tH CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 10. SG9 9 18 Cent k Wrdi iBIggeis Fights Over Effort to Take Him From Cell U'ft the Little Things that Count Try One AAMhU ' v rr'j Your upholstering md .tiring. Howell & John l'ifth. Phone 977. -CMv catalogue explains uii iiahdressing. manicur . :i sii.ui'. etc.. In few weeks, MoUt College, Atlanta. C-6t ..'t.'.Ul's pood second , in. in-. Address, Grapho N,.s. 10-eod. IVi.-ition as assistant ; niter or assistant ha.l some experience, i'.. Ik. Monroe, N. C. Kdlway mail clerks, LamInation Charlotte -.I'.iratiou free. Frank- Ivpt. SO". Rochester, N. 2-G-2mo Continued From Page One. of the lost arm had gone into this one, and whilp. ho Via A nrmiirel Kbill in its LADIES Will call hv nnnAJhimATi ' Use nevprthplpRa hp was thiiQ at. riisari-' x . - j Mjjuiubmcuk, f ' " - - utauiy ana physical culturist. Hair vantage, compared with a man who had dressing, marcel waving, electric tno use of two arms, manicuring, body or facial massage ! But. aer the first shot, or perhaps electric, scalp treatment, also the immediately preceding it. Hood was Turkish Sitz, Russian, Vapor and seen '-t1 Dis hands crossed before his Hot Bath, or Wet Sheet Paekc arP;fae. crying, "For God's sake don't given. Mellle V. Smith lo-lt-d&w Phone 545J do that." That warding off gesture lost his life. If the time it took to throw ui hi.4 hands in that natural way 'PHONE 953-J when you want shoes arrns around the assailant or swinging repaired. Bowden, lOr E. Trade St on to lne P-stol, or to the hand that 27-wed&sat-tf ' jheld it, the issue would doubtless have . been different. It would have given TO LOAN $2,000 for a long term, officers no further distant than the on first mortgage on uo-town im-' Square or The News office time to take proved, city real estate. Thaddeus a hand. It would have emboldened by. A. Adams, Bldg., city. attorney, 214-216 Law 10-2t. Thirty check o'clock. boys Erird's. WANTED at 301 4 N. 9Gt 0 r.vple or young men ; . 'in with board. Rates i 'MMi-en not objection- .v.- Tryon. Z0'2 S. Tryon. A A T F. D -Clean white Rags, 2c ; Job otnee. u xperlenced sales ni r.rord for first-class i.; !v at 17 West Fifth 10-2t. - G-od carrier for good it-. Apply News office. SALhOR RtN". r:-. E-'ilI e!l cheap, for : -I ii stock of groceries, i rick store: cheap rent; vmjhI on South Tryon. . j-Vuth Tryon. :T -Largo room furnished :.-.!. North Brevard. Mrs. John A. Sims. DR. A. M. WHISNANT removed to rooms 307 and 308 Realty Building. 2-l-25t FINE PROPOSITION for agents and alesmen. Apply 107 Wert Trade. 8-tf H. C. 8HERRILL, the Notary Public, wants to do your notary work. See aim at News office, or 'Phona 115. standers to have come to the aid of the attacked. Officers Youugblood and Mosteller were about in front of The News office when the first shot was fired. Officer Hunter was on the Square at the Burwell & Dunn corner. If Bystanders Had Interefered. So swift was the deadly deed done that by the time these running officers reached the scene the last shot had been fired. There was a rush inside the Central hotel door when the shooting began. A number of men were standing a few j If your blood is out of order, you run a risk of taking a germ disease. Rheuroatism,LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever are germ diseases. "Rheumacide" is an active blood purifier. It cleanses the blood of all impurities. It gives tone to the entire body. Pure blood prevents germs from taking hold of the vital organs and expels them from the sytem. "Rh 2umacide" is put up in tablet and liquid form, and is sold by druggists at 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle. Liniment, 25c. V Jv-T r Jf sit chaser refusing to take the property with the cloud over it. He was on his way when Biggers intercepted him and shot him down. Statement of Mr. Biggers' Friends. In regard to this trouble the friends if Hood1 of Mr- Biggers say mat there was no I F. C. Howell and B. H. Johnwm jhave opened an upholstering and fui ai j ture repairing establishment at No. 3: i East Fifth street. STOIIIA. lla Ki:J Yds KaiaAiwars Bcctf tVtft nwuv frnni rho twn mn NOW Is your clrance $40 and isft'had grappled Biggers these men would oniae pi up - bs. ' ulta for $25 and $30 all mranteed ihave doubtless rushed in and held "s. diggers, ini a wuau laim . "r " al1 6iiuiiet!a. i , ,. . ,!niiiif fivo tm ps from town on thp 11"er- Merchant Tailor. 10 East oisarmea i um, as men so ouen o f rr- Tnpv sav thap m" iraae bt. R-tf 1U 11 streei ngni, or nave wresueu wilu ; . - --- .T. i him till the officers were at hand. uiggere iawia iia i..mi un ui There was a second chance. The sec-!Pomt in me nugauon wmcu as msu ond ball went through the open window , tuted but which never came to a head. r, i , .. l . i Tiicrp-or Qnld nip, farm in nis wifp Ota rrnnm -ni.. v -ifTv,.ii OI 1119 enirai noiei ous, crasneu , , - - : i- ll K.'iil.SftS1 through the glass of the front window, they say. ,n order to get money which missing the colored driver's head by.811 v'"a ie lc. s,pl e'nu w"lc" nTe about an inch and cracked the plate Wanted to put into the firm of the J. glass window of the Southern Loan and G- "wd Company, the firm which did Trust Companv, on the other side of business m tno Belmont building on (h(, strtot Rit ti.PW wprp th niv East Trade street. I hey repeat that jtwo chances. It is said that Hood did: repeat that Mr. J. G. Hood assured Mr. .make an attempt about this time to Biggers against any loss. Hood failed. ! grasp Bigcers but the latter eluded they declare, and never did make any him. pulled the trigger the third t line, rt poi l to lu sunnu UCi ui me 8-tf FOR RE INT city water; one 6-room cottage, 404 W. llth bt., modern conveniences. FOR SALE Six lots Villa Heights $C00. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY, 'Phone 312. 6 West Fifth St BRIEFS. f j SALE- .'-room cottage, good lo s "U," care News. SLE CHEAP Cash, or easy ' Kemington Typewriter, . 1 ' r.'".v. Address "Cain," - :. '. 8-tf lE-R"3tnuront and lolging i.i 'hi location. Address D.. Ml n .... 1 , T ci-i i run liiin, puutm nit; ;iitLii,v'i nit; iiiiiu unit-. 1 - vrnhm P L ' and B lly ,t Jlfflcillt; tQ loa exactl how this money they put in had been spent The W illiams are the attractions at the was suits mentioned were instituted but Dixie. The Dixie gives daily ladies' tL tWn Vk halh in thP linin "ever came to a trial. Biggers. to raise and children's matinees. J f; e ! the $2,000 for which he was held liable "The Modest Young Man" is the' death. The third might not have been jater the failure endorsed a note to nirtiirt. nt tho Thontn m.v ia f-jtm hut rha rhmcoo nf nfo undor it ' the Commercial National Bank. But so modest that clothes are "put on like would have been slim. It penetrated ; he ould not eell his land, for which a the legs of his chairs and table. (the forehead and fractured the skull. f""1"" 6;ir" f Y v.- V The -fourth was fired into the back or uw.-aus.woi .u uu uivi i- the head of the now prostrate andun- over the property because of the con-e'eus man alleged lien. The prospective purchas- Mr." HnnH'; "rrinH,, An.m nf thJer feared to buy while there was any Troubie. ; ;4n'pv' flit 1y5-Jry bV ,-,iT, , ,r-L C BeantLa of OASTOniA. BMi tti 1t3 Kind Ydb Haw Ai3K BoyzJf Eigaataia of Union National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital $100,000 Your Business Solicited. All the facilities of a Savings Bank with the Governments supervision of a National iBank. Four per cent com pounded quarterly in our Savings Department. T. W. WADE, Pres. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. FLORENCE. P.ODINOFF With the Ve.-non Stock Company at the Academy of Music This Week.. !t Don't Forget Y. W. C. A. BOARD MEETING. Mrs. C. N. cording Elected. G. Butt Resigned as Re Secretary Miss Orr The first meeting of the new board of directors of the Young Woman's Christian Association was held at 11 o'clock this morning. Mrs. C. N. G Mr. II. H. Hood, brother of Mr. J. G. Hood gives substantially the follow- legal dispute over the matter. Wanted $500 for Release. Thev insist further that Mr. Hood Today 's Markets Ha wnr !ii:l I'lurk'x Cotton Lrllrr. New Orlean.s. Feb. 10. While bullish prospects for new crops :ire rather Trinity College Campus Notes strengthened by the ontir.ueri tibsence Special to The News of rain in 'lie western stn tes, the sit- nation in obi crops appears weakening : Trinity College, Durham, Feb. 10. and sneculativelv exhausted except tor : possible nrofessionai manipulation, but . There was a meeting of the board A. even us success win u- iarS. i.v c.epen- e ,i5rfr f iha w.1ilv iwnrr Tho ient on assistance Trinity Chronicle, crop developments. Accordingly there i liil :l 1 vtllifririfr of ihi- lnll forces, and interest in the market to pose of the llicetin the new crop positions. t r-i Y ng account or me trouDie oetween ms;had been pursumg a vacillating policy, brother and Biggers . It was comphcat-' tt t,0 . i,iQ,i t imo, Cd by a financial entanglement Which rnn " rf tl,P nnit rbiim dp-1 Liverpool afram sliowed a weakenir. 11 beean several vears a-o when Mr J j ?500 as the pnee of the quit claim ue tejl.Jtm.y in vh .,.rop tutuVHS whi(., port from Bus Butt resigned as recording secretary. - ?uu v,its engageu m uie uiy u,'a the time of his death this demand. Tliat Her resignation was accepted and business under the firm name of J. G.Jhe kept Bj?sers jn suspense, at times Miss Laura E. Orr was elected to Hod & Co- and occupied the store un- j giving him hope ?nd then plunging him succeed her. The only other busi- . dcr the Belmont hotel. Biggers claim- into gloom bv changing his mind, is ness before the board was the seere- lhat he oneV m this company. the assertiou of Biggers close relatives tary's report j which, after nine months, was forced j an( friends Miss Elizabeth Sherrard. general !0Ji?.uid.ate- the st.ock bein? bought bys FrieDds 'h'ad Daid e interest on the secretary of the association, was , "nra - bepitmei i stoie. in ni con- note but it had reaced maturity and unable "to be present at the meet-; ?era. w?vp i,lt'SfS- J- G- Hood, P. B. tnere beine no apoarent solution, so ine owinc to her absence in Greer's. Mpoa. -ames. btewart. j b. AJtcnneu, far as rjiggerir couiJ'tsee. and having today, the pur-1 being to look in-: A re-' She went there to attend mind that rOr, RENT With or without board veil f irnlshed rooms in pri- ;' .'. Modern conveniences. '. .cation. 'Phone 1866. 8-6t RENT For light housekeep - or live rooms in elegant, ; t n.ent. $1(1. Central, care H"! REM Two uicely furnished i i i'rlvate family. Bath same i ;'!!" uiTti-.i. 9-it r0T " UNT C. and U)-room steam i'uients, $27.."0 and $30.00. 5-10t cises incident to the opening of the hm and others. Mr. Biggers put $l,;Hood never would help him out, he be Y. W. C. A. at that place. I500 fhe concern when it was first came desperate. FOR STEALING PEAS. Joe Massey, Colored, Goes to Jail Default of $50 Bond. in organized and later put $500 more to it when Mr. Hood purchased the Arch bell stock and Mr. Archbell became di rectly associated with him in the active management of the store. This $2,000 jof stock which Mr. Biggers put into this Those who are very close to Mr. Big gers in his trouble were saying today that they did not credit the theory that Hood was on his way to sign the quit claim when he was shot. The News was mistaken yesterday in saying that Mr. H. H. Hood was as- j sociated with his brother, Mr. J. G. lower sales S.000. A cable- said storks setting troublesome." Heavy tenders m Liverpool on near futures i show the unfavorable spot situation and stock pressure. In our markets likewise weakness de veloped in old crops which of course affected new crops sympathetically l some extent, but liquidation was prin cipally consigned to the old. !'roke.-s usually dealinf? for New York sou' May and .Inly. Uenoral. rtuns. heavy m manv ! to the condition of the paper, siness Manager J. S. j Yarn ! YV rf-nu, Ot uie semor na&, miui-u i that the paper was in first-class ! a shape, ami that it would be sun-ess- i 1 1 south. ! usualUv ful in the year's work, r to time the board holds r.nd thi. rov.ef.nsii nf nnini.T.l meeting today was that the paper was on a successful basis, and t'natt the financial status of it was in un-iA fo condition. The Chron-. 0 Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters. To Send Thai Valentine We have a choico assortment, including a number of ideal VALENTINE EOOKS The limn leather edition of Songs Merry and Sad and many other appropriate titles. Drop In and look them over. Out-of-town orders given prompt attention. Stone & Bamnger Go, on at the; V localities felt over . nii'ht in Central and rJsatern states wnereas ; j j now s.,otlt four years old. and Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma had , ' none to speak of. 1 fast growing. The spot, market is very quiet only . The Trinity College Historical So- scattered small business, and few or ders. Factors inure inclined to consid er hi Is. '0.1 TE NT-Two ot those hand- f ' t' 1 it ( ni steam heated Vance ' tri. nts. 'Phone 660. 1-tf 'CH J'tNT Large ware room for J. A. Durham. 8-tf Joe Massey. colored, was hailed be-' " "a lut."llcl -7 1 f.a -i inif o,to.,in,- tion of the company. It is said that OIC UUUllt. M. A . i: 111 74-1 j vtiiiua i . , . i n 1 " ' 4 ' - answer to a charge of stealing about " " " r , " " nooa in uie nnu ui j. k. nuuu tour pounds of peas from the granary i col"paJ1.'Mr- f G' Ho?d' ?' "00d Mr. Biggers is a man of kindly dis- of Mr. W. A. Short in Providence town- rVfl BS porrovveQ iu uw iion u position and devoted to his children. ui i o i . . , mi. ..i i in commercial iNationai na.UK. oy Phip last Saturday night. The evi-. . raBnIiatln f.Q aaant Mr. except Thio is not Massey's first offence as ' tw arf r.Td has only recently returned f rom ! f1 tf,ndJf dence was so conclusive that Massey Lj7jnTuTT finally confessed his guilt, and went to e f,31", LtbfheC05ny'r o5i ,iofo.,u r,f '-n i,i Hood paid all on the note exc jail in default of ?o0 bond. 1 o nnn n los tbat T?rc v. u yju.y .eveuu, .ciu.ucu """'to be connected in anv way with the serving a 12 months sentence on the j " Momonf nf iha oWo4; That, he is a man of great nerve was evinced when his arm was cut off in an accident while he was coupling care at the intersection of the railroad andl East Fifth street, several years ago.j He walked for 100 street at the time Jan Feb Mar Apr July Aus Sept Oct Nov Dec New York Cotton. High. Low. :.i:: . it. 2'. Closed quiet; spots 0.Sr Close, n 2'.; is ri '.i.r-4 :.- :). t; v.t !'.4T 4S 0.-14 1 !. !j ir .v :;t 9 il ! c-iety is planning a cry interesting j meeting for Friday evening, the ! occasion being the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the, birth of Abraham Lincoln, and the j program prepared for the meeting j is verv interesting. Addresses will ; be delivered by Dr. William P. Few.; of the department of English and I Dr. William K. Boyd, of the de-i partment of history. The public gen-; will be invited to tne meet- j 9 feet up East Trade1, T . ...vo, 7 ,0 Futures on. ne i 1 wcnt to deliver soll5e ''l,idrcsS(s at an . his little boy carry-uVeralid Steady aVttn"'--i educational meeting. He will return; nts 17.00(1. American I ,:ilM); sales it.- irom tiuu ikjitioii ui imv sidit- tuc t It. American 3.S0j; speculation rind '- first Of the week, rt 1000i; middling f.. 17. yesterday T.2. , "M T f F,.ro-erin nf 1ho ots quiet; prices easier. , Jlr- lj- J erguson, Ot tne Close. J class, is m Watts Hospital, wl erally ing. 2H Prof. E. C. Brooks, of the depart i ment of education, left today for the eastern ntirt cf the state where he roads in I'nion county for stealing sev eral turkeys which he brought to Char lotte and sold. A-. 1 p. r -nt ew houses, Seigle ri"lm nt, nicely papered, all conveniences, close to $1. New house Wil '. I'. C. Abbott & Co., Trust : 13-tf MISCELLANEOUS 1 OOVER HOUSE, 911 N. Try- r.nv.- open to permanent l-'-ardors. 9-3t Boiled Under Locomotive. Jrsev City. N. J.. Feb. 10. Caught under his engine iu such a position Suits Instituted. In order to protect his own name, Mr. Hood mortgaged his home and paid the remaining $2,000 on the note, thus settling up the old business com pletely with the excjption of internal differences in the company. A suit that escaping steam entered his followed, in which a judgment was mouth and throat, William Curran, a , secured against Biggers for his pro Pennsylvania Railroad engineer, met ( portion of the $10,000, and when the a horrible death at the foot of Ex-. sheriff went to his home, it is saiu change place. He was so terribly scalded internally that death result ed almost instantly. ''Y TIME IS MY OWN Will call " ;'b where to act as Notary Ml business strictly con- l .;inl; Jonei The Public '"ice 'phone 213, residence 18-m-w-s-tf The Seven Russells. The minstrel at the Star, all the actors of which are members of one family, ii a good performance. Ev erything for a real minstrel is there, songs, dancing, jokes and all. Cotton Receipts. ing the severed limb in his arms While recovering from this injury he was marrieu to Miss Wolfe, of Sha ron. He volunteered for the Spanish American war and was recognized as as brave a soldier as was in the state's service. FUNERAL OF MR. HOOD. Mc- ' m time that will save nine ia - "Ie Liver Pills. For blllous ! U-adache, constipation. They Price 23. Sold by S. L. l r & Co. that he was notified that Mrs. Biggers owned all the property. Mr. H. H. Hood, brother of the deceased, was appointed trustee of two lots held by Biggers on Ninth street, and later Biggers sued Mr. J. G. Hood for the $2,000 he originally put in the stock of the company, contending that he had been robbed out of this amount through mismanagement of the affairs of the company. Another suit was in stituted by Mr. J. G. Hood in the ref erees court to bring the complex situa tion to light. Here the matter rested. None of the suits have ever been tried Thirty bales of cotton were sold on the local platform today at 9 cents. On the same date last year land the situation was seldom spoken 12 bales were sold at 12 cents. Noted Speakers Heard. of until recently, although Mr. H.. II Hood declares that Biggers two years ago threatened the life, which he took yesterday, unless he got a square Held From Residence by Drs. Geachy and Shaw. The funeral of Mr. Hood was held from the residence on North Tryon street at half past three o'clock this arternoon. The services were conduct ed bv Rev. Dr. A. A. McGeachy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, as sisted by Rev. A. R. Shaw, of Tenth Avenue church. The pallbearers were: Messrs. H. T. Rollins, I. W. Durham. E. R. Preston. W- L. Wallace. J. F. Jamie son and Dr. J R Alexander A large concourse of sympathizing friends were present, and there were many beautiful flowers. porl Spc Jan -Feb Feb-Mar . Mar-Apr Apr-May May-June J tine-July July-Auti Ausr-Sept Sept -Oct . Oet-Nov . Nov-Dei- . Dec-Jan . -..on ."..02 V- r.,0:-. r..ot :..oc r.n; r..oo !.'.) 7 -!.!'; ii LSI 'a 4. VOW, junior i iv here he has been for several days suffering with a severe case of lagrippe. :GfAL Skirls Dyed 75 Cents Ladies' and Men's Suits Dyed $1.50 Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works STARNES NOT CAPTURED. Chicaeo. 111.. Feb. lO.-Erainent speak' on1 ers heard today at the general sessions. H . Mde Un Mjnd . sjn Lovr Da. ' t' hi'o bull doc. female. 1 '!.. foliar and lock on !;'-"Aarfl. Hall Bros.. 235 E. 3-6-d&w-tf V-'. H. WAKEFIELD has rooms ""'I 103 Realty Building and Ui )ua offices from 9 to 2 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. jTiCE - Tho firm nf OvprrriKh & ' !"d) dissolved by mutual Ml lbts due the firm are i ; I mo. I not be re- fr any new debts incurred " -Mi Ms or the old firm of tc a! ills. This Feby. 6, 1909 "v"i-ei'sh. 6-10t :l r illustrated catalogue ex- ve (each barber trade in bdulod free. Moler Barber nta. Ga. . 6-6t STEAM ! I"..- A,itl, e are prepared to give n t nMentlon. Carolina ''h. 'Phone 306 DR. 'i-. 1 MOORE, Painless Tooth Last Trade St. 18-tf nd fienanment conierenct-b ui mctuu- . rinHin c-r, rivu arn tht ho -u-ac vent ion of tho Religious Kducation As- w ked b thJ judgment against the illnn inobirtcrl Tr HenrV Churchill - r. . . t". - - i saie ot a irm wuien nu was negoxia, rving. jut. ueorge umuvil ting with a Charlotte man. Big lor Frank Strong, of the University of gers seemed overcome with hatred. Charlotte Cotton Market. Good middling , 9s,i Strict middling 9 Middling 9V2 Tinges and stains f-Ms to 9c There will be prayer meeting in; the First A. R! P. church tonight at! 7:4.j o'clock, as usual. j i Chicago Grain and Produce. High. Low. CIohq. Bob Turner, His Alleged Partner in Crime is Acquitted. Roscoe S tames, the young white man Avho, as was stated in the News yesterday, escaped from jail while waiting trial for the alleged larceny of clothes from the pressing club of Messrs. J. C. and II. M. Shelby, has not yet been captured. Bob Turner, who was a party to the same charge, was tried yesterday and acquitted after a deliberation of the WHEAT Mfiv Julv Sept CO RX Ma- July Sept OATS Mi' y July Sept M v JulV LAUD May .TuIa- ... I UBS Mav ... July . . . 111-4 '.bj'l . G 1 -;k . C, 1 ,, . C.4'. 110', 6 I "A 0:: in 3 01 Kansas; Dean Shailer Mathews, ot the Biggers it is understood ,went to Mr. university or oniwgo newucw, w ;H H IIood and sought a quit claim rus Northrop, of the University ot Min- . nesota, and Chancellor George E. Mc-such a lai'm Biggers had signed jury from 5 to 8:30 o'clock. It is pro- Lean, of the universuj 01 iowd. rur, (jissolution naner concerning: the old bable that Starnes now wishes that he the open meetiug tonight the scneaui-. Dusmess A wrangle of several days' 1 had not taken the disposition of his ed speakers are tresHiem ouii icb w Eliot, of Harvard University, and Rev, Dr. Charles R. Henderson. is 1U. 07 17.07 S.00 0.05 4 7-r-s l 17.0J 9.70 s.s. 0.02 C.I u r, t 41-, 1e,.')-2 17.02 0.77 S.87 "5.05 Charictti Proauct MarkeL Hens per hea5 35 Spring chickens large 25 Spring chickens medium .... 17 Turkeys per D 13 Eggs 24 Ducks ...25 Better 12 fS20 14 2e 01P Fire ! Fire if ire ! 'Jf'JJP. V For Rent i duration had been in progress, Mr. It. H. Hood taking the part of peace maker between his brother and Big gers, doing all in his power to bring about a relief of the strained rela- The son of the deceased. Dr. vesterday i John Hood, of Pineville, was in the Post Office Looted. Canion, ("ia., Feb. 10. The postotnee tions tno horo was dynamited yesterday . jonn morning at 2 o'clock by professionals . city Aionaay anu was wun nis iatner and robbed of stamps to tne vaiue 01 at iue wuii, njute wutvu uu. ia. n. ?000 The robbers escaped m a nooa came up ana auviseu iu u hiiezv. Thev failed to secure $300 case into his own hands, as his alleged partner in crime is now free but he himself must continue to avoid officers. locked in another portion of the safe. Residents adjoining the postoffice de tected the cracksmen at work, but were afraid to give an alarm, as picK ets patrolled the street in front of the building. ... Tho hiire-larfi broke onen a DiacK' ceased to sign the quit claim. He went off with his son to the depot and he was again advised to sign the claim in order to prevent any culmi nation of the feud -which had arisen. He promised his son that he would con sider the matter seriously, and his wife now asserts that he left home Weddington Property Transferred. Messrs. J. M. Jamison and J. P. Sanders who recently bought the home place of Mr. J. H. Weddington, on West Trade stree, transferred the property today to the Stonewall Ho tel Company in which they are the nrincinal incorporators. The consid eration named w-as $15,000. Mr. Prerton Assisting Mr. McRae Mr. E. R. Prestou is assisting City Attorney McRae in the charter-making, having been retained by the city for SEW YOK1C STOCKS. Atohison Baltimore & Ohio Canadian I'aHiu- Chesapeake & Ohio Lrin Krie, pffi, 1st . . Kock Island Illinois Ocntri'i Louisville. & Nashville Missouri Pncin Missouri. Kansas & Texas ... Now York Central Norfolk & Western Ontario fc "Western Pennsylvania St. Paul Southern ParinV Southern aKilway Southern 'tail'va:'. pfd Texas & Pacific t'nion Paciiic "Wabash Wabash, pt'.l Amalgamated Copner Proeklyn Rapid Tronsit Col. Fuel and Iron PnnFni'latD,l Gas People's Gas .tvuierican sugar Refining . . . Kloss-Phef Iron and Steel . . Clos-. : 1731 ::i' tl". Ard It. will avjDij eom at this I bod of th year, aftstroylDjc you- i Storo, Dwell' og. Furniture, UCaeMni7 j or Merchandise. t T03 -mil sav ur ir.dmnltj ; 1 1 m ... - . ..a t , ' Haausst. loan is yc'H uj policies Issued t)7 tna m conspanJn rcpreptnting $40,C08,000 asstt with long reputation for fair dealing ami prompt attlenioatf. Rob't D. Mooie ; One five-room house on North Cedar. One four-room hou?.; on East Oak St. Two 6-room cottages. East Vance, all modern improvements. One Groom on East Stonewall St, all modern improvements. One 5-room house East Stone wall St., all modem improvements. Two 4-room houses, Ninchville. one Mc- C. McNELIS 33 East Fourth Street. mMm 13 ' us f,2 17S 184 4!t 71 110 13 ui-; 7:1 smith shon to secure tools to break yesterday morning to so to the court j that purpose. Mr. Preston is one of flown two doors leading to the safe. I house to sign the quit claim against the able younger members of the Char-, S. Steebpfd ...... .. -rJn wit were fired and the ex-'Diggers so that he might be allowed lotte bar and has represented the Northern Pacific Jto sell his farm, the intending pur- county in the legislature. Two blasts were fired ana plosive used was nitro-glycerine Smelters It i 13 o 1 -,i E GROUND HOG ! SAID SO, SO GUESS 'TIS SO. that we are to have six weeks more of the cold, disagreeable weather, but vou wont bother THEN if you NOW give us your orders for the best sawed and split dry seasoned Oak and Pine Wood; also rich light wood. The best Lump Coal. SiiiiiJl J2L.dJlLliliLi COAL and WOOD Dilworth 558 AVANT jCityYerd 402 PHONES

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