fx I Statesville t Shelby High Point Lincolnton Ashevitte ft ft ft Raleigh mlisbwy t 7 tj 'i ij r 3! 1 1 1 1 most here- Special to Sunday News. Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 26 Mrs. John Whitehead gave a most charming card party on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Claude Ramsey. The decora tions were yellow and white chrysan themums and Christmas berries. The guests of honor, Mesdames Ramsay and Doe. were presented with lovely flowers. Mrs. Edwin Gregory made the hiiihest score at bridge. A sump tuous repast was served at six o'clock to the following friends of the hostess: Mesdames Robbins. Fletcher, Smith, Doe Overman, Gregory, Murdock, Sni der. Ouinn. Mauney, Clement, Strachan. James H. Ramsay. Mrsv Robert I.ee Mauney on Thurs day invited a large number of her friends To meet her charming house !;ue?t. Miss Sloan of Reasville. Sta pies Mauney. the young son of the hostess opened the front door and invited the ladies in where they were graciously welcomed by Mrs. Mauney, becomingly dressed in a black lace gown, and Miss Sloan in a beautiful dress of wisteria chiffon with baby Irish lace, the decorations in the room were lovely Richmond roses, in the hall were tall palms and ferns and in the librarv nink and wmte carna tion. Six tables for bridge had been arranged and as soon as the drawin for nartners was over the players at once began the game. After two hours I 1 1 I V, v., in;..t vni.tinn timf or. awarded. The first mize. a pair of tracteu probable 250 callers was that bv Mrs. YV. A. Hoke, wife of Associate Special to Sunday News. Raleigh, Nov. One of the uno-Titful cnrial events glvcni It iJjjUUiu ibouts in a great while was a birthday sarty Tuesday evening in honor of the birthday of Mr. Joseph Seawell, assist ant clerk to the North Carolina su preme court. Mr. Seawell lives eight miles in the country on a splendid plantation "all his very own" and mite a company or His town friends went out there that night to help him eiebrate. A merry company of la llies and gentlemen they were. There .vas a sumptuous birthday supper with is huge turkey and all the other : kings' that go to round up a com r!ete dinner." Afterwards in the great iving ball there was music and the nest" delightful merriment until far Into the night. Miss -Ebie Roberts at :he piano Mr. Kimpro Jones with his violin and Mrs. Horace Dowell and pi her vocalists in splendid voice dis coursed music that was all that could pe desired. Wednesday evening at Central Meth odist church there was a surprise marriage of much interest when Miss Kva Fridge'n became the bride of Mr. W. T. Wrenn. the ceremony being by Rev. A. D. Wilcox. . the pastor. The bride is rhe daughter of Mrs. Henry Pridgen. of this city and the bride groom is the teller of The Wake Coun- i- bavmcs uanK. Fred Anderson were at friends Thursday even Jusitce Hoke of the supreme court, complimentary to Mrs. Piatt D. Wal .ker. The apartments were decorated with yellow chrysanthemums, bamboo and ferns. There was special music by Mr. Owen and Miss Wilson, of St. Mary's School besides a full orchestra. Receiving with Mrs. Hoke and the guest of honor were Mrs. W. W. Kitch in. Mr. Sallio Clark, Mrs. James S. Manning. Mrs. R. F. Hoke. Mrs. Alex Webb. Mrs. Eenehan Cameron. Misses Sudie and May Johnson are t.t home again after more than a year spent in foreign travel. They visited many European countries and spent quire a while in Egypt. They are be ing niost, heariily welcomed back to Raleigh. Mrs. J. Y. Joyner was the hostess for the Tuesday Afternoon Club which had quite an interesting 'literary pro gram including a paper by Mrs. Frank lin McNeill on "Pendennis: Its Rela tion to Thackaray's Own Life:" a sketch. '"Cartehouse."' by Mrs. J. S. 1 Wynne: "Major Pendennis and Col. .Newcom." by Mrs. V. R. Crawford and a reading. . "The Death of Col. Newroju." by Miss Daisy Denson. I r. .loel Wbitaker. prominent physi cian o' this city, and i Myers wore married at lnd.? 1 uesnay. The bride is a daugh ter of Judge Q. A. Myers, of the In diana supreme court. Miss Myers has v'sited in Raleigh a number of times and is quite popular" here. Dr. end Mrs. Whisker will he at borne in this city after December 10. The Johnsonian Book Club had for its -hostess this week Mrs. William .T. Andrews. The subject was "Mexico" and there entered into the features of the program rhe inspection of quite an interesting colection of Mexican cu rios and relics collected by Mr. An drews while he was secretary to Min ister Ransom. v In honor of Miss Flora Wilson and Miss Sophie Casey, of Washington, IK C, who were the guests of Mrs. William J. Andrews the past week. i .there.. were a number of smart social events. Mrs. R. W. Winston entertain- TjOganport, silk hose went to Mrs. . J. Neave and the "love all" a dainty gold pin to Mrs. Dixon. Miss Sloan, as guest of honor received a beautiful automobile scarf. At five o'clock a number of other guests joined the bridge play ers and enjoyed the delicious salad course served by Mrs. Mauney. Thursday and Friday were busy busy days for The King's Daughters. The hall where their annual bazaar was held had been beautifully decor ated, and with the needle work and gaily dressed dolls, was most attrac tive. A doll wedding was a unique feature of the bazaar. There was the bride, in her lovelv white satin gown VVCl O.Xltl UlUU;.t UlUCQUlllO, -Ul rying a shower bouquej of lilies cf the valley. The groom with his best man in full dress, the minister in gown with ritual, with white ribbon mark ers, and four brides maids in pale blue chiffon with bunches of pink roses, four groomsmen in regulation dress, stiff collars, cuffs, buttons, neck ties, with stick pins, etc., two ioveiy flower girls dressed in pink with bunches of daisies, in fact everything as far a real wedding. The dolls were brough from Paris, and were dressed by Mr?.. I. H. Foust. It is needless to s.3 v the dolls were sold at. once. The bride and groom were purchased fur one of Salisbury's most winsome little misses. Oysters and a beautiful; sup per were, served for a small sum. Quite a handsome sum was taken in by these good women, part of the pro ceeds wiU go to the Jackson Training School. The weather has been so perfect this week that two camping parties en joyed the beautiful woods at Boone's Ford. Mr. Richard Fames took a par ty out in his touring car. chaperoned' by his mother, Mrs. Fames. Mr. J. K. Hennessee accompanied by Mrs. Heu nessee, Billie, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hennessee and Mr. Ellis, of Tracy City, enjoyed a day at this historic spot. Camp fires, dinner and supper cooked t and eaten in the woods were part of -the pleasure enjoyed by these parties. Mrs. Edward Burt was hostess Jx a party of friends on Tuesday after- Special to The News. Statesville, Nov. 26. Mr. Frank W. Kurfees. of Statesville, and Miss Mana Short, a prominent young lady of Fremont, Wayne county, were mar ried at Fremont Wednesday night. The couple arrived in Statesville Thursday afternoon and were guests of the groom's relatives until today, when they left for Greensboro, where they will make their home. Mr. Kurfees is principal of the Bessemer graded school at Greensboro. A six o'clock dinner was given Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kurfees at the home of the groom's father, Mr. J. L, Kurfees. Th members of the MacDowell music club were entertained last after noon by Mrs. Wm. Wallace, president of the cAub, at her attractive home on Walnut street. Dr. and Mrs home to their ing- Decidedly the most enjoyable annual reception ever; given at Statesville Fe male college was that of Friday night, when a large number of young people were received and delightfully enter tained by the young ladies of the in stitution. More elaborate preparations ror the event nad been made tins year and the affair was a success in every particular. The guests, especially the young men. were highly pleased with the manner in which they were enter tained. There were a number of out-of-town guests present, including sev eral Davidson college students. All during the evening the guests were served with delicious punch, and to ward the close of the evening a salad course, with mints, sandwiches and hot , coffee, was served. Miss Annie Colvert was hostess to 25 of her friends Thursday afternoon at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Colvert. Progressive Travel was the game of the occasion and the prize, a beautiful copy of the North Carolina Toast, was awarded Mrs. Josse Brown, while the consolation fell to Mrs. L. K. Lazenby. Seasonable re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Miss Lucy Rice, and in the early twilight the guests departed for their homes with another happy afternoon stored among memory's tieasures. Little Miss Katherine Brown enter tained about 70 of her friends Satur day afternoon at the attractive surbur ban home of her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Brdwn, the event being in celebration of her birthday. Progressive domino was played and Frank and Jack Bowles cut for the first prize, a book ,Jack winning in the cutting. The consola tion prize, presented to Miss Rosamond Ciark, was a game of domino. At the conclusion of the game a dainty course of refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake and candies were served. The guests departed declaring the hos pitality of the Brown home unexcelled and wishing Miss Katherine many re turns of the happy occasion. Miss Daisy Echerd. field secretary of the World-Wide Philathea Union! Avil! be the guest of the Fhilatheas of Western Avenue Baptist church, Statesville, next Tuesday and will ad dress the ladies of the town Tuesday night at the church. Mi.ss Echerd is an entertaining speaker, is working in the interest cf a great movement, and she will doubtless have a good audi ence here. Mr. Luther M. Tesh, field secretary of the Baraca Union, is ex pected to speak in Statesville soon. The ladies of the Eillin. Special to The Sunday News. Lincolnton, N. C, Nov. 26. The marriage of Miss Florence Ermintrule Rhyne and Mr. Marcus Leopold Little was solemnized in the Evangelical Lutheran church Thursda yafternoon at 5:30, and was one of the most beau tiful ceremonies that has ever taken place in Lincoln. The church had been beautifully decorated for the oc casion and long before the appointed hour the church was crowded with eager spectators. The altar before which the bridal party assembled was a mass of beautiful and exquisitely ar ranged foliage with white and blue candles, the bridal colors. Just before the ceremony Schubert's Serenade and Flower song was beautifully rendered by Miss Butler on the violin, being ac companied by Miss Blanche Roberts. Following which abarytone solo, "Al ways," was sung by Mr. M. H. Coon. The first notes of the Mendelsohn Wedding March caused al leyes to be set. upon the attendants. As the state ly strains of the wedding march began the groomsmen came with dignity from the church vestibule up the center- aisle and crossed in front of the al tar and took positions on opposite sides. The groomsmen were Mr. P. C. Rhyne (brother of the bride) with Mr. V. M. Ramseur and Mr. R. I. Rose man. Jr., with Mr. F. A. Henderson. Then came the bridesmaid. Miss Car rie Lentz. a cousin of the bride, wear-ino- white net over messiline with white picture hat and carried white carnations and' asparagus. Then came the maid of honor, Miss Kate Burgin, wearing light blue crepe de chine with pearl an d satin trimming with black picture hat, and carrying white chrysanthemums. The little flower children were next to enter, Miss Catherine Stowe, and .Master Rhyne Little, neice and ue nhpw nf the bride and each carried a basket of blue and white violets. Fol lowing them came the bride and bride groom together up the center aisle, the bride was beautifully costumed in a blue tailored traveling suit, with hat, gloves and veil to match, carrying a shower bouquet of bride's roses and blue and white double violets. At the a.ltar the bridal party were met bv the bride and groom's pastor, the Rev. R. A. Yoder, D. D.. who most impressHvely pronounced the solemn but beautiful words of the ceremony by which their hearts and lives were united. During the ceremony Miss Butler rendered softly on the violin without accompaniment "Melody of Love.'"' The bridal partyleft the church as the wedding march Lohengrin was being played. Drove to the station and was showered with rice and confetti as 133 rolled in. The bride is one of the most, accom plished Jadies cf the state, while the o etnv hno- :.vniT" misinpas -,7.'0 ' Special to The Sunday News. Asheville, kov. 26. The social life in Asheville is very active just at this time, . the Thanksgiving sea son being the occasion of many so cial functions and festivities, the hotels especially giving much atten tion to the celebrations in the mat ter of special menus and dances. It has also been a season of weddings, several couples of social prominence having married during the week. A wedding of. more than usual in terest .was solemnized on Thanks giving day at the Episcopal rectory on Merrimon avenue, the pastor of the Episcopal church, Rev. H. Fields Saumenig. officiating. It was that of Miss Isabel Burns, of Miami, Fla., to William J. Korne, of Homestead, Fla. 1 Miss Burns and her mother have been for two weeks the guests of Miss Sarah Bayne at Mrs. J. E. Dickerson's on Charlotte streetV Mr. Krome is the son of Judge "William H. Krone, of Edwardsville, 111. He is at present chief engineer of the Florida and East Coast Railway ex tension. Mr. and Mrs. Krone will spend a few days at Battery Park hotel and will then go to Texas and New Orleans on a wedding journey. They will reside at Homestead, Fla. Berry L. Scruggs went to Eufala, Fla., and was married in that city Wednesday at 4 o'clock at the home of R. A. Ballowe to Miss Tommy Searcy, of Eufala. Mr. and Mrs. Scruggs will spend two or three weeks in New York and after returning to Asheville will be at home after De cember il6,..a Mrs. Wright's, 68 Col lege street. The bride-to-be spent last summer in Asheville. Mr. Scruggs is a young business man of ability and promise, secretary for a long time of Sumner Sons & Co. The Thanksgiving dance at the Battery Park Hotel was an occasion of great interest to the young people of the city. The palm room was dec orated attractively for the occasion and the dancing continued from 9 till 12. On Thanksgiving afternoon Miss! Grace Osborne and Mrs. Lance gave a reception to some of the young wo men of Asheville, at the Henrietta, the home of the Y. W. C. A., on Patton avenue. Those invited .were prominent in the Y. W. C. A. work. A musical program was a feature of the occasion, and was followed by the serving of refreshments. -Miss Special to The News. Shelby, N. C, Nov. 26 Madge Webb was at home Tuesday evening from 9 to 11 in honor of Special to Sunday News. High Point, Nov. 2R. ti,.,-.. . ternoon Mrs. Mac rwl al- o w-xu mC ii.ni.re rvenc. i.., til 1 oon Mrs. Mac Cook was the p1 hostess to the Entre Wr, ' J ! the residence of her 0ir,. UJ her guests, Misses Wynne Daven-; Parker an Hamilton street ' ' ,m port, of Gaflney, and Alice Davis, of touch of brightness was ' e-d Wilmington. Assisting in reeivinp Pharmins- hnm hrr . -n 1 'US at ooioims in receiving cutii uims noma nv n q4.- were: Miss Tsnhol Tlmiffloco vtTi i ontnmn v.n j OLit' - -t-rwugjiuuo, yjt. ,Y imia- f umuiuu j-tJllxi-gO clUU IiOWPr1! w,ui o. i.'rauB, airs, ana Mrs. mes lor tne game of raui vv ebD, Mrs. Riley, of Greenville. ts. U., Mrs. B. F. Dougherty, of Pennsylvania, Miss Emma Frick, and in the punch room were: Misses Sue Andrews Lila Dover, Marion Hull and Beth Andrews. In the dining room assisting Mrs. Webb in pouring chocolate and serving sandwiches were: Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and Mrs. S. O. Andrews. The stocking shower, which was to have been given by Mrs. Max O. Gardner for Miss Peal Gardner on Friday has been' called off on account of the extreme illness of Miss Ruth Andrews, a cousin of Mrs. Gardner Mrs. B. T. Falls entertained yes terday at luncheon in honor of th bride-to-be Miss Peal Gardner, and Miss Alive Davis, of Wilmington. .Misses Foy and Jean Moore have issued invitations to an '.'At Home" on Monday evening from 8 to 11 in honor of Misses Pearl Gardner, Grace Brown, of Concord, Alice Davis, of Wilmington, Hazel Elliott, of Hickorv, Hazel Robinson, of Charlotte, and Ava Aycock. The wedding of Miss Peal Gardner to Mr. Graham Morrison, which will occur in the Central Methodist church next Thursday evening will be a most brilliant event. Miss Grace Brown, of Concord, will be maid of honor. The other bridesmaids will be Misses Alice Davis, Hazel Robinson, Hazel Elliott, Birdie Weftb, Helen Dover, and Elizabeth Ebeltoft. The groomsmen will be: Mr. Holl Mor rison, of Stanley, best man, Messrs Talmage Gardner, Dr. Reid Morrison, of Mooresville. Sam Gantt, Graham Anthony. A. E. Escott, of Raleigh, Joe Graham, of Raleigh. The bride will be given away by her father, coi. j. T. Gardner. The pair will use of The tn. game of 42 hnro tive markers and the score cards pretty. The club prize was fsnv r powder box and. was won alike bv i John Tate and Mrs. Bayard Gumming ' The Visitors' prize was a gift copvlf a. Into Vw-knlr anrt iT-ac, Ji ".iiu cio wuu aiiive ()v Armur lyon and Mrs. lmton. . re HalstPnrl T.' In cutting Mesdam Tomlinson won. In serving the liX luncheon the hostess was assists .. Mrs. Alvin The same afternoon under the chai -manship of Miss Mary Alexander the parliamentary law class of the m-..,. the Coffl- ciass ot the w-.v,.. jtc. 1K V,1J n. , "V.U1- oj. o nuu uciu uieir regular at tne directors rooms of mercial bank. The Philomathean club met Fridav afternoon with Mrs. J. Elwood joX at her residence corner Green and Hamilton streets. Mrs. James b Richardson was leader and made the program from American literature their study for the year most inter esting and profitable, while the prac tical quotations given at roll call w ere of the richest satire. aacuraay aiternon Mrs. J. Carl was nostess at a Iarere 42 Hill t- Uttl lV S' von iii uuiiur 01 ivj.rs. . unase idol. nrst naif nour was and leave north. 9 4 that night for a bridal trip Durham 1 The engagement of Miss Esther, j Robinson, of Baltimore, and Harold Special to The News. Swope. of Biltmore, was announced Durham, N. C, Nov 26 The orga- urvt z tiod of tew c,ub-,o bc known winter at Battery Park hotel Tne lhe 'Entre Nous club, devoted to ? date of the wedding has not yet been DndSe and chafing dish, is the last 'announced. Mr. Swope is the son of social announcement of the week. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Rush Swope I The Trinity College social life" has- Dr. Swone is the pastor of All Souls ( aee Qulte enahnced by the present rrt-rrirt 1 Q man of Lincoln uuuicu at rsnimore. j ""- uumui DCi.u.ib a. ic- The 'presents' received were numer- Miss Rose Watkins entertained cedent in the entertainment of their ous and elaborate, showing popularity 1 vrit.li a dancing party Monday evening j claTss-. of both voting people. 5 at her home on Oak street. The ! JUD-ior receptions are considered the The out-of-town guests were: Mr. S house was decorated in autumn 1 feature of the.purely class functions of and Mrs. E. E. Asbury, of Albemarle; heaves, yellow and white c-hrysan-' tne college. But the sophomores this Mrs C A Little mother of the groom. ! themums. I year were led to take this action be- Miss Mabel Little, of Hickory, N. j Mother DePlank, the principal 0f 1 cause they have such an unusual claas. r - MisR rarrie T.entz. Mr. and Mrs. A. the Hillside convent, is making n ' President Ratclifie presided over the She will re- P. Lentz, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henson, snort visit to Belmont. and Dr. Hoffman, of Mt. Holly, N. u.; ; turn Saturday. Miss Lucile C.; Mr. John Butler, of Lexington, S. j A cenri q hnn n ro nloriTiino- rn . d luiiLiifuii in men nonor; i oun. me guests navmg Deen mviteci 1 bazaar . v-wioiici ctiiu jus. 13-c'iienan uameron ! 10 wme earn tor a eooa ions; srame gave a dinner in their honor for which bendes thQ guests of honor there were Kitchin, ?.Ir. and Mrs. W. J. Andrews, present Governor and Mrs. W.'. AV. Judge and Mrs. Piatt D. Walker) Mr. Will Vass, Mr. T. T. Hay, Rev. Geo. . Lay and Miss Maxwell, of Florida. Col. ana Airs. J. E. Pogue gave an automobile ride over the city that was shared by quite a party of invited sruests. It preceded the luncheon by Mrs. R. W. Winston. Mrs. J. W. Hunter was hostess Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. H. Dalton on Park avenue for a seven course luncheon that was most enjoV able. The guests were: Mrs w' R Engel, Mrs. S. A. Ashe, Jr., Mrs. Rich :ard Busbee, Mrs. Geo. W. Folk, Mrs Frank M. Stronarch, Mrs. James O. ; Litchford. Mrs. A. B. Andrews Jr ;Mrs. Chas. Gambell, Jr., Mrs. W. F 'Wresf. Mrs. A. H. Arrington, Miss Lil lie Skinner. Mrs Murray Allen, Mrs j Allen Rogers, Mrs. J. B. Hill, Mrs W IN. H. Smith. ' ' " t Wadeshoro I I Special to Sunday News. f TTT., J 1 -x. t .-. wauesDoro, iov. Z6 The members of the Book Club met with Mrs Jas A. Hardison Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Books were exchanged and the evening passed off verv pleasantly Mrs. H. B. Allen delightfully enter tained the Tuesday Afternoon Club this weekt After a very pleasant so cial hour the' members with invited guests were served with refreshments Several young Jadies and gentlemen of the town gave a play "Six Sharps and one Flat" at'the graded school au ditorium Tuesday night. The charac ters were brought out well and the large audience enjoyed the evening very'.. much. Dr. R. M. Huntley was on hand with some clever selections. Perrow-SearsA Durham, Nov. 26. Information reaches here from Bay City. Texas, that Miss Katrina Sewr-and Mr. w. G. Perrow were married at that' place. It was a quiet affair and celebrated at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. W, Whitted. Miss Sears left here two weeks ago for the ostensible pur pose of visiting her " sister and the nia.rriage comes as a surprise to her many friends here. The groom is also well' known here, where at one time hev worked for the Norfolk & Western. i After a bridal tour of the west Mr. I and Mrs. Perrow will reside at Seattle, Washington. of bridge. " Ten tables were formed and a spirited game enjoyed by those fortunate enough to have been bidden by this lovely woman to meet Miss Sloan. . One of the most delightful events of the gay week was given on Satur day evening by Mrs. L. C. Clement in honor of Mrs. Claude Ramsay. The handsome home was beautiful in its decorations of lovely flowers and elec tric lights. Three tables of bridge were arranged and until eleven o'clock progressive bridge was enjoy ed. Mrs. R. V. Brawley received the first prize for the highest score. The consolation was given to Mrs. J. H. Ramsay. An elegant course supper followed, the places were marked by (turkeys filled with salted nuts and also contained a pretty souvenir for each one. All Salisbury rejoices to have Mrs. Clement at home, after an absence of several months. The book club was entertained on Tuesday by Mrs. R. V. Brawley, at her lovely home on Fisher street. The Travelers met with Mrs. M. C. Quinn on Wednesday. An interesting programme was ably carried out by Miss Sullivan and Miss WThite. This club has China for its subject for the present series. The Twice-Seven Book Club met Tuesday with. Mrs. John B. Crawford. The book for discusson was Material and Methods of Fiction, by Clayton Hamilton. Mr, Fred Simmons, of Baltimore, who is superintending the work of the government building, will enter tain a party of vouns: people at an old fashioned ' Maryland oyster roast Tuesday evening. This function will take place at the fair grounds and promises to be a delightful -occasion -vii. aimmons is a great favorite m Salisbury, and has done much for the pleasure of the young set ' since he came among us. Salisbury will send a large crowd of Dokies to Charlotte for the ceremo nial tomorrow night. They will be joined here by the Asheville Dokies. Mrs. A. H. Boyden has returned after an absence of several months, having spent the summer in Maine, and the fall months in New York city and Philadelphia. Mrs. Frances Freeman leaves Tues day morning for Belmont to be present at tne celebration on Wednesday. Mrs. Freeman will read an original poem upon this occasion. Mr. 1. P. Johnston went to Florida yesterday morning for a stay of a'few aays at ins orange grove. Game Warden W. A. Thompson seized a quantity of quail which he tound on sale at some of the restau rants and had warrants issued for the proprietors of these eating houses for ive a big beginning December Sth, for the benefit of the hospital, which is a charitable institution. Many articles, fancy and otherwise, suitable for Christmas gifts, are being collected for the bazaar. Refreshments will be served. Mr. J. L. Councill left this week fqr Limestone; Tenn., to attend the mar riage of a sister. Mrs. C. E. Raynal will attend the marriage of her brother, Mr. Grier Morrison, to Miss Pearl Gardner at Shelby next week. Mrs. C. B. Deaver, formerly of Statesville, is here from Brevard to be the guest of Mesdames M. R. Adams and S. B. Miller for ten days. She will go from here to Florida, to join Mr. Deaver, who is traveling; m that state. Mrs. Lawrence McLoud. of Asheville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays here with her daughters at Statesville Fe male college. ' - Mrs. Wr. A. Lutz and Mrs. W. H. Dinglefoef were called to Winston the first of the week on account of the ill ness ot a relative. Mrs. S. N. Peters and children, of Greensboro, are guests of Mrs. Peters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb. Mr. Peters spent Thursday here. Mrs. Fed Long and child, of Catawba and Mrs. B. C. Griffin, and child, of Marshville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cochrane and sons, of Charlotte, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sloan since Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Craig and chil dren left this week for a visit to New York and other northern cities. Prof. D. Mott Thompson is visiting his son, Mr. Walter Thompson, at -Concord. Miss Annie Rabe, of the graded school faculty, spent the holidays with her home folks at Salisbury; Miss Lula Craven was at her home in Con cord, and Miss Jessie Williams with friends in Greensboro. Miss Lottie Linton, of Raleigh, who is teaching in Rockingham,1 was a Love, of Gastonia. N. C; j tral Mrs. W. J. Boger and Miss Mary Rhyne i hold of Mt. Holly, N. C; Miss Bessie Lentz, of Concoyd, N. C: Mr. F. A. Hender son and Prof. W. H. Little, of Hickory, N. C. Stole March on Parents. (From Baltimore Sun.) The parents and sisters of Miss An nie Moore, of Cheraw, S. C, who have been stopping at the New Howard Ho tel, were sxeatlv surprised wlien tne s Kendall's class of girls of Cen Methodist Sunday school will a. bazaar at Noland's grocery store. The young ladies will offer for sale a -variety of pretty fancy articles and home made candies. Miss Opal Brown entertained a few friends Thursday Thursday evening at her home in Grove Park. Mrs. Brady, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. O, C. Hamilton, leaves Friday for Kewanee, 111. F. A. Hull has gone to New York to join Mrs. Hull and Miss Emilv rint- boys and the toasts four girls of were exceed- voung lady announced to them that j Campbell, who are spending the w she had just been married, and as evi-t1 Jn the east. dence produced a marriage license and t ft ae n Whitnlror a meH eal student at u 1V11BB oaiiuiu at guest Hot the University of Maryland, the hus band. His home is Enfield, N. C. It all came abut this way, Mrs. C. F. Moore, with Misses Annie, Ethel and Mamie Moore, her daughters, arrived at the hotel late Saturday morning, Miss Annie had known Mr. Whitaker) and when he found that she was in the city they met several times. Sun-t day morning Mr. Moore was expected ( to arrive at Union station and Misses Ethel and Mamie ' aranged with the Springs, N. C. Gastonia Special to The News. Gastonia, N. C., Nov. 26 Mrs. j F. Glenn entertained several 4 4 4 4 Henry of her friends on Wednesday evening at 6 Thanksgiving holiday visitor at Mr. A. Thomas. W. violation of the game law of Rowan county. Rev. Byron . Clark went to Wilming ton to address the Y. M. C. A. on Sunday. The pulpit of th,e First Pres byterian church was most ably sup plied by Dr. W. J. Martin, of Davidson college. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain of Ral eigh who has been the guest of Mrs. James P. Mcore returned to her home today. Mr. and Mrs. "R. W. Norman have returned from their honeymoon and are boarding with Mr. J. A. Wither spoon orx- Fulton Heights. mother to .go to mett their father. It nroa ctcrfaaA tr Vmt Mis Annip said she preferred to remain at the hotel. 0 ciock wnn a tempting course dinner. After her sisters and mother had j dming room and parlors were gotten out of sight, a taxicab was call- mst attractively decorated for the oc ed and Mr. Whitaker and Miss Moore casion, the Thanksgiving idea being hurriedly went to the parsonage of . carried out in every detail. Mrs. Alsquith Street Presbvterian church, ' Glenn's guests were Dr. and Mrs. D. 1631 North Carolina street, where Rev. ' A. Garrison, Dr. and Mrs. S. A: Bavid T. Neely, the pastor, performed ; Wilkins, of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. P. the ceremony. j Woods Garland, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. They returned to the hotel and af-' H. Beeler Moore. ter several minutes southerner with a mother and sisters arm in-arm. ' The marriage was announced. Theer was some surprise, but the parental blessing was bestowed. Mr. Moore, his wife and the other two daughters left later for New York. Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker will remain in the city until June, when they will return to Enfield. Mr. Whitaker graduates this year. father (a genial! Miss Blanche Gray, of Randolph happy smile, .and ' Macon College, Lynchburg, Va., is arrived all locked spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gray. Miss Violet Rankin, of Elizabeth Col lege, Charlotte, i& here' to spend Thanksgiving holidays with her moth er, Mrs. R. P. Rankin. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. , Anderson are spending the week at Martinsville, Va., with Mr. Anderson's mother, Mrs. R. j C. Anderson. Miss Daisy Green, of Raleigh, who Tuesday,; has been visiting Mrs. J. D. Moore, Jr., left Wednesday on a visit to friends- in Charlotte. Mrs. W. E. Todd and children spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Todd's father, Mr. R. M. Frazier, of R. F. D. No. 5, Charlotte. " Mrs. Thomas L Craig and her father, Mr W. M. Watson, both of whom have been undergoing treatment for some time past at the Johns Hopkins Hos pital in Baltimore, have gone to Mr. Watson's home in New Bern, where some time be- Elwood-McFadyen. Waynesville, Nov. 26. On Nov. 22, , at the home of the bride, ' Rinaldi, Waynesville, N. C, Mary, the, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. McFadyen, j was married to James Lawrence El- j wood, of Anderson, Indiana, son of j Mr. and, Mrs. James N. Elwood, of Rochester, N, Y. x j j "Why do you argue with your wife? Don't you know it doesn't do you a bit of good?" "Sure, I do. -But I ain't got such a mean disposition as to deprive her of the pleasure.'WCleveland Lead-; . CI. B. Gwyn, of Hickory 1 Mrs. H. H. Crowsoni Mr. and Mrs. F, were guests of this week. Miss Helen Moore, who spent some time here with her brother, Mr. C. P. Moore, has returned to her home at Marshville. . Miss Cordia Holland is the guest of Mrs. R. T. Holbrooks, in Winston. fore returning to Gastonia. J Mrs-. T. L. Earp, and little daughter. iNeme, or JuyncnDurg, va.. arrived Gastonia Friday on a visit to Mrs. J. :T. Suggs. 1 seventy-three the class and ingly witty. It was a great meeting and will find a lasting place in the college's social calendar it is said. This is- the off-week with the clubs, but the next will find the social life revived. All clubs have their regular meetings then. Mrs. George A. Carr, who has been i society editor of the Durham Daily Sun has resigned her work. The paper will do its society works through its various staff men and wo men. Announcements were received this morning from Bay City, Texas, telling of the surprise marriage of Miss Kat rina Sears, of this city and Mr. Wil liam Garnett Perrow, of Seattle. The wedding was solemnized Wed nesday evening at the home of' the bride's sister, Mrs. W. W. Whitted, in Bay City. Mrs. Perrow is an attractive, unfail ingly good girl of Durham and her mar riage has large interest for everybody here. Interest in the marriage of Mr. Heifc ry Alexander Wise' Happer, of this city, and Miss Lillian Ann Devhert, o Harrisburg, Pa., was pronouncedly large when the acounts of it reached the local papers.. Mr. Happer is now living in Rich mond. His mother and a brother still live in Durham, having spent larger portion of their lives here. The Thanksgiving dinner of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity yesterday at Southgate's Cabin was a social out ing which well might modestly be done in all of the nice old adjectives describ ing society's best doings, and then levy heavily , upon all the new ones without doing justice to the occasion. More kinds of weather had preceded the function than Heinz puts up pick les, J:he 57 verieties of these acerbic fruits made to look like a personified monotony campared with local climat ic conditions. But it looked like spec ial providence yesterday, for a balm ier, crisper, finer day hasn't been seen in a dozen cycles at such a period in November. The fraternalists eadeared them selves doubly yesterday by having a caterer provide the luncheon, thus 1 relieving the -young ladies of any trou ble along gastronomic, lines. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner Entertain. Mr. and rMs. B. S. Skinner last night entertained at their home on 506 Mangum street, the Trinity Col lege and Park School students who are here from Perquimans and Chowan counties, ot which s-mall common wealths Mr. and Mrs. Skinner are for tner residents. The Chowan and Perquimans visi tors were entertained from eight to eleven o'clock at a Thanksgiving party and the game of- Thanksgiving was played. The highest score for the best play was given to Mr. Joseph Brinn, The spent in receh-in.. entertaining and in this the ho. tess was assisted by Mrs. Bavard fum. mings Avho greeted guests at the door mist, xnii wuo presented guests and the receiving party. The honor guests received in the parlor with the hostess and were: Mrs. W. Chase Idol, Jliss Ada Denny, of Graham; Mrs. George Matton, Mrs. Alvin Parker. An abun dance of rich colored fall flowers and foliage distributed throughout the en tertaining rooms gave an additional bright aspect to the surroundiiiss made most happy by charming hospi tality. The game was interesting and the scores high. .Mrs. J. J. Fan-tea won the prize, a brass candlestick. The hostess was presented with a pen and ink. Japanese scene. A salad course was served to the thirty invit ed guests. Mrs. Frank Edward Creelman and daughter, Mrs. Jonathan J. Jackson have issued. cards for a large at home to be given next Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 6:30 in compliment of Mrs. Edward . R. Briggs. It will in ev ery way be the biggest reception given in town in many a day and serves as a two-fold the first formal opening of the elegant Creelman home, and ths last formal party given this charming honor guest before her departure for her old home in the north. It is hard to recall the name of any one who in social life and club life, and all broadening lines of betterment to say nothing of the sweet close ties of friendship's circle who will be missed as much as Mrs. Briggs. Monday afternon the literature de partment of the Woman's club met with the chairman, Mrs. Charles L. Long and made out a most interesting program for the year on North Caroli na literature. This is the baby de partment of the club gut gives prom ise" of much growth. Tuesday afternoon the Philanthropic department held their regular meet ing and made plans for an oyster sup per to be given next Tuesday for the benefit of the poor. The board of lady managers of the hospital held a most helpful meeting Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. G. Dixon, the chairman, made an earnest plea for the work and submitted some splendid plans for extending the work. A larger amount of dues was turned in than former meeting. It was de cided to make the next meeting a great rally day and to this effect Mrs. A. J. Owen, Miss Clara Cox and Miss I. Irwin Paylor were appointed a membership committee. Of the many pretty compliments paid Mrs. Elwood Brlgg none was pret tier or dearer to the memory than the small bridge party given by Mrs. Edward Parker Tuesday afternoon. Manv rounds of this innocent game was "played after which the daintiest of luncheons was served. The remem brances given the honoree was usetui as well as beautiful. The most enthusiastic meeting tne Woman's club has ever had was heki Wednesday afternoon at the Manutac turers' club rooms. There was a verj large attendance and splendid repot u from the five departments. Comnu -tees were appointed to visit school. the I select colors and motto for club. 1 bad cnarge wi Civic department program, j Morrow-Sykes. The announcement of the marriaj of Mr, Vance Sykes, a well no young man of this city and Miss .u ; tie Morrow, the only daughter 0 1 and Mrs. George Morrow of Mela u. will be received with dintinct Piea"'"" in this city, the home of the giooin. The wedding transpired Tuesdaj e h 1 n jr hi r u ciulr ai near Mebane. Aeel. Dn..l3l r.minle to We Asheboro. Nov. 26.-AI an aiternoj" social given at the lovely home of .1 and Mrs W. A. Underwood it v. a.. announced that miss aui.. - . .. tn Mr. r- this city, Will De main-" - .,, Auman. also of this place, on tne -of December. b. the nlghr of War- Curfees-Short. fvnninnf 'V 26. Oil Tv,or,WrivinB the manage TVTica Mana Short to Ml'. ren Curfees, of Greeusboio wa emnized in the Met homst c n which was beautifully decorated green and white, numberless can- iwinKiing ctuiun.s r-t fTrr 1U1 making bride. a fitting lovei Stephens-Suggs. oc ne tji BaptH tne prize beins: an eveniner ti Miss Blobbs -"I wonder why Biones has lHattie- Clement tnnlr tho nri fnr th taken to wearing such loud hosiery?"; highest score attained by the ladies a Slpbbs "He says every time-he gets neat booklet being the award. Mr. Jul cramped up his foot's asleep." ian Blanchard won the booby 1 , . of nuiet church at Apex was tne &t 8 loveliness on Wednesday ejen o'clock, when Miss Ronni her hand in marriage W. Stephens. A larsre concourse el ed to witness the of friend? wedding- gath n 1