THE OHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 28. 1911 9 Late Market Reports Complete Cotton-Stocks-Grain-Provisions-iVliscellaneous them Spot MaiKCt Spot cotton . Ml , IVl). L’s.—('otton •’ 1.. mifs. . K 1' 2m.—Spoi mid- ' ( ' , 12'^ -\i>on s])oi omitted. > Fob. liuo- • • '!• !'■ t^pitt (’Otton V. Snot cotton Sin>i colton Mling H M'iotte Lotton rpool Cotton 14^4 ■■lOsin.:: oCtton. r .. .. ''.U MH'cula S 1111 • I s. i;.- New York Cotton Nov.’ ^ork, Feb. 2S.—The cotton ni;iikot opened btcady at an advanre oi .>a;> i)oinis in rcsi)onse to higher nl)les tlian expected and a contin’ia- ol >es)erday's buying niove- inen!. Hullish spot advices from the i^outh helped the market and ohortU’ alter the opening old crop iK)sltio:is shrnved sains of from 10 to 11 points, wiili May sellinjE: ai !4.::s, or f.8 iwints atuive the recent low level. At this ! li' e there was considerable realizing and loi’al traders showed sojne dispo sition to take the short side on the riHi-ilonary theory, as a result of W'licti rt'actions occurred fioni the best, but spot people were l»uyers on tiio dit's and the market durinj; the middle of the mornini; was within 1’ or ;; points of the best with the t(;!ie steady. The ."lij^lit reacti(.)n from the early hiuh point was followed by a renewal of the upward movement owing to im'rcased support from leading bulis oil :he dips and a more active de mand from shorts with prices selling tip to a net advance of 17 to 20 I'oints before niidday. Rumors that heavy shipmeiiis would oe made from !l’e loc-al stocks within the next thirty da>s accotujtanied the advance, whirii was also encotn-aged l)v bull- I'i! Soitthcrn siioi advices. Spi” quiet; middling tijtlands 11.2.") ni'ininal. lU'alixing became reather heavy ‘■•i‘.»vn,i il.lT for ,\lav and witile there '.vas 1)0 change in tlie general news, 1 i'ic>'s eased off N to I' points from the durinu the early afienKK)n. Close New York Spotr. N» 'A 'I’tn k, I’t 1). 2''.—('otlt)n. spot (It.-cd (luift. L'd points higlH",': mid- dliuu '.';tlar:ds do u,ulf 11.7"; •ai.'s Close New York Futures. New V(*rk. Feb. l\s.—ColK'ti futurC' I'lO.'i'l' i .'lai- , ' .Ni ’il i.M: ' liew York Stocks Xew York, Feb. 2S.—A majority of the active stocks opened with gains fiom last night s close today. Ij^iigh Valley and -Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie were the strongest wiin gains of a point each. U. S. Rub ber gained I 1-2, American Agricultur al Chemical :!-t; U. S. Steel and Read ing 1-2 and Toledo Sf. Louis & West-j. ein a-S. London Stocks London, Feb. 28.—American secur ities opened steady and about un changed today. During the first hour light buying advanced the leading shares a fraction. At noon the mark et was steady with prices ranging from unchanged to 1-2 higher than yesterday’s New York closing. Only a - few transactions occurred iin the afternoon and the market clos- "■it'ady. lUi. 1 i.e., I..11 1 Low. 1 i.i;: Clo.'^e. 1 1.2V--J0 1 t.::s - 10 11. i;t—.■)'» 1.1 1 -IT 1 ;.o7 1 (..'.ti 11.:’.:: 1 .1 1 !. • "i :I 11 -I i...' i ...t;; i:- 1 !.()!- .. '1 l-.'l’i 1_.7'' 7s: Stocks moved upward in response to active buying, much of which was centered on a few" specalties. Pacific Tele’phone advanced points. Distill ers’ Securities i 1-2 and Missouri I'acific I. 1^1 er the active stocks be came heavy in tone and receded to about last night's cltjse wiiii Paul selling a point under yesterday’s final figures. Si)eculation reflected a more cheer ful view today when the market seemed to have recovered largely from the effects of the freight rate deci sion. Selected stocks wre pushed up steadily, American Agricultural Chem ical rising 2 points and Wabash, pfd., Brooklyn Transit and Interborougli Metropolitan, pfd., a point or more. Honds were s-teady. Standard stocks came into active demand after midday, the rise com mencing in Atchison and spreading into other well known dividend pay- in.g stocks and indtislrials. Atchison moved up 2 iioinis, American Sugar 1 3-S. I'nion Pacific 1 1-4 i^tid Read ing. Xew ^ ork Central. Chesapeake Ohio and Tnited States Steel 1. l.e;;d!ng stocks stopped rising, but tile market did not ield and specula tion become quiet. Huil leaders seem ed to be satisfied fcjr the moment with the n-arket's di^^play of siiength after ils tariy decline. Covering of shorts kepi prices well tip to their top level. '!'be market closed easy. 'I';.’: of proiits look the edge off ihf advance in the late trading and thine ^\cre seme sliori lines put out also by the tloor iirolessionals. Read ing iu.-t iiio^t of its advance. ed dull. I ,1 I- ‘Jew York Money. ; ;i'I \f\'' \ Feb. 2^.—(Mose: . t;' .'.7 '! I’limc nuM'cantile iiaper 1 to -1 1-2 - . I ■ rcr c;nr: sterlitig exchange steady, ■ ; . ,1 -s 'j V-, !'•' :v, : ual business if' bankers 7.r>'' 'I i.'-. !a4.8110 for GO day bills •d at iVt."uO. I ana i-S'ioO for dt niand; cdnimorcial I bi ;s !-2a4.S:' 3-4; bar silver o2 7.2.'i|'-^; Mexican dollar:-- 4."j; government n|bonds steady; railroad bonds irreii- ular. ti.7.) ii.7'1 r 7 •' 7.10 'Tr G''T- 'n 7.;'.(t •ij 7.:50 'I 7." 12,'. 1.7" New York Cotton Seed Oil. '.V York, Feb. 2S.—Cotton seed oil . ki.-iau |.iic-."s: >’i >i G.s'.a7.2r): March n.SoaSt): April r..'^i;a''r»; May (».'^7aS9; .lune t;.92a')*i: .1- y Aug. 7.00a01; Se])t. (1.99 :i i : 0( 1. «;.."0a7O. Sitifs between third and fourth '.I'O Ti fi.iti call?; ‘?00 .Inly at tj.9S; 100 Jttly f>.97. Progiam of Lenten Services-St Marks ,. t ti.ui pts 0^ Grjin. Fi'M 'wing are the . r lot. ;'or the Total sales 5.90>'>. jt; Call Money. Xew Yoik. Feb. 2S.—Money on call " ■; o*’ cun-' oyj -J.4 ppj. cf.nt; ruling rate 2 1-4; clos- .-,rs. with 2 of 2. offered at 2 1-4. Time loans very dull and steady; 00 days 2 ;’.-4ari per cent; 90 day.s 9a:j 1-4; months 3 1-2. c;u>. Total aio. Minnea- w* re 177 f'ars, - la Si w*-vk and V.ii:.; a year Gra n. '’■'h: Wheat , .1 9’a''l; ..o. 2 X . 2, n; No. 2 X'.. 2, 30; No. 2 riottt Grain .$1.00 . .73 .52 Mi . .45 (Sorted rXE PRODUCE. •0 Provisions. 2' -Butter steady, iiairle.s l."ja21. ' > ipts lus.'jK cases; at indt d 12al4. firsts IG 17 1-2. 1); isiPs n 1-2aU. Voiin., .\meiicas 14 11 12a I.'. ■ iioiee t; fancy 4)! ! :'al2. turkeys dresf^ed 1^; '1 12, dres.'Cd 1.'); ' -2, fl; f >,sed 1 " '.I *'.'1 !!i. weights THE BRYANTS TO RETURN. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. (’. Bryant will be glad to know 'hat t;iey are to return East, and South. 'I'iiey leave Messonla, Montana, during the first week in March. Mr. Hryant goes to Washington city to resume his newspaper work. Mrs. Hryant and attractive little daughter, Hetty, will go to Morganton, where 1'hhev will s))end the summer with '.lisjMis. P. L. Murphy. Their Charlotte *25 i friends hope they will be here part of the time. Mr. K. P. Wideman. w'ho was as sociated witli Mr. Bryant on the Missottlian, is now in Augusta, Ga. .12 .14 .50 19 MAY LIVE IN WILMINGTON. The possibility even, of Mrs. and Mrs. Frank D. Alexander leaving Char- iotte, will not be iileasant news in ChaiiottP, but it is not only a possi bility but a probability. Since the death of Mrs. Alexander’s mother. Mrs. A. D Brown, Mrs. Alexander and children have been in Wilmington with Mr mown. Mrs. Alexander is Mr. Brown's onlv child. He has a beautiful home in 1... y-, Wilmington. Mrs. Alexander will have , -'11- g of the time with I liini so i*^ is more than probable that •otton'Seed Oil. • 'the’family will live there during Mr. Crude f ottoti seed ' Brown s lifetime. “In the Lnthorau Church days are observed for the cake of the W'ord of God given to thorn, not as if one day were iniiseU* more holy than another.'’ According to this principle the Luth eran Church obJ?erves the season of Lent. Not by any commandment or necessity. Some Lutheran churches do not have services during this sea son, because it is not convenient; they are not condemned for this. But when a Lutheran church has services during this season its mem bers regard such services as sacred as the Sunday services, because, as Chri-iians they do not “despise God’s Word and the preaching of the Gos- l.el." They v.ould not have a social gaihering or entertainment while those services are being held, not because of respect for a particular portion of time as sacred, but be cause to do so, Avould be desinsing Gods Word. The Lutheran Church has no rules as to food or drink or amusements during Lent, but would have Christians abstain then, as at other times, from everything that would injure the spiritual life or manifest direspect for the Word of God. And when Lutherans attend Lenten services or deny themselves, it is for “the Word's sake,” and for the sake of the spiritual life, and not with exj)ectation of meriting the favor of God. The following is the program of services during l>ent in St. Mark's church, and to them the public is cordially invited. On Friday evenings special program of seven Liturgical services for the Passion season, en titled: “.lesus, Holy Passion,” based upon n translation of Schoeberleins Die Heilige Passion,” by the Rev. A. T.. Yottnt, D. D., will be used. Wednesdays and Fridays in Lent. At S p. m.—Sermons by the pastor. “Studies in the Passion History.” Wedncsda.'-, March 1.—“.Jesus, the Scapegoat," Caiaphas’ Phophecy. Friday, IMarch ‘J.—“The Annolnting at Bethany.” Wednesday, March 4.—“Lord, Is It I?” Friday, March 10.—"Gethsemane.” Wednesday, March 15.—“Betrayed.” Friday, March 17.—“Forsaken.” Wednesday, March 22.—“The Eccle siastical Trial.” Friday,, March 24.—“The Civil Trial.” Wednesday, March 29.—“Jesus or Barabbas?” Friday, March 31.—“Scourged and Thorn-crowned.' April 3, 4, r>, and 6, at 8 p. m.— Sermons by the Rev. Charles P. Mc Laughlin, of Concord. Firday, April 7.—“The Way to Cal vary.” Services every evening during Holy Week, except Saturday. Program to be announced later. The reugular Sunday services will be held as usual during Lent with sermons appropriate. Will Entertain Davidson Farmers The delegation of Davidson coimty farmers, whose coming here on March 4, has been mentioned in The News several times, will be given an automo bile ride over Mecklenburg’s good oads and will he entertained by a number of/other events that will be given fo tfie combined benefit of the visitors and the formers of Mecklen burg county. Among other things there will be given, under the auspices of the Dii- pont Powder Company, a demonstra tion in preparing land by dynamite. The experiment will be conducted on* the Selwyn farm and will no doubt be witnessed by a great number of local farmers as well as by the visitors of Davidson county. Also demonstration will he made with the Sanlding deep-tilling plow and the Deer labor-saving plow. These demonstrations will be of great prac tical value to every farmer and it is expected that a geat throng of farm ers from all over the county will avail themselves of the opportunity to see the demonstration work. The committee appointed by the presidei)t of the Greater Charlotte club to take care of the visitors and ex tend to them the glad harid consists of Messrs. C. C. Moore, Dr. C. A. Bland and Mr. Edgar B. Moore. This com mittee has asked the following gen tlemen to assist them in entertaining the visiiors: ?.lessrs. W. M. I-iong, C. W. Tillett, D. P. Hutchison. Edward W. Latta, .lr„ M. C. Mayer. John R. Van Ness. Jay Misenheimer, N. W. Wa.llace. F. D. Alexander. W. S. Pharr, ,J. B. Watt, George A. Howell. Rufus M. Johnston, C. O. Brown. W. D. Wilk inson. John A Brown, F. C. Abbott, .1. A. Durham, John B. Alexander, W. L. Burroughs. As many of these as can do so are requested to meet the train at 9; 30 a. m. March 4 at the Sonthern station. The club committee also requests that every owner of auto, buggp, or surry, wiio can do so, meet the visitors at the train and take them for a drive over the roads. COPYRIGHT Grand Display of Popular Price High-Grade CLOTHING We take pleasure in announcing that our Spring and Summer Clothing awaits your inspeciion. Pleasure in urging you to come and see it, examine it, to try on a few' of the Suits—for we KNOW that whatever ihe test to which you may sub,iect them MICHAEL-STERN CLOTHES will make good for us and make doubly good for you. Otir con fidence‘is based on experience with these clothes.; the experience of many years, and the satisfaction of many customerj-. So we say to you, ‘'Come and see for yourself wnai wo arc olTering. Come now. while the lines are complete and the assortment large.'' Wo have them in slims, stouts, regulars and D. B.. made of the newest spring fabrics and designed by artists who are style-producera. Prices from $12.50 to $30.00. H. C. LONG CO. T DEGISIOyN milLIIOIID RHIES By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 2S.—A notable principle was laid dow-n today by the interstate commerce commission in a decision of the case of the railroad commissioners of Iowa against the Illinois Central Railroad and other carriers, lu brief the commission holds: "The net revenues of a carrier often have an undoubted and important bearing upon the question of the reas onableness of its rates, but the fact that they are greater than the returns on ordinary business enterprise is not sufficient in itself to justify a finding that the rates are excessive; the val ue of the service and other factors that enter into the construction of the rates also must be taken into consider- tion.” In the case the complaintant urged that a thirty-cent passenger fare over a bridge betv/een East Dubuque, III., and Dubuque, Iowa, was excessive and discriminatory. A Small Blaze Calls Out Department at 10:30 An alarm of fire called the Church street and the Dilworth fire depart ment to the corner of Brevard and East Vance street this morning about 10:30. A small blaze in the ceiling of a house had been discovered, but w^as extinguished before the company ar rived on the scene. Real Estate Transfers iva Stores. '. ■ ! f-'i 2'^. Turpentine F 7 2'i. G 7.25. CD OF STEALING. i i.tiii of ('linton, M^., ' liu( I'lt n’c Arnica Salve 1“ sting from burns or ion fr'itn sores of all • 'S from bolls or piles, bruises, sprains 'if their terror,” he says, ■»'nn dv its-equal don’t 2'. ;,t W. L. Hand & of Uorky Mount, who her sister, Mrs. T. '• I, lias reftirned home. Late for Classification HOME MISSION SOCIETY. At the meeting of the Home Mis r.ion Society of Tryon Street Metho (list church yesterday afternoon, the following officers were elected for the next year. President—Mrs, M. C. Sims. First, vice-president—Mrs. S. J. As- btiry. Sccond vice-president—Mrs. J. Spencer. Third vice-president—Mrs. Voting. Fourth vice-president—(emeritusj Mrs. W. J. Black. Recording secretary—Mrs. E Register. Corresponding secretary—Mrs. B. Pickens. Treasurer—Mrs. J. M. Jones. S. W. H W Mrs. D. B. Heath will return from her Middle-West visit about the ides of March. She has visited in several (ities f-).aw- -n here and St. Louis be 'ir.fp boy nith 1 lottf Kl'Ht ic Shoe Hopair- , , , KH, 245 West Trade. It I in;i ai preseat iu Chattanooga Mr. P. H. Williams has sold to the Suburban Realty Company, a lot on Crescent Heights for $1,700. The lot is 121 by 195 feet. Mr. J. A. Thomas has sold to the In terstate Improvement Company a farm on the Tuckaseege road. The transfer price Avos $5,680. The boundary of the I)ropertv on one side coincides with the right of way of the Charlotte Elec trie Railway, nmning with it for a distance of 7795 feet. unsettled, rain tonight or Wednesday except near the coast, colder in the interior tonight; light north winds on the coast. Arkansas, tonight and Wednesday unsettled, rain in souht, rain or snow in north portion tonight or Wednes day,- colder tonight, freezing in north portion. Oklahoma, tonight and Wednesday imsettled, rain or snow tonight or W'^ednesday, colder tonight in south east nortion. Took Big Gold Offer. London, Feb. 27.—The Bank of Eng land secured the bulk of the $.’i,000,- 000 South African gold offered in the open market today. Pneumonia Follows a Cold But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, wiiich checks the and ex])els the cold. ]\I. Stock- w'ell, Hannibal, Mo,, says. “It beats jail ihe remedies 1 ever used.” I con- East Texas, tonight and ednesday • (j-af-tpd a bad cold and cough and was unsettled, rain in south^ rain or snow | threatened with pneumonia. One'bot- in north portion tonight or Wednes-; Folev’s Honey and Tar com- day, colder tonight; freezing in north I pi^tely cured me.” No opiates, .iust portion, colder on the coast Wednes- . . . .. . day; ligiit to moderate north winds on the coast. West Texas, toni.ght and Wednesday rain in south, snow in north portion, colder tonight in southeast portion. a reliable household medicine. Bov/- en's Drug Store on the Square. Weather All Over South. By Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 28.—Forecast: North and South Carolina, unsettled, probably rain in the interior tonight or Wednesday, colder tonight and iu eastern portions Wednesday; moder ate noi'th winds. Georgia, unsettled, probably rain to night or Wednesday, colder Wednes day and in nortii portion tonight; mod erate north and northeast winds. Alabama and Mississippi, rain to night or Wednesday, colder in north and central portions tonight and in South portions W^ednesday; moderate north and northeast winds. - New Orlean, Feb. 28.—Forecast; Louisiana, tonight and Wednesday Merit Wins . Not only does this apply to our business, but to every phase of personal and commercial life —merit wins ! Of course w'e want your trade, but deserve it only if w'e merit it. Tender us a sample Test us fairly. order. We b«lieve we will please you; yet by your decision must we abide, and—we will! Sanitary Steam Laundry aa aaea aa Does Your ROOF LEAK? If so, let us send one or our expert workers to repair it. We are prepared to handle anything in Slate, Tin or general sheet metal work. La Grippe Coughs strain and weftken the system and if not checked may develop into pneu monia. No danger of thig^ when Fo ley’s Honey and Tar is takeft promptly It is a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively in cases of croup. Remem ber the name Foley s Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bronchitis, hoarseness and for racking lagrippe coughs. No opiates. Refuse substitutes. Bowen’s Drug Store on the Square. DEAD That's what the papers are .going to say about you some day—Mr. Man—and w'hen they do, wiiat about your life insurance policy? Do /ou know', that w hen a man dies, before his wife can collect his insurance sometimes a lot of “red tape” has to be gone through. Moat in surance companies send out blanks after a man’.s deatli—and on thssa blanks a man’s wife has to furnish affidavit as l)eneliciar.v—then (m;; from the doctor—one from the preacher—one from the imdertaUer, and others from friends—to prove that you are DEAD. I handle all sucli papers, and relieve a man’s family of all such trouble, and it.s not n - cess&ry to pay any one else for doing a thing to them to collect your monev. Even if you have some advisor—your papers have got to bo 'Sworn to before a* Notary Public anyw^ay. My fee for-such services i.^ Say—Bear this in mind before you “leave”—It may save your fam- ilv a lot of trouble, and expense. t(X). FRANK F. JONES—The Public Notary. J. N. McCausland St Company STOVE DEALERS AND ROOFING COMTRACTORS. 221 S. Tryon. .loin the Greater Charlotte Club and help make Charlotte; t5row. Special Services For Ash Wednesday The Church of the Hol.v Comforter will hold special services tomorrow. Ash Wednesday. The service will be in the nature of a memorial to the late Bisliop Atkinson. Holy Communion will be held at 7:30 a. m. The morning sermon will be 11:00 a. m. Evening prayer service and a ser mon will also be held at St. Martin s chapel at 7.45 p .m. , SHAKtC 13ITO Allen’S Foot-Ease, a powder Relieves smartinR» nervous feet and in- ^rowink ^aik and in.stantly .t-kes the ftlng out of corns and bunioi.J. It^s the greatest comfprt discovery of the nee. Allen’s Fcot-Ease makes tiK-' or new shoe.s feel e^y. It is a certair. cure for sw^eatingr, callous, swollen, med dchini? feet. Try it today. S(^d bv ail Druggist's and Shoe Stores. H' fnr 2Bc.. In stamps. Don t accept s^bsmute^^ A(i^rf'SS Allen S, 01n?steJ, Le Ko>, N. Y. —Lent begins tomorrow. Fishing for Easy Marks Many are the ways to extract money from “easy marks.” Some person has tested the advertising of “sharks” who had bait set for the guileless with this result: Bv sending $1 for a cure for drunk enness. It was to “take the pledge and keep it.” He sent 50 cents to find out now to raise turnips successfully. He found out: “Just take hold of the tops and lift.” He sent istamps to a Chicago nrm for information as to how to make an impression. The answ'er was: “Sit down on a pan of dough.” He learned “How to double your money in six monfhs,” being advised to convert his money into bills and fold them.” He sent for “tw^elve useful household articles ’ and got a package >of needles. He sent $1 to find out “how to get rich.” The secret v?as, “Work hard and never spend a cent.” He wTOte to find out how to write without pen and ink. He was told to use a lead pencil. He paid $1 to learn how to live without w^ork. and was toid on a pos tal card: “Fisli for easy marks, as we do.” If he had sent $1 to Insurance Head quarters to know which was the best Insurance Agency in the city, the answyer would have been G N.G.Butt & Go INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS Great Big Variety OF Bed Davenports at Popular Prices Oftentimes you need an extra bed and you need it badly but have no place to put it. One of our Bed Davenports fills this need exactly, besides being a useful piece of furniture 365 days in the year. We are showing some splendid values in Golden and Early English Oak and Mahogany Davenports at $25.00, $30.00 , $35.00, $40.00 and $55.00. Let us show you through. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. By virlue of a mercbanic's riud mi-ite- ial furnislier's liea, the uiidersigucd, javing acquired said lien by repaiis nade and material furnij-lifd lo and or the j)i'operly li«'reiuafU;r described, will sell cii. or near the (‘outiiy Couit, house dooi-, or near the (’ounty cou't house £(iuaro in the City of Cliarlotie on the L’:;rd day of Fet)niary, lit 11, at 12 o'cloeix, M., one rubber tire car- iage, the properly of Isadore Robin son, the said Isndor Robinson liMviiK' . laccd said (•arriag(; v.ith the under- si,uned for rriiair work, in October, i91t, nid such lejiair woik haviri.;:^ been dgne by the und(-rsi:;ned to the extent of and in the amount of $30.7.), and which remains unpaid, and the .-^aid carriage Is still in tlie ])ossesaiou of tlie unuerci.sAiied, aiid is subject to a lien under Section 2017 of the Re- visal of li>')5 of North Carolina, and to satisfy said lien lor repairs and work done, and for storngo of said carriage, and for the coots sale, this sale hereby advertised will be mode as above recited. This the 6th day of February, 1911. V/. R. STROPE. 2-7-tu&sat-[.ds & Company CERTIFICATE RE-EXTENDING CHARTER. Treasury Department, Office of Comptrtjllei of the Currency, W^ashington, D. C., Jan. 17, 1911. Whereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that The Mer chants and Farmers Bank of Charluue, located in the city of Charlotte, in the County of Meckleiiburg and State of North Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Act of Congress -to enable National Banking Associa- clons to extend their corporate exist ence, and for other purposes” approv ed July 12, 18S2, as •amended bj the Act approved Ai:ril 12, 1902. Now, Therefore, I, Thomas P. Kape, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that Tbe Merchants and Farmer? National Bank of Charlotte, located !n the City of Charlotte, in the Couiny of Mecklen burg and State of North Carolina, is authorized to have succession for the period specified in its amended arti cles of Association; nameif until close of business on January 17, 1931. In Testimony Whereof, v.itness my hand and seaf of office this Seven teenth Day of January. (Seal) rT’ ^ f Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Curroncy. Charter No. 1781. Extention No. 1014. 1 2-3-30days. ^

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