20 THE CHASLOTTE NEWS. JANUARY 8 1911 mu\ Tb-r*' -n-nrs IT T r(nv::;s . riniii ! - i>f \wr\d Mr be I']:. : ' . 1,'', •, . - •,■' V .srs nnd rumors of ^ j:‘.a;'hraBe ofi'^ons and 01.1 .ii,', a'iui sTiles and '■a t ’.r. 'i! ri-al estate rh-'!.? rontmues to 1 .!i:. at him gal- ^ . *■ !. ;■>, ar.il now and i"'' Iv.:er head! A Complete Story (Continued Froru P*ge One.) ve.'-^e rilay grant-1 r,!i nnrion on his i o";nouct? road at h T’rovidcnce! .1. i-iist of the i vvi ' v r:y consists I I Th'.' pvi(.e! •'5 ;ev f.'-d hie- proper-1 , ine: of two; : ^lv.\ \ibert \'. i ■ I'owor Com-j . ' in\irerty | (ot Sl.o'.Hi -» 1: rv.niored, .vO, ' th.ii -'Ir. A in My- r ! ■. ; has !• c; '-, :;:' Las if he I h'' can do .1 v.ii'i has. V I :'^c -Myeis 'h;-. f’o’.w'ri any in- • : to be-1 ;v.. .'.c’vio: ■ ^ Ijv ■ i ■ laatj ; tho^e i - yi:. liar-1 (un;-^ L ' of i/ur-; TO . V;y J \ z i IE ISO! --.'^iclvrc Mrs?^ . . from I ' . ' . t a : i"!:-' ^- i'..] in : / 'i au-1 i'a ioi.s! ’ ' ■ VOOliS. j V K. i . w _ . as' i-r ; ^;.’r-i - ■ Iv . I ■ . ,s:!i i rlie ; !:c...;o.: .«-al 1 ‘ 'o oi:c> I ’ r*.' ]’■'" 'he ^ . '• • d to j ? ' ' .V.O re- i ^ Mr:at- •1 p.-i',; lac- i . : ' •■ ^ r \vh(ile U •);:.:iary IJ. ■!. ;; i. r ill in -■ ■ . !•’)■ s^atc ■- Lc '■;■'■^•r nr tho " •-!. Ir (’.lont before ! '.nai C'vern rent. . T. - P; ;!.(•(' Albert ■ -i :1 . (;'0''l;ih'.ation Sonal '/ovorn- ' .. . M ;?y of Monaco In | • ' ■' r:i c. fiadv- fol- •.••••n 1>:' his 1,200 sub attention last spring, and who w’as tl e organizer and founder of the com pany, induced the Tennessean to enter the company first as an investor and then as a director. At that time J. G. Robin was a director. It is related by ])ersons familiar with the affairs of the Carnegie that soon after Cummins was elected to the directorate and had installed himself in offices adjoining the banking room at the rear Robin visited him one day and solicited a private interview. Robin is said to have told Cummins flatly and bluntly th;'.t if he were not exceedingly cau tious in protecting his interest he would be robbed by Dickinson and the laiter’s "clique.” "If you are not a liar,” sternly ex claimed, the Southerner, “you are cer tainly a traitor, and in neither case do 1 want to deal with you in any V T.iacity, and especially as a business associate. If you do not get out of iny office immediately I will kick you out.” It was not long after this episode before Robin was forced out of the directoiy. so the narrative runs. He was then said to have loans with the company exceeding $200,000. Settlement of these soon afterward was forced, according to statements of well informed persons today. W. L. Sumjison. loan clerk, added the posi tive assertion that Robin now has no loan with the Carnegie, nor has he 1-f.d since his official connection with the institution was severed. In this connection it is recalled that the in- vosugation of the Aetna Insurance Company, p, Robin concern, by the :tate insuitince department early in December, revealed the fact that Rob in had negotiated a characteristic transaction with the Carnegie Trust, involving $43S,000. To cover up this ar.'oiint which he had taken from the .'etna’s funds, Robin got $43,000 from Xorthern Bank, giving the bank a draft for that amount on the Carne gie Trust Company, where he had no funds. At that time Robin was ill at homo. He telegraphed the Carnegie telling 01 tha draft he had made and raying Uiat to make this good he wa;^ ^^enc!inrr to the bank a draft on the Atlantic Xaticnal Bank of Providence. R I,, where he had a large amount on d^i-OL-it. It turned out that Robin 1 nd no iun.ls at the Providence bank, and he was rr-oAiived immediately to cover his loan with the Carnegie by cei ositing secrities worth several tiii:e.s ilie amount of the $43,000, it was u-ti.ti d l.'v Carnegie officials. The iV>liowing corrected list of cffi- f'cis .in 1 directors was given out iate lil rh-.' da; : Prs-^^idtlit. .loseiih T. Howell; vice P',evident, Robert L. Smith; secretary R. B. -Moorchead, assistant secretary .\ !•]. •''landK.r; assistant treasurer, . L. S 'uipson; directors: Joseph T. Gcc!ge C. Smith, ^a^■id,aTomer ; ; G M. Courtts. John Cudhay, A. Moore, jr., Bernard T. O’- X, :.l. Joae:;h B. Reichman, Liston Robeit L. Smith. A. B. Chan- I lev William A. Keener, Martin J. r ■'■’.Jon, George B. Crabbes and S. H. Mrcss. Xo: a scientilla of information was obtainable from the stat.^> banking Je- ! artnieni on any -ohase of the instiiu- T on's condition of immediate inii^ort- ance. Su]v--nntendent Ch‘'ncy refu?ed i'hor to S'.'e importers or answer ques tions H(?nt into him bv clerks. ’SquUe Barkley And Col Hall Uneasy lies the head of Col. Warren Vines Hall. the pos-tmaster at -Xorth Charlotte. Squire D. A. Bark- l-'V is after this plum that is in Colonel Hall’s pudding. The News understands hat the race between these two good republicans will be a hot one. The looai organization, it is- said, is for '.iiHiire Barkley. The North Charlotte office is now a third class office and I'ays about $1,000 a year . Colonel Hall and ’Squire Barkley are botli high in the ranks of the par-tie, a:.d both have a good following, but the ’Squire, tt .seems, has the largest pull at present. A YOUTHFUL SLEUTH Pe'-er C.rincion, a six year old boy I v^r.j in Hoboken, N. J„ who has been a great aid to the New York pohce in running down a desperate b^nd cf Black Handers. The police in a recent raid cn a grocery store In Elizabeth street New York cap tured twenty sjopects. Peter had been kidnapped from his home and v/ac net returned until a heavy ran- eom had been paid his kidnappers. For this reason he was brought over to New York to view the twenty suspects in headquarters, the police hoping that he might possibly iden tify one cf his kidnappers. The lit tle boy was very nervous when he wau placed before the ugly looking suspects but he pointed out two in a meek manner as the ones he thought he had seen before, while in captivity. The boy will be brought before them again in the hopes of oositive identity. New Residences to Be Built There is much building being done and much more planned for the year. Among those who are to build are: Staten. !\Ir. J. L. Staten will build very soon a handsome residence on beyond Eliz abeth College, near Mr. Leak Spenc ers’ former home. Hunter and Gordon are making the plans. Knox. Mr. M. G. Knox has bought a beauti ful lot on Park Drive, near Elizabtli College, on which be will build a bun galow. The plans have been drawn and show a building which will be an ornament to that section. McDonald. Mr. John R. McDonald, vice presi dent of the Charlotte Cotton Fibre Company, has bought the large lot on the corner of Park Drive and Fifth streets at Elizabth College and will at once erect an imposing two-story modern house, which will occupy both lots. Pythian Orphange Rev. Dr. P. R. Law has been getting his airing w’hile convalescing by pur chasing from the merchants furniture o fall kinds, from kitchen to parlor, for the new orphanage the Knights of Pythias have built at Clayton, on a valuable farm Just out of town. The building Is new and its equipment throghout will be equally so. Dr. Law is the father of this Home for Py thian Orphans, and feels a pardonable pride in its completion in such com fortable style. The state has good rea son to feel a pride in its establishment In her borders. Dr. I^w has been a Pythian since 1888. He Joined the lodge at Lum- berton, and on moving to Charlotte, became a member of Rathbone lodge. He is one of the oldest Pythians (not men) in the state. The Norwegian town of Staveganger proposeses to have a permanent mu seum for exhibiting all machinery used in the fish canning and preserv ing Industry, from the beginning until the present eautifui Home Site On Park Drive, one block from car line, with sewerage and cement walks, overlooking Inde pendence Park and two blocks this side of Elizabeth College are five' beautiful buildings lots in the most select neighborhood in Charlotte. They can be bought this week for $1250 and $1500 each. Nothing more desirable in the city for residence. A BARGAIN FOR A LITTLE MONEY A five-room Bungalow with city water, four blocks from car line, near Elizabeth College; high, beautiful location and good neighborhood. Can be had for $2,250. Only $500 cash. Balance easy terms. Brown (El CompOLrvy 203 N. TRYON. 'PHONE 535 Bank Blown Up. , Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 7.—The] Bank of Grannis, Ark., was blown j open this morning about 2 o’clock, the vault and safe being wrecked by dynamite, with the rear end of the building. It is said that about $1,500 cash is missing. j DO YOU SEE CLEAR? Don’t go through life guessing and feeling uneasy about growing old. Just have me to fit your glasses and you can see your way clear and pro tect the little ner\'e centers that lead to the seat of the nervous system. It v.'ill do away with all nervousness, headache and many other maladies due to eye strains, producing a clear countenance and loright smile. Call and see me at once. “Procrastination is a thief of time. Every style glass and mounting fitted at a reasonable cost. All work guaranteed. DR. iVl. R. CAMPBELL, i Eyesight Specialist. 6 E. Trade St. (Dr. Levy’s old stand.) Typewriters For Rent I have on hand at all times the largest stock to select from of all makes of typewriters of any dealer in the city (make a personal investiga tion and see), including Remingtons, Olivers, Underwoods, L. C. Smiths, Smith Premiers and other makes. Each rental typewriter is kept properly oiled ani cleaned, and supplied with new ribbon. Those I rent look like new, and write like new ones. My rate is $3 per month, delivered anywhere in the city, and I allow 2 months’ rent to apply on the purchase of ANY typev^^riter you buy fronr me ANY TIME IN THE FUTURE. When you want to rent any kind of a typewriter telephone me 243. JONES—The Typewriter Man—Biggest Dealer In Carolinas. Office 225 North Tryon Street. Extremely Low Rateh ,/ia Southern Railway to New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., Account of Mardi Gras Celebration, February 23-28. On account of the Mardi Gras Cel ebrations at Xew Orleans. La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla., February 23-28, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets at following rates: Charlotte, N, C., to Xew Orleans, La., $23.05. Charlotte, N. C., to Mobile, Ala., $1S.S5. Charlotte, X. C., to Pensacola, Fla., $1S.35, Tickets on sale Feb. 21st to 27th inclusive, with final return limit March 13 th, with privilege of an extension of final limit until March 27th, be depos iting ticket and payment of one dol lar. Approximately low rates from all other points on So,i hern Railway. For further infoniiation, Pullman reservations and etcc., call on any Agent, or. write, R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A., 3-td Charlotte, X. C. What You Need is an INCOME INSURANCE Policy. It is a new form of protection whereby one can protect his income and dependent ones w'hen he is disabled. Let us tell you about it. 201 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 1438 Thursman B. Long, President. Rufus M. Johnston, V. Pres. H. C. Sherrill, Treas. Citizens’ Trust Co. N. & W. Railway NORFOLK & Vvtis i Sci'i&au'e in lu, 11 am. Lv. >JuciilulLe bo. Uj. a.oO pm. 2.40 pm. Lv. VVmiLon ;;.iu pm. 444 pm Lv Mart viiid X&W Ar ii.40 am 7.00 pm. Ar. KoanoKe XtVv Lv. Adaiiiouai iruius leave Vv'iuston-Sa- lem T.IO a. m. Uduy except ijanuay. Connects at .Uoano.^ce for tae East and Pullmau jiJeeperji. Dijiing cars. 11 you are thinkinf; of taking a trip YOU want quatayous, ciieapust fares, reliable and corit-ci iniormation, as to routes, train schedules, aiost com fortable and quickest way. Write and the information is yours tor the ask ing, with one oi our compietei .May Folders. W. ii. BEVIL, M. V ERAOG. Gen. Pasw. Agt. Trav. Pass,. AgL Roanoke- Va. Elizabeth Avenue Home We offer you for sale one of the most desirable homes on Eliza beth Avenue on the shady side of the street, with all modern im provements; 9 rooms, large basement, hard wood floors, lot 60x198. Owner’s reason forselling, going to leave town. For further particulars, call at olHce. Carolina Realty Co. O. J. THIES, President. B. R. LEE, Secretary. 211 N. Tryon St. W. D. WILKINSON, Treas. & Mgr. J. P. LONG, Salesman. Phone 609.’ For Rent. $50.00 10 00 25.00 10.00 10.00 $17.50 STORE ROOMS Store room No. 4 and 6 South Poplar St., floor space, 3Sx74, Store room, corner Davidson and 12th Srs 904 N. Graham St 902 N. Graham St One office room in McKinnon building I brick store room, Belmont Ave RESIDENCES 4 rooms, 807 N. Brevard St .. 4 rooms, 1213 N. Davidson St.. 4 rooms, 91 fi N. Caldwell St.. fj rooms. 918 N. Caldwell St.. 7 rooms, modern, 423 Elizabeth Ave 6-room apartment, 421 N. Col lege St II rooms, modern 610 N. Bre vard St 4 rooms, 303 N. Allen St., Bel mont, per week 7 rooms, modern, 718 Eaat 4th St Brown & Co. Charlotte National Bank Resources $2,000,000.00 tt We sell MONEY ORDERS good anywhere; loan money on approv ed security; keep your valuable papers secure, where no one but the holder of your key can touch them; pay 4 per cent per annum on TIME DEPOSITS from date of deposit if left 90 days or longer. OFFICERS: B. D. HEATH, President. JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. J. H. LITTLE, Vice President. W. H. TWITTY Cashier. 10.00 30.00 36.00 25.00 Railroad Site I offer for sale a piece of prop erty fronting 215 feet on rail road running back 87 feet on which is located 6 tenement houses renting for $624.00 per year. This is valuable site for small manufacturing plant or warehouse and will enhance in value. In meantime pres ent improvements 3deld nearly 12 per cent. Fine renting prop erty. A. G. CR\IG REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Phone 1436. Trust Building. SMITH ELECTRIC CO. ana 1ft w^a«t 9th St. Prescriptions Our Remodeled and Refitted Labora tory and Prescription Room gives us the largest and most commodious work room of any drug store in the city. This room is in charge of experienc ed registered men, and all work is done carefully and accurately. The fact that we do work for Physicians and Hospitals should be sufficient evi dence of our preparedness to handle yours. No matter what your wants, if drugs or sick-room necessities, we can supply it and at the right prices. Hospital Supply & Drug Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 40 South Tryon St. Phone 678. 14 Beauiiful Lo In the Pearl of Chirlotte’s Suburbs To be sold at a wholesale price if the purchaser ta^ ; the entire number. Southern Real Estate, L am & Trust Company SUCH A WEALTH OF CH j as is to be had here c, • be enjoyed elsewhere city. Every acceptable - shape, every style, . \ leather, every size and are here for those who a need of footw^ear. if want shoes come where can have the widest choi., any style of footwear . prefer. 1 he Corner Shoe Sto FOREMAN & MILLER CO. Residence For Sale In Irwin Park near Southern Depot. We have a 9-ro(%i residt-. e, perfectly new, never been occupied with slate roof. Houre i double w^alls and doub’e floors, beautifully papered thror,-’:; • nice bath room and lavatory upstairs, lavatory and toilet downsta: in fact this is a model home and in a good neighborhood, and i;. a growing locality. Price for this week, $4900. J. E. MURPHY & CO. Phone 8‘T^. ■1229 S. Tryon Street For Sale or Rent Ea^it Avenue Home, 1C rooms, modern, beautifully sLi^ded lot Will sell on very easy terms or will exchange for othc r propony. The location of this valuable residence is No. 811 East Ave. Full information given on application. reoples Loan & Realty Co. W. L. Nicholson, Mgr. Cr R. McG:rsn, Salesman. 309 Realty Bidg, 'Phone 313. IF YOU n Have a farm for sale COME IN ANO LIST IT \VITH US - WE CAN FIND YOU A BUYER. SEVERAL B.AR. GAINS IN FARMS AND t;TY PROPERTY. W. T. WILKINSON & COMPANY $50,000 to Lend ON INSIDE BUSINESS REAL ESTATE We write Insurance of all kinds. Stonewall Trust Compan 508 Trust Buildirg. J. F. Flowers. Atty- IF LOOKING FOR Home or Investmeo Consult This List: . A nice little cottage home at Dil worth 2. A pretty cottage home at Piedmont • _3. A modern seven-room home East 7th St • If '4. A modern 7-room house. East Ave 5. A modern seven-room house East 7th St., corner or with extra 50 ft. lot giving 166 ft. frontage .. 6. A very beautiful new seven-room house with corner lot ov ing the Park at Piedmont, very complete in all its equipnicn 7. A new modern eight-room residence, Dilworth 8. Another of same description Central’Avenue, Piedmont.. 9. A modern complete eight-room corner house, Dilworth . 10. A handsome, very complete. East Morehead St. home i 11. A new, up-to-date Elizabeth Avenue home '■ 12. A large corner home, beautifully shaded, on one of the bes. ■ nues in Dilworth S. 13. A large 12-room residence, same Avenue. . ... f.:! 14. A fine old East Avenue homestead :: i 15. A South Tryon Street residence, convenient to business. 16. A substantial brick residence on fine comer lot, three from the square, a possible business site before long.. . ■ • 17. One of the finest residences in Charlotte, new, beautlfuli;- ished in hard wood, a most complete and elegant home. 18. A fine old Tryon street homestead, a fine corner location for s'" public building or for business 19. A large modern brick building, th ree blocks from the Sq> well rented 20. One of the finest business buildings in Charlotte with rerta; $15,000 per year at a special price if quick. Also building sites from $700 to $10,000 and $250,000 of the bes. - properties in Charlotte at wliole sale or retail prices. F. C. ABBOTT & C0| “EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE’* .11. p: ' ■ t I:;:, P I ' 'l's' -I -’, n- : ,;ii r IG to MM;', bu • Mi i!UV; ‘ nder hii i'.er Ti ii! time: • ; e?iash f! ;h- p-bli, ;.li nir. -a''. Uil) r-j( 'I- in in r Sni] iV AssJ Lo in.iiirt u I '>f| (I f'0,.arr;t| 11 ^ f-'i n;” dianapd prol.ai ■ 'T bia ,-?al ]{ A?] i'l’C.- ■:;] ;‘^:rhl ideirica ^■T'anvil ail! ir,A One ' ofl ‘1-; i.ibef Hi- difi ;>r: into till n'‘a(Jc clnatiol A C£ -ity ml niarkef ’^a.ceiuj son coj A-iift n i