K Ill':srLTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD Latest Edition ^ IL/ i CHAKLOTTE, N. C.. FRIDAV £VENING, FEBRUARY 24, 191 I T>T) ' In Charlotts. - cent-J a Copy Da: ^ Iv 1 ()ut,i )e Charlotte, j Cetit3 a copy 1 in -^na.Vi’jLz-. . ^ailv—O-r.tP Sunday I )iitsi ie Charlotte. 5 Cetit3 a copy Daily and Sunday tain Control r Immigration !. Brmiisoi PMS Poe cfiiE ^ P E Pv - AN Ad IAN 1 ^ECIPRocjtv f'^nnal ;a/-7 o; P,ain. {») ■ v'v'i II'l’ U'jb G-EOR Cri A peach CROP SAPt r- E^Xi^AMITE E X PLOSION FOHT / FICAT?0>J OF canal. CAKN£G-fH HAKt D/AZ AMD H'S COMC OP§J W Pu^ Stocks Jake Tumble Following Freight Rate Decision Gov. Blease Riles \oecisionof interstate commerce Ccmmisston Against In- PUZZLE PICTURE—GUESS WHAT HE’S READiNG ! iCiQIDITE -iat: rip: 'ieneral ■1 FLA^E■^- Raihoad Men Are Up In Arms Over Rate Decision j j *.Xl! I I 'iLls ■1(1 ■a.' v'-l I-oniP: . H '.n leader of the rev- -;! ■ ■y n.. i-meiii, has withdrawn ... ; ->!!;. a - •! .;iiuiida!e for 'lie )iro- ,' ::nl I = - :-sa; i'i;( \ of Honduras, and ; -r i.- r-r.'^-; e I ( f ^-n early o‘.iree- r; ;; ; 1 t! i t ‘ .L, ' rnmeni. •''re ( - t i'iporar> successor t ; 1 re i ■:. ■ 11 i ; la \ i ^ n::a' ' forced ■;' 1 a •p. .: >1 i ; 1 i' r,-••11, tlie .\mei i- : t ■ 1 ' i■ - a’ *he .•onferM-!C*. ( ■' . i :; - i' Ua i w •■'■11 ! il- fact ions I 'r (! a u a.ard Hie cruiser| 'ei- g; ■ :U from \ BMuUla w as read | ia- h lii;- ; . - o; ui ion: r vlo. an-, w al of iia- (andi 1 Vi iM- ti'i : ■ ; i 1 P l.(; a I i •. - - . i»^ . ly ),r>'-inent Hie j naiii ,>s '*• D:-. :\L‘m ^uano, the Bonilia ■!' -a ; . ; l-iUr-tO l)a\i’a. a .uep hrothov he iires; i u:. a ;;(.l i'rancisco Ber- t r:i d. ( Ro: -- (»s. till’ Davila rer-- , j ; it( , u '■! .Aii'onio i.azio .Kr- i i Haniv'l Fori ii and Seiior Cor- i! 1 ' \ . X I. a:;b -r was ,1 •s alable to the '= 'it! ^ ^iii(' :.;;d (bneral Rosales ■; .: '.',i 1 1 Hia. Mr. riawson sele(U ; e- ^ ^i'u; i' o;v tlie six mimes. is I'. Mel 1; ulifd Hiat the rev- .. 1, -1 i(U;; rv i ;u t ,\- W ( uid be glad lO have i h.- .\u . ■ie;:;; : li';miasioner chose a I’ress. Foh. 21. -Geor.ne I'''- t)l' liu" I’liila'ielphia *v- y ('oniiiMiy, and ho:ul Raili’oai! (’uniDiMiy ol' isiaienit'Ui ^hi-ii out ;rpat sr.i'|ivise a? ; hi nt ai*‘ roninsf'i'fe A.ssn-'ial '(i I’hUaticlpliia, e!', pi't'sidfiit 'adin?:' Railwa.' the Cf'i’iral 'w .lpi i’.i ■ [lay, cisicii ol' ’!iv iiiiiiissiijii. Ilf says ilieit* will hi^' a i-taili'.:>-ni of i-ailroad ex|it'ndiUi'>‘s 1(1 Mates il'ai "if the lesiili shall 1h> liriiiu' al)()iit a ,:^'iii-ral T-e(iiic'.ion in iiivs ai.d a cut in |)iii-cha;:iu!j; iw'.v eiid tlU‘ ' han jIh- ■nal supplies, in tui ail roads wiii snflVr no iiior^ ;pneral pnl’lic ' f’v 'ssar^ ■ i raiir(>au . .i.- iidiinres cnri; A (!!(•: nv nnist not hny eqnipnuMit excei)t where need is ni.acnt. Jn.st as low intn will In' ‘,iven eruplo> iiient as are al)soln'(d\’ i'e(inired." Big Meeting Called. .\.nv York. '•'(*!). -Jl. A rn ’rting of thr- ♦■\ecuii\>' oflifers and ,uen^ral couu- sel of ihv railroads in ilie oiticial -l;r.;;'.;liea;ion t'“riitory has l-Tn calh'd for -> in this i'y to ilMe!";uin(‘ whai acti.iii .h.all !>*■ la-.en o'.’f'i tii.> d(^fi:-Ui!i of the intfrsiate ('onnner;;- (• 'nnni.-'-ic'j iii tiie frt:'i,2,!it rate oa.S(,'S. President Mudye Taiks. i iticv1'. i). 2 1. The inter.slate (■oninifici' a )in !rii.''sion's ilurisun! ; i M - i S;> i.!' ;'‘ci;.:h; v/as d(‘-;.-:,aa i I'd a ne;-,aij\'e jjropt.s; Oiganized Laboi Columbia, S. C., Feb. 24.—The Co lumbia State today, sa>s; Whereas, the governor of" :hi st ale iias. by the exercise of his v“to ijower, vetoed the appronriatiou tor the ])urpose of eniployiny factory iu- si»ectors, thereby practically null>1>- ing the law and dei)rivin^ tVie work ers of the itroleciiuii previously af- fo'ded them; “Therefore be it res.O'Ved. That ihi•^ I ( uy put itself on record as beru: ('T'liosed lo this policy of the uoverno;’ and condenunuK any action trM.i'iji; io depriv(' the- workui's of their rights and the ])rotection of jiisi and neces sary laws.' This resolution condemning tiio action of (?ov. l^lease in vetoing tiie appropriation for the factory in.si>tH’- t()r», was ado])1cil i)v the (’iiy Fodira- tion of Trades and w ill be sent I'.'day to Gov. Hlease. H. .J, Hardy, seci-ftai'> of ihc city i'ederaiioii of 'i'rades. went lo so t.k;v. Blease several days ayo concern ing- the factory inspection law. »',ov. lilease. according to Mr, Hardy and Senator Weston, got mad aiul slanp^' 1 organized labor in the lace. Tliat is the statement made. iiov. Hlease said y‘sterday that be knew moi'e about the condition of tl.c factory peoi)le and iheir needs thari any representali\e ol a iarge oi\i;a i izaiiiiu. .Mr. Hardy said that i’.v.. ! P.lease "goc hoi under thtj collar." 1'. IT. Weston, senator from Ui )i- land county, acconii)anied -Mr. Hard' on liis \lsii to (Uiv. lilease for ,he pur pose of introducing iiim. S naiir \\'-sl>»n des-ii'ed to confer with tlo\ riease to see if some provision could not b(.' made for the eiiiorc---menr ol the factory inspecti(Ui lav,. Senator Wesion and Mr. Hardy said that (lOV, '{lease stai-d '_hat he would \eto an\' ui'-asure lending to re.';,M'a!e (he hour,-' (li the laboring man. \\ luM: I'tov. lib-ase -.viis as-ked as to the l.iw r('gula:iug the hours of women i sioies he i^ reported to ha'.e siaied io Senator Weston and Mr. Hardy that tile women might gel out and hunt (^tlier ■employn:eKi. create in Freight Rates Had Effect oj Stalling Decline Movement in Stocks, London Exchange P.ecor ds Heavy Slump in Vanous Railroad Stocks- Wall Street Similarly Affected — Indus- tnals Also Diop, 13y Associai.'d Tr. s. New York. 1\b. 2 1. I’rivate ad- vice."+ from abroad indicated a condi tion approaching demoralization exist ing in tiie American department of the London stock exchange today. Sales of .ViiK-rican securiti-.-; there. h.ietiy jfor .\eu Voik acrouii!. are rej»ort(-{ :o have aggregaed over -lau/iut; sha res. This is said to be, the largest day's business' in our stocks abr(,»ad si’ice ilie \'ene2:uehm !>anic of 1 iuirinu, tiie H'-'Uiiing s^-ssion here especial!.'' a' iht. o.'^ nin.;-'.. a ‘-I'eai do d of '^lock v;-s sold ai any pri.-r offer ed. Tile inarkei became less a-.-tive !)o- fore iii'ur. Prices wen- in most iv.- stance-.' a poiiM above the oiieiiini^ low nuM'k.'. Reflected Its \- A ^ orl . iM'h. ‘’I K( I !(Mla,'. relU'-'-ied i iiitersiate commei.- against Opinion. The slueK mar- - (•pillion of ;hti (.'onunission ■a ■ increased freight !aiea by ales at siiarpl\- ileclining pric- (‘s from 2 IO of last ni>-iil 'ili(- i.';iid(in .'■line^. \\e"i‘ weal, oiieiiiii;. 'I'lie 1 iioinls from iho closing . S liiiii' lie: an 'i> in nia'!-.-. t wh' i'i' Ik av.v dc,- rc--(:r(l('d, prsauinL'- a 1 on the lo( 111 v'xcliaiiui'. ;oiiie of the ■1(1 tsver- ■■-i ( !'(ia . 1 at !h(' ■ iihiK'd 1 1’a( i 1' ' 1 m:1U Hot ill affect lioi; i h'.-' (I- Slides Of Earth Continue On The Panama Canal .vsult for tilt* tiiiK' i)'-in,>. the general business of the comii'.y. I cannot foretell. it is .robable the railroads have been (‘Xlra\agani in their expenditures 'I'li-'y could i)Ossii)l,'. have limiKMl the c(ist of terminals; Imi evory city in the land v.as demanciin.u' of ihe rail roads that their terminal facilities should not alone be adequate lo meet t ransponat ion j)robleins. but sjiould • le of a character ornamental and ai- Iractiv' ." Undervjood Talks. Xew Yoik, F(^l). 2t. ■'This inter state commerce *onunission decision is going to cost th‘ puijlic dearl>',” asserted President I'uderwood. of the Krie ilaiiwa\ tod;;y. •'iiailroads v. ill T’.oi- , In;- i- i F?\ o il! arts 2 rouble >Vah-:^glou ; arih from i he :;r (,-' tlu' I’aii iin; 'I'he dide ary oi po^ ii ■' ' li at of n one which wonbi show its of fer; in a way that \voul;l not be ap parent to ! he general public by Pr'^s- ident r\iiulge. of the Rock Ishiad R-iib'oa*;l ■ v(cm. "We .imjdy ''ill hav;- lo go Ihrotigb our sysieins a;;ain and hold do'^’. n to stricter econon-jy," said ^ir. Mitdg\ "It will tie an insidious iriin- uin'ig down, no* appareni to the eral oh'iervei'. 1 don't t!iin\ there will lie a dis;.()sition to allow the com'.i- tioii of iiK' propuiies lo ,uo i>ack- ward. so ih(* er-ornunx- wi!I have to coiue ii'(un o)ieraii.n, Vi’iiile ibis decision v.-on't aff.'r’t business, that 1 can see, yet curtaii- tmuii in i)U!-ciia.-.es nia> force a sliade olT sieeh lui'iiier and iron prir’t's.” Educato'is In Session at Mobile' I5y .Nssociiited T’ih'ss. Mobile. Ala.. Feb. 2 cational Advance and Over the l^asi." wa^ st'.i.'ieet discnssed at ih Sf ri,.i II; !‘0i ■ ! S, 2 I- situa ..n I’ : ■ ' ; ; ’a: ! I. ell , ,; , 1 =a' aimoa: - \ s ' \ ■ ■ !-a” in : OX!':- the ' i !: ' ", ■ ' ;; Hli fe’o- s h» (-n ■ , i; - :, i^ani Sea 'iii." ■ a- ; iiMje'd ,if - ; ; = i ' . . a " i . • i a-,li r\ nK):l- 1, .. li i;a,; : : a h >i' anger. V , oi'.a ' . a ■ ' ■ o ;;' e ’ I \v nuMle, J, C;.' . ;:iie (I- : ' ( Jaei',! . 1,, i ,1- Iliad >0!i- . -i;, ; ' , .A'!': ' i - u:'>h of d' -.a|)- ■ i. !; lua j. ili:;' iinpi'at’ed ' .^'.i 1,1 I ■ i.^ ' ia au ;:Utome;)U'. A VOuta.ful Witness. ' F- -a I. \ I; iion :,b a ■ 1.- . ■ i'^ i'T'' ■ i!,.- ,L-i:ind .iury. Cm;- .•ve;i v. b.-cnillC fright- I ,1 in eciiit ,\»'sb‘iday and r'-j 1 1,1 I.. ■■■ ,\s a rt.-iili .hilian ; ,. M.M'v ! It il '-oul-ina a ralb'(M«d ; i,;),.-, . ,• , ;'ce lilH'd oil Idlldil’'^ , 1 , j, ii- I • I ! in ( . :.,! I . 'I'i;e bo'- } M,.. w n lie.-.- stand ;is ! nr- eiii“f j ih*‘ (lU ion. pi>1'^-d his | I'is : Til--' court j j a!: i;-" d^d all in their^ ., i-.din e hiiii .o !aU; hut -\' ith- A-Si;cia;ed Puss. Fee,. 21. -Slides nf heights above Ctilebra j iirsi eaiia! a- e continu-j v.hich occurred Ftdn'ii- V. M. C clul) house (’elei>ra carried .-'.u.OOO cubic yards loose « ar'!i into tlie cut. covering steam shovel, a "oal train with its IsH iiniotix'c and two iraiiis ol caitl’ i {liinr, itm c;irs. : Tl.; a'!;'l r eovd >;a;;‘s. liowevei. ithat all sii;b's since last .hi'y dcj nor exceed ii,-. total of (>.104.000 cubic i yards allowed for in th.e revised esti- imait-s. luii- will ’he -idded excavation ' inet';; ■ ■ Hie esiinKtte of cost of exca- ‘ -laiio't in i c- ntta! t.livisiou made ■ in Octobcr i — — \^Cha7lton Case Comes U p ! Hy .\ssociated Ihess, j Wiishington, Fel). 21.- The case of i Porter ('harlton. the young .American who is in cm-rody on charge of mnr- ^ riering his wife in Italy last year today * rca' bed the F ;leral suj)reme court on ' Charhon's apjical from an order of ; retiuisiiion. Dowd Bill Introduces A uthoj izing Bond Issue Here . 'Onr lOdu- Improvenieiit liie i.'iincipai second da.' S Sion d the Xational halueai iontil .)ciaI ion, deua.rt nu'iit 'i ^u])eiin- iend(r.ce, liere today, .'mi iiicreas* d ati.-ndance was sliown. Tiie speakei's were ciiarles 1C. Chadse.v, superinteiiden! of schoc's (.f Denver. Col.,; Ci'.arb'S I*, ('ary. of; Madison. V-'is.; ivlmer l!rown. I'niiedj Sta.tes commissioner of (Mluca’ion; j Charh-s S. Foos, ^atpei iriteiiiieiit ot ! s;bools of Keadinsi. Pa., and .M securii.\ \ahn'> Wc,.'iMii railroad so--. age loss('.s of I ;)(iin!^ Si Mi! iiei ii I 'at i ii- V. a^ o'.x-niii-', - )i I hern I poi111. : Si. p.; ill -11 ' drotiped ! 1-: v.hi! 102 I a lii-c'in. .-f t.epi.-t 1 ■ ^ ■ . 1 . ( O M i I i 1 i i i r i • Hie ' :i i i I'o,. - ■ '.S' 1 i.ii’'chasi r;- of iiu; mon sold off 1- ('opj'ei- V'a d'f vanta.ge td' th declines w h- i’ fouini. 'I'll'Tt We|-( ‘\ i(b m-'-: (;f : i; a fair \(iluuie of shoii cf)\( : Readiii!' was one of ihe st-ock.-^ on Ha-' list, sliow iui, a Cl ."i-s j oints -while Cri'ai ,\oi fer.'ed sol(! ;■! 122. a rl.ir-ip i l^rfect on London Exchnnge. Lomh’ii. I''. 2 1 'i'h( (h-: isi(m of ih-r* iniei'stao- eoniiiK rc( 'omniissiou a;^ainsi t In'- proposed raisin.i’ of fi c'igiil. rales in Hu ollicial cla.-^silj. at ion a>nd the Wesiern i raftic as-ociation territo- r\ of the Fniied Slate^- cat!;-''d a shock in Hie .Anif-i'ican seciion (tf the slock ' .\:-iiani'-e loda,'. . .\ )-tisn of .''(‘lliiig or- :'0. ihai ■, 1 : - lu;v\-;.- Steel con- ma igi.ni.it- M's locd ad- and forced were ;,ort and weakest I'line of lei'ii pre- T l-a. Srecial to The -News. Raleigh, Feb. 24.—In the hour e Sjieaker Dowd introduced liiils lo amend tlie charier of Charlotte; to aliow Ch.srlotte to issue bonds for sewerage, schools and the au.diioii- um. .\lso to amend ihe laws of IhUl and P.nr’, and provide f(a- ihe sui)])ort of the Charlotte ("arnegie library. The commiitee iull lor changing congressional d-'stricts were introduc- eil in the house by Robert;-^, of Bun- couiiie. it transfers (’atawba from the ninth to the eighth and Wilkes from the eighth to tiie seventh, plac ing Hoke in the seventh and Aveiy in the ninth. Senator .Mailin introduced a dup licate iiill in the S(Uiate. The senate nuiie Hob.good's bill fo>- a state primary law a special order tor next Tuesday. Substitute by the committee for the Brown bill to abolisli the locker sy.-i- tem of liqiioi's in clubs gets a favor able reiiort. Tiie seiiale and h(nise^\ill hoki a joint stsr-ion at noon tcuiiorrow to elect trustees for the Fniversity ot Xorth ('arolina. In the house Hie commilice bill for i'e-a])'-)ortionmeni of the member ship of the house of reyiesentiUiv---:, was off(;ied b\ Qu;clv'-1, id' Lin'^oin, t(;d.'.^, imt throtigh immediate -()ass:ige and sent to the senate. d( IS from Wall sii'-el was the signal Britt, st'periniendent of public in-j,(,i- a somewhat wild slump in prices struction of (ieorgia. I from 2 to Ji jioiuLs below yesierduy’b 'I'he nouiinaHiig report w as I’ead | dd.sing. liN' the (Mimmiiiee iii luuuinaH(iu>. j in ih and ado|>i'-'i by Hie conv('ntion; Char!(,‘.s K. Chadsey, l)iuvr. Col., luesideiit; O. J. Kern, Winniht'ago county. Illinois, first vice-piesider.l ; i^. ,1. Willingliam. superintendent of puliiic instruction of .Maba.ma, till’d vice-prc-sidf'ii: and iiarian ^ Lpd"- gi-;M)li. bureau d' edtt alioii, \\ aslii'i.H- ton. I). Steamer And Passengers Lost fiisi Iuji;!' toda,' both local traders aiid e'UOineiiia! ri.'jir* ^t'Ula- ti'(‘s Ihrew- oii: thcii' suicks. The cov- ei'ing ;-■'■! in and prices pielv^d ui> from I 'to :i ixjint;-:, i h(.; mai kel anxiously a-waiiin;-. ih ■ Wall s-rc:-t opening. A' noon the tone was steadier with \-al : s fioiii 'J. to ."i poini.-; low(,r. 'i’es terda\-'s ( loi-in.v’ and ioda.\ noon j,ric- 'S wilh tl'.e chaiuo follo'v; Stocks 't’chi'M- i'oda.s Oil; da\ s closi' F( By .\ssociated Press. CotiJ^taiitinople, Feb. 2L--.A ; news'paper reports the 'rurkish steam- i T Hurriet filled with .Mosbuii pil^rim.-^ I was burned at. sea. .\"ot ouf' of t iie I passengers and crew- scaped dea>h. ; Otticlal confirmation of the rei*ori is ! lacking. Santa C. -M.- I'h'ie isi j Hi. Cell., I L. (iL X.. local I ^ • Penn. tl. Read in,g S. P.... 101) i'oda,. s nooi; im; St. i = !;;o . 1 12 1 I IS lit; 11.: Si 2 ;j-4 4 7-s J 4 1-2 2 ::-4 7 ::-i 4 ;:-s s It gives Ciuillord. Meckletibnrg an-dj ■; WciKe three members each; Bui; | Adopt Commission Foim. coiiil'e, Huri'iaiu. i“'or.s,vtli. viasltiii, | j^y ,\ssociat^d Press. Halifax. Iredell, .lolinston, Xasli. Pitt,! Amarillo, Tex.. Feb. 24 Koiieson. Hockingham, Rowan, Fnioii of iiiis citv yester(i;i,v Wayne two members eacdi rem.'iiniii'r counties one eacdi. anu Want Vote On Larimer Case By lib oad Wi eck le - Fif^y Persons Killed 01 Injured ; /■ € i i", ?: t' ’.ra ft ‘ Fruit CrojD Damaged. ; M- d P- -S-. ; -a., F* b. 21. killing ;i; ; a‘ ;iud :;rotind .Macon is report- . j d 1,1'. th>- weatiior bureau this inorn- j ,:;,:, ai d il^is iitoliablx me.!Uis a great i i -i! of d.iii;::u;!! to til' fruit, it va.^- ■j I kii’wig frost li'at ha-: been mos, I . ;ii--.d i.- Hie tit'chard owners \ssociated Press. V'.'asliington, Fei). 21.—I)etermiiia- tioii to ,uet a vote before ad.iournmeiU was expressed lotla.N' by the friends of Senator Lorimei in forc(> in the senate (dianibor at the beginning of the session. Will Break Strike of Negroes. By .\ssociat(‘d Press. (’hai iestoii. S. C., Feb. 24. - Several hundred Italian laborers will arrive here by Tuesday to break Hie strike of negroes at the phosphate plants in the suburbs, the strikers demanding increase of wages amoniiiing to thirty (tiiree per cent. 'Phe imported labor) i will be retained, as the Iialians have i who were on handK"''’^’^ satisfaction elsew heit. 1 he ''dii- j ' ous companies are determined to resist U) the end the demands by t'ae negroes. 'I'lle voters adopted tlie commission form of government. Provide for Recall. By Associated Press. Sacramento, ('al.. Feb. 21. -The sen ate last night passed b.v a vote ol to 4 the (lates' conslituiioual anu nd- ment for the recall of all elect iv’e olti- cers. ! !'. P isi j 1 . S. s N.: j ' X ) ex. fliideiiu. j Philadelphia . xdianrje Affected. I Philacieljdiia, ]•'( i). 24. I'he down- j w.’ard itish of openin.;; pric’S on tiiO Xew '.':;rk siod: exchaiigt: was rfe- 1 I'ected tod ,y on tiie Phi adelpilia ex- j change wl.er-' -'Il .-.toc'k.; feit, the in- .-iiience (li tli(> rate decision. F. S.. I Steel dr«Ji)])ed 4 jioints t(; 77. Cam- iluia Steel showed a loss of 2 poiiii.s, jopenin.g a: 4.'. 12 and Peniis.slvaniii jaud !{eadiu;.' each lost 2 point:?. i Jqin'dal ioi; v.-as U(>: uiion a .-xien- sive scale Later judces recovered (Conti, ued on P McCall Bill Reported to Senate^ i i ♦ By .Associated Press. ^ W;ishington, Feb. 21.—'i'he .McC'alP^ bill to carry out the provisions of thej>' Canadian reciprocity agreement wasi-O* rejiorted to (he senate today from the ♦ cnmmiltee on finan(‘e. 'Phe report -was ! ♦ "without recommedation,'' ihecommit- toe by a vole of C to 7 refusing to re port either favorably or adversely. ♦ an “EASY-WORKING” EGG- BEATER With Want Ads Tomor row. See specia! offer on page 8 today. (Watch the Want Ad Page.) Special to The News. Richmond, Va., Feb. 24.—Larus Brothers tobacco factory, who have a contract for U. S. Navy and Williams & Reuhling tobacco factory, who have contract for German army are burn ing. Others are in danger. Prisoners, three of them murderers, were rushed from nearby jail. Hundreds of v/omen have narrow ercspa anH cthrro a“c tliouo.hl to in tha ruins. Nevada Mine-Flames Raging By Associated Press. Tonopah, Xev.; Feb. 24.—.\t 2 o’cloclv this morning the rescue party searcliing for the miners entombed in the burning F^elmont mine was with in sixty feet of the seat of the fire. Mine officials reported that ihey would reach the fire in a short time. All night the rpsciiers' labored to drive back the strifling llames. APor they had come within leet of ihc firti the workers were forced back. 'I'hree of them were overcome by ga.s and -.vere taken to a hospital. II is concedc(l there is no hope of ! finding the ntombed men alive. 'Ihe of tiiijse known to be iu the a re; frazip:r. PiCRKF, shift bos.5. HANXHL\X. .MFA. name.- mine BOB .lOi-lX ,\i 1KI-: JAf'K WILLIAM .MURPHY,

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