n The News Has the Largest Circulation of Any Afternoon Paper Published in the Two Carollins SECTION ONE EIGHT PAGES. THREE O'CLOCK EDITION. a. JrlJKI JLJL.JL)JLjJ 1 IJi ,0 i W 0 THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. SECTION ONE EIGHT PAGES. THREE O'CLOCK EDITION ESTABLISHED 1888. WITH PRES- NO DATE FIXED MS AT FOR H FHML jgiFjm CHARLOTTE, N. C. SATURDAY EVENING MAY 22, 1909 PRICE 6 CENTS 1 r :i By Associated Press. Washington. 1). :., May '22.Sonator Aldiuh emloa voro.l to got a day nam ed icr takinir a tlaal vole on the tariff Presbyterian bill, naming June 2n;l a;; his preference. made en both sides 22 At the general as- 'tnuis we; of Glasgow, C',J I'Mivhr- ttinwin Ul 1,1 , "amber. :. , o,.,.;.. . -! emu or i::inir! recorded his it ion. Bo'ng mv.xb L assembly spent mous lo objec- seeure unaui a day Senator --o(-iat''d Press. , ;,nn.ih. Ga.. May M Si- Hill ei I III , ,,f Soat nern h h; .laiaes Orr. I'd. imKi' on '' --i'"iv. , noil. tie tig . ;iit.-nr:i the assembly spent mou.--, ccru-oni to namii ..,! oainu-lization- v. ill ho f,I::'y''r iVy, iuring the con ... , , . starvation of tm.dnr.-.s in the sen ale, ! ;,, , umou whiHi lr. leli-Minvi.to! en vhe nre-ence of a q.uaam ef Louhviilo, K.v.. will speak lie ,-aH h ha,i pr.iniBod ouator Ald (,ossion. The assembly ri' !': : -1 in havinu; a quorum and nmunfeation from ! uet V''''', u J 1 rnul ,he :i;lto to )' r- pet a . n i 'uio iiecc ;::arv number was the American mf tor assistance "Tn iaiouHeu ; s-stern knov m pre lot iiv" ta'IST under which has .crown up the noliey cf extort'.on," was the basis of a speech in the senate bv Senator Melnmin ! He com ended the constitution gives authority only for customs duties for revenue purpose:-. He declared the United States should "Throw off the burden of the Philip pine Islands, and thus save $100,000,000 of military expenditures." He disapproved the passage of pri vate pension bills on the ground that all cx-schliors should be placed on an equal basis by being required to de pend upon the pension law to deter mine their rights to the bounty of the government. The senator advocated an income tax . ived a cor. .l.'b.M F"X. of . ,,-. ! v, asking ;;:.!. i.i'i) needed to insure , tqual amount from Mrs. iiCS MI. ITEMS : Tho News. y. amain. X. C. May 22. . :u I'. .McKay, son of Dr. J. ( i thi: place, has been t! 'e pre-ddency of Ruther :.'.'. . Pref. .McKay succeeds. Y. pel !.' who v.-ill give his , t the ministry. 'A n ir.'.' i M;:ie ("reen, of Monroe. . and head tax upon immigrants, sring S!. de. and May Miller, ofrvteh a course would nermit. anions iiul May Miner, ot.t.Uch a course would nermit. anion ,. .M :.: Kllen Fmyre, of j other things, the removal of the duty ! ;.opular teachers in the , n,nv levied upon bagging and ties used of Kim-; Mountain, h,v the cotton planters of the South. . .1 to their respective ! He- spoke against differential duty on '." vacation. jrefiaed sugar, arguing that it onlv en- Ki.-i r. who has had charge J riched the already "Opulent sugar ba ia lll.h School, S. C, dur- irons.' ' v, ;r. is at home for the THE SOUTH "S Keep Forgetting You Are a Rerubiican. Eut I Reckon Ycu ?r- a Democrat 0 Your Mcther'- CideP' it rl; -- i. . .i. I : N.,Bo, : Question or J ... J O -I 3 Special School Tax Voted Special to The News. Asheville, N. C, May 22 The town of Sylvia, by a margin of fif teen, Thursday voted to increase taxes twenty cents on the hundred dollars and sixty cents on poll taxes to maintain a graded school. There was such opposition to the project, largely because it will reduce Hi? patronage of the Sylvia Collegiate Institution, a Baptist school, but it received CO out of 107 registered votes. It was at one time promised to purchase the Paptist institution's property for about ?10.000. but the tiustces threatened to dose the school rather than accept, such an offer. It is announced that it will open under able management next fall. despite the graded school. HI KILLS iSenatoiial Situation In Illinoi rai haen IfJ TEXAS 22. Ait un Momlay in least tnglit lr- !. t v.i : i n. I!'1 has been re ;'('!,". yt-ar. .-: p for the erection of a 'miil.'.in:; waa made Wed .'. t!ie town commissioners r;:ct for tearing down tiio Work la to begin at i-; rjulerslood that no lime : u::;il bins for the new 1 cnirse of action is agreed : ::i;b"i' of Kinis Mountain 'r.' to the battle ground '. !th inst., to witnes-, the ill" m v mon'.imer.t. Tho .. .i--. hoist d to it? poritiou There remains much i, '.ie done before the Hn ; m can be turned over ; ;.!::' at. . !';: !.! wlP move to Char- Peebles Given A Hearing By Associated Press. Norfolk, Va., May 22. At the preliminary hearing of Eugene Peeb les, the young moulder from Augusta ar.d Savannah, who yesterday killed his wife, the commonwealth's attor ney secured a postponement until May 2-'. lie said alienists were examining Peebles and state they will be able to s:how he was sane and killed his wife as the result of unjustiiied jealousy. Olive Branch, Miss., May 22. As the result of a cave-in in a gravel pit five negroes were killed here yesterday. Tons cf gravel fell on them and the bod- ies were horribly crushed. White upremacy Involved New Railroad Is Planned in S. C. Cut His Throat With a Knifi I. st and will open up , :-e at No. 3i r, West General Assemblv Osinent has here j .-tire at t. Mr. J. :. !.;;:'a s store room '. hi ; jewelry and opt!- : P." m t xf 1 lord building ' y. -. P" 'in vacate", disappointed many folks :'h. .ho had planned to :i "ar cch iirat Ion at Char ' !; f.vi'-e as many as did v -ne b it P,r the heavy Curnbcr'and Presbyterians 'ACT. SUICIDE HCF.E. Wis.. May 22. The lrnii. of Thorpe, yesterday gave b:tbi"K, three daugh- 11 are alive .ant vo to; ;ii!l;i. ;;!;t. Uy AsaociatDd Press. Bc-ntonville, Ark., May 22 The general assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian church took up the le gal and property questions. Rev. W. M. Robinson, secretary of the board of missions, demanded more systemat ic method of mission support on the part ef the different church organi zations and individuals. The Woman's Missionary board reported that the funds collected during the year were approximately $7,500. Land Open fr Settlement. By Associate. d Press. Washington, May 22 President Taff issued a proclamation providing for the opening to the settlement ot j land in Flathead, Montana; ln'Coeur i U'Aler.e, Idaho, and in Spokane, ! Washington reservations. News Forecast of Coming Week i-i i !i" , iihti V. . 1 1 1 i !--' .ii . !). ('., May 22. Iro:-i- ';''' l,,.,!r- t" re;i:ain in Wash- '' :r.'ii !',( ("id ( I" ll.e Vfiii;, when to Pit i. -burg to attend the 'ir. fiit ion of tlie Associated Pi'd'-s. Tlie ;i'-so(da,lion " - fit Y;:l" j.lumiii sisaocia ': i'iM.-l.tifif Wi vt, aa,i it is v.x ' ' Vale gradaatoH will 'nvciiHon. President '. ' ! ' '" v-'i' be among the dis 1 - I ! is prei-ent, and will 'i'. Tafi ;! a banquet '.:( t'le eonvenl ioll. By Associated Press. Savannah, Ga.. May 22. Probably brooding over the loss of his posi tion as city electrician several weeks ago W. D. Clairborne committed, sui cide last night, by catting his throat. His body was found on the banks of the Ogeechee Canal today, and an open knife lay near his right hand. As to Taking Over of Tenn. Coal Company Bennettsville, Ma months there has been mere or talk of a new railroad for Bennetts ville, and interest has greatly increas ed recently, owing to the active work cf the engineers and surveyors during Hie past few weeks. It has been iin- j By Associate) Press. j Atlanta, Ga., May 22. The strike , of white firemen on the Gt-orgia J icai.roau gives promise of more se I rions consequences. State and Federal 22. For several ! authorities arc hiking evtra-nrflinarv less I nrefaations. the latter rm the erounrl of protecting the mails. At small towns along the Georgia Railroad between Atlanta and Au gusta much feeling is manifested by strike sympathizers, it having been Springfield, lib, May 22. There U growing feeling manifesting iJself in Springfield that important chances in the senatorial lim-up are at hand. It is not ge-neraliy believed that the shift will cenie today nor perhaps this we'ek, but an effort to break the deadlock and select a senator foe-lore the adjournment is the unquestionable purpose of the Hopkins forces in the legislature.- There are those who insist that the Hopkins men hold the balance cf power and are sufficiently strong to withstand any possible coalition against them. When the break comes the oldest hands at the political game assert that it will be without warning and that a short 15 minutes might decide the long drawn out contest which has waged since the beginning of the session. While iown Celebrated Bandits Blew Up Bank peshiuie io get ueunue ana satisiactor . publicly proclaimed by officials of information in regard to the rumors, ! the order of locomotive firemen and nesseo Coal and tne United States Final Tribute To and even now the proposition has not taken clear shape. Mr. John Ickes, ((resident of the company, has been here for several days, and has been inspecting the various possible routes and consulting with the leading busi 3: ess men and other property holders. It is understood that he is represent ing a. company or syndicate that has determined to put through a road from the North by way of Winston, N. C, Rockingham, X. C, and Bennettsville, S. C, to the Atlantic coast, possibly to Georgetown, S. C. Mr. Ickes is report ed as having said that work will pos sibly first begin at Rockingham. X. C, and come southward, and that if Ben nettsville is included, trains will be running between this point and Rock ingham within a year. It is understood that considerable interest, has been taken in the pro position by the counties of Montgom ery and Richmond. North Carolina, ad joining this county. An election has been ordered in Richmond county (X. C.) on the question cf a bond issue of $150,000. What is expected of Marlboro county has not been made JiV amr.yyr n 'Pia-pa j oi'blic; but it is rumored that lien uemcry 01 Koges nottsv511e 1)0 askC(1 for 50,ooo. fwo .surveys have been made, aral both contemplate entering the town from the northeast, and near the At lantic Coast. Bine Road, not far from the residence of Dr. J. L. Jordon. Such a road would lie of great bone- By Associated Press. Washington, May 22. Responding to a resolution by the House of Rep resentatives, Attorney General Wyek ershara has sent a communication to that body saying no steps were taker, by the department of justice to "annul the contract of the purchase or acquisition cf control of the Ten- Iron Company by Steel corporttion." enginemen that the strike is based upon the question of white supremacy. A number cf negro firemen have been roughly handled. There is rumored that there is a possibility of engineers being drawn into a fight. General Manager Scott, of the Georgia Railway, announces that Assistant Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin eers cannot be expected to continue unless given adequate protection. Protests Judge Con nor's Confirmation Lincoln, Deb.. May 22 Bank rob bers secured 56,000 from the Cairo State Bank last night, demolishing the safe and building by three ex plosions. A waterworks bond election was carried bv one vote yesterday and firearms and acids were used in the celebration. The explosions at the bank were thought to be a part of the election enthusiasm and tin alarm was not sounded. The sheriff is in pursuit of the robbers. GalvcsUm. Texas. May precedented hailstorm Uvalde count v cost at lives. .lames C'arp liter. 70 year; of age, returning t the S ui'n western lianth. where he v;is employed, sought shel ter in a cailfo shed, ilail struck hini on the head ;nd killed him. Seven Mexicans were' many miles from she-iter. in the op"n prairie, when the storm caught Ihein. All were struck dead. The stones v. ighod i' and 7 pounds ami some of lo pounds were found. They measured 10 to 17 inches m drc-uii:feren:-e and iluy tome down for '.'.a miinMes in two separate storms, about two hour apart. Many persons wlu Ir.i l started out to seaich for rattle were taught ill tlie second storm and injured. The numi)-r of caJtl killed will not be known .r several days, as th telegraph and ick-phoiif service has hec-n cut off by the destruction or poh s and wins. Reports are coming in slowly, and it i.s estimated that the lo..s to live stock will foe 1.500 to 2,000 head or more. Humors of many other persons kilk'd are not conlirmed although searching parties are out scouring the ranges. I.a Salle county also suffered from the heaviest hailstorm in its history, and the damage there t.i property alcnc is estimated at 5200,000. No loss of life is reported from this county and little live stock was killed. The largest hailstones reported from BaSalle county weighed irem one to two pounds and played havos with buildings, as well a:i crops. A terrific wind accompanied thei storm in La Salle county. In .several small settlements many houses vero all but wrecked by the hail, which literally battered frail buildings to pieces. Officers of Merchants' Association Chcseo No Salaries Over $50,000. Bv Associated Press. "Jefferson City, Mo., May 22. Tho Missouri supreme court sustained, the state law which denies license to insurance companies which pay any of their officers salaries in ex cess of 550,000. Preachers. Reunion of Pioneer Bv Associated Press. "Denver, Colo., May 22 One of tho interesting incidents in c-onne-ction with the Presbyterion general as sembly now in session in this city, will be the reunion of pioneer I'res- r Press. Bv Associated Fair Haven, Mass.. May 22. Fair Haven, the birth place of Henry Huttlestone Rogers, today paid linal tribute to the memory of the deceas ed financier. The funeral services take place at 2:30 p. m. During the forenoon the .residents passed by the caskit ami viewed the features of the dead. From 10 a. w. to 3 p. m. business was suspended. Dccth of Aged Lsdy. Special to The News. Asheville, N. C, May 22. Mrs. J. L. Randall,, aged 'seventy-five, died at her home at Canton Thursday morning following an operation at IS fit and convenience to this section; and i if the uroposition is bona fide, there will be little difficulty in interesting tho people of Marlboi o. Death Special to of a Septuagenarian. The News. 2. Mr. J. v. . I 1. V il1 ( (' I !! ' a ' i i a '. t i; lii n :'l'i '.Hot, the retiring rd i ai'.a r;-;iiy. and A. Lavrc.Mco Ir.v aaioail eon vent i' n a Haivard Club-; of will j i ft. in Cinaiii a ; vi diiyv' :vssion. 'idv. ia ('. Pi ud'eton. 1 ! ij.Iua Navy l, ; " . . , X i nf tb Navy ''"a ' ! " m. -, ill bo re ; "unr ef ago. ".-!ffi i (.iii's with i of forty two year:; '.' i'i".n;'tioa:: are being ':;!!. (;,,... p.,- (He reeep- . ';oruif!.f of ib. oncers ' '' ;im'-;:l l.iiclii's (Uet. ' ,; '!' t'a r e ;it lhp r ,,! ,f T..ii.. w'oi.l T'r. ivil! vfaf .VMS. .iwiui wait jiwvi. ..... her ninetieth birthday Thursday mid the anniversary will bo made the oc casion for a notable celebration at her home in Boston. The director;; of the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western, fit a mooting to be held Thursday are expected to con sider plans for bringing the opera tions of the company within tne re quirements of the commodities clans'; cf the Hepburn Lav as interpreted fo.v the Spreme Court in the decision hand ed down two wee' .; arc. Leading chemists from the principal countiiea'cr tho world will assemble in London to r.Uend the seventh Inter national Corigres:- of Applied Chemis-t-v The representation, it is expect ed', will be the largest in the history ef tho congress. The United States i;i rending about r delegates. fVnvfiitiniie, of iV weak that, will -i..".r rim'., ii" le-s at ten' ion v.o. ., .'.i.. !.,. in'.ei-jKii ionul conferenci i inn -i in. t.v-.-- the rsilioad cf the Y. M Kan:-:ar; City: the general tne Mission hospital. Mrs. Randa survived bv seven children. She a member cf one of the olde ilies in this section of the state. Tho funeral and interment took place at Pavne's chapel this morning. Chester. S C, Mav 22. Mr. J. K. Wiison. aged 72 years, died at his heme, in the Great Falls neigabor- hcod. in this county, Tuesday, at I 12:20 o'clock. He leave:; a wife, who iueberger, of Gaston C, and four children. The Special to The Xe"'s. Raieigh, May 22. Mrs. Pattie D. B. Freemen, who lias filed with the au thorities at Washington . one cf the protests against the confirmation of Associate Justice Henry C. Connor as judge of the circuit court for the east-e-rn district of North Carolina, walked into tho state supreme court library yesterday, asked Marshall Bradley for tho loan of paper and envelopes, sat down at one of the tables provided for attorneys in preparing their cases and wrote a letter, addressing it to the Department, of Justice. Washington. She then walked out into the corri elnr. borrowcel a stamp from the mar shal and asked that accommodating officer of the supreme court to mail the letter which it developed related to the prat est against Justice Con nor's eonfh math n. The incident constitutes enie eif the jokes of the season and no one :;eer3 to enjoy it more than Mrs. Freeman, her:elf who is always outspoken and 'open and above board" in whatever sac does in avenging whatever wrongs rhe believes hers if to nave been sub jected to in her checkered career. . i .V.l.1 -AiC, .llllll1- i ( ounty. it. i ii . - (- .it- O r f 1 11 l. 1 CIITl I homestead day. ne ir ort Lawn, Wodries- rvcckicss Rider in Killed by Car. Indianapolis, Ind.. May 22. Whi! DeatSn of An Infant. Special to The News. SiatosviP.e, N. C. May 22.--Scott, the 2-year-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Lentz, died Wednesday evening at me nome oi nib i,;" of nK! machines, was miles east ot town, me eunu uau wu i til r.nlv ft few days. Funeral services; were conducted y!Sterdy aiternoon . bv the family pastor, Rev. n. v, . jca. t. m ...... ......1 1. iti1ftr!H(.".l I C'fiat, OC ' ! JUi lilHll, riuu H! i..ii.H!ii.ii. was in St. Paul s graveyard. j C. b vi. it .i t. n drf' 1U- .. at ;erably of the United Prcbytenan cuarm. ae Kne-xville: the annual convention of tho Ameviran Cotton Manufacturers' araociation, at Richmond; vfiarv cat be. in": cf tho i Tntu.rian 'Association, in Boston : the National Federation of Musical Clubs, in r:r:.n,i Raoids. and the annual vent ion cf the International League ..( tjvc fii.h which meets in the , , A 1. . ... '....-.J. Bermuda Icdand. the anni- American exhibiting his skid ra con ironing a motorcycle. William B. Gcr.ella, jr., of Washington. D. C, a salesman instantly killed ur.tler a street car, in front of a hotel in this city, late last night. At tho cnvmipr's maucst tocluv tne A Mvrd-?r Mystery? Special to The News. Chester, S. C, Ma-,- 22 The body (;f John Chishoini, colored, and em ploye of the Southern Power Co., at Great Palis, S. C, was found in a pond there Wednesday, and born marks of violence. At the inquest. death, was pronounced as coming from tho hands ef unknown parties. The 'negro was utse b.'i.i i.uve oiiiumaj night, and was with a party oi' samblers. No details of his death are ! known as the body was badly decom I posed when found. ;orporct:on Name Changed. Special to the Xews. Asheville, May 22. The Asheville Retail Merchants' association heid its annual meetimr in the citv hall Thurs day evening and elected the following bytcrian preacners in Colorado. officers: President, L. F. Hoffman; S. Lipinski, vice president; Charles G. Lee, secretary; E. C. Sawyer, treasur er. Wounded Prisoners saw Their Wey Out. Birmingham, Ala., May 22. Will Howard anel Matthew Johnson, ne groes, both suttering ironi gunsnot wounds, the latter supposed to be in a serious condition, tawed their way out of the hospital part of the county il during last night, and with the aid of a blanket, scaled the hiS'i walla. The sheriff has offered a reward of S50 for their recapture. Three charg es of assault with intent to murder stand against Johnson, while Howard is charged with burglary. Platinum Price Cut. New York, May 22. The price ot platinum has de-creased from $24 an ounce to $2:5. It is used largely in mournings for heavy stones. The discovery ;f n-w deposits of the raro metal is credited with the decrease in price. Col. A. B. Andrews, first vice president of tie Southern Railroad in Raleigh, spemt a few hours in Charlotte yesterday. CETS S9 YEARS FOR MURDER OF MOTHER. Clar.ton. Ala.. May 22. Mrs. Mattie pope was found guilty of the murdf r of b r mother, Mrs. M:ry King, at Montevallo. on March -1 foist, and was senttiic- cd to serve li'j y ars in the peni- tentiary. Mrs. lpe lroke down when the verdict was tmnounced. IKE FOREST PRESENTED ni aftifiURin rnn mmm run CONFERENCE ST iSHEILEIC. Special to The News Wake Forest, N. C, May 22. Immod-; S)Oeial to the News. Asheville, X. C. Mai 22. Tlie corn- Messrs. W. I. Underwood. of Greensboro, and J. H. C'aiue, of Asheville, both newspaper men have returned home after spending several days in the city. coroiur raid Genclla had a national X" ' C Mav 'nc Wil-Iby th,-c reputation as a reckless rider sovt 'and kittle' River i J that his own foolhardmcss foroiu 'o.,;' .JV v,rpnllv chart?red by thej J about his death. isinto has applied for and been grantdlrl l" ' iateiy after the presentation of diploin-' niittee of tlie Sou hern Methodist as yesterday, tne senior class, clad in church in chaitro of the quadrennial caps and gowns, moved in a foody down confere nce to foe held here; next May. the entrance to the campus, where composed of Dr. P.. F. Lipscomb, of stands the stately arch of gray granite Richmond; Dr. J. O. Wilson, of l.an erected foy them. The?y were followed drum, S. C; Maj. Minn: hap, of Jak- other classes and the hun- son. Miss., imd !. M. Smith, cf Nash- citizens of the town and visi- ville, Tenn., met with a local coniniit- ie formal presentation of the tee here Thursday ar.d went, over plans the college then took place, for the gathnn;'. Several members iln a short, appropriate speech, J. M. of the conimi'teo. :x;.re:-:-r-1 Hie wish Annis' Widozv Goes on Stage JS Babe h Saved; MotherDrowne ,an a.iuou: io it, tuu j Adams, of Raleigh, -made the presen-;that Anheviih- foe made th- jK-rr.K.nent the name to the uiDimg.on loung., President Poteat delivered' meeting place ,f the ceTJercn; but (Company and reducing Lie capual the speoch of acceptance, i did not state whether or not they v.-ill j.ro:-! vi0.0i..o to v20,i..J. K. i. o.one is Tho fcPr-ription of the arch is as' make effort L, ve this brought Iprerioeiit ci tne corporation. follows: l . Neb.. May 22. A downp-ur Ui.t nir.ht sent Salt crook .ind Antelope r'tk out of their banks i Mis Far r or Denies Rumor New York. May 22. That stage of the sensational murder trial whirh hs become to be familiar the vatido-vill- stage, was reached in the Hair.s Annis tragedy today when announce ment was made that Mrs. Wm. H. Annis, wife of the man for whose death Peter C. Hairs began serving : a Sing Sing sentence this morning, had signed a contract with the Unit ed Bookings office to play piano j accompaniments in a sketch. On the front, fating the sta- nbont. I'm ihr r ai rai.4' nieiits a:e now station is carved in large letters '"Wake in the le-cal eomr.iittc. i-'teed higher eu ar to take place". City Pf their trying to escape belongings to Fans:. May 22. Miss Geraldine jrarrsr and her mother-arrived he-re S-rHa Cole, wuo of tne Kcentr tlii.-?. morning irom xew t oi k. was drowned, wnu-2 j Miss Farrar seemed greatly annoy with her baby from i r.,i py the reports of tier engagement her submerged home. j to Antonio Scotii and denied tnat sue A man who swam to her rescue j intended to marry him or anybody took the foabv o a place of safety, j ci3P. mother he was j sir? will snend the summer ui France ar.d return to the United 1 States Kft'irniun for the mother he Antelope and barely escaped. carried into the mam current ot tne France in the autumn. Forst College," under which is the This session of the eonfererf' will new college seal which appeared for probably be one f the most important the first time on a recent issue of the ever hdd ar.d much hu-ii .? will hi College Bulletin. Undr the seal is transacted. Four nond's in the the college motto. 'Pro Humanitie,"-college of hi. hops v PI h ive - foe fill The date i.V)9 appears at the top. On ed. The i,rojo:; d bang' s in the nrti the side facing the college is engraved cfo s of f:.ith wi!i n'..-t be tikn up. the name of each of the 73 seniors Then- will be. about t v. o thousand d"l'--v.ho compose the class of 1000. jgats in ati.erdanc, and ih.- con;"eir.ce The arch is 15 feet high, 13 1-2 feet -will foe in session twenty-erne diyt. wide, with a clearing 8 1-2 feet square.; The gateway has been moved a fewi feet inside of the campus walls and! the walls moved forward on each side.j Major C. IL Gattir, of Rakish. The walks have also been changed in 'Division Freight Agent of th South Ettch a way as to add beauty to the. fern, who was here for the conven arch. tion has returned home. f it; 5; tip i ; w K t'V m 12 (i s w Hi if; '. I J:' i. :! ft

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