12 TH£ CHABLOTTE NEWS , JANUARY II. 1911 Y, W. C. A. Annual (continued from Page Hve. the 'wafora or aamlwlohoa served with tea after tht vc^i'^r s rvlces. In con junction with the ruii^’loua wurk com- nilttee a world's social was given dur ing tlio week of ijray-jr in November. this tlino, sixrten young women dro8Sv}d in cosfi;n'o, rt i resnnted vari ous oountrle.s ^v^je^^l >1'-* as;soi'iation Id found. At tho antii'cryaiy lucoting last January, this comn lueo hud char^o of tho decorat iVica. MRS. EDWARD SCHOLTZ. Chairman. Religious V.c Thfi ri'!l«,'ii.u.-5 \ gratified t ' r* oiasses have bv^n 1 Mrs. Allan l;a«; f.a l neaday uion i-.ii; t wtoks 1j.:? si'!i!iu taiiglii liy .Mrs. Ill KCln -s l; \d 1 ■; i’ Kcv. rran i.-^ Rov. H'lrris M be n !Sh(,‘rru;(l 1:.,, li.-'i NVfimi-n i,! ‘ •’> liu''cii .!’,d T I Rf J’jH.l s !':• :■ larly t \ d Tt"- A'. • k i-('V Vi 1). : , i‘ Ii Si r- ; -K V !(!• fv. rk Committee. r!'; ( ‘in’iiittoo is i.'.ni till', e IMble ; j d'wii:,’-; I ho year, of tl'.o Wed- lor a lew l!r i'’;iss was Irwin. evt n- > li.adi-r las' .Tpriu^. ■ r e., and tlils year, hi' krcdr. who has i t; I’urab'i'-s.” .Miss a ■! I.'*' «>1' y(M!>':^ i-.; [!i r-i'. 'iyuM'iiiii .,-^u!uiay ■'t;h:'i'l “i :n’h. Tho \f oil hM ro.ini- iiii;-; ti'.o s-'.mnior ul " i.'U in XdVi :ii- ■ ; ,fo b ::i,- lu'’cl , . d ii .■ a v''-:ner R >• ■ •si,'."nt \vo:’lil- ;':rs. f I -. lait. Ki 0 . " C Tho ^ . F'h';. . fs riu , ■ . • h ivf Iti r'i ■ V M !'■: ■ !'i i: i ; o:' I-;- I it':-.’, .' tKi ;i •. ('K; I-t n'p.s, l.a',1 11:,’ 1. ' .-ic 1. 'i s (I'lri;,;; if:,' ' A ^Iinrt t h nr !pan.. i ' : i >'• f(.r t?!f ii' • TLis , ; ti-’.-j build-, • ' ,.S lu->i’;l j ■ ■ ur.in. h i . ■ I • ■:.-ii' c>,' I i.' v.-r> i , '.LU i on The j . ^0(h1 rl >'y lU)- : ■ Al-'\aniUri ::.l 1. A. M; :uni.T.. v^c'nmnie^. I .'•ts 'vith j ; • !J'!o;i hciU;^' i '.V ^iffs j 1 ' ~i:-- iit? year ’.■'•u dona-1 ■ ■ : lur-; ■ ■ . f >r ' ■ -i:.K- 4.vin»i and ; ::■> '.L i ;. - 1; that : - ' '■ .'!y hik'd I ■ ;• ♦•ar t'\' • ■ • I;’rinu: \ . t!'*’ :: ••■•r; and' •: s. -n from our- ■ a? r onsiblo f(,r th‘-> I'fi'' ara:i :i or' tin a; ;iiv\'r :ary SI pi)''r htld .'i* Vo'insr .Mc>n'.^ ChrisLlan la.iop. f'n Jaiiuary 2S, MKS. V/. C. ALEXAXDER, Chairman. Extension Chapter. Tn fbo A?;fH-iati)n M":ithly for Oc tober, under ll.o head alonp I'duratioiial Trails, " by Helon I.. 'Thcmas, ibig );jcMtion wa.s asked: ■'.‘-r r.rfs cf ^irls in yojr rl>, aro r.ur ' ’ r' f.-r ;ho firs*. li;no ti;i.; fnll - ar>' r.ii’v? Who h,is a viial thc.r-T’ ^ is a •:;) . (ion r jinr.: u;> hi i-oTinoctinn wiil. as- ,o wjta every year in every t: ' •« it, \va.? answered in C'har- !'■ :ih f:a'‘>lin3. in il'.o form the i‘I.' i' n (’banior of ti.o Yonn^ \\i.- f'r'.-. t.'hrl^;:an Association oi' This e\i’ r,"jf)y] ch'^pior was orf^aniz- of1 i;T >' ^ ' nrv, V. !•', and v. as onrn- po^r^l o! f!:T''*Ti of youn.tc 8-^f'ioiy ulrl ' j.;vi .,iit ^*(! o(d and cMjllexc*. Tht'-j' v.ere i;a:iie.cd together b i}u* tvneral ■;?."rotary at iLe Lorr-e of one of iho ^i:ls and ilie ior, .vh,‘; in-ido tliat we form ounjeb.t‘s into z. ^'U\^y e!”b to s;.iuly o'jr own it; a-;d i'a iiroblonis. Tho suKgesiion irrt v i:h an e;.;hiisiasfic rr-ejx-nso, nntJ at r. .;;;bsf'']iif*n*: nuot- Ir" the v,,^ orr.i.r ivrl and a consTii’U)o:( and by la .v:- drawn np. The rner:}np:s arr hold romilaiiy every two \vc »'kfi at ih? homos (;f the mcmi- ber3. '1 hero is a ijn prarn oommitteo wbloh arra!i;f;s a ]j:' ,L'raiu fur each mechnu at tii» \- hIfh a .social honr folJov. s over t,r:a- u]js. Oiir I r(>;.':-H:ns !ia.vc thre; listiiU't parts. Firri wo hu'o ohm or two arti cles from the ciirr!;?it. naKn/.ines about ;xj‘](do^lf;il jirohlfMns in the Uiilted Siab.s fo>- insirnc.e, th(; shiM- wai:it sfrii^t;. 'T'l;o 5i;’'’oiid part, is some I'artlciiiar pr(.]>l‘m that niiist bo met in »>ur own iiy, and In this o>nneftIf>n \\>' fiavo shMlio.'l tho prob lems pi-esei.tcd h; ilio tuovinj^ ])le- tnros, th(* va:.'d('v ilK:;; ;iiid cheap the- atrc.s, 'fbo tliir'j pari i; the ^>tiidy of tbo American •.•iii ", licrev»>'- sh»' is. We an? takim u|) ilie Ht-idv in this ■wny-Tn Ind'isiry; !n fa« torW.s and mills- th" h t(- t h.'ii;- e.;|)f f jally j;i- ter*stin^ to is ; Iri this ,,^1,, ,,f C’arollna; In b'isiei-s.^, in Hie I'rofes^ pionB, in c)!!*! !-, iti tli-,* ity, in the country, and at iiorne. in each case wo are Htndyiii" iho ;nt l and hor iieeri,s and how flu* ;•j;itj(iii nieris her needs. Wo are usli.i' tli,. now hand book and many articles In the asso ciation Monthly. One of tin- mos^ intrr(>.>tJrii^ jii.d helpful thlii^,.s we liave was th(.- making of f)ur •Knov -Yoi r-f)wn- ClLy Map”—a bl^i wall map (r Uie en tire city witi, >vcry chnrch, every school, overy mill and factory, every moving picture, thcairc and i>ark marked on It. W«> ar»* \erv much Iti- tcrested too In fonnluK by de^reea a library to be uKed in e.xtenslon work. In the summer wo gave $19,20 to the vacation camp fund. By tho time the new bulldinR Is complted we hope to bo prepared, by the Ktudy wc are liolnp; now. to carry on the real extension wjrk. EUISABKTH CHA.MRERS, Chairman. Superfluous Hair Should Never Be Removed With Poi sonous, Pastry Compoundt Be* ceuse They Are Danger ous and Increase the Growth. The preparations above referred to are invariably 1 nthe form of creamy I’astes. These are eaally recognized I)y their pale grayish-greenish color. They are to be spread upon the skin to remain until they are dry. These contain Sulphide of Barium, an insol uble chemical, which cannot be dis- si'lved, therefore cannot be absorbed by rlu' skin. The vorj^ fact that you are told to leave these pastry com pounds on the skin until they dry and cake and then lift off with a knife is proof i)ositlve that they are not absorb ed. If they are why do they still re main on the skin? The most they can P issibly do is to remove the surface of Ir.iir, which in consequence will re-ap- 1-or.r stronger and thicker after each rv‘ill oval. 'I’hero is only one logical and scien- titif way to remove hair and that is h' means of a liquid containing solu- ijio iuHredieuts which can be absorb ed l>y '.he skin. De Miracle, known all tho World over as tho only real super- llaous hair remover. Is Just such a pre paration. It is easily and quickly ab- -oriied and afler you have used it you will note there la nothing left on the skin, it leaves the skin free from iniiation. and what is more to the i' »int, it is absolutely non-ix>isonou8, tliei eforo it will not produce eczema or IdiHul Tioisc'niii,2r. Remember, no mat- tor wha'^ claims are made to the con- irar.w no poisonous, pasty compound or .o-c:!l!ed "liquid cure" ever did or ever will destroy a single iiair root, and wi can prove it. 1 iie ext rav •.nant claims recently !: 1 e b.\ uhsri'up'.ilcus manufacturers .'f ] air roniovnrs in sensational adver- ! :s! '.lents unquestionably justify phy- ians in cautioninc: rne pulilic a ainst the use of this class of depihi- t'rle.s. How many people have been vi.rici d into using these dnnirerous pre- ;av.Mit>ns wlih consequent injury to , iie iist'ives cannot be estimated, but .>i l\ •iK'.'-i'd ai. therefore beware of f.,ke free advertisers and others, who warding of their advertisements,, t > to give the impression that news- 1 ;*• r.s and other rejnitable publica-l t' l: ?. endorse their worthless prepara- tir,:.r. Don't be deceived by them. De Mi' cle is the only preparation which i- ;-o endor.^ied. no \Iiiacle is sold nt all good stores. No b.oiiest dealer will offer you a sui. titiite on which he makes more ^roIl^ W(* wili tend you a 52-page booklet r, 11. awning full information concern- i::;; tiiis reniarkaule treatment, as well as ! s imonials of prominent r»hysl- cians, surgeons, dermatologists, medl- c:il .iournais and the principal maga- xin-'s and newspapers. You should read this liook’.et before yon try any- tliiiig. Write to t!ie De .Anracle Chem- ir ;] Co.. Dept. C20. ]005 Park ave.. New York, simply saying you want tliis booklet, and it will be mailed, sealed at once. Note.—All readers of this paper who are afflicted with superfluous hair L'lowtl’s are strongly advised to write for information concerning this won derful method, which Is endorsed the V/ovld over by eiTilnent authorities, wlio have made a lifelong study of this SUl' i'X't. Recorder’s Court For Electricians, Plumbers, Contrac tors, Cotton Brokers or Real Estate men these offices r.nd rooms in the “Howell Arcade” are very desirable, being so close to the Square, entirely new and on the ground floor. Southern Real Estate Loan & Trust Company. 9-5t Mr. and Mrs. P. R. McNincli are home from Greensboro. Without a doubt, the higher cost o. living is still climbing. WTien coca- colas come at upwards of five simol- eons—oi)ineth that a has'ty retreat -hould as hastily be beat to the well- li’icket days of yore. Ollle Riggins, a ((dored youth, taxi driver a la horse, b'ft his ontflt unattended, whilst he hiked to a nearby wish-v.'ash stand to ciu'iKh his thirst with a glass of the kind that made Awi Candler famous. He was taxi-c-d with the costs of the f ourt. The providential frog, who in his attempt, to regain possession of the outside of a well described three per each two feet of iioward lea])s, has iiothing on this: Mr. H. C. Hasty, mas ter of the horse (and cab), to collect tlto s-am of twenty-five cents, rudefully and with m.uch inattention did depart lienoe from liis “for hire” vehicle, nioreso indeed than our good city or dinance doth allow. “Pay the costa”. .Ittdj-ie Smith delivered. Parties open to rcceiversliip will do well to bear this liartieular business proposition In mind. Mother’s Joy Is the greatest croup and pneumonia salve that Is known. For sale by R. II. Jordan & Co. ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE. ■‘Twenty-one years ago I faced an awful death,’’ writes H. B. Martin, port Harrelson, S. C. “Doctors said I had consumption and the dreadful ongh [ had looked like it, sure ' iiouj;h. I tried everything, I could heir of, for my cough, and was iin- dei the treatment of the best doc tor in fJeorgetown, S. C., for a .'>ar, but could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King’s New Discovery. I did so, and was ‘ompletely cured. I feel that I owe my life to this great throat and lung cure.” Its positively guaranteed lor cou.i^hs, colds, and all bronchial : .Toctions, ,f)Oc. and |1. Trial bottle free at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. * —i Beautiful Home Site On Park Drive, one block from car line, with sewerage and cement w^alks, overlooking Inde pendence Park and two blocks this side of Elizabeth College are five beautiful buildings lots In tho most select neighborhood In Charlotte. They can be bought this week for $1250 and $1500 each. Nothing more desirable in tbe city for residence. A BARGAIN FOR A LITTLE MONEY A five-room Bungalow with city water, four blocks from car line, near Elizabeth cJollege; high, beautiful location and good neighborhood. Can be had for $2,250. Only $500 cash. Balance easy terms. Brown (Bi. Compa-rvy 203 N. TRYON. 'PHONE 535 Brown & Co. Railroad Site I offer for sale a piece of prop erty fronting 215 feet on rail road running back 87 feet on which Is located 6 tenement houses renting for $624.00 per year. This is valuable site for small manufacturing plant or warehouse and will enhance In value. In meantime pres ent Improvements yield nearly 12 per cent. Fine renting prop erty. A. G. CR\IG REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Phone 1436. Trust Building. Sale of the Oliver Home. Unless It is sold at private sale before that hour, the Fred Oliver res idence, 406 South Tryon street will be offered at public auction on the premises at noon tomorrow. This ■ splendid property is only three and a half blocks from the »quare on one of Charlotte’s principal business streets-, In a section where enhancement has been great In the last few years and there Is much speculation among realestate men as to what the property will bring.. It is well known that prop erty on South Tryon street between the Oliver home and the square is held at prices ranging from $500 to $2,000 per front foot. The Beard prop erty in that immediate neighborhood sold only a few days ago for $10,000 more than was asked for It four years ago, and other properties in that vi cinity have been advanced as the bus iness district encrached. It is unusual for a piece of South Tryon property to be offered at auction and this sale will doubtless bing out some spirited bidders, and show just what such realty will bring on its merits. Park Avenue Home FOR SALE New 8-room house, well built, with hard wood floors and all tnodem conveniences. Basement is large enough to be used f s a garage. Lot 50x200. ' ^R*CE LOW—TERMS EASY » Charlotte Consolidated Construction Compaoy New Interest Quarter JANUARY 1st will be the beginning of a NEW INTEREST QUARTER. DEPOSITS- made from now till January 5th will draw interest from Jan uary 1st. Begin the New Year by starting a SAVINGS ACCOUNT — Deposits re- •dn j'C^Toa auQ niojj paAjao Otir Time Certificates bear Interest from date. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President W. L. JENKINS. Cashier. Mr. J. L. Owens who has for the last 23 years been connected with ^ the J. W. Wadsworths Sons’ Company j has purchased the wagon, carriage and buggy repair business of that company. The business will be conduc ted at No. 221, North College street. Write All Forms of Insurance— Fire, Accident, Health and Liability Insurance Let Us Write Yours Citizens Trust Co. 201 S. Tryon Street Phone 1438 For Rent. STORE ROOMS Store room No. 4 and 6 South Poplar St., floor space, 38x74, $50.00 Store room, 1602 South Boule vard $30.00 904 N. Graham St 25.00 902 N. Graham St 10.00 One ofTice room in McKinnon building 10.00 I brick store room, Belmont Ave $17.50 RESIDENCES 4-rooms, corner West 8th and R. R., facing R. R 7.00 4 rooms, 920 N. Caldwell St.... 8.00 5 rooms, 308 Elizabeth Ave.... 12.50 3 rooms, 807 N. Brevard St 8.50 4 rooms, 807 N. Brevard St .. 8.50 4 rooms, 1213 N. Davidson St.. 7.00 4 rooms, 916 N. Caldwell St.. 8.00 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell St.. 10.00 7 rooms, modern, 423 Elizabeth Ave 30.00 II rooms, modem 610 N. Bre vard St 31.00 4 rooms, 303 N. Allen St., Bel mont, per week 2.00 Elizabeth Avenue Home We offer you for sale one of the most desirable homes on Eliza beth Avenue on the shady side of the street, with all modern im provements; 9 rooms, large basement, hard wood floors, lot 60x198. Owner’s reason forselling, going to leave town. For further particulars, call at office. Carolina Realty Co. O. J. TRIES, President. B. R, LEE, Secretary. 211 N. Tryon St. W. D. WILKINSON, Treas. & Mgr. J. P. LONG, Salesman. Phone 609. m Charlotte National Bank Resources $2,000,000.00 We sell MONEY ORDERS good anywhere; loan money on approv ed security; keep your valuable papers secure, where no one but the holder of your key can touch them; pay 4 per cent per annum on TIME DEPOSITS from date of deposit if left 90 days or longer. OFFICERS: B. D. HEATH, President. JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. J. H. LITTLE, Vice President. W. H. TWITTY Cashier. Is Your Name There? We’re going to begin the New Series Saturday, the 7th, and the man, young or old, who hasn’t sufl[icient ambition to make an effort to better his condition this new year ought to go west and “grow up with the country.” There’s a lot of bums and other worthless ducks of all ages in every town—the greater the opportunity for the fellow of nerve, determination and character. You’ll not be worth a “Hill of Beans,” my boy, unless you save something. Save, sir, save while you’re young and you’ll have the wherewithal to do things. Until you start the ball you’re naught but a worthless atom. LISTEN TO ME, LISTEN NOW. The Mutual B. & L. Has no super lor, and few if any equals as an aid to legitimate fortune and useful citizenship. If you’ve a grain of sense we can show it to you. Some folks haven’t that grain, you know. OUR NEW SERIES starts January 7th, and, God helping, we shall make more joy, and gladness, and sunshine in 1911 than in any of our past 30 years of unparalleled success. E. L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FORWENT Nice plate glass front store room, 4 Belmont Avenue .... .... ..$17.50 Modern 6-room house 606 North Poplar street 25.00 Modem 9-room house 10 East 9th street 37.50 Modern 6-room cottage, 509 Kingston Avenue 25.00 Modern 4 rooms. 400 East 9th street 16.66 Modern 7 room house 310 West 12th street 18.00 Modem 6-room house 614 East oth street 22.50 Modern 5-room house, 1602 Cleveland Avenue 15.00 Modem 5-room house, 700 East 9th street .. 15.00 Modern 5-room house 702 East 9th street 15.00 Modern 6-room house 514 North Smith street 15.00 Modern 5-room cottage, 1007 South Tryon street .. 18.00 6-room house 613 East 7th street * 10.65 5-room house 1009 East Trade street 10.00 4-room house East Morehead street 10.00 7-room house 1223 East 10th street 11.00 4-room house 4 West Worthington Avenue, bath, etc , .... 12.00 Two 6-room houses 6 and 8 W’^est Worthington Ave 10.00 8-room house 512 West 11th street 10.00 4-room house 1410 East 5th street.... 9.00 4-room house 1416 East 5th street 9.00 4-room house 1429 East 5th street 9,00 3-room house 221 North Cedar street, per week 1.50 4-room house North Seiglo street, per week 2.00 5-room house corner Seigle and Heriott Ave., per week 2.00 3-room house 17 West Wynonia street, per week 1.50 5-room house 504 West 10th street, per week .... 2.50 4-room house 104 South Seigle street, per week 2.OO 3-room house West Liddell street, per week 1,75 5-room house 8 West Palmer street, per week, water paid .... .... 2.25 5-room house 10 West Palmer street, water paid .... .• 2.25 4-rooip house 14 West Palmer street, water paid 2.00 5-room house 16 West Palmer, water paid ^... 10.50 3-room house 227 North Pegram street, per week 1.50 Modern 7-room house 500 East 9th street 20.00 5-room house 809 North Caldwell street 13.00 5-room house 700 North Caldwell street 12.50 5-room house N. Pegram street, new, electric lights, per week 2.50 5-room house North Stevens St., near E. 10th, per week 2.50 4-room house 315 South Cedar street, per week 1.50 5-room house 409 Templeton Ave., gas for cooking, electric lights ., 15.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. RENT LIST Southern Real Estate, L & Trust Company East Third St., 30x95 with Basement North College Offices ", ’’ Two connecting offices over Belk Bros 4-room flat 212 North College St . *.. . 8-rooms over Sarret’s Store *' ] | 7-room dwelling 213 E. Sixth ’ ] [ ] * 8-room dwelling E. 7th extension " * ] ] | 7-room dwelling E. 7th extension " 9-room dwelling 507 N. Brevard [ ’ * [ ] ] | ’ 8-room dwelling Belmont * ’ ’ ' ‘' * 5-room cottage 1015 N. Davidson 4-room cottage, corner College and Liddell .'.*. ’ 4-room cottage 707 North Caldwell 4-room cottage near Southern, Roundhouse.... .... 3-room cottage Belmont 5-room cottage Belmont ’ ' * ' * ‘ 6-room cottage Belmont * * ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 5-room cottage, 706 North Brevard.. .... 'Phone us at 236. ’ ’ " Investment Property For Sale 12 vacant lots In Piedmont, facing Stephens Street, at a ■ bargain. Owner anxious that we close this piece of properi at the earliest moment. Price for the 12 lots, $3120. J. E. MURPHY & CC 'Phone 842. 229 S. Tryon St. ffil BEEN DISCOVE;-: selling first-class hhocs j|! second-class prices. We i l guilty and propose to doing it whenever po.-> ‘ Thaf-5 our pian lo make the most popular store town for discrimiaalin'; !• ^ ers. If you ave a Judu. quality in shoes you are one we want to see and ; S ought to see u^. J The Corner Shoe Stor; FOREMAN & MILLER CO, PHONE 689>f. ti9 N. TRYor^ #Tj For Sale or Rent East Avenue Home, 1C rooms, modern, beautifully shudcd V Will sell on very easy terms or will exchange for other propv ’i; The location of this valuable residence Is No. 811 East Ave. Full information given on application. Peoples Loan & Realty Co W. L. Nicholson, Mgr. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty B!dg, 'Phone 313. IF YOU H fAVE A FARM FOR SA COME IN AND LIST WITH US-WE CAN FIND Y . A BUYER. SEVERAL BA GAINS IN FARMS AND Cl PROPERTY. n W. T. WI1.KINS0 & company $50,000 to Leo! ON INSIDE BUSINESS REAL ESTATE We write Insurance of all kinds. Stonewall Trust Compan 508 Trust Building. J. F. Flowers, Atty IF LOOKING FOR Home or Investm Consult This List: . A nice little cottage home at Dilv.’orth 2. A pretty cottage home at Piedmont 3. A modern seven-room home East 7th St 4. A modern 7-room house, East Ave , 5. A modem seven-room house East 7th St., comer ■ or with extra 50 ft. lot giving 166 ft. frontage 6. A very beautiful new seven-room house with cornor iot ov ing the Park at Piedmont, very complete in all its equiin, • 7. A new modern eight-room residence, Dllworth 8. Another of same description Central’Avenue, Piedmont 9. A modem complete eight-room corner house, Dilworih 10. A handsome, very complete, East Moreliead St. home 11. A new, up-to-date Elizabeth Avenue home 12. A large corner home, beautifully shaded, on oiie of the best \ nues in Dllworth 13. A large 12-room residence, same Avenue............... . 14. A fine old East Avenue homestead '' 15. A South Tryon Street residence, convenient to business... • 16. A substantial brick residence on fine corner lot three l' from the square, a possible business site before long 17. One of the finest residences in Charlotte, new. l)eantifal: ished in hard wood, a most complete and elegant home 18. A fine old Tryon street homestead, a fine comer location for ! public building or for business 19. A large modem brick building, th ree blocks from the Sqs ; well rented 20. One of the finest business buildings in Charlotte, with romul $15,000 per year at a special price if quick Also building sites from $700 to $10,000 and $250,000 of the best ■; properties in Charlotte at wholesale or retail prices. F. C. ABBOTT & C 1 “EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE"