbur Wright, the American aeroplanist, who is now at Pan, will -n to Rome some time in March for the purpose of giving in struction to two Italian aeronauts. It is understood that he will make at least twenty flights and will receive $12,000 for hte work. President-elect Taft and his party of consulting engineers have sailed from Colon on beard the United States cruiser North Carolina. Lieutenant Colonel Goethfils, Chief Engineer of th Ifanama Canal, accompanied Mr. Taft. The return to Washington will "DELICALESSEN DAY." Hoiled Tougue, Boiled Ham, Cook ed Corned Beef. Smoked Salmon, Goose Liver Sausage, Bologna, Frank- j furters and Ring, also Phil Cream, Neufchatel. Limburger and Munster Cheese. All fresh today. I MILLER-VAN NESS CO. 1 i NEW SHIPMENT OF TEAS. Three kinds Ceylon. Black, Gun Powder. Green and Mixed. If these Teas are not as good as you can buy "of anybody for 50c we will re fund your money. Our price 35c a pound. But it's CASH. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 W. Trade. ASPARAGUS TIPS 03c per can or 2 cans for one dollar. This is the Plan 1 Deposit all of your income in our Savings - Department Draw out from time to time what you need for expenses THE BALANCE IS SAVED NOW URN THE NEW SERIES Mutual Building & Loan Starts with First Payment January 5 Start right, etay right, win out, There's no other place Just like the Mutual. Age, experience, success are not to be sneered at. You find them all her. E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 'Phone 44. 15 3. Try on St. TRY IT ! Trust Buildin 8. R. LENTZ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We will give you "Monarch Brand" canned fruits, a strictly high-grade California pack for 30 cents per can. Regular price 33c. THIES & BURKE. Phone 119. 211 W. Trade. FEED A large stock or Peavine Hay, Shucks, Straw, Meadow Grass, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal and Ship Stuff ill at very low prices. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 2 N. Collftg- Si. 'Phcr 510. REAu tSIAfc FOR RENT Blacksmith Shop North Charlotte, j One of the best locations in the city. I W. G. SHOEMAKER 227 N. Tryon St. Phone 306 or 444. MlSCtLLANEOU! YOU WANT IT GOOD A steak or roast must be tender, juicy and sweet or ycu feel that your money as well as your temper are lost. Our steaks, roasts, chops, hams and sausages are the best money wiil buy. They will please you. Try our pure open-kettle rendered lard. S. B. HALL. 215 East Trsde St. Phone 111 i i ! I t Now For Say "Scottish" to your agent when you ask for a Fire Insurance Policy and he will do the rest. So . Bea! Estate 9 Loe o (fv9 L xv.i V3S I VM - - - 0 ooBBaseaaoE 3- 1x2 ?5 $ ercban ts 4 National arm 35 East Trade Street Capital $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits 313S5O0 Accounts IVItCG 8J GEO. E. WILSON, President JJNO. B. ROSS, Vice President W. C. WILKINSON, C-hier H S 'A iS U rj 1 For Sale I I I la En b cottisnnre roiicies rrotect J. F. FLOWERS, V-Pres and Mgr. STORES 20.1 X. Tryon St 902 X. Graham St Suitable for beef market. 904 X. Graham St 25.00 Two Offices in Hunt Bldg. each 10.00 . $60.00 . 10.00 fce by way of New Orleans. Prince I to, Resident ei ;il of Koiea, i:s about to sail for Japan ana it is currently reported from Seoul that unless there is cessation of the continued revolutionary activity Japan v.ill annex Korea, as Prince Ito deniH it impossible to grant independence to Korea under existing conditions. Japanese newspapers, as a rub-, are paying little or no attention to the nU-Jnpnnene outbursts in California i'nd Nevada, but. even among the bet ter classes there ore frequent expres sions of chagrin at this response of the I'mied States to Japan's hospitality-to j the battleship fleet and recent com mercial visitors from America. The American battleship fleet passed Cape Sr. Vincent. Portugal, en route tor Newport News and signalled "All well." Captain Qualtrough, who was found guilty by the court martial of intoxication, has been suspended for hi. months and will lose ten numbers in crade. Lieutenant Commander George. W. Kline has been placed in temporary charge of the Georgia bv Hear Admiral Srerry. Reports of loss of life and great dam age, to property arc being received irom t.ermanv. The Hoods in the Muauer rivers ore su bsidinir. but tbi has only transferred the danger, as the Ilhinc, the Main, the Kibe and the Oder are still rising and flooding their Miwej:. a Hurricane in the Rhine val ley demolished buildings being erected xor an cxmuition at Wiesbaden oeneral t redenclis, former Governor or Nljnl-Xovgorod. whose trial on charges of complicity in the grain scandals that attended the distribution of famine relief in l!)0fi has been going on In St. Petersburg for five days, has been convicted of negligence and cor ruption. He has been sentenced to dismissal from the government service and to pay a fine of $5,000, in default of the. payment of which he will have to serve a ear in prison. The American National Red Cross, through Ambassador Griscom, has put $2.10,000 at the disnosal of the com mittee organized by Queen Helena which has undertaken the establish ment of an orphanage, devoted to the care of children left homeless and without parents by the earthquake dis aster. The Institution will be called the American Red Cross Orphanage, and U Is intended to bring the children :p as agriculturists. o...i0 mm nau oeen sent I from Madeira to preserve order in the! HOUSES. 305 X. Poplar St., 7-rooms, mod ern conveniences, possession SEASONABLE GAME j March 1st, 1909 Quail, Snipe, Woodcock, Wild Duck, 9 no R, 7 VOrtm (jonJ Turkey, and choice Oysters, served in i "modern " " 22.50 the most tempting Btyie. Best 50c Dinner in the South. THE GEM RESTAURANT 3.00 Five-room cottage, practically new, city water, wired for theirs; lights, lot 50x145, 10-foot alley in rear, weil locate 1 n a jpo neighborhood and is very desirable for a small hon;e : ;-. nient, terms to suit the purchaser, ther information call or phone, Our price $11.".i.0' wTTSSJFPi Carolina Realty Company O. J. Thies, Pres. B. R. Lee, Cccy. VV. D. Wilkinson, Mgr. and Treas. J. P. Lonr, Ss'.ei.T.zr. 211 North Trycn Street.. 'Phcne CCO. can handle your business after a fashion, when times are good and money easy, when times are hard and money tight you feel the need of a bus iness connection with a BIG, STRONG and RELIABLE BANK We Invite you to try the The Charlotte National Bank along this line. RESOURCES U.600,000.00 ! F i . ourth Ward THE LONGEST nd Broadest, and tie Fairest and Sqnarest guarantee is behind the L. C. Smith Typewriter. The makers know that it is made right, know that it is made of the best ma terial obtainable and stand behind it t fGr&T entire satisfaction. S- C GRAYTO 4k CO- 3- room cottage, W. Sth St., per month 7.00 C04 E. Liberty St., 6 rooms 20.00 1414 E. 5th St., 5-room cottage 10.00 7 -room house Craighead Park.. 20.00 4- room cottage Villa Heights, per week 203 N. Tryon St. GOING TO BUILD? Lt me figure on your roofing. 1 will give you the best of work and ma terials and perhaps save you money. I paint and repair slate or metal roofs. C. F. SHU MAN ZOO N. Colieg. 'Phone 811 203 N. Tryon St i i.r.o 'Phone T33 'Phone 535. New F ive-Room Dwelling For quick sale the owner will sell on easy terms a five-room, dwell ing, pleasing style of architecture and convenient interior ar rangements with lot 100x250 feet. Good location and desirable neighborhood. Address E. T., care Charlotte News. 1 J'i?.&'& WOOD WOOD! TERRA COTTA PiPEi Stov Woo!, Heater Wood, Fire Plae Woo 4. Both Pine and Oak Wood, Dry and Good. 'Phona 379. rr& Cotta Pip all electa, C. V. FUnR. ONLY $500 CASH As first payment on a new $4000 modern home on Eliza beth Avenue. This home will be offered for a few davs at $3750. The Pecpla's Loan & Realty Company Room 309 Realty Building. 'Phone 313. V. M. Long, Pres. W. R. Wearn. V.-Pres. W. L. Nicholson, Sec-Treas. BUILDING LOTS. 5 Hill Crest lots 60x210 at $500 to $750. 2 Hill Crest lots 60x225 at $1,000. 2 Hill Crest lots 70x345 at $1,750. 1 Elizabeth lot 66x193, $1,500. 1 Elizabeth lot 66x193, $1,200. 2 Elizabeth lots 50x150, $500 and $600. 1 Piedmont corner 140x170, $1,500. 1 Central Avenue, double corner, 134x 150, $2,500. t Seventh Street corner, 50x200, $950. I Central Avenue lot 66x150, $1,000. 5 Jackson Avenue lots 66x150, $850. 5 Sunnyside Avenue lots 66x150, $S50. 5 Louise Avenue lots 60x150, $850. 53 Seigle Street lots 50x160, $600. 10 Tenth Street lots 50x150, $500. 1 Special corner 100x250, near Eliza beth. . ' 4 Colonial lots 60x200, Crescent Ave nue, $1,000. 4 Colonial lots 60x160, Vail Avenue, $850. 1 South Tryon Street, corner 50x100, $1,000. ' 10 West Boulevard lots 50x195, $600 to $700. : t west is.mgston Avenue 101s ouxiao, $700. 10 West Park Avenue lots 50x200, $600 to $700. 1 Large Business lot West Trade Street. F. C. ABBOTT & COMPPANY "Everything in Real Estate." 6 V 'Onaae We offer for sale a nice 5-room cottage, besides rec:;-; a 1 with gas, sewerage and bath, on car line. Lot 40xl?S. i-j quietly taken at price offered, of $2500.00. The Charlotte Trust and Realty fom Room 305 Realty Building LPKOISE 377 A. G. Craig, Secretary W. J. Chambers, TWcr j WE SUPPLY ELECTRICITY in any desired form that you may need and our service is of exceptional advantage to you for we know the electric business from A to X. DIFFERENT DEVICES for. lesening labor are shown at our shop, as well as lighting and heating apparatuses that will save you their cost of installation in a year's time. Come and see what we can do for you. Ideal Electric Co. 15 South Church Street. uburban uilding 5ii8$ 1 tract 200x480 feet 1 tract 200x350 feet, each $700, easy terms. 18 tracts, close to the above, all are well wooded ac-J homes. 5-acre tract inside city limltes. 19-acre tract inside city limits. 10-acre tract 4 mile3 out, good improvements. 138 acres, 5 miles out, at a bargain if taken at occ. W. T. Wilkinson & Co RENT Room 6 Old Hunt Building. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. F 1" -- A Small Cash Paymea A Place for Your Money If you are looking for a place to put your money where it will be safe, not only interest but principle as well, we invite you to become a patron of . this bank. We pay 4 per cent on Savings Deposits and compound the in terest four times a year. , Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. w. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. . . . W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. Modern 5-room house 409 N. Brevard St $16.66 Modern 5-room cottage, Cleveland Ave $16.66 Modern 5-room Flat East 12th Street 5-room house 418 N. Church Street, very close in $11.00 5-room house 1207 N. Caldwell Street $ 8.C0 5-room house 1209 N. Caldwell Street '.' $ 8.00 5- room house 908 Mint Street $10.00 6- room house 507 East 4th Street .' $ 8.C0 5-room house North Cedar Street $10.00 4-room house 401 East 13th Street, per week $ 1.50 3-room house East 13th Street, per week $ 1.00 Large Hall over brick store in Belmont. We write Fire Insurance for the "Glens Falls", "Hamburg-Bremen", "Pied mont" and "Scottish" Companies. J I Arthur I ndarson & Bro, FOR SALE CRAIGHEAD PARK, NEAR ELIZABETH C 4-room cottage, lot 0x150, $1350.00: $200 cash, balance en VILLA HEIGHTS 4-room cottage, lot 50x150, SSGO.OO; $50.00 cash, balance c - . Other bargains. rown 203 N. Tryon St. V YouWiUbeHurtoi temtttau tm yemr crta tomorrow. ; om unexpectedly. Prepare for then now. Lt -c t! tie MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY'S Uri Policy, eorerinK EVERY DISEASE AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION u pjiy liberal tzx t.v t?:r HARVEY LAMBETH. Manager Insurance Department, American Trast m Cc. 4 3 5 Phon. sit. M.sffi4jta tl N. Tryon.

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