THE CftkRi&??'& KeWa FEBRUARY 11, 1909 Nation Sues Missionaries Be l g ia n Government DringsChargcs Against Revs. Wm. 11. Shipper d. Colored, And fdv. W. M. Morrison, White. ! 5. Valentine's Is Next Sunday Close Approach oj The Day Marked bv Decor ation of Shozv Windows With Beautiful Valen tines and Cards. on jth H'V. Wm. II. Shyp;.rd. the col..; jnmisttr uf th.- Snu'h -in 1 'i ujil churcli. ag.dtist v.!-m il. ? i i i m -i rnni"iit has hrjught .nit. is w I.UHWI1 in thh city, i'tii! has filled t I'Ulpit Of -UlIlL- il" III.' while Vii iari church h-ie vliil' ! v;i luiloiuh in this couiitrv. A dispatch from Staun'ou, Va., to th Ilicli n n ni i s Kwiung Jouiu; 1 s;i: u "It. is l"."rii".l hen- ihur th-' V -l.gium j rov-: ntiU'iit Has :i.-5tltu,(-.t legal pro- cdinv.-i ugainsc Wi!li:itn II. -Shppard. a rK'g.e misrdnuai in ili Congo tate, who wont on, from Si-.i'i: tt.n ;iout lii''('.'Ti vkijs ;i;,-fi. Ft is uiidcr :st(K(l that K v. W. M. .Mori i-ou, of ! Si ih'-n;ine's !i 1 kli. It is only '-jtli" ch -i- ,'pproa Ilium t - ; windows, display rases: in stur-? I u- is .Sunday, the a few days off and h of the festival is Little Soldiers SKjr e known by the decoration of show scores :vi;v- of Valentin., s parlies ana nunuieus una In your blood are the millions of corpuscles that defend you against disease. To make and keep these little soldiers healthy and strong, is simply to make and keep the blood of the right quality and quantity. This ia just what Hood's Sarsaparilla does it helps the little soldiers in your blood to fight disease for you. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and builds up the whole system. A-..' WHERE TO GO Kockbridg", .m! ixh American missionai i-s ihe chart;". Tii- proec of certain 'Xiijuri-s , and cruelty j.. rj-ti.u' iican naties hy H-Ik "Rheppard hai .'-'es : r well-known a.'e inclnd'-d in .-dings Kfi-w on', f iiikg-d crim i upon th" At tn: oflirials. hi' h- counted dght-or,e heads cii jV.m the bodi"s of IvlpU'SS Africans in a ti-eent atrocity in the C'or.go. .iii.i .iiio'!.- : r.ii.-.-ionary elaiins that twi i.; , : th-- Mar-!:.-, at our rime Wei" ro""d to::e;ii around the ti'( ks and l on to .-l,iv. ;. "Th" Helgrmi ':ov. . in;."ii' d"r;i"s the ci'.ar'es and a'('" s ih.- n;i.dor woik- rs t-if 'th" cdanir.ous ;e!nn:cia'ion.' "In vitw or ;!. ; rrMr.if.i -ii of the IWuyterian niissienari.-s a::d the fact hat thir if'r;;:.- have start'.. -d hiliz"d world, th" oetconi" will awai""d it!: i n : r : fi i -i-st Th" arrtu iti -s r t . i f th" U"L'ian l-o tit under '.'old. are rtiie vi., ) under the Id roue fii' n !.inr. I."mo!i. ;.i" old Ktoiie.s. Th" wet! i has sh":I.'er(.,! over thern as it hr.s over Airnenian r.iassa erv.i'. This incidt nt is ar.ot !;; jdiase of Hie situation. The 'ou!h:a l;e:.y..-rian chf.roh lias rne of the l,i," .t :ris.-io:.s in Af i if ;i in tli C',:. i It chief centers a-.. Luelo and IbM:j. Its woik ha.-, heen oro ff the nmrvels f modern misslonpry i ifort. Mission ary Sfce"tjai d went to Afric'. with vounc; Lapslfy. son of .Tudce Layley, f Alalima. who die i nfter soni- y-jrs of pioneer work. Th-ir ext.erienc" s. their marvelous scaj.os from fierce, t-annihal triiies, in n-wr to jirayer nro wondf-rl'ti!. Sh'-ppard was' in Lancer of denth from a tribe which had captured him till th" eh;-,- V)V him. had lrsf a brother and when he s;.w the American negro in his Strang ROrb he sup posed that his hroth'-r had returned to earth, an d not only spared his life but heaped honors on him. Such experiences a.-i This has this man been through. ftov. Motte Mai tin, on" of th" white missionaries in this fiepj, is r.o-.v ir. America and will atT.-nd the r-irnnn--ham. All.. Laymen's Mi-sirarr Con vention from I-Vhruaty i, t i. He verifies these ftt-)rie. f Heleian misrule Lad crueltv. isa.nds of evmic vaientine cards. which, have already iJt-en picked over, !:ir,u.e,i :,nd readv for mailing. Some the windows present a strikingly pretty appearance. "The paradoxical, not to say ab surd antics of time were never more quaintly exemplified than in the matter of St. Valentine's." says Richard Lc (lai'ieune. in the February Delineator. "NYver v as in.-.ult more whimsically added to injury than by the arbitrary association of the stern and slaughter ed saint v.-ho fell martyred beneath the f of the Emperor Claudius, some where toward the end of the third cen tury, with the joyous and essentially pagan festival which takes his name in vain. Recorded as 'a man oi ex ceptional chastity of character' to be associated with Ophelia's beautiful, ri bald, heartbreaking song: "And 1 a maid at your window "To be ) our Valentine. and to be grossly libelled bv Charles L;! nib as 'a rubicund priest of !!tt':i'if! wiih thousands and tens of thousands of little loves!" "Th" hist-vi-ica! fact is that poor St nknt:ne's reputation as a saint was .-acrific to that astute policy of the Christian church, which, finding the old pagan festivals Too deeply rooted in th i.opul3r sentiment, changed their nam" to that of some Christian saint and adopted them for it own. "Ihus Pay was orig ina'.lv a fea.-t of Februata .luuo. and, on the night h"fore. boys would draw the names of jfirls in order to divine who should be their sweethearts in the coming year. The church frown ed c.n this innocent game and stubsti tnted the names of saints for sweet hearts whereby, it may be supposed, the game would somewhat lan guish. Ytt, in spite of the church, the old pagan manner of playing the game has gone on unTil this day; ana country girls will still pin five bay leaves to their pillows on St. Valen tine's eve. honing to dream of their "young man." and by divers other sorceries strive to wrest from the fu Ture th" secret naturally nearest to the human heart. For the sternest of saints cannot prevent the world from keeping immortally young, and the birds will go on mating on the fourteenth of February in spite of all the decrees of the church." r"T 4- TONIGHT. 4. ALAMO Ed. "Winchester, musi cian; Miles ana iieart m skeicn; 1 ne Poor Mr. Rich." Jas. Silver in Williams, the .DIXIE Mr. and Mr "Old Hurley:" Billy Dancing Kid. EDISON I A "Jesse. the Stolen Child." Mr. Wallace sings "One Lit tle Girl." TH EATO "The Musician's Love Story." ROYAL "An Ingenious Lover and The Gypsies Revenge." STAR The Seven Russell's Min strels. The City With Commission FOrm of Government Assumes Large Indebt edness for Local Improvements. The city of Houston. Texas, has the ' commission form of government, which ; was explained and exploited here by . Mayor Rice at. the recent municipal ' convention. One oi" the reasons why some of the Charlotte people favored , this form of government was because ' it was understood that it reduced to a minimum the need for bond issues. 5 In this connection an interesting ad-j vertisemeiiT appears in the issue of the United States Investor for Decem ber 12th. last, in which bids are asked for four separate issues of bonds. amounting altogether to $775. nOO. The News does not know how much the prest-nt bonded indebtedness of the city of Houston is. It inav or may not 1" large, but at any rate it does not j see in to obviate the necessity of bond issues. It is only fair to say, howev er, that these bonds are improvement bonds and not to meet the1 current reve nues of the city. The first issue is for $225,000, 4 1-2, ;:0-year bonds for darinage sewers. The second issue is for 223, Out', 4 1-2 30-year bonds for sanitary sewers. The third i.-.sue is for $1 0t. 000, 4 1-2. 20-year bonds for the extension of wa ter maius. The fourth issue is for $150,000. 4 1-2. 3't-year bonds, for the construction of wharves and slips on Buffalo Bayou. These Cuts Show Clearly the Famous v - - ----- - ' BALL-BEARING TYPE-BARS OF THE THE REALTY BUILDING. Contractor Jones Will Turn the Struc ture Over tc Owners Next Week. Th" realty ouildinR will be turned over to its owners next week. This announcement was made, to-day by Contractor J. A. Jones, who has had charge of the work from beginning to end. In another week or two the Charlotte National Bank will begin placing its handsome new fixtures and, it is expected, will take possession about the first of March. Woodall & Sheppard's new fixtures have also ar rived and will be placed without de lay. A majority of the offices in the building, which :s the tallest and fin est in North or Sou:h Carolina, have cc-en rented and in most cases are occupied. The efhee men preferred making the change on the first of the year rather than wait until the con tractors had finished the lower floors The elevator service was put into op eration nearly two months ago. TO BE TRIED FOF! MURDER. Case of Joe Durham to Be Heard Co.'rt Tomorrow. in NEW CEMENT SIDEWALKS. To be Laid in Fire Limits and Others Under Consideration. The board of pnldie w.iyj,-(. iiac 'id"(l to be-in th !;.;. l.Vi !' new ee it' nt side am Iks within the i!f. limits just as soon as th- we;.th,'-r wilt p'-r-mif, and for this purpose rtbo-i: SIO.O',0 v.dll be p:ovid'-d by th- finance com- jii.v..-: ,i 11 js m 1 n.a 1 '! ine work pro posed will cos in th.- neighborhood of that amount. There r;,v- ;.! o b- -ri several peti tions present..,! u, t?,i. bo;.,-. ,:rinir ,),,. post tun months for other sidewalk.-, and the work will b- e;uriei , jljst last us i:.e;,iinj' r"veatie wdl mit. The trial of Joe Durham, charged with the murder of Tray Sutton, is to be heard :n comt tomorrow. At ihe iim-.- of tiif killing boh parties were ::.:nb-:s o' a s"ction crew on the Seaboard railway the. Durham neprro hein? cook. Th cutarrel preceding ;h shoo! in a- is said to have fjriginated in a transaction involving 20 cents. .Sutton boiiL'h: a tub from Durham for 10 cents ;t. he, but Sutton Valentine Party at Ebenezer Church. The young people of Ebenezer A. R. P. church will give a valentine party on Friday evening. February 12th at Mr. J. Walker Griffiths, from seven until eleven o clock. There will be a bow and arrow shooting match for which a prize is offered to the one who pierces the "big" heart's center, and a bcoby to the one who pierces no heart at all. Hearts and flowers will constitute the decorations and oysters will be served. The public is cordially invited. MESDAMES O. C. HUNTER, C. B. BELL. Committee. The advertisement for bids i; ay .Mayor ri. tary Dan C. B. Rice and Citj Smith. Jr. asked Secre- Every Woman Will Be Interested It" you will send your name and al 'iress we will mail vou FltKi-" a paek ;e?e .t" .Mother Cray's Al.'STK ALIAX I.KA!'. a certain, pleasant herb cur for Won. en's ills. It is a reliable reg ulator and never-failing". If you have pains in the Lack, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, use this pleasant union ofaromatic herbs, roots and leaves. All Driitf'-iists sen it, r.o c-nts, or address, The Mother Crav Co.. J.e Itov, N. Y. Bali-Bearings reduce friction. Ball-Bearings are used at every frictional point on the L. C. Smith Typewriter. This is -why L. C. Smith Typewriters out-wear other typewriters. This is why L. C. Smith Typewriters are guar anteed twice as long as other Typewriters. If you are interested in advanced Typewriter construction. See a demonstration at our office, or ask for demonstrator to come to your office at your convenience. THIS IS MY 52D BIRTHDAY. ait: rw; claimo-i L'O cents as being .Mr. Jako NVwell will ajpf-ar tor the defense of Sutton. ;j: Bitten hy a Mar Ooo. Mii-s Ethel Ad' in.-, who live:- fivo Tljjh-S cast 0!' Yorl-.viile S. C i.vrivwl CltV to-da". U) ',,(. IrcMtcrt fru Sh v. as :cconi . Mr. .I:-t;i"s Adkins. i; 'ur, f)hl. Sh rabid d"4 Tijosi!a 1 for a) ioani"d ) in th marl-do bite, by h'T l)roi h' 1 Miss Adkins was bitton bv th aiUino)n. She cum- he; V) consuit Dr. H. M. W'ihlor who owns the fa.m nus O'DonoL'huc mud-stone LINE-UP FOR GAME. Davidson Meet and Y. M. C. A. to in Basketball Contest. The basketball game tomorrow night at the local Young Men's Christian Association between David son College and the Charlotte teams will be called at 8:30 o'clock and a record attendance is expected. The line-up of the Charlotte team has been announced as follows: Crowell and Willmann, forwards, Averett, center; Page and Uiteh, guards, and W. Bradfield and ). Brad field, substitutes. G. Mott Williams. (iershoni Alott Williams, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Marquette, Mich., was born at Fort Hamilton. X. Y., February 11, 1S."T. the son of" Bri'-r.-Gen. Thomas Williams of the United States Army. He gradua ted from Newburgh Academy in h"t and from h" to 177 he studied at Cornell University. After his educa tion Avas completed he entered upon a mercantile career, but this he aban doned to studv lav and in 1ST! he was admitted to the Michigan bar. The legal nrofession he abandoned in turn for the ministry. He was ordained to the ministry in 18S0 and thereafter oc cupied pastorates successively in Buf falo, D'troit, Milwaukee and Mar quette. Since l.';f-6 he nas been bishop of the Mareuette diocese. In addition to his pastoral work Bishop Williams ) has made a wide refutation as an able writer. lo-day's News Told in Brief Toronto. Out., Feb. 11. Th tenth annual convention of the Canadian For estry association began in this city to-day and will remain in session over to-morrow. Washington, D. C. Feb. 11. ---Chief Justice Fuller of the United States Supreme Court received many congra tulations to-day on ihe occasion of his seventy-sixth 1:1 rthdaVi New York. Feb. 11. The examina tion of witnesses was commenced to day by the committee appointed by Governor Hughes to investigate the methods in use on the New York Stock Exchange. Chicago. 111., Feb. 11. Lincoln exer cises wele held m all the public schools of this city to-day. Exercises commemorating the centennial anni versary were held also at the Univer sity of Chicago. 1 J. E. CRAYTON & CO. pll PHOINE 304 33 bration is to conclude with an address by Dr. W. H. P. Faunce, president of I Brown b Diversity. New Orleans, La., Feb. 11. The morning trains brought hundreds of visitors to New Orleans, come to wit ness the arrival of President-elect Taft. Canal street and other leading thor oughfares are gay with flags and bunt ing in honor ct' the distinguished visit-1 or. To-morrow wi.Il be an exceeding ly busy day for "Mr. Taft if he carries out the program ai ranged by the local entertainment committee. The Cooper Trial. f For I'd days the court sitting at Nash-' Des Homes, la.. Feb. 11. The bicu-; ville, Tenn.. for the purpose of trying; nial convention of the Y'oung Men's the Coopers, who slew ex-Senator Car Christian Associations of Iowa opened mack, the most brilliant man in Ten in Des Moines to-dav with an attend- nessee. has been working on the seiec- ance of several hundred delegates rep resenting city and college branches throughout the state." Washington. D. C. Feb. 11. A large throng assembled at the railroad sta tion to-day to witness the departure of President Roosevelt for Kentucky, where he is to be the speaker to-morrow at the centennial exercises to be held at Lincoln's biithplace, near Hod-genville. NO MEDICINE. ARM BROKEN BY A KICK. But a Change of Food Gave Relief. Many iwrsons are burning that, rinigs are not th thbu- to rebuild worn out nerves, but j,roj-. r food is required. Thoro is a. certain elonvm in the rereats, wheat, b.irby, etc., which h r....... .X. t '"" iiitju.- uv r.amro fmui tn brain and nerve tissue. This is t!,. j-hosphato of potash, fd" v hich Grap Nuts food contains a larg" proportion. In making j his food all the food Mo- mcntB in ine two cereals, wheat, and barley, are retained. That is why no many heretofore nei voas and inn riown people find in Grape..uis a nerve and brain food. "I can say that Grape-Nuts I'ood has dono much for me as ; htv: renewcr writes a Wisconsin brid: "A few years ago, before my mar Tiage, I was a bookkeeper in a large firm. I became an nervous toward the end of each week that it seemed t must pive up my position, which i could not afford to do. "Mother purchased some Grap-.'uts and we found it not only delicious but T noticed from day to day that. I wat Improvlnff until I finally realized I was not nervous any more. "I have recommended it n friends SB a brain and nerve food, never hav- in? louna us equai. i owe much to CJrape-Mits as It saved rne from nervous collapse, ami enabled me to retain my position. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well ville" la packages. "There's a Rea eon." Ever read the above letter? A new ne appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest, Wake Forest, X. C. Feb. 11. Wake Forest College to-day celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of its open ing with a programe of interesting ex ercises. Several sneakers were heard tion of a jury, and 11 members are so far secured. About 200 members of the special venire yet remain from which it is hoped that one more juror a$ may be secured, and of them the press dispatch says that most of them live in remote parts of the county where newspapers are seldom read because of illiteracy. The few from Nashville land vicinity cannot qualify as jurors be cause' of having read tne testimony at the application for bail, and we read that "Joe Templeton, a farmer who' can neither read nor write, had not' 'TM8 MOFMV; X' 1 COLD Steam Cleaning and Pressing us i::oninilr i'n '. Don' by apjroved manner. Your Suit are.-d! Indies' garments civyii tent ion. Phone Nin.n-ijS'-? Central Pressing: Cio'G 33 E. Fifth St. Storm Coming. Py Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 11. The weather bureau bulletin says a stom is com ing from the West, and will reach the Atlantic coast Monday or Tuesday. In the middle and northern districts it will be accompanied by snow and widespeard cold wave. heard that Carmack was killed and did not know the defendants. His clothing hung in tatters from his body and he had not shaved lor weeks. The state; this afternoon and t.onieht the eele-1 readily accepted him as a juror, but tnetl ed him." This is just what happens every time an important capital case is tried. And we expect people to respect law-'. For less cause Mr. Bumble de scribed the law as an ass. Monroe Journal. Dr. Query Suffers Fracture of Member Between Elbow and Shoulder. Dr. R. V. Qury, of Steele Creek, suf fered the fracture of his right arm ves- lerday afternoon about 7, o'clock when his horse became frightened. He was driving along the lielmont road almost in front, of the old St owe residence when the horse's tail became entangled in the lines, and in reaching over to disentangle it. the animal became frightened and kicked viciously. As a result Dr. Query's arm wase broken be tween the dhow and the shoulder. He will be unable to practice for several days. COCAINE ADDS TO CHAINGANG. Row in Charlotte. A real row is on in Charlotte where a eharter revision is being attempted There are evidently some warm citi zens over Charlotte way, and the char ter is not accepted yet. This charter business is something else. The city barter comes pretty close to the home rule line aivl the people are very sens itive on this matter of local self- government and are very cautious about agreeing to an instrument that does not leave the reins of government in the hands of the people. Charlotte's fight, is none of ours, for which we are thankful, but we do not hesitate to say that it would be best to give and take and have done with internal wrajigling. The meeting of Ihe aldermen last night was evidently a very lively on" in which brotherly love (?) prevailed and several declara tions of independence were oratori-J recorded. The proision for tne election of a mayor by the board of aldermen was the cause of the fire, and if real progress was made in se curing a charter it would be hard to discover. Concord Tribune. The Dead Wagon Driver Pkads Guilty. John Brown, cororod. a city em ploye in the capacity of driver of the dead wagon, failed to report for work this morning and was later found in the barn drunk on cocaine. Hailed into the recorder's court and asked whether or not he plead guilty to the charge John replied, "Guilty, I reckon" in a daze sort of way that, showed he was still under the effects of the drug. Thirty days in jail was given him in which time to recover from his intoxi cation. Instant Relief From Itch f w... Stop Shivering. GET A es neatei and Keep Warm Foir Cs A SURE SIGN When you sneeze a few times, begin coughing, a dull headache comes on, pains shoot through your chest and down j'our back, its time to begin using RICE'S GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT Perhaps this condition Is al ready upon you if so, you haven't a minute to loose. Y'ou can route the deadly germs of Pneumonia and Grippe by using Rice's Goose Grease Liniment. It will do the work and do it quickly. At all druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents. Attention Veterans. j Regular meeting Mecklenburg Camp No. Saturday the 13th inst. at 11 o'clock. All soldiers, sons, daughters land children of the Confederacy are urged to attend. By order of W. M. SMITH. Commander. H. D: DUCKWORTH, Adjutant. OUCi r 4 What His Father Said. There was a young fellow named Sam, Who closed the door with a slam; His aunt said. "Dear me'." And his mother said, "Gel" But his father, he only said-"Samuei: " Values The Itch Gone, the Skin Soothed and Refreshed Immediately. Instant Relief from that itch. A few drops of a soothing liquid And the itcn is gone as if by magic. Just a drop or two on the skin and I no more of that torturing, endless, nerve racking itch. Can you imagine how it will feel that itching agony swept away in a moment? Y'ou can know the relief if you just try the simple remedy simplest of external liquid remedies oil of wintergreen as compounded in D. D. D. Prescription. We positively know that it alle viates the itch immediately we vouch for this and guarantee it for we have seen it used in too many cases, and the cures that follow, as far as we know, seem to be perma i R. H. Jordan & Co. Fire ! Fire ! ire: And it icrely tome at this ioa son of tk yew. ae8troyln youi Store, Dwelling, Furnltura, Machinery or Merchandise. Tom win e.t cure Indemnity ifc-alnst loss It you nav on of th policies issued "by me ro compani 'epresentinc S40.nnA.noo aHneta wit long reputation for fair d.llu an prompt aettlements. Rob't D. Mooie Rw 4C'a BuIldlBj P!ant For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seed3 in this country is the best of evidence as to Ihe Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free oa request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. airi YVe are overstocked on Couches jutt at this season move some of them at once, we are offering some very Beautiful Vclour Couches, worth $17.C0 now Genuine Leather Couches, marked as low as $1S.'J5. If jou need a Couch now is your opportunity. T. MoCOY a The Home Furnishers Jm i V- I u ! ft if l fi J5. ai "-".! V i ' i; 1 :e-bev;n. V. Fir.k. -. 1-' u I '" 7' V - v. ri I on Lcaos

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