8 THF charlotte news, march 1. 191 “'Fell it to I'he Town Through . THE NEWS.” ONE 1 CENT .irS'P Ki']l'inVlv!) jiounds coun- tiy li:inis. all .1. L. l’liillii)s r.’.'d.:, 'i'liono n.>L’-.l. 2i)-tf J ■pilONt: 23:18 for ail Kinds of wood. -M. O. l)o\vd. 5-tf PER WORD \\’.\NT1'!,D; For Sale. For Rent, .'>i. i-'oiind. Stolen. To Let. Phone llo. ♦ V \NT£D ♦ F II Ki^N'I' - Atli\'uni\e fix-ioom home IvifiUod N'oiih Pojilar. Thont' 102. Mt J'C>R KI'XT—.'-rooiu rortaco. Iarp:e ■-•.anlcn. So. Tiyoi!. Phono .T. >!'• .Ill Sn'iiil.. 2,s-L‘t :rfKXl) I.\ your name to The News If you wouid Mke lo iiave two ticket? to Mdi-'or.ia—free. •lASiM.'ii A.\t‘r:Ksox. .\. navui- son, is onlltU'd lo two l'r»'e lickots to k(iisoiiia oi’ Ainus«‘ T l)y cain'i.u, ;it Nrws onic.' for ti’cin ix'l'o’.r I ]>. in. ’I'hursday. Ol'R FlXTCKl'jS are tlu' very best. Call nrouiul, vc'll do the rosi. Ym \»ire forms :;nd we'll wire for you. (ilohe 1 ;i('oi 1 ic (\). :t^|. . 27 tf Fashion Letter New York, March 1. Die present style of short jacket w'th a coat and skiii costume abso lutely j>recludes any possibility of ever wearing the co;u of the sun with one ot the other frowns in the otitfit, and makes esential tlu' ])io\idinu, of a loiii; wra|> iu i lu' warilrohe decided up on lor the first days of spring;. When ii is wiihin the.taiige of the dress alowance to buy us fancy dictates, the well-uowned wcjuian will select at least two and perha))s as many as five i'i‘ SIX W!ai:s of different wci.^lits and - - ^ ... ,!si\l('» lor her si)rin,i; cosIuum's, but SLOC.\X Wear Di. ('.ni; >hrH's gla.ss-1order wiiji .ureater care e.-' ana watch C'iuirlotto grow. i> E. |" 'l* purchase a lonj; semi-fitted wrap Trade St. l2-oU-tl! I black satin or lichtes( weight cloili lasliioned iu such a model that it will I (WI.lj I'OR, repair and deliver your I’luuu' 1' .V. Ik'Xv'dt n, li'lo I'^ast I raile. 12-27 li X. f'l'R RKXT -IvrcH'ni cottage near n)y j icsi'.loiu’e in lOliAabeth Heights. Tu- | hrl'i' well atiii garden, nt'r ] w c’v. McP Wat’sin.^ 22-tf ' ♦ ♦ ♦ FANCY BRED POULTRY AND ♦ ♦ . EGGS. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ri'RK r’IvKI> I*rown Leghorn eggs for hMrch.iug. $1.i)o a seUing. 31. ]\I. Wallace. ‘*'1^ North Prcvard Si. 'Phone lT-4t-\ved-sat be suitable for day or evening wear as occasion demanls. F( »R R t'\XT ~ T’n’t'o or fmr furnished I'v infurni.'hoil rov>nis for light 1.0-- -'keci 'r.i:. Firsi llo.'-. Tlione - ■i '- i. -No. ic S. (’ald^^eii St. 1-l‘t PFRK HK1-!I> Pro'A'n L'''ghorn eggs for atching. Al. :\I. Wallac*,', I'OS North i’.revard St. 'Phone 502-,I. S- It-wed-sat \ \ --R RFXT Xi‘e furni.-^lied rcom. I \:i I 'n\I nici'i t's R-^'O vea^^onri'e. j ni;in iT-'tv-rrcd. 'Fhouc Mrs. «’:-';'!un, 21-tf v'':-; 'll'XT - Ti-r-'.''■ cf^:tn"e. ba'li. toi- w,^'tr in l.’Tci'cn. 'iruated 1 ^ ( i. - from Tiio Mi'iare. Pi ice wi'h water rent j'aid. •‘Rc.v," ca-e N.v's. -Mi: SIXFiIjK FOMl? White Ori'ington eggs tt'r hatciiini. ■ Eli/iabeih Poultry ’i'arils. Tiu-n'* i :)t i'RAll\I.\ I\(vlS for hatching. I F.i/.a;‘c'.ii I’oul'r:- \ ards. 'Phone 2b-;t \\'.\.\TI'l - S.'coini l.'iii r,r 2"ii ^•gg. Xews. hi; lid incnbaror. "Incubator," care 27-:’.t F(’R RFXT St root. h.oiise, 1 b n; y Culp. 310 i:. 201'U FAXCY VOFLTRY AND KGGS are e;'.sii> through i^dvertisements in liiis I'-luirn. ♦ MISCELLANEOUS i P. A. Ir' \VH.1. PFY twelve good laying pullets, iiure '"tock Reds, liocks or W.\an- dottes I'referred. Name lowest cash Juice, il. P. W., care News. 2S-ot I I’FnAR POt^TS for sale. I '.la*tii'ws. X. C. I... in.! A QUICK SAT.E of your stirplus ■;U i oETgs and breeding fowls can be ' - “ —- —I • made through tliese :\dvertiseineuts. •\:.L 1'HIS \\ i-'I'Y. Sri'.'iwherry, V;,uii-| — ’a and (.'hovolate .'reani. Tryon li’ ug 2 I -til -F’ I ^ P^'^^ RlTFRi^. all niaKTi^, for i ;;iirs hy t.ii t'ry cvpert. '^.iTi^^fac- ti ii sruar.-Ti ♦ f 1. .iniie>:. 1'uc Typc- \\;;'r .Man. ■'-arlotte. N. 1 j-tf-wed-sun .'!.u t lY - A!...- 't > FFLLu\\- CONSrMPTl\'ES--Will ■;-> ’ci. yo'\ ^ niy remark:;i>le ’'i-’.ce. !. M. Reyiviids. ’ . ■.ul Na i >;i:il Uanlv. Ci,'ii:!nbt' 1-n -> ^ LOST AND FOUND. ♦ > ^ '.(/ST—IV-athci' boa between crock a’l l Klizabc h College, lleturn lo 1 ; W. Scvci.tl: ^-i. i-ar formed of tw'o lengths of material fas tened down the center and at each side to form, sleeves, from a pattern that the vei'iest novice can copy, and wdien bordered at the top and about the end of the sleeve openings with a band of passementerie braid or a fold ot s-atin, will make as effective a wrap as could be desired. A lining wijl give warmth, but if the cloth is of sufficient ly heavy quality no lining w'ill be ob ligatory. As a black coat can be w'orn with a gown of any color, a black wraj) lined with a shade to correspond with the gown with which it is intend ed to wear it most often is strongly to be advised. The Length of Sleeves. As a wrap i» intended primarily as a means of warmth or at any rate protection for the gown worn beneath, it is well to ha\e some means of fas tening it close to the throat, although for daytime it may be opened en tirely over the front of the waist. Short sleeves are once more in vogue for all elaborate dress, but for a wrap sieves of full length are cerraini ythe most practical. Quite distinct from the long satin coat, blit an ennally necessary part ot the outfit, is a long heavy ulster for traveling o" motoring. Not every one is so fortunate as to be the pos sessor of a motor car. but nowadays it iS’ necessary to be prepared for an occasional ride in the automobile of some more fortunate frieiid. Ratline, trimmed with black satin is much in fashion, but genuine English and Scotch ulsters with loose backs and long shoulder seams, the coats fa&h- ioned of rought water-proof tweed, are the favorite cloaks for rough wear. Homespuns fn.ni the lightest, most ex]>ensive qualities to the very cheap est grades are the favorite materials Business fiuiiders GROCERS Fresh Currants 5c. Only a few cases to ]>e sold at this price. \ou would have to pay 10c at credit places. Dates .5c; peaches and prunes 10c; apples 8 1-iic; j)ie peaches 3 , >r 2.jc. Porto Rico mo lasses 4!Sc ilon. Bridgers & Co. W. Trade St. Fine Lot Fat Hens and Fresh Eggs. W. M. CROWELL Phone 1062. 200 E. Morehead St. Our Supply of genuine Smithfield hams are now in. They will not last long. Hams will be kept by us for customers only at their own risk, same to be charged on the day purchased. Miller-Van Ness Co. “The Place." ffPi ■mm o; XD- oihce,. i'i^■i. dollar bili. Cail New.s J-2L 'AX‘) FMFROli/FRY- A^ fino r; ;; ■ V - i-', c(MM't covers. ■ ■ . 'ciros. bibs, benu ‘ ’’u;.F\i *' line of jaliots. ’ ItCiK'd i '-It Vt l'-\- •I'f '; Ti’X.Xc, ' r-eei\.^(l ./n- t. nriliei. choi'-e '"n'!' .s;p;.a'4e. i iu>ne 1 ^''M. C. •'M-w-fri-2t HACKNEY BnOb. COrvlPANY P^umcmg & Heating—Jobbers in Supplies. “So-E.isy-To-Fix" Pumps, Gasoline I'^ugines. Ti-'ira Cotia and Flue Pipe, Wr-Trrht Iron Ppe and Fittings. Ncs. 6 and S W. 5th St. Phones 312 & '!C47. Char'-otte, N. C. p onipli jone 1 -j He I i'--:"i:;'ing. ac- >;‘iriuu. -vientili- till, tl;.- 'I'uii- 2^-!.t rOR RENT 1 4-rocni cottage, I0u9 E. 4th St. City water. 1 .'j-rocm cotta"c, 71:: K. 9th St. Mod- _ i ern conveniences. lAOS HAYKS .V SOXS will .ell at ^ 1 G-room house, 21o N. Myers St. Mod- ■ 'Kfioa .‘,1 h',id gi'.id mules and; convct.icnces. • .\l;i;ch T.t i o'cWK.ii, ; t'.-n om house l!)4 Wc.'^t Eeleventh, . '.\'lii‘a ..t r t .^’iulile, C!-i' I.'t ■ e. .X i n^odei'u. C - "t i r. t - •IXm I:L.\KK !»RF(; CO. have that -Mc.-.t i^ch rt‘nn dy. Hornets' Nest i an-l Ec/.-ma C)ir.im-nr. -ji Phene 312. L. H.ACKNEY 6 W. 5th St. 'Phar.e 1028. Figure -- '4m i I - .in- ♦ ♦ F2R SpLE ♦ '1-. l.S .XI-..ST I fh run'ment will t.i ; r. t fi‘i !U n[ ;T( !i ( y F'; .-ale by Jno. S. Blake 21-tf Chrcnic Diseases of Men and Women A 1 .-■ KNT .\D in this column may I ’ r *-/ nO 1b’V'insps. For a N0'"ARY 1 i;U!e 1 t;' I CBLiC quick— 24-tf aj j.vort: .. VI\VI RKPRESHXTATIVE. Miss 1. . I' I XeuuH-yer. lull* l^a.^t Ave. J6-ft , lilt. XKW S .](>].’ (ji'l icIj equipi)ed ; ; i',, r your Juu i’riiiting. ’l-’iione ; . ; - . ri T Ff»R hS1T.\i.\'r)-:s on i>luinbjng call' ... i)u'!ir-v iMuinbing Co., Piione 723.1 ' ‘ Hov. cll ArcaUe. 2;M)I ■■ ‘C'j .ot J, f). - • - - j e H H \\ ORK.MAXSHIP w.- guarantee, j ^ il ha\'; no tr^jubh; about, the M e. '*"1 wi.- :i-r .1- au(i we ll wire for “'*• ‘-'■'■h'' Eluctiic Co. IMione . ‘ ' 27tf! nf-;;d to - .. Sh pnent of Horsea Mules .. t :»‘'eiv- aid Tl-I.H II 7 0 THP^ TOWX*' at one «»nt a word—in The News Want Coluum Stables. W(. r 1 ♦ FOR RtNT A !'• A.X.A.XAS fro!u Lambry & Co., the ii' w fruil |j(‘0))le. 'J'he best kind of !ri.i' at tiie iowf-st prices. t:;Ul on i.-i at lil h. Ihiid St., opposite the Iflcphone building. The best 13a- nana Rooms in the city. We run four '\ holt-: ah- hfjusf's in the Carolinas iind (ieonria. Phone ^^7.7^ ' THI.S WEEK. Somek Havana ; hx’ras. 1 ryon Drug ('o. 27-6t RKXT—6-roorn nude! '•.orth Caldwell si.ee ■i- 1- .X:>rtb C'. 1. houcr-, vV. p. 1 ..’t -tell it to the TOWN- at one cent a word—in The News Want Column. RENT —1-rooi I lvr.se 4 iv w. ri. Appl> ('I' X. (li'aham 2'^ ::t •MKS, DR. MOOFiE. Painless Toofh Extractor. ()ffic; 2:}'/^ W. Trade St.. ‘ 24-7t Cha; lot II —One good ba -n. also ear-l'WiiAl :.f>u.'^e. will rent hiap. .'.i*; • l!h-tf; h: .\T Is your greatest asset in bu.s- ■\f>nr eyes. I*rf>tect them by _ _ ;! v;ug Dr. (’ampbell iirescribe your Front oflice rr-ouj in Car-' 1^1 12-30-tf :u,g. Ten dollar:,, M I II\l. .%?Y noi H|.7wlT«^^ -'-.-tl in talb'd and it was perfectly beauti- I ,.,0 »• II f I work'.' Why, th(! I.a.ge w»ll lijini.'-hed . (.I.il.e Me tric Co., r,f course. You baib. Api.lr 4iit.; wire f„i .,„,i „.e’ll wire for you. Cl(»h. I'llectlif; ('()_ l'lion- H2I. 27-tf ”HKAP—Nice store roomlc/> I ar Tryon. \V. C. Dowd, 'rti'e. X-21-lt •';’>'ii;*:Rixi': chapman, r.ot; w. 7th, liil r(cej\(. I wo li fe li(;kels to lO'li- * ' 'r Amuse C by Calling at \ew.s oiiiec lor them' 'I'hursday be- loi- 4 o'chx k. ' .shaies par $2o.(i» liiifacturing conipanv — •‘.it -lui-annual divi-'Yv>r 1,1, |.'ix,, , i.j.s i„ vorv " 1 :or (puck sale. Ad-; true. Il' .\f,n’|I v-ire Utr us w«>’ll wire ■ ''luu;, cuic News. lor ^ou. (Jlubc • lOleclric Co. I'hone U-Hi i)2i. 27-tX if you are sjilrorlng Irom any dla- ease and iiave uoi beeu able to get rt!ief, see L»r. Aloss ai once and have a thorough exaiUiuaLioii. The doctor has tiie couiiifjuc« people uy being on the square tonesc witn the public. Nv det-rption, no laise promises. II you ar»i afliicted witii lilood Poison, I\ervouii, Decline, Ca tarrh of .Head, Thic/Uc. or Liungs, or any stomach and Mver 1 rouble, Piles, Kiieuniatiiim, f*eisa/9 Diseases of long standing, or any cnronic disease of any nature, I exu.-na a cordial in vitation to call ane consult me free of charge. Those wlio know me and know my o‘lict3 know 1 uin an enthu siast over niy work, and while 1 have to have pay for my work as a mat ter of course, my charges are what I and the patient thing proper, not based on seeing bow much I can scare and squeeze out ot some poor unfortunate piece of humanity. If you will appreciate honest business meth ods and conscientious service, I shall be pleased to sie you at ray office. A I)ersonal visit is preferred, but the lad that you are out of town and cannot call need not deprive you .of my services. If you cannot* call, write for particulars, mode of treatment, prices and terms. Letters and office calls are free and confidential. DR. WM. H. MOSS. Specialist. •Rooms 3 and 4 Davidson Building, East Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. Hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. nn. Sunday* tt to 1. Three-piece gu\^n.- oi tussah. rajati rTOd all such niarerialtj will be, of course in evidence Fnis year, for the throe-piorc costume is too useful a f^tyle ot dress to be abandoned lightly b> Dame Fasiiion. At the same time a i.^fket is not now con.«-idered an oblig atory jiart of the gown provided for s])ring weddings and recoiitions. and a smart aftei’tioon gown with a long cloak ot sa'in or cloth which can lie woin with this dress or any other irovk in tiie out tit at will, is often tound lo make the best investment. The New Eton. Ol course, in tlie matter of coats, j no style departure has come with. I quite sum'll startling suddenness as the j revival of the Eton jacket. Ever sinco I early last fall tiie fashion authorities I have been predicting the .return of j the waistline coat, biit milady has ac cepted the prediction with a grain of salt until wiiliin the j)ast few weeks ; and now' she suddenly ilnds that her neighbor and her neighbor's daughter ^ are wearin.g Eton coats. So she immed- I iately procures one of tiie new models j and registers a mental vow that ‘‘next ■ time’ she vvill uot disregard iier mod- j iste’s advice. ; In the firs-t illustration is shown one I of the smartest of tiie neAv short coats. It was ])ar( of a pongee suit designed tor a trip io [Jermuda. 'I'he body and sleeves and coat v\ere cut in one—a significant indication of the continued IJopularity of the peasant blouse. The closing was outlined with . band of blue s-atin and this material w-as used to trim the skirt and for the cuffs. The long half-fitted wraps fall eith er quite to ihe hem of the skirt or are but a few inches shorter, while in addi tion to the Eton, there are also separ ate jackets trimmed fancifully and reaching no further than the hips, but lor separate coats there are no in-be tween lengths. In some models’ the back is plain, in others there is a high Empire belt of soft folded or rolled sat in. The front of this coat generally fastens over loosely with a large buckle or fiat button about the 'waist line. The majority of these w'raps are la&hioned with the sleeve in one piece with the rest of the material, and it is necessary to leave the arm opening ■wide so that the most delicate slee^’e ■^’ill not be crushed beneatii it. Sailor Collars. The sailor collar in all imaginable widths and lengths is the favorite finish for all cof»tsr, and even a long w’rap shows no exception to this rule. On a black satin coat, white is most often used for collar and cuffs, but a bright shade of blue or a deep gold yellow are seen on a number of the newest models, and wdien the lining corresponds- in color, the effect is unde niably smart. W’hen the’ coat is of a decided shade, as sapphire blue, scar let, green or one of the fashionable tints of purple or mauve, black satin collar and cuffs are sometimes seen, while again a lighter S'hade of the color of the w^rap is employed and it is difficult to say w’hich is the more effective. It is imssible to fashion an exceed ingly smart wrap in one of tlie ahvays good sleeveless models at ridiculous-ly small cost from a piece of the new fleece-back satins. These w’raps have only large openings for'the arms, the material stitched together again be neath the opening in such a manner as II HI Figure 2. of the &3ason for ail simple suits and wraps. For young girls, blanket coats in a new dark shade of brown are pop ular for college and boarding school, although there is also a distinct vogue for the Engiisii ulsters among S'chool- girls. An ulster tnust always be able to fasten up close at the throat, and have long sleeves with wrist shields to keep out the wind and rain. English corduroy, rubber lined, makes the smart raincoat of the yeai*. The sec ond illustration show& a most attrac tive little afternoon frock fashioned from the two fabrics—a style that seems to be increas-ing in popularity. Modern Homes For Rent Six rooms, splendid lot, close in, 309 E. Sixth St $25.00 Six rooms, all modem, 1405 E. Seventh St $17.00 Five rooms, very close in, 316 East Fifth St $15.67 Seven rooms, very desirable, 2005 E. Fifth St., Elizabeth $20.00 “Joine the Greater Charlotte Club and help Charlotte grow.” Union Loan and Realty Company MORRIS E. TROTTER, Manager. 16 East Trade St. 'Phone 349 Storage furniture, household GOODS, MERCHAISlDISe, ETC. Phone 1578 for Rates to really torm .leeve^The coat talAn,.rieiin •?•?•«»« * Warehou.. Co. Jellies and Prcieserves. I have a full line of Goodwin s Jel lies, Preserves and Apple Butter which you all know is the best on the market. G. O. Thles, ’Phone 119 and 2116 Meal Made From Select Corn. Fresh grouno and silted the old- fashioned way, is a real luxury whom made into bread, muffins, mush, pud dings or dressing. We make it fresh every day and never keep it on hand to get stale. Ask your grocer for it and have no other. If he can not sup ply you phone us direct and you shall be promptly supplied. ALEXANDER BROS. 'Phone 2561. Ten-Round Bouts By Associated Pres?, Indianapolis, Jnd Mti-,. round boxing contests i, this fiiy toiiighr bet-Vi-,'-; i . of Omaha, and .lim ' burg. welter\v>ii?:ins • / i mond, of .Mihvaukee. •- .! ' . ler of thi, city„ i’iui,', matche.s wili be liciui .. of bouts at different a^’ Iu Hiiiie oi' tlif ol living is going up wri- mains stationer\. Children C. for fletchei? 5 C A S T" O i Children O’ for FLEtCHES. C A S T O P SCHLOSS THEATi-?.'^; r Ar- Tomorrow Night Mr. W. L. Radcliffe Preseni Famous METROPOLITAN GRA\D CONCERT CO Mme. Chilson-Oi]tniH:i s.-, Miss Adah llus.se', ( t.ivr Mr. .T. iJumliird liuffc', rV Mr. P''rederick .Ma!*:' p.. Miss Susie Foi^l p; ; V' Seats on Sale ;:i F ■« , Pnces $;.oo Fancy Grape Fruit. We have some very choice thin skin ned large grape fruit fresh and de- Icious, also some fresh potato chips. S. R. LENTZ Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 'Phone 251 UlSCELLAAEoUS FOR SALE Beautiful building lot, overlooking the city; fine location. Price very low. Party wants the money. See Shoemaker & Wallace. 225 X. 'i ryon St. ’Phones, oiiice 242, • Residence 444-J, 5t)l-J, Graham Street Market. The finest cute of Beef, Pork, Veal and Lamb, delivered promptly at fa vorable prices. Pure pork sausage, choice hams, and home-made lard a specialty. Fresli fish daily. R. M. .VicCREE 'Phone 796. Profession jGjrds A Dental Specialist Diseases of the gum.s anr; Gold or porcelain inlays, - celain restoration of the ticnui An upper all-pcrcelain pla’r ihf est to nature ever made.. Telepiione for appointment, f-r': 2.j3. Residence 25tD0-J. Con.-.i;, 4 to 5 p. m. DR. C. M. I5E.\M 310-11 Realty BIdg. Dr. H. C. Henoeraon. Dr. L. I. Gidney. HENDERSON & GIDNEY DENTISTS. Office, Hunt Bldg., 202/^ N. Tryon St, 'Phors 216. ROOFING We put on Slate, Tin, Tar and Grav el Kooimg. W hen you baiiU or repair get our estimate. C. F. SHUMAN 'Phone 111. 200 M. College St. THE HOT£- ANO CAF£» Up Lo-uate dmlng room, seating ICO persons, u Luncn counter uneciuaie/i iu South. Convenienity located fcouth 'iryou atreet. Strictly European. FOR MILK AND Ci’^EAiVI ’Phone IOCS. We liave one of the largest and finest dairies lu the i^^ouch, conducted on strictly modern, scien tific and sanitary principles. We de liver in your neighborhood. CHATHAM DAIRY ANOTHER FRESH ^UPhuY Sherrill Mineral Water, the friend os suffering humanity, Just In. Phone orders U18. SHERRILL MINERAL WATER CO. 311 S. Coliese St DR. A. D. GLASCOCK 06VE0FATH Office, Sixiii Floor of Realty Bicg. Hours 9 to 1; and 2 to 4. And by Appoi.itmenl, Office 'phone lUTU. jt^esideuce livlT. Consultailon ,?ree. Office 'PhOj e 326. Kesidence 952-i !• W'm *Jatni DENIISl, IQ9 Realty E»ulidir.0, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. l-i. F. Ray OSTbUr^lH ... rb.REO Realty Building. Hours d to. 2 to 5. Phone, Office, 830; Residence 37r-J. Ccnejitation ^t Office, graiii. Greater Charlotte Pressing Club H. J. OVERCASH, Proprietor. 19 W. Fourth St. Phone 2518. YOUR F. L BONFOEV ARCHH tCT. Supervision of Construct:: n. Office 211 N. Tryon. Rocrn HUGH W. HARRl; ATTUriNtY Law Building. C«r*anctt;, •J* M* McAli cHa-; ARCHITECT Rootns 505-5C6 Trust EuHd '■ CHAHLUTlfc, U STATIl. Is Your Representative ^^E ARE Producing the kind of Printing that is pleasing to the eye and artistic perceptiveness—the kind that will represent you creditably, at reasonable cost, in the best of com pany. And remember that we make it a special point to deliver promptly as promised. P. L. GARNEb SUPERINTENDENT

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