THE CHARLOTTE NEWS NOVEMBER 27 , 19IO Cheaps 20 LOST Heavy black overcoat from office Greater Charlotte, Club.. May be returned tor-office, Sehvyn hotel, where lighter coat left iu place may be found 27-lt FOR SALE Appier seed oats, cents per bushel. McD. Watkins. 22-Gt FOR SALE Berkshire and Essex pigs, 10 weelfs old, $4.00 each. McD, Watkins. 22-6t .pin & x-,v-. WANTED WANTED By experienced stenog rapher rive or six hours work a day. Address M., caro News. 27-lt WANTED A trained bird dog. Must be cheap. Address H. C. Warlick, N'ewells, X. C. 26-St WANTED Salesmen for 1011, earn ings of one man in seven months $S500.00. Orients. 10t Schiller Bldg., Chicago. 17-lt WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Best pay ing work within the reach of poor man. Wages up to $20 weekly. Small capital starts shop. Few barbers take apprentices. Demand increasing. Write for free particulars. Moler Bar ber College. Atlanta. Ga. 2'J-Gt MAN wanted; must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our rep repsentative; no canvassing or solicit ing; good income assured. Address, National Co-Operative Realty.. 1118 Marden Building, Washington. D. C. n-20-5t-sun. for rent We m rent you our splendid facilities for doing good print ing whenever you want a job dene, and will guarantee goud work at fair prices. News Printing House, 29 S, Tryon St. Phone 1530. 17-tf FOR RENT- Iine, modern, Watkins. 2 No. McDowell, ca rooms, 10. McD. 9-tf MISCELLANEOUS J. R. AVANT, head barber at the Climax Barber shop, will be with Cen tral hotel shop after Monday. MAN AND WIFE and three children want three or four furnis for light housekeeping. "Rooms," care News. hed rooms Address 27-3t WANTED Five solicitors for best newspaper premium proposition ever operated in Charlotte. Experienced solicitors can make big money. Apply Circulation Manager the News. 25-5t WANTED A position rienced stenographer, care News. by an expe Address B., 22-5t WANTED Gentlemen to occupy steam heated rooms: also table board- PARTIES leaving city will sell their household goods cheap for cash, at 16 West 5th St., upstairs. 27-lt LOST A turquoise pin. surrounded by diamonds. Reward if left at News office. 25-tf LOST Wednesday afternoon at Seaboard depot. Southern Railway mi leage book. Reward for same. Frank F. Jones. 27-lt DOL'L DRESS reasonable. 309 E. MAKING. 8th St. Prices 27-lt ers. Phone 1421-J. ;-tr WAN WANTED Must be willing to iearn and capable of acting as our representative; no canvassing or so licting; good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 111S Marden Building. Washington, D. C. 21-5t-sun LADIES make supporters. $12 per hundred; no canvassing; material furnished. Stamped envelope for par ticulars. Wabash Supply Co., Dept. 185. Chicago. 17-lt AMAZING X'MAS Seller: $1.00 Beau ty Box 13c. Three mammoth Im. Cut Glass Bottles Perfume, etc. Outsell ing everything. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. 17-lt WANTED Four good boys, with recommendations, to sell i day Evening Posts for weekly mission and monthly cash nrize. each bee C. E. Lynch. Independence Square. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Re built, cleaned, adjusted In factory ex perts with factory facilities. All work handled promptly and fully guaran teed. If you like quick and satisfac tory servie send , your old machiue to be made new. j. E. Cravton & Co. Nov 13-60t FOR SALE Nice little bungalow Kive rooms, balconies, hall and bath Electric lights and all conveniences une-tnird down and the balance rent money, through Phone 2381-J. the building and loan 27-2 FOR SALE G-room cottage, 1010 East 4th St. Lot 70x209, city water eiectnc lights. Big bargain. See W. J. McCall, ; 7 No. 2S East 4th St. 'Phone 25-3t FOR SALE A beautiful lot 50x150 feet to rear alley, good location and view. Is on the line of proposed im portant developments and will en hance rapidly in value. Splendid cnance lor young man, 2o cash se cures it. Balance in monthly pay ments to suit purchaser. .Address "Quick, care News. 14-tf BIG ASSORTMENT , HORSES AND MULES Wadsworth Sales Sta bles. HACKNEY BROS. COMPANY Plumbing & Heating Jobbers in Supplies. "So-Easy-To-Fix" Pumps, Gasoline Engines, Terra Cotta and Flue Pipe, W rought Iron Ppe and' Fittings. Nos. 6 and 8 W. 5th St. Phones 312 & 1047. Charlotte, N. C. FOR RENT Four-room house, reception hall, city water 08 McDowell. Six room house, plumbing, gas, elec trie lights, 214 N. Myers. FOR SALE Modern house, including hot water heat, Elizabeth Ave. Rare opportun ity for a home. J. P. & L. L. HACKNEY Business Builders GROCERS OUR IMPORTED Liebkucken Dompfnuesse and Spitz- kucken is just in and selling very rapidly so you had better hurry and buy your Xmas supply. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. "The Place." FOR SALE 10 acres land in the city, in high state of cultivation. $7,000 worth of buildings on the place. All for $10, 000.00. SHOEMAKER & WALLACE 225 N. Tryon St. Phones: Residence 444-J, 561-J; Office 243. CHICE FRESH GR1TS Coarse, Medium and Fine. Large Dill Pickles. Wc M. CROWELL Phona 10S2. 200 E. Morehead St. WANTED rooms. No. Boarders 9 E. Mh. for nice front 26-tf 20 to 40 years old wanted Electric Railway Motor- 500 MEN at once for j.iim nuu .onuuLiors; $oJ to JfliJU a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write "imme diately for replication blank enclos ing stamp. Address Electric, care of Xe's- i6-30t V ANT TWO MORE couples to co operate and build duplex apartment homer:. Highly artistic of Al mate rial, hUr location, cost greatlv re duced. Nets 10 to 12 per cent, $200.00 cash arid 20 shares B & L. does it. Address Duplex, care News. 25-tf SALESMAN WANTED $20.00 weekly; and expenses or commission; experience unnecessary. Geo. A. Shaw, Sales Mgr., Cincinnati, O. llAt LADIES make supporters. $12 per hundred; no canvassing; material fur nished. Stamped envelope for par ticulars. Wabash Supply Co., Dept. 37, Chicago. 17-lt I TAKE SHARES in Mecklenburg Building and Loan Association. Series opens Saturday December 3rd. 20-St FOUND On train, Nov. 10th, stick pin, between Charlotte and Matthews. A. J. Williams, Matthews, N. C. 25-2t WANTED Apply 310 E. -Eoara; 6th. ra and roomer.;. 30-tf SATURDAY, December 3rd, Meck lenburg opens new series. Take shares. ! 26-St J FOR REN2 FLORIDA ORANGES 1 CENT EACH and $2.75 box. Fresh srraham flour 3 lb. bags 25c, 12 lb. bags 45c, 24 Tb. jag 85c. Fresh Orange brand hams 1C 2-3c. These hams have no wrap ping. Best boneless bacon 25c. Fruit cake 20c lb. Oyster and soda crack ers 3 lbs. 25c. 10 boxes grape fruit oc. BRIDGETS & CO. 203 W. Trade. RES! EOF THE IE 1 LL STREETS LADIES! Call on us at the base ball grounds if you need anything tomorrow, as we shall attend the football game between Davidson and Wake Forest. See you .tnday, the 2oth, though, at 27 N. Tryon. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. "The Place." UUIN'T FORGET THAT OUR STORE is the place to get Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Potato Chips, Evaporated Apples, cocoanuts, Celery, Cranber ries and all that is needed to complete tne Thanksgiving dinner. G. O. THIES Phones 719 and 2116. . FRUIT CAKE TIME FOR RENT Two riesirahtA rrw-.m "ith modern conveniences- 211 W iui j none il.J-L,. o Jt THE MANAGEMENT of the Climax hop wants to thank his friends for I past patronage and asks them to come ana see his good barbers at The Cen- i 1 r -l . j t ii a motei snop. 27-2t FOR RENT Two apartments in new building. 208 So. Church. Steam nc-ai, gas rouges ana gas heaters fur- insuea, price reasonable 27-2t $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distrib ute samples for big wholesale honsp W. s'.'orr. a IL Emer", F- 308 Chicago. 17-lt FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. Close in. Phone &G7-.T. FOR RENT Furnished front room one block from snuare m w - t . 27-lt LADY OR GENTLEMAN, fair edu cation, to travel for old established house. Salary 12 per week to start. Expenses advanced. Geo. G. Clows, Philadelphia, Pa. 2-4t-sun Sth St. FOR RENT- room centrally Church. i : -Desirable located. furnished 413 No. 25-tf REMEMBER and take share, Meck lenburg Building and Eoan Associa tion Saturday, December 3rd. 26-St FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping. 901 North Trvon 23-5t WHEN? Saturday, December 3rd, No. 210 South Tryon street, Meck lenburg Building and Loan Associa tion opens new series. 26-St FOR REN T 4-room house 7th. A. M. Beatty. 704 E. 19-tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with bath. Apply 311 S. Poplar. 2fi-2t BEGIN SAVING, by taking, shares in Mecklenburg Building ana Doan Association. New series ooens Sat urday, December 3rd. No. ' 210 So. Tryon St. . 26-8t FOR RENT Or for sale, comfort able four-room cottage, elecMc lights good well water. Let 244 4 by" 226 1-2. Address Alamo, care News. 8-tf PATENT YOUR IDEAS and make money. Send for new book, fKow to Oct Them." Best service. Joshua R. H Potts, Lawyer, Washington, D. C, Chicago and Philadelphia 2-5t-sun. FOR RENT Elegant apartment, Steam-heated, 206 E. Morehead, 7 ro' V. F. Dowd. 2;-'iot FOR RENT 8-room residence, Bteam heated, 2 bath rooms, 211 E. Morehead. W. F. Dowd. 21 lot FOR Phone A NOTARY 115. PUBLIC quick 24-tf VIAVI REPRESENTATIVE - Ida Neumeyer, No 3 Carnegie 'Phone 24U-J. - Miss Court 21-tt TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT 200 I machines of standard makes ready for fsrompt shipment. We allow two months' rent to apnly on purchase. J. E. Cray ton & Co., No. 217 South Try-, ;:i St.. Charlotto, N. C. to Dec 13 U- - -.i - - - i . FOR RENT CHEAP Nice store room on .Y. 4th, near Tryon. W. C. i Dowd, at News office. S-31-tf; FOR SALE FOR SALE Scotch collie pups. Ad Carolina, Sizing Co., Derita Road. FOR range. SALE- 'IMionc -Good second-hand gas 17S1-J. . 25-tf is here. Seeded raisins, ron, crystalized lemon peel. S. R. LENTZ. "Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, currants, cit- and oram Mgr. MILK AND CREAM mi i . xuere is as mucu nutriment m a quart of milk costing 10 cents as in a pound of steak costing 20 cents. Use more milk, . live better and cut e pense m- nan. ask us about pure mtlk and cream. CHATHAM DAIRY 'Phone 1038. MISCELLANEOUS 'PHONE 915, V. H. STILWELL, 813 E. 7th. ior native beef butchered at home. Best money can buy. Steaks for. 12, io ana isc per pound. Fut back bacon iz l-zc, nibs 14. Compound lard 12 l-2c. Pure lard 15c. Everything in the grocery line at reasonable prices. WATCH GRAHAM ST. MARKET Best Loin cuts steak, 20c tb.; Round Steak lbc lb.; Chuck Steak, 12c lb.; best cuts Roast Beef 15c rb.; Pork Cnops 22c lb.; Pork Roast, 20c lb.; Pork Ribs, 20c lb.; Pure Country Pork Sausage, 25c rt.; Lam Roast 20 and 25c lb.; Lamb Chops 25c lb.; Veal Roast loc lb.; ! Veal Chops and Veal Steak 15 and 18c lb.; Kingan's Hams and Breakfast Bacon; Fish and Oys ters daily. R. H. McCREE, 808 N. Graha.n St. .Phone 796 THE GEM HOTEL AND CAFE. Up-to-date dining room, seating 100 persons, u Lunch counter unequaled in South. Conveniently located ae South Tryon street. Strictly European. IN SPITE OF FIRE we are doing business at the old stand, and attending to all orders care fully and promptly. Why not let us look over your roof and gutters be fore wet weather sets in? .C. F. SHU MAN 'Phone 111. 200 N. College St. (By THOMAS SHOTWELL) New York, Nov. 26. Underlying strength with no imprtant changes in the leaders but with sine specialties advanced left the stock market at the close of today' session about where it began. Dealings were on a very light scale. The bank statement showed a very small gain in reserves on the average but the actual statement snowed a material loss in surplus re serve. The loan showed an increase of aboA-e $17,000,000 in the actual statement of business at the close of the week, compared with a $12,000,000, increase bliown, m the average state ment. This increase of leans is due cnieny to the transfer or such ac counts from the trust companies to the banks because of the low price of money. Proof of this is furnished in a uecrease ot $13,000,000 in the loan item of the banks and trust companies not members of the clearing house London was steady and professional Wall Street looked forward to a con tinuation of strength in the local mar ket. in spite of an uprising in Mexico and a mutiny in the Brazilian nav the stock market held stubbornly hrm this week. When troubles were announced the bear party began selling rather freely, but failed to bring out any stock of importance lhey proved that the market is . sold out and that the technical position de mands an advance. me irouoie m .Mexico caused some selling of Mexican bonds and for a few days there was weakness in the stocks of the National Railway of Mexico. It is possible that the disturb ance also caused hesitation In South ern Pacific, for that, company has more than a thousand miles of track in Mex ico. American Smelting, stock was sold because of the Mexican trouble also, but onlv bv professionals, and they started to get back their stock when they discovered that the plants of the company would not be inter fered with, even if the trouble became erious. Railroad men were much cheered bv the speech cf Chairman Knapp of the interstate commerce commission, in which he made clear his belief that an increase of rates should be permittedd. This has been understood among in siders for some time, but Chairman Knapp's address was the first public admission that the rdvance nrobablv would be allowed. Dry goods experts h'tve been teach ing tne public this week how to save million dollars a day in the man ement of railroads, and leading rail road men. who have no experience ex cept what they have acquired from a lifetime spent in managing railroads, have expressed a willingness to take essons from the dry goods experts and thus save ?36o,000.000 a year for stockholders. This is a bull argu ment on stocks, whether the rates are advanced or hot- Several specialties were made ac tive during the week, notable among them being American preferred and General Electric. In these there has been accumulation bv insiders, and it s only a question of time when great er distribution are made to sharehold ers. No promises are made of an early distinction, but the value is low er. Wesiinshouse is also regarded rs having an improved market, position. Coffee and cotton both made new high Tecords for the year, and both seemed destined to go still higher be cause of the peculiar trade position. BANK The following is the New York Clearing House Summary of the week ly Statement of Banks for the week ending Nov. 26. Clearing House Banks, Daily Averages ijoans, $1,214,417,000, increase 12, 908,000. deposits, ?i,iSY,t63,000 increase $17348,000. $48,564,000, Circulation, $79,000. Specie, 346,360,000, increase $ 000. Legal tenders, $68,826,000, $1,742,000. Reserve $315,185,000. increase decrease 3,039, increase 833,000. Reserve required crease $4,337,000. Surplus $18,270,000, 000. Ex United States deposits, 000, increase $501,000. $4,- $296,915,000, in- increase $497,- $18,6S5,- Clearing House Banks, Actual t!o This Day. $1,222,305,000, increase Condi- $17,- Loans, 333,000. Deposits, $1,197,297,000 increase $20 164.000. Circulation, $4S,532,000, decrease $198,000. Specie, $247,251,000, increase $1, 817,000. Legal, tenders, $69,753,000, increase $1,202,000. Reserve $317,603,000, 018.000. Reserve required $299,324,000, in crease $5,040,000. surplus, $17,699,000, decrease 022,000. Ex United States deposits, 089,000, decrease $2,025,000. increase $3,- $2,-$18,- State Banks and Trust Companies of Greater New York, Not Reporting to the Clearing House. Loans, $1,095,427,000, decrease $12,-945,000. Specie, $119,542,000. decrease 000. Legal-tenders $21,004,000. Total deposits, $1,154,606,000 crease S8S1.000. $51S,- decrease de- Leads Elopers to the Light. Wilmington,. Del., Nov. 26 Wander ing about in the dark corridors of the court house late Thursd watchman" of the building found a young man and woman, who said thev were in search of the office where mar- nage licenses were sold. They were told the office was closed, whereunon they expressed anxiety as to where they could obtain a license. The watch man accompanied them to the office of Magistrate Gluckman, where the nec essary paper was issued. The man said he was Charles F. Burkard, of No. 27720 Pacific avenue, Atlantic City, and the woman said she was Miss Elizabeth H. Walton, of Nn. 27 Green street, Philadelphia. Later they went to the home of Rev. George L. Wolfe and were married. When asked why they had eloped the couple said they did so to surprise their riends. The Woild Glows Bettei XT Alone When Shaft Hhirls. Wilmington, Del.. Nov. 26. Thomas E. Malin, owner and proprietor of the Shellpot Mills, sustained a broken arm. one ear W3s almost torn from his head and he was badly cut and bruised on the head and body when he was whirled around a shaft in his plant. He was adjusting a belt when his coat caught on the shaft and he was spun about until the garment was torn apart, releasing him. Malin was alone in the mill at the time, but ha managed to telephone to his house at Shellpot and his wife and daughter hurried to his side and conveyed his home. Dr. B. R. Veasey reduced the fracture of the arm and with several stitches at tached the torn ear to his head. - Expensive Gambling War. Chicago, Nov. 26. Chicago's long drawn-out gambling war in which a score ol bomb explosions have marked the battle for the control of certain parts of the city, is blamed for the $100,000 blaze at the Harlem Race track, where 400 frame stables and one dwelling were burned by an in cendiary. . v "Blind1' John Condon, owner of the track, has been one of the notable fig-' ures in the gambling war, and as this was the second disastrous fire on his property police believe it was merely an episode in the big fight. Courtship of 23 Years. Torrington, Conn.. Nov. 26. Afte a courtship lasting 23 years, Mis Anna Louise Searby and Edward Charles Dolet, both of Winsted, were married here Thursday. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Henry Dudley, o msted, whose wedding anniversary also falls on Thanksgiving Day. FAMILY WASHING Chief Prisoner Escapes. Mauch. Chunk, Pa., Nov. 26. The chief prisoner at the Carbon county jail escaped, consequently there Avas no turkey feast at the institution Hhanksgiving, and the other inmates were very angry at the fugitive.- He was the turkey which Sheriff Begel had bought for Thanksgiving day, and the bought for Thanksgiving day, and he flew away when taken to the jail yard to be executed. Want Lakes for Hatcheries narnsburg, xov. 26 The state fish eries department is planning a cam paign on the coming legislature,to se cure control of a number of lakes in Wayne and Susquehanna counties for fish propogation. About half of the lakes are privatelv owned and the others are owned bv the state, which refuse to turn them over to the department several venrs ago. MOVED I nave moved my Terra Cotta Pln xara io mast 5th St., between College fee, ana the railroad, In the Heart of tae City ; where you will find every thing in pipe and tilings. Flue pip. Chimney lining. Wall coping, etc. r C. V. FURK Office and Yard East 5th St. Between College and R. R. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend of suffering humanity, Just In. Phone orders 918. SHERRiLL MINERAL WATER CO. 311 S. Colleoe St. PLUMBING FOR GOOD V, Phone 723. The Dudley Plumbing Co. No. 32 Howell's Arcade. C PER POUND You'll find it economy both in time and money to give us your work. That we will please you, we haven't the. slightest doubt. What we want is your or der. We will do the rest. Sanitary Steam Laundry 473- -Phones- -800 "GET IT AT HAWLEY'S." Comprehensive stocks of choice, selected drug store goods drugs, toilet arti cles and preparations, supplies and help for sick room, bath and nursery. Here are credita ble goods sold with the guaran ty of a dependable, trustworthy, reputable store behnd them, and at no advance in price. Ha wley's Pharmacy Attendance yesterday at the Madison Square Presbyterian church, of which Dr. Parkhurst is pastor, gives occasion for some observations on the subject not unappropriate to Thanksgiving, "The World Grows Better." In the first place, this Presbyterian congregation worships in a temple, not a rectangular, steeple-capped edi fice of the old type, but a structure fashioned by the brain and spirit of the best architect of modern times, Stanford White. Dr. Parkhurst says that it was Stanford White's last and best work. Everything in it and about it is symmetrical and beautiful in the last degree of nicety. Nevertheless it is so simple that one must look at it in detail in order to discover its superiority. Now, Dr. Parkhurst was emphasizing yesterday yesterday the truth that man is only the instrument and God the creator, of every gift. This is a very trite statement nowadays-, since we already know that no man can make foi himself anv talent- he can only cultivate the one talent, or the two talents of the ten talents which may have been given to him by the Almichtv No refprpnre tv. made to Stanford White, who. as al most everybody knows,, led an. un- churchly life and was slain by Harry Thaw, but the sermon was made elo quent by the fact that Stanford White was written all over and about the edi fice m, which it was delivered. Not Stanford White, the weak mortal of unsavory memory, but Stanford White, the instrument through which it pleased God to cre ate so many ana Deautltul thiutrs in the world. It so hannens- that one of the most popular plays in New York at the present time is a revival of a work of Oscar Wilde, "The Importance vi ueniK iiiarnest is now easiiv one of the most successful plays in New York, and that it is a very high work of art and wholesome, nobody will de ny. Here again, the personalitv of the author is nothing. The spirit which emanated from him and created last ing literary productions of surpassing excellence, is the real thing so far as the world is concerned. Now, it is quite manifest that, if we look at the products of the human brain and spirit as separate and apart from the mortal frames and the mor tal weaknesses from which they come, and esentially as- divine gifts, we are obliged to feel that there is a guaran tee in the order of craetion that there will always be progress in the develop ment of society, more and more abund ant gifts from the Creator, but that we must not be impatient of them or fret at them, because they are en tirely without the sphere of man's or deiing. We know that from protoplasm to Plato was a long step, but it. was taken; we see the progress which has been made from age to age and this is a guarantee that the world will go on improving indefinitely. We are not permitted to think that the individual in his own esential make-up is of any consequence whatever, for it has again and again been demonstrated as in the instance- of Poe, if you please, that the most superlative gifts to the world sometimes come' through the most wretched sources. If it. does not teach men to be tolerant and merciful to each other, and that the high are some tiroes low and the low are sometimes high, then it does not teach anything. But it. teaches .tost of al lthat whatev er men may be m their social stations and in their infirmities of mind and body, they m'ay yet be speciallj' en dowed by the Creator as messengers of gladness and hopefulness to the world. Now, several other- things have lately happened in this city which give point to the headline of this article, that "the world grows better." It has not been many weeks since Mr. Rockefel ler gave approximately four million dollars adidtional to the Institute of Medical Research which he established some years ago, and this may be con sidered as a contribution toward the well being of the whole community. The idea is to find ways and means of preventing contagious and pesti lences of a.l sorts to the inhabitants of New York, and by consequence, of course, the people of other cities and places. Within a short time of this gift, another thing happened which, to my mind, is the finest illustration we have had of the general desire of the wel-to-do to share what they have with the poor. That was the throwing open of the New Theatre, which is undoubtedly the finest and best of the Metropolitan playhouses, to the East Siders for a performance of the "Blue Bird." The whole house ' was given over to these poor people at prices ranging from 10 cents to 50 cents, and the poor who availed themselves of the opportunity saw the same actors and the same mise en scene that the rich people see at prices many times greater than they had to pay. This in augurated a teature of tneatre-gomg in New York which will undoubt yld in New York which will undoubtedly be continued and extended; sooner or later of course, we shall have theatres and opera houses subsidized by the government Just as they are in Europe. This New Theatre in itself is an out- To Cure r VTJLAV JUL Use Thies' Ainn Salve A Thies, Esq.: Dear Sir I used your baive on one of the worst cases of bonefelon, and have much nleas- ure in testifying to its efficiency, par ticularly in allaying the inflammation and producing the supuration neces sary to a cure. I recommend its use to any one similarly afflicted. Yours very truly, W. J. SHRISTIE. Marmora, County of Hastins, Onta- unpr ward pvni-At.:. . in the com-,,.,;... . calB. It was built" in-'','. x- -.who yji wjjp pie of the city. a, me eommeroiali an ernest of the el em on f -np . i- " 'i uie con: nr.; r tii-,o. .. . --II,,. i had fallen and to wa? " V. higher than it ' " It has airov ' ';a,s. n,:r'!: ilk leaven f Of. tli. a'"' a !, z& ,,a:,; l"niof-f. nJlljlH,... ' 'i"hcs; or tl J 1 t leuaea m a mark, the city. Whereas and unwholesome iew Theatre One "-a,ri sub sins- and a- ;-' 1.1 'vine;, j 1 llOfnv- has ,v OVc U !,-, ft tl' LV. Plays Vtt-iJt 1 id are now having a prt.v , .icul P'ays. vhollv unoi,; ' 1 x delightful and inspiVi ,on Flute Player" at il-o vi Pi tHr'ns House and -Rpbeeca 0i i ' l'P Farm" at the RepuhPo ,:.,:nn-v,-,:'ouk the clean, very interein-'-.p.P'1'6'" 01 es to which we h-iv '0''r,1"!e- the openinar of thi t'iU "'r" Ill I l o . . . -i about the uplifting 0i' mat it permits chii.iv atricai is 1118 ''Were.' ""Hi; Ti,; Hioauv dn SO With o-r-n,- , ' t l a matinee whivii n,. .. . ....... n, . most of the hnv , u:m children, and it is ssr u ' . entire aiidipnr.o , 'lldIt:ip equally of adult ""ill; 'ipimU c "1 kj u , 1 u- jjv y ,-, -v T ... q&c i &aw one mi le nir! years of age. dressed m v,i,; eral of her companions v.-r.rV i throw her arms- around tih. ting next to her in a iraim.,! after the curtain fell on (VP auu mis may oe- taktu a a illustration nf tv ftw.r . . -- v-,iv,- i;., rnic r-M, tinlot. ''' 1 l!- lJiaj lias, i u young people It Tint nPf-B5C1Vi: in nri ' '' r 4 i a"m argi;e thar u ineratitre and gyv uhX writine which urndnooc n.,C... t .' m the hearts nf a in.-o v ui an ages fina conditions So nn nil V,anrlc? it mat iue ivuim grows Defter, and sine we have a Thanks-giving day, iv? m a "eii Laie iiuie ot tne tact and quit guuuuuug at least xor a scasono W. li. D Dated, New York. Nov. 21, i$;o. p. as pr.v a Uix r.d -! of j. ot M!e A REfirLAR Toll KOV wus cjussie--Ciimoing rrces ;r jumping aiTcnes?, whitiine. &xvi mis nuittiriipp, cuts. snr.Ttns bumps, burns or smliis. j Her r.iothor just aprlif.i Hu 1 nica, tiive ;ma enrea Her miirk. H every tn in? healabi- lioils. ui-- r,--zemn. Old" Sores, Corns or Piles Trv it. 25c at W. I.. Ifanj & c'o.'s. ' eet- UPil'i A: - CASTOR! A For Infants and Childrsa. ITis Kind You Mm Always Boogfr Bears the JZ' EXECUTOR'S SALE OF CITY RE , ESTATE i nuer tne power cc:i.v:t --a nwr by the will of Mrs. sis;n A. Mc";1 I will on Monday the l!i!h day of !v cember, 1910, at 12 o'clock. .M.. a; t: ,1 County Court 1Iou.m iv.ov e? fkif.: burg County in ('harltMt-". ;i: r-i. sale to the hii-li"si bidder at public auction that certain lot. of Luul miniat ed in Ward No. 2. Sfir.are X". of the City of Chai'lot'c ; io vn nn Butler's Map of r-aid City, and f row ing 81 feet on South Mfl;vcll stw; and extending back with that witiih ll'i feet to Crockett street : or. said lo, is located C houses. '' of which face on South McDowell ?!iwt. teing 511, 51 and 515, and 3 face on Cro";. ett street. Terms of sale, Ca-h. H. X. PI I A Kit. Executor of th? will of Mrs. Susni A. McCaiag, deceased. 2'.''-fds. Importe Brsss AND Copper Goods Latest shapes and designs. You must see these goi'd appreciate them. Take a i'e'"'P in our windows. We appreciate your trade. Robinson's Boi Store 12 North Tryon St. rio. Canada. Cleveland Ave., uu.u ? rooms, lot 50x2 W. Crescent Ave., Woodlawn. rooms, lot 50x150.. 1st Ward, corner lot lot 55x198 S45C0 $4000 Suburban home, d roO1115300 C 100 by 221 East Boulevard, rooms, lot 50x150. ruHvorth. A. G. CRAIG REAL ESTATE WD INSURANCE- B!dg 25 Cents.' AH Druggists.