THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 2». 1911 U.S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU WJLLIS L. fViOORE, Chief. L ? VY 0 r o HIGH n f LOW «t • ». ns.T •»*«rtr-Hfth m^dtsn lsiivAa8, or con? iujous UnoB, passthrough points of «auftl pro»»uiv. iticyi'HEiiMC, or dot*» l lino*, pub through point* otjlQualf cm •rnrun?; they .TiU bo drawn only forrero, frtexing.WP^luia lUU'^ Symbolindicjts eta'e of wo«ther- Q clew; pirtli rlocd;; cloudr: (^rain. ^^snow; r»pert nuss^cg Arrowi) fly with the Flra'. fit'jro, mlnirotiin t*inp®rotun for pa»t 12 ho’jn.; secoml, 24-hour rciiifall. If it eqofUs M iBoh tsiriiU Triad vtjlooi:; of 10 miles i*«r hour or uior*.. ♦ T^ E WL'-i'^HER ♦ ■»rk^te 2 V ic ‘’ tv. Whv» Is To B :*nie r !s \\ n n- iven i ' :i: ;,:e I '!> : 1 i; ^ v:. l hlauOi.'l . KUKKM''> I llo-'t tlie crt-at j ; ;;• \ f.-nii'UV i>rniu i‘{- ; The Legislature (Cuiniinied From Page Three.) Wc 'tr - r a- h Z:;^rr Furrif-hcj hail for Lxis Apptarance U.;. L!l I L if!t[ilFoL m OF PSOl MV UlJ "T Viarf >*‘r |. . ’.nc , • - ■ ■'1 ■ . ••vith I- . 11 t>:r , XI on in tuc form uf dry fa t th'ci* vftur^ I t, -1 I- !1 I.. II t • r r^nTi ■ 'i V, coir- vf I ) vkilfiM until a . entir* For the I tic, r-riy t M I', a )';•i- • ' rriT SENATOR BOR^H Senator Borah f Idaho, who in a re cent I ^:^oo^'^. on to the iOLit’-'e .^''■'enc'ti e*it for_the elec- cn r,f - I y popui^u' VOtC. oclaiy a f' bliitviy cloc-a^cci that prejusJice aga r.-t the negio is just ~s intense :n ths Nnri.h as in the couth aiid th, t the North plays the h ijccrite by contention to the con- t -’I'y, The li^ciho prc nouncen^ent on ’■■.f race question v;as iriarle ;n re- fr:on e tKe :,ccnt a >:;''tion of oe :ator Root, cf r.'cw York, tnat v.iiT.iCjt ti.c Soi.ith“riand provision | t':e resolution would deprive the Southc n ncyroes of Federal pro tection in tne exercise oi the frari- ' chise. Senator Borah asserted that the race qupstion had been b''ought into the - ntrovei ;^y as a means of irnporiliiny the resoiiition. Skin and ^^calp 'rroublc \ ieki to Z .'nio. A CLEAN LIQUID PREPARATION FOR EXTERNAL USE. 1 ii‘ li.vMit I)r)m To. Is sf» r'onfidr'nt fitin uiil lid tlio skin or sculp f’* ^ or i-'iov.n tif'r.sfin of pimple.-:, bl;"- . ii^n'innT. f/czorua, jiii; k!.v I'.f r.i-li' r., iiiv: . ivy ))oison or ;iii> o'l:'M loi rri of : !;ii. oi- ;-f,iln oriiptioii, th(-y will !;ivf> you yoiii' nioii('.\' k :t’ oil iii^ !. M i:fi,'c!y safisfiod i 1h- If ,ii|i ; olitiuiii d froia t li* I i f of 'I’tir,. lir!-r :i|if;iif;itkm '.■■'i /F ‘ 'r h £" ii,* n. .* hf il.»‘ 1 'ti, ,,f • I'l rr r • h i.fl '.X ? ; ■ . ro I ai ir ir, f)!.« . I rt .t'l sr.fT* '••'•7 (! >rninj' tlo M »n- I ! •, II' of t *!• ! ^ k»‘n fr -o'.if of thi-m li.ii? .1 Jr;: .' •> 'ai.';lr-:r f'.i;s li t -r (- inv .»n roHin. ; 1 t i‘ i fve.-rtliir u, slim ' t.; t' ’if, witao lt a:.y irhef J • I in hoi* I til . n,,t 'pripf-^. I r> ‘i ho' I •;- 'W I ili«i'v>it I fcii' iild • ■ ho!7 Rot »■ f;r Ml M , • F a f*T I» — t:*. ■'. »ti** no no‘l All ttmiiKtit I hn*. t|:- • lo I I .:»rn-'*ly jira ■ ip, T: t th» Rkln tll OV»: II - '..•>rk, • > "w rtiv VI 1115, hand*, llrr.hf- t».i i bdOly ilf tof>-n;iil, ofT: fiiit’fi i ai! • ml (>:iPl :■ u hilir l* ud. dr.v niKi »' 0 .1 .• v.v o rnr :odI how I did s.iff»r. ' .Vf ■ I tMf voiil (Jii’t Kiv« Up: ^nid. ' \V« wi; t'.‘ ’ Sori.e ».IS ai>pli »1 on nre liH id i -l J . Kii 'lal Ui»‘r« w’; Mini: Ih** burning ^rnsafion fniii |i'p wori! ;o I'll"/ liniiifillatcly 'utiK.u Ri--olv> ;i;. •>ii)tTnmt «nd Si);ip. 1 coirnifT i»d hv tvklr^s i‘‘ ira K^«-olv»-iil thi^#* tin;e'- a day rr. : h .1 ». h;itli tinre ;i dftv. wntT Ahuv'it •>:ou! t *nt; iir-ed ( iitiriira ISoap lr»-f*!y; •»! I'.K' i ’i|i i. niritm’nt ijii'.;:.inr_aHd III" r«iiirin‘d to rry liomf in jii‘;t ;lx f.'o'n ? ic tir'i» 1 h'ft, and niv ?V;in nt miioot* «'f paper. Hiiuui r.. Carji II 'iidt'N.I." 1 hfl at)0’'« r‘marULl.!e i#«tlmonlal was wf'tt'i'. Jsn'i'iry i;» 1 H.'jO, and is republi-hpd of the nian rif'v of cur«*, I iiU«i data of .Xprll i!.', )91^. Mr. Caipn;t*r %roti- I'ofi ' 1^ Dif ’«iit liwnir, 110 W;dnut P’ So, Lan init, Slirh.: “i hay^ n*‘v»>r •iiff**r^d a :»'*>.ijin «f 111* p>-oria'is Olio • Ittii t:li ina: v vcar-. h»\*- pr-.icd 1 hav* Hu* fiirecjttci. I II-f'-r■‘ruin MifTf-ririL' f endured b»/ore u'lii;'I -•'uti '. .i l:»-ini*d!«->.” K 'i' ■ in r> •( tr'iifly, i r,111 t ion l.i ! Pi:i i 1- J i)lc •‘iVf .()U ii.' ;); ;crve tlio skin. Tiyon iMiis ('o. Coriso’* Medical Schools, M’’ oci;i'( (I |'i'( •\ 1.'I'■. i! I ■, I. Ill' , 1 cl), 2‘!. ,\ df'f-js- i'lii iO ■>11.,- did;: 1 ii;c iij(‘di*-i;l d*parl- ni'Mil, of 111.. I'liiv r iiy of Na:shvilif‘ III df-Mtn-i nV'Dt of tho 'fMi ; >• was reacli- ' :i n- iiri- of i hf> I'M lu'"' iiisi;; iii ion. i' in''ixlucfd iit'o the I'li/.iiU; ilic r-onsolidii- ir>st ii ':t ions :ii (», In a Opening New York Futures. Vor!., i-x. (;„,ion fu eiied I'( ! 1 i-iI'11'lr 1 i Ik". ojieiied M;.rrli i s i\,;. r.'iit tion or relVreuce lo the calendar, com- \ !.>v. ;■ iniiioe reft'rt'nces being almost aban- .. 'SO i'liiiii lict doiu'd lor the remainder o£ ihe ses sion. r.', l ■ Heiiresentative Taylor, of Brunswick, lor the le,yi?lative committee that serv- — led ihe jiast two years for auditing tl.e aoounrs of the state treasriiry, the auditor s office, the insurance depart- uient and other departments made fin al report for the committee setting out :hat all these offices were found well and everything in good order. Bills assed Final Reading. Aiuend the charter of Spencer. Amend the charter of Salisbury iiailway Co., and extend the time for its construction. Provide road improvement for John- Uton county. I Amend the road law of Guilford county. Provide bonds for Smithfield. Amend the charter of Elizabeth City. Allow Washington to issue wharf bonds. Allow Wake to issue bonds to fund the debt of the board of educa- Uon. Amend' Rockingham’s sewerage bonds. Allow Rockingham to purchase or huPil a nuinicipal building. Allow itockingham to issue water works- bonds. Amend the charter of Dillsboro. Increase pensions of soldiers in •Tac kson county. Allow Lc county to issue bonds for ^ood rr>ads. .\iiow New P.eni to issue fire ira iirovcmcnt bonds. I'rovide for inieres-t on bonds of New liern. Amend charter of New Bern, levying a ta,\ on pi'oiterty. .Amend ihe charter of Charlotte. •Allow Charlotte to issue bonds for streets, sewerage and auditorium and other purposes. .Allow Charlotte to levy a special tax for tlio su))))orL of Carnegie Library i’rovide for tlie payment of the boiKied u bt of Wilkeboro. l‘rr)vidc for condemnation proceed ings for imiiroving streets and side- Vvaik.'> in Rockingham. Piotoct tish in Harnett and Lee counties. Prohibit sale of wine in Polk C(Minty. i or relief of Wendell graded schools. Provide new court house in Alexan der county. Incoriiorate Concestor Lumber Co. Allow Onslow county commissioners 10 meet on Tuesdays instead of Mondays Prohibit the sale of cider and wine in North Clinton and South Clinton school districts. Fix the terns of school committee men of Thomasville. (Miange the name of Chowan Baptist l-Viuale Seminary to Chowan College. i’lovide board of control for Laurin- burg. Amend Edenton graded school law. Amend the law relating to the court sieno])rai»her of Wilkes county Provide for public sale of pro perty belonging to Rutherford county, Regulate fishing in Neuse river, Car teret county. Protect game In Haywood county. Protect the public again&t drunken ness and profanity in Bladen county. For relief of ex-treasurer of North anijifon county. Validate acts of E. D. Bowden, notary public. Regulate the election of aldermen f)f Raleigh. Divide the comniisioners of Guilford county into two classes. Permit compulsory school .attend ance at Wilson. Amend the law relating to the Wil son graded school district. Establish a special court for Ruth erford county. Exempt (’herokee county from the law iiaying rewards for the capture of distilleries by sheriffs. This bill had failed lo pass at a former session and Hose, of Cumberland, moved to re consider. This carried and after a ring ing .speech by Dillard, of Cherokee, tor the bill, it passed by an almost unani mous vote. The State Fish Commission Bill Passed. After spending two hours discussing the Doughton bill to create a state fish commission this measure j)assed Announcement WE wish to announce to our patrons and to the public that on and after March 1, 1911, offices will be located on first floor of the 4 C^s Building, where we will be better equipped to serve them to our mutual satisfaction our the Charlotte Power Co. Charlotte Gas & Electric Co maa\ Currituck county, and by Koonce, of TELEPHONE COMPANY New Hanover, to exempt On&low, and Camden counties, were voted down, the Hampton amendment having been passed first and then reconsidered and defeated. Kellum, of New Hanover, made an unsuccessful attempt to get an amendment that no boat or vessel shall be taxed more than $60, but this was voted down. Rawles offered an amendment that wa& lost to strike out the one dollar oyster tax. The bill creates the state fish com mission that has the regulation of the mommercial fishing interests of the state. Kellum introduced out of order a bill to regulate charges of gas and elec tric companies in Wilmington. Majette: To regulate child labor in factories- and secured its reference to propositions and grievances commit tee instead of the committee on manu factures. The house took recess to 8 o’clock. WINS BIG SUIT. .true prompt I ■ iiow ail iniproveinent and ■ ins'anci- vh^-re us(;d persis- viil dosirc,. the yci ni lifo, lf*;»v- ;•k^l in jH-’can, hvalthy condi- lio'.v vfii] ])rf)Of f)f snm.:> ro- ciu - i)V /l-,i\l;) and a '.’2 booli 1 how to with Hi(. inrdi' t'nivoisitx ()!’ imI w-swtda,- 1 I'HSI Cf , I A i- il : to h' l .laiur;' aiii •ion wo (|, iiip |M(Mirty (d’ the slate, their f op'olidai ion is a tiiatif i- )f legjsla- tl\‘ a'-!0|| ,1^ (.(■(,^iOf|,y_ Kxy^ ni h r Mo» tKonicry Mfll .Acadc iiiy. t'lis .11 ratigcMienl will sweep .iv.i\ i|i(. 1;,^, (df-m(>nt of the I 111 ,f'l: ;iy (,j’ Nasiivillc. futiir'^s , , . , iiri'.aiy 14,0.". i)id: H.;57al4.:{S; . 1111 I ■ f, •»• > 11 1 i, ■ > * t I M S i 0-lob( r l-'.77:tl‘.i.7s 12.66. i:: '■tSa 14.00; Mardi Gras at Pensacola. Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 28.—Fully 30,- 000 persons lined the streets here yes terday as King Priscus passed in re view and ushered in the Mardi Gras festivities. By As&oeiated Press. Jackson, Miss., Feb. 2S.—A decision favorable to the Cumberland Tele phone & Telegraph Company in suits against that company claiming penal ties due the state for the alleged viola tions of the anti-trust statue was handed down by the state- supreme cupreme court here. The court held that the telephone company, as a common carrier, was under the supervision and direction of the railroad commission and. as that 1)0(1.' had a])proved the tariff rates in effect any violation of the tariff should be adjudged through the com mission. The claim for accrued penalties in the aggregate, had the case been af firmed, would have run up to $1,500,- 000 on the basis of 5^1,000 a day for each day that the alleged discriniina- tory rates had been charged, running through a period of aljout four years. The case came to the supreme court on an appeal from the chancery court of Prentiess county. A Stockade Established. By Associated Press. Fresco, Cal., Feb. 28.—Following the refusal of Sheriff McSwain to receive in the county jail any more Industrial Workers of the World arrested by the police for violation of the street speaking ordinance, and after two minor outbreaks of mob violence here in the last two days, city officials yes terday established a stockade which is to be roofed and used as a prison. The stockade is in a park in the cen ter of the city. Two of the marchers w'ere beaten by a crow^d of citizens on a street. Starboarder—‘■Slimpurse is actual- h praising the landlady’s coliee.” Hall room—"Yes, Slimpurse always does that when he’s behind a w’eek with his beard." PILES CL RED TN 6 TO 14 DAYS i'our druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case ui. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Auto Tires H&PAIREO, VULCANIZED^ RECOVeREO. Inner Tubes Vulcanized. We guarant**e they win never leak VI here we vuleanizt# them. First puncture. 50 cents. Second puncture. 2if cent*. Third puncture, 25 cents. All sizes neTv tires carried in stock. Relay M’fg. Co 231 and 233 Si. Tryon 8L N. & W. Rail" NORFOLK & W£STi:.h.N, SchedU'O in Wiay 15. . 11 am. Lv. Cuarlotte So. Ky. &.0 2.40 pm. Lv. Wiuston N&vV i.iu 444 pm Lv Mart’viliy N&W Ar ii.-- 7.U0 pm. Ar. iioanoice IN&Vv Lv. L. Additional trains leave TN'in.- ■ iem 7.10 a. m. daily except :3Uij.;.. Connects at RoanoRe for tii>^ and West Pullmaii sleepers, i;; cars. IJ you are thinkrne or takin • YOU want quataUous, cneapegt ; reliable and corKJCi inforniatio-. routes, train scb^dules, ai!.).- fortable and quickest way. W/i the information is yours for iue leg, willi one oi our corupl' * i Folders. W. B. BEVIL, M. P. EKA Gen. Paso. Agt. Irav. Fa=ii. Roanokci, va. About the hardest thing in the world to climb is the stool of repent ance. Try This Home-Made Cough Remedy December 12.65a I by a vote of 01 to 17 on final reading . :;ii ur I Amendments by Hampto nto exempt i Coats lilttle, Bnt Does the Work CtuleUy, or Money Refuaded. Mix pnf, pint of granulated sugar with % pint of "warm xvater, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2% ounces of Pin- ex (.fifty cents’ worth) in a pint bot tle; then add the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful every one. two or three hours. You will find that this simple rem edy takes hold of a cough more Quick ly than anything else you ever used Usually -ends a deep seated couah in side of 24 hours. Splendid, too, for V'hooping couglu chest pains, bron chitis and ether inroat troubles It stimulates the appetite and Is slight ly laxative, which helps end a cough This recipe makes more and better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for S2.50. It keeps Der- fectly and tastes pleasantly. Plnex is the most valuable concen trated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in guialcol and all the natural pine elements which are so healing to the mem branes. Other preparations will not work In this formula. This plan of making cough syrup with Plnex and Sugar Syrup (or strained honeyj has proven so popu lar throughout the United States and Canada that it is often Imitated. But the old. successful formula has never been equaled. A guararrty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your has Pinex or will get it for you. if not, send to The Pinex Co, Ft. Wa; —j, ind. Speedy Relief From all Sin Trouble. “I had an acute attack of Bright’s disease with inflammation of the kid neys and bladder, and dizziness," says Mrs. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mich. “A bottle of Foley’s Kidney Remedy over came the attack, reduced the inllam- mation, took away the pain and made the bladder action normal, I wish ev ery one could know of this wonder ful remedy. Bowen’s Drug Store oiv the Square. For Rent One 16-room house, corner Da vidson and 14th Sts ... .$25.00 One 10-room house, corner Try- on and 12th Sts $30.00 One 8-room house, N. Clarkson St $ir>.oo One 6-room house, W. 5 th St .. .. .. $20.00 One 6-room modern house vvith garden, S. Caldwell St $18.00 One 5-room house, corner Gra ham and 12th Sts .. ..$15.00 One 5-room house W^. Twelfth St $12.50 Two 4-room houses North AIc- Dowell $9.00 One 4-room house, S. Trvon St $ioo 1 4-room house In Belmont, $8.00 One 3-room house, E. Palmer ^ $5.00 J I ❖ X St One 3-room house East Cather- * ine .. $8.00 T One 3-room house in Bel- ▼ mont $6.00 ♦ :G. McNelis! No. 33 East 4th St. e 'Phone No. 604-J. ^ » *rr?—' EXCHANGE Your Old Piano for a NEW KNABE HE ambition of every lover of good music is, when asked the make of his piano, to be able to say, “1 have a Knabe.” e enable you to realize this ambition by allowing you a fair amount on your old inshument ex changed for a new Knabe. As you knovv, the wonderful resonance' of the KNABE TONE e the volume, the touch, the evenness of scale throughout, the case effects, all, in fact, have combined to give the Knabe pre-eminence. You put yourself under no obligation to telephone or write for our representative. Then you can decide whether il won’t be worth while to change your old piano for a new Knabe. Parker-Gardner Go.