THE CHAELOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 1,1911 Managers Aie ! 'hnical Violators Prominent Atlanta Man Mysteriously •Revenue Ordinance Disappears From Train ii-acprs were this] whether or not there we\ any new A A -apprs were this it (I’liical vie ili’.iance in that lie dp»k sei- i ! I ho month a «’ic'., of their I instance was ‘ iidants raid • -1:11,-.'^. Ill V ourt wore; > ! iht> l’’ark whether or not there were any new in(‘mbers. If there was none, the court ruled, a report to ihis effect should be subiniiied. The warrants against the club mana gers were served yesterday afternoon, complaint being made by John M. Scul lion, before t]ie recorder. n ho contention of the court was, and has been since, allegations of irchnical irrcsularily were made !l.k. manager acalnSt I- O. Wilson, that all clubs 1 lUicrs Club. I should bo made to file a report at the ’• of the Tar .proper time and that if one was guilty •V.. manapier of I all were guilty. And this contention '. .1. Kennedy. I was borne out in his decision today. ^ r»s\ili of the aciivity of ihy Mr. .letton r(M order in bringinii: to coui't. the club ( ’.1 \ iolation., n;anagers the city is already $G0 the withdraw- j;aUK-r. this sum having been paid bv ^ niMl Tin new ' noon today by the club ofhicala as the ' iiionih and lockor ta.\. 'I'hc city collects $2 for . ort to make, evory locker in a club. Tnless somo report is made by the managers it would be imposible to collect this ta:i (M’drr Sinith 'd bi‘ m.\d»* a s New Purchase IBS Over Scott Propeity Scott Property j ;//. ^r.irett For 1 . Latta Now'. Three Blocks, I ^ ■ '■■>3 courso 1 . '-.Is tcrrlto- j ; Vvyon siret; . • i v liariiug Ttio STORE COMPLETED Every effort is bping made this morning to locate Telemon Smith Cuyler, who yesterday mornin;? mysle- riously disappeared from a train en route to Charlotte some where near Bostic, the connection of the C.. C. and O. roilroad. A report from Shel by this moining stntes thst Cuyler ar rived at Kintrs Mountain, near there. SundRV ■ ni'iht on Southern’train Xo. 35 and leaped front the train while it was still moving. Local officers there arrested him as a suspicions eharaotrr. i.n;i he p':t up $26,000 in Roclv island railroad bonds as securit.\. borrowed a sail of clothes, and drove to Shelby,*^ a train there for Rutherfordior. where he entered a hospital. U is reported his mind is unballanced from financial troubles. He is credite!! wit)' ih(> statement in Rui berffirdto'! that if li'^tectives., who v.’er tm his trail, caught him and took the bonds he would be a i;auper. It is understood he had wired Judge Clonz, of Atlanta, who was in Wash ington. tf) meet him in Shelby, that he was in legal trouble. At the riutherfordton hospital he founri by Sheriff Wilkins and At- torne.y McMillan, who, on wire ad vices from Atlanta, had .iotirneyed there to restore the bonds and effect his release. The three immediately set out for Ciirrlotte yesterday, when ('uyler mysteriously disappeared. It is report^^cl today tluit he had bought a ticket at Hostic fo CHURCHMEN TO GIVE RECEPTION. Invitations reading as follows were ii?si'.ed today; The men of the Church of the Holy ('omforier request the honor of the presence of Mr :u a dinner to he given Mo'ulay evening. February the sixth nineteen hundred and eleven at seven-rhirty o’clock in the Crypt of the IMshop Atkinson Memorial church. 'i'his gathering is to be of a social nature, looking forward, however, to a co-operatio.n among the laymen of the Episcopal church in Charlotte and vicinity. Mr. J, H. l^asp, of Anderson, S. C., ' r .lohn M.'and .Mr. J. M. Morrow,of Albemarle, .11.(1 Sionewall.x. C. v.ho compose Charlotte's new j mercantile lirm—the Morrow-Bass ,:er The News ' (’omi)any—arrived in the city last I- r- hase repre night for the i)urpose of taking over . ix irij’ the sum I the handsome new store on l*'ast I Trade erected for their use by Mr. ot place Mr *, Willis Henderson. The lights were . ii t block front ' turned on in the building for the tirst . s !lu* old (^ar- time last night, making an eifect t.roperr VI ; j whose brilliance .suggested the fact from First Uhat Charlotte continues to grow. • i.i the Harty Messrs. Bass and Morrow are the block above merchants of their respective . R. .1. Brevard Mr. Latta own-) Morrow, who. by the way is a I .xki^ 'iu South'^'’** ‘^lorrow. of Char- ' . br?,ide own- i! 111!* Sanders Mitly 'he Scott prop- ASSOCIATION GUEST. iViips Sherfesee, secretary of the y. \V. C. A. of Piedmont, S. C., is a guest at the Charlotte association Spairanbuig, todav. Her lines, therefore, have fall- and then doul/ied on his tracks, pur- in pleasant places. chasing a ticket to .lohnson City, 1 ^ Tenn. .ludge Clonz and Sheriff Wil-||y]p;s. HAWKINS kins returned the automobile they ;^^LL£p AWAY had used in reaching Rutherfordton.; ^ Flawkins was called >ind have sei forth in search of him, Sunday night to Murfreesboro, N. \\iiing all authorities ahead to be on account of the critical illness ^ ^ , , • * of her brother. Mr. Thomas V'aughan. At Kings Mountain Cuyler gave Ins name as Taylor; at Rutherfordton ne that Mr. Vaughan is slightlv claimed to be Cameron. It is sup- ijgi'gj. ])osed lie jumped from the train again* ’ . ^ yesterday^ | LOOKING No News at Shelby. ) Xothin.g iias been heard from Sher-. iff ^\'ilkins and .Tudge E. C. Clonz in TO VISIT MRS. FORBES. Mrs. John W^alter Miller leaves for Richmond, Va., tomorrow to be the guest of Mrs. W. S. Forbes, one of the most charming as well as prominent social leaders of that city. Mrs. Forbes came to Charlotte in the early 80's, Mr. Forbes owning and living in the residence occupied by Mr. P^red Oliver and family on Bout hTrvon street. ^ Mrs. J. S. Owen and daughter. Miss Mary Hellen. are visiting in Shelby, the former home of Mrs. Owen ^ WOMAN’S CLUB. The Woman’s Club will hold its regular monthly meeting, also meet ing of executive board to morrow morning at 10:30 at the Manufactur ers’ Club. ♦ MEETS WITH MRS. GXRSED. The Trained Nurses’ Association, of this city, will meet at Mrs. E. T. Garsed's this afternoon. The name of the association may possibly be changed to the “F'lorence Nightingale Association.” The meeting this af ternoon will be one of the most in teresting the association has yet held, for Mrs. Garsed is the hostess. lotte, is a leading factor in the firm of tli(' Ileath-Morrov*' Company, the acquired. the senior member of Morrov/ Bros., the largest mercantile establishment in Mcnroe. Both Messrs. Bass and Morrow are business men of fine abii- it,v. Tlu^y have succeeded elsewhere elsewhere and will succeed in Char- loit('. 'I'he city looks to the Morrow- Hass Compaay to be one of the most successful, as it will be one of the hiigt'st. ill Cliarlotte. -Mr. Henderson has turned over y-> 'hem a hnndsomr iiuilding, lifted up ' Mil :■!) jodein li\tur. s. The elevator .vi s iiisiailed by Mr. \V. L. Mofi'ait, of this city. > "Migo on I ryon '.!' k M) Church, in rear of the (h jitli elsewhere. Purpose. Tn purchasing I a Tr.\nu is tn : ciiy in that hnnds .hie . ' ■ c ^ - 'P' rns coin - * 1: u hMises buil •II '■'••p'ate anv >'i’ buih!- (! 'o acquirt' .> 1-. .'uiccd fu I' ll it until tho ai'.t the ere- .lUiodate Its inoiiihs two ’..‘’•iiii a greni ■ of Char- . >tfe down be- ii>r buildings • • lo accom- -;-i'l Mr. Latta !(• News re- ’ iiDs.'', fi» far •'.'.:alii't st;ch a ! > ing the build- 'e tlrni." TO HOMEWARD. Miss Minta Jones, who has been , ^ , .u *4.1 . visiting in Alabama and Georgia, for search of Telemon Cuylei-, the Atlanta f „ j expected home man wuh impaired mmd who uniB^ j j ^ ^ ^ j. iron, a tram near here, Shenrt \\ il- Jones, who is in kins is r>\ppcted to return tonight. * ’ Yv'asiiiington with her mother, Mrs. Jane Wilkes, will' return about the time Miss Jones does. Mrs. Wilkes Not at Johnson City. Special to The News. Johnson City. Tenn., Feb. 1.—No, _ at •, i trace of missing man here. No de-^ accompany M^s. Jones home. script ion. Hard to locate even if he was hero. G. F. CAMPBELL, Chief of Police. MISS WILLIAMSON'S HOUSE PARTY. Mrs. Lundy Williamson was the hos- Curo Grains Of Life Free ; tess at her home in Paw Creek of an ' enjoyable house party. Her guests j Avere Miss Pattie Walalce, of East- ! field, Miss Sadie Stewart, Mrs. A. B. \ Har])er and Miss Willie Smith, of Charlotte. No Longer Any Excuse to Be Con.Hti- pnted, V/erk Stcr»'-nched. Weak Kidneyed, Weak Livered, Brain r-';,gcd, Thin or Haggard. HEALTH IS FREE. Ihi Night air n' lant. •Miss Eii- ‘ ity. were I lock, bv u e. at the It ople ai; 'I'lie (iun Club is to have an impor’,- aiu niceting tomorrow nisilit in Mr. M Crayton's othce, to arrange for a big meet here the second week in May. ’ol. J. 'I', .\nthony. who .‘^erves no- ’ic(‘ of tlu' meeting, e.\tends a special invitation to all who feel an interest in tiaj) siiooting to t>e present and give the club the benefit of their j)res- nico and helji. The officers of the club are: Pres ident. Mr. Crayton; treasurer, Mr. C. (’. Bates; secretary. ?ilr. Charles .\uchols. Mr. ani Mrs. iiioining .n'n Fune"- ' ' d'froin tl!' * ( : tomorrow More Cotton Sold Ihis Year Than Last ':ures eward Kiving ntials is -Nuts i-' rich food It and barley, : > st. Tho ox- .iiiils has prov- .ill(;d for nour- i ’l body and ' ncy. re's a Reason' ('o. Ltd., Mich. The receipts at tho cotton platfoiin todav were 4.j bales, price 14 ;'.-t cents. Receipts for the corresponding date last year Li bales at 14 1-2 cents. The total receipts at the “otton plat- 10 vni tip to date from Sept. 1 amount to b;iles. Last year for the same p'oriod they were l().20o. showing ;in ii crcase for this \ear of L3tj!>. BRIEFS. Send Yout Name and Address Today For a Free Trial Package Learn the Grand Truth. and THOS. POLK CHAPTER. There will be only one meeting this monti! of Thos. Polk Chapter. D. A. R., and that on the second Thursday. Feb ruary !';rh. "’-'his-, by the way. is the gen eral 1). A. R. meeting day. At this meeting delegates will be elected to the Continental Congress. I’hos-. Polk Chapter has grown as rapidly as any chapter in the city. The meinbershii) has reached the coveted uuinbcr—oU members—which allows the cthaptor.s rej)resentation at the Con tinental Congress of two delegates. Thos. Polk Chapter has elected new officers for the year as follows; Regent—Miss- Hazeline Thomas. Vice-Regent—Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Recording Secretary—Mrs . L. L. Caudle. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. E. S. Player. Treasurer—Tilrs. Chalmers Moore. Historian—^Irs. Fred Laxton. Registrar—^Slrs. Croft WoodrnfT. C'nainnan Executive Comm.ittee — Mrs. Chas. Parker. The success- to which the chapter has attained is largely due to the first and retiring regent. Mrs. W. W. Watt. HOT WtVE KURT TiiE TEKAS CROPS By Associated Press. Dallas, Texas, Feb. 1.—Crops in’ north and east Texas have been en dangered by the present hot wave, which is breaking all records in this section of the southv/est. At Fort Worth yesterday official thermome ters showed 93 degrees while the average was just under the 90 mark. Fruit trees are reported in bloom in some sections of east Texas. Vio lets are cai’peting the earth with blue in places where at this time of the year “northers” often bring zero weather. Farmers are predicting that a few days more of the present weather will bud trees to such an ex tent that the usual February cold may do vast damage. In the cities there has been suffering the weath er. Health and Happiness for AH. If you are sick or .•tiling it is be- - .\ small roof fire on T.iddell street, called the tire dcpariment out last night. - .\lr. Paul McNeil, of Yorkville, S. C., is in town toda.\. - .Mrs, B. D. Fundcrburg. of Matth ews, who has been quite ill for the last two days at her home, was brought lo the Charlotte Sanatorium this morning for treatment. Contract Let For Laundry Building. The Goode Construction Company has secured the contract to build the new structure which will be erected by the Charlotte Steam Laundry Com pany, at the corner of South College and East Second .s-treets, of which The News was first to tell. The present building will be torn down aud another erected. The di- Tnensions will be 150 by 150 feet. The building will be a basement and one story. It will be of concrete throughout. Mr. Louis Aabury, as stated last week, is the architect. The Goode Con»truction Company got the •con- tra(;t. 'I'he contract iirice is $29,000. Work will begin March 1st. The building will be completed in about six mofiths. Commissioner Hears Suit. United States Commissioner A. P. Pugh, of Washington. D. C., Is today hearing the suit of the South Atlantic Waste Company against, tho South ern Railroad. The plaintiff seeks re paration for alleged non-conform- ity with rates during the past two .vears. Attorney T. C. Guthrie is representing the Waste Company. cause the very foundation of your ex istence is gradually being dried up, the nerve force which radiates through every atom of your being is perishing. The brain and the nerves require noi;rishment jufet as much as the rest of the body. i The niarvelous discovery, Curo Grains of Life, puls the stomach and lowels in perfect condition, restores your vitality and renews yould old time strength and vigor by giving your j nervous system the food it is craving. ' Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, kid- ’ ney disease, liver troubles, catarrh ; of the stomach and tiowels, insomnia' and all weakened conditions of men and women quicl:l>- disappear, the hol lows vanish, “nergy returns, and life is worth living once more. The red corpuscles In the blood are increased and everything that passes through the digestive tract is turned into good, ‘ solid, healthy flesh, instead of being j undigested and unassimilated. TO RALEIGH SATURDAY. Miss Cornelia Dowd and Master Edward Dowd leave Saturday for 1 Raleigh to join their parents, Speak- I er and Mrs. Dowd. They will spend ' a week in Raleigh, returning with Mrs. Dov.’d Saturday week. MRS. STEPHENS COMES TOMORROW. There are fevv’ more beloved wo men in Charlotte than Mrs. George Stephens. That she is coming home tomorrow from Johns Honkins, where she has been under treatment for several months, much improved, will be good news to her host of friends. ♦ YOUNG LADIES CLASS. The class for young ladies in danc ing and Delsarte. formed yesterday, by Miss Elliott, at the Colonial Club, met with gratifying success. The class meets once a week and on the future will be held every Tuesday from 4 to 6 p. m. ^ WILL VISIT MISS SHIP. Miss Nina Jones, who is acharra- visitor in the city, will spend In order to let you test the truth of this for yourself, a trial package of gvisitor in tbe city, will spend Curo Grains of Life will be sent vou som^. time with Miss Kate ghipp, bv mail free. If vou simply mail cou- . principal of Fassifern Institute. Lin- pon below and you will simply be as-1 cointon, before returning tO'. Balti- tounded at the wonderful results ob tained from alone. the free trial package FREE TRIAL PACKAGE COUPON Cut Out and Mali Today. Fill in your name and address on blank lines belowe and mn.l this coupon to L. C. Grain Co., 415 Pulsifer Bldg., Chicago, 111., and you will receive a free trial pack age of Curo Grains by return mail, postpaid. Name. Street. City... ^tate. more. GREAT BARITONE WILL COME. Mention was made yesterday af- ' tereoon of the possible coming to Charlotte on the 7th inst. of Alex j ander Heindmann, the great German baritone. Arrangements were made ! later in the afternoon assuring Mr. I Heindmann's coming, j As noted yesterday Mrs. Minnie ! Wriston Smith studied under Mr. Heindmann while in Berlin. Mr. Heindmann is en tour South, and his desire to sing in Charlotte came from his desire to again meet his pupil who, as an exponent of his teaching, has reflected such great crcdit upon him. Mrs. Smith is inter esting herself in securing a large and cultured audience for Mr. Heiad- mann, and she will succeed. Chicago Plans Big Subway System By Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. 1.—Chicago is to have the most elaborate subway system of any city i nthe world if plans drawn by the city’s traction expert are adopted. Details of the plans have been work ed out by Bion J. Arnold and will be submitted to the city council next Monday. Warned by the experience of New York, which found its subways over taxed a few months after they were opened for traffic, Mr. Arnold has pro vided for tunnels that will extend clear from building line to building line, instead of from curb to curb. By utilizing the space under the sidewalks four and in some streets six. tracks are to be laid. The bottom of the subway will be forty feet below the street level at its greatest depth. It will be con structed on two levels so that there will be no grade crossings below' the ground. Many Killed In Fight at Ceiba Bv Associated Press. 'Mobile, Ala., Feb. 1.—A wireless message from Fort Morgan, Ala., states the the officers of the steam er Harald, which arrived there this morning from Ceiba, Honduras, re port 1.50 persons killed in the recent fight at Ceiba. Former reports gave thirty as the death list. The sympa thlzers of General Bonilla claim that if the revolutionary gunboat Hornet had been there to prevent the occu pation of trenehes on the beach, the loss of life would have been very small. Jumped to Her Death. By Associated Press. New York,. Feb. 1.—Miss Nellie Riitkiiy, aged 26, went to a reay win dow of her home here today and leap ed to the ground, six stories below Her lifeless body was found on the stone flagging two hours later. Rel atives believe that she may have been walking in her sleep when she plunged. KILL MORE THAN WILD BEASTS The number o? people killed yearly by wild beasts don’t approach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They’re in air, waste, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Elec trie Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That’s why chills, fever and ague, all malarial and many blood dis eases yield promptly to this wonder ful blood purifier. Try them, and en joy the glorious health and new Btrength they’ll give you. Money back is not satisfied. Only 50c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. CASTOR IA For In£Euita and duldreik Till Kind You Have Alwajt Bougfit Bears the Slgxiatrgre of 44i The full size package of Curo Gi'ains are only 50 cents and aie sold in Char lotte by W. L. Hand & Co. Nov 30-10t-wcd. Mothers, get Motner's Joy and savi» ! your little child from suffering with I colds, and croup and pneumonia. “Foot-Fltters.” Why Is 9near Sweet? If sugrar did not dissolve in 'the mouth you could not taste the sweet. GROVK - TASTEI.iK.SH CIIIIjI.- TONIC is a strong as tiie strongest bitter tonir. but you do not taste the l)itter because the in- i-edients do not dissolve In the moutli. but do dis.solve readily in the aolds of the stomacli. Is just as good for Grown People as for ('hildren. The First and Oris'inal 'fasteless Chill Ton ic. The Standard for 30 years. 7)0c. COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy re moves cause. Call for full namb. Look for signature E. W. GROVE. 25c. Ladies* Fine Kid^dtiin Metal and Patent Colt Oxfwds—One and ' Two Stra^ Pumps. $3.00 the pair These Are All New 1911 Styles—Ort Sale Now—See Our Windows. THOMPSONS Children Orj FOR FLETCHER’S C A S T O 1 A Children Cry FOR F* ETCHER’S CAST D R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO R I A on the fit of your Collar depends the symmetry of your scarf and the serenity of your temper. “H & I” Collars are made of pure Irish linen, not poor domestic cotton. They last longer, because they’re much stronger. The care with which they’re made shows in the rvear they with stand. Here in every shape and height that’s right for dayornight. 2 for 25 Cents—Ya ^izes. H. C. LONG CO., Sole Agents Rent Receipts Don't Buy Homes Then why not "Build for Yourself” and RIGHT NOW. Have it just as you want it. Stop the wasteful drain of the “landlord habit,” putting every dollar of yottr rent monev hereafter into a REAL HOME that is your OWN home. You CAN do it OTR WAY. We HELP you plan and relieve you of ALL the worries of build ing. Come to see us and give us the opportunity of explaining the FAIR plan to you. The McClung Realty Co. ‘‘THE BUNGALOW BUILDERS” 25 S. Tryon St. ’Phone 1254. 9^ 200 PAIR WOiVlEN’S FINE SHOES AT $2.00. These are odd lots and sam ples, tan and black, button and blucher, worth $3.00 to $3.50, At $2.00. • DeLane Shoe Company aod inflammatioiis, irritations or ulcerations of tiU mucous mem branes, unnatural discharges front B8M. throat or urinary orRani. Sold by DrnesLsts o? in Dlain bottles Booklet CU MADE OUR RAXORS WILL GIVE YOU A SMOOTH. CLCAN SHAVE. . ' ^ WE -SHAVED.. OUR PRICES WHEN WE MARKED hardware:. WE HAVE THE “EDGE” ON THE l|AiiOWARE BVSlw NESS. BECAUSE WE “HANDLE” THE MO^C RELIABL® BRANDS AND KEEP ON HAND A FULL STOCK. YOU CAN FIND IT AT OUR STORE. Charlotte Hardware ^mpany