The News Has the Largest Circulation of noon Paper Published in the Two Carollinais 4 r SECTION ONE. 4 n4 LI ir . EH M m 'A Eight Pages. 3 SECTION ONE. is Eight Pages. THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHAR LOTTE. ESTABLISHED 188a. CHARLOTTE, N. C., THURSDAY EVENING MAY 20, 1909 PRICE 6 CENTS 11 NEWS, fill!) 1 Km 3 ! o J if r-4 u r 0 Awful Clou If---' .'-: at his reeui.;-t or 7i f Reception at 1 h e r!lI,'t ! gave over A'o.'iwn 7ii Morning a Brilliant Feature of the Day's Events Commit tee Greets President, v. ton v;: lvmif'st his s lowered. Thio 'ortunlty i see c Arose in Carriage as He Was Driven Past i Mrs. Jackson's Resid ence Dlstingu i shec Party of Statesmen, Tlinudi it was raining cats anc i i: ;;"!::;' at day light this niorninj; : i.iuthv.u- i o to do until ten o'clock 1 wi.. j, r.- si U'iit Wiliiam Howard ;.;:! ' (! at the depot from his c, i . i. :: hi throw his broad beam in: - :..i!ints over the Nation upon ;t,- i j i :i City of Carolina and the (,,!,;!,- i :' .v.nei ican Liberty, the cloud.-. !i:.l. ,m 1 i'.iv sullen, sobbinj?', petit :r..i 'eiit ccasst storm, which do an o ui. en let ex, Wive. J Ak r .-p. c f die p-oH :r.t waa ?Ir. ;I i 1';'. cP.r.'! n 'M' oep.t? l-1 V'-P- ' mii tee of the et !cbr;uion; Mr. ('. . AVini;;:;:., e-i tl;o er.iiiiiuitc-. ai'd Mr Butt. Cariiae Xo. 2 occupied entirely by secret pervicc men. fn Xo. : were Mr. J. P. Caldwell, Mr Hemphill, of Charleston. S. C. and Mr. D. A. Tompkins. Messrs. Stuart Continued on two. ft' 'i JlVjf V- V u Kreafc R eview iEIIM'S GREAT EST HISTOHIG EQKTROVERST Among the dist.incruisIu.Hi isitors 1'reident T;ii't. and Mrs. iaii, who r.rt! present to; av are mt.o besides f the country's greatest statesmen and political leaders and it is wonliv of note that many of thaso tlistinaruisli- i 1 is ! I".- i w into the face of the sreat :iiHi of the twentieth, CiUit --! ityelf. i had attacked the ccdebra i.d the affront ery and ex-lu-rve of the historical cne-'i'.um- jealous foes of the Dec '' lndepetulence declared in a the twentieth of May. u whole year before .t-uVr.-or. had the nerve tc N.i1 !';:;d declaration, i'liii b'ev.- away and at a leader;; h til Carolina ins. ; : i : .!' . p o'clock the glorious I out. President Tail ."::!. I'-'i e ard joy and calm, al (: ;i"t--viatic of l'.'ii'.self alonu r'i from the Capital City of Uk f 1- i , i' ; ! too quick. Vynrit; Throrg the City. W!'. : l'!'. si.;e;it aiihted fre.iii V. iri'. t from the Sehvyr I - d-"oi wa-; lined with an ' ' i'..: -; i f liumiWii'v. At th. "im t - ;; il-o was s;- trreat i ' i' - ;.!r:vt inipossih!" to set r ' :l . I';. -!.!-nl. lie had bet n : i ("ii !i'!.)tte bv the s.-ocia i .:' . l:,o;v.e. : -. '. -Mayt.r Fra.nklin, .! M. !. A. T ir.pki'if-.! blood in their One of the distinguished cuests here today ' is Senator Joenh F. Johnston, of Alabama. Senator John ston was born in Lincoln count.- in 1843. and U the sen of Dr. V.'illiain md Mrs. Nancy Johnston. He served in the Confederate array throughout the Civil V.:ir : nd v:a- vounded four times. He was noted for his bravery and. Through merit, wen Ills way up from the rank of private to that of Captain. He moved to Ala bama in 18('i'" and entered the practice of the law. He became interested in polities and succeeded Senator Mor-. in in the United States Senate. j Senator Johnston is a man who j It rained I represents the Pest traditions ot tne. South ana is a man ot spienaia; abilitv. lis has two brothers who formerly lived in Charlotte. One is Hon. p. Johnston, of Birmingham, AS 3 E M B LY Crotvd of 40,000 Runs inr Sholtor ftnln Pours Drjzvn in Tor rents If pan President end Reviewing Stand. James F r c i i . : i. . "Li I -r. -Cl ' r. . -' Ma., and the other is Capt lehr.sion. of .V.-hcvill. :?'ni'.trr J; hiisiou has taken a orj "tive pa'l in (he fight on the tariff bill which is at present consuming I the attention ot congress, and re- .1 ii.. ..i. n. ,., I.,.; l i- COnsiSllU" (.'I I ' HI I.V JUUtU? imu lilt- iiii. Liiuuiin, speerhrs ever heard in tne tenaie i gainst, the Ahiricli Pill, it wa tilled with trcmhant wit and brilliant sat- i re. Senator Cummins. Sonr.lor A. ii. Cummins, of Iowa, is anoiiier noted ptli1ical loi'der wl o is honoring 'lie Que n City v.ilh 'its (Continued on page 1, 2nd aeclioii.) 9. 1 PRESIDENT TAFT. Savannah, Ga., May 20. The annual session of the general assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church con vened in this city today. The retir ing moderator, the Rev. V. V. Moore, D. D., of Richmond, Va., preached the nnual sermon. There are a number of important matters to be brought u; at this ses sion and reports of the committees o'clock. Fortunately the parade had are expeced to be ot particular In- just about passed the srand stand. Mr. loft Gracious in His Expression of Admira tion of Pretty Features in Parade He Laughed at Possums, A terrific cloud broke tho review of grand parade today at 1:30 terest. There is before the general arasembly a proposition to make a change in certain paragraphs in the Confession of Faith, which is the stan dard book of worship of the church, and there are a numoer of changes suggested in the constitution. The states of Texas. Tennessee, Vir ginia. South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi, Missouri, Lousana. Ken tucky. Georga, Arkansas, Alabama and Florida are embraced in the gener al assembly, and delegates are present from all. an. Majo I it-ur nil', of . Mr. Stuart Y. Crans'T iae Mimressrve t lay, is ti 3 2 aiter saic nglo Saxons to rule. I M-. Taft to- The rain came down in be?ts. It had been drizzling pretty much throughout, the entire review but when the tcrrent came, the President and Governor Kitchin were hustled into a landau, and tal en to the hotel. The gigantic crowd in the grand stand and all about it in the street, melted !ii:e metal in a white heat. Those en the grand stand fled precip itately up the amphitheatre-like ter races cf the court .house in the rear. Many huddled into the speaker's stand, which. covered with thick cloths fairly well protected the oc cunants. Vr. Taft Sorrv. The president took the situation phi losophically and expressed his kindly regret that Charlotte's splendid prep arations had been vo sadly interfered with. No untoward incident marked the grand review, save for a moment when during the passing of the industrial part of the parade, a tall design hroktt loose a wire running past the review ing stand. There was a telephone on the stand, and the JC's in response to a warning, turned off the currenL A Myriad of Floating Flags. As th' head of the parade reach- jed the grand stand, tie- enormous lie J' 7.-; 1 1 , ' : e h'ni i rem :;.T rere; I V l t::i v,-'M oar- If ' V. en th:- ;. an's r.-rth cf ViisMo l.J' w th' w a" fired bv thf At thr- fir::t f.lnt i t v.-eip. wj from th !. This was follower 1 iri:;;;' iip.ti) th" r e:-i- ' i i'. f ,i i.uv. i'.l: L-i'-Tnt t;n "Viin to s'lent as snor -' t picture of tho in m cf re pros: white t i i .!' heiMllight. of the en- '. ! or li side:; of the ' "'")!- any of stave !y dryens of extra 'I ;::,f.j; j train and the rivitte cm- "Olynipla" r.tov- '"s";: th" cliannel rf :-.olid opi'fd under (he shed track5--. There was ; ;r.r.;es in order that . ii . i if M,-' j;!f ;-. nii :ht koer '- S'ir'ir.g ri-.;v,'i1. ' -rv'.ff nan on the grourie 'r;'1 to !,M)h( r on the rr-w ' a )lvni:i:t." that tbr '' tit: ! the president s " '';'; o'.cned the door i i , , ;, .,, thr-a-h. As thr : If. V vent up. The "'l br: hefeve dor.cend- ! '" s' .n s eyes over tne ! : 'I 1.,; h;,t. ' ' service men on ' I ' h" ",V ;S)(, ,3 (u, j J-,,,. 'V' and went swiftly ' " ! v. faens .ilT. ' i . , wiien tii( presi- 1 ' is eamagf. w urn lour l.iMiil i Till ll:if!r ,l'" ""Irs in the hands of e it one of thf! Wl iris worth '"'i trusted drivers and either1 i -jirtJO! . - ' . . - .e - - . !1 O TAFT STANDS O- FOR MECKLENBURG O DECLARATION O O Mr. Taft is speaking this af & terr.ocn in the auditorium at & 4 o'clock. Chairman E. B. O Moore, of the Central Commit- tee, made this change in the hour and place thii afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interest in the president's visit to Charlotte has centetred in . attitude he would take toward tlA TJl prllfnKnrn riial a ra t inn nf independence. I1"""1 1,1 '"' hi ;" '""," " Mr. Taft takes the position .jand cheered and cheered again, and that regardless of the exact O language of the declarations O made in May, 1775, a full year before the signing of the Decla- ration at Philadelphia, July 4, 1776, the fact remains that there ! was a declaration of independ fr ence on the part of the citi- f- zens ot i c rx n Carolina. "It is not so material as to O j the exact language used," said O the president tcday. "The measure of declaration . for the principles of civil liber- ; ty and self-gcvernment is not . sc much the abuse or denun- ciation of former contrcllinig & power, as previsions made fsr future form of eovernmer.t. The impressive thing about the North Carolina proposition z 4y the sensible way the people cf the state after deciding to sever relations with Great Britain went about the matter of setting 4 up a government of their own. The president in his speech O late this afternoon dees not j undertake to reconcile long ex- O istina diifferences. The im- Vf . r" portant thing, after all, he ccint- ed out, is the ability of Anglo- Saxons to rule and the im- pressive way they always have gone about the setting up of SENATOR JOSEPH F. JOHNSTON, Of Alabama. waved a Myriad flags, and li.? rieht jwas inrxp:e:-.s!b!y b' Tho , president slid faced t'e Khrmt Jing mu'titule It . f.w rain at es wbllo simDle and iust forms of nov- i tiie crowd pa :-.; !. ernment and the means of O The Pre .id ;.i war. trd in tho O maintaining civil liberty. 'centre t.f the strand stand. His niili- Itr.ry a:de - . i:-;tt s.t iK-xt to Lira. Continue! n j age two. America s Greatest Historic Controversy The seeming utter disappearance J aulhor of'!ot-s e;f t'..e Am'Mican from the face of the earth of the Cape lievoi iticn !:5d a eery. Fear Mercury is responsible fer tho' It is known thit a .-'.py was Rent greatest historical controversy of (by the loyal govern'- of Nor'h ('aro modern times in America. The dis-j Una. Martin, to the Harl f I)art cussion involves the question whether i mouth, in Knglctid. and that it was GRAND STAND BUILT SPECIALLY FOR REViEW OF PARADE AND SPEAKING BY PRESIDENT. (Shows Decorations of Court House, Lawyer's Euildinig and Monument to Siginers.) taken oet of the liritih I'e PajKr Office ciieir the cor.trevcrsy aroso and n fiver returned. Th?se ihroo c'j-,if.-.i tre gne. They question or not a Declaration of Independence was adopted in Charlotte on May 20, 1775. antedating the national Declara tion by a year and more. The circulation of the Cape car i arc cnlv three of the em ire . l ine, 1773. Mercury was of coarse small, for the (issue of the Mercury, tr, wfci-vh clue.3 country was sparsely settled in those j have ever b'en obtained, pioneer days but surely there must i Stimulated Patriotism, have been at least a hundred or two J The controversy rs to Mtcklecburg's hundred readers. Yet not a single and North Carolina's micriiy in de- copy has ever been found, since tho great controversy of 1S19. The Three Copies Used. It is known that Judge Francois Xavier Martin, author of the history of North Carolina, had a copy. daring independence' has had" a power ful effect in iriimuliting patriotism and the love of freedom in the hearts cf Southerners. Grant and other pres idents have continuously refused to at tend the anniversary celebrations here. It is believed that Alexander Garden, (Continued on page I, 2nd section.) '5 . tt i ! r.

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