I flip I! THF CHARLOTTE ^WS, FEBRUARY 15. 191 i , !: \y ' / I ♦ > “Toll it to The Town Through THE NEWS.” 1 OxNE — I — CENT PER WORD W AN I'ED: For Sale, For Rent, Lost. Found. Stolen, To Let. Phone 115. FOR SALE POR SATiE—Nice fresh .Jersey cow. Ai)i)ly to S. F. Grier, Matthews R. F. I). 18. 15-2t-wed-sun FOR SATiE—A nice youns horse. Fuit- iiblo for fciti’ily use. F. J. Robinson. IMK'no -Kis-.l. 15-3t-eod IFOI'ND—An opportunity tn sell or ex- I ••inui?:;*' all kiiuis of articles, 'riiis foliiuin is tho place to “U'li it to the town." .UN ^-.Hl ^,t:ul> rn'Maml ♦ ♦ FOR S.\T.,E- Vahiable patent, models, I-1c., for cash, or rt'al estate. Floyd f’nlnier. (iOT Hrevard St. 15-lt Pi>R SAL)']—Forty tons steam coal tlo'.ivercd anywiiere in city. Call nil. 1 i-:>i FOii SAlik—One White Steamer, pood shajie. X. \V. Wallace, .Jr. 9-Tt "• \X w 111 I! ' .j-Jl ■ .M. 1' I' ■ 1-. . I ’ n i: i..m; . :i u -'ifii ; \.: ....ut W i;x!. w w • I \ • w s I ';x‘\! 1. 1 a 1 h- 1 ‘ V ^ : FOiv Ri;.\T ri'iMi'i I'”' liciit ho’U't'- krepint:. Appiv i"! \; I’j.U h. l.'.-L't F('lv lM-^\ r I'ou'' i'. >nis dowi;;.- i-:’( >r' r'l- liuht>. lio' wa.i'!, 'ek'phone. f' :’n c;ir liu", (.' ni“i' pa\.'- iiiiMii tc sn/.iar'''. 314 K.im Fif^i I'olv KK.NT Two roiMus f(V li,.;l':t u once. Vi'f. t 7t'! St. 1 )-2: KII.XT iv.;oUiS to rent in priv:>ti r'au'il.v. .!!• Pino Sr. 1 I": I'>U KIA'T unrnrni." h.'.i room.-5. n' .ilso LH'tx! Warn Te' epliom' .Mt; So. Cluire’’. St. 1 Mf Hi;\T (lesirab le rooms for FOR rlAlJ] Huil(iin.i3: U>ts In Fourth Ward in the llowetl 01iv('r addi tion to Fairview. Lots with city water and soworago ihj:.‘S in street ready to ct-.niiect 'without cc'St e\- ci'iitin^ the plumbers' charj;e. Also I'lts (Ml tho otht'r siret'ts wiiliout \va- t('r Mil sc'vora^e facilities, very de- si la Me and ver\ clu'ap. Prices will I'erinit any good saving citizen who AA orUs for wai:t's ownins; iiis own I’.onie instead of pa\ini;' rent. Prices .■fiL’.'tO 0(1 to per lot, aecordin.o; to locaiien. Tertns to suit buyers, l.et me r-how >o;i tho lots and name ytui p’iccs. Fred Oliver, It'S South 'I'rvoi; Si. 7-U)t Oil SA1.1^ 7 ;ooju modern house ai'.d tl'ei> >>'• J- (Jardner. 'I’iume 242. G-tf FO'l s \L1-: Several up-to-date ."S-room cottauf's. snuill pa.'ment do^^n. hal- ■uiee easy terms. See cJco. M. Phi fer or .). 11. AicAden. 2-1 it TlTt’ee (3) Cars Horses and Mules received February 2. Rig assort ment of all urades. Over let' head now in. V/ads'.'vorth Sales Stables. n-z W 1; W-VXTTH Wt- • ’:al n\'’■ ablcs, i •, I ? -f u'l -i-'sicns. And the rri'e?- .'re r.jh:. L'!e> rr’c Co.. r:„r. :-.v.d F'•..’til. TUoue U-tl, i’cli: hc’iseueeidn’-i. Best stre-v •■;'e»> l'leck> I'.oiii squa’e. ^’bMue 2M''-.I. 10.If F(>T{ Rl'XT S-room house. No. pOt' N\'. r.-h. Modern conveniences. Vi)- ; 1> s W. oMi. I’hone 11S;^-.T. iM-if F(^R RFX r CHEAP—Nice store room on W. 4th. near Tryou. W. C. Dowd, at Xews office. S-21-tf '•■'OR S.\L1-: Xew' fealhcr Deds and iMllov. s. :’ii-pui;i;d feather bed and pair (if tl-pound jiiilows dt'Iivered for Pillows and o---jO per pair. Reti on ivUth for the money. 'I'uni'^r oc Cornwell. ’Phone 3G4, 204 S. Col!et;e, Clia.rloue, N. C. 23-tf KRESS' X rv n.AXTFD ?A!-F?LAPY F’or Mr?!C DEP.VRTMENT ♦ ♦ ♦ MISCELLANEOUS ^ ♦ ♦ SHIP TYPEWRITERS, all makes, for ’•eiiairs by factory expert. Satisfac tion guaranteed. .Jones. The Type- writer Man, Charlotte. N. C. 15-tf-wed-sun ■ TRY OUR Strawberry Ice Cream, 1 n.ade from fresh strawberries. Tryon D:"ic Co.. 11 X. Tryon. l.T-ot ' XE '^'HO rjVX PLAY. MOXEY ON LOAN on anything. State particulars. I5ox 292, Charlotte, N C !2-tf. THIRTY YEARS TOGETHER. Thirt>- years of association --think of it. How the merit of a ^ood thini’ sumds out in thar time—or the worth- Ics'^n;' s o:' a b:ul cne. So there’s no Kuess work in this evidence of Thos. Ariss, CoTioord, Mich., who writes: “I have used Dr. King’s Nev.' Discovery for 30 years, and its the best cough and cold cure 1 ever used.” Once it tinds entrance in a home you can't pry it out. Many families have used it forty years. It's the most infalli ble throat and Inng medicine on earth. I’nequaled for lagrippe, asthma, hay- fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by W. L. Hand & Co. •r V* T j 1 HELLO.' Who 'U'ired your hou.=;e?" ■>!o:)e Electric To." '-Wl.y. tiic'' ^vjr^d mine too, and it was don':' risi'u." Church and 4th. 1‘hone r*2l. M.tf WOMEN, sell gtiarantced hose. TO i S ARMY-AbiC ' !' Of) ,) 'e? ' ■' .' 1 liie I’ni'td .(1 chni-e ter an.'i r.i - . n >i‘‘ak. r iid ;'d wire '■ f Er. ;l:~h lan"'in::e. F^r - -- . ,j-forn!?i’'.''n a; • Iv *o i{ecrui‘in ; cent, profit. .\Iake $10 dail.v. Full • 'fTicer, V-.'est Trai^ fr ChU’-- Beginners investigate. N C. .0 .'••o.ith Mdin U.. A-,he-,Knit, Box 4029, West. Philade!- vi le, N r ; .33":^ South ’:1m St.. 12-2S-7t-wcd fi ^•e^.^ loro, N C.; 167^ West M;rn — - r»* . ’r^'Urg, S. or 204'-., TP^ OT R Strawberry Ice Cream. :j -fn ct Greenville, S C. ’ from fresh strawberries. Tryon 'n w'f‘ fri P^ASONIC FUNERAL NOTICE. A special called communication of Excelsior Lodge No. 2G1 A. P''. & A. M., will be held tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock at :Masonic Temple for the purpose of attending in a bod\ the ftmeral of our late i);othcr Samuel Wittkowsky. The Inctbren of Phalanx No. 31 auri .Toppa ; No. ri30 are mos' especially iiivited to I meet with us and assist us in these icciemonies. P.y onier of jl'.-l .JOHN W. SMITH, W. M. NOTICE All Scottish Rite Masons are re quested to meet at Masonic Hall at 1" o'clock Thursday morning to at tend funeral of Bro. S. Wittkowskv. GEO. A. PAGE.' Chairman Ex-Com. Drug Co.. 11 N. Tryon. 'PHONE 25.38 for all kinds of wood. 6-tf WANTKi \’1 r'.y fr'^^nd: ro know If .>• I : r>i ^'i F-r!'''.''t- ic ('•'> . I^^^wd. , T : K ■■ta. Thon ■ '‘21. 14-^i' - . — - SEND IN your namp> to The News \K'AXTE’>—thousand more small would like to have two tickets Oil thlF pace, one cent a \\ord. Edlsonia—free. P'A’'.!!LY WANTLTt for room and ESTLMATES on .Job Printing, b .arrt. Phone 1»>'^'-J. '25-t£ 'phone 1530. A representative will ., call. ^VA^TEr)- One hundred houses to win at rea>-ua'.iio pric.-s. Our mot-■ v\ear Dr. Campbell’s glass- - es and watch Charlotte grow’. 6 E. win at rea> -ua'.»;o nric.*s. Our mot-' " ' j to is qu.ill’'. (_,loi)e Electric Co.. C!i .rr ,r-d *='• ;:rh -f-.one 1.2’. 11-tf Tirade St. 12-30-tf STORAGE FURNITURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MERCHANDISE, ETC. ' Phone LS78 for Rates Kress & Co. TO HAVE Big Opening Friday Afternoon 3:00 to 5:30 Evening 7:30 to 9:00. The new Kress store in the Hutchi son Liuilding on Tryon Street, is ready. Ti'.e mercljandise which has been re ceived in large (luajitities har- been at tractively arranged in the new store. 7'o give the people of I’harlotte some idea of (he beauty and general Iri.xout of tlH' store, an informal opeii- iiiir and concert has been planned for Fi iilay at'tern(x>n and evenin.g. 1'bis will not be an ordinary event, hence those who attend may come e.xpecting to see on of the finest 5. 10 and 2oc stores in the world. 'I'lie wri ter was informed by .\lr. Dallmer, who is directing the o))ening, that the Char lotte equipment includes many im- provetnents never before ii\stalled in any of the many Kress stores. This m:’.ke. the new CiiarloUe store the most stiikins; and satifying example of wliai. a modern store should be tiiat S. H. Kress vt Co. iias opened in any city. During the aftern(K)n and evening th''re will be tu) uoods soid, all the time being given up to sight-seeing and to the eii.joy’uent of an occasion tiiat c'an hapjien but seldom even in businesses that are noted for rapid giowth. An Orchestra has been engaged to furnish music, and all who come are a.'surcd of a most en.ioyable lime. It will be (be privilege of all visitors to \\ alk through t lie store, linger at the different dejiartments. ask questions, an,] in general m;',ke lliemselvs ai h'^me dining the infoiinal oi)ening. .Vttractive sourevnirs wii! be given to the lodies, both afternoon and even ing. No Eoods sold until Saiurda}' morning. 8 o'clock. Accused of Stealing Mule And a Horse Damaging testimony against Fred McClain, a young white man of good appearance, caused the recorder this morning to forward an indictment for grand larceny against him to the superior court. On one charge the young man is accused of stealing a mule from W. C. Gadd. This may or may not be supplemented by an additional charge of breaking and entering, Mr. Gadd swearing positively that the staple on his stable door was drawn and the mule stolen from the stall. The other charge is that McClain stole a horse and buggy from Mr. Osborne. He was represented in the record er’s court by Attorney .1. D. McCall, who did not put any witnesses on the stand in defense. Rond in the sum of $.'(00 in each case WHS required, and in default of this the young man went to jail. He may be tried at this term of the superior court, Recorder Smith send ing all cases immediately to the giand jury which is in session each day. Hie Working Man TeiepE Do You? Executive Committee Met Yesterday The executive committee of the synodical committee of Home mis sions for the synod of North Caro lina, met yesterday at the Central hotel. There were present: Rev. W. McG. Shields, Rev. Dr. H. G. Hill, Mr. J. C. McCaskill, W. H. Belk. Rev. William Black and Rev. George W. Belk. It was one of the most sat isfactory meetings ever held in the history of the committee. All the workers ii was found had ben paia heir salary and several hundred dol lars left in the treasury. This has been (lone despite adverse condi tions. Steps were made possible to place four evangelists to work in Albemarle Presbytery, where the gtcatest destitution of the synod is unind. The offer of two brothers each to support an evangelist in the work down there made this progressive step possible. The Lord has blessed the work of the evangelists, general and local and many souls have pro fessed faith in Christ and God’s i'hildren revived and built up in the faith. Baldhead Club AwK.V'Ir^ WAN-HD—S^dl ^en feather 7 deliver your beds and got f>ne fr.>e lurner P. A. Bowden, '•Mrnwe.i. 2 i .^. C-dlege St.. Char-' ^ 12-27-tf lo'*e, N C. 12-tf. FANCY BRED POULTRY AND EGGS. THELMA PHELAN, 907 So, Tryon. will receive two free tickets to Edi- sonla or Amuse U by calling at News office for them not later than 4 p. m. Thursday. ^ j TELL IT TO THK TOW'N” at cne I cent a word—in The News Want BAPY rfncKS. EGGS—Slnple Comb' Column, " i re I.fiil''r;>' Fine layer.=. fine ' I “~7“ — i'd- 1.'. .31 50 loj ^ 1.>-CENT AD in this column may ^'• '1! '’hb'l s L’'i .','1 ]no bring you $100.00 in businses. (>.der n--v. .:*■! in line, r \V. ' 7 — :h;n* r.i .'. \\ -I Foir'h S’, Cha:l(vft'. TELL IT TO THE TOWN” at one 15-H ^ word—in The News Want Column PI’U-: MiKli Rr'i-^u Leehorn eges for 7 — ’ UL '1 .M \''alI.Tf .', i.'O'-, North greatest asset in bus- ;’. * v;i.fl St. 'Phone 5r.2-.l, I 'ne.=a? >oureyes. Protect them by S Jt-wed-sat having Dr. Campbell jirescribe your . glasses. 6 E. Trade St. 12-30-tf FOR VLE -Srnel comb Rhode I'land ■ -.-.ii;!;! I wii.ij ivD'iue I'lana » 1 -• ar-d White Wyand^iMc 15 ^ L)-C-ENT AD in this column may ' Telephone 'I'hos. ’->ring you $100.00 in business. >• 'p:.,i .Jr.. i"7 Hi'!; \\o. ♦;-6( eod ^ NOTARY PUBLIC quick— ’Phone 115. 24-tf FOR SALE - Singh* (’omb Rhode Is-' — — land Flf'fi"'. ,\fy birds l>«ve lieen Ql K’K WORK and job printing of anKUii: ' he !* ?m) v inn. ' •. in this va- Hie better kind. Phone 1530. ric ‘■ '.'I- la.'-t f'.'i" ,\ t*ars Etiiis v "’’:. ’.f'-"" l- r l>' n frank CORE, 1211. So. Tryon .s(r.‘et, ' '! V- '’V u V. ‘‘V'‘ Ifce tickets to l-Mi 1.. R.M>de 1 loubr.y ^ard.>, 'I'. sonia or Amuse r. by calling lor F I..I sfiii, iov.-r S ( ., R. F, 1) .No. them not iater than 4 j». m. 'I Imu.s ^ l«iy at .News'ofTu^e. W V.NlKIt Eggs of standarrl-bred ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f' wl f'.r setfne by hundred.s of p;ni!’rv raiser.*? who read these ad- \Cl I isfiiient.s d.iilv. ♦ LOST AND FOUND. ♦ fXx.;Y Pon/PRV AN.) e?;gs easily sol,] througli advertiK^inents FOI ND—Brown fur neck piece, on h. thl.-;^l;,n,n. , Avenue. Ov,ner can get it by A fu rV'w " T ■ ; describing and paying for ad. Call A til l( K S\LL of your surplus' at News office. 2-tf egg^ ffid breeding fowls can be made tlii(>ii;;h thKf Jidverflsements. HACKNEY BRO&. COMPANY ivTi» V.: M i> I, « .. Plumbing A Heating—Jobbers In I'XjR .''\LI'- Ibiff Rock cockerels, 40.S, Supplies. .North Pojjiar Phone Mfil-.J. “So-Easy-To-Fix” i^umps, Gasollce M iT.r~T~i, r Engines, Terra Cotta and Flue Plpo, Jnl^ .Nl'AVS OFFIf'l'] is equipped Wrought Iron Ppe and Fittings, to do your Job Print InL'. ’Phone i Nos. 6 and 8 W. 5th St. [Phones 312 d 1047. Charlotte, N. C. American Brokerage & Warehouse Co. Greater Charlotte Pressing Club H. J. OVERCASH, Proprietor. 19 W. Fourth St. Phone 2518. FOR RENT 1 4-room cottage, 1009 E. 4th St. City water. 1 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th St. Mod ern conveniences. 1 6-room house, 210 N. Myers St. Mod ern conveniences. G-room house 104 West • Eeleventh, modern. J. P. & L. u. HACKNEY Phone 312. 6 W. 5th St. 'Phone 1038. IN THE PINES AT ELIZABETH “The Beautiful” New, modern, slate roof, furnace heated residence. High level lot, ma cadam street, on car line, beautifully finished, alley rear, all that a well ap pointed, splendidly located residence should be. Pri(ro for a short tiine $4700.00. 'Perms can be arranged for about half the cast. Union Loan and Realty Company 16 East Trade St. Phone 349. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Manager. Perhaps this report is a joke, but one thing is certain a baldhead is no joke lO the man who wears it. A club of baldheads formed in every city in America would be a good thing if its members could be induced to parade hatless, through tho main streets of the city. The writer would suggest that some cf the members carry banners with in scriptions of such a character as to warn those who still have hair, that baldness is unnecessary; that in neat'- ly every case it is the result of care lessness. Banners inscribed as follows would be appropriate: “We let the dandruff germ do it.” “The time to save the hair is when you have hair to save.” “When Me were young, the dandruff germs worked every blessed minute. They dug our hair out by the roots, and now we aren’t in it." * The best banner of all would be this, “We didn’t use Parisian Sage.” R. IT. Jordan & Co. sell Parisian Sage for 50 cents a large bottle, so do live druggists everywhere. It is guar anteed to slop fallin.g hair, itching scalp and to destroy dandruff germ.s and remove dandruff in two weeks, or money back. Di. Martin Declines The fact that Dr. Wm. J. Martin of Davidson College has declined the presidency of the Presbyterian Col- ■e,ge of S. (’., will interest all North Carolina, as ieaviny; would have been a (li.s?inct h ss to t'ne state. News- of his dec)ii'arion came to the News in rhe following; To The Editor of The News: In a conversation ovt'r the ’j)hone a few days since. I i)romised to inform you of my decision relative to the in vitation of the trustees to accept the j)residenc.A' of the Presbyterian College ot South Carolina, located at Clinton, S. C. I have ,2:ivGn my answer to the trus tees of the institution and you are at bborty to say. if you care. to. that I have declined to accept and will re main with Dax’idson College. Cordially yours. Wm. J. MARTIN. n -J ,f •. /i ' 5 HO was that talking, Jolin?” “Oh, that was Mr. Blank. tts ^5 me to go to work for him tomorrow.’' The workman who has a Bell Telephone in his j: greatly increases his chance for work. Men who hire workmen usnally hare Bell Tele-’nm’o The man t^ho can be re ;-. , on i iir, !' '^.■plicne get? tiic rr t chance. I'ou shovM hare n Bell Trlrvhn-^0 4 *r SOUTHERN BELL TELEP AND TELEGRAPH C0MP.1 A swell picture service at the Alamo. Small Coins Saved His Life By Associated Press. New Haven. Conn., Feb. 15.—To four small coifs, a dime, two nickels and a quarter, which were in his vest pocket, Guiano Lavanture, of this city, owes his escape from serious if not fatal injury. According to his allegation to the police, a fellow workman, Christiano Labagara, shot at him yesterday afternoon with a revolver but the bullet struck the coins which happened to be piled to gether in his pocket. The coins were bent but aside from the slight shock of the impact, Lavanture suffered no harm. Galloway Davy Co. Buys Auten Daiiy Business Builder, GROCERS 25c —Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Watkins, yesterda.v. a daughter. —Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis As- bury, today, a daughter, Malvine Crosby. ^ A 4k ^ ♦ Rent N. One 16-room house, corner Dav idson and 4th Sts $25.00 One 10-room house, corner Try- on and 12th Sts.. One 8-room house, St One 6-room house, St One r»-room house, ham and 12th.. .. Two 4-room houses. $30.00 Calk son $15.00 W. Fifth $20.00 corner Gra- $15.00 East Lid dell St $8.00 Two 4-room h(mses, N. Mcl3ow- ell St $9.00 One 4-room house, N. Brevard St $5.00 One 4-room house East Palmer St $6.00 One 3-room house East Palmer St $5.00 One 3-room modern house Cath erine St $8.00 Two 3-room houses S. College Ext $5.00 C. McNelisl No. 33 East 4th St. 'Phone No. 604J. GEN. BONILLA AND DAVILA. , Gen. Bonilla, (above) the revolution ary leader in Honduras, and Presi dent Davila, who have agreed to an arrr.istic. The negotiations inaugurated by the United States to restore peace In Honduras is meeting with a fair measure of success. Both men have ordered their forces to withdraw from various strongholds, and the armistic is in full effect. Ail milita ry operations will be suspended pending the outcome of the peace negotiations. It is said the United States has offered the U. S. gunboat Tacoma as the meeting place for the peace conference. Where is Missing Studf • Rome. Feb. ir,.--'rh, aseertained that a nia;: r jvieto and 'I'odi wa.s noi rence Wolfe, the n-!i.=s’:..£: I art student. The Galloway Dairy Company has j'Uichased the Auten Dair.\'. which is located on the Beatty's F'ord road a tew miles west of the city. This gives the Gallovvay Dairy Company control of three dairies all within easy reach of the city. The Kirkwood Dairy, five miles from the city in Sharon township; the Gal-' ioway Dairy Farm on the Park road ^ Fresh Barrel large Dill Pickiss just beyond the fair grounds, and Au-j per dozen. Barrel nice Sou. ten dairy will all be under the di-j Pickles 10c dozen, rection of Mr. H. D. Kirkpatrick, pres ident of the Galloway Dairy Companj’.f W. M. CROWELL Eighteen valuable dairy cattle are se-'P*^one 1062. 2C0 E. Morehead St, cured by the company in the purchase] of the Auten dairy, and one hundred' - p.nd eleven head are found on the three! Make It Cheese! farms, making one of the largest dairy i ^ Fresh today, Philaueiphin Trei herds in the county. Some very fine Neufchatel, Munster, Roquefort, .-. p animals compose the three herds. j Sago, Pimento. Picanto. Pim-Oii e, Mr. Kirkpatrick has been in the Limberger; also cooked corned ’0?* t. dairy business eleven years and has fresh smoked Frankfurters. Bnlogna been very successful, as is shown by Salomi, Goose Liver Wurst. etc, the great expansion of his business, j The Galoway Dairy Company is in- corporated and is composed of j\Ir. H. D. Kirkpatrick, president; Mr. Alliene : Hadon of Sharon, S. C., vice president; Miller-Van Nsss Co. “The Place.” Thursday's Specials. Extra large sweet California pvnix)- nd Mrs. H. D. Kirkpatrick, secretary- peaches the 12 1-l:c kmd fo; , r. trpat;iirpr i The lOc grade 3 for 2,'c. 4 oar.? r.ii-e ^ : ‘tomatoes 25c. If you hav*' no I to burn, better buy on onr ra.;; ; n price plan and save 2-5c on the doi!;.;, Bridgers & Co. 908 W. Trade St. ACCUSED OF STEALING. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses Bucklen’s Arnica Salve of stealing—the sting from burns or scalds—the pain from sores of all kinds—the distress from boils or piles. •;lt robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injuries of their terror,” he says, "as a healing remedy its equal don't exist.” Only 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. Chronic Diseases of Men and Women m JeHles and Prdeserves. I have a full line of Gnodwi-Vs lies. Preserves and .Appip which you ail know is the he - market. G. 0. Thies, 'Phone 119 and 2ilC Meal Made From Select Gem. Presh ground- and sifted tho o.d- fashioned way, is a real luxury . made into bread, muffins, ■- dings or dressing. Vs’e make i every day and never kce;; i. on ii- *'. to get stale. Ask your g’OCPr fo and have no other. If he can uo\ ply you phone us direct raid y'..' ,1 be pi’omptly supplied. ALEXANDER BROS. ’Phone 2561. If you are £;uffevlng from any dis ease and have not beea able to get relief, see Dr. Ivlo&s ai once and have a thorough examination. The doctor has the contii?enoc ol tiiP' people by being on the squa;e sus-h ’Jonest with the public. dec«ptron, no laise promises. If you are afflicted with Blood Poison, Xscrvouj^, Decline, Ca tarrh of Mead, Throat or Lungs, or any stomach and ’Jver Trouble, Piles, Riieumatism, I'CiSiaxe Diseases of long standing, or any cnronic diseaao of any nature, 1 exv^na a cordial in vitation to call ann consult me free of cliarge. Those who know me and know my omce know I am an enthu siast over my work, and while I have to have pay for my work as a mat ter of course, my charges are what I and the patient thing proper, not based on seeing how much I can scare and squeeze out of some poor unfortunate piece of humanity. If you will appreciate honest business meth ods and conscientious service, I shall be pleased to see you at my office. A personal visit is preferred, but the lact tnat you are out of town and cannot call need not deprive vou of my services, if you cannot call“ write for particulars, mode ol treatment, prices and terms. Letters and office calls are free and confidential. DR. WM. H. MOSS. Specialist. Rooms 3 and 4 Davidson Building, East Trade St« Charlotte, N. C. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 1. Fancy Grape Fruit. We have some very choice thin ned large grape fruit fresh Icious, also sorno frefh r ^nt. cir; S. R. LENTZ Fred Cochrane, Mgr, 'Phene M1SCELLAM.WUS Graham Street Market. The finest cute cr i'" - ; ! -..i • and Lamb, delivered pn*::!;'’ , vorable prices. Pu'e pci,. '• choice hams, and lion;''ic specialty. Fresh tii^n n: ■ R. H. McCREE 'Phone 793. FOR SALE 12 acres near 'lie road. Land in hi.nl'. s'-! ■- Price !JliM,».nu j-.or aii Shoemaker d VVai'^-ce. 225 N. Tryui S-.. ‘1’-'' ' Residt'uce -1‘1-.K ■ '■ nOOF iNG We put oil Sh.u, i ii: ! -.1 • el liooiLMg. Wii'-'u j ou i.'-;- u - get our ebtimaie. C. F. SHUlViA^ 'Phone 111. 2CC' -W- C 'Inc. ^ tvi *"t U i t. >- f ^ Up-to-aate dining ro«/i.a, a>« persons, u i-uiicii i.outiii-*. lu South. tiOUlil 'iiyou HLifcOL. SliiCLij for milk and C“c..- 'Phone 103b. We ' ■’ largest and iinesL ciuiii'-.s conducted ou stricu^ iJ" ' tific and sanitary [.-in' i liver in your nci^hooi- CHATHAW DAI- r another FR£3n SUPH V Sherrill Mineral Water, tr ? •• suffering bumanliy, J-'^t w- orders UlJ». ,_ a SHERRILL MINERAL Vv- ail s. Cpiieae 1 have moved iorra t ■ Yard to East 5t-.' \ St., and the railroad, ”1^ the City” where you wi-i u->' thing lu pipe and Chimney lining, all C. V. FLflR Office and Yard College and R. “• ■ ,>• r ■ ot •ten