TH& CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUAHY 11 19.9 Yesterday 's Proceedings in Legislature ri 1 1 ' r t.'l i lit I "' i I' l Mil i- Hi'- Ml.!' ..- ! i! ivtr 1 !'. r:i. (l! J. '"J.'. j;!,, Vl.. 11. The toxr of ov Iu'.iIuli'p speckH message to ;, j;i1;i'i'v on the subject ut lrj;iUlku i as follows: -,U- rk'tuuY.ble, The (Jcneral As u;My if North Carolina, is ' UM'ilW'ss to repeat at this I. , i j avy.'-itnents hhowing vt I'tiviHc industrial mono- . a-t."t;:uly called trusts. Few r ti ii . and fewer, perhaps, ''in i: ?a ft . rroiuibly tiie gmu . -i-.i..tic and legal problem . ii'T;.i i.'ii I.-; how to repress i !i ! i.s it round for hope thai; , ,r p'i'--i;f anti-trust law prop- and effeciive machinery ?' T its enforcement, wo can ct o".'-.. 1. s partially from trust ; p-rlini)s so far as a state wv''"t her people from them. ..ii'.;, I'ay been placed before ; i:i Uu' pres.-?. that the pros ,w i!irint he enforced, though ,u w;i.- .-u?e-ted to t lengthen , i:.iT fh'' law enforceable. 1 tfiaf whatever diuieulty ex i..r..:"lv i:i the machinery for i i hti ' nient . Two years ago .,' legislators thoroughly on- iMitl-trust legislation. All the difficulty of the state's i'h l!u evil against which rts wtre aimed. A bill was d. wuMt by Us supporters i:;lif the best that could be It became n law in all its? I. a ' ares save title. The last v. of the Democratic party, w ledge of the action of the i. i:u erporatd in its plat- llo a in declaration, and ;, '.lifurui the dominant party ?!: sti'.e, securing a major iJi scn;;te pud house of rep ; v. : mouonolles should be de t.'"nspracie6 by prospective ts to put down or keep . of article produced libur of others, should be ( ti ai'.iri). fcuj all persons or '.'er..- i-iit'Ting Into .such cou- . huld be punished." , Tr iijv a t consume, must suffer the oppression that comes from any artificial de pression of the price of its products. A community producing peanuts, cot ton, tobacco, wheat, lumber or other article in excess of its own consump tion of such article, its de prived of material wealth, hindered in its industrial development, weak ened in its revenues, injured in its educational progress, and crippled in all its social life, by any conspiracy of men or corporation, which puts (town the price of such article. The universally acknowledged prhiciole of self defense, applicable to states as : . . .1 1 . : i ... . : immiuiiais, wouta uestrov a conspir l aoy so damaging in its effect and so general,, in its blight. The duty ot repressing wrong and protecting those who cannot nroteet therasclvts r I quires the law makers to put the j whole power of the state against i , t. ...... such conspiracies, l therefore re commend that the general assembly comply with that declaration, because it is right aud ought to be the law, aud because the dominant party is pledged to its enactment; and I also recommend that the putting down or keeping down by purchasers of the prices of articles produced by the labor of others, in pursuance of such conspiracy, be made criminal. Fear of the wrath of those who violate a moral principle and who threaten if the legislature of the State of North Carolina complies with the wish of her majority, to punish the communities already in their grasp, rather than obey the laws, should not affect the judgment or paralyze the efforts, as it can not nullify the duty of those whom the people have chosen to do their will. Assuming, as 1 do assume, that the general assembly will amend the law in accordance with the specific platform utterances, I recommend that the attorney general be given the power and charged with the duty to institute action, civil or criminal, in the superior courts of this state in Waky county, or in any other county of his selection, in any and all cases Mr. Duls' View of New Charter Ex-State Senator Thinks Voters Ought to Elect Mayor, Probably bnder Australian Ballot Sy$ tern. j Ex-Senator C. H. Duls' view of the ' charter was expressed as follows in a paper he sent to the public meeting of the board of aldermen Mondav night: Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 8, l'JOO. ! To the Joint Committees: Gentlemen: In response to your in vitation addressed to citizens general ly, it was my purpose to appear and express my views for deeming it uu-, wise to mcorpon.te m the act amend ing the city chatter th two provisions: One lev electing the mayor by the aidermen, and the other requiring abut ting property owners to pay the whole costs ot Termanent improvements sjiiienamems mcci-poratmg additional provisions of more or less importance arc being proposed and discussed, and pending Uie draft of tho proposed act, it would not be just nor satisfactory to pais final judgment upon the labors of a competent and intelligent com mittee which is entitled to the thanks of thrt citizens for their thorough and comprehensive work; and I refrain from expressing an opinion upon cer tain provisions, which have not under gone the scrutiny of both committees. Many features of the proposed char ter are, in my judgment, good; experi ence may prove others to be equally valuable. While it is of paramount importance under whatever form of charter we operate, to have good, careful, execu tive management, I do not think this can be accomplished in better degree, nor the public interest be better safe guarded by denying the qualified voter the rischt to cast his ballot for both the executive head and the legislative offi cials of the city. Rather, every' voter should be encouraged to take a lively and active interest in the city's affairs. GROWS HAIR and we can PROVE IT! A lady from Minnesota writes: "As a result of using Daiiderine.tay half is close to five feet in length." Beautiful Hair at Small Cost HAIR troubles, tike many other diseases, have been wrongly diagnosed and altogether mis understood. The hair itself is not the thing to be treated, for the reason that it is simply a product of the scalp and wholly dependent upon its action. The scalp is the very soil in which the hair is pro duced, nurtured and grown, and it alone should, receive the attention if results are to be expected. It would do no earthly good to treat the stem of a plant with a view of making it grow and become more beautiful the soil in which the plant grows must hf -jitended to. Therefore, the scalffr in whicli the hair grows must receive the attention if you ara o expect it to grow ana Become more Beautiful. ' Loss of hair is caused by the scalp drying up, or losing its supply of moisture or nutriment; when, baldness occurs the scalp has simply lost all its i nourishment, leaving nothing for the hair to feed. upon (a piam or even a ucc wuma uic uaucr similar; conditions.) The natural thing to do in either case, is to feeJ and replenish the soil or scalp as the case maybe, and your crop will grow and multiply as nature intended :t should. Knowtton's Danderine ha a most wonder ful effect upon the hair glands and tissues of tha scalp, tt is the only remedy for the hair aver discovered that is similar to the natural hair foods or liquids of the scalp. It penetrates the pores quietly and the hair soon shows the effects of its wonderfully exhilar ating and life-producing qualities. One 25-cent bottle is enough to convince you of its sreat worth as a hair growing and hair beauti-iy;n-j remedy -try it and see for yourself. NOW at all druggists in three sizes, 25c, 50g and $1.00 per bottls. i FRIES ''0 sIlow tiow quic -" acts, we will send e Clit ? pte frec " return mail to ; -p ;s reads this free coupon to t Cut FRIES ''0 sIlow tiow quickly Danderino i anyone who i the RSDWLTGH DANDERIKE CO., CHICAGO, ILL., with their name and address and 10c in silver or stamps to pay postage. ft i if : ' JJi ::::::::v:::::::':::::::::::; S222fiSafch. fr- r fojji&j) T 54 $r -Jit 5 s'tf t""' w A PLEA FOR THE DEPOSITORY. p.ji'ttiiilty l'.as romp to make- of violation of anv of our anti-trust laws, or any amendments to them. Where such laws are violated most, H may be difficult to have successful prosecutions, on account of the fear and favor which the wrongdoers in spire and exert in the community. Local prosecuting officers are under great, disadvantage, not only from local prejudice and favor, but from lack of facilities and time for need ful preparation. If the enforcement of this law is unfortunately left sole ly to solicitors, and they remain on the unfortunate-lee. .baste, then the; fee for conviction ought to be made enough to partially compensate so licitors for the great work necessary in such casts. A district prosecutor naturally shrinks from so arduous n tatk as the admittedly most diffi cult one of enforcing a state anti- .!; i. i:.:?,r;in-s criminal and to pro v.t;'' iitn-shuit nt for such cn :;. Yo'i ore fa.-e to face J.Y ef obeyh:- ti. mandate of 'V li- a.'-'fiatic convention. . Two al--nfront you: one to por :!i,if diity and have the satts U.'r. i!' faithful execution of a ,..: tin- other to Ignore the H.. of the people, and r lurdf'U oi justifying your '.ii'.i,: ? U ;hir will. Vou should r.'- :k;'1 wi'.l not lit- Roadfd into or j'"rrd i rem action. Threats and i. !" of u-;;islative bodies raivly, ::' hv.'I. ; 'cc 'iiii'Iish any deyind pur- ''. ; n i.iake Mich conspiracies r):;:n.! -aa he jus fined only in case ' ' n clearly demonstrated that. o:v. i nMoti was wron? in adopt a platform. While the trust lnw nml eaneeiallv of enforcing n..''.tii'".i'. of H law making such con-! ii under local conditions most unfa-pi;.iti-' has b.-cn ordered ! vorable to enforcement. Under such conditions each hopes another will first test the law against the pow erful violator. Nearly two years have elapsed since the enactment of our last anti-trust law, and yet, so far as I can learn, no action has been insti tuted under It. I am, therefore, of the opintou mat P ,ni", it my be assumed ;i ' :t. )-,!--r,l.. dM not. and do not r-' ii" uhythlm; which is essentially or c r.tiary t.o their interests. i' ,t-( ,...;; the subieot of coutro '! ' r.i :.! prs, and g.'.uerally by Ye legislators! hear us now, Whom we have armed with might: which include nor. only financial man- i And ent you tt) our capitol agement, but its educational ethical j'fo do those things that are right, and sanitary uplift ,a.s well. The Aus- j tralian ballot, or a kindred system of j"Ye are now in the arena, election laws, might be inaugurated The battlefield of life; if desired. Her fostering care has armed you. As to the fear of continued bank-! Right nobly for the strife."' ruptcy and the ex necessitate rei doc- j trine, which are invoked as an excuse Last fall our noble state went dry, forthe proposed assessments for all, When we were much enthused, permanent improvement against abut--' And yet we know that this good law, ting property there can be but little: Has surely been abused, question that conditions ought to bej much improved under the administra- 'Drug stores are most too handy things, tion of the mayor, aldermen and a tax ' Prescriptions are too free; commissioner, who will be paid, and Some doctors still love fifty cents, held responsible for their services. It ' As well as you, or we. decs not seem to bQ just, even under the plea of (supposed) necessity to; Come listen to our preacher men, make the property owner pay all the They've blown the trumpet call; expense, while other citizens, who with The same old evil is to face, automobiles and other vehicles, use the The Giant' Alcohol. , road, on business or pleasure bent, to, j perhaps, to a greater extent, than the; We want it taken from drug stores, property owner, go scot free and un-: Divorced from doctors, too, taxed. This would be an especial And every hole and cranny closed, hardship upon property owners in the So tipplers can't crawl through, outlying districts, who, while now pay- iug their proportion of the taxes for We want it put in some sure place, indebtedness incurred for central im-'A thick wall placed around; provements, are proposed to be bur- Horse high, bull strong, pig tight and dencd for all time to come with the ! then, costs of all permanent improvements Cemented in the ground. to be made in their respective locali- j ties. i We want to see this law enforced, With such retrenchment in the vari- We want it done right well; ous departments as may be found ad- Put liquor where they cannot touch visable, with good management gener- Nor see, nor taste, nor smell. ally, with the water works department brought to the point where it might. We're looking Jo you for this law SEARED WITH A HOT IRON or scalded by overturned kettle cut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by a gun or in any other way the thing needed at once is Buck lea's Arnical Salve to subdue inflam- j mation and kill the pain. It's earth's I supreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ul cers, Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's. 1 eli everybody . Hi!milli5,'l 1 L7:krri--y L t , - that it is a itostive, provable I act that Kings" Business College is wt only the largest, strongest and best equipped business col ze in Ntrth Cri!ia. but it heads all other business colleges in this entire section of Oh South. We have more students holding good positions than all other business owl leges in North Carolina combined. Positions guaranteed uisder reacnaW conditions. Write for catalogue. Address y WOWOMTEO. Charlotte, N. C. vs&aD2ffi&k ?m'&t. rr?? . gtTJ The Merchant liiiilfltOO Who Is -r u Wondrovs-Wise ixtorcMEa 1 B 1 1 S si Is TKEraBVUouSj 1 l BWiW . a a O.&. -ea-sva ! d on riw i i ana a nan mb MMtw Hardware Go. '3 r"-:':- thinu'hout the state. That vi,4 r. -!. innrh'trtently included after perfecting, as far as possible, j be made a possible source of seme rev- V-'e think 'twill much good bring:!--.rni. hrr was deliberately i our anti-trust laws, declaring the !) ;; :i fyiiiM-nUic doctrine. T rr' unintjon should be. and is t'lii'tani.-r.tfi'ily right, as such pre r'.'n must aUa;k to the well 'r''! i' rV. judr;n'nt of a majority of 'b r..iiip!i. Thieiore, if its enforce '' ry.n i;! resi-dH. the pbliga 'fn 'f'fn th- opponents to show rrir of ifs principle, or the iu 1 ' :'' '' it;; policy. .itiLT, nvnt nf tli,. proposi- oft'enses and prescribing the penal ties, it is important and even essen tial, to confer upon the attorney general the duty of undertaking its enforcement, arid of selecting the venue subject to the power of the court to removal in its discretion, for proper cause, and of giving him every proper authority of securing evidence including the compulsory production of hooks and papers, the examina- "f V'i.i' 'on.iriirrirv bv nnrehuKerA ! ;nn nf -it m(i ru inr tn trial.' and -n- .miii.- vm uti ai iiv. 1.. , :u llllf I liuncis Muiniuv. ..v " --- full discharge of duty in the faithful execution of the law. Kpspectfully submitted, W. W. KITCHIN, Governor. Wil by t.h' lubor of others is so rlar and convincing in Mir.tfirity, that it would seem idle i" ' 111. 1 justice to anv American ' body. Every , community d'i : i- more than its people enue, as those who have made a study For those who've tried it sav 'tis the of the c-iestion believe may be donei. Solution of this thing. i and with limitations on public expendi-1 W. MORGAN BROWN. i tures. much may be accomplished ) j until we can see further. j Impertinent. j It, I feel sure, uowr rad now radorfi - ,,- -1 It is. I feel sure, the purpose and de-! Speaking of a man noted for his mi-. sire of our citizens to co-operate in pertinence, an acquaintance said: bringing about a most happy result. Very respectfully. C. H. Dt'LS. Hang the Cost. Vu.- s. l"";h i't!;l.r An.l I" .. ' l!. lunv I lit 1 Mi.,. Ml,,! ill' il":.!i Stomach Agony AbilSh the Cause, and Misery and Duress of Indirjestion Will Van ish. 'w iii'ti;;'stioii b- cured? Ilun ' nf thousands of people who ii blr-hlri2 of eas: bilious- 'ur si'iinach. fp.Hneps. nniiscn. '"'f breath, bad taste in l "i'i breath, nervousness and ustr -:siut; .symptoms are ask--'-lv"s that i;aeM ion dally. it' fhSi KiUne doubt inc dVS- ' " ' "ald only i f;Kl the thousands hiin.-ri. I-tle,s from people who "''i"1! iii l.itdlv :i thev do i I' vi(i h:ivt libr.ti ii ii !''. lir unil 'ir.i.i :i, t ,,,, i l.. ,i ' Ul rii w III.' iiri 'JI 11:1 inighiy dyspepsia remedy bv leinnvini thi 'au.-e, v';i!l t u. H. Jordan & ';l '-ry dav and g't a large "' Mi-n;i tablets, and start 1 1 1 , - ,j..dii road to Mi o iiii tablets is only i II. II. Jordan fi- Co. in cure indigestion. IN THE SENATE. The following bills passed their third reading in the upper house: House bill to allow the city of Asheville to buy the auditorium ju the event the people so vote. Renew the charter of the Edge combe Railroad Co. Add the state Superintendent of Public Instruction to the board of trustees of the University of North Carolina. Relating to the time for computa tion and settlement of the state debt, extending the time to July, 1910. j "Blank's impudence was second only j to that of a waiter I heard about the j other day. ! " 'Look here, waiter,' said a guest. j 'this fish is not cooked properly.' i " 'I know it. sir.' said the waiter. "but you told me it was for your wife." 'Well, what cf that?' asked the sur- i'ollowing on their bonds. '"You know. George." tdio said thoughtfully, almost fearfully, as they sat together, on the rustic seat in the quiet eventide. "It seems such a sol-; prised guest emn thing to marry. Have you count- 5 " 'Why, said the waiter. ed the cost?" j that if the lady was your wife A manly, ringing Jaugh shattered the , couldn't be very particular.' nerves of the birds roosting in the'j branches overhead to a complicated hash. "Cost! The cost! Bless you, .Evange line, don't you worry about the cost. I've got a cousin who's a clergyman, and he's promised to fix us up abso lutely gratis!" Liverpool Mercury. knew i she IF YOU HEED A MEDICINE, "YOU SHOULD HAVE THE BEST Stuart's Suchs and Juniper is tha j most reliable remedy known for kid- nsy and bladder trcizMe. $1.00. all There is a Merchant in this Town, And hs is wondrous Wise. To make it pay bo knows the way is just to ADVERTISE. Now, there ars ether Merchants here To whom this Hint applies. If they're discerning they'll soon be learning IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. ousekeepers Want coking Utensils If you want to see a nice housekeeper watch the one tteat sektfts her ware with care and always gets the best. We carry in stock the best assortment of Household and Kitchen Cten sils in the State and to show hew the ladies appreciate it you should tee how they fleck to our store. You should fee those Leanjiful Cafcft and Rread Closets that we have just received. They dreams. Call and see thera. We have also just received a line of Wire Goods, such a3 Ft j'iBB Baskets, Egg Beaters, Plate Warmers, etc. By the way, have you seen one of those old-time Soap Stone Griddles for making Batter Cakes without grease? Sonse ped housekeepers will not keep house without one. We have a variety of styles r.nd kIzos. W have also a Soapstone Foot Warmer. You just heat it, throw It in the foot of your Surry, Buggy or Automobile. pl3ce your f-ot upon it and it dova the rest. We mean gives you the rest and coafort of having varta feet while ridins '"at least." Hardware Co. 29 Easl Trade Street OFFICE Or THE 1 i'l ii of ''''! ,l I I. Ml ' 'ii ii iui ;, utisK-:- of Qes!i ;ei-' it c:iuss the more nutritious 'be food, which miickly id ho,,-, ft- b'ood. " I ri... "U I ',; '' '1,:.m ; ""irl.r. IUI I 11 M (PtoH0UNCDHGH-OMP) U CATARRH, ASTHMA, L ciV0"8, and CoU ot and euarantced by R- H. JORDAN & CO. IN THE HOUSE The house passed he measures, anions others, final reading: To allow Belhaven to issue Amend Sampson road law. Amend public school law Washing ton. Authorize trustees King's Mountain graded school to issue bonds for new- building. Allow Beaufort county to issue bridge bonds. Authorize Cabarrus county to issue bonds to pay debts. Authorize Marion to issue bonds. Authorize Moore county to issue bridge bonds. s.niv.ny people; Auti,orize Carteret county to issue '.disease Although there are hundreds of preparations advertised, there is only one that really stands out pre-emi- ( nent-as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest, for the reason that its re markable health restoring properties have been found to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands cf even the most distressing cases. Swamp-Hoot makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate ef fect is soon realized. It is a gentle, healing vegetable compound a, spe cialist's prescription ' for a specific P Do you need one or more? If so, our assortment of not 1.1-irl.rP ho-nds. SWamp-Iloot is llow citizens of Brevard to we jor everything. imnris to mirchase water sheds. J A Sworn Certificate Incorporate town of Bear' Crass, with every bottle" Martin iwmtv. ? For safe at all drug recommended of Purity is echaitics' Perpeiual B.& L. Association February 4th, 1909 With the Incoming month of March. thi3 Asposlation (ne of the oldest and largest ) If not altogether the largest Building ft Loan Association, not only in North Carolina but in the whole United States doing business on a strictly Serial plan of the maturing share. value of 1W per WTe have issued, up to date. 52 Series, cf which 40 have bee a nature! .and paid off, amounting to nearly $2,000.0f. our Empower board of medical examin ers to grant limited license 10 iw tain phyfaicians to slguated territory. practice in de- stores in including Plain Oak, Quartered Oak, Imitation Mahogany, Toona Mahog any, and Solid Mahogany, Maple and Early English Oak will prove most interesting at prices ranging from $5.00 with top 17"x53", and mirror 10".17" in Plain Oak, with drawers, up to the most handsome ones at $50.00 and $eo.oo; . ' bottles of two sizes fifty-cents tihd one-dollar. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE BY MAIL, j In order to prove what Swamp If you know the kind you want, come and make your selection. ! have it, and the price is right. We Senate bill to amend cnarter oi Koot, tne great Kiaaey, nver ana oiau- Carolina College. der remedy win do tor you, every Amend charter of Clairmbut Coi- J reader of The Charlotte Daily News, ! le" Hickory. Iwho has not already tried it, may j Senate bill to incorporate uiuzens , receiveL a sample nouie ny man ao- ; Trust Company, Ral- j solutely free. Address Savings and eigh. Amend charter of Morganton 1& Co.1; Binghamton, N. day. Tir . TCI timer Y.-Write to- j i We are now enterics pa- 53 rd Series which will commence on Saturday, March Cth; the subscription bosks tor which are now open. The management hopes lo make this the banner "Series" Id oricf to reach A MILLION DOLLAR assets ry July next. Tfe itfanAIflmeal ! gratified by the rush of new subscriptions already obtained (aa 25 ' stppU cations for loans have already been filed) so ALL YOU niOSpECTiVB SUBSCRIBERS HURilY UP, if ycu want your loans to be reacnea tiis Summer. . S. VITTKOWSKI. Predrient R. E. COCHRAN, Sec and Treas.

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