THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 12 19C9 1VEYS HAT ssssi Society Mrs. C. N. a. nntt nsburg this afternoon to spend the night with her father's family. Miss Evelyn Grier came in this af ternoon from Nevins to do some shop Ping and will return tomorrow. I Mr. W. E. EshelltanTof Sharon, Pa., a prominent insurance man of that f place is in town. aturday Dyspeplets Heartburn, Jsansea. Wind in the Stomaei, tea sickness. Sleeplessness arising from Indigestion, all discomlorts of Iyspopsia. Tliey are composed of the best digestives, carminatives and correct ives, and are agreeable and economical Put up in three sizes, 10c, 23c. and St. Sold bv all drnBsisL"' oa sent promptly by mail on receipt of price b" C. i. HOOD CO., Mfg. Chemists. LoweLF.S It. Made by Hood It's Good-. Culpepper and Mr. Oris O'Daniel will also sing a duet. Mr. Montague and Mr. Mack Hunter will give a sketch as likewise Mr. Billy Skinner. The Linette quartet promises several songs. This quariet is composed of the following names: Brice Harrell, Oris O'Daniel, Edgar Culpepper and John Muse. This minstrel is only one night and is for the benefit of the Mercy Gen eral hospital. Miss Emma Buffington gave a fancy dress recital last niaht at her hnmo on North Graham street. the nmil1.nm i of which was greatly enjoyed bv those ! Dr. Hotchkiss Guest of Horor piesent. To meet her brother Dr. Norton i Hotchkiss, a distinguished physician Miss Margaret Thurmond, who is vis-'of New Haven, Conn.. Mrs. Mattie Uing her sister, Mrs. Harris, in Mem-! I. Stewart entertained at an ele phis. Tenn., will spend a few days in 1 gant dinner last evening Rev. Dr. G. w insion-baleni with Mrs. Hugh Chat-1 H. Detwiler, Dr. E. C. Register and $2 the Pair Special Line Ladies' Patent Colt Tan and Black Vici uLWLa.?j'jg.'ft"'wawJwj..Liww.i i nam uelore returning home Air. and Mrs. James A. Henderson Messrs. Chas. W. Tillett, F. C. Ab bott and Howard A. Banks. Dr. Hotchkiss is greatly interested have returned to the city after their in a splendid new sanitarium which uniuii mp in tbe North and are he has had a prominent part in at home at No. 300 South Church : building: in New Haven. In this con- Each street; Mrs. Bryant's Dance. Cards are out to-dav iV I 1 to c have a crand clean-up -very Hat in our Store at 25c each uiv- is our usual plan of up at the end of the sea- ; goes tomorrow Hats that m-wly trimmed and worth $;!.'.' each. A big lot to l rum. SALE STARTS 10 O'CLOCK. Mrs. C. B. Bryant will give Thursday one. nection he visited the Charlotte San itarium and declares that there is not a better equipped or more corn- to the dance plete hospital in the land than this evening in honor of her guest. Miss Jessie Lipscomb, of Gaffnev, S. C. Bridge for Miss Thomas. Mrs. Robert Iassiter has invited a few of Miss Sadie Thomas' friends to play bridge at her home on Elizabeth avenue to-morrow afternoon. Dr. Hotchkiss will visit his nephew at Trinity College before returning North. lie leaves tomorrow on bis return trip. Dr. Hotchkiss married Miss Lucy Belk, of Fort Mill, and spent Wednesday there visiting her relatives. Sigma Theta Meeting. The following invitations have been Friday Afternoon Book Club. Mrs. Edwin T. Cansler will be host- issued: ess at a meeting of the Friday After- "You are cordially invited to attend noon Book Club at her home on East,3 meeting o the Sigma. Theta at my Avenue this afternoon. New Veiling ; !s r'ie season when a pretty new ;l utmost becomes a necessity. cm supply your needs with our w '.lues of all the latest things at .. popular prices of 25c to 50c yd 12th, Pre Lenten Season Crowded. The pre-Lenten season is crowded with social affairs and next weeit promises to be unusuallv ca.v in the realm of society. The Charlotte Co- ;anl from 9 to 11 the time will be given tllllon Club will give a dance Tues- "P lo social enjoyments home Friday evening, February 1909. "BERTHA SAUNDERS. "323 N. Tryon From S to 9 the meeting will be de voted to the transaction of business These Are New Goods New Styles and Extra Value. On Sale Now at THOMPSON'S "Gc it at Hawley's." Skirts Skirts r!t :i season we make a specialty :' u-.:v stock of Tailored Skirts give i' !i:'w attention and buy specially ; .r j'.ir February and March needs. Ri-ht ncv. we orp showing a fine line of a :i the latest styles and cuts at t!i" prices. W.' e.Tcr a fine lot of man tailored Skiita ;it ,. ..$4.93 and $6.00 each (Mr lv daily Mew Suits w Coat Suits are coming and being put on sale. in Hosiery Hosiery day evening; later in the week Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Uddell will receive at their home on East avenue and Thursday evening Mrs. C. B. Bryant will give a dance in honor of her at tractive guest, Miss Jessie Lipscomb, of Gaffney. S. C. Besides these affairs there will be CAR LOADS OF DELEGATES. Charlotte and Vicinity to be Well Rep resented at Birmingham. North Carolina will send at least three carloads of delegates to the Lay- "uu" 1 UUO VAUU UltyfllllKS. 1UC1UUI11S Tl . the meeting of the literature depart ment of the Woman's Club Tuesday morning and the household econom ics department on Thursday. There will be other informal affairs at bridge. Davidson Studentsto Banquet. The annual banquet of the Sopho- be given in this city on Tuesday evening. Feb. 23. It will be held at the Selwyn Hotel and there will be covers for 100 guests. The Fresh man. Junior and Senoir classes will at Birmingham, (February 16-18. Wilmington, Winston- Salem and Charlotte will each send a '. Pullman full. Many will likely go from the western part of the state also. trom ten to fifteen delegates are likely to go from Charlotte. States ville is to send Messrs. D. W. Harry, C. E. Mills and John Sloop; Davidson, . T , . 1 I . V. ,1 T I ., ...K . .... I -r T more class of Davidson College will'"'"' 1 vY- V i, . . ... ... ?., Martin; Gastonia, Rev. R. . Arro- 'wood and Mr. J. A. Mills; Albemarle, Rev. George H. Atkinson; Greensboro, three delegates; Salisbury, two; Parr Creek, Mr. G. H. Campbell; Sugar be renresented v... v.. n. uwcn, mot uiui, ue represenieu. Charloite, Messrs. Holmes Blair, H. H. c- r... !rr- Walter Alexander, Price and at ' wv,ca--. -least two others; Second church. Mr. HTM 1 . . 1 A n 1 . A f ' me uaugmers oi me American j. w. Pharr and probablv Messrs. J. Revolution at their meeting with Mrs. c. McNeely, J. B. Ross and Erskine i nomas rresron ana miss Alice Smith; Tenth Avenue .Rev .A . R . Shav, springs yesterday anernoon namea R. B. Alexander and W. M. Wallis. and delegates to the National Congress, j Westminster, Rev. F. D. Jones and P. the following being chosen: Mrs. Pe-js. Gilchrist. xer v. urunson. Mrs. t.awm u. uaia. a special car with delegates for the Miss Anna lJarks Hutchison, Mrs. tt. j Birmingham convention of the Lay tj. v. crjant, miss Alice aprings. men's Missionary Movement in the Mrs. Latta C. Johnston, Miss Cor- Southern Presbyterian church, Feb ueua rnuer, airs, i nomas rresiou r,iarv i6th-18th, will leave Charlotte and Mrs. James Ker, Jr. over' the Southern Railway Monday night ;it 9:25 o'clock, and will arrive Mrs. Zweir's Euchre Party. jin Birmingham about 10 o'clock Mrs. w. A. Zweier was the eiiai-m .h-T rt r Kid a new lot Infants' Mw- v-Tvml Hnse in snecial nualitv inS hostess at two euchre parties at for Dainher home on North Tryon street yes- (j In White, niiirk. Reds and Tans, terday, at both morning and after noon nours. in tne morning mere were 11 tables and i nthe afternoon i ten. Mrs. W. M. Robey won the ing party and lone hand. ; In the afternoon Mrs. Amos J te niae Just till. l i,'h-prade plain gauze Lisle c H ise 25c nair in i.nd a line value at the price. J first Prize at the mora I Mrs. L. B. Newell the ;;r.'1 f;irls' Hose in heavy and Kilis. a leader with us 12 1-2c Pair Tuesday morning. This car will be held at Birmingham and will start on the return journey at 12:30 a. m. Fri day morning. The Pullman fare each way will be ?3. Such speakers as Messrs. Robert E. Sneer. G. Campbell White. Wm. T. f Ellis, Dr. James I. Vance, Dv. D. Clav ; Lilly, ex-Gov. R. B. Glenn, Samuel E. , Copea, and many others will be present. Spendid Service and Swell Drinks at Hawley's Pharmacy. We are leading in fountain specialties now. Our new improved service is a winner and a wonder. Everything New to Drink, can now be had at our estab lishment. We would be pleased to see you at our store every day. We are quite sure our service would please the eye as well as tbe ap petite. We shall look for you to day. Hawley's Pharmacy TRYON AND FIFTH STS. Phones 13 and 260. Academy Advance Sale TO MEET DAVIDSON IN BASKET BALL Ready- to -Wear A Strong Tendency REV. PLATO DURHAM SUNDAY. Trinliv fampu nrp jlr-fMrlert when thev Al. J. A. r,e one yi uuumuu m- wi chalenRe the wianers. This of est as the speaker win oe tne eio- ronrs is oniv in casft thft iocai bova win t-night. The game will be hard ly fought, therefore, without a doubt. The j:ame will begin promptly at S:?0 o'clock and the admission will be 25 cents. Eloquent Concord Pastor Will Speak at Y .M. C. A. Sunday's meeting for men at the Y. terest quent pastor of the Central Methodist Episcopal ohurch, of Concord, the Rev. Plato T. Durham. Mr. Durham was formerly pastor of Trinity M. E. church, of this city, and will be remem bered as one of the most eloquent pul pit orators that the city has had in years. Those who. will hear him Sun day at 5 o'clock may be assured that an address of a high order will be given and that what is said -will be most eloquent in its delivery. The subject of Rev. Mr. Durham's address is, "The Radiant Soul." The service will take place in Hanna hall and will be the sixth of a series of unusual strength and profit. All men are invited to be present. Especially those who do not regularly attend church services and those who are spending the day in the hotels of the city. Spirited Contest to be Witnessed at Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium this Even ing The Presbyterians Have Blood in Their Eyes. At the Young Men's Christian As sociation gymnasium to-night there will' be a game of basketball, that every lover of clean sport should make a special effort to see. The game will be between the old time rivals Char lotte Y. M. C. A., and the Davidson College basketball team. The Presbyterian bovs are not over their defeat of last year on the old gymnasium ficor, and are coming with blood in their eyes, so the local boys feel, and are getting ready to put up their strongest, quickest game. The local young men are a lively lot and if the boys from the campus expect to defeat them they must play a fast and furious game. The local te?.m too have the extra incentive of playing for the champion ship oi' North Carolina, and if David son defeats them their chances are all goue. Some will remember Trin ity defeated the local boys by three ; points early in the season. This is true but the local team had only been 'organized one week and only had three nays practice; since tnen tney nave been materially strengthened and have had tne experience ot outside games. and only wait until the Wake Forest- Towards Readv - Made Garments The Coat Suits, Silk, Wool and Wash Skirts, Muslin Underwear, Shirt Waists, Kimonas, Wrappers and many- other garments, and we have "taken time by the forelock1' and have in these departments a liberal stock for early spring showing. Mr. Jansen at Bain Academy. Mr. Karl Jansen, the lecturer and humorist, will fill an engagement at Bain Academy on Wednesday evening, the 17th. This will make the tenth school in the count v at which Mr Jansen has lectured this winter. He was greeted by large audiences every where and the people were dlightd and pleased with him and his work and want him to come back next winter. Our Millinery buyers are now in New York and are determined to make this department, if possible, more pop ular than ever. DEATH OF MRS. ELLIOTT. Half-Price Valentine Sale An. a line big lot to pick from. They i'l-' 'fJno in and were bought at ili'i h'df -i-rioj rate and you do the Muslin Gowns and Skirts 98c Each vu-.ii. r bi- lot tbes. Special $1.50 :rts arid Omns put out at 98c each Dress Goods I ' .1 f it 4 if I ci linn Sj n vrr n nr varv -"'..-.Mill this M.-ason W i,. 'AV rtrc I "'.!! li'" bfst lin of Special r0c we liar' ever shown. Walker won the first prize; Mrs. K. W. Mellon the lone hand and Mrs. Thomas W. Alexander the booby. ! FOILED IN ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. j For Miss Robertson. Neciro Charaed With Gamina Hides in Prisoners Room, But is Discov- Miss Dixie Alexander will entertain a tew mends at bridge wnist tins afternoon at her home on North Tryon street, in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Robertson, of Deerbrook, Miss., who arrived in the city yes terday. ered. When the sheriff lined up his pris oners yesterday after the adjournment , of court, and had proceeded to the ! steps, it was suddenly, discovered that j one was missing. A search revealed ! Will McKe, a negro charged with Miss Alexander's guests will be: gaming, hid behind the door of the Miss Robertson, Miss Jessie Lipscomb, i room provided for the prisoners, aw ait Miss Nancy Brown, Miss Sarah Har-; ing an opportunity to escape as soon grave, Mrs. tJ. u. uryant, miss Kva Liia-f as the othcers nad departed but his dell, Mrs. S. B. Alexander, jr., Mrs. plan was trutrated and he was forced II. U Adams, Mrs. A. S. Cheek, Mrs. to re-join tbe ranks. C. E. Hooper, Mrs. A. Shaw. Mrs. George Stevenot, Mrs. E. R. Russell, Mrs. I. W. Faison, Mrs. O. W. Lov ing, Mrs. E. W. Mellon, Mrs. Walter W. Watt and guest Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Chas. Piatt, Miss Ella McAden, Mrs. J. P. Caldwell, Mrs. L. B. Newell, Mrs. Her Husband, the Late John Elliott, Died One Year Ago To-Day. Mrs. Maragert Soyce Elliott, widow of the late John Elliott of Ebenezer, this county, died at an early hour tliis.. morning at the age of 61 years. Mr.,';5 Elliott who was one of Mecklenburg's best known citizens, died one year ago to-day. Mrs. Elliott had been in declining health ever since the death of her hus band but she was never considered seri ously ill until two days ago when her illness took a serious form. The funeral arrangements have not been completed and will be announced later. The services will be held at the house sometime tc-morrow and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. White pastor of the Ebenezer church. Mrs. Elliott was the daughter of the late Rev. Dr. James Boyce, of Due West, S. C. Four sons survive, Dr. Boyce Elliott, of Fort Mill, and Messrs. Harvev, Williams and Charles Elliott. Mr. R. J. Cochrane, county super intnedent of education, was able to re sume his duties today after a week's illness. --The new school at Pine Hill, in Crab Orchard township, will be com pleted and ready for occupancy within another week. 'I don't see how professional hunior l3 keep their witr. sharp." "Oh, by the steadv grind. Kansas City Times. Guaranteed Liquor Cure The Wreck. The pictures in "The Wreck," which is being shown at the Royal are beauti ful and picturesque. The rugged mountain scenery and beautiful calm sea scenery are very beautiful. The A Distineiuished Underwriter Here. Major Joseph Barrett, of New York, was in the city yesterday, stopping at the Selwyn. Mr. Barrett in company with his special sgent, Mr. Ed Cay, is en route south, as far as Texas, in specting the business of his agents. He is superintendent of agencies of the New York Underwriters Agency. Orunkc-nnpss is a progressive disease: t'.ie. moderate drinker is not satisfied with two or three drinks it i;ty, the eravinrr for more and more lei-onvs irresistible :is the disease advani-es; the result of Chronic Alcoholism. The treatnu-nt use:l sueeessfully hy thousands right in their own homes is Orrine. tt is sold undr a positive jruurmiU'f to effect a cure or your mon ey will be refunded. Orrine No. 1. is the secret remedy: Orrine No. J. is for thos.: wUlintr to tak the treatment. Kither form costs $1. Write The Orrine Co . Wash ington. 1). C. Sold by leading drusxists and in this city by Tl. II. Jordan & Co. Comeron Morrison, Mrs. T. M. Shelton, I pi otographic qualities are exceptionally Miss Thalr, Mfss Norma Alexander and (good. The tones are soft and -very Mrs. John F. Brown. ! pleasing. A Youthful Hostess. Miss Margaret Louise Irtair, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Blair celebrated, her ninth birthday yesterday. She in vited a score of little friends to charo with . her thfl nleasures of a milking a snecial showine of i -ir.,ii Mpr pniests were: - - ; v ti iruLiiu; fui o Koocis at tnls price, Misses Ruth and Katherine Shelton. Julia and Marie Hagbod, Mildred Moss, Dorothy Dixon. Marjorie Weam Margaret and Mildred Cowles, Mar garet Anderson, Helen McCoy, Ruth Wallace, Lucile and Mildred Hack ney, Edith Sheppard. Elizabeth Hart man, Mary Blair and Harry Wither spoon. Willard Dixon, Jack Moss and Neill Pharr. lot n'w I'kilu fabrics i. and fancy New Ruchings, etc- . ""'Ucir counter has a good dls "" ' l 1 1'" things In Rurhing, Col '' ' i'll Kinds of Neckwear. Carroll-Montague Minstrels. The Carroll-Montague minstrels at O'Donoghue Hall Monday, February 15, promises one of the biggest hits of the season. Following are the end men: Mack Hunter, Mont Williams, Billy Skinner, Ernest Williams, Lon nie Wishart and Henry Williams, with Mr Al Weber as the interlocutor. One of the features of the show will be the three Wililams brothers. Mr. I j Tt VUillioma null Ml". .1 Otlll j , . i uiaranuou j. v - - V!-:-H .j.j.Muse will sing a duet. Mr. Edgar EYS A Dimple Maker Find a child with dimples and chubby arms and legs and you find a healthy child. Find one with drawn face and poor, thin body and you see one that needs Scott's Emulsion Your doctor will tell you so. Nothing helps these thin, pale children like Scott's Emulsion. It contains the very element of fat they need. It supplies them with a perfect and quickly digested nourishment. It brings dimples and rounded limbs. At the Royal: "The Wreck." Bankers' Committee Meeting. The executive committee of the North Carolina Bankers' Association will meet in Raleigh next Tuesday at 11 o'clock in the morning. At this meeting the time and place of the next convention will be determined upon. Mr. W. C. Wilkinson, who is a member of the committee, will at tend and will carry with him au in vitation from Charlotte bankers to hold the convention in this city. SHOE TALK. iTTJiMMWiiilrSrfSS??S Fire On Caldwell Street. The fire companies were called out this morning to the corner of Sixth and Caldwell streets where a small house., the property of Mr. Thomas "M. Shaw and occupied by Mr. J. W. Pittman, had caught fire in the roof. The blaze was extin guished with the chemicals. Send this advertisement, together with name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World." :: :: 6COTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl Street. New York Mr. R. J. Cochrane, superinten dent of education in the county, re ceived a deed today for an acre of land purchased from Mr. Joseph Reid in Deweese township for a school site. The house will be erected this spring. At the Royal: "The Wreck." Mrs. Abbott Speaker. Mrs. F. C. Abbott will speak at the Y. W. C. A. vesper service Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. A cordial in vitation is extended to all young wo men to hear her. THE Pullman Oxford IS THE SWELLEST IN TOWN $3.50 to $5.50 THE PAIR Ladies' Furnishings A big express shipment of Ladies Collars will be opened to-day. All the new styles and designs' 25 35 and 50 cents each- Every style of new Ruching is here now 25 to 50 cents a yard. One counter full of remarkable va lues in laces of all kinds at 5 cents a yard. Housekeepers You should examine our Silver Bleached Table Linen, well named t;Houeekeepers Linen-'1 None wears like it or looks as pretty, 65 cents to $1.50 yard. Napkins to match. Remember With the bootblack rain or shine. it's a case of breman & Miller Co. We are Matting headquarters hun dreds ot rolls of new spring Matting in our Carpet Department fAt.7a.-x-.: - -- ' - - iSm 3 I Little Long Co. 'itf jemmrmmM ivi ,i- ,- n

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