\ r THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 17, I9H T A rommittop (if Xorwood oiti’:cns mol Mith tlio (;rtart r rharlt^tto (.Muh tiiiF mii'iih L; ;i' ilti' Si'lwyn hotol to l till f('|osii(in of rntc'i'in.c: Xnrwpi.il jiiiil ( li.i! Imto l>> niiiway. Till' Ndrwci'd liolrp.M ion ronsists of Hr T. ,\. Hn'fu'.i, I;, i-.ro.sidt iit of tho \(>r ii'ot' M;is)ii-"s- lien’s Mr. I st’i'. v'tary of tlio N'orwood 'h ii's ('liil>; Ml'. .1. 1). Huo\', M- ;nul i of ilio South- I’r. i I. (.’aninholl. . I* iUai'Hiv. Mr ’I'. Inurii- narris^J^lr. ,I O. I.oo, ; .;ii .iiiu .Mr. T. Col- r. ? o!\ ' tii'rJt about fhp ihf road and illus- .'U;' ■" a iiia\- sliowin*;' in- road and oxplainitis^ ;!1.: ; I'T (ho ('ountrv it is to huihl .1. F >!; Husiiit ' a Sm-\« i : Hon \ liari. \i Mr. i'. . >ri M' I r M' ' \ fi.. r.? ■ 'ia ' i ' I'l tilt :o:-c o Ti: ■ I :-, lial T!.: »ii hi '• r ro;i' ^ !- i\ >■ tt !d ,is to watch • ! ' . . V.. \\ f (lono so and 1-^ '■ ■ ■ '' i i l'i >oii inak-.' Cl>ar '• i‘« xx'- ( Ml >ou. too. fur '■■■ ' ■■ '' i , ! .>i'o.od raihi'ad ' ■ V . »w v i a:Io;io a s.-ction ^ a''M'iiu.‘/• ^>(.ltnd to I ;>>’ y’i: .''iiKi; .1 land liiat • ■ >■’ ' ■ I -': r.tu oi'ia. It is a ha.-; no t^iiperor • ■ I' \:;J ii is valuatdo for a 'va-OLi. n;\::u i\ tiiat a railroad ' ' v o .iil to t'hariotto : a urt-a.i n*'al of • ■ is. '.tit .0 I'l'Ui'ord, Sal- ;; I' !.- a kimi of ' '' ■ ' 1 !.’.• ■ I i';-.'r'c'\'i;illy hprak- ■ ;i'l . i.illi: ’ i do would • : • • > ' ■ 1.' a supiviriin^ aioa ' •■MVO d i- T( ’ ‘ ’O' : h'Mv ’I'.c road " I'uiK't for A >• f.)Ik and 'u: :mu1 ihore- wealth. >('un;ry .liat ni'.i'.i'.u' in that h" trnr.nt sy.-- wbore owry ni. a.' in'iMluof-d \t)un;.’.ost old wl'.c.'i.* ■ i M a'.wax.-' w and l i'ar. -tto f(U’ wit' ■I! 1 ih -Mr. ma in v.a"- w.cv of Iri' o al- business-llk€ manner ju&t the status of affairs to be considered i:i the build InR of the road. They each stated the mutual, advantages that would ac crue to Charlotte as well as to Nor wood by the construction of the road Ur. Hathcock said that as a people the citizens of Stanley w'ere intelli gent and thrifty and were anxious to connect more intimatelyy with the ouifa-ide world. "They have made money back there on their farms, even if they are taken at a disadvantage in disposing of their farm products. They are also \\1llin to send some of that money Char- lotteward.” Senator Bennett, of the senatorial district of which Norwood and vicinity is a I'arty was a striking figure at tlio meeting, having left a committee ast>ignmcnt at Kaleigh to be present at tho meeting. \s showing the interest of points in termediate between Charlotte and Nor wood a delegation was present at the meeting from Mint Hill, two of whom were Thomas M. Flow and Mr. F. W. Maun. Hearing that the meeting was to bo held here today, about -') citizens hastil.v got together at Mint Hill and apiioin'ted a delegation to attend the meeting and lend their hearty encour agement to the movement. Mr. Flow stated that every citizen of Clear Creek township was eager to liave the road built and that Cedar Creek would do its part in forwarding the work. Mr. D. A. Tompkins and Mr. M. C. Mnyer, both made short talks, stating tholr hearty and siu..-ci’e wish to see the project carried out and offering suggestions as to feasible plans to follow in the work. , it was agreed that Mr. C. O. Kues- tor. pr‘sident of the Greater Charlotte t'lub, and Pr. T. A. llathcook, presi dent of the Norwood Husiness Men's Club, of Norw'ood. should each appoint a committee of three to work together and to formulate plans for forward- ini? the movement as fast as practica ble. Creat enthusiasm prevailed at the •meeting and there Is eVery evidence that a feasible plan will be adojited and entered upon at an early date. These comn'ittees will make their re port at a joint meeting of the Greater (’harlotto Club, as members of that club, and the Norwood Business Men's Club. ininii'fiia te abcont. within thnn a minute thejeattfr ! was off. And RUi h an jtir cUnib as It | was Dircctlv fur ti;i» >ioiiii,i>rii-niost 1 Dircctly for the soutii flag: on top of the gramlstan Ing aviator cltinbed, hoi the wliile at an anjjie fall very far short of firee.'*;. The uind, wliJc had sprnnsr. slightly u the Jiouthwcst W'hJpped Steel structure, pulling: the plam-s and acrilon.s niai-'iiine in a wav iliat se iiiul down i:.,000' .^pine.s. wa.s bucldns like a wlien he cleared t!i disappeared view of tJie hind the .vh ing worse v to tllO s:0l Gettin Bof. out o com pi l)ird peculi tling- d? enough thrill.'?, V.- Ing, long toward il Simon V sharp a eiiarp nsrain he crowd .«hi pat’cn of th^ r.iinciitly in appr.r-.ntly .nt 11 He hud felt o flay before and' lirrity. And s breathl*fisly o' I’rji’.i-lKnan,. wor above its head, crait, flopped it n that, and in every tcry- over the beneath him. He over the inflf'ld, spiral glide, slowed dipped ahr.oEt to t rise eav-h time and outdo liis precedin; It was an exhibit! and the crowd ho and ug-ain. \Vhf to dar - ■er up and t him hitln little toy of I ler kep c\ery t from wov and threatened to send tli4 to the ground not one lots wa the lDm nd di • •OS9 le tl , cut and he was on, rising higher witJ times he faded almos' northeast. Then h( Jiter strata of ail urliing bad i)ig crowd FLEISHMANN’S FREE COOKING SCHOOL. Mrs. Sloane, Domestic Science Teach er will Demonstrate to Women at Y. M. C. A., South Tryon Street. A fine opportunity will be given tlio women of Charlotte each afternoon next wee];, at •‘>0. to learn the secrets of domestic science, especially in the way of bread-making, pastry cooking atid other delicious dainty .s«>crets of ing Bar ivas to( 16 rec ctd^n ev'e of higl e altitud air^iust fourtoei hree^ocondSi ac opt the judge ScticK unde noi.c dirJgi wtre c nevej ir. again ettied j tho fa jdg^>*s’ ! ccn;» had 1 For wait tho i to » irvely Bbstacle if something I s-.v« (.*t youn Toward averting the l|t!,f -land ^ler, therefore, he tvirn I escort' en ajain, leaped tha 1 j.) matcri'i'jfjtic, answeredbatJ. normcms crow^ V:nt fron^a novo An an%ouncc- t of a tewphoin ::nff aboA 4 3C 10 crowtl t«t C e opcratorlof c 1 has been u\doi 1 for t'ne last ch for some ‘wc\?ks e Lake Cliff hang- c.gin, to commf^nce ling flfeht over th« than-air and o?lf- Whcn an elon^atnd tline itself against ty at the conclu.^ion limb, therefore, tJic (s jumped to thf le oak Cliff man’i! >een successful and ol;ject afar off \«.a.= Comn«*re in his his opianes were forgot- being and all neck? all eyes averted* tc bag which was he western licavens ^8 th^y watclK'l f«Ac !!ed. “Oh. isn’t It Ju's ji'ixthing'’” :o e in the fronf r» a I, and her \\ id,:-s!-i .jl t’l an eye more Plngh lid r .1. I.d a-'ii‘ss !() all :. i aho i! ('n ' ast and that ■ ■most ft>r- r-11 I'f .ourround- -f'. . . •! a l.'!i-lid tribute ’ Samuol ■ d as a. warr,i ! ■:■.(* I f I 'ha;-l('t'e's I' ciTi'cn^. IniT.r,] h • thr> ropd and ■ KivirtUin t'naf the i«t vvi r rjghiecn or d.'!] ..■ per mile for was of the opinion I t’owc” Conipany's a.i .'l.o’ild ho siim- ! :. '0 tnar coinj^any !• .d dis(.osf'd to ta '■V hy oHU'ipls ()f the Souih- ' . d 't' consulted as to ad^'aii- ( 1 !. tU’C'!i Iii=. d.' n. o! ynrv.ood, showed ;.\al;l, i'i.)i.»i!y of the town- -' hi' !i it is proi>osed to "ad atnoiii.t.s 'o a million "f" d'dijir.-., Tliis, lie said, •’•Bi ^triKi!i;4 !dt'i;Cf.' fjf lljp wealth 01 th>; ser iidn ir asmuch as all this wa~’ rfa] aijfj l or.-ional proiierty, no iranutacMiring inierests lieing rcp- in rh' inhulaMon. fir. J.^ I. ( ampbell and Dr. T. A. Ha'iit'jcK I'.'ih inade tdlin.g speeches In favor of t}.-.' immediate institution of steps lo-s-.ing to tho imilding of the rc>ad Tlu-v are both prominent p'nysic;iar.b of Stanly countv and Dr. Caiupbell is a r;ativo of .Mecklenburg cor.nty. They told in a forceful and rn..,' fv ■ (■■■I tU; t int.", ■.! I. * ■ shd'ii'i iio>.n-; s; ta*. f OM.- ; I , ■ t ■ M f , rhips f'l: build il;( and a '■ ■ n ' .IMS nf a (do-1 cooking dear to the feminine heart. ' 'A ' "..I: Tlu- ,woj.\lis. Sloane is a Domestic Science '■ .. .if ai,d :I;nt, tli.-y giaduate, giving free lessons in the c ■ ;c;it f.;’ s'.K'b com- .ittractive art of baking. She is a cut that woniiin of culture and intelligence, ,::ivin^ to her demonstrations of Flolschmann s Yearst a most invalu able attiaction. Fach woman who attends these af ternoon lectures is given a Fleisch- mann cook book, and a taste of the delicious dishes. Ciroat interest is being shown in her '.\ork. as she teaches the art and the j case of making l)reads and cookery, j r^very woman should take advantage en-j(.f this oi>portunity, and every woman Charlotte is invited to attend M(mday. or any other day until Satur- (iay, the last day, when they will learn more lessons of how to make home happier than by reading books on tlie pulijecr. The practical subject of cocking is the key to happiness to the hard worl;- I ing husband, the school boy and girl, and to the tiniest member of the family. .Mr.*^. Sloane’s visit will prove a great benefit, if all housekeejiers can find opijortunity to see her before their very eyes. Hygienic cooking has long been neglected. Let the women awaken ta this exceptional opportun ity. Private lessons on bread every morning at 10 a. m. at school room. MRS. HODGES AT DR. ALEXANDER’S. Mrs. J. \v. Hodges, of .Tacksonville, Fla., arrived here last night to be the guest of Dr. Annie Alexander and Mrs. Lucy Halliburton. She came on ac-^ count of the illness of Dr. ,J. B. Alex-i ander. to wliom she is devotedly at- taclied. Dr. Alexander’s man.v' friends ^\i]l 1 egret to know that he is not so well today. Voted Against Canadian Plan il Ci: By Associated Press. Washington, D. C., .Feb. 17.—The house committee on foreign affairs to day voted against the Bennett resolu tion for Canadian annexations with Great Britain. The Fletschmann Cookin . Schools Everybody knows Fleischmann’s Yeast most people associate the word “Yeast" V bread-making only. Do you realize that a tr or more articles made and baked daily in Ar can homes can be made quickly, easily and 1 with Fleischmann’s Yeast than with anv . leaven ? ‘ The Fleischmann Co. has established Fleischmann Cooking Schools to instrucf housewives of America in the use of Rk mann’s Yeast in various kinds of bakiiip cooking, These schools are conducted by\ . ! ed Domestic Science Teachers, who give les* by actual cooking and baking in the preseiic ■ their classes, in our traveling kitchens. Mis. Sloane, Domestic Science Teacher, and one of our instructors, will c ; a Cooking School in the Young Men’s Christian Association Building, Soa;h J, Street, Charlotte, N. C., every afternoon, except Sunday, at 2:30 o’clock, from February 16th to February 25th, inclusive. You are Cordially Invited to Attend ain . • all of these lessons. These lessons are free to ■ public. Nothing sold or offered for sale. A copy of Fleischman.n’s Cook Book will ■ ; > given to each person who attends. 2HE FLEISCHMANN COMPANY MISSES HUTCHISON ENTERTAINING. Mis.s-es Anne Parks and Seleiie Hutchison are charming hostesses this atternoon to the V\ ^dnesdaj* Afternoon Bridge Club. Her Friends Expected Death Mrs. Johnson Describes Her Remarkable F^xperience, And Tells How She Avoided Fatal Result Mianii. Okla., Beatrice .lohnson, of this plfH >, ^ays; “i hau suffered with vomanl,'.' troubles, for 8 years. My back wfyuld ache, for a week nv ten days at a timo. Last fall, l was just a walking skeiet«.n. While visiting in Miami, my friends advised me to tr>- Cardui, the woman’s tonic, so I did. They all thought I would die, but by the help of Cardui I am well and hearty, and now weigli 1.38 jiounds. I cannot praise Cardui enough for the good it has done for me. Cardui is a woman builder. I be lieve I would have been dead, if it hadn’t been for Cardui. I will always recommend it to my friends, for i think It is just fine. ’ Cardui acts on the womanly consti tution. building up womanly strength, toning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly s.vstem. Half a century of Huccess, with thousands of cases beueflted, like the one de scribed above, amply prove Cardui’a real, scientific, medicinal merit. If you are ailing—suffering from any of thr> troubles so common to women— remember that Cardui is on your drug gist’s shelf, waiting to give you re lief and build up your strength. Try It today, N. IL—Write to: Toadies’ Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga. Tenn., for Special Instruc tions, and 64-|)age book, “Home Treat ment for Women,” sent in plain wrap per, on requeat Supenor Couit Read Jury Report The February term of the Mecklen burg superior court has been in session five days today and has disposed of a major part of the long docket that faced it. .Tunius Baringer, a ne.gro from Mal lard Cleek township, was found guil- ty yesterdaj" afternoon of carrj’ing concealed weapons, admitted that he was guilty of retailing. Lee Hunter another Mallard Creek negro, was ac- qtiitted of the charge of carrying con- coaled weapons. The episode at which the two Mallard Creek negroes placed themselves liable to be haled in court was a “festival” in Mallard Creek township, w’here a lot of booze and several firearms figured prominently. Grand Jury's Report. The grand jury made their report to .Judge .Justice this morning and were complimented by the judge and solici tor Wilson on the dispatch and busi ness like methods of doing things. The report follows: Charlotte, N. C., Feb. 16, 1911. To Hon. M. H. Justice, judge presiding, Charlotte, N. C. AVe, the undersigned grand jurors, respectfully report: ^We have received and passed upon 35 bills of indictment, returning 30 true bills and five not true. We ha.ve sent in two presentations. W'e have visited and Inspected the county home, the three convict camps, court house and jail and find them in ,cood condition, especially the county home, the condition of which is unu sually clean and sanitary. We beg to recommend the follow ing; For the county home, repairs to the plastering on walls, which is fall ing off badly, the purchase of a fumi- gator for use in contagious diseases and repairs to slate roof under cupalo. For the court house, lavatory on first floor, which we think should be placed In the office of the clery of superior court. For the jail, repairs to the plumb ing and heating apparatus and new table for kitchen. Respectufully submitted, J. R. VAN NESS. Foreman grand jury. FASHIONABLE marriage. Of keen interest to society people here will be the announcement of the approaching marriage of Miss Elsie Smelts and her sister. ]\liss Hilda Smeltz. Mis-s Elsie Smehz is to be married to Dr. Henry Collier, of Nor folk, .April 6th. -Aliss Hilda Srneltz i? to follow her sister's example on the 22nd inst her fiance being Paymaster Van Bu- ren, of the United States Navy. Miss Elsie Smeltz is charmingly re membered here as the guest of Mr&. H. H. Forgua. Jonesville, S. C. Visited By Fiie By Associated Press. .Jonesville, S. C., F'eb. 17.—Fire of unknown origin today burned proper ty valued at $60,000 in the heart of this town. All buildings burned were occupied by mercantile firms. Fire fighting apparatus from Union was sent to the scene but could make no headway against the flames. FREE TRIAL OF SAMOSE. LADIES’ AUXILIARY TOMORROW. All important meeting of the I.adies’ Auxiliary to the Young j\Ien’s Chris tian Association will be held Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock 'o plan for the 1 eception to be given rt the Young Men’s Christian Association Tuesday evening of next w’eek. livery member of the Auxiliary is e:vpected to be pres ent. AFTER A MONTH AT THE HOTEL ASTOR. MrS’. Thos. W. Alexander will have an attractive guest today, her sister, Miss Margaret Spruill, of Rocky.Mt. Miss Spruill and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Spruill, have just re turned from a months’ stay at the Hotel Astor, New York. MRS. MASON'S CARDS. Handsomely engraved cards reading as follows were received today: Mrs. Clarence Eugene Mason will receive at lier home nineteen hundred and nine East Seventh Street Tuesday, February twenty-one from four to six o’clock Mrs. Thomas Andrew Capps. Children who have Sewanee Defeated. Nashville, Tenn.. Feb. 17.—In a live ly contest here last night the Universi ty of Nashville basket ball team de feated the team from Sewanee, the score resulting 28 to 18. Grape-Nuts With cream or milk For the cereal part of Their morning meal Can study better, and Do not get faint and Hungry before noon. Grape-Nuts is easy to digest And a perfectly balanced food For body and brain. “There’s a Reason” Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. I Flesh-Forming Food Given on Ap proval by Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. ould you like to be fat and plump and strong and hearty? Here is a chance so to do it without risking the loss of a single pentiy. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co., our well known druggi.sts, have a new treat ment called Saniose, which they are selling on approval, that is said to be a true flesh-forming food. It is in tab let form retailing at 50c a box. If it does not increase the weight, fill out the tliin scrawny form and re store health and strength, there W'ill be no charge whatever for Samose. Go to JnO. S. Blake Drug Co. today and get a treatment of Samose with their promise to refaind the money if it does not do all that it claims. Before commencing the use of Sa mose have yourself correctly weighed and note the gain from week to week. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co.’s faith is shown by their offer to refund the money if it does not increase flesh and restore good health. They really give you a free trial of the preparation, for unless it does in crease the weight it will not cost a cent. Four Months On Roads Tom Sadler, a negro who entered the home of Alonzo Holt, head waiter in the Central Hotel, was tried by a jury in the suprior court today and was sentenced to the roads for four months. His case was forwarded from the police court, the testimony against him being conclusive that he entered the house. He has only recently been releasd from th chain gang, having ^ryed a term of sixty days for disor derly conduct. Impoitant Meet W \AwJul Alte^ve G. C. Club To-night p^i fQ ^fegro Man An important meeting will be held b.v the Greater Charlotte Club toniglit in the assembly room of the Sel- wyn hotel, where matters of great im- l)ort to the entire city will be discuss ed. The following call is sent out from the oflSce of the Greater Charlotte Club: A Meeting for Charlotte — The Ques tion of the Hour. The Greater Charlotte Club has, of late, been holding: some intensely im portant meetings, and the things ac complished at these meetings will have a very decided bearing on the future development of the city, and especially the work done to secure the new' rail road. The w'ork for the city is, however, not ail overe—there are still some mat ters of vital import to the welfare of Charlotte, which the club must take hold of and Avrestle with right now. The most Important of these is to be pdesented to the club on Friday night of this week. You are interested in all that con cerns the future of the city and hence you will not fall to be present on Fri day night, February 17th, at 8:30 o’clock, Selwyn hotel. Remember: Time, 8:30; place, Sel wyn; date Friday, 17th. C. O. KUESTER. W. T. CORWITH, President. Secretary. Raid Clean Aown's Rubbers. Reading, Pa., Feb. 17.—Hyde Park, this county, experienced a rubber scarcity, the result of w'hat is thought to have been a systematic theft at the hands of a band of night prowlers. With few exceptions, every home in the borough was visited about mid night last night and the overshoes car ried away. Accepting the least of two evils, G. A. Davis, a negro, took a senaence f six months on the public roads this morning in preference to being sent to the superior court. He was accus-ed of stealing clothes from the pressing club of John Brown. When arrested he was wearing the clothes, and his only defense was the lamentably weak one that he had purchased them for one dollar. The recorder told Davit that a plea of guilty to forcible trespass would mean a sentence of six months on the roads, while otherwise the case was to be forwarded to the superior court and that it would not be heard until April, when the accusation would be a felony. Davis thought he would be fortunate if only &ix months of his liberty was taken and he accepted che terms. Children Cry FOR FLETCHE.R S CASTORI/ Children Cr FOR FltTCHEf, S CASTORIA AND Skin Affections WHETHER ON INFANT OR GROWN PERSON CURED BY ZEMO AND ZEMO SOAP. —Rev. Mr. A. W. Plyler* pastor of Trinity Methodist church will lead the vesper sedvice at the Y. W. C. A. on Sunday afternoon, at 5 o’clock. AN UNUSUAL OFFER The Tryon Drug Co. say to every person, be it man, woman or child, w^ho has an irritated, tender or itching skin to come to our store and pro cure a bottle of ZEMO and a cake of ZEMO soap and if you are not en tirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money. So confident are we of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this un usual offer. ZEMO is a clear liquid for external use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the most economical as well as the cleanest and most effec tive treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on infant or grown person. 1-4 to 1-2 Sec Oir W’indov/ Book St{9 12 N. rrvoii ; Talking Yet Of Mayoralty Men The municipal pot is still seething, to again make* use of the sterotyped expression, but there are only two candidates in the fleld thus far. They are the incumbent. Mayor T. W. Haw kins and Dr. Charles A. Bland. Other names save been suggested, but no other gentleman has thus far announced his,candidacy for the May campalign. Friends of Mr. Morris Mc Donald have urged him to announce himself, but he has steadfastly refus ed up until now. Fact of the matter is that several names of prominent gentlemen, any one of whoiy would make a good show ing in the camplign, have been spoken of in groups, but little of a definite nature has been done. Looking at the situation today, after talking to some of the knowing poli ticians of Charlotte, it seems that the opposition to Mayor Hawkins will cen ter upon Dr, Bland, who appears now to have the support of one solid fac tion. Each day, however, the mayoralty campaign grows more interesting here. Light Cake —bread that makes eating a pleasure— pastry that “flakes”— depend on the flour that goes into them. Wise cooks use William Tell Flour and ne^er have ' a baking failure. It is economical, too—makes] fmore bread to the sack than] Jmost flours. ^ JA sack in your pantry takes care^ [of every baking need. Flour For talt your grocer’s. George Washin Never drank as good coffee as we re selling t'''(lny. were not such perfect facilities for cleaning." tniKiinu. ' and grinding as we possess and which enable us to - r' at 20 to 35 cents a pound, with better coffee than the father ever tasted. Order a trial pound tomorrow. Sugar at Refiners’ Prices. Pure Baking Powder, 20c a pound. Rice, Cocoa, Chocolate and Teas at Jobbers' Pricc?. Beautiful Portraits of Washington Free tomorrow. C. D. KENNY :-'y Y 23 South Tryon Street. Cash Cou This coupon i.] cent discount, ■ IS and Monday - Name Special Cash ''■ Electric Table Ivani;' Shades. Address Regular pricc.s $2 ■ ' The coupon will save you from 40c to SI.70. T. rn- of purchase. SMITH ELECTRIC (M 13 West Fifth Street. -itC. trl ■ - )i| I ho 1)1 ' hi.'Si' it''. lI Heal Salt f'opuh ■ ue Mol ■ropf,?;/ ’^'hv ■^in K ::n\\ The -aid, "inir.h.1 ■ io' ■asreri •on&, lOir ■ '■ :'l!rovl '-one • 'aid \hi i:ToriI ■h, 'i’he itishl ■'^rsonf f^ccomi ■oria ' ill be ‘ 'ueon‘1 •he ui

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