THE CHAELOTTE NEWS JANUARY 8, 1911 12 N TAR HEEL SOCIAL CIRCLES ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ Greensboro Statesville •1 to The Npws. to Tlio Sunday News. •enaboro, N. C., Jen 7. On Mon- Statesvillo, Jan. 7.—A well planned ] Xternoon at 3 o'clock at the home f’'n p>’l8e marriage took place \\ ednes-, ,, day niirht at the home o1 the bnde . L. Myers, Walker a\e- Wniuue street when Mlsa Mabel Rev. John E. Smith, pnstor of the PonshM' ami Mr. J. Rock Morrison ; tian church, perfi'rtiied the cerc- \v«>io happily united in the presence uniting In marriage Mr. Rifhard nulte a lyn'p' friends. To L j ,, ^ . I a number ol (hepo friends tlie secret Iwards and Ml^ Mie Latta confided and It was with other surprise marrias:e was sol- ,amenity that those avoided "letting led Tuesla> niKht by Kev. T. ,,n( tijp ^at ” others having “smelt •gburn at his home on l-'upene mouse" before the hour for the t. the prln-ipal:. boing Mr, Karl; event arrived. •eland, pri>pri''>tiir of th- Ireland; ,\t o'clock Miss Taiirlie Frye store and Mi.s^; I'.unlce M. Shop-' toi'k Ium- s*'at at the piano and be- daughtiT 01 -Nir. and Mrs. F. M-; uti playing a weddin?: march and pard of i:iam aveivjc. The mar-.rhe noxi minute rovealed the bridal was puriios.'lN- iMiiot nnd inform-1 i'on;iU> and lie\ . C. H Kaynal enter- d was atienu'^d b> only the rela-' in*.: bo jusrior from the hall, of thi' I ouplo a: d !h'-ir most in-1 'Phe britU' is a daughter of Mr. e friends ' and .Nirs. \\'. \V. Foiisboe. and is a . and >Tr.-.. irt iu'd l^ft for a visit • wt li kn('wn >oiing lady c»f tlie town, ■riturn i-iJit^. 'Mi'. .Mc'rrison is a son of Mr. Robt. I •di;«-ila> afiorn‘-’n .it "le home ('f i Mi'rrison. of Shiloli .township, but j A. LV iiii:!-. or. W airman street, j has made bis home in Statesville! C’, T. hip-i^V'.b ;.n:i .M.Hir.hen-iior s«'?no \'‘ar. fie has a position in tlu' olotliinv, doimrtment of the R. M. Ktui.\ ('ojiipany. .Miss Mai lie T{ny]e and Mr. W, .\. MoiiSt,' W!'!o ouiotly united in Mar riage \\'edno.'(iay afternoon at the salad ciMii-.'., .^ --wod bv .urai’C' iuu">' nf the bride's p:'.rents. Mr. and frui. raK ^as .-rr . *'d. Ka> ii i ami .\:is. .1. Hayle. The marriage ^ .,,3 , 1> .)! i,i. .,!’■ I Was nt'i'os.-nriiy a quiet affair on ac- \i i > lij. 1 -1 ’o. ; (• !:i!t i f ilIi;os-; in the family and f .i. Vin N I,; ! .1 d. -;Mi’>'ily ■on-1 '’iiy a few tri^'i-ds witnessed the cer- in.'d rh.'*'i't: .-!lnv \t;-Tard : ot; wltic^i was performed by Rev. \ri.rda\ a. . ri .n.i, in I >T-ir nt I H. F. Hnrir^nt. ^!r. and Mrs. Moose Mrs. i-'.dauird \’'-n .I >l',n- ot L'al'ir.u'rt aiid d"spife tlu' it’.- Lenoir cn» d ii; lii'Unr oi 'h ir .--i'ter. Miss r.ii au'- ;'nt oum-ed h*'r ;«Mneiii to .\ii. \r>, i'’ »al iiood- )f I.akt, Hutu -. .’!a . ’iu ddin;.; if p’ ’’ il. •■'i l>: It' •. i;i \ ol' ib ’ \viat‘ ' r t'lo alti rm>.'U •d \v:> pb.. =vM'. s, tfilim r 'M I !• ar taia- ' a'-'raiie- I- . a l.r* .1. ' 'iu:r al.->.> p''e ! 1 _ i'Mi a''a; *' ’"O' : ■ • .U". h.M-i . h, r.ii !■»'- ' ;rl. I*'ff oil tl'.e f,;40 train for Salisbin*:'j to sp. :id a :ew da} s wirh relatives. j .Miss Mary Lewis was hostess to j the ('t. It. (1. (’h'b Thursday after- tioon at her home on Center street. \'i'S .Mary McLaughlin, of Charlotte, d - lib I b. u hii !’ ...M' . a c iti"*’-'' S’.u'st of honor of the oc- r ivv^ii II. was r.i-esrnfei witli n dainty ’i'lie consol-1'•’- ''Voiiiered l’;.ndl?^'rchiof. Tielicious a' Mr>., rounol ’’•^f'Tirs were served in three , . Icoi.isos. I ■I* I'anc, I ^ • 3 ■oraud ^ ( ooper en|'’-ramod a 1-,. ' nuTiil t r of friends last 'w'edno.sday ' .ti'!, ru'j; n r.i bor elegant home ^n : V-a'inU', and Mrs. William Morrison was li.i^ress to the Thursday aftei’- lu o'A cl.ib Friday afternoon. I T'’*' tvoi:.!'; Dozon En:>'roidery Ci' - j ol- held a pleasant meeting with i •Mrs. C, E. Mills Wednesday after-j nc«;u, I i -ne of tho most enjoyable social j e\ints of tho "caf-nu war. the recep tion a" tne liome cf Judge and Mrs. -V. L’. CobV Sat”v^;ay afternoon by the ladies of the Eclectic Book Club. I Mrs. 7?b y. entertained S?.t- j urday eveuir.g coiiip!i:nent:'ry to her I giu St. ?di.^s KaUiorine Gaines, for-j m-'rly instructor at Statesville Fe-1 male C'dletre. no-.y of Elizabeih CoJ-j Ifo. Chaiioitc. ?>Iiso Gaines rec''!'''-; ed a pretty little c-i]iid as a gup .L-' of-hon(;r prizp. Fcll'Viviug the conies^ , rc''ros!'.:';'cnl;, wcro s: ■.•\oJ. ' i.ittio Mi.-s ilauna Wallace ert.'r- "aiii'-.i a nup'bvi i f her liuie frir'iMis -'>Ici' !a> nij-lv at a "pink tua" pari ’. I > • f , *\ II 1'.:' . tia t ga\ ■d l'-- t:i!y d- ii.:\ 1> d o n il I ;;0 ro ■r.- .-crvo‘1 . s'-ii cii'; ri ainod » ’ 'V’lt ol; ill lU'tl:'!’ -^.a booli \V. \. \’aught The afternoon ■ laiM; -v 'hi c a.- ' ;'- inu \ -vy keen.' ■ I" • winner. ■all '’'Tatr ot j 'I ■':1:: ’'.ight •'T'i: -n'-, ’ti.r- ' roii i»'ion ; . r.: -'’s on ♦ Special to The News. Lenoir, N. C., Jan. 7.—The Wise and Otherwise Book Club gave a most en joyable reception to its members and a number of invited guests at the home of Mrs. W. H. Craddock, on Pros- l^ect street last Ttiday afternoon. The dining room, parlor and library w^ere thrown together and utilized by spe cial arrangement for this' occasion. In the different rooms the ladisa w'ere attired In the custumes of the country rei'resented. among the more noted articles being a pair >f genuine wooden shoes from Holland, worn by Mrs. R. ].. Gywn and a hand-made Sweedish apron worn by Mrs. W\ H. Graddock. Misses Brink, Henkel and Cloyd sung for the guests, while the refresh ments were being served, rendering solos that were appreciated. They took up the game of charades by divid ing the party into two companies, who were j.itted a.i-’ainst one another in this pleasant and exciting amusement. Some of toh iiroblems proi)otmdod were quite aTuusiiig. Last Saturday evening Mr. I’lul J. Johnson was at home to a number of iiis friends, in honor of his twenty- first birthday. From TiaO to 9:30 tlie older people were received and i>leas- antly entertained and the younger sot did not arri' e uinil after those hours, some of them stayed *o see the old year out. Miss 'bertha Tutile assiste.d in receiving, wliile Misscs> Edith Kin caid and Anson and Gussie Tuttle served refreshments. .Mr. ,)ohn?on is a son of Mrs. P. .1. .lohnson of tliis place and is a brigb.i young man and is a member of the faculty of Triuiiy College. Su])t. J. T. Jones, of the Marion ?a'aded s^'hools and family. s])ent a few days in Loioir during the holidays. Mr. .Tv.nes returned ^o Marion Mondav afternoon. Mvy. Jones and the cliil- dren are still here. Davidson (; a ai!'.' o! i.tful bv \ wo- w Icota- i i:.t re- h w; ;tl- .1 • ■n 'ur- l'> K. G |j> chU! pw^.C •le.'shrnenti* n . l ".rch. . .t -d' '.vV'fH . I.- art'.ua 1 .* lias.Ol : ' ir;cnd and it wi's all ::';asure. 1 G. r'lielti.t: 'be teacher of •1'. Yor.ii; 'on's Hi'nle "a s of liie V'-.'■■ ii'T’- iU:':-i'med ciiuri h, enteitain- d ];«. "1', .il ev.5 (^r hi.s cla -s at a ' V . ra.t r a few ni ghts ago n;id - I: : r i i.n'l. .le! tie 1 .c ea er- it'enibers of their cla S'vs .-;:i le '’.Tndav F;h('c; r'licay at- • at ire .iv..i;e of Mr. K. ' ,:a:''or. l)an»i- and I hi- i-'ranU’ .-n '-rtain tii'r iuii ia r.>tli. • r-> the ucfasion Lradtd 'chuo] au d. III.. di:-i l.’.rii h- I h • oiU:1 :S in of ; ’e' if Bonk plnb held a ? otiin'x '.''ednesday after- . vi;h '.j. U. .\d''.ras. In ad- ;i to .ao !t ■ : V i e'ar • pro- i*-1 ’’f'f c- l.y Mrs. Dor- lCTJ \ ^ tnree course ■ i! n-'. a i’- e l. Mrs. Rhyne, ii . ew >n. v.ri.s .Mrs. Adams’ stieeial ■ H ;.t of tho f cv asi('n. i -Missc.s .lanie '.oo'.iard and Margar- The et i^atter.son ( ui r;ai 'f'd a number of their yuuxig irieivJs i ■ -•ening at he home of tlu ii ;• i i » ,er. Mr. | II. A. Bost, iu lumo; .....i- cousin.- .Miss L\awood Bost, of Gu aville, I'a. Mrs. FT. O. S’eele was at home to ihe ladi(!s of ihe MacDowell Mu- sif (’lub last afternoon. .Mesdames E. S. Pegram, E. F. SiiH-if* h!h1 D. .1. Craig and Miss Cor- r»‘ Copeland were hostesses at a de- lig'iiful bridge part yheld at thei htiicf' of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pegram j .Monday night. The game was played i at seven tables. I - — . , , , r ,, r Mar\' Lois .Miller, of States-j ti of rc.astt^r of dPod> . i M. .fohn- Mcl^ughlin, of i and a business man or Moyven. J charlotte, ief’ .vesterday for Philadel- e ladles of the F^rst i,aptist where tliey will spend several I ch are arranging; to observe i pra.ver service at the church, ^ Lazenby has returned I SVednesday. Januar.\ li for mis^ from an extended visit to her pa- I. The meeting will begin at in.^pnts in Kentucky. with Mrs E. Covington a.- Mrs. J. V,'. Gay and Mrs. Lewis, sr, and arrangements wil Ibe made ],.,f \\>,]nosday night for Jackson-j _ separate lender for oiuli thirty ville, Fla., to spend the winter wilhi ites during the day until »>;?.) lu .Janies Gray. I afternoon. ! Capt. l*. c. Carlton returned this i^lster of Deeds Johnson reports week from a visit to his si | s in the year 19Ki in An-on county. Atlanta, licenfios to marry wore issu'd to- Mary Flowers, who was the rod people against >0.^, to white gnost of friends in town, has rc- e. In 19'»9 for the lirsi time turned to her home at Rock Hill, S. the war, more w ite people were (j. Pfcied in Anson county than colored; Mi-.s. Harold Turner left Wednesday ,~e. In that year 114 license were for un extended visit to Columbia, Id to white people and 101 to col- s. (;. ^nd points in Florida. Rev. The number Issued in 1908 was ,M. I’urner accompanied her as far ial to lit N‘ . tu .'b".’> ' bers ot fh' r. It thn Cl .11' :1. !i- (rtt Aa.\i -n .- aus Ol tii- ui ral (.O' .T "'ir! adn ercisos s .ita.ib- be iield a 'ii lum at 11 o ■ I' will be ser. ■ d jrogram. ifces E. John on, of ^l■•^vea, and Flossie Kfitflift, of Cairo, wkere |«d at ihe rr.-td* me oi th • bride's ler on Wednesday, aft.-rnoon; Rev. . Ingle ofPcir-ting. Thp groom is Sppcia! to The SundP.v Xev.’s. David.-on. Jan. 7.—.\boiit forty of the stufleuts b.ave been vaccinated toda.v. "t'his is o-casioned by the fact that .-\ndy I’ a darkey, who worked at the power b.ouse last fall, developed a case of smallr-ox .pist be fore the opening of the college on Weiinesday. The negro, hov.'over. hc.s bocn sent to •'hnrlort'^. and his hc.irie ([uaraniined, so ihat uo danger is an- tici;>atcd. It is expectod. however, tl'.at the great ma.iority of the stu- dc:'.!s v,i!l be vaccinated toda>' and lopiorrow. in order to avoid any yos- siMo danger. 'I'lie b.oi's, :irales. vvac^ons nnd oth er i\r.''-' s II ':l'.c iato yiv. Monroe i’oisy. vlv') died a’>'>nt a month as-jo in 'p -;i'’.e. a:'.; 'ooing sold hoio n. 'I'he sa’e be,'^;Tin .vesttrda’v', wi.l iii-:e!y con'iiiiie a great of toda'- also. Quite a number rt peoi)le frcun the surrounding sec tion are in ar'.rndance upon the sab-'. Several new men hnve entered col- le'Tc since the ivd'^ays. All of Uie students ha\ not yet arrived, tl- tho5. gh a large p'or cent are already iu. Dr. A. A. >ToGenchy. of Charlotte, conducted :he services in the Y. M. C. ast right;. Du'.ing the holidays some mis- (I’f'c'.n! entered the room of Mr. J. N. !, a member of *he soph omore ('ass, an dsiole several dol lars' worth of athletic goods. Mr. iiillhouse represents some athletic supply house, and very often has on hand quite as uppl.v of sucii goods, of which the thief no doubt was aware. ,' ft Dressy waists are made of the new allover lace.'^ and embroidered nets. Well coverei' patterns are preferred and are male up with just a few touches of silk or velvet on /jke girdle or cuffs, and the stock or Dutch neck showing a little white or creT.m lace or iino net, with buttons either s Ik covered or iowc led. I t ♦ ❖ ♦ t 99 and and colored 12!*. In 190' record shows 79 licenses issued fhite people and 129 to colored. as Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Leonard, Mr. Owen Leonard and Miss .lanie Leon- r In 1900 only 66 licenses ard spent the holidays with relatives people while 117 were Issued to in Lexington and Salisbury. I ^^iete home wedding took place ^ i night at the home of Mr. Slippers for evening are of attrac- I v;ebb when his daughter, .Mrs. design. Light colored suede with I Webb’Lucas became the wife of Jf buckles are the newest. Five! riavton S. Braslngton. Only mem ''^raps each ornamented with a tiny, the families and a few intimate buckle, are show'n In all were present. The man-lage Chantilly lace over white were taken in the presence ot crochet over colored T W Chambliss, of the First ® satin elaborately embroid- J'church. Who used the ring «r. are In great Immediately after the ceremony de and groom left for a short trip after which they will be at -on Camden Road. There are many three-piece snlts, with coat and skirt of velvet, fine serge, or broadcloth, and bodice, at-' very newest thing In Dutch tached to the skirt, or self-tone chlf- s is one of net embroidered fon or marquisette, combined with colored silk and metal thread the material of the gown to unify aa original design. The collar the whole. I in two shapes—one of the Dutch model and another n extension at each front eud attached tab. The fellow with money to burn doesn’t always lusplro a love match. \ Wedding Gifts OF Hand Painted China and Cut Glass Nothing prettier and nothing more appreciated than a hand some piece of Hand-Painted Chi- nor or a beautiful piece of Cut Glass. It will always pay you to Inspect our line for these ^ goods. Our prices are reasona- ^ ble for the grade of goods we ^ V carry. ^ WOODALL & { SHEPPARD I DRUGGISTS. ♦ In th« Skyscraper Building, I 'Phones 60 and 166. ^ I I High Point Special to The Sunday Nev/s. High Point, Jan. 6.—Dainty little engraved cards bearing the name of Mrs. Charles Merrimon Houser, date and hours, and in loAver left hand corner the name of Mrs. Robert Dal ton have been issued . Mrs. Hauser’ entire visiting bidding them V) an at home ne.xt Wednesday afternoon. It is the very first large and very general affair given by this hostess since moving in her new house on North Main street and the prepar ations are as elaborate as the antic ipation is great. Thursday evening, as a pretty com pliment to their house guest. Miss Rutledge, of Knightstown, Ind.. and as a last party to their sister, Miss Clara Harmon, who will sail the last of the week for a two months visit to Europe. IMisses Clanche,. Hazel and r^Iildred Ilaruicm gave a novel ad\ertiseiatnt contest party at the pretty new home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Harmon on North .Alain street. ?vliss ,\vory w.'s fj'i'tunate in secur ing the pretty Christmas picture giv en as girlr.’ prize, and the boys’ prize, a pearl hand.e knife, was won by Carr Hietmau. A soft shade chif- fi'.n evening scarf was presented the honoree. A Christinas menu was served. I'riday afternoon rhe Over the Tea Cups Club wr. •! dt ]i'',hrfully enter tained by M’-s Francis Ingrain, who in (oni'.)]i:uent to her guest.s, ^lisse.s Mayo and \Villi^\ of Washing ton, nslod .gi-ei-ls other than tha chill members. .Mrs-, .lohn Spicer, of Gohlt:boro, is liie g!ice;i oi her sister. Mrs. Vv'. Gilbert Clark. 'i'he larges’ day party of the sea son was given F;ida,\' afternoon by rdit. (lueruoy Foarns, when in hon or of her sister. Mrs. Davis Arm- Mcli], of ]\Iouroe. She entertained forty .guests at an informal reception followed by the contest game of -42.” Jlrs. Kearns welcomed her guests at the door. In the hall her sister 3Jrs. E. T. Harmon, gave the greet ing. Iti the rear hall ^'iss Nan Kearns, directed the v/ay to the v loak room and here Mrs, Ames Ra gan and Mrs. Henrj’ Kearns welcom ed the guests. In the library Mrs. Oscar Kearns ai.d Mrs. Jefferson ?.Iann roccived. and in the parlo? Mrs. Davis .\rmfield and Miss Mil dred Tlarmond. I\Irs. Edward Parkie won the high score prize, and Mrs. Rufus King Vv'on the ])rize on tricks. During- the reception Miss Alice Strickland pre sided over ih.? piar.o in the rear of tiie hall. Aliout .^ifty werep resent, ti'eg reater number of wiiom were macrons. The same afternoon Mrs. S. Hal- s^r.-d Tomlinson vrca hostess to a round dozen .voung girls' in compli ment of Miss r.Iar.iorie Cottain. the attractive ’anghter of Mr. and Mir,. K. C. Cottam. recently moved here tr^nn Burlington, W. Tho score cards were attractive hand ])ainted New Year bells, and cach gir] was given a beautiful fa vor of a blottei* calendar of a Gib- sroi -ivi. Mrs. Cl’arle;. Hauser assist ed Mrs. 7’omiirson in serving the c^’oice collation of frozen pudding, cake and sailed nuts. Fiiday ev?nin the Manufacturers' Cbi!> 'V've tue’r annual reception, whicii V us do :Jedl,v the largest and best they have ever given. Over 100 'jUests were present, many well known out of lov.'n visitors being among tiie number. The pleasures v.ere animated by the presence of many of the college girls and boys. "I'lie Blind Boys’ Orchestra furrd^’hed splendid music. The red and green (fiecorations were ver ybeautiful and added to tlie war. i greeting of the meniljers. Elegant refreshments w’ere served. ■Monday afternoon the members nt the W. O. T. Club held an Import ant nvjeting at the home or' tho pres ident, Miss Berta Ragan, and the l3nal plansfor their reception were perfected. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. J. Far- riss gave a lovely lunchecn in honor of the W. O. T. Club. The courses were perfect in the 'smallest detail. I Durham I Durham, N. C., Jan.7.—The schools claim this w'eek. They have given Dur ham a good time and made the holiday period one of the liveliest that the city has celebrated In a long time. Miss Grace Reed, of New York, has been one of the most feted of’ the young visitors in this part of Dixie. She has been constantly the guest ol honor since coming here and youthful society finds in her the w'orthiest ob ject of tribute. The Y. M. C. A. is preparing in a few days to give one of the mo&t select of receptions, at which time Dr. John E. White, of Atlanta, will be the spec ial guest. A marriage of interest here Wednes- ] day night, was that of Miss Al-! ma Holland, of Lynchburg, Va., and i l\Ir. Preston Dodson, of Rusburg, Va. The couple came here to circumvent paternal objections and finding enough men to witness the ceremony were marired by Justice R. A. Karris, at 10 o'clock in the evening. They left t’he following day lor their new' home in Virginia. Thursday afternoon Mr». Victor Bryant v,as hostess to the Senior Club. 'I’he Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club was delightfully^entertained Friday af ternoon by Miss Annie Louise Vaugh an. Miss Grace Reed was honoree at a delightiul Flinch party given by Miss Nellie Fuller yesterday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Biting? returned Wed nesday from Northern cities where the> have been spendi:}g their honey moon. Miss Mamie and lola Massey left Wednesday morning for Littleton Fe male College to resume their w'ork, after spending the holidays in the city as the .guests of Mrs. E. E. Hunter. Mis& Florence, of Selma, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Owens, during the holidays, left Durham Wednesday afternoon accom panied by Miss Helen Ne'wbold, who has been with her on her visit here. In honor of Miss Grace Reed, of New York City, Mrs. T. D. Jones en- tenained a large number of youn.g peo ple Tuesday evening. The feature of the evening v.'as:^ a very interesting contest. The home w'as unusually at tractive for the accasion, the parlors being ablaze with many lights and green shades, carrying out a color scheme of green and white. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Dickson, w'^ho were married December 2Sth, in Ma con. Ga.. are here on a visit to Mr. Dickson’s mother, Mrs. J. H. Dickson, and will be in the city until Saturday when they return to Brunsv.’icl:, where- Mr. Dick&on is in the clothing business. .Miss Catherine .Tones has returned to the State Normal College, having visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Jones, during the Christmas holi days. Miss Brent Rlackmer and Mr. Sid Blackmer, of Salisbury, spent Tuesday In tlie city, the guest of Mis-s Elise IJoyd. ]Miss Blackmer, a favorite vis itor with the Durham people, w'as re turning to St. Mary’s to resume her scudies. and Mrs. Albert Johnston, who were married a short while ago, and have been in Ihe city visiting Mr. John ston’s relatitves, left this week for Maye&ville, Ky., where they wdll re side. Mrs. Frank L. Fuller’s “At Home” Wednesday afternoon to Mrs. Jones Fuller, of Boston, was one o£ the most elaborate events of the year. Two hundred guests were entertain ed. In honor of the visiting .girls and their friends and hostess-es, the young men gave ? deli.ehtful dance tonight at which about fifty couples were pres ent. Mooiesville t Special to The Sunday News. Mooresville, Jan. 7.—Mrs. E” ■ Turner was the charming h(^;- ■, fs - a large number of frietMja on y day evening at her attractive lie ■ on Broad street. An invitation ; - this hospitable home is always ; assurance of rare en,1uymen!. T'. house was beatitiful with its decor.; tions of cut flowers, potted plants and greeting. The feature of the entertainmen w'as progressive dice-hearrs, whir;, added much fun and merriment to the evening. Punch was served I'.y Misses Bell McNeely and ^N'iUie Jolin- son. Delicious refreshments wer. served. On Thursday evening from 8 :-,0 ti ll o’clock Miss Rose Kennedy d-->- lightiuliy entertained t’^'o boys fi.jH girls u'ho were at home ‘''■om lege by giving them a masqr.erad' ])arty. The evening was ploasnnti,'. .spent in dancing after whiri deli ions refreshments were served. Thosp. present to enjoy this happy occosinn were: Misses Ciara and Annie .Mibs. Hea\’y stitching is the “liiLCSt cry” in gloves. The woman who lives beyond her husband's means would live beyond her alin^ony. I Gaffney j Special to Sunday News. Gaffney, S. C., .fan. 7.—A most enjoy able meeting of the Woman's Club was held at the home of Mrs. G. G. Byers on Frederick Street last Thurs day afternoon. The regular hour for the meeting was 3:30 o’clock in the afternoon but on this occasion the hour W’as changed to 7:30 in the even ing which was a more convenient hour for those present. At this meeting the husbands of the members were present and as a Christmas rtee was one of the love liest features of the programme the joyful Christmas feeling iirevailed and lent cheer and good will to the meet ing. Another pleasurable feature of the event and one that afforded much interest and amusement w'as the pre sentation of many useful presents to (he gentlemen present by Santa Claus, each one of whom w-as required to show how usefully he could handle the article given him. Mr. J. C. Jefnies in his owm inimita ble style acted the part of Santa and he outrivaled that jollj^ old gentle man both in apijearance and the nmn-j 3/fargaret Rankin, Audrey ner of distribut ing his wares. ' Ctaey Wilson. Madine, Ruth and Ret a Dainty souvenirs of the happy event j Brawley, T-.Iary Deaton, Eloise Haw were distributed among the ladies I thorn; Molars. ^lills Johnst^i. Eu ])resent. These were likewise useful I McNecl.v, Gus Le.azar, Frank T3r.'.wle\ as Vv'ell as ornamental as they con- j Mack Deaton, James Rc;gprs. Erne ' sisted of beaut.iful Japanese cups and j Mills, Cldye Kennedy, of Charlotte: sai’.cers. Souvenirs to the gentieniviii [^and Roy ?.IcNeelj'. were cute little pencils in the -Hhape j Miss Clara Cuthbertson vra« of brooms. During the cou^e of the 1 home on P^iday evening of iast ’ evening pleasures toothsome and j to a number of her young friends, dainty refreshments were served to ; After indulging in an interesting co" the guests by the hostess and it is ' needless to say that this feature was heartily enjoyed by the guests in toto. This meeting of the Woman's Club was a most pleasant affair in its every detail and memories of it will linger lon,g in the bosoms of the attendants all of w'hom voted Mr.s. Byers one of the most graceful and lavish of Gaff ney’s hostesses. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Garrett gave a de lightful “announcement” party to a large number of their friends at their charming home on Limestone street last Wednesday evening at which time they announced the approaching mar riage of their daughter. Miss Lula Olivia Garrett to Mr. Douglas Claude Anderson of Dayton, Ohio. The affair will take place at the home on Febrti- ary 1st, and only a few friends of the family will be present. Immediately following the ceremony a brilliant re ception will be tendered to about two hundred friends of the family. The affair promises to be very brilliant in deed. Senator and Mrs. W. S. Hall enter tained a number. of their friends at their home on Johnson street on Tues day afternoon at four o’clock. The re past consisted of an abundance of tempting viands prepared in the most approved fashioti of the cluinary art. The afternoon w'as so delightful for those present that the time slipped av.'ay in a remarkable manner. All w^ere unmindful of its rapid flight until the shades' of evening reminded the guests that the time for departure was at hand, 2,Iiss Lila Boulware served In a most graceful and charm ing manner. Miss Mabel Gaines, of Rock Hill, is the charming guest of Miss Alice Gaines. Mrs. J. J. Blggerstaff of Chssnee, Is In the city, the guest c^' Mrs. Ed PI. DeCamp, of Victoria avenue. Misses Beverly Andrew's and Imo- gene Hutter have returned to thr>ir homes In Lynchburg, Va., after spend ing the holidays in the city the guest of Misses Boulware, Miss I^eila Gregory, of Lancaster, has been sGpndlng a feAv days in the city the guest of Misb Louise Johnson on Limestone street. Mrs. ]\I. Pratt Pierson and daugh ters, Annie Mosher and Mattie Mae, have been spending a few days in Siiartanburg the guests cf Mrs. K. Gould. C. The most expensive umbrellas have tortoise shell tops. Bead ba?3 and purses are shown In great profusion. ^?ARRlSO^• FISHER Harrisor. Fisher, the New York artist known the v^'orb':; over, and his pic ture of Miss Laurine Rasmussen, his latest creation. iVlr. Fisher recently left San Francisco on his return home. His aim in going to that city was to search for a new type of beauty for his portrayal. Miss Ras.m- ussen, who is a San Francisco girl, has been picked by the artist as the typical American beauty of the Gol den West., Mr. Fisher left San Francisco with Miss Rasmussen’s promise to go to New York early in the new year and pose for the picturec of the new “Fischer girl.” Miss Rasmussen, Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmussen and is an artist of more than local note. It was perhaps this latter fact that aroused her sympathy with Mr. Fish er in his hunt for a heroine for his paintings. She is five feet, eight in ches tall and twenty-five years of age. , ' ir*- ^ V •-w *■'V''** " V , , ,.V V V ^ , ^ rest the hostess served f'tinty r-- frcshments. Mrs. John B. Houston delightful.’ entertained a few of her f'-ieiii'- Wednesday afternoon from 4 to ,0:^1) o’clock. Hearts and old maid vrer" pla^'ed. Miss Julia McNeely making the highest score in the Ian game. Delightful punch was served by Miss Blanche Creswcll in the hall. Mrs. Houston served her guest ? to cream and cake. One of the most charming affairs •of the season was the banquet ?vIoi.- day night in the Brown building i>- the Baracca class of Mooresvil]. Places were laid for 75 or n:iore, r.”'l despite the very inclement weatue”, nearly every place w'as filled, y:. M. W. White, master of ceremonie.'. and Rev. R. E. Atkinson, of David son was the guest of honor. !Mr. Atkinson complim.ented very highly the excellent work of the local l?a- raca and gave fresh impetus to the cause in his very able address. Messrs. T. PI. Pegram and A. L. Starr made impromptu talks in re sponse to the chair in which thc .r spoke very encouragingly of the past year's work and the prospects for the new year. The menu consi.~t- ed of oysters, rabbit, pickles, b,%a;*. coffee, chocolate cakes, fruit ai^d cream. On Saturday evening of last week Mrs. W. S. Flowers charmingly en tertained a number of friends at din ner at the Coninierciai Hotel, m honor of Miss Ethel Moore, of Leu- nettsville, S. C. Misses Elcise Hawthorn and Ma dine Brawley have retui'ned to rhe Presbyterian College at Charlotte, af ter spending the holidays here wit-; their parents. From here quite a number of peo ple will go to Charlotte Monday to see the “Merry Widow.” WOMAN’S INFLUENCE. *> Prof. T.cslie J. Tompkins, of tb^^ Nev.' York University, writin;j of wo man’s influence says: “The trouble is that women do not renlize the powerful influence the:' weild without the ballot! In an indi rect way every woman whose hus band loves her controls a vote, wi’ out the disagreeable and often de grading experience of going to tho polls. He may laugh at her views, and say she talks in ignorance of the issue, but he caats a vole th:;' means in effect that his wife is do ing the voting. “Isn’t this indirect influence worth more to ycu women than the very uncertain power that v;ould come with the ballot you are Ill-prepared for! I rhean ill-prepared in the sen'-O that the vast majority of wonifT^ have but little conception of th functions of government.” Quite a number of coat and skirt street frocks are of good quality vel- ’ eteen—some bordered w'ith a nar rov^ band of fur others trimmed with silk braids, while others .are devoid of trimming of any kind. The use of dark fur edging la very effective. CALL 473 or 800. for cleanness, •w'hiteness, spot lessness and sanitary treatment of j'our washable, and This Laundry W’ill ansvv'er the call and give you just what you want, just when you Vv’ant it and iit a price that will please you. | „ . I Sanitary Steam | Laundry 473- -Phone- -800

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