THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 28. 191 i 3 Joint Service Bell Telephone and ^^"^estern Union Telegraph £uery !Solf Tjelephone a XJelegraph Station EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1911 crtbors * Staitons. .i) you arc a subscriber to tl.c Bell Telephone System and wish -end a 1 clcgrain, a Ni^ht Letter or a Cablegram, use your .! phone. , My rdci^ram’' to the operator and you will be conneded i‘ II Western Union office from which your message will be l y telegraph and charged in your monthly account. \; iii^lit, on Sundays or holidays, when the local telegraph ■njr be closed, by a special arrangefnent concluded with the V ru Tnion Telegraph Company, you will be connedled with vn Westerii Union ofiicc without additional charge. Create recorder’s court for Jolin- sioii CGunt\. Pay expenses of committees visiting Eastern Training School. State Nor mal College and the University. Pay exi^eiises of committees visit ing ihe insane asylums at Movganton and Raleigh. Amend the charier "of Pcilocksville. Improve roads in Mt. Airy township, Surry county. Regulate fi>hing and hunting in Yan cey county. The senate at 2:30 took a recess until tonight. THE HOUSE—MONDAY—FIFTY. FIFTH DAY. ? ons» u may also send I efegrams and Cablegrams from our Public ;t ions. I'he arrangements vary at different classes of stations, rnpidly as possible we shall equip them with full directions. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Iff i S" ” iniiiiimni liiiiniiwm II—'■ _ I he Legislature; TE - r.-ON DAY— Fi^'TH D^Y. ■ 11 t’ arr, ; iv’^-r ! > ,.:1 !■- - . f 'h.' .. 1 i " 1;. > I \ . 1 ntf->'.!uced. !i 'UiKiri:-, ■ i -;i ;; al. n ;* .j'.'ili'nu'ui of ‘ hf at' in.-' ■■ itii'U' Wayne county. Amend the charter of Ti’enron. ■\mend the charter of >It. Aii}'. Legalize the SoO.OOO school bond isstie of Greensboro. Provide for good roads in Perqui- m^ns county. Extend the corporate limits of Lau- rinbuj'g. Amend the charter of Canton, Hay wood county. \ntend the charter of the Waynes- ville Railway and Power Co. l^revem depredations of domestic fowls in ('ahiwell county. Authorize the commissioners of .Mecklenliurg to reduce the tax on the Co. for IftOS, r- 'I'.t;. 'if 'board of architects, consisting of five a\‘■•hitt'cts uppointed I'y th' governor to ev;\mine, iicriise and registei- ap])M- anis an»’ proiect members of that pro- n.:sii)U. Senators Bassett. Thorne :>nd ll’cks offered amendments and altt'i' some debate St^nator Barnes'mo- FIFTY- rion to lav ;lie bill and all amendments on the table prevailed by a vote of I to ' 1] Miicrige Bill a Special Order. The c(nnmittee on railroads rer>ort- od a sabsiitute for Senator Haggptf's ■'ill rn(];iiring railroads to i)u]l mileage on trains. ) he sul)siitute providing that raili'oads sliall keep open two win-j (uiws a’ all stations in towns and I cities having a ))opulation of 2.00(' O''j Charlotte Auditorium i)\ev. one window for selling tickets j |r)o« and U'!0. lie oiher exolusivoly ior exchang- ■■ : I'lib'a'-ve for lickeis; also requi'.ing t\\(> windows to bo l-:ept open at the jnnfti'Mis- Dunn. Hamlet. N'orlina. and Maxton—irrespective of t!i'^ liopulaiion of these places. S-iu.tor Bassett offered an amend- providing that holders of mileage ^ook^: may have their baggage check ed before exchangijig mileage for tick- ct , Se nator Baggeti offered as a subsii- tuf( ior the committee substitute a l)ill coiMaining practically the same pto\i>ions of his oiiginal bill. Senator Green, chuirnian of the ro,i>m!itoe c>f railroads, sjioke in tavor ,)f ilie s!ibstliut(\ beginning by saying ih-it tlu’TP was no difference between Senator Baggetf.s substitute and his original bill. He said that when he r^.i'e :> tin' legislatuie he was for re- quiiiug the railroads to pull mileage on trains, but that at the hearings he was convinced that the substittite . uld provide the best solution, of the convenience i:i I’iti r!oflions in j in- - : or r .11'.' !es. a-'d;‘o: in : ' ( f 0ri- fic..' 1'*' bouse 'b • Inv*' I'a-s- 1 fill!' bin>^ "iv- ,•(» . to O :- vitluMt special a; jH)!'Tion tI’.e n r i)f r,M.resf:i- l.i\’.': th* •‘i. (i:a';tr-r ('i* told i »- oi Py 'tiin-^. calendar for - 1 ; 111 ed fa- - w c'■■■■. '^'O- M.-I ! iic; ion in !■ . :-i)\fiTmf‘nl ..! en'jiaeers (.•th «'"\ ilii'a. . 1 I) the sen- -sions of He of inter- hange;tble mileage and declar d that i, wa= a well-known fact and had I'^en so held by the courts that the railroads can’t be required to sell mile age books at a less rate than is charg- eil for regular fares. He staled that after several full and comprehensive hearings this substitute had been agreed upon and he urged its ])assage. Senator liaggett argued for the sub- stitute. staling that it differed from in-’ M'te>ted roll I his original bill in thal it reqtiires rail- . a'iii, I'.I- c. ■ n. Si.-..' ' • S; ‘ .'ai'*' a‘ii:: ■ • i .' 1; f '!igh the 1. '• f it i’usiness may n ■■ f..\ iira' ly re- - .'.vnf was made :o r.(; in'ccssity for • u ■-iori 1 'day. • • :•.( ly local d ; ;»'ii readings and • h )'i- ■ -r to the enioll- 1 10 tl -uecial tax i u rs foi founties and ' ..rt^>r bin. providing •’i.H'iit I)as^^'l second liut nt sirilving out '-'■ice Jus^ce atid the . i* '• t > i>sue tieer or a ■! roviding for the I ii i'jt'd by the peojile : lU' jioll s. ■ tpiirc medical and sur- to Ik kept in factor- ovt'r 2-' people passed 'i:l wus .sent to the loncf in the senate ''1 reduces the penal- > ■ '1 placing the of!i- ciii ’ on salar\ . passed ; : i was sent to the tects’ Bill Laid on the Table. . •iiiite ^\as reported for Sena- I’^iins i)il! to create a state itural Food and Drink Wins liulden health. POSTUM I i)lacf' of coff'e or tea. ‘‘There’s a Reason.” roads to sell interchangeable mileage and pul! it on trains from only the in dividual owners of the mileage books. Tie ridiculed the committee substitute and said it might well be called a sub terfuge. He read a nmnber of letters from traveling men encouraging him in liis fight for his bill and argued at length in its behalf. Senator Rascoe said he was a mem ber of the committee on railroads, and attended some of the hearings;* that Senators Green and Lemmond were ai)pointed as a sub-committee to draft a substitute, but that it had never been submitted to the full committee and that it did not meet with his ap proval. He was in favor of some mild measure that would require railroads to pull mileage on trains. Senator Green explained that he had informed S('nator Rascoe of what the sub-com mittee had done and toid him he might make a minority report if he so desired. After the interruption Senator Bag gett resumed his speech and asserted that he believed the men sent here to represent the T. P. A. and U. C. T. had either been bought or influenced by the railroad men to the extent that they did not carry out instructions, if they did not favor his bill. At this juncture he was again inter rupted and further consideration of the bill was made special order for Wednesday at‘11 o’clock. On motion of Senator Martin, of Bimcombe. his bill to establish a train ing school for teachers in Western North Carolina was made special or der for Tuesday at 11 o’clock. Senator Boyden called attention to the pension bill and said he was going to Insist on its consideration Tuesda,y. It was made special order for 1:30 o’clock Tuesday Senator Brown, chairman of the finance committee, served notice that the revenue and machinery act must be taken up Tuesday. Enable the town of Laurinburg to Bills Ratified. Provide for Improving the roads of Allow .1. O. Bell, of Henderson coun ty, to appoint a contsiable. Defining duties of sheriff with refer ence to illicit distilleries. Improve streets of Mt. Airy. •\mend law as to court stenograph er.^. Increase salary of the recorder of Monroe. Protect public roads of the state. Amend law as to recorder's court of Atuonco. IZstablish recorder’s court for Ail)e- marle. Extend the eastern boundary of Marshville. Relief of George Gray public school teacher. Amend the charter of Hertford. Road law of Forsyth county. Authorize loan of road funds of Nashville township on approved se curities. Preserve iuil on Troy township, Montgomery county. Amend Chapter S41 laws of lOOf: as to fi.shing in Cape F’ear river, Harnett county. ec-k-fi gMqavT etaoin shrdlu shvdiu Authorize commissioners of Meck lenburg county to pay for county map. -Amend charter of Goldsi)oro Trac tion Co. Amend law as to non-resident hun ters. Authorize boundry between Dur ham and Wake counies, for a home for the aged and infirm. Authorize jjrobating and registra tion of certain deeds by corporations. Authorize commissioners of Hyde county to levy a special tax. Relative to levying a special stock law tax in Randolph county. Fix the salaries of public officers of Cleveland county. Incorporate Bowden’s, Duplin coun ty. Amend the Revisal relative to the state board of pharmacy. Prevent miners from throwing tail ings in Silver Creek and Muddy Creek, Burke county. Amend the charter of Tarboro. Speaker I>ov.d convened the house at 10 o’clock. Prayer )jy Rev. A. J. Monciref, of the Baptist Tabernacle. Among numerous favorable reports from committees on bills were the following: Amend the Lincolnton graded sfiiool lav/ i s'-bsiiitite >; amend the barter of I\liddlosex ami fix* fees for its oflicers. Incorporate Xoi’ih Cen tral Railroad Co.; incorporate Appa lachian Highway Co.; incori)orate the Durham and Danville Railroad Co.: incorporate the Wins-ton Loan and Trusi Co.; iuvorporate (.k)ldsboro Title Loan and Trust Co.; fix sakries of oflicers of Nash county; provide legal ized primaries for Warren, Rich mond, Johnston and. Beaufort coun ties; provide free ferry over the Cape Fear at Wilmlngion; reduce the number of oil inspeciu'y, (substitute); provide primary electicns ihroughout the state; allow Gasiou and Meck lenburg counties to construct a bridge near Sloans Ferry; provide for the construction of a Cenlral State I-ligJiway; change tlie names of the Indians of Robesiiu county and provide separate accommodations for them in the asylums; make ii: unlawful to keep int(.'xicfiiing liriuors in Buncombo couiity; re.A'.ilate election of commis sioners in (lebo.sou county. Word of Cacitfon From the Speaker. Sjitaker Dowd announced lo the V.^LUA3LE members that there are 4uj Inlls on the (calendar. bCtsides- 17 tnessages con- veyinp I'ills from the senate, 29 sec- t oiid reading roH call bills and 3o third I I'eading roll call bills and a large j inimber still to be reiioned today. He ! cautioned members again^^L getting ! nervous and beggod theni to let busi- I ness proceed in t.n orderly ^^ay, as onljv j in thi.'- way cuuid the work be accom- ! jtlished daritig the rc^uiaiiiiiig days of } ihe sessioii. Hut with order and prfv I per sysicm he believed the calendar could I’le cleared and every bill given its hearing and opiJortunity to pass, ^4ew Bills Introduced. Many of the inirodm-ed were placed on live calendar by unavii- mous consent: Woodeon: .loint resolu’ion to alloNV mem’oers of the general assembly $1 })er day extra for stationarv, jiostage and board. 'I'abled on motion of Kel- luin. of New lutnover. Connor; .loim resolution for seats in future sessions ot tiie assembly lo be aiJportioned by lot and to promote efhicency and economy in the de- parimenlt of the general assembly. Ewart: Hesolutidn tha. liie house convene each d:ty at ;• a. m. and the night sessions i)e devoted to special orders. Carr, of Duplin: .Joint resoluvion to amend ihe cuiisliiUi:uii of the slate. Roberts: Establisli school of correc tion and detention tor Asheville. Amend the law of 1‘.M>1 relating to the i salary of the trfasurer o county. Regulate irapping in Ivey. Battle: Regulate primary elections in Raleigh and Wake county. Long: Fix salaries in Alamance county. Bro'.vjt. of Stanley: Incorporate Ral- eigh, CharloUe' and Southern Railway Co. ’ Pension all soldiers over years old without regard to their pro- ])erty. Provide court stenographer for Stanley. Wall (by re^inesf): Change ihe boun dary of Madison graded school dis trict. Privett: Allow Edenton to issue sevv- erage bonds. Houston:: Relating to the sale of cotton in I'nion county. Kiikman: Atneiid th.e charter of Greensboro Female College. McArtliur: Incorp.o’ate the town of McDonald, Robeson county. Thomas: Provide for street improve ments in Rockingham count.y. Amend the charter of Rockingham . Alderman: Relating lo trespass on lands- in Pende^' county. Great Number cf Senate Biiis. It required over half an hour to announce tilies- of huge pile of bills tliat came over from the senate, an nounce their enrollment for ratifica- (Continued on Page Six ) OFTEN IMHEHiTEE Bad blood does r.ot always come a the result of careless living, or indii •c retions ; it is a condition frcc[uenl: inherited. Normal, healthy bloc contains inillionii of tin\" red corpif c’e.-i, v-'lr-ch arc tl'a '.'italizin^ at: : -.)urishir.g ele:'ic-jt of 1:lio circulatio. f'-oir office beirij; to provide eve: poriioii of the r.y.=;teni with its necc .r:ary .^tren^r^^th and nutriment. } ■'.veak, impure l.uood lliese corousclc re^'_ in nirnihcrs, and thereur. r;e li^ood is not able to stiDply tL ptopcr amonr.t r.l nou^i.shnient to tl; b'ldy. Bad blood manifests itself i i;;any r.. With some it takes tl. form of .^kin (:i.^ and eruption;- oMrcrs become !>iIioi:s and ntalarioiu TV’th .^;rdlo.\T cor-: nlcxions, torpid live: *.c. Bad 1 )lood produces PJlev-matisrj ’ ttarrli, Sores and Ulcer::.,-Scroful ■d like troi:Mc.i. yolkint^ in equ: 1 S. S. S. as a rc*r,?d]/ for bad bloo;.' the r:reatcst of r All Modern Kitchens Have in Them a Modern Kitchen Cabinet looa punaer: lie y ti:e :nalit’ a n lo f-rrii}- the bloo.' but composevd c roc:", I. rbs cv- tliat ton c , ti. 'i. fili ’ SW'J I «r «wy pa !j i\, c;ystcni, ar .ion of biood r;utn-nent. S.'sT :Uies Rlieur.”'.li.-Mi, Cat.:i'rli, fik'. Jiseases, vSorc:? and Ulcers, Scrofula r.lood Poi."ori an:l all oilier biood dis jrders. S. vS. vS. makes grood blood ind good blood raake.s good health Eook on the blood free to all. •271Z x-.virs BrEOiTlC CO., Atlanta, Ga.. PAINTINGS COMPLETELY ‘^DONE OVER” By Associated Press. Albany, X. Y.. Feb. 2.S.—As a result of the efi'orls of the Rev. .1. A. Mc- Craig, a wdl laiown priest v.'ho recent ly made a tour through Ali)any’s un derworld, valua’ole oil paintings in a local saloon have- been "done over” to conform with the rules of decorum and the mandates of the police. When the owner of the pictures was informed by officers Saturday that his paintings must either be “draped or removed” he hired an artist and put him to work. The result was start- iing. "Diana at the Bath,” said to have ])een valued at $10,0(10 ib no longer sliocking. Diana herself has l^een chvi in a bathing suit of a brilliant hue while her attendants wear suits of lainbow varieties. The main paint ing apiiears in a convict garb. Avearing a silk hat. and smoking a ])ipe. Another valuable work. "The .\wak- ening of'Adam” has been "done over,” so that Eve v^ears a suit of blue pa- janiDS and Adam a pair »f overalls. Both have on boxing gloves. Backache, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness. Big Result from disordered kidneys. Fo ley Kidney Pilis have helped others, they will help you. Mrs. .1. B. Miller, Btmcombe i rfyrac’tse. X. Y.. says, "For a long time I suffered with kidney trouble and r]ieuniatis:n. 1 had severe backaches and felt all played out. After taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my backache is gone and where I used to lie aMake with rheumatism pains I now sleep in comfort.” F;;ley Kidney Pills are a reliable lemedy for back ache, rheumatism and urinary irregu larities. They are tonic in action, quick in results and afford a prompt relief from kidney disorders. Bowen’s Drug Store on the Square. ATTACK LIKE TIGEF.S the white corimscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then see T'intiiles. boils, ec zema, salt-rheum and .=ores multiply and strength and aiipetite fail. This condition demands i:!cct;ic Bitters to regulate stomacli. liver and kidneys and to expel poisons from the blood. "They are the best blood purifier," writes C. T. Budahn. of-Tracy. Calif.. "I have ever found.” Thsy make rich, red blood, strong nerves and build up WOOD’S SELECTED Seed Potatoes We are headquarters for the best Madne-grown, Second Crop and Northern- grown Seed Potatoes; stocks selected arid grown specially for seed purposes, and superior both in quality and productiveness. Wood’s New gives de- Seed Catalog scriptions and full information as to the best and most profitable kinds to plant, both for early and main crop. Write for prices and Descriptive Catalog, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD SONS Ssedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Relating to pound charges in ]\Iur- i your health. Try them. 50c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. phy and Andrews, Cherokee county. Amend Revisal as to dumping saw dust in streams in Swain county. Incorporate Banner Elk. Amend the charter of Clayton. Consolidate the charter of Apex. Incorporate Wagram, Scotland coun ty. Allow free transportation to widows and orphan children of deceased em ployees of railroad companies and em ployees otit of work. Authorize wharf bonds by Wilming ton. Provide bridges in Haywood county. Improve the roads of McDowell county. Pej^iit Lincoln county to aid in erec tion of monument. Validate the acts of deputy clerk of the court of Clay county. Repeal hawk and owl law of Colum bus county. Amend the charter of Red Springs. Amend the charter of Bethel. Prohibit felons' stripes on persons convicted of misdemeanors. Anitnd the charter of Matthews, Mecklenburg county. Fix salaries and create auditor’s of fice for Gaston county. Til s is Cyrus O- ’.ates. fh' nan who -.dvertisea Mother's 'oy and Gocf^e ^Treass lyinitr.cnt, '.VO of the greatest hings kno-wa to aumanity. CHENEY’S EXPECTORAIST OQUQH8 AND_pOLDS^ *Some Premium '\A .Mmjk For sale by R. H. Jordan & Co. THE SELWYN HOTEL EUROPEAN , Rco»r.8 §1.^0 per Day and Up. Rooms with Private Bath ^.'wiO Per Day and Up. cafe open UNTIL 9:30 P. M. Prices Reasonable. laO £1*58^01 Rjoms. 75 Private Baths. Located ic the heart ol Ch»r- iotte, convenient to railroad btation, iitreet cars and the busi ness and shopping centre. Cater to high-class c.'nmerciai and tourist trade. Pure Water from our Artesian Well, 203 \-l feet deep, for sale. 5c gallon at Hotel. 10c gallon in 5-gallon lots, Deliveted in Charlotte- or at R. £L Station. e^DGAR B. MOORE, Proprietor. KitcStcajCal Hes a MeDousail ndir.e 0, You have no idea the saving and convenience of a Kitchen Cabinet. If you haven’t one you should investigate those that ew offer at once. The prices are reasonable and you can use our Liberal Pay* ment Plan if you witrh. Parker-Gardner Company GARDEN TOOLS I , s See our large and varied stock ot | Garden Implements I I The time is nearly here for the | use of Garden Hose, Spades, Rakes, f Forks, etc. Small Trowels and ! Diggers for your flower beds. I Phone us for anything in Hard- | ware. Weddington Hardware Co.' INCORPORATED 29 East Trade Street Join the Greater Charlotte Club and help make Charlotte Grow ANNOUNC EMEN T Since a few of our students havn recently tak- xi position?, v/c have a liniited number of uvailable for seUct young [-‘Oj)!'-, 'I i''-iL it pays well to cducate for businei-;-', is stro.igly fiitf;-'tO'l by ibc :-„iiccess of a multitude of our graduates. Every graluute is as.surod a g:)oJ pos'.tiou. Charlotte, N. C. V/ llBOorpj rated.) Raleigh, N. G. Da-venports We have a very comjilcte line of Davonnort Reds in Oak, Karly Eng lish and .Mahogany— tiie thing for sunmjcr usp; s-'ine cl tn«"H‘ na\e solid red ccdar war(iiol»e that wiil I'.er-]) out i :in(. at t ue samo time furniiih storage rooiu for Blankets or owolen goods. f n 'i\ :r; ii " ** in and lot us rhow you wond--fn’ J?-- .-,f spring goods. Ev ery day brings large shipments of ’uiings new ior tlic oconomical hous- ^'''''^(^me join the thousands -f pleased cusiomor^ that tiade h-rc and ysu will never lie sorry. Kverything for the home. Lubin Furnitore Co n-' . )!{ ) by ^ It You Want Dry Coal. Buy Stocndard It is all under shed and protected from the weather. Phont? IQ or Standard Ice & Fuel Qna M. A. BLAND, Sales Agent m

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