10 THE CHABLOTTO NEWS, FtBRUARY 28 I9H E TO ;i'. >r:ii.i ('f tho I'’iodmont ItaiiAay I'oinpaiiy. in k 11 ! M'.i'.t. authi'vi/Acl ihe • furban electric lin*'* I,,..- . T,i Kin;^> Mountain, in .'..■111!) and tioni Spartanburg • ,,.il !, S-r’i I'arolina. , I ; oiiicial announoc- . i.- -■ (Ml To 'riio ( I : - i I lu' " t 'I'k jus* ■\ arran>;*.Hl tlu' ■. - 'i (>’!i ('I'.'j:ii‘ t'* Kini;^ ; • . r-.;'l. a> K'ld in 'I'lu'; , . \\ ill bf \ ia riiad- i ; H >li\. (lasionia I X-,!1 br tiandl-'d ■ .: ; ;i'i ' >1' ' 'oniriHiiy. ; ,S( 1 'th * arolii'a tlie (. 1' by 1 ill' I’icilinoni j , ■ f' ' tpaiiy. j . ' Ml'. ■ cai- lin*'s • ■ . . k hi .Not li ; . i . • :.!>■■'> s. .1. N. -a > oik: i:i- ^ • ,1 1 . w i- W. I’arkt-r, ‘ 1 K'lbon^. "t ^ S ... jr.. ('f rinr- ' , .i I • and . r. Tia.- - : a., . . . ' . a.; ili kTvr ; 1 . ' • I , . ^ . M. Took A Lot Of Medicine \ Lady in Trego in Unusual State of Mind, Because of Sickness and Dis couragement. Trc.uo. \Vi^.—‘I suffered terrible pains," writes Mrs. A. ,1. Smith, of this plac(', “and was so sick and discourac:- P(j that I tboucht 1 never cotild get well, and did not care if 1 didn't'. I liad to slay in bid most of the time. 1 took a lot of tnedieine. l)ut nothin'^ lu Iprd Jui. uiitii 1 l)t'gan ;o take Car d'll. which relieved mo at once. Now 1 am entirely well, and fcPl bi'tt.r than I have felt in fourteen >r:irs. 1 do all of my own work, milk six (Mnv-, ni.^iiit and mri uincr. and ^ w.isli iiiid CO >k for seven iier.'-on.'." i ^Ivt'ii a thor('uuh trial, (\''rdui :ilwa\> remain the prefei red. stan-1 d.:rd rt'iucdy. for. all the ills that af- f’ict th(- ti iTu' to u.'C. wlien ' iK-w is m'cdc il to luilld u|t j ib.e w ..in.iiils> sieni. aficr e v('ryihinu; j . !.'0 ha.' failed. I'leinu't'd from perfectly harmless. xturU'.ltle inuredients. Cardti i- the f-.'St iL’.nri'N 1(1" y.-i’, to iiso. a.' it can do \ou nofliiuii b\it uood. Cardi’i is u')! a c in'-all. I'Hf a wo man's int'ilit in.-- a tonic for wt ak wc>- i:,. n. 1’ (I. e.' on-’' thine and does it u.!l, Tb,iV t!;e s“cr(‘l of its success. sand,-~ f k'-ilics liave rt'ixr.incd 1 t: ( -ird ii. Wliv not ! Charlotte B. & L. Association 43rd Series Now Open At the Associations Offices, 203 N. Tryon St You can take shares now and be in Position to borrow the money you need to improve the next good opportunity that comes to you Money deposited with this Association earns more than 6 per cent, and is not taxed. J. H. VAN NESS, Pres WILLIS BROWN, Sec & Treas. Attorneys; T- C. Gutherie, Herriot Clarkson pickaninnies in Court. Two little pickaninnies in police court this morning vor^itd Recorder Smith. One charged the oiher with hui.;ging him and stealin.g his watch and also borruwin.si Jo cents and not returning it. ••'I wo cnin(!uepinish for me." ex claimed the recorder. ‘‘Get out of here and go to work.' ■\ ?il;‘.navunk man has bought his motiier-in law a folding bed. ile savsi that's, the (tnlv \v;'v he can shut her up. Good Values in Rea! Estate One double corner East 7th street in “Pines” $3,000 Double lot, 1.32 feet front, Central Ave $2,850 Double lot 132 feet front, Louise Ave $2,000 7-room modern home Elizabeth Ave .. : = =. .. .. .... ,. $3,850 0 rooms, modern, Sduth JMyers .. .. $3,350 And many other very attractive propositions. jpeoples Loan & Realty Co. W. L. Nicholson, Mgr. C. R. McGinn, Salesman. 309 Realty ’Phone 313. Building. iM TPOCHPS i . ir il '!■ r., a-',. - - lit t. • ■ w II (Il i' I' ; iivs' Vdvisory { :i; :>-a .Vu'.lii'ii'.o (.'u.. Clnit-1 :-n.. fiM' SpiM’i'il hi.lntc-; .".iC' h- .ok. ''t !o!1! ’ I'l'.'at-1 • Mi'. 'i ■ s. nt in ..lain v. rai) Club J^eo: k Suit To Recover A , z Anxious Coal Lands r r ■ a i - .1. 1 'irc. ; which! •h ' Miy ' ■1 that ' liavi- '■ill li. D). J\JcHewy V/iil Talk lo Live Stock Asso iv . i t'. .1 ' ' V"r' i >' . - Fr.iUd. de- 1 .!) t (liai"i 1 in a - r ' t- ■' ( : i, '.i\ ’vinifnt ■ . i '! ' !:. • t '1.;,''!. F' i; 'ii Cw.ui:; :i, io rtM •iuot .itii' t('. I I.. h'.; 'Is in l.,i ' \:; . . -■ ,;'inv Ciloi'a ■1. valued a' , : i’ln;’. •> ' '!'■'( '.'n'T'iPr ini.iiii 1. 1-, a^-'fi ; sks ilio fe.i- f'Miri •' 1 an fU'd !' pf'rimit iir:: frUt'i ';i' ii- flit to f Na.iiino rliose ::iis a'- , •lit ■'■D'liiii'io. o\\ n- d bv !; ; I- ■;d 1 tv Iron Conv V i.i! h 1 .Mi:it is ■i'.ari;; ;!, ir. i;-'’' a f] !ia beer, t ikor. f i:! il'-w rn’r »'tit iiiiid in \iolaiio!' I-' a v. 'i l If i’riiiicv 'iiiin/' is ono ’■ Th;' t'i;: I'l'n ■‘■■riirs of th^' (’flovadn ■ i»‘l iron (' tii:rany ii rid ii. locate i , ’• 'I'riiii:';!';. A'--:r iii;«' ('"I. > !!: r> ' (' I'l’l.'iii s( ven 1. > \Vll( 1 i;'f t 1 1 la.'-iLs ' ii' ■. i!!-'!' 111 |i '11 fl I'l ’> » 'I'ii'1 1!:. .1 in I " f' :■ ' • '■ V ' a' lam It 1 , 1' ; ’Ilf]'- ' f .iic.a! 'jii-ds. ■ . ■ I ' » ’ a ^ :-s in tr.e ’ ;i' ; t. . 1 t j r> I;, I' 1 ^ 4 i. .r.,i. 'I':If a 1 . ■ V' V ih f n::-rad''' ' 0] I,-, ;. !'• !:• c\'".;e po>.se.^- of !!,,■ i M -A'.r- ■■ ■n'l'^linr :-- t !II\ V. 0 - liV I'liV;' pi’T. ill iVKi.'H h’f. ; a’! c!'v K). f^s of 1 T i.- n i.-'i a ;;r-i irs of t’.ans- '■ 1 : . 1 "'.ii-hl ti: le to th'- (onipany. Bin F i ■ e Mile T unnel. For Rent. STORE ROOMS Store room Xo. 4 and G Soiitli l’oi)lar St.. llo'' space, 3!ixT4. $50.00 Store rc.oni, 10u2 South Boule vard $30.00 sot N. G.aham St 25.00 902 X. (Jri 'lani St 10.00 I brick sto.c room, Belmont Ave $17.50 RESIDENCES. T rooms, m>j{leru. East 5th. St. exionded ■ • 20.00 7 iiA'.iiis. modoin, 712 East 4th St 25.00 7 u.oins. nivdcin. 7IS Hast 4th St 25.00 7 rooms, aodern, 720 East 4tii St 2.'i.00 4 rooms, 308 X. McDowell . .. 8.00 4 rooms, 1213 X. Davidson St.. 7.00 7 rcoms. 'inodern. 423 Elizabeth Ave 30.00 II ii.(nns. modern 010 X. Bre- va.d St 31.00 Farm Bargains 43 acres, 6 miles from the square, on macadam. 12G acres, o\2 miles from the square, on macadam. 1G3 acres, 6 miles from the square, on Belt road. These farms are on and near the Providence road, on which great de velopments are in conteni])/ation for the near future; they are good farms, and are bargains at the price offered for the next week, $60 to $65 per acre. Good terms on same. Kow is the lime to acL AVe still have some “East End” lots and city property W. T. Wilkinson & Co. Room 6 McKinnon B!dg. Phone 439. Brown & Co. i TiV As.-.■ s. j i I.ris A;::' !'S. ('nk. !'■'>. lis.—Wiii; ! I*'* ''' for lo^\ I !: l.'iT 1. 1 lie , ♦an'l rapidi v of construction.' '* t'' r-, i-^at iivp mile ' Ml ■ fi:ni!t'i, ii"i ii!PX)riant I. •: I • n • - a I . I;!’ iiivi- ■ .1! li i i 'al;; Mr. Dallas At I'l ;1m> ..hi.I,111.) watpi- pic.- 1 I n.-; A:l^c!(■s, wa.' cc;inpiotcd . Il iv.i-rc's tho (:■(>;-' ;-.f tlif' Siorra "* .Ni.nira riii^o n' a pn’nt I'.T r>r!!es ' ' iKc: !'\\ t »'! \y cit y and lia;; bf cn c:'”. I 111'-i;'','^sii ,'('!) of solid' • a- V’c;",. I'•■■an at both of the ' li'-i' 1, ii'f in Octnbcr, i!i i7, and wont '■ ’ ' on day f:i;ri nip:h[ witiu.ut intermisfiion ,11 will to (•( 1;1 !>’l •’ ill;;. '!'l' 'i'l;.'' wc.rl; wa;; {'ini.-.hcd a year ■ ’'‘nd , ;:I.; i.'l .f lin.c and r.nder the • M's-i.niz' fl r il .aif. Tii'^ tdiai cost a.*tor tiie bij; I b.’T'* 1 i.- (i 'viih (iglit in''h concrete — . V.! ■ o 1 .M ' I; !ius a total ca- it.' "f iifio.o'io .gallons a day. AT WILMOORE amnnM the pines, at the foot of Mint stuet. we have .some very attractive] lets ; t oi. side streets at $400; i terms ?.riU ca-.di, and SIO p.er month.' or lil eral di.'Co.int for cash. , at the foot of Ti'von street, close, to nii ’orUi car line and South Tryon' car ’in . we will sell you line, level l(,t:; in .-ize. for SC.di'i, $700 and .>snn ai;d (/n ft'.-y tcrii!.-'. So near town; you can walk to business in ten or j 1;:; 'Ml niinuM's. j \V'• 1 r.'-c b('cn .-'o bttsy with other' devcloiim nts for the iiast year that this particiil'.'.r suburb has been neg- locti'd. but tl'ii.' year is to be Wil- mccre 'ear :;nd developments will be pusVrd an.fl many lots sold. 1 at tii^ city map and vou will ni’t:' ihtit Wilmoore is closer to the bi.-iiifs- and industrial sections of the (ity than any other development, and it is a fact that you can buy a lot in tliis sr.burb at a lower iirice than is ask('(i fri- many a lot a mile fur- thc'‘ from the city. Th.e honu'seeker. the investor, the b'lild. r. will note these facts and get in line scon for \\ ilmoore lots. F, C Abbott & Co. “Everything in Real Estate.” • Trust Building. Calduell bis BrotherHome ;• ');in'4 home H I’' il Villa 'I ■ ^.f-a'od in >' ■:. lal'i n to ' > • I ■ 1 . ct' iii '■'I': . W'hilf I- iai, 1,11 11.. vili "1 I,: :w.)ilicr, in GOOD WAY TO HO BUSINESS P. H. Jorri,in A Co. be . Reliable Rem edy at H ilf-Pnce and Cuirdiuec a Cure. '\ !i n I) I . fl'illjii'c; ff)r f f'■ ''' nt , it is a « 1.,:. Ill f ;dii?itj a .'»• l)fiit|c |); How- ar 1 . per'ific : , tj.c cm'e -f ' on fi;-ati'»n and d'j»: ia at L'.'. crnt , H II. .Iordan & ('o. ;,,r* j»jv- Iri'-' one «if the f^M-atoKt t;ad fhancfs «\ r offrfed to file peojile r>f c'^ar- If.if. K\'-Ii Ibou'-'h offered at half piier. ffif Ini I "d'lftory |.ui |kjS(>s the ^;p^•ei^i(• is hfdd undf r a '^uaraotee to cure *>r the iiKUK’y will be iffunded. If food does not digest well, if there Js aas or pain In the stonmch, if tlu; tiitii;iif Is coaterj anfl the breath bad. if 111' le i. consiipalion and straining, Dr. llowarfl's specific will cure you. If it fl'irs not, you have druggists R. H. Jordan & Co.’s personal guarantee to return your money. Dr. Howard’s specific gives quick re lief and makes permanent cure.s oi constipation, dyspepsia and all liver Imubles. Theso are Btrong statements, but R. II. Jordan & Co. are giving their cils- tomers a chance to prcxve their truth nt just half the regular price—sixty d(>HeH for 25 cents. If they are not found true, all you have to do ia to ask for ^our BARONESS VAUGHN Baroness Vaughn, morganantic wife if King Leopold of Belgium, who has began divorce proceedings in Paris against Emmanuel Durieux, a mer chant, to whon^ the was married on August 18| last year. You Arc Cordially Invited to Attend the Formal Opening of our New Store at 15 E. Trade Street Wednesday Evening Hours: 7 to 11 p. m. SOUVENIRS TO ALL VISITORS ...MUSIC... NO GOODS SOLD Open for Business Thursday Morning March 2nd Ladies’ Strap OXFORDS $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Velvet, Suede. Patent Leather and Gun Metal. Newest styles and great est values. Get a pair at 1 he Corner Shoe Store FOREMAN & MILLER CO, What’s the Use, Boys of boosting the Greater Charlotte Club, of trying to bring manufac turing plants and various new enterprises here, of real honest work to improve pubiic ntiiiiies, of efforts to attract capital, when a lot of ever- busy little politicians pollute the air, not with new principles, im- l.roved ideas of government or propositions for municipal betterment, but simi)ly a change of personality, no reason assigned—just giving vent to their insatiable desire to rule or ruin. How much have they done—and you know who they are—to really help Charlotte? Precious little. Why don't they do a little to help the citj% rather than always trying to muddy the waters, to feather their own*nests, to vent their petty fepite and to satisfy nersonal grievances? AFTER ALL, FELLOWS, it’s better to look to your own safety, your own peace of mind, your own pocketbook, by carrying just as many shares as you can with Keesler and the Mutual, for that’s a combination that fails not to be there with the goods at the appointed time. There’s naught but worry and disappointment and poverty for the average politician, for many hunt the pie but few eat it. It's always so with the herd that spends a life hunting for the feather beds. Quit the damnable job, buy a shuck mattress and go to work. Let the other .fellow be the idiot and do the politics. • WHY, I’M JUST AS HAPPY as a big sunflower, and I did it “with my little hatchet,” E. L. Keesler, Sec. & Treas 25 8. Tryon St. 'Phone 344. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Stone & Barringer Company Books, Stationery, Art Goods. FOR RENT Basement under brick store room In North Charlotte $ 6.00 Modern 7-room house, 510 X. iJrevard street '20.00 Modern S-room house 30S West 12th street 20.00 Modern 9-room house, 615 N. Caldwell street .. 25.00 Modern 6-room house, 509 Kingston Avenue 25.00 Modern 4 rooms, 400 East 9th street 16.00 Modern 6 room house 409 Tempeton Avenue 15.00 Modern 5-room house, 700 East 9th street 15.00 Modern 5-room house, 702 East 9th street l.j.OO Modern 5-room house, 1007 S. Tryon street 20.00 Modern 6-room house, .“^Oe East 9th street 20.00 “ilodern 6-rooni house 707 N. Graham street, March 1st IS.00 Modern 6-room house 1118 S. Caldwell street, March 1st 18.00 Modern 5-room house 314 East 9th street, March 1st 18.00 6-room house 613 East 7th street io.65 4-room house East Morehead street 10.00 5-room house 914 East 3d street lo.OO Modern 8-room house. 301 N. Brevard street 22.00 5-room house 18 West Palmer street 10.50 4-room house 807 West 5th street 9.00 3-room house 17 W^est Wynonia street, per week 1.50 4-room house 104 S. Seigle street, per week 2.00 3-rooni house West Liddell street, per week 1.75 3-room house West Liddell street, per week .. 1.75 5-room house North Stevens street, per week 2.50 3-room house East 13th street. No. 621, per week j.oo 4-room house., corner Sth and Stevens streets, per week 2.OO 5-room house Baldwin Avenue, per week 4-room house 12 W’^est Palmer street, per week . ] ’’ 2.OO 3-room house East 11th street, per week . .. ’’ i’25 3-room house N. Cedar street, per week [ i’fjq 3-room house, Heriott Avenue, per week 150 •3-room house East 14th street, per week j 3-room house 323 S. Cedar street, per week j iq 4-room house 403 East l^th street, per week .. *’ i'sq 4-room house 506 N. McDowell street ia qa 7-room house 1204 N. Caldwell street ^g OO J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 219 N. Tryon St. *‘Fire Insurance.” RENT LIST OF THE SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE LOAN an COMPANY Large warehouse, corner Sth and Graham.... North College Street Offices Two connecting offices over B^k Bros 8-room Flat over Sarratt’s Store ’" S-room dwelling East 7th St. Extension. 7-room dwelling East 7th St. Extension 4-room cottage corner College and Liddell 4-room cottage 707 N. Caldwell 4-room cottage South Myers St 4-room cottage, 11 Catherine St V. ” 4-room cottage 13 Catherine St 4-room cottage West 6th St 4-room ccttage, Belmont * 3-room cottage, Seversville Several apartments in large brick Building on .5th’{ Several offices in the new HoAvell Arcade one minute ■ all new, ground floor, well lighted. 'PHONE US NO. 236. -ST Announcemen I Our offices have lj?en moved from the K'"s l uil(li;i'i - 224, second floor, of the Piedmont Building, where wo \\: our new building on South Tryon street io erected, Charlotte ConsoHdated Construct! Company J £ ’Phone No. 2687. Business Property For Sale on Trade Street The property is situated cloise in, being in the heart r f rl ' ' ness part of Trade St. The property has 33 ft. frontage nuini-' 140 feet, and brings in $3,600 per year. It is orfered for a . onable price for only a few days. Call and see us if inic;..: i in real estate of any kind. J. E. MURPHY & CO. 'Phone 842. 229 S. Tryon St. Houses For Rent S-room house, modern, 316 N. Brevard St 5-room cottage, modern. Grove St., Woodlawn 4-room cottage, 411 Pegram St., per week 5-room cottage Lillington and Craighead Ave 6-room house, modern 514 N Caldwell St 10-room house, city water, corner Mint and Palmer Sts.., Carolina Realty Co, . $40.00 . .$2C.O0 .. ^.^.CO . $12.50 ,. $25,00 . $25.Cj O. J. THIES, President. B. R. LEE. Secretary. 211 N. Tryon St. W. D WILKINSON, Treas. & Mgr. J. P. LONG, Salesman. Phone 609. Charlotte National Bank On the Square Depository for STATE, COUNTY AND CITY. This Ptrnn-, vr> gressive bank solicits the accounts of all classes, large or sroail. Business, personal and accounts of corporations receive our caro- ful attention. OFFICERS: J. H. LITTLE, President. JNO. M. SCOTT. Vice Pres. J. F. ROBERTSON, Vice Pros. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW IN Real Estatf AT OUR OFFICE We offer just now, subject to sale THE GRESHAM RESIDENCE on West Trade St., jusr below * . ; Depot, a beautiful new place, with large lot and line t^hado lix would like to give you details of this property. A FINE LARGE DILWORTH HOME, w’ith large lot about lOnxi^o. " trees and shrubbery, great big garden with fruit well sianed, handsome ten-room residence, hot water heater, electric li- complete. This will interest any home-seeker. AN ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME, Ransom Place, with loi about to car line and convenient to business. A VERY PRETTY NEW PIEDMONT HOME, with large corne looking Independence Park; house strictly up-to-date. SEVERAL BUSINESS PROPERTIES INVESTMENT right in t Charlotte, at prices ranging from 10,000 for vacant lot, u!' i' for large corner brick building. THE CROWLEY FACTORY PROPERTY the foot of 4fh Si Southern Depot; just the location for manufacturing or wai' ^ poses. The building has been put in first-class condition ai; SALE or for RENT on term lease. SPRING IS COMING and you w^ill soon want to build. We have one thoupand of tho in Charlotte to offer you at wholesale and retail prices ■ ' Piedmont, Hillcrest, Wilmoore and scattered lots in the 1>' ^ suburban locations and on the most favorable of terms or lHn for cash. FOR EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE Always Consult F. C. Abbott & G