12 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY II, 1909 THE WEATHER Forecast or Charlotte and Vicinity. Fair tonight and Friday. Weather Conditions. Tin- storm eeiitre which was over I he Cau.ulhn province of Ontario on Wednesday morning has apparently continued its movement toward the northeast. Precipitation has occurred over the Atlantic coast and the lake legion during the past L'4 hours, but has heeti followed by clearing weather except over the lower hikes and New Kn.zland where snow continues. Tem peratures have fallen generally over the country east of the Mississippi. The weather is generally fair this morning over the central and south ern portions of the country. An area of low pressure moving in over the Cal ifornia coast has caused rain aud warm er weather west of the Kooky moun tains. Indications are for fair weather in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight and Friday, with not much change in temperature. The Biggest and the Best Met For Getting Results. BY THS State Forecasts From Washington. North and South Carolina: Fair to night. . Friday fair, slightly warmer. Light west winds becoming variable. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. DEATH OF MRS. NORMAN. mflf i ' XTr n 1 All For $2,40 0.0 A cottage hor.K1 and three vacant lots fronting 205 feet on East Avenue extension and running back 220 feet to an alley, city wa ter in front of the property, and it is located in a rapidly grow ing section of the City, and sure lo enhance in value vapidly. The above mice is a social one for this week. Call and let us show you this property. i Y & CO. for N, Trysts, 'PImsi MS. OR Store room, COx'jO, 17 East Third street Store room, 08 North College Store room, 204 South College Eight-room dwelling, Elizabeth Heights, on car line... Five-room dwelling, East Fourth street Six-room dwelling, l05 East Third street Seven-room dwelling. 714 West Fifth street Six-room dwelling. 714 North Graham street I Five-room dwelling, 207 North Cedar street ' n: 1 nr T'-.t-- itlll c-f five-room u cuius, juj i.i. ... .i.w.... Five-room dwelling, 9 North CUirksou street Three-room dwelling, 32 1 South Myers . Mother of Miss Cynthia Norman, Who Was Murdered Last Fall. Mrs. Lizzie Norman, the aged mother of Miss Cynthia Norman, who was murdered on the l"th of last Septem ber, (lied at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon at her home on the Statesvillo road, four miles out from Charlotte. The death of her daughter and the mystery which surrounded it, seriously affected Mrs. Norman's health and her death yesterda was not unexpected. Miss Norman, it will he recalled, was found lying near a well In a dying con dition with her throat cut almost from ear to ear. Mrs. Norman managed to leniove her into the house and gave the alarm. Several neighbors respond d and in a short time Jim Avers was arrested as a su-pect. He was given a preliminary hearing and discharged.! as the evidence submitted was not suf ficient to convict. Nothing more was heard from him until a few weeks ago, when h. died suddenly in South Caro lina, where he went soon after leaving this community. Mrs. Norman's funeral was held from the home at 3 o'clock this afternoon. MAYOR CUTCHIN'S SALARY A Squabbl Roanoke Over It in the City Council. Those who met Mayor CutcUin. of Itoanok'. Va.. h'-re at the municipal convention., last fall, will be interested to read the following dispatch from Iloauoke to the Richmond Journal of the lth: ' Councilman T. J. Carter last night creuted a sensation at the considera tion of the apropriation bill by request ing Mayor Ciitehin to resign if he could not serve the city as mayor and In seining fish to get results You have to take the net results. In business, too, to get results You figure on the net results. Netting fish and netting profits sug gest each other. In each case you must put out a net that moves around and gathers up the results. So far as business goes, the local newspaper is the biggest and best net for getting results. It circulates around town and in the country alo. Axe you advertising r 1903 United States Senate ratified the Alaska Boundary Treaty. li0S The 100th anniversary of the discovery of the combustibility of anthracite coal celebrated at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Colds contracted at thi3 season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Its laxa tive quality rids the system of the) cold. Pleasant to take. Best for chil dren for coughs, colds, croup and whoping cough. Sold by S. L. Alexan der & Co. This is the Plan Deposit all of your income in our Savings Department Uraw out from time to time what you need for expenses THE BALANCE IS SAVED THE NEW SERIES utual Building & Loan Starts with First Payment TRY IT ! January 2. Start right, stay right, win out, There's no other place just like tha Mutual. Age, experience, success are not to be sneered at. You find them all here. Then JHW. h9 Sec. and Treas, 5 8. Try on St. Tryst Bulletin: Now For REAc hSlAfr FOR RENT mm GROChRb WHOLE HEAD RICE 4 Tbs. 25c. Good rice c. Cocoa 10c and 20c. Best sugar Sc. Chocolate 1 3c. Cranber ries loc. Cream cheese I Sc. Hams Friday and Saturday 12 l-2c. . Lard overseer of the poor on the salary be- H e. Snow Drift lard lie. Hig cuts ing paid him when elected to the of- in canned goods and dried 'fruits, lice. He said he was now being paid Chickens. Apples and oranges, double the amount he received and was I BR1DGERS & CO. glad to get when hrst elected to the; 203 W. Trade. ofhee. He is asking an increase from Blacksmith Shop North Charlotte. One of the best locations in the city. W. G. SHOEMAKER 227 N. Tryon St. Phone 306 or 444. m $1,200 to $1,800 and threatened to aban don the work for the poor if his salary was not inereased. "When the additional work of over seer of the poor was imposed on the "DELICALESSEN DAY." Boiled Tongue, Boiled Ham. Cook ed Corned Beef, Smoked Salmon. Goose Liver Sausage. Bologna, Frank furters and Ring, also Phil Cream, mayor a short time ago. he was allow- Neufchatel. Limburger and Munster eu an increase ot $31." . z POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE. Mr. Carlton Best, Poultry Fancier, Will Ooen One at No. 13 North Church otresi. .Mr. Carlton Best, one of the best known poultry fanciers in this section tf th- state will open a poultry supply J house at No. 18 North Church street within the next vse-k or two. Several other putties are interested. Th" name of the concern has been My led I he Charlotte Poultry Supply Company. A complete line of goodJ needed in the breeding of fancy and market poultry will be carried in stock, including ineubators, brooders, feed, wire and scores of other things. Cheese. Ail fresh today. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. ASPARAGUS TIPS 33c per can or 2 cans for one dollar. S. R. LENTZ ONLY $500 CASH As first payment on a new $1000 modern home on Eliza beth Avenue. This home will be offered for a few davs at $3750. The People's Loan & Realty Company Room 309 Realty Building. 'Phone 313. . W. M. Lout Pres. W. It. Wearn. V.-Pres. W. L. Nicholson. Sec-Treas. Say "Scottish" to your agent when you ask for a Fire Insurance Policy and he will do the rest. s?a ?? A i erchan is BBBasa National 35 East Trade Streeti Capital $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits 3133,000,00 Accounts . Invited GEO. E. WILSON, President iJNO. B. ROSS, Vice President W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier T"''XCX - in- I r" comsnrire roucies rrotect J. F. FLOWERS, V-Pres and Mgr. 1 U4 OT Five-room cottage, practically new, city "vrater, -ired for elo.:tric lights, lot 50x145, 10-foot alley in rear, well located ia a rci neighborhood and is very desirable for a small hon:e cr i:;--ei--ment, term3 to suit the purchaser. Our itrice $UoO.OC. rV.r I jr ther information call or phone, Carolina Realty Company O. J. Thies, Pres. B. R. Lee, Secy. W. D. Wilkinson, Mgr. and Treas. J. P. Lonr, SaTcrrs-r:. .. 211 North Tryon Strest.. 'Phone CC0. can handle your business after a fashion, when times are good and money easy. When tiraes are hard and money tight xou feel the need cf a bus iness connection with a BIG, STRONG and RELIABLE BANK We invite you to try tbje notte rcarionas tsan Fourth Aard Cottaof We offer for sale a nice 5-room cottage, besides reception r: with gas, sewerage and bath, on car line. Lot 40x193. Sncr'i quickly taken at price offered, of $2oG0.00. Dixie. Mr. and Jlrs. .las. Silver, who were to have bven here the first of the week, but who were detained in Greeusboro ou account of Mra. Bil ver's illness, will play at the Dixie the res-t of the wtek. Thev give a true to life farm sketch, "Old Hur ley.' Eripecial scenery is carried for this act and is very pleasing. The sketch ends in a dream and the old farm in beautifully shown as it is dreamed about. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We will give you "Monarch Brand" canned fruits, a strictly high-grade California pack for 0 cents per can. Regular price 35c. THIES & BURKE. 'Phone 119. 211 W. Trade. FEED A large stock of Peavine Hay, Shucka, Straw, Meadow Grass, Cotton i Seed Hulls and Meal and Ship Stuff! all at very low prices. "The Musician's Love Story." The picture at the Theato is one of full of human interest. "The Musician's Love Story," ia an ex cellent picture. At the Dixie Mr. and Mrs. James Silver In "Old Hurley," a sketch taken from real life. A bright catchy sketch. Special scenery. "THIS DATE IN HISTORY." STORES 205 N. Tryon St 560.00 902 X. Graham St j.o.00 Suitable for beef market. 904 N. Graham St 25.00 Two Offices in Hunt Bldg. each 10.00 HOUSES. 305 N. Poplar St., 7-rooms, mod ern conveniences, possession J. T. MULLIS & CO. t oa-j it si,.m,j c t ,V 42 N. College St. 'Phona 510. ,llor1prn 9- M. - .............. JU.UU along this line. RESOURCES 1,600TOOO.OO MISCELLANEOUS February 11. 177G- -Governor Wright, of Georgia, es caped from the patriots. 1 SOI Congress extended the boundary of Mississippi Territory north west to the 33th degree of lati tude. 1812 Alexander II. Stephens., vice president of the Confederate States of America, born near Crawfordsville, Ga. Died in At lanta, March 1, 1883. 1829 Andrew Jackson arrived in Washington in anticipation of his inauguration as President of the United States. 1833 Melville W. Fuller. Chief Jus lice of the Supreme Court of the United States, born in Au gusta, Me. 1862 Elizabeth City, X. C, occupied by Federal troops. 1S73 King Amadous, of Spain, abdi cated. Archibald Lampman, Canadian poet. died. Horn November 17. 161. YOU WANT IT GOOD A steak or roast must be tender, Juicy and sweet or you feel that your money as well as your temper are lost. Our steaks, roasts, chops, hams and sausages are the best money will buy. They will please you. Try our pure open-kettle rendered lard. S. D. HALL. 215 East Trade St Phon 111 SEASONABLE GAME Quail, Snipe, Woodcock, Wild Duck, Turkey, and choice Oysters, served in the most tempting style. Best 50c Dinner in the South. THE GEM RESTAURANT THE LONGEST and Broadest, and the Fairest and Sparest guarantee is behind the L. C. Smith Typewriter. Tha makers know that it is made right, know that it is made of the best ma terial obtainable and stand behind f to your entire satisfaction. . K. CRAYTON & CO., C01N3 TO BUILD? Let me figure on your roofing. 1 will give you the best of work and ma terials and perhaps save you money. I paint and repair slate or metai roofs. C. F. SHU MAN ZOO N. College. . 'Phone 811 3- room cottage, W. 8th St., per month : 7.00 304 E. Liberty St., 6 rooms 20.00 1414 E. 5th St., 5-room cottage 10.00 7-room house Craighead Park.. 20.00 4- room cottage Villa Heights, per week 1.50 203 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 535 lew Five-R oom Dwelling For quick sale the owner will sell on easy terms a five-room dwell ing, pleasing style of architecture and convenient interior ar rangements with lot 100x250 feet. Good location and desirable neighborhood. Address - ; jj. E. T., care Charlotte News. snaps: Til Oharlotfe Trust anil Realty Oeiw Room 305 Realty Building PHONE 377 A. G. Craig, Secretary W. J. Chambers, Treasure 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. Crest TO RAISE THE RAYS of briliance one needs electricity, it. has ten times the briliance of the best gas, without its dangers. We are considered experts in the installation of perfect ELECTRIC LIGHTING and we take the most infiniute pains with our work to ensure permanent satisfaction. Brighten your home, your office, store or factory with a radiant electric light at low cost. Ideal Electric Co 15 South Church Street. uburban i r uiidini 1 tract 200x480 feet. 1 tract 200x350 feet, each $700, easy terms. 18 tracts, close to the above, all are well woodei and ;cr:-; homes. 5-acre tract Inside city limites. 19-acre tract inside city limits. 10-acre tract 4 miles out, good Improvements. 133 acres, 5 miles cut, at a bargain if taken at one. a wtSkr-f insert nrrry:: WOOD WOCDJ TERRA COTTA PIPEI BtOT Wood, Heatei- Wood, Fire Pluw Sfcod. Both Fine and Oak Wood, Dry and Good. 'Phon 376. Eerra Cotta Pipe all alsca. c. V. FURR. On the Providence Road or East Ave nue extended, we are offering some special bargains in desirable home sues jus now. These lots are just one block from Elizabeth Car line and of unusually large size. 2 Lots 60x223 fronting East Avenue. 2 Lots 70x345 fronting East. Avenue. 1 Lot 90x219 fronting Park Avenue. 1 corner lot 60 219 fronting Park Avenue. 5 Lots 60x219 fronting Park Avenue. 1 corner lot 90x120 Miller Avenue. 6 Lots 60x120 Miler Avenue. We will make special prices and terms on those remaining lots at this well located suburb during the next few days, -as we want to close out the balance of this property. F. C. ABBOTT & CO. "Everything in Real Estate." REM! Room 6 Old Hunt Building. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. Fhs' A Small Cash Payment Modern 3-rocm house 409 N. Brevard St $16.66 Modern 5-room cottage, Cleveland Ave $16.S6 Modern 5-room Flat East 12th Street 5-room house 418 X. Church Street, very close in $11.00 5-room house 1207 N. Caldwell Street $ 8.00 5-room-house 1209 X. "Caldwell Street $ 8.00 5-room house 90S Mint Street $10.00 G-room house 507 East 4th Street $ 8.00 5-room house Xorth Cedar Street . $10.00 4-room house 401 East 13th Street, per week $ 1.50 3-room house East 13th Street, per week $ 1.00 Large Hall over brick store in Belmont. We write Fire Insurance for the '"Glens Falls", "Hamburg-Bremen", "Pied mont" and "Scottish" Companies. . ,, J . Arthur nderson Bro, FOR SALE CRAIGHEAD PARK, NEAR ELIZASETH COl-t 4-room cottage, lot P0xl50, $1350.00: $200 cash, balance on easy " VILLA HEIGHTS 4-room cottage, lot 50x150, $S00.00; $50.00 cash, balance on easy ? t' other bargains. 203 N. Tryon SL You Will be Hurt or Si 9asvun is jnr uzm wft&ra totnorrow. At!-: - v- -- qei unexpectedly. Prepare fcr thera now. Let t; Tc - ; tfea MARTLANTJ CASTTAT.TV' P.nfPAKri? nrlvftrsi J " " Feliey, eorini! EVERT DISEASE AND EVE3Y ACCir:".' HARVEY LAMBETH, Manager Insurance Department, American Trust C c. U : Phon Bit. 119 N. Tryon.

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