r QUICK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD^ Latest Edition 'est Edition 43. NO. 69b7 Wave Is ^elt Ovei Laige Section of Country CHAHLOTFE, N. C.. TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 21. 191 ! PR J In Charlobta. 2 cents a Copy Daily—5 Cents Sunday I Outside Char! o tte, 5 Cents a copy Daily and Sunday ■ t ill ('v'ry i ' « I ilu' mvlh 1 r It'll tli(' ha- '■'inL, ilj.l ii'clies iM" f!u' i ■ (I in Ilu- liiv'i’oaso in ' fr. .•■’ill •, r '! t)!>:; li PU>ri(iu r !:f ;liG ■ • v'’i mminnc 'nv ill ;.!l Mi.-tric-ts • . '^r vi tl;-, ■ ill p»e I ■ ’ ■ in Ilu-' mi!f I \' 1 ntif I n l'':i»ri(la and ■ ' in oontral icon. I J i '^'’ o tl'.or . ' ’ ■ I' - 1 1' Tt' i -■ • 'a>5t ni^l’T ! a boa''y . lr.n;T>. ; , 1*''' i» r r ^ • , ;ii i'.,f toll ?•- t t>t' tbe ll ■ t; W { :r’l ..I-ii:. ^Vi'; c- Ti- ’■* M".ie ’■i : i •!’» *'11:o n PnssEfjc[iis INJORED IN j[C^ -t n T cxas. i ■' "• Most .,f| ■ ia* 'f whit.- ■ 'i \ r.:- 1,'. "nii'i; wt-rej ■ ' h;-!.i b('* II' - h •' lin.ios 1 iiat ' —■ - :ind ‘-'auUii ’.r. Ti'ih wiiiiiiul' . !- V '3.1;. !' ; 'rcni’ii raiin s ■ , ; 1-0 wero , ..1 ' ■c About Fruit. r L'l. 'nii'-iir . ■ •; (if !frnii X’iantif' i ’ *• a .'i ; I 1''’ii:il)!f I ! ■ . \i)|-cSS( (! 'I T.iai'.a -i-r T ,i ■ '•hai''‘,f', nr.'l -I. t:r- p ! fl ■ ’1 of>, i'U' ■ I:.' I i rrnv- : l ai '-.ri-r- (lifl not dnc ,Miinf. 1 dv'■; .Tack- :,!> ('!v-11>. N. f. ' r. L’^. At At- ; V. •• rr r“Si.s:ri-. (I li'liu'/ii and “T, at 7 VV'Dii. ' I ras- r \' in IIm’- , im. '• of t!'p si;na- Ci'M* ■ v.'t aih- • iniii’L* sonth- ... Ml- si.iuli ;s (V i!- , ;i;'v a t niosui i • i t*. a n!t-a.'iiir save - (1. -3 Suffering. ■ Ul. Soldii'i's on . s' in the Moxi- ^-iifltTinu t kUiv ■ a -oriii iii snow and ■ • h:.s little food. . I', i-i-;»l .-av fh(' I be tf)wn of 1 '’a. Chihnalina. ,ii'' ojioi'iM in;; ' ( i'l';.,! ii: df'rlai’cs ,\i Xi; u 'it \ Stlii- : - .\avarro had ' ■ ii-j-! with K. Flores ri iiort n.'is printed •i'-;t tti“ insiiviecto.^ 1C >'ilt of "consoi-- iiy Associaiod I'res-;. H(nn>. Xev.. l-'eb. :]]. '^\^•(.>ni>-two men and uonieii .nre in a liMs-'iital at Klko. under treaMnen' fo'- In juries they sustained lusi iiigiit when ^^ix cais of a Soiuherti I’acitic i')a'^seii- •4er train, east bound. lef> tlie lails on. niilps w:-.-, oi' Palisade. i:!ko. .\ v.. Feb. L'l :d('ie th:n-. 20 ;ss(n j:oi’s \> r I’o in.iuved. se veral sei i- ' nsl>. in the w re‘!v of S'^itlu rn i’a- eific ii;:in \o. lo, oast hour. 1 nc->r Pnl- u-';ule last evoninu. Vi n of tb.e > aio i-'tt tile 'ail.; an-! \v( - tu i ')'.‘d pbo;;i ill ;i (ouUt-cd ir.asb of ivvi:sted st'^el iiud iron. .'■■'iKiit; tin- iiijn;-eU are: I U \-\ K (ill.W, of Clevrland, O. HFDI) ()\' ;'X, i.,o.. Auueies. I'. X. s.xirrn, iii.i.u i-, .Midi. ('\.\il', (i.^we?:o. X. Y. CKOllin': !SiTll!':i{i..\Xl) Ilono, X.-V. Dot tors friii)’ tCil-io ai'd arlin \'t‘re I'lisI:. (1 to th' \> t’H injui('d i.r.iimiii into tin'' t’-\o lowi.s, a SI ( » ial t;i:iii b. iiii'; sent iivre. 'I'lu' wreeiv was at a .uradi;. t.ir';'-,'.:;- the I olni of a h'il. The '''nn.' wmIi ba; ua-.;i' hhiI i.i.-til rars kejit to I'tia track but all iht' -oach x 'enr ib‘ la-'i oin> wtii.' de.'iiled. A ('n." coadi and two iiMirist sleejKMs rr^.i'^d tl iriy f ei dowji th- t nibanknient. A i:;.)k-'n ra'! I'- liclk'VPd \o have b('»>n tl'. ' ('atne of the arvidc in. ’ brjuied By Explosion . ‘.M. An ♦ xplosion in ■ • t (li the Lafledp (ias •'.iu ! (I nino wirrknien .- ' !' Mie bulUling were i-'k Off'cal Convicted. .1) i:l William U. . r nrfsidrni of the ’;l- ii faib'd in r ii I' to a term of not lar - and two month.s (i\i V( ars in Sin;; y f>! ^rand larceny •i!i loaris. H at BILL ■ 1 l*r:SS. I'‘1). 21. -The ocean 1 li whi'h has already I I.at**, V.a.s ortlored fav- ■'(•(1 lodav by the house IKjstofilces by a vote anirnded sf) as to omit _ He iinfs makinj? it appl.vithe new committee >"U!h .\merica, J means, May Revise Tariff. ! Hv Assnciated Press. WashinKton. I). C., Feb. 21.—If an ex tra session of congress Is called fol lowing ihe adjournment of the present session on March 4th. the democrats of tiie house will set about at once to re\lse several schedules of the Payne- .Vldrich larilf act. ,\n authoritative statement to this effect was given out today by Repre- f-entative Underwood, of Alabama, who has.been selected as the chairman of on ways and COME ON C-ET IN ■fflE GAME! fr m . Eill Says The Farmei Don’t Oppose Reciprocity Bill Man Who Murdered Wife at High Point Last Week Uses Butcher Knife on Officers Who Made At rest To-day. THERE’S A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “WATCHING CHARLOTTE GROW” AND MAKING CHAR LOTTE GROW!" Sp‘aial to ’!'h(' .\'ews. Kal I'fl;. 21.—The coniniii !e(>'s Iiill to regulati' niiniitt; in .\';r;li i'lia was introduced today iii ihe se’i- ate by Senator ('()\(', wlio al.-o in'ro- di;ced a bill to safeguard the stale's iuteres: in juibjic iin];rovein(':’ts. 'I'be lioMst* iiill to If'vise tlu* cliaiter of l']lial)eth (’ily prec‘ii>irated a long de- au*. lasiing ovf r an hour. 1'he l:jl! le,sorted fa\-oialily cuts \v:irds ff(uu se\rn to four. Senator Williaiiis offered an anu'iulincr.f to submit tlif' (juestion to volers (>f flli/a- I,»‘ih r.ill jjasfpd in tiiis shape. 'I’lu' hou.-* teceived another big ia- .'•-tallineni- of nc-,v local hills, passed a nuaibt'f on iiiuil reading and wetit into (oiMinittee of the wiiole to consider the rcventie bill. 'I'he inheritai .e lax clause look tnuch time with only inosll\ mincjr changes !»eing made. 'I’he anti-iiust bill of 'rurliiigton, \\ilh a favorai'.le report, atid the F\va;i bill,'Without i)rejudi’e. came ui) in tlie housf from the coinriiittee today and were ordered printed. ,\ numb'er of ft'ature.-; of l)oth bills w('i’e op))osed b,\' nu'mbers of the committee, but .\Ir. 1'uilington succeeded in getting it back on the lloor for moie speedy con- sid'ration on the Hoor in the closing da,' s of the session. 'I’he revenue bill p.Tssed second read ing in the house with the understand ing there would !>e an oppoi’tunity niven for further aniendment.s on the final reading. Ross introtiuced a bill to is.^tie $r>00,- 000 in bonds for the State rniversity, ,\. .M. C’ollege and tne State Xonnal (’oller^e foi in-rmatH nt i)ni)ro\enn'uts. Pwiest Against Delay At Albany j{y .\ssocia(ed Press. Albany. X. V., Feb. l’l. Members of the legislature received today a ciicu- lar K'tter from ilie .\merican Civic Al- iian.'\ iirotesting against the d('lay in eieding a I'nitcfl States senator. 'I'iie letter asks f)tl:er civic- organi/a- ti(»ns and citizens of every senatorial and every assembly dis-trict In the state to ‘‘demand of their representa tive at All>any either to luoceed forth with to the regular business of the ses sion. or to resign from office." and ap- jieal to "his excellency, .lohn A. I)ix, to use his i»owers- and ])rivi!eges to bring to an end the present intolerable situ ation in the legisalture, which virtual ly amounts to the subversion of rep resentative government.” By Associated Press. Wasl\inj;ton. H. C'.. i'rb. 21.—The re- ciprneit.’. agreetu('n; with . ..nada will pa.sir the seuHie. I'jiis was a declaration made today by Sei’uior ("arrer of .Montana, as be was ka'.ing tl.e wiiiie house after a coui'erence wiih T-resi-.ient Taft. Pcr- sonaily .Seiiater ('aiNer i.-i oi)p(;sed ‘o iho measiire. Rei»resentiit i. e .'leCan. v. lu) intro- duc ed the bii) ill tl'.e hous:?. aiso con- feirt'd with tiie president aiid is hope ful of tile r^icas.n-e's success. President Taft i;reu inlorn '.'d th(' .'-ecrei: ly oi' the ..inork'ctn nfact i,rt:l-'.'cport As'.'.ociation tLa. aborit M’ per cent, of the liiembers of the organization in a letter l.'tillot have voted ni favor of Canadian reciprocity, v.-iiile a nu’mbi.r of others were -partly favorai^le to it. Traveling Men Want Upon All Tickets Would Cieate State 1 ax Commission Si'ecial to The News. Raleigh, Feb. 21.—The bill that has been int-;'(;duced by Gen. .1. S. C!arr for t!ie creation of the state ia>: commis sion atul board of ecin:ili?:aiion and \\hic;i is attracting con.siderai)le at tention. provides for the ai)pointment of a state tax commissioner and a board of eciualization rouipo‘-'vl of on'’ member from each of the teir congres-j .'ional districts. The commissioner is j to devote his entire time to the -v\oik| of directing the assessment of prop-j erty for taxation through the local j boards of assessors and the general | tentative equalization of tax valuations as between the counties and tliese matters are subject to complete re view by the board of equalization which would receive $10 per da.v com pensation for the time they are in ses- ion. Hotels in North Carolina Eave Received Copies of a Pro posed Bdl That is To Be Sent to General Assembly, Says Re Was Going Back to Get Revenge on Doctors Whom he Disliked—Is Now Lodged in Jail, Sp'ecial to The News. Winston-Salem. Feb. 21.—After a desperate struggle officers early this morning airested Moses Sueeks, who killed his wife and son-in law, at High Point Saturday. Speeks was found at the hon>.e of his brother in Wiikes cotiniy. ten miles fiom .\oith Wilkeshoro, l»y ’ Sheriff Sheck, of Vadkin. a.ssisted iiy Wilkes officers. Speeks will be carried to jail iu (ii eensboro. rnconfirmed reports have it two of ficers were cut by Speeks while mal;- ing the airtst. By .\sseciated Press. Savannah, (la., Feb. 21.—Viscount Beoni.-^l IVAzy, attache of the French legation at Wasiiiiigton, and the Vis countess, who are to l)o among the (lis- Muguished guesi ; attendit-ig the ttnveil- ing of the tablet which s to mark the point wiicre the Spring Hill re doubt stood iu (.Jctober. 177i>, reached the city this morning. 'I'he.v are the lir^+'i to a)>pear for the ceremonies to morrow. Governor .joseph M. Brown will reach the city tomorrow morning from Atlanta and the Fnited States navy will be represented by the pres ence of .Admiral i'^ox. commander ot the Charleston navy yard. There Avill be two compaiiiLs ot heavy artiller.v from Fort Screven and tlie revenue cutter Yainacraw is in port to be used in entertaining the visitors and those prominent in the festivities on the river tomorrow afternoon. The tab'et which has been erected by the Georgia Society, Sons of the Kevoiution, marks the sj)ot wheie stood the Spring Hill redoubt and Avhere. on October IHh. 1771', one oi the bloodiest engagements of the revo lution was fought, when repeated as saults were made bj" the allied troops of Georgia. South Carolina and France in an effort to retake Savannah from the British. It was in these battles that many of the .Americans and allies lest their lives, including Sergeant .Jas per. Count J’tilaski and others. The tablet stands near the baggage room of the Central Railway, now in on^ of the most thickly populated sec tions of Sa^annah. At the time of the Revolution it was some distance from the heart of the city, on what was then known as- the Augusta road. There are to be three addresses at the unveiling tomorrow. 'I'he speakers will be .ludge Walter G. Charlton, the president of the Georgia Society Sons of the Revolution, representing that body; Governor Joseph M. Brown, of the state of Georgia, and Viscount Beo- nist U'Azy reprecentlng the French government. The program of the day will con clude with a trip down the river on the revenue ctitter Yamacraw and a banquet at the De Soto Hotel iu the evening. The (?eorgia Society Sons of the Revolution, conceived the idea of marking this historic spot, had the exact site upon •.vhich the redoubt stood surveyc . by the city authorities, and secured the granite base and the bronze plate which bears the inscrip tion showing the historical value of the ground. Will Pittsbuig Have Cat Strike? By Associated Press. Pittsburg. Feb. 21.—Whether Pitts burg is to have a street car strike proliably will be decided at a meerixig of union officials to be held at Fnion 1 I.abor Temple tonight. It is admitted j today that relations betv.'een the menj and the Pittsburg Raihvay Comi»aaies are strained to the ])oint of breaking. Definite developments are expected within 12 hours. The trotibie between the men and the company resulted over the‘dismis sal ,of 139 shojj emi‘)loyes at one of the local car barns last October. Tiie lo cal union declares they were let go because of their imion affiliations and that they must be reinstated, while the company maintains this is incorrect and that the emjilo.ves were dismissed L'ecause w'ork was slack. Presbytenan Btotherhood H ol ds Meeting By Associated Press. St. Louis, Feb. 21.—The 4th annual national convention of the Presbyteri an Brotherhood of America began here today with a meeting of the executive council. The four branches of the Presbyterian church have delegates at tending. Vx'illiam J. Bryan will speak tomor row night and Gov. Chase S. Osborn, of Michigan, Thursday night. Si)ecial trains carrying delegates from Xew York, Chicago and the west, arrived this morning. INIIED SMS Ti By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 21.—.\s the re sult of a protest registered by the British consul general at Port an Prince against the reign of terror in Hayti, the state department today- made representation to the Haytien government on the wholesale execu tions of revolutionary prisiners, ad vising the authorities to adopt a more reasonable course. Mileage Books are Now Sold at a Rate of Two Cents Per Mile, But Straight Tickets Cost One-Ha^j Cent More, Tiaveiing men of Xorth Carolina are beiii,y: asked to petition the .general as-:embly to enact a law making the n'lileage rate on all railroads 2 cents ])er mile instead of 2 1-2 cents as now char.ged for ticivets. In evei,\ hotel in Charlotte, as well as hotels in other cities throughout the state, copies of the !n'(;posed bill have lieen placed and clerks have been asked to secaire the names of in-oniinent kni.ylits o fthe grip whose territorj- embraces (he Old .Xordi State. 'I'he bill follows: A Bill to be Entitled an Act to Regu late Rates for Tickets On Railroads in North Carolina. The General .Assembly of Xorth Carolina do Enact: Section 1. That it shall be unlaw ful for any railroad company doing !)u.'iness in Xorth Carolina, which is now allowed to sell tickets for not exceeding tv.'o and one-half cents i>er mile, to in futtire char.ge more than two cents );er mile for passenger tick- tercliangeable mileage, {one class of tween points in Xorth Caiolina. .Ptovided, however, that any rall- t'oad compan,\ doin,g business in the state of Xorth Carolina w'hich now has a ma.vlmnm rate of two and one- half cents per mile prescribed h.v law. shall be permitted and allowed to charge the maximum rate per mile for ])assenger tickets as is now pro vided b.’, law. if such railroad company shall sell for two cents i>er mile in terchangeable mileage, (one closs of which books shall be for one thousand mile.s) ov'er its own lines and the lines of all other railroad companies doing business in Xorth Crtrolina, and which now' have the same legal maximmn late of two and one-half cents per mile, and shall redeem coujion or mi leage strii)s on its own lines and on trains of the company sellin.g such mi- lea.ge ook or ’txioks. and without re quiring ati exchan.ge of such mileage coupon or strip for ticket. Provided further, that nothin.g in this .\ct shall prevent any lailroad company which acecpts interchangea- l)le mileage , sold by any other company from contracting for or ex changing the coupon or mileage strip of stich mileage book sold by other companies for ticket before a passen ger holding such mileage book boards its train: Provided further, that any railroad comapny which sells a mileage book under the provisions of this Act shall allow a passenger traveling on such mileage book over the lines of the company selling it to have baggage checked oh such mileage book with out exchanging the coupon or strips from the mileage book for a ticket. Section 2. That any railroad com pany violating any provision of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be fined in the discretion of the court: Provided further, that such railroad company shall be liable to the j>er- son aggrieved by reason of its refusal to comply "WMth the provisions of the Act for a'penslty of Five Hundred Dol lars ($.500) to be recovered by such person in a civil action. Section 3. This Act shall be in force from and after the first day of May, nineteen hundred and eleven. Cut Two iVIen Badly. Special to I'lie Xews. Statesville, Feb. 2!. .M(;se S.seeks, the High point mttider, was capttu’ed late last night, just across the Iredeil line, in Y’adkiu county. 'I'he arrest was made by (wo men of that secticm by the name of'(Jro,”'ory, both of whom were badl.v cut b.\' Spee'KS, who tised the same knife with which he killed his wife. Siieeks was making for tlie home of .Mart .Myers, wlio lives on a farm in .Xorth liedfll. formerly owned by Speeks, with the avnved puriiose of killin.g .M.'.ers. When it was learned that Siieeks was headt'd towai’ds Ire dell. every othcer in tiie county and citizens of the ip.an’s old home commu nity were notified. Every road in .\orth Iredell and Yadkii) were Ijeing watc-hed. and the two men who made tlu' ariesi were among those m guard. .-\ d( sperate struM.s'e took i)lace Ite- tween die Gregories and Sj)eeks, and both of the former were badly ctu, one seriously. * A Yadkin officer anived shortly af ter Sjieeks was captin’ed and took him to Yadkinvilie jail. 1'he chief of iiolice and another offi cer from High Point, arrived here on the late train last night and in cpm- jiany w'ith OtTicer Ward, of Statesville, left at once foi- Yadkinvilie, by jirivaif conve.\ance, to take charge of the pris oner. Tliey are ex))ec(ed here this evening to take the night tiain for Hi.gh Point. By Associated Press. Cleveland. Ohio, Feb. 21.—"Not from the farmers’ firesides, but from Wall Street, has come the ins-piration for the circulars in opposition to the pro posed Canadian reciprocity agree ment.” So declared Representative E. J. Hill, of Connecticut, in a specch be-! fore the Cleveland chamber of com- i merce today. ( "Reciprocity with Canada,” was Mr. Hill’s subject, and he discussed it not as a i>arty or political measure, but asr a business matter, "divorced from party politics." The trade benefits that have re dounded to Ihe I'nited States and the countries with which reciprocal trade relationship has 'jeeti established were instanced by the speaker as jn’oof of similar advantages that would follow reciprocity with Canada. ’I'nder reciproial trade arrange ments with the Philii)pines, having a poinilation greater than the Dominion of (’anada. tiie uuiiual trade has in creased in a single year by 7U per cen; '!'o the ratiticution of the agreement wiih the islands naiued. Mi’. Hill re- inihded his hearers, there had been shown the most determined opposition and direlul predictions were made of the results that swiftly would fol low. So. in ihe case of Canada tho sjieaker thought the prophesies of woe that hsj,\e been heard from tliose who oppose reciprocit.\' wotild be proven lo have been ill-advised. An analysis of the effect of the agreuient when iu operation, upon corn, wheat, tish, liunber. i)utter and eggs was given by the speaker who emphasized a siaieinent that it would be only the surplus production *of eac’.i country that go to the other. Of fish eries, from w hii-li interest a great deal has been heard in opposition, Mr. Hill said: "The entire product uf (Janalian fish eries in tHON wah* only $2r).4.‘>l.U'.'t. \^■(3 rait;ed oys'ers, clams, crubs and lob sters in tnis country to almost eijual in \alae the entire i)roduct of all the fislu rles of ('anada. "Our toial prodiut is about $,'>4,nun,, uuu. ('anada exported $2i',441.7(17 worth, sendi'ig to the I'nited tS:tte»$>’,- 1(]2,72J worth. W(.‘ seni to her during the same year 12,&7U -.voi-ih froiu our fisheries." j,umber, said Mr. Hill, has steadily incfi^ased in cost cuid lirice until thi -problem nov/ i.s to knov,- whai 8ub- siitute.s can bt. empio.'-fd for ii. Figui'es coiiii.i'ed by iLe govern ments of the Cnited i.Saies aud (Janada showing the increasing value of farm lands in the two (ouiiliies are given b.\ the speaker, .vho said: "1 comuK'Ud tiuse offiei.il state- u'.ents of the rniu-d States and (.'anada authors of the circulars with which this country is nnv being Hooded in joi)position tJ the treaiy and which jihere are abundani reasoiis for beiiev- ! ing. have iluur iuspiratio i in the vi- jcinity of Wall Street, .\ew ^'ork, in stead ot at ihe f.*.i'lUcrs liicsidc's. and [are liuanced by j^reai monopolies, 'whicii the farmers themselves have Ibitterlv denouueeu for years.’’ { .* DiSCRIMINATiON AGAINST CA'fTLE SHIPPERS. I Found Speeks at Brother’s r?ome. Winston-Saietu, Feii. 21.—.\ te!e- ])hone message ftom the shfuii'f of Yad kin comity says he found Speeks at. the home of liis brother, near the Yed- kin and Wilkes line. Speeks lesisted and drew the satne butcher knife with which he killed his wife and son-in-law, and with this slabbed W. H. and J. W. (jregor.'-. 'brothers, who were deputized to assist in the arrest. The first named was ctit in the side and his wottnds are serious. .1. W. Gregory was cut in the abdomen. Speeks is in jail at Yadkinvilie. He will be carried to (jre('nsboro to day or tomorrow. He told officers he had gone back to his old home to kill a doctor and two other men whom he said wronged him vears ago. By Associated Press. \Vat:hi'iglon, D. C., Feb. 21.—Dia- (lii’niiiatio!! again.-H buyers and cotton siiipp(>rs of ran .\nioni(. Texas, Is alleged iti a iietition tiler! today with the interstale commerce- coimnission by the Reiiiiet-.MilleLte Com|,'any of San’.\ntonio against the (ialveston 1 larrisbitrg'aiid San \uionio Railwa.v. Hy jtrovisioits oi' il;e tariffs of the railroad the iniviif-ge of eoncentrat- iiig coi.t(;ii is accorded lo shippers of ti'ouston and Galveston Vihile it is de nied to those of San A.nion.io. Tho complainant declares it is obliged to ))ay the lo'il rates from ])oints of ori gin to San .\ntonio in addition to the charges exacted for outbound shij;- ments in.-;t ad ()f the through rates to final des-tination. 'I'he co:nmission is reiiuested to or der a refund of the locrd inbound rates and ’-estore San Antonio's status in the cotton tarli'f. RT. REV. THOMAS HESLIN REPORTED TO BE DYING. Census Figures. By As.sociaied Press. Washington, Feb. 21.—Population statistics of the thirteenth census announced today include; Place 1910 Gieensboro. Ga 2,120 IClizabethtown, Ky.. .. 1,970 Coal Creek, Tenn 1,102 Elizabethton, Tenu.. .. 2,478 1900 1,511 l,8t;i By Associated Press. Xatchez, Miss., Feb. 21.—Rt. Rev. Thomas Heslin. bishop of the diocese of Xatchez, who is lying at the point of death here, is reported today as gradually growing weaker. The bish op’s physicians stated today that there was little chance Tor his recovery, but he mav live 24 hours or more. To Establish Marine Biological Station Washington. Feb. 21.—A resolution to authorize the establishment of a marine biological station on the gulf coast of PTorida was agreed to by the house today. Government Bill to Abolish The House of Lords is To-day Introduced by Mr. Asguith By Associated press. I I^ondon, Feb. 21.—The government ! bill to abolish the vetoi powder of the house of lord:^ which, if the govern ment is able to pass it as it stands, promises to accomplish a historic change in the parliamentary system of Great Britain, w^as introduced in the house of commons today by i Premier Asquith. Xo one professes to see the out come of the constitutional battle. If the liberals have any thought of a compromise they are keejjing their intenti^)ns to themselves and the greatest controversy known in this country for several generations began with both sides apparently deter mined not to yield except to superior force.

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