QUICK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD haition THE CH^VJILOTTE NEWS. Latest Edition 1. 43. NO. 6964 CHARI E. N. C.. W£DN ESDAV EVENING. MARCH I, 1911 '^1 ■ V i ji Women Held Con n ection With Winn Death c Of Man Who ''land Hotel Yester- Behind Bars in rg Jail. I I ^ her Alleged Ac-\ Pianist at Theatre | \.cv':d to he Ac'' oie And Aiter\ i . EN HELD. ♦ (1h' train bei weer. New Or- K atiH and Mobile. Q. ^ Dll cajne Iro n where? BhminKhani. Xow. do you think it possible that you could not ha\e heard That lirtd a.s (lose ay you ^vere to him ? A. I am tollin as truthfully as I *'ver spoko in iny life. If 1 ever heard the pistol F didn't know it from the rest of iiio knof'kin.u: that was fioing ('n. 1 said io Mr. Wiliiatns-, “What i? :ill tl'is fnss or noit?e. or soniethins; !ik(> thai.” (J. 'riiero was no commotion up to the tin'.e ti'e a’.irni was given? Continued on Page Five. ♦ ♦ !' V i h- ♦ ♦ iOl'.ie Dirk. 1 \ wonu-n . Wi’in. I..',.nd r. - i!. iiiain. : I- d if ;■ !;ie wo \s^>ru . P ,1 Hvi ■ d BEIEPIT Of jmi TREIlTf ! P.y As.-cri:ii 'd rrei s. Harli!!. .\iarcli ]. It is repoi’led that 'l;e (!(‘i nu'n ^ovi i nnieni has in((uired ;i' Washington and Ottawa whether ih(> Kaiser’s iiovrrnnient will lie en- tith' I tn !iio henelits of the Ameriean- t'l’n. di; n reriproriiy aiircenient. The r'iu“i;,;i odite piof'e!->es i.^noranee of I lie re; (>vl. ■'1 ho iiunniercial treaty as.'Ocia- lion," (.PUK'nds that t'l-,' I’nite-d Stales -:!ani the now liiii'iiU'.im tariff to (Jet- n.:,i!\'. ri-nMiuiin" i\'as!iii'i;ton of tho P'.ovisi 'U i f tiio r.t rman tariff law of 1!''..' ;;r.d( r wliieh the Huntierath is awi lii •! ./.-'d id \viil‘d!';'u ronressions to, .! e I !ii,ed States if existin^^ condi-j iii)us aii ‘hanv.vd to tlie disadvantage j of (Jcimany through subsequent trea-i iifs with other countries. Robin Enteis j Plea OJ Guilty \ lommiLfflTO I (IB HE’S LIKELY TO KEPT PRICE ] n - cent"! a Copy Daily—5 Cents Sunday I Uu -ide Charlotte, 5 Cants a copy Daily and Sunday Senate Declares Loi inter’s Election is Valid —The Vote plmfFf FURIIISHEO OATII ASKED No 2 race Of Tiain Robbers By Associated Pres.s. Sr. Lo;;k:. March 1.— Detectives and police .ire witlioui a iraco today of the two Ijandits who if)bued the .safe on Iron >u;uii;j;u train Xo. I in the ciiy limits afioi- tiiry had bonnd and gaged 1:19 Pacific Express C’om- j'auy .s re;-. 'I’he messenger, M. M. Mc!l()i)erts, was rloseted with liis eni;)Io> IS tl'is mcrning. The amo;uii 01' money secured by the robbers lias no! been announced. It is thought the bandiis had intend ed to rol) train No. 8, whicli came int') the city on Xo. 4's time. The irain wliirii was robbed arrived late , , ,, , , 1 Twin Xu. s im.i.sli, Into .he Htv Il'!aced nn ,he .'J 1 bd.nii'i in ;:o]d fiom Houston, Tty- Anti - Trust Bill Gets Unfavorable Report-Other Matters Irying To Break The Deadlock S))ecial to The Xev>s. Kaleich, March !.- In the Senate today the Baggett anti-trust bill was reijoried ;uifavorably by the judicia ry coiiimittee and at Senator Bag-j getts’ reque.^t; it ’.vas tal-:eu from the. lendar hat Associated Press. M'irt efforts to have'it made :i special Albany, X. V., March 1. as. The ii'ain which the bandits} order for Friday failed b\ a vote of entered came from Texarkana. Tex-j-_»8 to I:’ as, and c^irvied local shipments d a' d 111-- '.•h.-r I > CiOCiv iinon.. ii-n.s wo- t > ueet ■ t 1h..'U-,iU ill law ■>: U.\ -V.'Sociated l^rv-s. .\ew York. .^lavch i.— .loseph (i. Koldn pl(>aded guilty in tho supreme court today 10 a* diarge of larceny of >'UT.i)Un from the Washington Savings B.mk I f Vihich iie was president. !l;M,in. en Ms p va ?>r g.iilty may be :^iv. n an i;;!li’.;'vminate sentence im :>. I'i-on it'ss ibau live years and not iil er i.f the jui y, it'H .\cars. ir. o till- (letails of I .1 or murder, tiie' Vork. March 1.—Allhough a a Iv-d to make soleetvd after tv\o days tedious nie.nnwhilo the'" ready to try Joseph G. ' 1 iaced in CHS-j Kobin. tiie indicted banker, in the NUj)reme court today, reports persisted were; By Starbuck ie Stephens) Testi- , r /. . u say \'ou aud 'ving together as \ o years, luarricd? k:. ■ that he had ’ , «•; ti e first time .'ifi rday after- a,., li.eht on the i killed him- .■ ■ P" .marks at all !• a- j 1st as good ' I ■ . l.i ii to get that ; ! a ;;vs been. He ■ K! ' T’ ;;n.d asked f '• ’ w-!n'( i to write ■^"■-lor::d'', did you • ■ ] nrri' d In, Mrs. 11 'l ver. i .• w*-re yon married? date of your mar- ■■^■'Ifates to answer— sobbing). Can you '• lur tnarriage? ■ ■ "’I '^omrthing about 1 told y.iu th.at 1)1- ' ' ri tDld me to tell - ' - I told a falsehood I don't want to !■ .TK-e I know he ha.s - .1:. n.M n.irried .* » you been staying t'l.C' :r're to (’har- ' .. >:n A)li*nta h('re'.’ lorn liirminyiiam. 1 for three .vea*'rt. . ‘ luid a living wife? ' . idl you not to let ' >on were not his • ’ i!oi, thai was the :. ! I -ay was the • ' ' ir.-; ago. •I I u! d bo had some • ’ ' ; ' - r going on the '• crd be was perfectly I ‘ ' Of course he didn’t ’■ I ;i;ira?ed from me. A1 ■ 1 I U' !>w he did. we under I'! cr Mioroughly. ' "i!did you say you had with him? ' !,(■ I came to Charlotte—since ' Did we go to the Leland b'’ 1 (hin t remember th.c I' We were at tho Stonewall i ■ dn.\ before. Wii«re did you lirsi meet him/ tend. before ihe conveuing of the court that ihe necessity of placing the evidence in the case before the jurymen would be obviated by the presentation of a plea of guilt • for Robin. .\ consultation of his counsel and friends, it was said, had resulted in ihe c'liK lusitui that an insanity plea would not stand, inasmuch as one jury ha:^ already, despite unanimous medi cal testimony 10 the contrary, declared the fallen banker sane. Robin, v !u)se financial operations aused ihe closing of three banks, in cluding the Xotthorn Bank, the.niain- stjy of bis chait. of financial institu- lions is accused in present proceed ings of the larceny of $27,000 from the \\ashington Savings Bank, of which he was ])resident and from which his total misapi»roi)riations are alleged to be Seven indictments remain against Robin. ■ lie was remanded to the 'ronii)s until March 17 when he will be sentenced. 'I’he collaiise of Rooin’s defense of insanity, put forward by his sister. Dr. l-ouise liobinovitcii, and his counsel. William ’i'ravers .lerome. had been foreshadowed Iftst night when it was r«^'ported that Robin said he w’as “tired of all this,” br.t it cau.5ed a stir in the cout room none the less. On the ni.gbi before the Xorthern bank of Xew Vork in which Robin was also interested, went into the hands of the str-te sui)erintendent of bank.s, Robin was committed to a pri- vat(> sanitarium on affidavits sworn Oft by his sister and tw’o physicians. The sanitarium rejected him and he r^'tuined to the jurisdiction of the court and submitted to arrest. ()n the day he was arrested Robin attempted stiicide on the way to court bv swallowing a dose of poison but the luompt use of a stomach pump ; aved him. On motion of Mr. .Terome. alienists were api)ointed by the slate and de fense to examine his sanit.v and re- Iforted immediately that he was in- pompetent to undertake a defense. A Jury sitting under .Judge Swann re jected the findings of the alienists and .Judge Swann ccmiplimented the jury on its "horse sense.” 'I'he case came to trial on Monday and .Jerome’s i)reliminary motions to dismiss on the ground that the defend ant was insane were overruled by Jus- tico Seabury. .Jerome decided to withdraw from the defense and Robin through other counsel pleaded guilty. May Declaie Armistice OlD J'.v Associated Press. Cei!)a, llo’Kh’ras, :\lar(‘li 1. --Unless the peat;e conferees at Puerto Cor tez agree ti)day ujjon a ciindidaie for provisional pre.'^ideut. {ieneral Manuel Bonilla is exr»ected to declare the armistice off and renew hostilities. The revolutionary leader demands the selection of one of ib.ree candi dates iiroi)osed by himself as the lirst Condition of the iieace agree ment. General Maxiine B. Rosales , the peace envoy of President Davila re turned to Puerto Cortez last night on the I'nited States gunboat Wheeling after a conference here yesterday with (Jeneial l>onilla. They were closeted together for several hotirs but failed to I special order reach an agreehient on the question of' the selection of a temporary j)resi- dent. General Bonilla strongl.v intimated to the representative of Tlie Associat ed Press at the conclusion of the con ference with General Roeiuhs that if an agieement was not immediatelv Eil’orts were made today to i)ring about a I new caucus of democratic membeis ! of the legislature to consider a way The senate made it clear it is de- Out of the deadlock over the United rermined to set no more special or- State.s senatorshij). ders, anti the cale-ndar commitiee was I hov,- the rogn.]ar« in the tiat ap])ointed to, aid in ex]iediting busi- iness. Among the new bills introduced ' presses a desire that he should do so does not appear. It is known, how’- ’ ever, ir is a foregone conclusion I that the insurgents who refused to Xorih Carolina state board of trade; i enter the first caucus, will not par- to. authorize coitnnissioners of For-. ticipate in a second one should it be called. I Ham F. Sheehan that he is ready to I step aside if a reconvened (’aticus ex- To establish the syih to appropriate for advertising. By Martin; To authorize the com missioners of Buncombe lo. issue bonds to ])rocure a location for the Western Training School. liy Graham: To fix the liabilitv of initial carrier in transportation of freight (copy of the Heyburn act.) Consideration of Baggett mileage bill was resumed as special order at 11:30. Thf> bill to prohibit liquor lockers in clubs was called up and set a 01 tonight. During tho preliminary discussion a num ber of members declared opposition to .Ihe bill as drawing a- high class of business mens' cluijs in this blind tiger light. As to the alleged loss of the Wake county bill for salaries for The indications are that if it is decided to act upon Mr. Sheehan's suggestion the caucus will be recon vened tomorrow. MUST HAVE TWO TICKET WINDOWS. , , , , oflicers, Kellum,'"of Xew Hanover de reached by the peace envoys he would the advertisement of $100 re- ward in the morning jiaper Forward Movement and Religion. Bv Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., March 1.—The men and religion forward movement will bold Its first Southern convention in Nashville for three days beginning next Friday. Indications j)oint to an attendance of at least r>00 delegates viio will come from every city in the South. Practically every V. M. C. A. secretary in the South will at- serve notice forthwith of the termina lion of tlie armistice. He says he w; nts peace i)ut will fight rather than accept for president an.\ man wiio was connected with the Zelaya regime in Honduras. The conference between the peace envoys will be resumed a’ooard the Tacoma at Purto Cortez todav. BocJy to Be Removed. Hartford. C'onn., :\Iarch 1.—The body of John I''itch, one of the first exponents of steam navigation, will be removed from its resting jilace at Bardstown, Ky., for burial at South Windsor, this state, where he was born and a monument will be erected in his honor if a resolution providing for such action now under considera tion is adopted by the legislature. By Associated Press. Cincinnati, O., March 1.—Alleged “lirotection” to saloon keepers seem ed the subject of today’s session of the grand jury if the personnel of the witnesses could be taken as a crite rion. In addition to men wha owned or mana.ged places in the "wicked strip” in the northw'est section of the city, proprietors of several road houses out In the country were on hand. It was also expected that Thomas .1. Davis, cashier of the First National l.Uink, would be admitted as a* wit ness today. He was summoned yester day and told to bring various account books with him. Except for the fact that George B. Cox is said to have an account in the First National Bank, there was nothing on which to base a surmise as to the significance of the Davis sub- ipoeua. was a reflection on clerks and members. The whole thing was a misunder standing and the bill had only been misplaced among different calendars and at no time really lost was the statement by Speaker Dowd. The senate bill for farm life schools was given a sjjirited debate in the house, and passed second reading 9-5 to lo. . The house tabled the bill to pv>- tect forests in North Carolina that had been passed by the senate and iaier recalled. It imposed a tax of balf a cent an acre on all forests of the state. Bills passed to reduce oil insptv*'rs from 10 to 5. A great number of local bills passed. Special to The New^s. Raleigh, March 1.—The Senate passed by a vote of 40 to 3 the committee substitute for the Bag gett mileage book bill, the substitute being a requirement that railroads maintain two ticket windows at ail stations having 2,000 or more inhab itants. By Associated Press. Wa.shington, March 1.—President i att s response to a resolution intro duced into the senate by Mr. Cummins, asking for data gathered by the tarilf board in res])eci to articles covered b.\ the proposed (’anadian recijjrocity agreement and many articles which the agreeiuent does not Include, was read in the senate today. The an swer probably will jjrove unsatisfac tory 1.0 the Iowa senator, unless it was his i)r.rpose Kj show, by statements from the board, iba> there had Ijeen insuffi(‘ient infoi'inatioii gathered t(j proceed intelligently with a tariff dis cussion of the arti(‘les named. The inquiry by the Cummins resolution em braced pulp, w(X)d. wood pulp, paper, wool, woolen 1 bread, cloth and cloth ing. cotton thread, clotii ami clothing: carpets, boots and shoes, iron ore, pig iron and manufactured iion and steel agricultural im|ilemenis, coal, meats, flour and iuml'er. The i)residenl transmitted the infor- niatiori coiicerniiig such articles as are included l)y Uie Canadian agreement. He said: i transmit herewith a report from the tariff boaid giving the infornialion in its possession, relating to i)ulp \\ood, pulp aud new.s print pajjer and fai-m jjrodncts t including live stock 1 and curient relative price.s in C’anada aud tlie I'nited States of wheat, i>ar- ley and food i)rodiicts of the farm, in cluding meats, poultry and eggs, dairy jirodiicts and vegetables, ‘■"i'he larirf Ijoard reports that its in- torniatifin wiih lefereiice to the fol lowing articlf>s especially mentioned, iron ore, pig iron and manufactured ar ticles of iron and steel, agricultural implements, coal and lumber is not for transmission.” ?!;ecifyic,g the oilier ai-tic’es, nnmed, the iiresident said that information concerning them was not included be cause they were not embraced in the bill. ( Accompan.\ ing the great mass of ta bles and data of all kinds was a letter Irom the memiiers ot the tariff Ixjard w'hicli stated that the reports in (jiies- tion, es])ecially those relating 10 imlp ‘and news jjrint ])aper, were not final and that price currencies were not in cluded. The evident iturjiose of ]vlr. (Cum mins in presenting his resolution was to show that the tariff board did not take into consideraiion articles which farmers must buy in makin.u an agiee- ment which, opijonents of the McCall ‘1 bill insist, affects only such articles as the farmer has to sell. Neither friends nor foes of the reci procity agreement believed toda.\’ that tiie sitiiaiion of that proi)osition had materially chan.ged. Honduan Financial Treaty. W'ashington. :\Iarch 1.—The senate committee on foreign relations today decided to report favorably the Hon duran financial treaty and will make a determined effort to secure the ap proval of the 5=enate lor the conven tion before the expiration of the pres ent congress. The treaty throw's the protection of the United Staes over a conract made betw’een the Honduran government and the .J. P. Morgan in terests for the refunding of the enorm ous outstanding foreign debt of Hondu ras, on a basis of one to fifteen. —Mr. E. R. Preston, who went to Raleigh, last week in the interest of those who oppose the Sunday bill, will return to the city Sunday. ♦ ♦ ♦ BUSINESS TREBLED BY ♦> ^ USING NEWS WANT ADS ♦ ♦ Charlotte, N. C., Feb. 2S. ♦ News Pub. Co., City. ♦ Gentlemen: — ♦ Enclosed find 45 cents in pay- ♦ ment of cur ad in Sunday’s Is- ♦ sue. ♦ Would like to say that wiien ♦ our first advertisement for eggs ♦ to hatch appeared we received so many replies that we found ♦ it necessary to treble our hatch- ♦ Ing capacity. AVe can now ac- ♦ comodate 750 eg.gs at one time ♦ and the outlook is such that we ♦ will most probably have to add ♦ more machines within a short ♦ time. ♦ Respectfully, ♦ Elizabeth Poultry Yards. IK IS TO KFT ZELAYA DENOOnCES PRESIDENT TAFT. By Associated Press. New Orleans, March 1.—In a six- teen-p'age pamijhlet bearing the title, “Refutation of the Statements of Pres ident Taft,” received here today from Brussels, .lose Santos Zelaya. former ])resid^nt of Nicaragua, indulges in bitter denunciation of President Taft and this government's policy of aggres sion in Latin-.Xmerica. He lirands President 'I'ai't as a slanderer, accuses the United Slates government of hav ing “shamelessly aided the rebellion" in Nicaragua, of having “bought con sciences" to further its scheme of ag- .graiidizeuient, and wai'us Laiin-.-Vmer- icans that the j)ni])Ose of the Taft ad ministration is to seize the Cential Ameiican republics. The pamphlet has 1)een widely dis tributed. There are other small busi- ♦ ness establishments in this sec- ♦ tion that can get just as satis- ♦ factory returns. ♦ Why not get in the "Want Ad ♦ Columns? The cost is only one ♦ cent a word. ♦ Always on Page 8. ♦ ♦ By Associated Press. Paris, March 1.—Antoine Monis is experiencing some difficulty in organ izing a ministry but it is expected he will announce hs definite acceptance of the premiership to President Fal- lieres during the day and it is possi ble that he will make known his asso ciates tonight. Former Premier Ribot has declined the proffer of the ministry of foreign affairs and Senator Raymond Poincare, to whoni this portfolio was next offer ed said that he w’ould give his decis ion later. M. Caillaux has definitely accepted the post of minister of finance. He served in the same capacity in the Clemenceau cabinet. Last night M. Monis announced that M. Delcasse bad accepted the portfolio of marine and M. Berteaux that of'war. As he was driving about Paris in a motor car on his mission of cabinet making, M. Monis who did not dis close his Identity, was stopped en route to the Elysee palace by a po- Icenian who summoned the chauffeur to court for violating the speed re.gu- lations. The new premier continued bis campaign after a little d;elay. Linotype Opera tors on Stnke By Associated Press. Chicago. March 1.—Efforts to settle a strike of linotype operators on two local jiapers continued today and the other morning ))apers, by agreement limited issues to four pa.ges only. The evening papers made no attempt to piint advertising matter and new'S matter was condensed. The strike w'orks a particular hard ship on the reading public at present, owing to the great interest in the pri maries of yesterday, and developments in the United States senate. The usual foienoon editions of the evening papers were not issued. The publishers hoped to put tw’o editions on the street in reduced form instead of the customary half dozen or more. President O’Brien, of the Chicago Typographical Union, No. IG, has or dered the strike in only one^ ofl[ice. So far as possibfe type for this publica tion was being set in the other three evening plants. Officers of the chap els, as the individual union organiza tions of each office are called, met to consider the situation. The question before *them was w'hether to stand by Mr. O’Brien, who ordered the strike or by James M. Lynch, president of the International Typographical Union, who has official ly declared the strike to be “unauthor ized, illegal and unwarranted.” After Long And Animated Fight Illinois Senator Wins Fight, And is Allowed to Re tain Eis Seat in Congress, Bow Senators Voted on The PiopGsition—Simmons Sided With Lorimer And Overman Against — Noted Sttuggle Ends, ^^'ashington, March 1.--Tlie senate today, by a vote of Hi to 40. sustained William l.orinier's title to a seat for the state of Illinois, defeating the res olution of Senaior Beveridge declaring him not legally elected a member of. the senate. i.oiimer was not pi'esent when th(i vote was taken. Cullom voted for Loiiuier. 'I'he vote: Nays— (i)ro-Tx)riiner)—re]»ublicans: Bradley, Brande.gee, Briggs. Bulkeley, Hunihaui, Hunows, (’arier, Clarkp, of Wyoming: f'lane, Cidioui, Curtiss, I)e- |)ew, Difl'i, l)illin,gliani, Du))ont, l-’lin;, Fiye, (iailinger, Gamble. Guggenheim- Hale, Heyburn. Kean, McCuniber. Xi.v on, Oliver, Penrose, f’eikins. Piles, Richardson, Scott, Smoot, Sreiihcnson, Warren and Wetuiore. Democrats; Pai!e\, P.aiikht^ad, J*''lei clier. l>’osier, .loluision, i‘aynter, Simmons, Smith, of .Mar\laiul; Thoi 11- ton^ ’rillnian and Watson. Total, na\ IG Yea—Cant i-T.oririier)— ]('pul)]ir;ins; Beveridge. Borah, Bourne', Ihistov, Brown. Burk(‘tt, Burion, ('lapi), ('law- ford, Cummins, Dixon, Gronna, .lon(>s, La Folleite, Lodge. Xelson. Page, Ri-ot, Siiiith, of Michigan; Sutherland, War ner and Young. Democrats: Bacon. Cliamberlain, Clarke, 01 .Aikansas; Cull)erson, Davi.^ Gore, .Martin, .\lone\-, Xewlands, Over man, Owen, IVrc.N, Rayner, Sbivele.v, Siuith, of South Carolina; Stone, Swanson and Ta\lor, 'I’otal, ayes 10, Absent: Aldi i( h, Frazier and Ter- reil. Senaior Lorinier did not \ole l)e- cause of his interest in ilio case and Senator Taliai'erro was in his seat, but did not resjjond to liis natije. Tlie vote of Senatcjr Culhnn, J\Jr. Loiimer's colleague, trom Illinois, was awaitetl with great interest. Both sides had claiuH'd liini. He voted for Lorinier. While no jiaiis was announced. Sen ator Aldricli wa*^ paired on otner ques tion with Senaior Terrell, bolli being absent (;n acc(>nnt of illness. Senator '1 aliaH'i io s silence ina.\ si'-iuify a pair witii Senator l-''iazier. who was alisent on account of the deaiti of his mother. Ml'. Tali.'iferro has be(*n understood lo bo pro-Lojinier. There is one vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Hughes, of Colorado, leav ing the present \-o(ing sti-engtii of tbe senate 91 and •'! a ((uoruni. Mi-. Lori mer got a niaj'-rity of the sitting mem bers. 'I'lie ])osilion (jf Senators Frazier and Terell, who weie botli al)seni, were announced as both anti-Loi-imer. There is a general undf rsf andiug that Senatoi- .Aldrich would have fa- v(n-ed Lorimei-. Xothing was stated on tlie floor regarding liis artiiude. The fact that a vote was surel.y to be had and that under the existin'^ agreement there was no cliance for a liliijust'^' (jii either side materially ar- resied the iniei siiy jf foelin,!'' \\hich lias cbaractf'iizeu the s-enate in the pa.si, few days. The galleiie.-:. hov\'ever. were filled to their capacity early in the day. Members of the lowei' hor.se filled the available seats in tlie corn'-rs of tlio senate floor and liiany w(>;e slanding. Senator Lorimer made ore more speech in his own b-iialf. Reff rring evidently t(j certain asser tions made a few moiiK'nts before by Senaior Owen of Oklahoma, in tho cour'Se ol a i)ittei’ anti-Lii'imei’ speech, .Mr. LoriiiK'i’ by inference acc.ised him 'Of uni'airness in ivading into the sen ate lecords only lelegrams unfavora ble 10 Lorimer and withiiolding others lav(uai)le to liim. Senator Owen and William Alden Smith, the latter from ■Michigan, made speeches a^fainst Lori- iiier; Senator Simmons, of Xorth Caro lina. s])oke in favor of Loimcfr. At 1 o'cloclv pursuant, to the agree ment Cvt yestei'da.v the proceed in.g.s were interi'iiiited by tlie taking up of the tariff board bill as "unfinished bus* iness.” Senator Beveridge moved that it be "temiioraiily laid asid-*.'' This was agreed to and the speeches on'the Lor- imer case were resumed. W'hen, at 11 o’clock, the senate con vened with a large attendance of mem bers, most of the senators appeared anxious to exi)edite business, with a view to getting at the Lorimer case at the first poss-ible moment. Senator Stone was an exception. He insisted upon the full reading of the long jour., nal of yesterday and upon the most minute attention to all details. On the conclusifjn of tlie routine business Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, secured the floor and began a speeclj in oppos-itioii to Mr. Lorimer. The Illinois senator was among the mem bers on the floor while Mr. Owen wag speaking. He occupied a chair against the wall of the chamber and appeared to be giving the closest attention ta the Oklahoman. Before Mr. Owen began his speech Mr. Beveridge had shown a disposition to has-ten rather than imped the pro ceedings. He refused to permit th^ transaction of any other than business, Continued on Page Two. i

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