THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, NOVEMBER 27, 1910 rr 2 - 6 Westinghouse Utility enera otor This is a new motor that will do the work of a dozen ordinary motors. A few inexpensive attachments of the simplest nature make it n sewing machine motor, a buffing motor, a grinding motor, n flexible shaft buffing motor, an exhaust or ventilating fan mo tor, a jeweler's lathe motor, a general power motor. Takes no more current when fully loaded than two ordinary i; candle power lamps. All attachments are standard and may be pur chaser! singly at any time. Ac ideal motor for the experimental laboratory, the home, shop or garage. Send for folder describ ing it, then cone to the office and see for yourself. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Charlotte Office: Rooms 300 to 308 Ameiican Bldg. Revival of Boxing in New York City Is Predicted By Some Mammoth Line) Is Being Built Berlin. Nov. 26. Astonishing de tails are published here concerning the mammoth liner which has been built at. the vulcan Yard at Stetin for the Hamburg-America service. The vessel, which has not yet been named, has not been designed to create any new speed record, but in other re spects It is claimed that she will be an "eye-opener." lier length is 881 feet, and her gross tonnage 50,000. The captain's bridge, when the liner is fully loaded will bo 77 feet above the water line, and the flag at her masthead will be 20S'"fe,et above the water. Even the mainmast of the unlucky Preussen, the world's largest sailing ship, reached a height of only 196 feet. Only 10 years ago, the Deut&chland. a vessel which made some stir, was put in commission, but the hull of the new' liner is so enormous that the Deutseh land could float within it as in a basin even her funnels being hidden. The Deiustbland is only 662 feet in length and her gross tonnage is oil lti.500. The tonnage of what is at present ibe Hamburg-America Company's largest liner, the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria is 24.H0 and that of the Cunard limjr Mauretania 32.001). French Bieak Up Comic Qpeia Court Paris. Nov, 26. A comic. opera, court has been broken up by-the French government in dethroning the' rebel King Adrigrah of Krinjubo on the Iv ory coast. This dusky monarch was surrounded by a motley set of cour tiers, 'whose ..taste in dress was- bizarre to a laughable-degree. Some years ago a touring theatrical company -was stranded somewhere on the Ivory coast, and by some means the manager of a" factory acquired the wardrobes. He showed his .purchaser to the native bigwigs and sold them on advantageous terms.- The black cour tiers were very proud of iheir. finery, and a parade of Krinjubo notables was a sight never to be forftotfer.. One wore the mantel of Hamlet, another the doublet of Hernani, a third ar rayed himself in the livery of MoMeve o Scapin. While others appeared in spangled robes and gold-laced uni forms. ' - It is a pity tha"t So picturesque a court should be pers-ed. but a rebellion is a rebellion, be the rebels ever so gorgeous. The Coveted Bestl I "Sunreme In every excellence that belongs to Furniture and home rtcrnmHnnc tu . .. tm Ell : , .,4....-. ... . . -. . 1 " ''if rirrMid ! (3 I Davis Convicted Of Manslaughter Durham. N. C. Nov. 26. After 20 hours of deliberation, a jury yesterday returned a verdict of manslaughter in the case or Lawrence Davis, who was charseri with killing Bradon Bragg last September. Both were prominence in this section. The prisoner was degree murder. It was alleged the two men had quarrelled over a woman. men of not tried for first ?. Richards Jr. R. Ri Commissioner Columbia. S. C. Nov. 26. Governor Ansel today appointed John G. Rich aids. Jr.. of Kershaw, as a member of the state railroad commission, -succeeding James M. Sullivan, who died November 2. leaving 26 months of his term unexpired. By WW. NAUGHTON. San Francisco, Nov. 26. A news dis Vtth of recent date hints that there is likely to be a revival o!" boxing in New Voi k cii . The story goes that a bill "ill be introduced at the next general session of the state legislature in Al bany jtiid that said bill wili provide for exhihiiions of the spoir. of , the gloves, that a si ate boxing commission will be appointed in this connection and the duty of ih commissioners will include the issuing of 'licenses to clubs of recognized stability. If there is anything i nthe report, it is to be hoped thai co:nmi:-ioners will si i as a botird' of censors occas ionally. X.t ibar the .Ww Vork hand lers o: boxing are' trickier than promo ters in other cities, but because other cities, biit because other sections would probably copy Xew Vork and adoii similar measures. Much of the 4ppor-uion to ougilishi arises front t:ho fact that in "TTfe past Mien- lias been no way of keeping the game above reproach. Baseball has its 'tribunal where offenders are dealt with and so has racing. In boxing tbre has r.cver been any bar of jus tice. ' In New Vork. as well as in other cities, "jobs" have been perpetrated and. when discovered they were writ-' ;'ti nhfiiit and talked about. A crook ed fighter or a pair of crooked fighters "'f they didn't care about defending themselves with a show bogus indig nation, could simply hold their peace and wait for the storm to blow over, as it was sure to do. Then these same fellows could ev right along making matches as though nothing had hap pened. In some instances some single critic would discover, or think he had dis covered, a fraud in boxing. In such such a. ease it Vvould a rare thing if hp received much support from other men in his line. Not that they took the other side for the purpose of em barrassing the manv who was de nouncing, but for '1 he simple . reason that it wag a rate thing for critics to view an affair of this kind the same way. As for the. public, it always has been apathetic about the nueer things that. hoers do. A fisht.eiwho is any thing of a fighter seldom remains long in disgrace.- With a board of censors in Xew York to deal with crooked ring men, other places where boxing thrives will soon adopt, the censor idea and a grand step towards keeping the sport "alive will have been taken. Tf there is anything in the report that, there is to be a resumption of boxing in N 6w York, a movement in that direction is likely. Paris which for a few years conducted the ring sport on opera bouffe lines, is now be coming a serious bidder for high class matches. If the game comities to lan guish on this side of the pond, Paris and London may divide the pugilistic events of the future between them. As evidence of the way that Paris is reaching out for big fights, it mav be instanced that the promoters there re cently offered a purse of $25,000 for a contest between Jack Johnson and Joe Jeanette or Sam McVey. t'p to the present time the offer has not been accepted. New boxing clubs are springing up in Fans every week and en passent, the names conferred on these organi zations sound well in foreign ears. They already have the Voltaire, the Casino Del Turrelles, the Salle Wag ram and the Ely see Mbntmartre. To show that France is starting out i - aright in its ideas of control ing the ring game, there is Federation Des Societe De Box. It is hard to realize that places with high sounding titles are really common ordinary slugging arenas where upper cuts and rib-roasters are dispensed and where black eyes and broken noses are fashioned while you wait. I'll be bound that a. cauliflower-eaiin .French sounds like something to eat. Kven the boxers have something "distingue" about them. They have a Marce .Gaucher-a Marco1 '.Moreau and f,ve c new heavyweight named Marthum. These read immeasurably better than "One Round Ilogan." fPat Nelson." "Spike" Sullivan or "Thfj Alaska Kid." The agitation against the bogus TWO KILED BY EXPLOSION ON GASOLINE LAUNCH, amateur bouts of San Frincisco seems to have died away again and the pro found bouts Juneau. Alaska. Nov. 26. Captain McConaghey. of the mail boat Fry. which arrived here yesterday, tells of an explosion of a gasoline launch. A third brother, who was serjovsiy injured, (drifted about jn tlu; oi.ic.-n sea for several days before being pick ed up. He is not expected to recov er. The three Delague brothers attempt ed to reach a small island near ake in their power boat. An explosion oc curred, wrecking ihc engine and threatening to set the little boat o:i Two of the men fell overboard and were drowned. moters who handle ;out between the professionals of inferior finality are again permitted to adver tise their showing as amateur bouts. Among people who are interested in seeing amateur sport safeguarded, wonder is expressed that the local offi cials of the western branch of the Amateur Athletic Union do not -go to the bat in this connection. A little litigation in this direction would prob ably result in removing the amateur label from these frankly professional bouts. Around Jhe tenderloins of the city, bill boards are placed outside the building.-on the sidewalk, every week. These signs contain information that there is to be a grand amateur night J at some place designated and that the" patrons jyjll be treated to "six corking goes." information as to the prices of admission is given in large type, and there is no pretense that the ilace where the ring is pitched is an ama teur athletic club or that the entertain ment is "for members oniv." ' Christ Best Keely Cure. Beading. Pa.. Nov. 26. Emma. Da vis, a graduate of the Girls" High School here and the Stewart Acade my, who has probably figured at, the local police court more than any oth er woman, but who is now converted, occupies the pulpit of the Calvary Ho liness Christian church at a mission ary meet prior to engaging in New rYork slum work. In her address she declared that Jesus Christ is the best Keely cure to be had. Boy Scouts In Italian Toivns Rome, Nov. 26. Boy Scouts have now been successfully organized m Italy with the approval of King- . iefor Emanuel. His majesty recentlv reviow ed at the royal hunting lodge, Casciue. San Pcossore, the first battallion of Italian boy scouts, who have been formed by Sir Francis- Vane,, who vas associated with General Baden-Powell in the original .English organiza tion. The king examined each detail of the boys' uniform and arm?, and prais ed them for the neatness of v.heir equipment and their steadiness o:i parade, saying that he could not imag ine a smarter set. of boys. . . American Influence On Native Costiim Condition of the Treasury. Washington. D. C, Nov. 26. At the beginning of busines stoday the condi tion of the United States treasury was : Working balance in treasury offices, ,S2'.i,o61 .Sl'.i ; in banks and Philippine treasury S3 t.2-j.j.:;72. the total bal ance in the general fund was $93,293. S22: ordinary receipts yesterday were ?2.6$.'!.So3. with disbursements of $2.o2S.u3t'.. The deficit to date this fiscal year is S11.S31.95S as against. ?27.214.4S. at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. Purchase Dauphin Island. New Orleans. Nov. 26. Dauphin Is land, thirty miles south of Mobile, has been purchased by- an eastern syndi cate, according to announcement made here today by a representative of the purchasing company. - The purchase price was not stated. An investment of between three and four million dol lars, it was said, would however be finally represented in making the is land an attractive winter resort. All Wormy Nuts Under Ban. Harrisburg, Nov. 26. Merchants who prepare their stock of Christmas nuts by mixing all their old, dried out and wormy goods of last Christmas 4 season with just enough newr tresh nuts to give a hint of the real things, are going to run the risk of losing their ill-earned profits on the conglom eration by paying a fine, of $60, the State Dairy and Food department hav ing decided to extend its chestnut cru sade to all forms of nuts. Compulsory Athletics. New Orleans. Nov. 26. On the ground, it is .stated, that students of the university have not heeded his appeals to participate in college ath letics as they should. President Craig head has announced that hereafter Tulane will enjoy the taste of compul sory athletics. Every freshman and sophomore at the university will be compelled to take a certain amount of evercise prescribed by the faculty. - Outdoor work will constitute the great er part of the physical requirements. AX IHBAt HCSBANP J patient, even with a nag-gin wif for he knows she needs help. She may .os bo nervous and run-down In health hat trifles annoy her. If she is melan choly, excwkj-ble, troubled with loss of appetite. ?ach, sleeptessnesa, con stipation or ano dizzy spells, she needs Kftric Bitters the most wonderful remedy for ailing: women, inoupands of sufferer from female troubles, backache and. weak kidneys -have used them and become healthy apd happy. Try th.em. Only 50c. Satis ffKUon guarantee by W. L. Hand & London, Ndv. 26. The effects of American influence on native cos-tume in the Philippines are t-nius'ngl de scribed by the London Times' corres pondent In Manilla, who tells how in Spanish days the great mass of the na tives went about barefooted with their shirt-tails outside their pants (if they wore. any). Today the streets are thronged with dapper youths clad n Immaculate white with , high collars- and faultless neckties, with shoes not uncommonly of patent leather, and with weil-oiled hair, which in their leisure moments they are to be seen combing wi:h the aid of a pocket mirror. The recjeipts at the Charlotte cot ton platform yesterday were ' 303 bales at 14. $0 cents per pound, against 166 hales folr the same date last year 31 14. Ml eointo nor nrmnrl fellow's fin A love match has- burned many gers. Poor Will Feast On Fish. Labanon, Pa., Novfl. 26. A ton of fresh fish were given away by former Common Councilman Charles A. Moore, of the Fifth ward, distribution being made among the poOr of the city. For two hours today at the Moore home people stood in line for what will prove to be their principal dish for the day's meaL Moore, who is a fish dealer, inaugurated the plan eight years ago and has observed it annual ly. - Successful Horse Show. Chicago, III.; Nov. 26. What the promoters pronounce the most success ful horse show ever held-In Chicago came to a -close today and was suc ceeded by the international live stock show. In number of first prizes, Wil liam H. Joore, veteran horse own er and exhibitor, easily passed all com petitors. His horses carried away 17 blue ribbons as well as numberieae second and third prizes. , Chronic Diseases of Men and Women 4? TV??m 'Supreme in every excellence mat Deiongs to furniture and home decorations." that-? n i. u 1-.. 41,. T nViin TTiWnHiil-o' Cr Thn ,..,1, t f j j . . position item uy c uuun minima x mu,u-wusm, niti mm coveted nest at is what those of refined tastes demand, and it 'is always found here. NOT in limited great abundance. It makes life. blither to have artistic and tasteful furnishings for ten with refined creations of every sort that money saving ways but the home. Our slid - 4.1. , . 211 Lnrf leuiiuiuc lancy. i nere s a rha; about the Laioin products mat give you an assurance of exclusiveness a feeling that vou ha ed the BEST but NOT through an extravagant money outlav. .' ; rarity f tmrchas- Library and Parlor Furniture Today begins a wonderful selling of these articles. We have a grand display in both cannot tail to meet the most exacting demands. We have made special purchases for this sale will make an epoch in the many interesting events of the Lubin store. It is, indeed, the linos that wh it',! The Most Wonderful Selection of Library and Parlor Furniture that this "part of the country has ever known, and tract attention from near and far. Among the very best of our bargains will be suits in Leather, with prices ranging from $20.00 to $175.00. And while this sale is one that tells especially of the above lines, keep in mind motto, that means so much to Charlotte home-builders and housekeepers, viz: "WE FURNISH HOMES COMPLETE" cannot found fail to at- thrr-e-piecc our well-known CHARLOTTE, N. C. It is better to pat yourself on the back than to be kicked by another. If you are suffering from any dis ease and have not been able to get relief, see Dr. Moss at once and have a thorough examination. The doctor has the confidence of the people by being on he squaro-and honelt with the public . No . sc.ytion, no false promises.. If. you afflicted with Blood . Poison, Nervous, Decline, Ca tarrh of Head. Throat or Lungs, or anv stomach and Liver Trouble. Piles. long standing, or any enronic disease of any nature, 1 ext-.-nd a cordial in vitation, to call and consult me free of charge. Thdse who know me and' know my office know I am an enthu siast over inv work, and while I have to have pay for my work as a mat- i ier of course, my charges are what i I and the patient thing proper,, not based oh seeing bow much I can scare and -squeeze out oX some poor unfortunate piece" of humanity. If you will- appreciate honest business meth ods and conscientious service, I shall be pleased to see you at my office. A personal visit is preferred, but. the fact that you are out- of town and cannot call need not deprive you of my services. If you cannot call, write for particulars, mode oi treatment, prices and terms. -Letters ami office calls are,, free and confidential. DR. WM, H. MOSS. Specialist. Rooms 3 and 4 Davidson Building, East Trade St.. Charlotte, Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. Sundays 9 to 1. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . O A ST ORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A 3 T O R l A Children Cry FOR F' ETCHER'S CAST ORIA This 5s Cyrus O. Sates, the man who advertises Mother's Joy and Goose Grease Liniment, two of the greatest thinjs knows to humanity. Park Ay Home! FOR SALE Nevr modern garage. S-room bouse, conveniences. Lot 50x200. well built, with Basement is lar hard wood finnr and all ge enough to be used as a P'CE LOW TERMS EASY Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company This is the Stove That Does the Work The Monitor Radiator with Its FTVE RADIATING FLTJBfl. Is the greaw .t fuel saver and heat pro ducer of modern stove construction. Everything in Stoves. 'our inspec tion cordially invited. J. N. McCausIand & Company Stove Dealers and Roofing Contractor 221 South Tryon St. I tbinjrs knows to JfeMw . j I mimiaateVSaB Mother'' L ' " 5. yn wear were' chosen from our bi . ll ' 11 ST. I stock, it will be an assurance that p: iw( jfj ' JljJ .you are well and correctly dressed f r-3! 'if u-" &rK and that your garments are of the Ij I m. rj faction as'long as they are worn. ;i,v' 'tlm For sale by R. H. Jordan & Co. I Vl ' ,; ; OVERCOATS, $10 to $50. f X; f& 1 'j ' SUITS, $10 to $50. -' ', M, Ed Mellon 11 m Company Cf I "LITTLE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK. f Ml J s Christian IF YOU WANT A FINE TIME-PIECE VISIT, LINEBACK & ELAM POPULAR JEWELERS at the STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK." See Our Holiday Display. Presbyterian College For Women and Conservatory of Musi CHARLOT TE, N. Ci. . FAL.L. TJiixvM tiiiGINS SEPT y Faculty of Specialists in every Department Influence. City Advantages. Music, Art,. Elocution Spec!altie. y For catalogue. Address ..... '. REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D. STK,' 1910. Thorough Work, NEW LOT Flash Light Batteries, Oscillating Fans, Ceiling Fans Phone R. G. Auten CONTRACTORS OLDEST, ICKEST, B PT , Electric Co. r 7