8 ft-- i i fc4 a 39 8 4 "Kit 38 E ft S IS THE CH A 8 LO TTE NEWS FEBRUARY 10 1909 -- . at-? Monday Last Friday, Saturday and Monday broke all records here for el G oods We have the values here to make this Friday, Saturday and Mon- y s sales still greater. White Lawn Remnants The greatest bargain we have ever had in White Lawn Remnants. All Kinds of White Lawn from 32 to 40 inches wide, qualities worth ii) to ID and 12 1-2 cents, lengths from 1 to 20 yards. Our record breaking prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday, One Third each day '. 5 Cents a yard 5, Bed Spreads and Towels aces, an rtday, Satur ionday Our fust great Lace Sale of the Season starts Friday morning. WHILE OX THE MARKET, our Buyer bought. 4000 DOZEN FIXE TORCIIOX AXD VAL LACES, Edging and Insertion to match. Reading, etc. Laces actually worth 7 1-2 to 10 cents a yard. To create a stir Friday, Saturday and Monday we have made the popular price 5 Cents a yard; 50 Cents a dozen The remainder of the great Lot Bed Spreads and Towels cleaned up by our Buyer in Xew York, will be divided in Three Lots and cleaned up Friday Saturday and Monday. Real nice heavy, full size, white Bed Spreads, nice quality, upS to the standard $1.00 Spread, and has been sold for $1.00, Special 49 Cents Good heavy, extra large, regular $1.00 Crochet Spreads, at C3 Cents The very best $1.30 Spreads 99 Cents $2.00 and $2.30 Marseilles Bed Spreads, beautiful new patterns. S at $1.43 Two Great Lots Towels emnants Linen Finish aistina Remnants from 1 to 20 yards in a very line smooth Linen Finish Wai.siing. one of the best qualities mad never retailed off regu lar Bolt for less than 12 1-2 cents a yard. Special for Frldav. Saturday and Monday 6 1-2 Cents W aid Uress oods 10 and 12 1-2 cent quality Scotch Plaids, Black and White Checks, Dress Patterns, and all Colors, nice double fold Dress Goods, a Special bargain for Friday, Satu rday and Monday, at 6 1-2 Cents a yard Positively (he greatest Towel Bargains ever thrown on this market. The Pi ice just a little more than half Regular Prices. I luck and Turkish Bath Towels worth 10 cents each. $1 .00 a dozen to So at ; 5 cents Fine large Turkish Bath Towels, the very best and heaviest Huck and Linen Towels, Hemmed and Hemstitched. White and with col ored Borders, worth 15 to 2. cents each, to go at 10 Cents Embroidery Aqain for Friday, baturdayand A small portion of the greatest purchase Embroideries ever brought South left for Friday, Saturday and Monday selling. onday ONLY OXE WINDOW DISPLAY this time out FRIDAY MORXIXG at S:20 O'CLOCK. This will be taken The same remarkable low price 14 Cents a yard warn) vemsxamm ew bide Border uress oods & Beautiful new Stripes, in Brown. Navy Blue. Garnet, etc., nicely put up in book fold, this quality being retailed at 13 and 1R cents & a yard, our Special Price, Friday, Saturday and Monday 10 Cents Standard staple check Gingham, all colors 3 1-2 Cents Yard-wide White Cambric, nice quality 5 Cents a yard Remnants yard-wide Bleach, 7 1-2 and 8 1-3 cent qualities.. 5 Cents a yard 10-cent quality Heavy Kimona Fleece 5 Cents a yard Barker Mills 36-inch Bleach 7 1-2 Cents Yard-wide Cannon Cloth , 7 1-2 Cents ig dpeciais in Ladies Black Underskirts 5 0 Two great lots, on two separate counters, for the Three Davs, One Third each day. The 1)est counter lias Ileal herblooni Underskirts on it. Name wo ven on label of every Skirt. Beautifully made up, worth $l.:o to $2.00 each, for 09 cents The regular $1.00 Black Petticoats, a lot of very nice ones, large counter full to select from 43 Cents each Large Lot Fine All-Over Embroidery At a Record Breaking Price Large lot fine quality All-Over Embroideries, the verv best Nain- sook, Swiss, Cambric and Long Cloth, handsome patterns, qual- ities worth up to $1.00 a yard, to clean un 20 Cents Standard Granula qar Again for Friday, Saturday and Mod day TWO SOLID CARS for the THREE DAYS' SELLING. Plentv Tor all who come. It is the American Standard Eagle Brand, which is enough for us to say. i-rb. Bags 2r-rb. Bags 100-lb. Bass 25 $1.25 $4.90 SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR DELIVERING All small hags sold Friday will be delivered Friday and Satur day. The balance large and small, will be delivered Mondav and Tuesday. i SEE E2 Read Efird's Advertisements. It will save you money. What We Advertise We Sell What We Sell Advertises Us. F.-j A Cor. Trade and College Sts, Charlotte's Only Strictly One Price Soot Cash Store Store Stores Also Concord, N. C. 1 s