n QUICK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD’ .a test Edition HE CHAm.OTTE N E JmU Edition UL. 43. NO. 6961 CHAKLOTrE, N. C.. SATURDA'V EVENING. FEBRUARY 2^"T^ 11 pi3 y^'C' (In Charlotta. ~ cents a. Copy Dail,v—Onts Piinc:iy A -j Outside Charlotte. 5 Cant* a copy Daily and Sunday If o nisiers Petition gislature To Pass Grier Bill ; 'iirg Representati i; 6 s| t\'[itioned by Charlotte I . Kis to Pass Pioposed ■r h Obszrvance Law, j fr. Vision Merely a ' Vcitalty Provided,\ ” Villi Render Present . K'jcciive, r. > -1 >11 li;i 1)1 •-1’. OELIRS SEGH iUspoii- with whicii was i-hart;- ■I'li I) >■ LAW, ■jr; H. N. ?h.'.'r, •: \. ' -ior ,--i \\. G. troj r. ' . iT.ti vco from , . . N jrth Cat oiina: jf' u r.on" V. . lee wou!U -' a. thr.y v\ere ap- il' > ((iWiiir 1 '.ei'ial Association ' xr.nf( (i. Hy Ass('i i;> I’d I’t'ss, Wa-liir,:.!(ni. I). {or th,' coiKlit ic.ii; K',> art' now coiifrou!tni (I in i)art ut the I'arniors ilu'insel *'S I cfiiaMir .Mr('u inht T of Xoiili I iii a s|'( -cli ill tlu' senat*' ilu‘ .Mc':',li bill, wliirii puis ii.to i'oi’ia ii'i' (MK'.r’’itrni iiiu' i:i'\ tU(' i)i{)\ i.'ioi's ci ihi' i aJiatli.'.ii i iM-i nro' iry a.n't r u'.'i:.. 1 i>'!(l'r,u. il^ai ill! 1,1! ilicaiiDn oT ii>. a.urt't'ii'ciii Wiiiil'l >|.rll (lisa.-ter a.r h‘' a-;i'ii iiitIII a! iiiw I't sis. the .>riia:o:' '.ii'i tluii i!’.r> i. ;;i liicir ('a;‘s lo Mi"itb ll'.a: w't rt> u i'di’ lowfr ra o:^ ut ilur>- ai !ii(’ time il;.' i>:i.ssaue -1 i!'- l’a> iK‘-Aiili if!i bill aiui tiieir nav- :'!U uiMM! miU's in tiio ens.ilui; .'l.’ctMui 111 tl.t' (iitiioiier.’.s- oi' iliosi' iiifMil'i ;oi I t:.iL;r('ss who iiad voieU i a ilu’ it adi IS in ilu* two houjt-!-. iiatl hci'u il'c niidoin.i.’, of the fanu iv. dc ! ;t\ d ihai winMi a ciusadr iu;aiiisi th; wi oie tariff sysUMu was .-I'td i>' liif prt'ss-tint •.laturul ('('ii- ■ : i \ ;itii ti i;is' h*->r iKOaiifo and ovory- , "u in tiK. lanif bili was (.(.niieinn- 'I ! a' ■' ! ii !M;it.t'.'.. lie ctintin;ud ■ .1 ! "n the :: '\'‘rnn'.''ni was U;st si.uii' i :* id a Wii'.t' 'if ii';;' tiauisni tlia! w.i: Id ; ;i\ ( ,M'i ( i! ' Very vostij;'^ o; . cl ' .;i all': b .t tiie i;'>veruniei! i ’■itiu.;i. rL.in-:- .''■■i - o^or ihe coun try.” ,'ir. Ciii'iber rc.erved :n the sc'e- Iii-.luilisi'i ti:.'i !;■ .'loin'd in the 'ariti sin aii^'ti and li.i' d sue oi one part or , ii> own itrodneKs !.'!> of ..notiier I'art | lEC~/ /? Mob of Two Hundred Lynch Two Negroes In Warreton, Ga. Big Parcels Post Convention Soon By Associated Press. Nashville, 'reiiii.. Feb. 25.—\Vith av- ransjenieuts eoniplele for the i>aroels post convention of Southern iner- ehants. whieh will begin iiv Na.-liville Ttiesday, the executive commit lee makes the announcement thar it will be the bis^t'si emrcantil^' gathering ever held in the S:;uth. This is based on advance notices from numerous lara;e delegations that they will ar rive in Nashville Monday nii^ht and Tuesday mornint’’. The two most im- ]K)rtant addresses will be d'^livered by •lohn Sharj) Williants of .Mississippi and Postmaster ('uMieral Hitch(‘ocl\. or his accredited representative. Bob Jones, ]iVho Shot Conduc tor Thompson, And John Veasey, Another Negro, Charged With Minder, were Lynched, FATHER TIME—"YOU’LL HAVE TO HURRY, BOYS!’ Great Majority Of Charlotte Citizens Favor Sunday Laws General Smirnoff On Tour. Ijy Associated Press. San l’'rancisco. Cal.. Feb. ^.'i. (Jener- al (.’oastantine Smirnoff, who was sec- ;nd in command of the Hussiati army at I’on Arthtir in tlie war viili .lapan, arrivetl here yesverilay in i-otnpany with his dau.^hter, Liidmelia. The I wo are tnakin!^' a tour of the world. Thev spent several weeks in (Miina and .la- )>an before cros-.-!ns the Pacific. Frota here lhe\ \\ill ^o lo the V]as(ern stat's and South America and then return to their home in Odessa. Home for Retired Ministers. By Associaied Press. hos .Ans^eles, Cal.. Feb. 2'.— Plans for the establishment of a non-secta rian hoiiM' for retired ministei’s were made public yesterday. H'iie hon;e will bear the name of Col. R. M. Paker, ol this ciiy who with his wife has ‘j;iven a site of \->(} acres near Los Anueles. I’.Hsides endowiuiA tl>e institiiticui, Col- ■M- • . ■ :i T reus . thnt so lie sliouUl be (jl'Ohibit I f; , e J,.'0(!;- of! •ic do cf the cily : I...ions of t ic cb cr.!y pro- i. r CO ' . t I fc '-V > ptrsC'iiE ii 1 ''e \ ■ :c; tc your atc:^n- t iaw "or the ' cl 3 cr t.!a(i>‘ lo « ,-;ii:p''*' "i'h the :n(- ij^in ii! t o’:i abroaii. ■ | inK-i- Ml se >u,«i;t Oils.' he sail. •’i'u !'i ;ii the .i idd'»' \\ t'si wi’re de- ■■ royed bc :v;. r ll;'.’' all-> ed pro ' I 'i'-ii ('11 fabrics and th rcby ii'.crea-;- td :he C'»st c\' lixit'.f;. :'i;e men of the d : f';V, bi-c.ili.'C I iiev al ,^d p''■: > ( t i(>i. on !v);:(- products and 1 ( r, b 'I'a.Ni (I MU' o: (d iiViii‘4. :i!'i ot tills lur.iioii a iiev.- political ■ r-«'d V. as i,rii i. au'! the hero of each ^5 1 h'.fali y was iic vl'o cri-'Ml cctioii 0'V. oDrr'.monly call- in every: hini; '''' ; rodmt' and t rs'-lci r;n^'tiV'cer, ,rtc :i;-d on ev'r;.! hinir', the resi of ' oth?r person, shai:, ilie ii unii'y j)i'o;iMces." ■r, do or exercise any "Ti e !;■ v.liii-h all inis madn('ss ■*. :-k. of Its ordir’ary I'oiiitetl," s:!id ,\11 Currber, v.as plain ne ,c.-sity and ciisn- to in-,t. 'I'h*' larmer had been ‘•poison- : ;-,“r erpioy himself m1 bv th;,- virus with whicli the politi- : o‘ fowli 13. ncr jr^e ( al a! nK'sphe: e iiad been imprejrnat- ■jr oUr.' . upon pain id anri ii( , and in too nianv in;-tanee?> 1 c'. : Vendi'ig. b;ing iji;. a!i oili -i.^ tf.rned a”?inst tiiose i,r;^en ycai's ^ir.d up t \ho liad i'.ib.'rtd tor his benetit I* >>.d oay on* doM'r.'' t i’her ’ on tho “c'tutc ’;!• tn with j^rcafly dimniished majori- ns hundred a'd fifty i;.'s. h was roujih no matter what he it'Tiied after the may have done to protect the inter- e cn'y change we (-sts of his ov.it siaie. lor a s^enator '.■c;crt law is to make'or a r;|)i’eseniali»10 have been f it misdemeanor. ••au.",l’t several times voting “the same it 'r now. so 1 wa\ as the cliairinan of tlu' committee - . c ■■frrcc r.ble. ('U .inanci' voted.' That meant the op- e people of this posi'ion ('f ihose wihj had yielded to \ '.•.j'.in .:ppe2l to :h.' ciamov. ' Tne ression is Th(‘ pu'sideni, s;>i.. .Mr. ,\I■•Cuml'or. '• ■ if yen centlc- >!'Ould not be c‘ :u-;ire(i for h.is advoca- petition'( \ of ih; ri'ciprocity agr.'ement. The of the peo- farmers had shown by their votes lasi Mimstei s. Law yet s, Business Men Sta*e mr Approval of Greer Bill Th to prevent the desecretion of the Sal)bath. “While none of ns are able lo live up to onr ideals, still ail of ns can maintain those ideals, whicii tend to the bettermemt of mankind. We are told that we do not need Warrenton H'as Quiet To-day After the A£air—Members oj Lynching Party Have not Been Identified. P>y .Assot'iated Press. Au^ius!;'. Ctp., Fei). 25.--Bob Jones, til',* ii‘^«i) who fatal!v siiot (%mdur- to;' \\ . \\'. '!'honii)S(ui, ar Camak, »•>> the Ceort^ia railrv>ad. "I iinrsilay ni;'hi. was talxen from the Wai'ren comity Jail al midiiiiihl Frida,- by a mo!) .'T aliou! :!!^u infuiiait'd ciii/V'ns and i.Niiched. .loiii) \'(.:^sev. anotbrr iii'Krii in tiic .jail, who was char,t',--.l viitii the ti'ur- dev of (1. K. Taihain. two months a.sAo, was also lyiuhed. Tiie mob ihen (piiftly dispersed and ibis mi.Tnin;.; Warrpiiiou was as (ptiet as a sniali town can b(> Ti;e nc.i^ro ho was wiiii .iuii; s at iIh; liiiK' Cajilain Thompson was shot h.as not yM l)een a]>piehended and the mob look advautai'c (jf Siierli'f Prinuley's absence with hiB luisse lookiii,!^- for Ibis negro, 10 enter the .i.iil nad lynch .Tones and Veasey. At - li o'clock this nuuninp; the two iieA'tofs wer(> still i!an;;inc; from a tree near Ihe town, tiieir bodien ridiiled \vith bulhls. Mr. ('■'it zp:u rick, a prominent citizen of \\'arrenton. said over tl.e lon^ onel Paker will furnish m‘ans for j disiance leleiilionc lodiy that, the erectim.’’ pi'-;!;tv coitajies in whicli thejniob cni-^-red ilit; town about miu- iruests will lie liotiseil. Long Journey Southward. By Associated Press. Uunsniuri, ('al., Feb. 20.— Abotit half of the remaining- bands of the indus trial workers of the world have re sumed their journey southward. But it was onlv the most stalwart that re- anv |)uritanical laws and that the sumed the march and tew- of i bill now being offered is of that na-1 f’istjj^d iti the vvalk tt> Keiiue , ia.-> c am misbty ture. The !)H)pf)S;.'d . ji’f'asiire nas ^u ;l;id tj know the So’ons in I yuhstance been t)n tne statute b(joLs Pioposed Law tjaine Oj ^ tne .^ivins "s some relief.” 'of North Carolina for over a hnn- Wh^rh TJnf^ P,ppn nn ^intufp^ I'emember how I used to so dred years. (See Section 283; of H/2.C/Z on .:>zari'res to Hie Revisal of 1905.) However, vio- "PqY YcciyS KxCept That home,” said another | oarried a forfeiture Provides Heavier For Viola finn. Penalty and or punished '..niiy are fo" the fail that they !iad not wanted to return ?ct. we are at your ti’e reprcsen'atives w!io bad defended T.ed ci’anqe is prac- th ir int:>;■; sts in tiio tariff U'fiislation n- I'w of the city and that mtant that the fi.rmers did ■ tlu-y were iirotected F. ; p"d'-*'‘ I? cn sny oiie. -ret i-My r-ubmitt?'.c!. e. 3 o' •. 1 ^K R. T. ROV./E. F. BCMAR. Committee. Abboint Man not care wiu-i or not. K; tribiitive imnisliTncnf. liowever, ISlr. M 'umber said. ■>'as no iiart of hi.-if laiih. Ho did Jiot b('lieve in retaliation upon tile laruKTs by the enactment of the McCall bill when theirs had b( -n "liie miid offense of having been misled b> tiie press aiid magazines of the country." YT”- J J '* speaker held no class so vital- ‘ f t toy W OOClUCLTU ^ affected by the measure a^+ the agri- rr w. ,iie threat , lo thos-^ inteiests iliar lay in the tjii'o iim open cil this country for the fr.^e (iitry of farm products from a ieiritory so rich in soil and oppoi- tunitif's as Northwestern Canada. Kcf ipr(!ciI, said the S'])eakei, was not needed to increase this countij s hade wi'k Canada; if is increasing as it is. A ])lea for the farmer was made and the siieaker sounded a note of warning, he said, to those senatois who represent the great cities witn th'dr enormous wealth. “hiVery gi'eat co’-ifiict is not determ- ined in favor of him )^•ho strikes the tir-.t blow.” said Mr. McCnniber. “bui in fa\or of him who strikes the last l.low Fiv thi» treaty you strike the L^reat cereal and stock interests of tiie Nortliwestern states a staggering blow, but they will arise and return liiat blow with interest.’ I-. ; -i:>. 'I'll-' con- .1' .x’of d ard. torfuiian ..,11 (■(■■'III’ vote tirobe w i,i, . 'I i'-ally ill at K ^'lu-tcrm, ^^how. no t; ; n-> tiling ami 1i:k , 11 ;.cli alarm.'(I. ,,t . ;ha, .liid.L-o Kim- Mr. Wood\ard I.- f> ;iiaiid iuf. i ( anoiher iueiuber a^ liis sufcessor. ' bring the tish home,” said anothe ' num. who Ijelieves the bill should be enacted. It is said opiiosition to the m^'asure came largely from i)rominent ni.embers of cl club who enjoy life in their own sweet way. And when the oi)iiosition says that "working men's rights” are being tramiiled upon if the meastire is enacted by the legislature, they are playing to the galleries. For tlie work men, those old-fashioned good people, do not want to violate the Command ment which says tliat the first day of the week shall be kept holy. Why Differentiate? “TJie Grier bili. according to by best infoi-mation, ditt'ers from the already existing Sunday laws for the city of Charlotte only in the jienalty attached for the violation of the proposed stat ute. In oilier words Charlotte alrealy C'harlotl'e pc-ople sjioke this morning | ^he laws that are here propose(> when asked if tiiey favored or opposed 1 for the whole county of Mecklenburg, except in the one point noted above. Why then should there be serious op position to the measure? Is not the sturdy citizenship of Mecldenburg wil ling to live under Sabbath lav/s just as strici as the city of Charlotte has No Addiiional Prov isions, Hence no Call For Discover ing of Mares' Nests—Many Citizens Are Intetviewed on Subject, Consistency, thou art indeed a jewel! How rare I I ! That is not the exact quotation, but it is the way ninety-tive ])er cent of tlU II c s the l)ill iraroduced in the h'gislature by Representative \V. A. Grier who seeks to jiiace unon the slatute books some act under which violators of the Sunday law can be punished. l?y an ortlinance the jieople of Char lotte are prohibited from btiying a drink at a founiain, or a cigar from i* cigar counter, on Sunday. Good Chris- ticn people asked for such a law and had it enforced. They talked of how the lord's Day was desecrated until they succeeded in driving away all of those who obeyed not the injunctions of the Commandment. And yet, there were places just l)e- yond tiie city limits, to which men, women and children, could go each Sabbat 11 day ami buy near-beer, soft drinks of all nattires, cigars and ciga rettes in any quantity, and otherwise make merry. Police were powerless to act, because, per se, there was no law under which they could act. Civil action ^^as the only thing to be done, and tiie penalty was such as a slight ')( ;a’f^tl Prrs I. Fob. 'I'hree hundred na- ■ •lii'ig:+ in the Tondo district, ■> Mt M^jniia. was burned today, irii.-. .lobiison f'harity Hospital : . dam.iged. half of ;he build- ■ i’ dt sfro.vfd. Tlie iiatients were '! nnharuied. ' ( in Inhabited by laborlnK class- 1 fiBhennon. The house • are mado of cane tnd nipa. MERCHANT AND BRIDE ARRESTED AS SPIES. By Ascsociate I^ress. San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 25. Alex ander Kerr, a wealthy merchant of I’ortland, Ore., and his bride, taking a honeymoon trip on the Mexican hor- d; r, were arrested by Mexica rurales HI 'riajuana and were locked up for four hours in the cuartel, suspected of si)\ing. Tliey were arrested while Mr. Kerr was taking a picture of the cuartel. They were locked in the cell next to that occupied by Henry Dell, the American w’ho is held by the Mex ican authorities as a suspected spy. adoiiled for itself? With existing laws Charlotte has made progress. Why then should the same laws a))plied to the w'hole county hinder her progress. It is not Avorth while to muddy the waters and there by miss the main ])arr, nam.ely; This biii i)roposes to stop the work ing industries of the Sabbatli by run ning places of amusemem for financial gain and to the annoyance and moral hurt of many people and I am, there fore in favor of the jiending measure.” A. W. PLYLWR, of a small amount of money. Too, we have had the same act in force in our city for over twenty-live years. “The originator of the petition against the observance of the Sab- i bath law, is persuaded, is more in terested in running his business for the purpose of self-aggrandizement rather than being interested in the rights of the ‘‘dear peoi)le.” I do not believe there is a single man, woman or child in the city of Char lotte, who regularly attends church ordinances on the Sabbath, who de sire to see an open Sunday, or who desire to have the roller coaster er operate all day for the purpose of adding filthy lucre to tlie coffer.s of others, ice cream or soda water dished out, or any other amusement that tends to desecrate the Sabbatli. "This community has not only been noted at all times because of its great respect for the law', but bet ter still, because it has been a God fearing community. One of tlie great est evils today is tlie desecration of the Sabbath and the violation of the Fuortii Commandment. We forget that the first four commandments are our duty to our maker and carry with them a higher obligation than the last six, which is our duty to onr fellowmeu. No community can ho)»e to prosper materially, much less to hope for providencial bless ings, that forgets the Fourth Com mandment, and it is to be earnest ly hoped that onr legislators will see to it that every safeguard needed is thrown around the observance o* the Sabbath day.” T. L. KIRKPATRICK. ta couiity tr> ioiiesH\va>. In twos and threes and singly, all through the day stragglers returned to Dunsmuri saying that they v.’ere in no condition to undergo the long tramp to Kennett. DOWD LEADS FIGHT FOR Ni He Favors the Bili. “I am heartily in favor of the bill introduced by Representative W. A. Grier in the house of representatives in reference to a stricter Sabbath ob servance law in Mecklenburg county. If certain diversions are objectionable within the city limits and are prohib- This Preacher Favors it. Rev. R. E. Hough, pastor of Chal mers’ Memorial church; Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 25.—Hon. \\ C. Dowd, sueaker of the house, le(i ^ the successful fight for a change in the proposed buiiding iiolicy for tlie state, as embodied in the state ad ministration building bill that had jiassed the senate witii an amend ment cutting the bond issue trom one million dollars dovr.> to five hun dred thousand dollars. Mr. Dowd set u]> the contention that the state sllnild adopt the poli cy observed at Washington and erect a »nuniber of ])uildings around bap- Ita! square as the occasion demands rather than concentrate in one mil lion dollar building, and for a $250, 000 bond issue. The bill passed with the amend ment Mr. Dowd iiroposed and goes to the senate for concurrence, the building to be at the southwest ctn- ner of Capital square. Mr. Dowd has introduced an im portant bill to consolidate the state department of agriculture and the A. & M. College. ANOTHER REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT BEGUN. !ii,t:ht and with a heax \ iiistruiuent jMicd jjien the door of the ja'I. They the two negroes from tiieir cells and (piietly led them to the outskirts of Ihe town. The next thing tV.al the inhabitants lieard was a lusillade of shots and then all was still. 'I'hts morning the bodies of tlie negrtx's were seen swinging f'-ora limbs of the same tree. it is siat’(i that the tn"b was not c«jii>d of \\ aii viik.ii citiz.-ns aii i Mr. I''itzpan i.-k .'-lated that lie (lid not kiKiW wlicM' the>- 'ame from. .Mitch indignation v.-as caused two moiidis ago V. litMi .lolin \'('asey, one of the negroes lynrdied ias( night, is said to liave murdered .\lr. 'rarhaiii, a promineni ciliziMi of Warren conn- t >'• Tht> otlicials of the Cb'orgia rail way have not received an\' deiaiis f Ihe affair of last nigiit, aliliough they ,veie informed early this morning by their agent at Warrenton that the negroes had been lynched. 'i'he s(>arch for the other negro, who was with .Jones at the time Caiitain Thompson was shot, con iines allhough It is not stated what chances there are for capturing him. one tliaL it was a f^ice, ^ ^ reason whv the same In the name ot the ‘_i)oor wooing nn th^ man, however, they talked of allow ing the desecration of the Sabbath. And that’s what ihe people said io- day when tliey were aslved if they fa- voreci or oiiposed the Grier bill. One reporter saw forty men this morning and of the forty, but three were op-i ])osed to the measure. These three did not want to be quoted. One said; “I am against the i)il1, because it will close up ijlaces «n Sunda.v. I want Sunday baseball, horse-racing and ev erything else." "Then why can’t I quote j’ou on this?" queried the reporter. "Because if you do, ' answered the man, “I will be unpopular.” But there was a man who w'ould talk and who didn't care if his name ap peared. He is Colonel Kirkpatrick. ■'1 may have erred a lot,” said the Colonel, “but I haven’t forgotten the teachings of my mother who kept the Sabbath Day inviolate.” A statement from Col. Kirkpatrick will be found in anotlier column of this edition. . Chief-of-Police Christenbury, favors tile adojiiion of the law’ that has been introduced by Mr. Grier and which af fects Mecklenburg county alone, ‘‘i-leretolore we bad no law under which to act,” said the chief, ‘‘and I are not oi)jectionable, on the outside. I am greatly interested in the boys of the city. If they spend their Sabbatlis engaged in these amusements instead of being at Sabbath school, they will certainlv not be trained as they siiould, ! I hoj)e a stricter Sabbath observance iaw will be passed for the county.” E. G. CARSON. All Will be Lost. As a minister of the Gospel and as a citizen of the county, I am heartily in favor of the bill now pending in the legislature, which looks to the better observance of the day we call the Sab bath. • If the Sabbath is made a day of pleasure, it ca.nnot be maintained as a day of worship. If the Sabbath is lost as a day of w'orship th^ church must be lost and with the chin*ch Christian civilization and Christian institutions must be lost.” GEO. W. HANNA. Bv Associated Press. Buenos Ayres, Feb. 25.—Advices re- , ceived here today state that another "I am heartily in’ favor of the' revolutionary movement has been be- Grier bill and hope the legislature of North Carolina will maiie it a law. I think that is need of such a la A' to preserve a proper respect for the Sabbath. We have laws operative within the city to insure proper ob servance of tlie day and I see no reason why a law with the same gen eral provisions should not be enacted to' regulate those portions of the com munity that are near the city of Cl’arlotte, but yet outside the city limits.” R. E. HOUGH. gun in Paraguay. Keep Inviolate. “It is much to be regretted that a strenuous effort is being made to prevent the passage of the bill now pending before the legislature It’s Too Drastic.’” “You ask my opinion of the Grier bill? ‘‘I trust I will not be misunder stood when I say that I think it too drastic. I am in favor of all Sunday legislation, which has for its object the protection of Christian people in their right to a day of rest and Avorship. I think the state should prevent the hunning of sports and amusements for profit on Sunday, as it prevents the keeping open of shops, stores and factories on that day. But a law which interfers w’ith individual liberty to the extent of this bill, goes farther than ; would go, and would probably del at the very purpose for which it was fram ed.” REV. ROBERT L. PATTERSON. James Boyd Captured. St. Augustine, Fla., Feii. 25.—.Tames Boyd, w'hite, one of the eight men who escaped from the jail here yesterday after overpowering the jailer, was cap tured today. He was being held to answer a charge of securing nujiiey under false pretense. Rewards are out for the other iirisoners. Students Make Confessions. t’.y Associated Press. (’olumbtis, Ohio, I-’eb. 25.—State Fire Marshal John W. Zuber anuotmced to day he had obtained confessions from it students of Hiratn College, in I’orlage county, that they caused two uiyj+terious tires in that town during the closing days of the toot ball seasoi. Two of the students were fined $150 each and costs in the case and tho other 12 $25 and costs each. On November 21st, 1!»10, two build ings in liiram were burned. One had licused a s-inall electric light plant and the other was occupied by a car« pet weaver and there was an old loom in it at the time. 'I'he biilMing wa.3 the property of Loyd M. Hill. On DeC'* ember :?rd an outhouse on the prope';*:y (jf Mrs. Martha Henry was burned. 'I'he studeiiis all came in and iilead- ed guilty, telling a clean story of "h.-j matter and by an agreement with President, Hates, of tlie college, t.heir names are '' ithheld by the court. Mayoralty Campaign. By Associated Press. Chicago, Fel). 25.—('andidates of all jtartie.s for the mayoralty nomination, at the primaries next Ttiesday will close their canijiaign tonight. The campaign has be-n the most ex citing in yeats. On the democratic ticket thei'c are three cLindidates, while on the repiiblica’.i hide five are in lUa race for the nomination. Want Sunday Baseball. P,y .Associaied Press. Montgomery, l-'eb. 25.—A bill liermittin.g Suiiua,y baseball in Ala- Ijama has been introduced into tlie house by Rejiresentative Cliam’oeriain, of Mobile. DLE»SE SIGNS BILL cbi[f oy[ll mFE'S TD CHARTER INTERORBIlll By Associated Press. Greenville', S. C., Feb. 25.—Gov. Cole L. Blease announced a few' days ago that he would veto the incorporation act of the Piedmont & Northern Rail road Co., which intends building, in cnnnection with other companies, a chain of iaterurban lines in North and South Caiolina, but has reconsid ered and affixed his signature to the act_ DEftTH CIO SEE HISSOIDIDE By Associated Press. Warrenton, X. C., Feb. 2.>.- T nl>al- anced by poignant grief over tiie death of his wife, which occurred yesterdr y at her home, M ,M. Pendleton, fired a bullet int« his temnle and expired in thirty minutes. Their married li-^ was an ideally happy one. They were members of tw’o of the most inomin'ont I families in Warren couuty. V

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