THE OHABLOTTE NEWS. JANUARY II 1911 There’s One Thing in Uneeda Biscuit that other soda crackers lack and that is National ■ Biscuit - Goodn exis h Moisture Troof Packages^ (Never sold in bulk) NATIONAL BISCUIT COM PANY in Legislature F’ hii*. ( ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ! o’f It I' ■ ■ oi' .\!ei!'ilirh t'ollogo. ” . K r.tii'ii ; . one Introduced. III rrrartHo . . '>’■.1 5. Rf'f,. vif'l li- . !i' .'....i'u a .: I )ir«^' t 'u” liM-* U'l TUi In V>;i!lV '.liap’.hf'r anil ''a, tho niU'*s ■ '*.'(1 to see ilint > ’'n’nirp'; l'>irortiutr • ( • f'r th'- ' ■ ! ■' «> t’lv R . . Rf'ci'ii’-iin? super-'' ' i-' i f inst’tu- ■ a ri]ii ;in(l romplcfe 1 «:^oh ani .;a’;irics i .1. a‘‘ of tlio poii- " ' rr-d ic>, 1 , iitioduced. ’ • ,\s 'he nv'- ■ ■ ■ i:. n i ■; tlio. •siii' uf iriionr.s. , ■ ^ , ■> 1 ■ • >r h rRFoIlna nnd lo ?MilI inilntme I I »n: To con-' ilie r ;-ira«inn and' : >nv H' ’>*rr«‘d to jii-' i T!ar)'''tt: Ti^ prevent ■' n'Rcors-. of corpora- ; Ml ' ’.vi'h ■■ach f inci^asinc: the snl- ' ■ of Pitt fhiid reading and .M'-rd; Rejnilatinc "f'ra'co nnd r n .. lie i-v j t; \. [ M: ; r ; E-'nhllshint? V. i»!:t of Mitchcll, , ■■ Mwcll. R'ff'rred to ( ,) intioH, -lties and '■ li'in; Roirarding hunt- Gniiir laws commit- ■* FT.^rriftt Relating to r‘ar in Harnett T’ '! to fish«‘r{.'s coinniil- F. D. Winston and ex •. rn :;nd Powell V.’ - oiir: :-v!-s of tlie '■ * \s - r' niiflo Iiy the ' ■ •i: Mllr- rrlatin r Vayn^' courty and :• In tlie f-all for a ’ \v ]: " Pass^fl ‘ ■■ ; of ..!ii li:' bn'ld- • ; t.liorted as to sal- d«*i.artiTi'ont. . •’r 'I'l fh*' hoiiHH regardins ■' ’^M'M'srntatives John I. (1 , " d t.y a risins: vote. ■ I! Mie honpe inf>)nuci Mi !■ The house would be \ for ft Joint session ii;> ' ote of Llie November - n irii#>n’ bill appointing J. H. )f the pparo in Ahos- ; Tl 'Vtford county, passed r , rd was ordered enroll- n nitttce on conntles, cities roi»ort€d favorablj- on the ’ ‘rating the dty of Greens- • rraling its present charter '• In ‘onflict. Senator Hob- nrd *h(> bill, which pro- cu.umission form of gov- rwisaed secoiiu reading dj^»sonting voice. > N'rwland announced the ■ of the following commlt- '■iday Night, January 9. Sensation of All Nation* ?nry w. Savage’s Splendid Production of 'he merry widow Mir; hy (Yanz Lehar •i^cl Magnificent Production i''*ude Hutr.hcson and Oeorge Damerel. • H lllng at Haw’ley’s. .. $2.00, $1.80, $1.00, 75, 50 ! 0*^8; lyil)'’ai'y—W'liiianis, chiiiniir.u; (Jra- hani, Starhiiclv. Printin.e;-—illianis, cbairnuiii: Hol- Davis, Batrc:rtt. Sik3s. (iardner, S';; rlMif’k. iion oi (rovernor’s Messaqre. —Hair^ell. chairman; Sikes, Baiiier, Con. i{;iyn!orf\ t’onimi'tco o'l Trustoes ot the I'ni- \rr;iry.— Uanies, chairman, Barham, (;re'n. Giahani. Ivie. Gardner, Jjem- mor. Pharr. Ijondoii. Hnwlins. Stav- Add!'ion.; to Commit toes—f'oriiova- ti:in Co^.uni.^^sion, Boydcn; Rpvisal, IL'vrnoro: fi’i.iMoe. Sikes. 'i'ho s^euRte at 11: 10 iooI a recess for i" mini;tos and a mesPti,HO vvas re ceived from tiio house rc^garding the ioint session to canvass the vote for t1v‘ vnrions state officers. Tho sena- ‘0''s thereiiDon repjiired to ihe hall of 'he lion'^r for this pnrpofso. Xho ‘session lasted ‘J'.' niinMtes v.Iir;’ the rc nato wa.'^ a?;aln raniiod to Older it adjourned to 11 o’clociv to morrow. The House Tuesday. The houpp convened at 1 1 o’clock, }{fv. .\rr. Hubauk offering the pray- 'i'!io V; .. ;rt 'if tin oorpo^niion com- that an investigation had aho'.u that freight rates from Car olina ports inland are as low' in X«.'r h rarolina as in Virginia and South C’arolina. was received. A joint, resolntiou was sent up by EMjirt. of Henderson, thanking G‘>v- einor Pothier, .jf Rhode Island, for /i1b refusal to arc^opt the gift of North Carolina fraudulent, bonds ■ rom the New York Syndicate and scoiing ex-rni!ed States Senator Bvit- Irr and any others who would at- tempi to hfirass the ptate for the col lection of tliese bonds as ‘^perfidious r-nd I'ernicious.” The reading of this ‘.■[?i!turo of the resolution elicited gieat apidause. more especially on account of the resolution coming frv^m a republican member, the lead er of the party in the house. New Bills Introduced. Battle, of Wake: Provide more ef ficient municipal government in North Carolina by enabling cities to adopt commission form of govern ment by vote of the people. Marshall, of Siu’ry: Provide addi tional terms of court in the first judicial district. Spa inhour, of Burke: Increase the number of judges for the superior court. Spalnhour, of Burke: Divide the stale into four .judicial circuits, the dif^trict judges to rotate within their circuits. Spalnhour, of Burke: Amend fish ing and hunting law's In Burke. Spalnhour. of Burke; Prevent mi- nor.s t:hrowing tailings Into Burke county streams. Dovin, of Granville: Amend drain age laws. Devin, of Granville; For relief of Martha E. Catlett. Thompson, of Beaufort: Fix sal aries of Beaufort oflicers. IMarshall, of Surry: Provide free text bookf. for public school children. Ewart, of Henderson: Submit con stitutional amendment for three ad ditional judges of the supreme court to vote of the people. Ewart, of Henderson: Reducing passenger fares to 2 cents where roads refuse to allow pulling of mil eage on trains. Ewart, of Henderson: Making brib ing at elections a felony. Ewart, of Henderson: Authorize Ihe commissioners of Henderson and Transylvania counties to supply en gineer. Roberts, of Buncombe: Prevent detention of women in houses of prostitution by debt or otherwise. Herbert: Increase pensions of sol diers and widow's. Kent, of Caldwell; Provide better drainage for Caldwell countj*. Kawles, of Pamlico: Require butchers to keep records. Also as to killing cattle on the grange. Cavineas, of Wilkes: Amend road law of WllkeB. Dough ton, of Alleghany: Authorize commissioners of Alleghany to build courthouse. Also enable married wo men to contract as feme soles. Crumpler, of Sampson: Promote stock raising in Sampson. Also amend o’posaum law and quail law in Sampson. Stroupe, of Gaston: Change pay of ju;\;rs in (^nnton. Cavino.^s. of Wilkes: Prevent re lease of prisoners on !:ie ground of iJisanl.y. Als-o auH^nd tiie constitu tion. WeatiierspoCii. of Scotland: Author ize Scotliind to pay part of cost of a Confederate monument. Sikes, of Union: Amend law re- la: lug to private sales by executor.^. Battle, of Wake: To amend the pension laws of the state. Pace, of Wake: Requiring railroads to protect injured employes. Fag*?, of. Stokes: Authorizing com missioners of Stokes to apply sur plus ia.xcs. Connor, of Wilson: To -moke uni form bill of lading in state. Livingstone, of Polk: To amend charter of Tryon. LaUiam. of Beaufort: To promotf growing of live stock in Beaufort county. Dillard, of Guilford: To protect 'ar.d owners in the enjoyment of their rights. Williams, of Sw’ain: Validating piO- bates in Swain county. Williams, of Sv.ain: To protect wi!d turkeys in Swain county. Vv'itty, of Rockingham: to confer power on tow'n ot Reidsville to grant use of streets to corporations. Richardson, of Rutherford: To au- thorlxo tbe mayor and commissioners of Riulierfordton to refund bonded debt; also to amend charter of Rutherfordton. Wall, of Roc’dngham: Amend the law creating otflcss of prosecuting a'torney of Reidsville. Edwards, of Graham: to protect rainbow trout in Graham. Edwards, of Graham; To appoint N. M. Edwards justice of the peace in Graham county. Kelly, of Wayne: Amend law re lating to the election of directors for tlie deaf and dumb institution at Morganton. Scarborough, of Dare: To amend the law' relating to hunting deer in Dare county. Alspaugh, of Forsyth: To amend the charter of \Mnston-Salem South bound Railv/ay Company. Turlington, of Iredell: to prohibit state officers from accepting fees to prosecute claims against the state. Brown, of StsSiley: To regulate pay of jurors in Stanly county. Alspaugh, of Forsyth: To amend the charter of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Co. Thomas, of Richmond: To empower commissioners of Richmond county to issue bonds, also bonds; also to incorporate Ellenboro in Richmond county. Additional House Committees. Additional standing committees of the house were annoimced by Speak er Dowd today as follows; Appropriations — Turlington, chair man; Spainhour, Nunn, Kirkman, Doughton, Carr, of Durham; Wil liams, of Buncombe; Wallace, Pri- vett, McPhaul, Rose, McWilliams, Brown, of Jackson; Wooten, Ray, Stubbs. Moring, Cox, of Randolph; Rodw’ell, Conner. Ewart, Caudill. Game—Pitt, chairman; Hampton, McLaughlin, McWilliams, Dillard, of Guilford; Stroup, Smith, of Caswell; Anders, Morris, Bartlett, Shipman, Scarborough, Johnston, of Orange; Houston, Teague, Norman. Oysters — Wallace, chairmfui; Stubbs, McWilliams, Hampton, Rawls, Nellon, Thompson, Bartlett, Scar borough, Markham, Alderman, Perry, Swain, Taylor, of Buncombe. Mines and Mining—Taylor, of Vance, chairman; Coleman, Richard son, "VV^lson, Woodson, Dillard, of Cherokee; Tucker, Stroup, Mease, Livingstone, Norman, Bailey. Constitutional Amendment—Stnbbs, chairman: Ray, Majette, Hageman, Wallace. Turlington, Bryan, Dillard, of Cherokee: Rose, Devin, Gay, Weatherspoon, Rodwell, Caudill, Ramsey. The house adjourned until 11 o’clock Wednesday. AMUSEMENTS ''Bustep Brown” Today. "Buster Brow'n,” Mary Jane, Tige and the rest of the Brown family will be seen at the Academy of Music this afternoon and tonight, and judging from the hea\'y demand for tickets, the local playhouse will be crowded at both performances. “Buster Brown” has been coming to Charlotte fo rthe past five years, and almost every man, woman and child in the city have either heard of or seen this clever musical play. This season’s production is entirely new, and the show as a whole is said to be the best that has ever been sent on tour. ENDS WINTEH TROUBLES. To many, winter is a season of trou ble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold-sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial con vinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles. Cuts, Sores, Bruises, Ec zema and Sprains. Only 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. ‘The Nigger.” The thrilling scenes that make “The Nigger,” Edw'ard Sheldon’s much dis cussed race problem play from the Xew Theatre, New York, .so remark able from a dramatic standpoint, take place In threee handsome and typically southern stage settings. The story opens at ' Morrow's Rest,” showing the colonaded front of a beautiful old southern mansion. It is here that the audience is first introduced to Phillip Morrow^ the sheriff of Westbury coun ty, and it is in this scene that the au thor daringly introduces some of the incidents immediately .preceding a lyncliing. In the second act Morrow has been elected governor, and the scene shows the governor’s room at the executive mansion. It is here that Clifton Noyes, the distiller, endeavors lo coerce the governor into vetoing a prohibition bill, and, finally. In his anger and disappointment, reA^eals to him that his is a liegro; and here, loo, Morrow' breaks the terrible news to Gt'or:;iana Byrd, his sweetheart, and during a aioment o.f delirium insists that she shall keep her plighted troth to him. The third scene is in the gov ernor's ))rivate room at the capitol, and here reason asserts itself, and Morrow, chastened by his great trial, releases his sw’eetheart from her promise, and makes known to the nurld that he has given up his politi cal aspirations and his popiiion as a V' hite man, and will henceforth live and work for the uplifting of the black race. All these incidents ave tremen dous in their ijower and effect they have upon the audience. ■'Tho Xi!:-,ger” wiii l)e presented at the Academy of Music Saturday mati nee and night of this week. Sears will go on sale tomorrow at Hawley’s. Prof. Felix Cristion Coming. Prcf. Felix Cri.stion. of Paris, will give the first of two scientific lectures on "Beauty Culture and P"acial Blem ishes” next Tuesday afternoon at the Academy of Music. In these beauty discourses, the noted Frenchman re veals the Roman, Aethenian and French arts for improving looks and obliterate facial blemishes as well as instruci how to restore gray hair to its natural color. Prof. Cristion him self nearly 60 years of age, convinces his audiences that years count for nothing, if one knows how to delay the marks of time. No lady who values her a'^sets which are her charms should tail to hear this exi)onent of w-omeu beauty. The Tuesday afternoon lecture will begin at 3 o'clock. Every lady in Charlotte will be admitted free at this lecture. On W^ednesday afternoon the admission fee w'iil be 50 cents. Gets Foot Crushed. Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 11.—L. Austin employed in the blacksmith depart ment at the Spencer shops, had his foot fearfully crushed yesterday even ing by having it caught in one of the machine'?. TORPEDO BOATS MADE VERY FAST TRIP, New' Orleans, La., Jan. 10,—After making what la believed to be the fastest run ever made on the Mississip pi river the three United States tor pedo boat destroyers Paulding, Roedn- roe and Terry arrived at this port last night from Key West, Fla. The boats made the trip from the Mississippi bar to the city in four hours and 50 minutes, navigating South Pass in a dense fog and making two stops. This beats the record of the scout ship Bir mingham, made on the trip of Presi dent Taft up the river in February, 1909. The destroyers will remain in port three days, taking on stores, after which they will proceed to Galveston, Texas. NnrdlnK MotherM aad Malaria. The Old Stanaard GROVE’S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out mala ria and builds up the system. For grown paople and chMdren, 50c. ACADEMY SCHUOSS THEATRE aRCUrr Wednesday, January 11 Matinee and Night The Enormously Successful BUSTER BROWN With Master Harold« the Diminutive Mischief Maker, as Buster Aided and abetted in creating laughter by Tige and Mary Jane. Ably assisted by a large chorus of pretty girls, with sweet voices. A world of comedy, a wealth of scenery. Seats on sale today at Hawley’s. Prices: Matinee $1.00, 75, 50, 25 Night $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50, 25 HUGH JENNINGS MARRIES MISS NORA M. O’BOYLE. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 10.—Hugh Jen nings, manager of the Detroit Club of the American League, and Miss Nora M. O’Boyle, were married at St. Peters Cathedral in this city today, the Right Rev. Edmund F. Pendergast, auxiliary bishop of Phil adelphia, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings left, at once on a bridal tour that wili extend to San Fran cisco. . COLDS CAUSE «T9*AACmj i-^AXATI^ E BROMG Q«flnine, the worlil tvide Cold and Grip remedy removes cause. Call the full name. Look tor signature E. W. GROVE, 25c. COMMONDER SIMS SHOULD BE REPRIMANDED. By Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 10.—President Taft today decided that Commander W. S. Sims, the United States naval oflficer who at a recent dinner given in London by the mayor of that city, declared that If Great Britain ever was seriously threatened she could depend on “every man, every dollar and every drop of blood” in this country, should be publicly reprimanded. Rocker Sa^le ■^'e have entirely too many Rockers as our inventory shows, and we are going to give you the benefit. Largo number ranging in price from $6.00 to $9.00. Your choice for $4.50. Anothen lot, $2.50 to $2.50. Your choice foi* S1.75. These are REAL values, .Were not high at original price, but in oider to unload quickly we are making these special prices. PILES CURED m 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. LEGAL NOTICES ACADEMY Free for Ladies Only u esday Afternoon, Jan. 17* At 3.00 O’clock. A SCIENTIFIC LECTURE ON BEAUTY CULTURE AND FACIAL BLEMISHES By Dr. Criston of Paris, Bauty Doctor to Mmes. Bernhart, Calve Patti. Assisted by one of the beauti-1 ful women of her age, MME. MAVE who will war a I $1,000 Josephine! gown. Tuesday Afternoon Lecture Is Free Wednesday, Admission SOo. ' NOTICE North Carolina, Mecklenburg County; In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Marion C. Melton. Hallie Q. Melton, Ona Belle Melton and Robert Jerod Melton, by their next friend, L. J. Melton, vs. Ella C. Barnett, .Tohn C. Canty, John B. Smith, Cel'a C. Smith, Henry J. Canty, William C. Canty and Astra S. Canty. The defendants above named will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Mecklenburg County for the sale for partition of a certain lot or parcel of land at the intersection of “C” street and 7th street in ward one, City of Charlotte, county and state aforesaid, know'n as the lot of F. C. Canty, deceased; and the said defendants wall further take notice that they ai'e required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County on Wed nesday, January 25, 1910, and answer or demtir to the complaint in said spe cial proceeding, or the plaintilfs will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 19th day of December, 1910. C. C. MOORE. C. S. C. 21-4t-oaw. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having duly qualified as admlnistra trix of the estate of Julian O’B. Gil lespie, deceasea, notice is hereby giv en to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment. This Dec. 28. 1910. MRS. L. D. GILLESPIE, 12-27-6t-oaw. Administratrix. COMMISSIONER'S RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in the cause en titled "J. M. McLaughlin et al vs. Lola Dean McLaughlin and Catherine Car michael, by‘their Guardian ad litem, .Tno. A. Parker, Defendants,” the un designed Commissioner will sell at the Court House Door in the city of Char lotte at 12 o’clock M., on Monday, January 30, 1911, the following de scribed tracts of land: First Tract. Adjoining the lands of A. H. Alexander, R, H. Campbell, D. C. Berrj'hill, M. A. McLaughlin, R. J. C. Orr, and others, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a Post Oak Stump by the road, near the J, B. McLaughlin residence, corner of Mrs. M. A. Mc Laughlin’s deceased, eight (8) acre tract, said tract known as the Mc Laughlin home place, and runs with two lines of said tract as follows: HALF PRICE SALE Sheet Music WEDNESDAY AND THURS DAY JAN. 11TH AND 12TH any sheet of music in our store wiil be sold for half price re gardless of cost. Big stock to select from. Must reduce stock before taking inventory. Robinson’s Book Store aod inflammatioM, inttations ulcentioiisofall thmt U.S.A. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. Lubin furniture Co. s. 47 poles to a Hickory; thence S. I ^'eet. Together w'ith the right to use 13 E. 122 poles to a Stone in the old I the streets and alleyways shown on line; thence S. 60 1-2 \V. 29 j)oles i said map in common with the other lot to a Stone; thence S. 3 1-2 E. S polei. U'^' ners, reserving and excepting a crossing a branch, 'to a Vv'hiie Oak; '^'trip of land five feet in width extend-1 thence N. 67 1-2 E. CO poles to a stone, i 'ng aci-oss the front of said lot to boi A. H. Alexander’s corner, thence SJ ^or purposes of a sidewalk, which' 15 E. 20 poles to a stone, R. H. Camo-; Is not hereby conveyed or bell’s corner: thence with Campbelfs i'^-^ded to be conveyed, and that the line S. 61 1-2 W. 79 1-2 poles to a! f'Sid lot shall never be owned or occu-| stone; thence N. 18 1-2 W. 19 3-5 poles I a colored person, to a Stone; tlience N. 25 8-4 W. 491 This 22nd day of December, 1910. 1-4 poles crossing a branch to ai T. W. SIMS, • Black Oak Stump, IMrs. M. A. Mc-i^ec 23-30dk Trustee. Laughlin's corner; chence with hor! line N. 52 W. 32 poles to a Cedar; COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF VALU- thence N. 36 1-4 AV. 6S poles, cross-1 ABLE REAL ESTATE, ing a branch to a stone: thenco N.! 37 1-2 E. 44 1-2 poles to a Cedar Stump; tiience N. 10 E. 37 1-2 poles, clossiug the road, to a Stcne; thence By virtue of a decree or the Supe rior Court in the cause entitled “R. J. Sifford and others againsv John Zeig- ler and others”, I will sell at the X- ^ Stone j (bounty Court House Door in the City ?? road; tlience I of Charlotte, N. C., at tw’elve o’clock / i ”o^d to the Be-|]\i,^ on Saturday, the 21st day of Jan- ginning. Containmg 137 1-2 acres, ac-ju^ry, 1911, to the highest bidder all cording to a Survey made l)y J. B.. that land in the City of Charlotte, N. • fepratt. County Surrey or, in Juiy, 1908. i c., described and defined as follows: Lxcept 18 I-- acres adjoining the Me- Adjoiiung the property of C. S. Laughlin Home-place allotted to Miss Hannah McLaughlin as her interest in said tract. Second Tract. Adjoininp: the landF of R. J. C. Orr, R. B. Orr, D. C. Berry- hill, and others and, Beginning at a llickoiy Stump, des ignated in the Spratt survey of July, 1908, as a.Cedar. R. .1. C. Orr’s corner, and runs with Orr's line S. 59 1-2 W. 64 1-2 poles, crossing a branch, to a Stone; thence S. 57 3-4 W. 51 poles to a White Oak Stump, Orr’s corner; thence S. 65 E. 87 poles crossing a branch to a Stone; thence N. 48 1-2 W. 60 poles to a Stone near branch ; Pritchard and others, on North Gra ham street and beginning at the inter section of AVest 11th and North Gra ham street, and runs in a Southern direction w-ith North Graham street, :>00 feet to a post, Pritchard’s cor ner; thence in an Eastern direction, along a part of the waj\ with Prltch- p.rd’s line, 230 feet to a post, W. H. C. j j ’.arkley and Heriot Clarkson’s comer; I thence with Barkley’s and others la. a Northwestern direction, 363 feet toj a post on West 11th Street; thencoi v.'ith 11th street, 27 feet to the begin* j ning. Said property is divided Into six lots! A Map of said lots can be seen in; my office at any time. Terms of sale one-third cash, bal ance in six and tw’elve months, inter est from date on deferred payments. O. H. DULS, Commissioner. OUT sold thence up the branch N. 67 E. 96 poles facing on North Graham Street, aitd to a Black Oak Stump, BerryhiH’s cor- is to be sold separately and then as a- ner; thence w^Ith the line of th^ J. B.! whole. McLaughlin tract described in Para graph One hereof, N. 52 V\’'. :i2 p;is3 to the Beginning. Containing 18 1-2 acres, according to the aforesaid Spratt survey. Third Tract. Beginning at a White Oak on the South side of the road, the! 21-4toaw. corner of the McLaughlin Eight (8) | acre tract, know'n as the McLaughlin home place, and runs N. 85 E. with the road 43 1-4 poles to a Pine; thence N. 20 1-2 E. 51 1-2 poles to a stone, S. B. McLaughlin’s corner; thence N, 64 1-2 W. 40 4-5 poles, crossing the road, to the North Carolina Railroad (n >w the Southern); thence with said Railroad in a Northeasterly direction 112 poles to a Stone; thence N. 83 1-4 W. 9 2-5 poles, crossing the dirt road, to a Stone, Newell’s corner; thence with Newell’s line N. 40 3-4 W. 85 4-5 poles to a Post Oak Stump; thence S. 16 3-4 W. with W. B. Newell’s line, crossing two branches 188 poles to a Stone; thence N. 87 W. 6 1-4 poles to a Stone; thence S. 1 1-4 E. crossing the Railroad, 61 poles to a Stone on the North side of the road; thence N. 87 E. with the road and with the line of the J. B. McLaughlin tract described in Paragraph One hereof to the Beginning. Containing 102 acres less one acre sold to Fox, and now owned and accupied by W. R. Roberts, The first tract described above will first be sold in lots and then as a whole. Each of the other tracts de scribed will be sold as a whole. Maps of said land may be seen upon ap plication to the undersigned Commis sioner or to McNincli & Justice, At torneys. Terms or Sale—One-third cash, one- third in one year, balance in two years, deferred payments to be evi denced by notes, bearing interest at six per cent from date of sale, title to be rtained by Commissioner un til all deferred payments are paid in full. This the 26th day of December, 1910. J. M. McLAUGHLlN, 28-4t-'W'ed Commissioner. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF CITY REAL ESTATE. Under the power conierred upon me by the will of Mrs. Susan A. McCuiag, I will on Monday the 16th day of Jan uary, 1911, at 12 o’clock, M., at the County Court House door of Mecklen burg County, In Charlotte, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction that certain lot of land sit uated In Ward No. 2, Square No. 118 Va of the City of Charlotte, as show’n on Butler’s Map of said City, and front ing 81 feet on South McDow'eil street and extending back with that width 175 feet to Crockett street; on said lot is located six houses, three which face on South McDowell street, being Nos, 511, 513 and 515, and three face on Crockett street. Terms of sale. Cash. A. bid of $1661.00 has been made for said prop erty and the bidding will commence at that amount. H. N. PHARR, Executor of the w'ill of Mrs. Susan A. McCuiag, deceased 28-to 1-16 TRUSTEE’S SALE. Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust, dated October 18, 1909, w'hich said deed of trust is recorded in Book 255, page 20 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, and on account of default In the pay ment of the debt therein secured, I w'ill expose for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house in the city of Charlotte, Meck lenburg County, State of North Caroli na, at 12 o’clock M., «n Alonday, Jan uary 23, 1911, the following described property; Being lot No. 14 in Block No. 15 as shown by C. A. Spratt’s Man of “Villa Heights,” dated April 10, 1900, recorded in Book 14-';, page .59 of the oflBce of the Register oi. Deeds of Mecklenburg County. Said lot front ing 50 feet on Ellsworth Avenue, and extending back with that width 150 Special Sale of 19 11 Calendars Today One lot displayed In north window’, formerly from 75c to $2.00. Now 35c each; 3 for $1.00. A. In our lower window Calen- ^ dars formerly sold at 25, 85 and 50c, now 17c each. Come early and get the beat bargains. Stone & Bamoger Compaoy 22 South Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. For Rent 16-room house, comer David son and 14th Sts $25.00 10-room house, corner Tryon and 12th Sts $35.00 8-room house, N. Clarkson St $15.00 6-room house, W. Fifth St $20.00 6-room houses East Vance St $19.60 5-room house, comer Graham and 12th Sts $15.00 4-room house. East Oak St $12.50 4-room house N. McDoyrell St $9.00 4-room houses. East Liddell St $8.00 4-room houses, N. Brevard St $5.00 C. McNelis No. 33 East 4th St 'Phone No. 604-J. SMITH ELECTRIC CD .1$ ana 15 Waat Sth tk, k jd, INJECTION BROU Gives Prompt and SSectiial Ketief r.-ithout inconveiiiezice. in the MOST OBSTINATE CASES ^ Ko other treatment required. 'sold by allORUQQ18TS. '