I 2 THIS CHARLOTTE N£WS, FEBRUARY 8. 1911 Yesterday in The Legislature THE SENATE—TUESDAY —THIR TY-FIFTH DAY. Prrsidrnt Newland rnnvoned fhe Fpnnto at 11 o’rlnck, Rev. Mr. farm er making the invocation Petitions Presented. Tlnbeood. of ('lullford; From citizens of r,uiIford fnvorinp tlie Kent anti- nonr U'or h\U I'.nd the Brown bill pro hibiting the hanfllin%- of liquor dj Thorne, of Nash, (by request): From certain citizens of Nash asking to be permitted to manufacture wine nnd bifindv. .lohns>m. of Duplin: Provide foi th,- erection ..f ar.tomatic srfitct^: also fri’m oiphfien citizens of Duplin aufilnst near beer. Klfchln. of Halifax, (by requept); From W. C. T. T’. against near beer. Sikes, of Wnke: From citizens of creek tr>wnshlp. Wake coun- \\ acaintii the formation of Ransom ro'.inty Haymore of Surry: From forty cit izens of S\:rry county against near bf, r an l keeping liquor by clubs HP*"! TO memoralize congress to pass Mft fhai when liquor Is shipped ii;-.. the prate U shall be under the .•••' Ji: lion of the state. li- enter, of Gaston: From em- ! 'i- «I'f Ozart Cotton Mills, Gaston I (111I.' y New BMI* Introduced. ' ,.|, rv of Rowan; Provide for the ; ■ n of a bridge acn'ss the ' v. iiivi) divides Rowan and Da- ( 'IMt’OS M!i\, of Yadkin: Relative to - sM^’riff; a’so regulate the , [• iii-'is’t.r 01 deeds of Ynd !tU ' ,.f Guilford; Provide for ..■.j-.n r' tlie state into twcnt.v ! :! (iiPf iciP Ki'diiii. of Halifax: Provide for ,, of certain money by Scotland Neck into . :.'vl Pli li. o! Nash; R'’lief of J. of the pcace of ?\aph va!i:I;;'e (ortaln of his acts. CPC".’. I he calendar by unaui- Ti' ( ) t ■■I’ ; Appoint aericnl- (if Robep'in a'^'l »• '.I'.- riuti's; to aulcnd V fl ' o? Hnbt'?">n ■ ;rn. of r!"'. l\ei'\tive to the di- T. i.-rs f ihf state's prison. of Wake; Provide for hish- t" ; :i'!( .n'inn O' tlir blind: also for i t'.i f C'i J'r.f and biind et'.ildi'cu r' 1 ' ii'iir F^'lv.n 1 .-•ar;- '.rk. of I', r.-v:’-■ the I !',^"’'er rf T^'f' \\’in^‘fii-Saleiii ";rI'.hov.nil r!;V; v.-riy ("ouipiHiy. Bill.' Ratified. ‘ f ;iri’ioi>sioners ''f S. . !>. {-''iivre lo lev> :i si'ccial \ n ( ;t ('t ati., . I” . r f o';!:t'. :7’' 't building a road in ■ ' rommi?=;ionerr- of : ! nndr-. ' rctniiiisr-ioner? of i.;' :-^ iniitis to build a I'd ;iail. to i'av the senate vi-i:ed tl’o insane asy- I. 'V: : v] of Murphy t'iv.n- ^? .r; II\. :3d r?r-! Rent to the Houfe. • : r ){ J. I.,. Grcrn. jns- I'f-ace !-i Xasii county. ■■ v-r!, .cfrtain of his ac'?. • 1 V- ;.rivi>te rf oxrhang- -p* It’, n hy. railroad.' : '•■''rr connir.on ca:’- : oct 10 t 0 'nw-; of this V : ;■ d*hr>’ I'.TT'er of Salem. n i;.vi''r.c: r.'^n-rosident V. - f ; :;an' rho nor'h- . ■ ' Ui Nti:h ( ai'^’iinu during (— r ;■ r^■far r.-;ssed S-*cond R»?d‘ng. I.:;-:' V% . 1 .'faiiil district, t.oun't'l i^;^ue 31C'.fino of F'lr (irpi’''’ro of the lowlands ( : I'Tf * ‘ cotmf . fVo i;*ii ’'11 r-::' diaiin!t:e of ( 'err , iJnrojri coimfv. I r. vf: rrvin-. fr, make as- Mbiitiina: property ' ' . - in carr.'in'^ on s-«reet pav- >, ”T li ''; !.7f- f'ri' ot'to issue ( (o iff. ater'.vorks s\s I». . ‘ Autc mobile Bill Laid on the Table. b::l relating to the speed of fiM^nrribi'e- rind penalty for viola- t!>-va avain fnr Th^ third time : f]i.i,ri:s;.fd. the dpbato :,i ■ ov- r ail hriur and finally it V ?:-; i T: >f Senator Martin, f.i iiiJ-t'-'n, crn:-;ii;ncd to the taVile by :i vrjtf r f 1' to 16. During the de bate a dozen or more senators gave f vpr^ s.^loTi io thrir views on automo- bil' ^iid ai'.tor-iol'.lling, the general dls- i^,fi of \hf\ sonatf' tieing io re- fi i ruther th/vn increase the speed as allo'.vod by tho bill, which ^ horlzes boards of aidermeu to fix tbr- speed limit in incorporated ns. Rci.’tin'' Matters. '!'hi‘ bin k. f’lc appointment r-.f r'uar-iii ms over until tomor- rr-' 'I hf- bi:i f';r th'> r'-!ief of J I.. S!:- ; ',. i'\ sli. riff havie c^iunty, t«">f k t^p sa” '"- cotirs#». 1'iio f-f-i'iaie rM;eived a message frofii the g'lvr-rnrir in reference to the actir.ri of the governo;* of Ne- %a'la in r**fu;-ing to a'rept as a gift ih''- repu(?l."!ed bonds of North Car- filinn 'rh;-rp was a discussion of the bill r-fnf'iiK to ff>'tiliztMS and f>n motion It was re-rpfi-red to the committee oi' af;riciilturc The bills tor the relief of the Ap palachian 'Irainit'L' hcIioo] and to €'^^fa^lll®h a traiiiin:; school for teaeh- rrs in Western North Carolina were rpporfed favorably by the committee on f;ducat'on with a refjiu st that they be reff*rod to the ciinniitfeo on ap j rcM'riations. This A'as don*"*. Hrnator Cobb, of Robeson, offered a petition from cltizf-ns of Robeson county against near l)eer. Senator .Johnson, of Duplin, intro duced a Joint resobitlf)n for the re lief of the railway mail clerks In tlii:'i Ht.'ite and sp(»ke in favor of its adojition. Tho re.solution was referred to the committee on federal rolafion.s. 'I lie senate at 12:.5.5 adjourned un til 11 o’clock Wednesday. THE HOUSE—TUESDAY—THIRTY- FIFTH DAY. The house was convened at 10 o’clock by Speaker Dowd, Rev. Mr. 'I’uylor, of Raleigh, offering the pray- f^r. There were additional petitions against near beer and liquor In cbibs. Large numbers of bills ci%me from committees with favorable reports and took places on the house calen dar. The committee on liquor traf fic reported favorably the bill to allow sheriffs $40 for convictions of running distilleries and $10 where there is no conviction. And reported unfavorably the bill to give sheriffs and policemen jurisdiction to destroy stills in adjoining counties. The finance committee reported fa vorably a senate resolution to thank the state of Nevada for refusing to acccpt the gift of repudiated North Carolina bonds. The committee of federal relations reported favorably a joint resolution calling on representatives in congress to support parcels ptist. New Bills Introduced. McNeill: Joint resolution relative to teaching the Bible in the public schools. Resolution of civic club rel ative to conservation of forests. Kent: Pay expenses of committee in visiting the State Hospital at Mor- ganton. Thompson; Fix salaries of certain officers in Beaufort. Establish line between Beaufort and Washington counties. Rod well: Incorporate Hopkins school. Warren county. Brown, of Stanly, by request: Re vise and amend the charter of Al bemarle. Battle: Amend the revisal relative to listing poll and property for tax ation. Brown, of Jackson: Levy special tax for graded r.chools in Dillboro township, Jackson coimty. Norman: Provide bond issue for Klka F’ark. Houghton: Provide for payment of n.'inds of the state falling due in 101.“^ and for tho deficit in the state treasury of $.sr)0.ioo on account of excess of appropriati‘'»ns of the 19'^9 legislature over the revenue for the succeoding two years. Bryan: Amend the revisal relative to inspection of fertili.:ers. Majetta; Amend the act of IHOtl relative to ostablit^hing a card index s\stem for grants iu tho state de partment. ^■S’ood: Provide compulsory attend ance of schools in Transylvania coun ty. Wood: Amend the Transylvania il.-b law of l;"'!). ]]wart; Protect oheep an dorher s^ock from dogs in Henderson coun ty. Nea.-se: -^rncnd tlie charter of Htx- el, Ha' wood count y. (’o:e. of P.audolph: Allow probating and legisvratiou of certain deeds by forporntions. Moi.auiihlin: Amend the charter (•f ?iafthe'v?. Mecklenburg coimty. "iiur.r: Fi: the time fnv hohling ro;;:’:s in ".'ilsou (ountv. Amend re- ^•al relative to the s:)le of future V :itracTP. Provide for niean.^. of ap- pta! hy the in.-^uran'^e companies do in'.; b’jfincss in North C'.'ivoUna. Mired: Ametui Selma township road law. Allow Selma graded school d:r'rri't to issue bohds. Ha^'^i.'.ian; Suinnirr and impmve the Appalnrl'iiiin Trniniui.' ffhc.oi. V^'iiron. of .McDowell; A’lpoint a iti.^^’lfe of tho I'eace in .MclHiwell co-mtv. WnoTen; Pay solicitors of the stat^ >:a’:ries in>t a.d of fees. Would be ('ff'Cive after .M;irch 1, l!tl2 on a .‘■'rile of fro^n iri.iMMi .'al;iry v.hcro the fe“.= I'lr tho i.vevio’is year aggregated not over ij'i.SAO up to !54,0‘i0 salary v.!': re tlie fees aagiegated as much as Cennci' Bill ^/|arie Special Order. The conn-rr bill to protect, em- pl‘)Vt.s >'f lailroad coniiianien was m:;de a speriai order for Tucsd;::. Feliruar\’ 14. "i'hit; is the bill that ronta’n.^^ the anM-release c'ati.-e th"' A r. I,. Relief Assoriation i!;:hnng S'l stron?’!;-. It al.-. > allows S'finnin^i in '“^^urt for dan'iage :-uit.s ".lore there v a.s contributory negli gence. Bills Passed Final Reading. Tncorpornte town of Dtmderic, Rob- eso’i eoi;nt>'. Am.end Cu.ml)crland countv road I'iW. .\llf)w Tlioma.^villc to is.^ue bonds for waterwoiks. Allow special tax in Rutherford county. Allow bond issue for Hertford sch'"'o] d;'-Mi''t. Amend drainage law of 100.”. Increase the ::aiary of Durham re- roi'der to $l,riOn. Pay members visiting the asylum at ('loldsboro. Prohibir Tyrrell county from Issti ing b nds until apiiroved by vote of tho pf-f)nlo. Amend thoc barter of Columbia. Allow the Dare Company to erect a drawbridge across Mill Tuls creek, in Dare county. Aniend thee barter of Bledensboro. Amend the charter of the Sunset Park Railway (-oiiipany. Require jtistices of \he peace in Hender.son county to pay road ta\ when of road age. Allow judges to order sheriffs to summon jurors outside the court hf)use. Amend TTenderson county road law by changing the age limit to J1 years. For the relief of the clerk of Da vidson comity superior court. Provide for an election in Topsail inlet, In f’ender county, as to the use f.f sr, ilus bond issue fund for schools or roads. Cure tho defective probate and reg istration of certain deeds. Fix the compensation of commis sioners of f!aswell county, allowing sper la] nu mbers to be deputized for committee work. itepeal the law incorporating the Charlotte B. & 43 rd Series 1. Association Now Open. At the Associations Offices, 203 N. Tryon St You can take shares now and be in Position to borrow the money you need to improve the next good opportunity that comes to you Money deposited with this Association earns more than 6 per cent, and is not taxed. J. H. VAN NESS, Pres. WILLIS BROWN, Sec & Treas. Attorneys: T. C. Gutherie, Herriot Clarkson Modern Elizabeth Home On Eatsy Terms This is a new house, built on modem lines with fine plumbing, electric lights, handsome mantles and beauti fully papered walls. It has seven nice large rooms and is situated on a lot 50x193 feet to a ten-foot alley in a nice part of Elizabeth Avenue. The price is $^,500, but only $1,000 is needed as a cash payment. Convenient terms will be made for the balance. A WORKING MAN'S HOME We have a four-room cottage at Villa Heights on a lot 50x150 feet w ich we will sell for $800 to a man who can make a cash payment of only $100. The balance can b© paid as convenient. Brown O. Compa.ny 203 N. TRYON ST. PHONE 535. town of Shore, in Yadkin county. j incorporate the Social Aid Society of Siler City. Incorporate the Davidson Inter- urban Railway Company. Create Watkins township, Vance county. Repeal the act incorporating the town of 3IcAupin, Pactoius township, Pitt county. Amend the law relating to filing reports of trustees and fiduciaries be fore clerks of the superior court. Amending Divorce Laws. As ihe third reading mill was rap idly grinding out bills, one every few minutes with very little discussion, there was one that sprung the word •‘divorce’’ and then there was talk • in abundance. The title was "Am.end the revisal as to divorce.” There was calls for it to be read in full and it developed tiiot it i>ro]ioscd to strike 01)1 the v/ord •■fen" in section 'J of chnptcr 1.561 of ’.he revisal. so that rrr . ics separated for fiA’e years, v.'here ihero are no children shall be eniitleil lo divocce. Renreseni ative Williams, of Bun- romi?C'. opened riie opposition. INIr. Connor raged the passage of the bill whicii. lie sahl, had received a unan- imo’’;;; fiv'^iablo renort from the ,iu- di'" iavv committee No. 2. There was n imI':’.'- demand for it and it 'vas the f^’.;t;>- of the lerislaturo to recog- nlzt this rather than stand on any porsoi'i.al vieA\ s they might have indi vidually. Repre.cntative Battle, of Wake, spoke at lengtli against the bill, de claring: that to sny that a husband and wifo having no children could get divorce practically at will was disconcerting to a degree. Dr. Carr, of nui'.in, also oivpnscd the bill. The second reading resalred in a vote of 47 lor and 27 :igainst the bill. There v.’ere obirctiA'iis to the third reading with inability to securc' suspension, of rules and the b'll took its place on the calendar for another day. The house adjourned at 1.30 o’clock to 10 Wednesday morning. IF YOU H fAVE A FARM FOR SALE COME IN AND LIST IT WITH US-WE CAN FIND YOU A BUYER. SEVERAL BAR GAINS IN FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. W. T. WIIXINSON & COMPANY Desirable Business Property We have for sale a corner lot within two blocks of the square, having a frontage of SS feet on one of the main streets of the city. Price and terms on application. iPeopies Loan & Realty Co. W. L. NICHOLSON. Mgr. C. R. McGINN, Salesman. •309 Realty Bldg. ’Phone 313. biobbs—“Those medical students are great practical Jokers.” Biobbs—“Yes, regular cut-ups.” Mothers, get Moitiers Joy and savr your little child from suffering^ with colds, and croup and pneumonia. Vote Today in News Bond Election. For Rent. STORE ROOMS store room No. 4 and 6 South Poplar St., lloor space, 3Sx74, $50.00 Store room, 1602 South Boule vard $30.00 904 N. Graham St 25.00 902 N. Graliam St 10.00 1 brick store room, Belmont Ave $17.50 residences 7 rooms, modern, East 5th St. extended 4 rooms, 306 N. McDowell .c 4-rooms, corner West 8th and R. R., facing R. R 4 rooms, 920 N. Caldwell St 5 rooms, 308 Elizabeth Ave 4 rooms, 1213 N. Davidson St.. 6 rooms, 918 N. Caldwell St.. 7 rooms, modern, 423 Elizabeth A.VG •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• 11 rooms, modern 610 N. Bre- va.'d St • • 4 rooms, 303 N. Allen St., Bel mont, per week 20.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 12.50 7.00 10.00 30.00 31.00 2.00 Brown & Co. Children’s Shoes We have just received a new lot of 400 pairs of chil dren school shoes. These are foot form and long wear. Prices from $1.00 to $2.00. Send your children to us and let us fit them. The Corner Shoe Store FOREMAN & MILLER CO. See Here, Ed Keesler I want to know one thing of you: Does j’our rather unique vtt.yle of adver- tis:mg pay? O, I know people read them. My wife and children look for your changes first thing every day. in fact, I’ve got in the habit myself,’ but does it bring you business?” LISTEN TO THAT, NOW, JOHNNY JONES, # and break out crying. There are but three elements in successful adver tising, viz: securing attention; having SOMETHING to offer; telling the truth about it. I’ve never knowingly misrepresented my offerings, and I never tender that in w'hich I haven’t the utmost confidence. As to' getting attention and securing business: w'ith but one head, two hands, and a pair of clumsy feet, I don't see how I can do much more than at present. I work day and night and have tw’o practical helpers, the latest tools, up-to-date systems, and still I’m sawing wood when I should be sleeping. THE NEW SERIES iS STILL OPEN Boys, and it almost makes me weep to see how^ the people w'ant the real thing. Of course the Mutual B. & L. sets a terrific pace, but it’s better to ride in our 2nd class coach than to sit witl\ the “gusher” and not arrive on time. E. L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas ’Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOR RENT Modern 9-room house 615 North Caldwell street Store room No. 4 Belmont Avenue Basement under brick store room in North Charlotte .. Modern 6-room house 401 West 11th street Modern 9-room house 10 East 9th street Modern 6-room house 606 North Poplar street Modern 6-room house 509 Kingston Avenue 4 rooms, 400 East 9th street Modern 5-room house 1602 Cleveland Avenue Modern 5-room house 702 East 9th street Modern 5-room house 700 East 9th street .. Modem 5-room house' 1007 South Tryon street Modern 7-room house 1118 S. Caldwell street Modern 3 rooms for light housekeeping 303 E. 9th St. Modern 7-i'oom house 402 East 10th street Modern 12-room house 9 East 12th street Modern 6-room house 306 East 9th street Modern 5-room house 206 West 11th street 5-room house 212 N. Seigle street 6-room house 613 East 7th street ' 4-room house East Morehead street ^ 5-room house 914 East 3rd street 4-room house 1429 East 5th street 4-room house 810 N. College street 3-room house 17 West Wynonla street, per week 4-room house 104 S. Seigle street... .per week 4-room house 807 West 5th street 5-room house 1009 N. Caldwell street.. 3-room house Liddell street per week 5-room house 18 West Palmer street 5-room house North Stevens street ’ Two 3-room houses p]ast 14th street, per week each .. o-room house East 13th street .. .. per week i 4-room house corner 9th and Stevens street, per w^eek 4-room house 406 West 7th street .. V 5-room house Baldwin • Avenue * 4-room house 204 S. Long St. Feb 17th ’ 4-room house 12 West Palmer street 4-room house 1017 N. Brevard street, per w^eek .. $35.00 17.50 6.00 20.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 16.00 12.50 15.00 1.5.00 20.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 16.66 12.50 10.65 10.00 10.00 9.00 10.50 1.50 2.00 9.00 9.00 1.75 10.50 10.00 1.25 1.00 2.00 9.00 7.00 8.00 2.00 1.50 —— RENT LIST OF SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE LOAN & TRUSt East Third St., 30x95 with basement ' Large warehouse, corner 5th and Graham *•••••.. North College Offices Two connecting offices over Belk Bros Offices in the New Howell Arcade. • ’ . 4-room Flat, 212 N. College 8-room Flat over Sarratt’s Store ' ■ 8-room dwelling East 7th St. extension ’ ‘ 7-room dwelling East 7th St, extension $30;^ 9-rooni dwelling, 507 North Brevard 5:^:1 ^ 8-room dwelling, Belmont . 8-room dwelling and large barn modern • No. 512 South Church Street. ■ $3".'!! 4-room cottage, corner College and Liddell 4-room cottage, 707 N. Caldwell ^ 4-room cottage 311 So. My^'s 4-room Cottage 13 Catherine St 5 ^> 4-room cottage 11 Catherine St ' ■ ? 5"' 4-room cottage West Sixth St $ 8 a, 5-room cottage, Belmont 1 « 6-room cottage, Belmont . s d 4-room cottage, Belmont ' ■ iff. 3-room cottage, Seversville !;. ‘ Several apartments in large brick Build’in.o’onSt ’ ' PHONE US AT 236. ^ ^ . TAKE NOTICE—BIG EARTHQUAKE^ On Prices We Have On Homes for Sale in r-n One 5-room bou?e Chadwick Ave., lot lOOx^Go fi. I'l-jcf, One 8-room house North Davidson street, modern .. ’ ■ One 5-room house on Stevens street. Built 1010 • • • • One 5-room house on East 5th street ' •• ’ " One 6-room house on Stevens street. New . ' v One 8-room brick house North Brevard. Modern One 7-room house West Trade. Modem .. One 6-room house East 7th street, close in. Bargain ’ One 8-room house in W’^oodlawn, modern convenieru’es ' ' ■ • -.7 One 6-room house South Myers, close in. Modern ' ' ' Many other homes for sale in different sections of r' fore buying and be convinced of our abilitv to savo v ' Several desirable farms for sale as well. Come in. ‘ Southern Bureau of Informal! v 322 American Trust Building. ^ StJFuffiAfrHOMIi If 3'ou -wish a suburban home, I can supply it. 1 nif,.,- splendid 9-room modern house, near car line, ( will ho on " a very attractive price. This property is located right in ti- , ' “■ pective large developments. " ' • Let me show you this. G* CRAlGf RcdlE/Stdtc snd Insur^nop 'Pone 1436. ^ Trust Houses For Rent 8-room house, modern, 316 N. Brevard St 5-room cottage, modern, Grove St.. Woodlawn.' 4-room cottage, 411 Pegram St., per week 5-room cottage Lillington and Craighead AveV. 6-room house, modern, 514 N Caldwell St 10-room house, city water, corner Mint and ipal'mer Sts • $.'0.00 . ,$20.Q0 .. $2.C0 i. $12.50 .. $25.00 . $25.C0 Carolina Realty Co. O. J. TRIES, President. B. R. LEE, Secretary. 211 N. Tryon St. W. D. WILKINSON, Treas. & Mgr, J. P. LONG, Salesman. Phone 6C9. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Cottage Ho FOR SALE Has 6 rooms, gas and water in kitchen, large niro 1)^:r, ronm, lot 50 by 200 feet, plenty of fruit trees on place. Thi.s is situated on Cleveland Avenue, Dllworth. Price See ub if interested in any kind of real estate. J. E. MURPHY & CO. 'Phone 842. 229 5. Tryon St. Charlotte National Bank On the Square Depository for STATE, COUNTY AND CITY. This strong, pro gressive bank solicits the accounts of all classes, laige or email. Business, personal and accounts of corporations receive our .are- ful attention. ^ OFFICERS; J. H. LITTLE, President. J. F. ROBERTSON, Vie F;e3. JNO. M. SCOTT. Vice Pres. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE A MODERN BUSINESS BUILDING in the wholesale dis well rented to first-class people on a term lease, oil' for A TWO-STORY BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING one biock i one black from Tryon Streets, also well rent'd ... A FINE CORNER FOR DEVELOPMENT close to -Soiu 50x150 feet; a good purchase at A FINE LARGE LOT right in line o£ business devcloiiu • : - feet A BUSINESS CORNER on College Street, in the heart u; ■ trict, close to Southern freight de^ t • A GOOD BUSINESS LOT close to the Court House, via - residence w'hich will rent for enough to helj) carry purchaser is ready for a modern business building A TRYON oTREET LOT, right in line of present devel' , ■■ ern residence of goc rental value • A FINE CORNER LOT, one block from Post Ofi';ce, very ; mand for business location, present rental from old J\ TRADE STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY, wilh ren?a’ building of about $1,200 per year and already surout.'; iness buildings A MODERN BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING, two block.s 1 well rented on term lease at a good rate of incou' A LARGE MODERN BUSINESS BUILDING for some* would like to place afiout $150,000 in Charlotte b - with large income value. A BRICK FACTORY PROPERTY, close to So ithern doiv age warehouse or manufacturing. A fine location for t-o: -. A TRADE STREET BUSINE&S LOT, between Square and Also the Finest List Choice Residence Property—Low Co'-- and Suburban Building Sites, and Large Suburba’"' M Wholesale and Retail Prices. 3-.0C3 s:o.cO- F. C. ABBOTT & Cft Lat VOL 'evi B rominent can Co :Hjeech c%dminh is n Fricndh With 0 Ihei --1!. iat ishinutc mC v:-n£ ■ n I '-'i i]) •'day • ^ I i . -,^ ni Vi ani li 'nist aii • ■ O!' 'Oj- ■uipiii-- :iis ail) , ('(I ;h- rV- I'vidon iidi\- i’el '.I • . o sh of n : I hoi- a: , It -ve i -lupstio : i-. d^:lli : oni I ;.n t; ; ■ f:i! in-’ ' is tlia 'i ;i s !,) .!■■ h^T ■■ 11 in- • -Msl /d. • •ill H t.'W >. is ■O :! Si I, . ;i:-'in;'i\ ' .Kec) i'A'crx-* l;;'.;!n.s ('oni b Fox. ' a fla; " d Just - :i 1-^ \\ irr ' ri'unt ' ' :i!fi an ■ -M'. Up f>l1o\\ '"'■' riff F’o i-i'His \vh lii l'o\ did liad ' • 'hoko i p-knor ■ • 'he ot M'fd fi ' Hr. w ■ i’risonoi --■'■nt Io ■MS r-i)t d ■' \ ’vod. J^ince h '■■i in a a ' ' d !Y‘a d f'ars iffj The fiai ■ "s fiinio '■> f’ts of t ■ -^e fo a ! "gro. Pk iV ♦ PIEDI ♦ ^ Sper-iaB ♦ ♦ Rah ^ f’iedm ^ the h( ♦ 42 tod "EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE” tc Raleil •'‘'Use a ' crea ,"lth Mr, 'trading ’'^Ith the '■’herr^ ai ‘d'l'OSi)lg. The P f oimnitie