test Edition THE CHA.RLOTTE NEWS. Latest Edition !L 43. NO. 6949 CHi»^‘€oTrE, N. C.. SATURDAV EVENING. FEBRUARY II, 1911 PTi TPF In Charlotta, ? cenU a Copy Daily-;-5 C^n^fs Sunday -I lA.lV.yJ_y -( 3ut8ide Charfo tte, 5 OnU a copy Daily and Sunday 0 to One They Vote Against Bond Issue By Ballots of News ing else could have done. I was sur prised by the many inquiries I re ceived afior your paper nlaited tiie anitarion f*)r more light. The people knew but very little about the que?- tion. With the exception of a few bu.sy business men and a like number of city otficials. it seems the people w^re tloundoi'inp: around in the dark MUtil 'i'he News tinned its spot light uiion bonds and bioiisht «mu all the sides of the qp.pstioii. Tiie -osult ('f the stinw vote. 1 btdieve, shows lhat tile peoj.le favor a r(-a(ljustincnt of the s\^tem of assessui'^tii of proper- t'\ and nniil they ,i!;et tins no one need tali; to them about boud.s." Mr; Btown’p Opinion. Mr. P. M. Hrown, t)roniinent real • ■state dealer and ex-ma'or of (’har lot te. was asked what he thousht the i-esnlt of the straw voie indieated. and replied that he believed it niean: ih(' i'('0))le against bomls. “!f I wa.s ;i jnen)b''r of the ! .eui^'lanne ! would Itesiiate, 1 think, altoi’t vot ing to autliori//' tlK> l;(.i)d issue in iho face of the ver(ii i of tl)f> thrro oV four iiundred p:^ople wh > opposed thf' iss'iMTuc r>f b(.nds. The vo'e shows hnv the people sland. If an\ was so yerv anxio'is for lioiids 1 take it ho won'id have been inter- ''sied rU'tii^h to vote” Will Keep Up Fight. Rocrus'* he 'oi;pon:' li.' not i;ein;; published aiiv fiii’fher is no reas >n I'he Xv " will not euiiir.uo l'> keep t;';r ]H'.blie infoiiiied of wl-.n' is doirig |ui)()n the Ix'iid issue »ir'^siiou. It is e.nse(! that f>o many still a live issue, with all the people. ;'.:d the day befoi’e i The aldevu'.eu have as ;‘-“t taken no v.tiiv '. liian an> jeoneertod action towar'is iireseuiiug tiicir plea io the legislaiui'i'. and the opj)onen'~ to liie ])roi)osit ion are. ;^f course, satislied to wait up.'.il the ad vocates get i)usy. Rcvoli'.tion in Tax V.*Ii;es. * Hut ihat a result ('f ihis a gita tion liiere will lie a rf'olunon in tax alues in .I'.ine is a i)r.-iphecy tha» can he uia'’k(>d. Sti'k a pin in the prediiiton rivrht now. All ilu^ poojde are interested. All the j)('0|)le nniv noi wan’ quite such » r.adieal equali- zaiion of taxation, but a iuajoiiiv will have a say and its voieo v.ill drown all o'her sounds. ■ Those Who Were : :d Enough in 2 he :■ to Vote Oppose Ac- f /; tard oj Aldermen. :\mUd in Office oj s Last Night And ’ Rings All Day, . i nxious to Know the to one, approxl- • di f il eiti/.etia repre- ., have declartMl t . e issuance of T, of Sl.uou.iM)(\ as ill U;s of the board i' aiul twenty-four eopii's of The ; cd by vario\is cit- ('ed by Th.e .\^'\\s of the f'liy, wer.' ittiee last nicht by ...• Wilson, who kind- 1 ai'dle the finale ».)f \nte eonii-st. .■■I tueniy-iluee were ;tnd one favored tl"o .,>• 'I'l'o p“oi)le are I ,1'ini. st'ri'Uisly of .‘...-lion that is oo- Iv rv- of “'I'urn >n ;!! or.o'.ineed to a'l ■ . -iioi'i! throu.;it . . It has rever- ■>!( ci\!e;.bur.g county '■ tji" .oil are look- with eager eNpee- m Wilson Mwderer is Caught In Maxton After a Long Chase Identified ils Louis West Special to The News. Raleigh. X. C.. Feb. 11.— In ‘usto(l.v of Chief-of Police N. H. Dunlap, of Maxton. Sheriff Sharp of Wil:-uu. and a posse of guards. Lewis West, ihe ne gro who killed Depiity Sheriff Mun- ford and dange.ously wounded Clnef- of-l’olice (.'lover ai Wilson is looked in he penitentiary here. 'I'iiey arrived fioin Maxton this afternotni at 1L’; !U on Seaboard Ar Lne No. (it!. All doubt of the detitty of the prsoner7S:M)$. . . of the identity of the prisoner is dis- I'elled by positive identiti?auon. yo!:h rH’.olir.a, papers '■ tii*> bind :?sue pro- n u fp ("ity and edito- papers ha\e rotr.- - • taken bv The ■■ ary of a tli.,'OT.Ri\ : ' ;problem that K'! manv !of>k upon rt'j not one that affects 1.1” onp in v.hich the s i: ' :’OS*ed. , ■! . , >• of Vo:''S C.TS! r- ■■tir:.^ li!;o a eo.-- : 111'' voting ^ireng'h h - verdict wr'tten b.'. ; 1’ interested, i*^ Mio “way ihe \\ind .■ in P-'lu’out. were I. Cl'!. I: was inipo.s- • MU ihos(* V. ho had . . .. i'\( I'pt by lelc- OF MISS THE AIR SHIP THAT FOLLOWS THE INTERURBAN I PRESENT treaty because opportunity offered. Now is the accepted time. She is at tite parting of the ways.’ Shall she be an isolated country, as such sei»- arated from us as if she were across tlie ocean, or shall her peopel and our people i>rotit by the proxmity that our .geograjdiy furnishes and stimulate the trade across the border that nothing hut a useless, illogical and unneces sary tariff wall ereates!” Fifty Years Ago. Danville. 111.. Fet). 11.—Fifty .\ears ago this morning at the same hour and almost at il»e same uionieai tliat Hy Associated Press. (’ami)aign. 111., i'^eb. 11.—President 'I'aft arrived here fioui Cohimbus, O.. Ibis morning aiul began his second day of si)c>ech makin.g in support of the! i)ropt)sed reci])rociiy agreement with ('anada. Mr. 'I'aft's princip.al speech on this sul)ject today will be delivered befoi'e the Illinois legislature at Springfield, lie wiii sjteak at a Lin coln day banquet in Springfield loni.ght Leaving the ii-ain at Prbana, tiie, president and uiemlxu's of his party prc'.eeeded b> automobile to the slate university where .Mr. 'Paft made a five minutes’ address to the s’udenls. Oth er ))arts of the da: ’s program included a brief address at .lames Milllken I'ni- \‘Ms;i\-. Decai'i'". .lud-3 irol’e.'. ti'ip h.):ii Decatui- lo Si'riiigtield with lunch eon eii route. Keiiresentative W. B. ,\1( Kinley. of Illinois, is accompanying tiie ])resident Throughout his present trip and will return with him to Washington Monday morning. TESTIFY HBOOT THE ELECTIONS By Associated Press. Danville. 111.. Feb. II.—Sheriff Shep- President Taft passed through Danville j ard, following a telephone conversa- en route to SpringiieUI on a special lion with the sheriff at Detroit, where train. President Lincoln ipassed Hardy Whitlock is held under the in- through also, bound for Springfield. Mr. dictment returned i>y the grand .iury iJncoln was the first pi'esideut to use a tspccial train to reach hi.s home at Siiringfieid. and President Tafi :s tht IN GQ'lOIIED HOME NEAR CITY first chief executive to use tlie inter- yeslerday, left for i^etroit toilay and will return with the ex-county treas urer tonigiit. it is said that next week Whitlock ui ban to visit the ca|)ital and the tomb i jjrobably will go before the grand of Lincoln. j .lur.v and give information regarding i When Mr. Lincoln passed through election conditions here. None of here not a soul with the exce;»tion of the station agent knew he was conuiig. When -Mr. Taft went tiiroiigh tni.-; n'orning tl'.ere were fifty persons at the station despite the hour, which was .;.1S. The President was asleep. Springfield. Ills.. Feb. 11.-—Presid^^nt Taft defended the ))roi)Osed recii)vocity agreenu'nt with ('anada In an address before the Illinois legislature here to- i^y Associated Press. Atlantic City. N. .1., Feb. 11.—Light tnay be thrown on the luysfery of Dorc.thy Arnold s disapi)earaiue be- tiu>at.> was takeujfoi'^^ (,!et>rge S. (iiisconi. Ji'.. cU’ F’ins sf\ ■ nty live more, i burg, whosi' name ht:s been connected I day as •‘the logical conclusion” of the ,M' grai’.d total 4'tu, Lyjjjj of ihe missing young woman, j protection planiv in the last republican ,1,,- verlict of the j leaves Atlantic C'ily; and probably to-' u.-itional platform. He defined ihepro- s sa 'e to Ji^'sunie I day. This information was obtained ,d ti.-i favor thejijjip niglit. i.ijority by at least I believed before the day is i over Mr. (Jriseom will make a state- e(tion theoiy as one that should im pose a ta:iif not exceeding the differ ence in I lie cost of production in this coimtry and abroad and allowing a fair margin of i)rofit for tiie home produc er. He argued, therefore, that inas much as the conditions of production in the I'nited States and Canada , >in tf>ri. e 1 ’ vxere substantially tlie same," the liwvers widest laiitude was given Secretary ■innlr- -ind arrived heie ea 1. las commissioners who rep- ' nnic> ! eveiun.g and was lollowed two houis 1 the coupon parents. They are at the '’'''Hotil ’(^halfoiite. ^■oung (Iriscoin came here unexpect- n nwe active in- 'V, tliau did the ' .11 t lie city. ai t. t.)o. are :t ment in connection with iite affair. Humors tiiat Ciriseom and Misi-.Arnold had be«'u married or arc about to be married are in circulation, but cannot FGUH HOiOHEfl PLACHE VICTIMS E hose indicted have yet been taken in to cusiody aii(] it is not probable that any of ih(> ebnch warrants will be served before Monday. Tlie grand .jury is not in session to day bu.': when it reconvenes Monday I lie i)robe into electioji frauds will be rcsnmel. Th.^t the t:raiid .iur'* is going th;- of th- tlO OUr' doubts. Mri'e than 100 sui)])oenas are for additional witnesses in the election ca«es. Thinking the gun was unloaded. Katie Patterson, a small negro girl, pointed the weapon ai Ik li'. ile bi oth er this morning aiul pulled the trigger with the residt that the bo.\’ was struck with a load of siiot and in all probability fatally wounded. Physicians- hold out l)ut little hope lor his recovery from the effects of the sliot that lore through his body. M'he little negro girl, daughter of William Patterson, a worthy man who lives on the farm of Mr. George W. I'hifer. playfully pointed what she thought lo be 'he unloaded gun at her little Ijrother. saying s-he was going to shoot him. Tlie little iiickaninuy laughed in glee --his last laugh, perhaps. So close v.’as his sister to him that the force of the shot drove the boy several feet away and he 'vas iin- eonscious v,h^n ])icked up by .grown people, who rushed in when the siiol was heard. By Associated Press. Harbin, Maiudiuria, Feb. 11.— ])lague spot equall.v as bad as Fud- ziadian has been discovered in the (’hinese dt.y of Assiho, 4u miles east of here. Tliere is an average of 400 deaths- in the place daily. 7 reaty Scores First Point B;. Assf)ciated Press. Wasliingtoii.* 1). C., Feb. 11.—'I'he (Canadian recipi'o'ity agrenient was rei>oried favorably, 12 to 7. lo the house today by the comi.iittee on ways and means. The committee adopted an amend ment j)roposed by Mr. Manii. of llli- The plague has appeared also in the j providing that wood produced suburbs of Blagoviestchensk. Russian | jj, (’anada tnay be brought into this regiments are patrolling the Russo- Chinese frontier. 'lore Light. Ii - 1 I ( dly. f(dlowing a conference between a.f mit'’h I;'; father and the father of the miss ing girl in New York. It is reported .\oung (lrisconr& purpose in coming to this cltv Is to meet Miss Arnold. It is 1 h *oJ •1,-n aul who ,;;e.\ favored I a'-o’hf r. can- r.i v^'.al wrot- > n 1 iif'ir eonixuis. ;...|i.'r wa'er and ■i-p «'ouldn’t ^ce •iud the city for \\ ater. noth- ■ .n:(l »he taxes . . .'IV I'uit is not still another i,f> Hit me? of the ,.idb- the lionds. Siiowing. resented the I’nited States in offering Canada a reduction of duties on goods and products coming into this country from Canada in consideration of the establisliuient t«f the same duty, or freedom from duty, on similar goods going into Canada. The president explained that it was thought wiser on behalf of both gov- also said that Miss Arnold’s father and j p,.pn)ents not to make a formal treaty one of her brothers had engaged rooms j '1,5,1 ifi make an agreement between at a hotel here for today and that | the executives by which each exercis- iMis. Ariu)ld would come here at once i inu: his constitutional power in his after her arrival from Europe. j government, should submit the agree- ('hief of Police Woodruff, of Atlantic mcnt in the form of a statute to be t lection of 15^^^ t vot'-s east. The .....ii'-^t the issue at V. ws therefore, has > ,';»'ulate itself upon i:e-te(l in the straw i>,o campaign for Ml pi’ogress but eight . (iinpons been printed ,.n' it goes without .,.!(• wouUl have run : 1housand. Congratulated. >h ■ first to conpratu- -■ ,>aper,” said a city ■lulng. “Tho straw . . i,( 1 Interest as noth- C'ity, S"iid today that he had been un able to find any trace of Miss Arnold. (Jriscom (>n his arrival last night ad mitted the belief that' he was being followed by detectives enlisted at the request of New York authorities, who hope to find the girl throtigh his move ments. As to Election of Senators. By Associated Press. Sacramento, ('al.. Feb. 11.—A con stitutional amendment was- introduced into the assembly yesterday provid ing that all legislators when sworn in shall take oath to vote for the candi date for I’nited States senators who shall have received the largest num ber of voles at the primary election. The meas-ure also provides that vio lation of such oath shall constitute pei- jury. Found In Demented Condition. 1-U- Associated Press. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 11.—O. O. Carvin. a representative of a millinery compa ny, of Indianapolis, who iias- been missing since the first of .lanuavy, given our today. \\as found here in a demented condi tion at the tramp lodging house last night. country free and that products of wood, as specified in the bill, up to the valuation of 4 cents a pound may be b.-ought in free. .Andrew ('arnegie urged early and favorable action by congress upon the Canadian reciprocity agrenient in a letter to Senator Beverid.ge, which was An Intewiew With Jeff Davis Bv .Associated Press. Little Hock. Ark., Feb. 11.—In a brief interview last night pririr to his de- liarlure for Washinglon, Cnited Slates Senator .lelf Davis expic'ssed tlie oi)in- ion that there would be no extra ses sion of congress this year. ‘The ratification of the reciprocity treat.v wiiii (’anada. .said Senator Da vis, "is the only matter v»hich would influence the reptiblican t»arty to agree 10 an e.vtra session and 1 am convinced congress will ratif.v the treat,\ beloic ad.iournment, March 4.” Senator Davis has been at his home here for 10 days at the bedside of his two children who are convanescing from an attack of measles. enacted and to .go into force on con dition that a similar statute was passed by the legislature of the other country." The president declared that the crit icism that redtiction had i)urposely been avoided on manufactured articles was wholly unfounded and that a re ciprocity agreement betv.'een the Fnit- ed States and Canada must of neces sity relate more to agricultural pro ducts than to manufactures. •Tt will give to the Fnited States i much greater control of the wheat ! market than it has ever had before.” continued the president. “It will en able its milling plants to turn Cana- dan wheat into flour and send abroad the finished product, and it will stimu late the sale af manufactures and other things that we have to sell to Canada. •We shall be blind indeed if we re- .iect this golden opoprtunity to add to the sltrength and vitality of our coun try by tlius increasing our self-sup porting capacity. We do not annex Canada poltically, but she and we do become united commercially in such a way as to add great strength to both.” The president asserted that “no step could be taken more in the interest of a reasonable policy of protection than the approval of the treaty, and that I insistence on too much protection circled over the defenses of Juarez | in the end rouse an opposition Fired on Deputy Chief. Bv Associated Press. Saradell, Siiain. Feb. 11.—An unsuc cessful attempt on the iife of Alejan dro Leroux, deputy chief of the re publicans in Barcelona, was made last ! night. Five shots were fired at him ! by a group of men on the sidewalk but he was not hit. Three persons v.ere arrested. milton Makes Flight Over Mexican Teiiitory Although Warned of Dangei ,'and returned. !>‘\as, Feb. 11.—In spite or i (;arros in his monoplane left the • tpri* he might he fired ; ground soon after Hamilton and also ' irnons. Charles K. 'iosscd the ilver. though his flisht , .-..MTdav flew across the «'! 'frttory as did ■ , , Hamilton s. . l.tird.-r into .Mexico and , Hamilton was allowed to make the . ■ a-roplatie rt'connais-^ fijoht by the American officers iu . a ’caipted in time of war. charge of the border patrol on condi- , , ' tion that he would divulge no informa- tl„. aviation ,„i„M a-|Uire. When he \m.’rican side of the river, machine to the ground he In a bi plane crossed direct- declared “there seems to be quite an - :.e Mexican' custom liouse, army at Juarez. in the country” that will know no mod- erati(m. He suggested that the tariff board might re-examine or modify oth er schedules If necessary, ‘ but that a reciprocity agreement with Canada is not a revision of the tariff, and in the nature of things cannot present the balance and the ad.iustment of all the duties against foreign' countries which a consideration of the tariff as a whole would involve.” In conclusion the president said: have taken up tho.se things that are involved in a Canadian reciprocity Print a want ad that will in- ♦ troduce your house to house- ♦ hunters. ♦ ♦ Print a want ad that will be ♦ real “news ’ to the man who ♦ Gl’GHT to buy your real estate. ♦ ♦ Print) a want ad that will ♦ make your plan appeal to the ♦ man who OUGHT to invest ♦ money in it. ♦ ^ Print a want ad that will ♦ awaken the interest of board- ♦ ers in YOUR boarding house. ♦ ^ Print a want ad that will ♦ bring to you more applications ^ for furnished rooms than you ♦ can accommodate. ♦ ^ Print a want ad that will draw ^ replies from the most capable ♦ stenographers in city—who ♦ would be available. ♦ ^ Print a want ad that will ♦ bring you applications for the ^ place from some EFFICIENT ♦ cooks. •#- Print a want ad that will tell ♦ employers exactly what you ^ can do—and you’ll soon find ♦ work. ^ Print a want ad that tells what ♦ you can teach—and you’ll soon ^ have some private pupils. ^ See Want Ad Page 8. LOSES BOTH FEET FROM FROST-BITE special to The News. Richmond, Va.. Feb. 11 .-r-.Joseph S. Viucenr, Si)aiiish war veteran, lost both feet by amputation here to day. His feet were frostbitten several weeks ago while superintending Nor folk & Western construction work near Petersburg. ]\Ir. Vincent, who is 10 years of age, and a native of Richmond, serv ed in the Second North Carolina reg iment during the Spanish war as cor poral of the Charlotte company, but did not get any further than Lands- End, S .C. After the war, however, he went to Cuba and while acting as foreman for the Cuba Railroad Company killed a Spaniard who at tacked him with a knife in an effort to rob him. He was first sentenced to be executed for the offense but sentence was later commuted to a piison term of 14 years, and then cut down to three year. Before begin- •uing the time he appealed to Sen ators Martin and Daniel, of Virginia, and thiough their efforts he was pardoned by President Palma, of Cuba, Mr. Vincent still bears the scar on his left hip made by the Spaniard s knife. He was foreman for the Southern Railway at Salisbury, N. C.. when he enlisted in the war. Capt. R. L. Durham, of his company, is now a prominent lawyer of Char lotte, N. C. Rev. Plato Durham, first lieutenant, is now' a Methodist minister of Con cord, N. C. Colburg "Wynn, of Weldon, com manded the regiment. Will Know About Bulky Cl op Soon Bv Associated Press. Lexington. Ky.. F'eb. 11.—Whether a crop of tobacco will be grown this \ear in ihe wdiite hurley belt of Ken tucky wi 1 be definitely known by to night. This aftei-noon meetings will he held in fourteen Kentucky coiinties upon which the entire question hin.ges. These counties showed T3,t»00 acres planted In 1910. producing about 12.') million jjounds of tobacco. "Ihis year they pledged to the ‘cut out” move ment only 11,9(»4 acres. Ryan Thought to Be Dying. By Associated Press. Philadeplhia. F'eb. 11 .—Archbishop Ryan's condition look a serious tuin for the worse today and he is believed to by dying. He is unconscious. Louis West, Negio Who Mur- dered Deputy Sheriff Mun- jord And Wounded Chiej of Police af Wilson is at Last Apprehended, Had Nine Loaded Revolvers on Person When Taken — Has Been Positively Identified and Confessed Crime —Taken to Raleigh For Safekeeping Special tu 'I'he News. Maxton, ('., Feb. 11.- Lewis West, whose hloody trail has been followed with alaciit\ by ever.\ police officer in North ('aroiina since his henious murder of Deputy Sheriff Munford and Ihe dangHious wounding of the chief- of-poliv'e of Wilson, N. ('.. about ten da.vs a.go, was airested here last night It.'. Chit'f-of-Police Dunlap, and is today safely incarcerated behind the bars iu Raleigh. With nine loaded revolvers ui)on his person, the black, whose savagery was evidenced when he continued to H'e into tlie prostrate form of his victlra •at Wiisoi). camly sat in a ne.gro res taurant here and ordered stipi)cr. Se cure in the itelief that his personal arsenel was sufficient to retist at rest, he reckoned not with the powei’ of ihe law and failed to realize the l.afred all Mien horc him. Witiiout giving the murderer a cl'.ance to escape or to use a weapon (^hief Dunlap covered him witli a revol ver and demanded siu’render. With tho i'e;^ro it was a (piiet sinrend'U" into the hands of tin officer oi a quick en- trau(-c into ihe gieat beyond, for Chief Dunlap's finger fpiivered .inst a triilc as it ]>ressed the trigger of his tiusty revolver. His hand was stead\’, however, and his voice was that of a mastei' speaking to a canine. Cowed into submission Ihe negro was handcufl'ed and s*-arched. Weapon •ifter weai-on was tak ii from his per son. In every pocktu lie cariied a pis tol. In the l;(jsoni of his shirt he had two death-dealing guns concealed. I'ist denying his identity. West marlo I a urete);se (,)f luaggadocio, but when I ^ I rij.pcd oi" I'.is v,>‘a and surround ed by men who weie positive in their identification, the negro admitted ho is Lewis \^’esI and nuidc a full confes sion of the horrible crime, a crima for which the punishment will be death. (Jtflef rs fiom Wilson arrived this morning and Ihe negio was hurried to Raleigh to prc'vent any attempt oi\ Ihe itarl of angry citi/.ens to take the law in their own hands and deal out summary .instice to the black fiend. Hr was utterly sub.ji'cted when he Aviis placed aboarfi the train. l*'or th(* fiist lime siiu'e he shot to death Deput.v Sheriff -Mumford and later wounded very seriously, the chief-of-police. of Wilson the negro seems to recogni/.o Ihe aggravated nattire of his crime. It is the geneial opinion near here that a special term of court will be called and the negro given a speedy trial. After mortally wotmding Sheriff Muniford who attempted to arrest him, the negro again and again fired into tlie helpless form of the white man, heeding not the aiqteals from Mr. Mum- ford that he cease filing. Hushing to the assistance of his fel low officer the chief-of-police was fired upon and a Vv'ound inflicted that was at one time thought lo be fatal, but later developments have prov(‘U that the wound is not so dangerous. 'i'he negro immediately made hla escajie. '1 hose who were his accom* lilices were arrested hut West man aged to elude every ofllcer until last iiigtii. Telegraphic coinrnunication wiih ever.\' cit.v in Noith (,’arolina and with all cMlies in other states pnt the entire detective and police machinery of the country on the trail of the mur derer. and his arrest here by Chief Dunlap is legarded as a clever (tlece of woi’k by this brave officer who fac ed the negro with nine levolvers and placed him liehiiid the bars. Shot By Robbers. By Associated F’ress. El Paso. Tex., Feb. 11.- Charles E. Graham, a racing man known through out Texas, was shot by two robbers late last night as he was going to his home. He died soon afterwards. The robbers escaped but without booty. Fired Buikt Through Heai’t. Bv Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. 11 .— Despondent because of continued ill lieaith, B. G. fiettis, aged 40, ex-uiayor of College Park, a suburb, went to his room this firing a bullet through his heaii. Mr. Bettis was- well known as a real es tate broker. Big Measure For State Building To Come Up-Weinesday Special* to The News. Raleigh, Feb. 11.—Tiie Duplin, is to establish uniform labor senate j hours. . . makes the Boyden bill.for a fire | 3^;^^^.''^r'l^wer to adopTThe "com- mission form of government ancl changes charters at will, came up for final reading, but was postponed administration building with a million dollars in bonds a special order for next 'V\’^ednesday. A bill by Sykes would increase the county tax for schgols in all coun ties 7 cents, or from 18 to 25 cents on the hundred dollars. In the house. Representative Mar shall introduced a bill to give all until Monday on a question being raised of the ri^;ht of the assembly to delegate so much j)ower. At the request of Speaker Dowd, the house suspended the rules to pass a joint resoluticm by him, Confederate soldiers and widows $.t against closing the United States per montt ■ *ilso another by Carr, of i mint at Charlotte.