THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY II, 1909. 4 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS Published very afternoon except 8unday. THI NEWS PUBLISHING CO. W. C. DOWD, President and General Manarer. Telephone 115. f. C. PATTON Editor HOWARD A BANKS.... City Editor 4, W. DURCH Advertising Mgr. O. C. SHERRILL.... Circulation Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year I5-00 81x months...., 2.50 Three months .- 1-25 One month 45 One weefc Give your eubscriptlon to your regu lar newspaper carrier or 'phone 115. The columns of The News are open to legitimate advertising. No objectionable advertising of any kind will be accepted by this paper. All unsigned communications will be discarded Rejected eommnnictlont will not be returned unless accompanied by stamp of much travail dauntless spirits are sometimes born. Jack is the child of fortune, and knows it not. If Jack Binns were an opportunist he would take the horn of Opportunity and gather the rosebuds while he may for so surely as popular favor is fickle Jack will soon become one of the Has Beens. Silly youth. A hero and spurns the honor. It was ever thus with dreaming youth, as well as the blondined actorette. 1 G R "O R I ENTO PHOBIA CURED." For a brief space, at least, the vio lent attack of "Orientophobia" from which the California legislature has been suffering of late has been re- DISTRESS FM ESTION The Association of American Advertisers has examined and certified the circulation of this publication. The detail report of such examination is on file at the New York offlw of the Association. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1909. Why not start now today, and forever rid yourself of Stomach trou ble and Indigestion? A dieted stom ach gets the blues and grumbles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape"s Diapepsin to start the digestive juices working. There will be no dyspepsia I or holnViiTio' of Clan or phi ri n t i fins Of lleved. It may be that the affliction. f , f Uke a E 1. IlL 5 Cj WEE K. Trnnrir ' will spring into life again before the lump of lead"ln the stomach or session ends, but we are trusting tern-' . , headache anrt Dizzi porary peace, at least, has been ef-j your fQOd wm nQfc ferment CRUM ENOUGH OF THE INDIGNITY. If Cruni. the nesro port collector at Charleston, is reappointed it will be is not'a sufficient safeguard, Governor bv order of President-elect Taft. The Gillett announces that congress will On yesterday the general assembly by a vote of 41 to 37 killed the bill providing for the segregation of Jap anese students in the public schools. An effort for further consideration was lost, and the expressed wishes of Gov ernor Gillett and President Roosevelt were carried out. There are comparatively very few Japanese in California and other Pa cific states, and by the terms of the re cently adopted agreement between Un cle Sam and the Mikado, further mi gration of undesirable Japanese to America is prohibited. It is believed, by men who have studied the situation with unbiased minds, that this provis ion will save the West from being inundated by a flood of undesirable Asiatics. If, however, this agreement and poison your breath with nauseous ordors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstinate case of indigestion and Upset Stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and besides, one triangule will digest and pre pare for assimilation iiito the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works your stom ach rests gets itself in order, cleans up and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery is waiting for you as soon as you decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to be thoroughly cured of Indigestion. In today, another lot of the 20c. Cross Striped Curtain Swiss in Cream 12 1-2c Big line Percales in Light and Dark Patterns. 8 l-2c quality....- 5c NEW WOOL GOODS. In Herringbone Serges, new very special value at shades in Blues, Tans, Greens, Browns. One 85c NEW BLACK GOODS. 45-inch All-Wool Tamise, very sheer and pretty, at 75c No. 200 Long Cloth in two pieces to bolt, full 12 yards to the bolt; worth and sells for $1.25, can't be had for lets. Special 98c 15c. VALUE LINGERIE CLOTH 10c. This is a yard wide Lingerie Cloth that can't be sold regularly for less than 15c. Special 10c TWO NUMBERS OF LINEN FOR THIS WEEK. No. 1. 36-inch All-Linen Cambri;, good weight for tailored w; lar 3oC vaiue, can t ue iiau lor less, special No. 2. 36-mch Dry Finish Linen Cambric, a regular 5(k Linen on which we have no competition, but as a flvT i 36-inch Luna La .25c effort to have the senate authorize the reappointment, thus throwing responsi bility upon the Roosevelt administra tion, failed of success and the re-nomination was withdrawn. The News does not believe Judge Taft will con tinue Crum in office. It fails to see any reason whatever why he should re-ap;ioint him to an office for which he is not In any sense possessed of superior qualifications to fill it effi ciently. It sees every reason why the strife which his appointment six years ago engendered should be put at rest. As Major Hemphill remarked, there are a thousand white men who could fill the office as well or better than Cruni . It is an office business Is almost entirely with white people. We believe there was never any rea son for Crum's appointment, and that : President Roosevelt only appointed Cruni for the political effect he fancied the appointment would have upon the colored vote. In other words, Mr. Roosevelt appointed Crum simply be cause of the fact that he was a negro. And he did this over the protests of every trade organization in Charleston, over the protests of citizens not only of Charleston but of white citizens all over the South. Booker Washington, an Alabama negro, urged Crum's ap pointment, and the advice of Washing ton, an outsider, carried more weight with the president in dispensing Fed eral patronage in South Carolina than the pleas of the citizens of that state. This undeserved slap at the South will not soon be forgotten. If we may judge from his speeches delivered in various parts of the South, Judge Taft does not propose to follow In the footsteps of his predeces sor In the matter of federal appoint ments. In other words, Mr. Taft an nounces he will consider applications be called upon to pass an Asiatic ex clusion act. Meanwhile the governor is urging the passage of a bill appropri ating $10,000 for the compiling of a census of Japanese in California. There was no occasion at the outset for this anti-Japanese agitation, es pecially at this time when a peace treaty has just been perfected between the two nations in Question, and be fore its effects haa been tested. The nation at large will welcome ! the news that the agitation has ended. Comments View Points and View Points. The Charlotte people are proud of their skyscraper and are gloating over the manner in which the wind whistles around it. But it is a certain thing that Charlotte has no such advanta geous viewpoint as Brown's corner. Columbia State. Indcor Tennis Championship 36-inch Batiste 25c 36-inch French Lawns 25c BROWN LINENS. They will h-ur b.t; BROWN LINEN 20c. Full 36-inch all pure Linen 20c 20c. BROWN LINENS 15c. Buy your Brown Linens now and save money, er. 25c Don't fail to ?ee these. They are just what we claim ih.-u. bull line Colored Linens, fast colors and all the new shades 25 and NEW LINE TABLE LINENS. 72-inch full Bleached $1.50 Linen, nothing better to b.- had fT ti.,: line paiierns. bpeciai at r2-inch full Bleached $1.25 value pure Liuen. beautiful Napkins to match. patterns. New Suits and Skirts coming on every express. Don't fail to ?. New York, Feb. 11. The women's national indoor lawn tennis champion ships in singles and doubles began aus piciously to-day on the courts of the Seventh Regiment Armory and will continue through the remainder of the week. The women's tournament will be followed by the men's national, which is scheduled to begin Saturday, February 30. Persons whose diet is com posed of most wholesome foods are comparatively free from dis ease and are active mentally and physically. 11 TO 21 EAST TRADE arm WHEAT FLAKE ELEB A Conservative Legislature. As noted elsewhere in this issue, the session of the North Carolina leg islature is half over, and up to the present time it is encouraging to note that a "safe, sane and conservative element sits in the saddle at the capi tal. In pleasing contrast to the wild and rabid sentiment that pre vailed two years ago. disturbing in dustrial and commercial conditions throughout the state, there reigns in the state's legislative halls a spirit of fairness and even independence, which at the time mentioned was nowhere risible. More remarkable than all is the fact that the lash of the rabid press seems to have lost its sting; he who wielded it seems to have had his pin feathers clipped, and today that lash waves impotent, harmless and unnoticed in the capi tal city. "No more on prancing pal- trey borne. sans influence, sans everything," unknown, unhonored and unsung, the voice of the dictator is hused in the solitude of oblivion. North Carolina is to be congratu lated on the fact that this year is is wholesome, nourishing, and cleanly. Made from the whole wheat berry. Lucky Curve Fountain Pens NEVER LEAK A -little cheap er, apdJots. bctte r.tha n the ones you haveiised. Hamilton-Martin Drug Go. 40 to cents a package. For sals by all Grocers lor federal appointments unon their marked bv the Dresence of Derhans merit, rather than bv reason of the the niost Intelligent body of legislators mill- ihov mav f i mat ever sai oeneatn me dome or mat is uie hpirn w men tne South wel- are. in th asrondanrv. and thP hnai comes, it is a spirit Mr. Roosevelt ness interests of the state do not have has never shown In his dealings with 1o lio awake o' nights, dreading "what mis section. We are willing to 'iccrnt J ,J""& . 'V, . P recnt visit to Raleigh the writer the promise of the president-elect, and noticed on all sides, irrespective of acccepling it in good faith, we feel party allegiance, a determination on confident the Crum Indignity will nothe Part of the legislators to "give longer be thrust upon Charleston. vteT? a1cnanLe-J VVe.are Demf uitLatcu nj iiuuuu , bciiu uuc ui J t A J 1 A . t - THE man of twp uniio'i i ne siaie s mosi prominent uemocraiic w senators. "We are trvine to follow "Take back yer jewels, titles and es- the trend of the popular mind, and we tates, Wretch. Take back yer gold and un(l .tnat Jt 8lves n sanction to 'en I ThllulscTn , llnr ' hit" Hol- h.. o T lTfl Vll trQ I ill f cro-tv fU . , I '"""iuoiu t uil I "lO UCU . . - n""t Ull SlJillU 111 I x . . j-j ,L ... i must eonservanve uoay, so iar. ana vimu. iiiuo uiu UH a n - nor iiM r U..,nu t n,ii. st- .,:n ttm a. -.-vw.-vv. em,u, , tiniliv. ii win i t-;iiiiiii l HlH' and bepowdered soubrette spurn the in there is much wisdom, and the peo briberies of the sauve and hefty vil- nle tne state have cause for congrat- iian I uiauun. Asneviue juizen. .jaCK liinn WelPnmprl Vinmt'" "TaL- IMnns given ovation;" "Jack Binns re- i f)Q celves nattering offer from theatrical manager." Heavy the head that wears tho crown. General Demand To be a hero sometimes of the Well-Informed of the World has entails a vast amount of sacrifice, and ilways been for a simple, pleasant and He has had efficient liquid laxative remedy of known I'alue; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent parta are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action In supplying that demand with its ex- Jack Binns Is a martyr greatness thrust upon liim, and don't want it. Modest Jack. Youthful Jack. Before the tan of many sum mers has bronzed Ids unshaven cheeks, Jack may learn to cry for it to be siege the newspapers for front page notice to pose. For the benefit of any who maj not. have chanced to The election of a piano is very much like the choice of friends. The more care exercised in the selection, the more certain we are of lasting friendship; and the greater one's refinement and education, the more judg ment is displayed in the choice of friends. The selection and exclusive use orstieff Pianos in many of the greatest educational institu tions in the United States is a source of gratification to U3, and we feel justly proud of the fact that in about two hundred colleges we have more than one thousand Stieff pianos. There must be a reason. INVESTIGATE I Chas. M. Stie Manufacturer of The Artistic Stieff, Shaw, and Stieff Self-Player Piano. SOUTHERN WAREROOM: 5 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. AL 1 BALM Never Fails to Relieve CROUP SORE THROAT PNEUMONIA COLD IN THE CHEST Applied Externally, 25c. Burweil-Dunn (INCOEFOj&ATED) REGISTERED NURSES' DIRECTORY (Graduate Only.) 'Phone 41 and S09. FOR THE SKIN Relieves chaps that February i vand; March wndst usually, bring.: 25 Cents. JORDAN'S SB Rexall Agents. Two Months Yet To Use Gas anges Only a few yet In stock. Get one now. You will never regret IL Se 4C'S COMPANY Read. Tfa Space -FOR BEST SUGAR .$1.25 hear the Jack JJinns hurrahs we will cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and state he is the youth who manipulated Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup tho wireless telegraphic instrument on I Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies the Ill-starred steamer Republic the on the merits of the laxative for its remark- youth who stucK to tne deck whence able success all but him naa wno with a That i9 one of reasong rapidly sinking ship b ow and an un- Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given sympathetic cloud aboe, the doleful thfi BMfaM1M . 4. chant of maddened waves fallins upon " 17 T t,eu:imonnea- Ws ears sont forth Into the universe get lU beneficial effecta aW buy of silence the message. "Ship sinking. fe Semnne manufactured by the Caii- I'm still on the job" or words to that oraia FlS SyfuP Co nly and for sale effect Catastrophes develop heroes, as by aU fading druggists. Price fifty cent n ft3 cowards. Out or the pang v , Lawn Crass Seed The very best Lawn Grass Seed, Flower Seed, Sweet Peas, etc.; all kinds Vegetable Seed in Pa per and in Bulk. Drugs Carefully Compounded. Charlotte Drug Co. That Their Big Iceless Soda Fountain has arrived and is being in stalled in tho Skyscraper Build ing. Watch this space for an nouncement of their BIG OPENING DAY. which will be after March 1st. Woodall & Slieppard II South Tryon t, 2r lbs 20 Tbs 1.00 10 Ihs 50c Ceylons. English Breakfast, Oolong. Gun Powder, Y. Hyson-Japan Teas. j separate or mixed 30 to SOc. Freshly J Roasted Coffee 12 to 38c. Our 25c "Special" is a money saver for you. Best Sc; good Rice 7 l-2c; crack ed Rice 5c. Free Souvenir on Satur days. A Valentine Saturday the 13th Cocoa 20c. Chocolate ISc. C. D. KEMMY CO, U. S. Acid-Proof Writing Fluid This is Not Ordinary Ink. It possesses a combination of qual ities never before obtained in my one writing fluid. Its Abso lue Permanency and Proof Against Eradicators makes it Invaluable for writing Checks, Deeds, "Wills, and all books and papers of record. It Preserves the Pen instead of corroding. Its Free Flowing Qualities and Ab sence of Sediment makes it Ideal for Fountain Pens. It pro tects your books against dam age by water in the event of fire. Writes a beautiful blue black. Test it Fairly. You Will Fnd it Just as Represented. omethin Intetestin Quarts 75c; Pints 40c; 2 oz. Tomorrow Always Something Doing AT- .5c. Found & Moore Go, Office Outfitters. 205-207 So. Tryon St. 'Phone 40. MEWS mesa tiny CAPSULES are superior to Balsam of Copaiia, Cubebs or In jections, and fumtf RELIEVES in 24 HOURS the same diseases with out inconvenience. H n P WK iji V..3 l SE: ooinovaii tfrtitrrittt.