m QUICK RESULTS.USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT .\ WORj) ’fss THE CHARLOTTE ONE S ; . . TiO^. OL 2. NO. 1 CHARLOrrE, N. C.. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19, 1911 -* ^ PRSCE 5 CENT iiQ |[ li NATl '.ii OB. WILE! r i' I' - After IM'. VI W. 1 ' in ■ li’.e lit’'!'.-' t- . ; •! • , hai! (). cinrrd Min' . i! • -n )•■ il-i’p rn'.;d:'” .md ■••I I" *1 ';lart> i d fi'-r h»':^i'h 1)1' Kti : i"Pt: 1 III ' .11': A. ( \l»b ii I. nil i’ «-f hvtii'^iic at iiir ' .... i\ .4H..I, (icoi';rr 1. : ■:' ! 'u- \'"rrH iario:i •■’id ; -'! •••lOii and Dair'. Pinn 1 ‘ • • ininnu men • , • : • Club r'.-i ■ di'n^.Uid:- for a r *. f- ■pii 1 > . \\ ': r * . " V \ c ^ : I. • i;:ri. Y' don t ■1 . ^ V. >, t ,k: - U't '.1' .irc r- t .’j -' • lio ■i : .^0 ■ .1 i! . ■ .t’t : i ' •• . ;.i .r.- V )d III!;. a- b i ■ ■ .. ■ 1?5 t r. 1 ro'.in- T i'-' \\ • rar do ■ ; ■ : 1 - . ■ u .'■V..V al 1' . r! ' i ■ . ivn,.v ■ >. ■ ■' i ' >.■ .h'. ■ V. . 5 1 '■ . >: ii'.'t :• V b.- • h.O bO!->! r •• -•-..a . :1. • ■ • lo.-.r ;ip •rnu:-' - a'.'i'-:. !'-e li’ V ol CVR^ES CViE- )LD \0U MAVENTT CrOT AWVTHIMG OW ME ! THE SPRl^NiCr A YOUWe- MANS FANJCYETI TFAKS OF JOY -^b VO WtlATHEC FORECAST STREETS OF Warlrnc^f^n. Kol'. —Foi'f c;irT for ■'nr>'];!v aiul .'Tonday; \t'’i iiiui South I'aroliiui. '•aui ;-'niidci> ;md yrob i> \ionda\ ; «'oldor: nioderate > north to ii(>; Ui\\ C‘^^1 iTid’=^. PICTORIAL COMMENT ON CURRENT TOPICS. Why The Favoi ■|CI' isii. iO Pil I -•rs m^nf ■ ». « P* m -Jf Su' WILL If (BY W!i L! Ottrivj; , j oii.]''’:e hn'’;]Mr- j 1 he (■• 'fol (!!' I wlieri' 'ho dicar. ‘3-rea’i.rss of rlio -,f .11 o- , v~ ,ia' i' • . ! '- ai h > .iv tad ’I ' ■ ■ ..11..'.* I() kill ii ;-iTf’ lie :.-5 ■ in ’ hi.■ ’ ; "I! p! ii‘i ■• ;t •. • n'K i'.i I- I ii;p ..1'1‘i FSREiELL TO HoysE TIED yp IN siyee mi PlLIBySTER Special to The Sunday Xews. Wadesboro. X. C.. FeV). 38- liusiest time of the day, a little aftei -1 o'clock this afternoon, .lames Allen, formerly a member of the police force (By OTHEV.AN 3TEV, AlbiKierque, X. '.1.. I' b i ole Sam refuses siaieho^. d and Xew ]\Iexico he Vvi!! position of a father wh two boys arrive at the a;.,e sists on their weariii-r , iars, knickies and i kers up in curl ]ia,)ers'. lie server here can see ir^ :e ever for hosi arion ab . bunting makers ordeid n. , stars in the field of the . .New Mex-j lu- i ico sends her calling card into the i-.vi!' 1 president with a t-nns: t • ' ■ mtist appeal to hv- , ment. And Arizou'i Wi.i - self with the cd' :i •.> ' w- ' party, tl.e one 1!. c -.•o ihe . ' ' ' > o Ai be 11. S(!i) : l.» o j • I ih.r'- iiiC> '.A- • ‘ ;i ' .it' ai.'l l.iid , ,1, I ’C . u t' ^ij\ I' -ri:' VcMk. Feb. '. .1 ;■ h'-irc^i' 'va I.' d 'OU; Di'i'-:;- t-'i'Pfd iib.'iii'd 'hr ^'arii'iiiniri 'n riii; ii.u' Ku,. I'i on ; i ij) ','t the itou'I’l'-'ioii l>c^uu :U-;r; T. tnor.' 'I' ll! ' A . !iour;- ltLt'u''C , ..ilii.i. i;uie '.'io\\:l.' of nifu and v-u- ;i ''i:! ihr >nu'd li'.e I'icr ! "i 'l!'? ti' V.l '."iiSil TH.' d |i. ! IvU'Jrii.-h !:U''‘uind '.i a iii'ir ,i! •• 11 oiio';. l.ju- Docies and 1' 'V.l i.'l, i'-,. .1. (iouid, ' ;..]i(nvpd by I.O‘d I )' ■ .' il' ' iluti. Ki.‘- -nd^ o! 'bo ^^'a^•hinston. n. C., i'eb. IS.—With but m Ugiyiaine ilayb remaining of DON'T STAND HELPLESS BE- , Hatnmond a' ot the siaue hv u.-m. FOR A “SELLING TASK!” ♦ i shot ana killed ' w the sacred A-,Pri. ♦ inegro on Rutherlord street, m. the „ ^ ^ I center of town. i wa.-' of Heif-govei ur.Trrt. , ■ The side walks were crowded with! S'.ippo'^in.t;'tuai Mr. '!'h!' Z even 'h' Uas'e." dan-t'^'T tlie ♦‘Saturday traders, and in a few niiuu- : xuna's .barter, i, can a.. ♦ task loom up beb.ire > ou in an ♦ tes the town was in t rernendous oxcite ♦ intimidating -way. and label ♦ i itself "impossible. 'nc' more i.i.e\''?li '0 .(Ud and Cannon. An a., iiiuht bjr fQj. tonighl. ^cd Xwivw e.scicn t:; proin- 1 », ..I'd. : b’- I . in"'-'.-'. Ml;- Hid -li'i Olbt^i' i’i' or iM: M' ■ ; n 10' of a'! G(> at il in the ‘‘sane and ♦ sirnplc way"—start in?: a mod- est ‘'want ad cami'aign," to con- ♦ I this ^C:ssion of congress an«i much iui-l.^ tinue (without interruption and Iportunt Icijisiati'jn. including several -O- withoul. misgiving) until your ♦ aiipropriaiion bills to i*ass, the house | ^ propert\^ ^ , , !♦ !be nonce of ihe OX I.. Rk.-) I ♦ nod up HI a fillibuijter conduced i-ji vEPi TV TOW X ♦ b> Kei'resentauvc;' James K, Mann, of^ Chicago, ehiei lieutenant ot Speaker I'se The Xews’ classified i»age ♦ '♦ —acknowledged to be the ♦ ♦ ihe greatest • pullinc " page pub- ♦ lished iw Carolinas. ♦ 31r Mann sa>.- ilv' reason !'or his ,.^ cour.ie in bis opposiiioa to liie omui- ^ One cent a word. Always on bus Aar . lainis and o^onime navy P^Qe ♦ elaims bill ^'■hi■; ll, he charges, con-i ^ ^ iaiur- mHii>' item,' dra'.ving u;oney ft'om’ the ircj-jury fiia^ should not have been! alio'.ved. is -bt'tig ayrHnted iu hiw’f ligb; by iite Xe"' England contingent t .'■liich i-j incen^cd at the action of the' liouse committee on claims in tnrowinei ivom the i>iil the trench spoliation' ela'ms. i Il is cloak-room gossip about tlie i house, however, that other reasons 1 ma: '.ie back of tlio hllbuster. I' is as-1 ^^crted there is a concerted movement i on 'he part of the republican leaders; in congress to force an extra session! and thereby require the democrats.; to take respons-ibility for the passage j Special to The Xews. of the Canadian reciprocity treaty or'. . , „ , its failure. There is a republican be-! Higli Point, reo. In. A hor lief also, that the democrats are not icommitted at ft\e o clock ready to present their tariff revision | morning in the Cloverdale section ^jj bills and cannot get ready at an early , vrne one aecoruii;;; v.r. I as s'.)on as ho b^d i ni- ■ I ment. ;joriiy, i; ran him! dniriuit It seemed Inijiossible to get at ihe|Pii;;(.( aj] ti,p pi-ovisi.in, I vijje on'. Out here tli ^ fact. number of iliose wlio were with in a. few feel of the two men, claim that there was no provocation, and that Allen shot without even a wor..l. | ..^^j ,,)• (-x(cutive while others H'scrt lliai the negro !X(, i-easou visible (■' \\;il ■ sc''i;s S(;( to be: Cau we t.H'-v .be > v ,■ neces-sary or must we ,i>:i'.s isriaer ;Liai:d.-'. 'i'i.ei'f;' I lie r.ak'i e; ii'f I ..il ■ I. ,11 l5.' r . ;’ar;ji I ;ml liial ssarv to tacked vighi, wiiy either :i;-y should b'- Allen :uui iba no was shot after being oidereil to keep away. 1 ho i ij, leaaing strings, negro was shot •twico and fell to ihej a jp Xew rvle\iro exei’yihing dor side walk, and dieu in a few minute.-j approachi;ig act.cii :'f V\ilhout niai\ing an\ siatement. 1 oongres.s oi' the ’presideiii. Rigbl at Mr. Allen walked kj tlu- court liouse i bolder are waiting tbousauds o 'I' I- I'I ib-“ t r.nispi.n :i (ion (ieniands. ' .M' iV\ii figures.' i-a.'r;- !ie. ■•simw .hilt IIk',0 V, as a iMt;i| rvpnrl (his I I of vwi'vi: ih"o;;,'i^ Mk' I niw'i- Oi iiiisiM'ls. y,)i! ou! wb^t that liH'au.-.' Iia\e .'(M! roiisldcn'd wiiai frii ilitir’^ will lie KMiuired to trnris- yORRIBLE Gf» ;.nd surrendered to the sheriff, and i settlers- and luindieds of !'*'■> encr-KMis |ii;.!Ui'y ..r gia n is in jail. He claims thai j fjiQnsands of dol'ars lor investment, aifacked him. and was ad\aticuig | Xew Mexicans i‘#*si s:»renely awaiting him. It is also asserted that ' action because liiev believe thai tliev had previouslv lhr('aiened to kill AI-; forestalled obje. t ions. len. The killing took place in front ofl the place of business of the Ct^roner. .'\dani Green, and the Itody was taken j .- Dr. Covinglon's nfiK-e-and ai: in STABBED WIFE 0; >osi held. 'fho .iur;.' found a verdict, charging -Mleti wit 11 ihe kilhn.u. 1 be exaniina- tion of tliO bod>’ showft that both | shots strucl; him in th'- bnck. and tiie, evidence v.as that 'he tii'st siioi vent; v. ild and Hammond v, as getting away ^ wiien he was sliot, tlie last shot strik-| ing iiim as he endeavored to go iiii!)| Hill's store. i To add to the general excitement,! llrere are reported four fisi lights and: all within tiie houi', but none of Ib.em : resuliiug seriousl>. j frc.m ihf \v''.eat fi( !'is i!i ihe W'e.si Pui it r.i itni,'. 1 Mit.and.iiou ii'ivdn'ls. nnd 'o Ii:ins]-.o!': it '.'.ijiiid rcqi'.iif' IT tr;?!\i.-i daily fi>:’ "on da's. cue!' n’:',in hnvii'c: iu cai". V. i;b l.o.n u,:Miel.', d 'vbi,-;'^ i*"' ea-' ii car " •.'T (1; ' '■’■e-'.en' • nf».i -n e io Ofiawa, wher.- sen!im*-nt ySEO Til n ri r * f ble a . t '■ ■ tl. I ]l II ■ -.v i” S'-; : • li ' t tii'-n .or.' of High Point by a white man named ui o::tra session be'caTled^^l'^e'^^- who came to High Point 'S'ori... Feb. I.''.—A iensaliona. , ,, , , . I date. Should , „ -c,- . , ?.• !given to ;ue f.earca tor miss-Kj^p democrats would have to take ttpi ^ >eais ago. His age about ing neroth. \rmd ! lod-iv when Fian-lthe question ol a general revision • ... ,4 - , f • • i ,1 -11 .jnri Attor getting up this morning I- l; .Mn.I.I ot th- missing he ta.iff, and an » lere a„a ^ ih.i h-j luiJ not I’.'amoa reiision .>uuW ^loik ,1,^ hi, lamih' ^ aisL.omi .uie. ikilling her aimost instantly, fie Mr Mann bc.gan bis fight against the! 5 ’ , ° i „• i,:,. nnd inerdp oi lart? in the ea^o. ;,s omnibus claims bill shortly before h ; h n i' iij-rn. rv^d, ai'i'f^aVd , i I .\i 0n;0 What Congress Did lo - (ii>'‘.vei no ■]ii mil infovmeci went over to the home of his I , , ..on-in-lav,-. William Miller, a short dis- v. rv-i, appouton -3 i)i^- noon : es erday. There was a recess A hitnmn to bogir an iii-M" o clo» k lasi night mini 11 same knife attacked :\liller. . .•»( eoia* (ni' > ' ■' '!';•} 1 !i' ao !' ’ '•■'T Mb'''* “f i- "•■■2niil7.r. a M ind b\ ap a-.! Iir>tl'. '.'!!! !■'. bui '' Ml not •r i-atf- braI'b. --ti.-ji^.on that v ill eo'ni-! IV.C01 )or of h's fdm.il vv i'.o mi \ er> j^ight has since gone i both sides of tlie i.i'^ast, bt under the parliamcntaiy wounds that will lik^'y !'H to Incorporate Nevj Raih oad tictiou of a continuing legi&lative day fatal. I'l tainc. i f, ii 1-no. o^'"'1official | it]■) a reading of the bill and amend-: Speeks then disai)peared and the livato to reveal c> cr.vthiu.g ; ments, and many calls lor a duorum.. not been able to locate Last night it was thought Ml’. Mann had won hif. fight when he accepted; Speeks is mentally xinbalanc.;d. He Mr. Underwood's motion to take a here from an insane asylani and recess because the hour at which ^ i^jy family and friends have for some the recess was to end w as the same ; time regarded him a dangerous char- hour as-fived under a resolution of the|acter, on account of his mental con- Yesterday he gave one of liis severe whipping ard she lii jiin’^' Speaker Cannon ruled, however, that j left home going over to the home of ' " ' ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ■ ' Il is ii'ilir. iid mii'h'- h'lve learned. Th"^ districti? .Tltoiney signified his ii'teniion of e(>inply’ng with the re- t]iiCoi of the father so soon as evi- ;ien^e ‘=ho'.\ing liLit a crime had been comiain'' fi iiredueod. ( By Jemes French Dcranc.='.) Danxiiie. ill., i''ei) 1 - ’l'h- N’ernii' io:) r-oni:try grand _iMr 'vlii-l' Tori ivjf)fe tiU’n a. luonih !v>v k'.-i. itvoi- i ing inti' wboh'saie i’l v'fo- ^ 1.. at last (.^n i.be trai! or iv\!» '0i; • mous campaign funi ■■ ■ iti. Ji -i ■■ i- ’ leged to 1)0 I'osijon.-ibli' f"r r* : nn of .losepb 0. Cannon to cr-gr; in "■ 1 1‘tON and r.tlO. ■ In the presidenti’:i! '‘V!' tii- ( 'O't Washington. D. C., I''eb. i*'.—What j i ai-iel is said to ha'e •;..''i u 1 congress did today; | 0'.i(* for use in his co.i:..i. In the senate; Sulloway service j trict. tbo eiglitoeu'.h liiino -. Ii. • ■ > . - iiens-ion bill debated. Measure will add I eic^t.’on last fall fbo •: ,1? about 000,uiH) to the roll which now ! said to have i)ecn avails'/’ i'-r exceeds ri50,u00,000. { milicn county air. 10. Eulogies delivered on the late Sena-; i:>nnv:ile is I'ncie .ro..' - ' ''n ;o. tors Clay and Dolliver. land Venniiio): bis h.,>:;io ’o.W ^ I loniinion Mierri uers fa \oy ri 1. 11 a 111 »'• 1 ; ■ a o i''fie(’l n !• ''.a! ous- fror,! IU I ,ti^ n h; n f.a . ;t!. ‘i hioii ;:v' U.--; ;. V' (J. A, l-'e,u; O'..:. ■' 1). !'I'l.-.ichi.ig ■ iio (leld ' " Z';!!!.’--. a Tnin- ■>■,’ • r'1,1. roM. ii'Mivil.l.i l,i)l ' .! ! roul 1 re. U i’Si ('Oi>'.: that tiie Mr. \rnold lettnued 'to his home to tjie house to meef on newjciitioii Yesterc irt at ciioo 111 tv'curo the additional j , , that ^ idcn.-e ^v1nf.h v, oubi baAv ;; bi.anng! Speaker Cannon ruled, however that ^ left home gon tart idcn'"t ^■'h^ch v,oubl on th; c.ise a'.' sugco.-tod by .Mr. \Mjit man. ■'[ cannot discus^." r-aid .Mr. Whit- while the house had no authority to Mr. Miller, her brother-in-law. do what it had done, it had taken cer tain action with reference to the re- Lorimer gave notice he would speak j st ranger.- in liis own defense next Wednesday, aro toid ^ Cummins announced that legislation t(* u.=o J' for reorganization of the civil service wic!.' ihaj tne rt( will be presented at liie ne.t session, 'asking. All or 9 iiii’o o;h Finance commiUee decided to hold the votes are to 1- had ' .hearings, on the McCall reciprocit.v bill next Monday and Tuesday. Supporters of the agreement have given up hope of getting the measure passred at this session, as it cannot be brought into (he senate before Wednesda.v. which ^\ill leave only eight legislative davs tor IIS’ consideration, with half a i. cr do I. • fi • f :i disi ;i ir: ;.-hr. •1)1 ';i' a I 1 ill do what it had done, it had taken cor- believed that the father becaiv? an.^ry dozen appropriation bills and other im- I*;*’ , • with his wife and daughter on account cfm tn ho rUcnnKdH g.ana ... la man, v.hat trant;pired ai the inter-i c^-'ss and there was no w'aj lo cscape wirb Mr. .-\rnold. }[e rp.me to me j such action. -hat could be done i 'uuntrinl • io ^e c;. ’!‘i> f:.;-!'!!'! ' *heh»J’’ ^>ad never before Wo'ii’in rail-if’‘'mTmunica>’d with me and seemed ad fnmi Win-' ' I had talked with some O'K' over rho tolepbone at his home \ - h ■•ffrrod an ou! j on February 4;h, who imrported to be I form .I..r\i:- 0'Uif\ I I'irn. He said he had never spoken to Var-b. ,jko. T'i.tnk-ime .'ind had not 'allod me on the tele- .lohn- n countic- .. ! plione on T’ebruarv 4th. He hatl never - - i hea’*vl of ■anv prfvious talk.” omcstecder's Push. .Mr. .Arnold beyond expressing the I I.. }•( b 1-Large I belief that his daughter is dead, would ■V :t • l;« i isri'. a. I'tral Xt-vaili diiK'Ufrs any of the facts he presented or v. ill present to ?Ir. Whit man hearirg upon the suggestion that ihe dijaiJpearanco of hi& daughter in- ritf( rtliig 4,‘M‘7' V ol' es a crime, hut said he will never ease to search for f he mystery is solved. nrl • il! hf' 'hro'vn open 10 r (>i', \ti’il I - th a.-; a r*- t ,.n., irf'tn ‘'ore..I ro-or- ri /-.reiyrv of liitcr- t. >vl - I' . , rn •'e-in'al ‘'otorade and j cease to search for the truth nnt'i r' ndictments Returned Against M. Bonilla And Othei Leadeis o 'fftriF. F\>b, “■ turpfd toda'" the I niiod Indict men'H Christmas, his chief lieutenant, and losepb W. Heor and . ,, , Flo. ian llabibi in connection with the . nd jury again.-i .Manuel tilibustering expedition on the ■ider of tho revolutiofia»'v; | v. hidi sailed Irom this I'ort iigaiusi ihe J’divimirnation of last Ijtceuiber. Wake Forest Put It On Caiolina Special to The XeAva. Wake Forest, ?v. C.. Feb. IS.—Wake Forest turned the tables on the Caro lina teaiTi toniglit by defeating them by the score of :iS to 16. The game was fast and hard fought from the be ginning and was interesting through out. The first half ended 15 to Ui in Wake Forest's favor while Wake For est won tlie second half 23 to fi. The crowd was the largest of the season. For Carolina, Smith was decidedly the star, w'hlle the playing of Beam. R. Holding and Utley was decidedly good for Wake Forest. The line-up: U. of N. C. Position. Wake Forest Smith Left Forward..R. Holding Tillett .... Right Forward Beam Ritch Center....B. Holding Duls Left Guard Dowd Harris, Long..Right Guard Utley Referee. Cartnerr, of Carolina; um pire, Crozier, of Wake Forest. Field goals. Smith 2. Ritch 2, Duls 1, Haynes 1. Holding, R., 4, Beam 7, B. Holding 3. Utlev 2, Fouls, Smith 3, R. Holding 6. Tlie referee of the Wake Forest team was v)eifect in Dowd and Utley while B. Holding at centre played a fine game. In fact, it may be said that the playing of the whole team was sensationaL Wake Forest plays Charlotte pit Charlotte, Friday, Feb. 24. of the latter having left home anJ that this wag the real cause of his atrnctous crime. It is also believed that he would have killed his daughter this morning had he found her v hou ho v ont to the Miller home. Speeks was supported bv h!^ wife and children, and for some time ^h-oy 1 ave been making an effort to got him in the state hospital at .Morganton, feeling, as they did, that during one of his attacks of insanity he mi^'hr, con.- mit some horrible crime. Head-On Collision Neai Concord Passenger tran No. 3S, on the Southern, and a switch engine col lided last night beyond the yard lim- it.s at Concord. The switch engine had bsen left on the main line, and 3S ran into it. It w’as a hoad-on col lision. Bothe engir.es were badly dam aged but no one was hurt. Fortunate ly the moving train was not under full speed, having but cleared the yard limits at Concord. The switch engine was partially derailed. The^ northbound train was consid erably delayed, as it took some time to clear the track. provided t':;o prico -'s r'J.' :\t first lbe> v.’'.‘n!d ij;'. ■> v\ !.■ that I'ncie .loo has n > o; p i and tliaf he wo'ild t'^o foir'ls!-! 10 ; his good money evon th •n-;!- h'' jTioro millions than L'O ii-.s one i-and. Hi.s loii;^' k. vi'-- - '■ in‘.*;ton—since isTU. witi' ] ■: ' uj)”—would seem io cn roi' hr.' if :)!; i .• to inve.stigate his iw>) paign«. It found the rocii-.i.n.’ a; had rid itself of Man!': ‘ ■ es and colors wiiic^' li j..o\ “federal cluqnr" ’i-it'w o- found the reasons r.ft-r ^ c-i going, smilin.'r. 'i io . ! 1- ■ I] portant measures still to be disposed of. In the House: Naval appropriation bill laid aside by vote of 19.' to ISO and omnibus claims bii^ taken up. Mann immediately bc;ian a filibuster against the bill, on the ground that it ' contains many claims that should not he allowed. In order to pave the way v^tate's attorney int the di^^ca' for discussion of the bill. Speaker Can- ter it had broken with tho sIt r. non made a novel ruling, holding that discarded the instru tions the recess order of the house last night limitations imposed by the was valid, and that today continued as \\iiich created the lnqi!i‘-:i. i ’n. the legislative day of Friday. I’ncle .7oe doesn't need to ' u' Attorneys for the Anti-Imperialistic in Vermilion county, vrt h' fii' League filed a brief with the commit- manager E. X. Lesmif ! i .for tee on in&ular affairs, making sensa- finds it expedient to ii tioual charges against Governor-Gener al Forbes and the officials in the Phil ippines Friar land sales. CO n V 'nhit- > ilO S’ Memoiy Of Davis Honoied Senator Lorimer to Speak. Washington, Feb IS.—Senator Lori mer gave notice today that he would address 'the senate next Wodueiday on the question involved in the charges of bribery in connection with his election. "Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 18.—The scmi-centennial of the formation of the Confederacy end inauguration of Jefferson D^vis wlis celebrated with exorcises on the capitol portico at 1 o'clock this afternon. Addresses were delivered by Governor O’Neal and General George P Harrison, com manding the Alabama division. Unit ed Confederate Veterans. A feature was the decoration of the star marking the spot where .lef- ferson Davis stood when He took the oath of office.J) Charge Cu (fit M Montgomery. ,\la 1.-'.. IL ment prevails'in oit^ '.ai • i.cU.-s i''’ ' .1 county as the resni; (.•' c re 10 ■; mitted by the grand inr, odc-v t v- demning the alleged ' e' k: ' 9 ':1 r '- less exepnditure of the cr« i!'.ty'H ' i> . by the board of revn'io f' • th ■ provement of one of ihr* In .aid , i ... ! hers personal proiiort;'. t^'^is di rection it was report(.a uas .Ti;y If I }M ■ n )W Fit |l: li I' 1 'S'. ’‘f- K . I. ■ ; ;!|r)l’H - ' I • -it . ‘ J .M ■ !■;•.! iis" 1!' '..(i i-iiiHi j'. i''.'- ric ■! il- t'.’ vr,i.-:», , ('Man': li .-■■Ii’nir ■ 1) 11 >( 'i " ■ ; i| , 1 ; > ■, , ,-.r, 1 i ■■ T; •1 . r ic!. ‘ 1 / ' ; ■ ‘ -A 1 ■ > ,1 : ol ' ’ !'■’ \ .i * . .J \i : 1:’! cV. i’

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