(UnCK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD' cst Edition X Latest Edition 43. NO. 69 CHARLOTTE, N. C.. SATURDA\ EVENING. aRCH 4, 1911 piJ {In Charlotte, ? c«nts a Copy Daily—5 Cents Sunday ^ Outside Charlotta. 5 Cents a copy Daily a and Sunday ie} Turbulent Scenes In House Tariff Bill Given Up I. ’I'lie 1!' v-ncl by ta’.crn iip. The house clock hail been SCI Itack half an hour. Cannon Quits Chair. At ILT02 o'clock, or a. m.. ■ oflicio\ . Speaker Cannon called up liireatencil ! Representative Vnclerwood, of Ala- , ■ bnirta. the democratic leader, to the nation bills , umnient they , Speakcr-elect ('lark offered the nsu- aiid received I 1 resolution of thanks of congress to the speaker and then' made u hr !. Mleni. 'I'he ';iV.cr of iho ■ api’''opriation :r '‘J;'’.'. p. m. ' rannnii, in |. 'Ill \ he had ,■ . -idm^ cn er .itij;r. The ’ n’ t^'.c next . . under Iho • speech. I (Continued on I’a ge Two.) I ni. .1 at 12:20 j ;■ ■ if- ad.ji'iirn-: in o ci'nl'i r-. . as to the i iiresidcnt tiid ilt'for Mon Linlil mm eiG AT mu The (Town- •.ieiiii’crnt s a i•! boaid a '■ ''il or- ■h.' bill i-. amenM.'d . d on the re asktnl I.- 'ulnifMiis lliMioi.-. a _ :he ..r ■' the ruh. s : ',if M ccial .^ff di- >\ :d . that if ti • rnl'-. ,M'.n r!(l on .Mi. Fo>U‘ri i: lint snored this ■'•ifusion. .-r,t ; i;. • ;i"i Special to Tiio .\’»nvs. Greensboro, N. ('.. March I.-- The strain i»f unfavorable conditi('ns in !.'\iile circles for two years past has - I'll t«'o iiiuch for several Southern inii!.'-. .V .t|>oit today from liaw Kiv- ; r. \ r., states that H. S. Robertson ami .1. Ti\‘llin--;er ami the Tiolliii^- ',1 .Ml’u. bavt' IMed at ('ircensboro voluntary petitions in bankruptcy. The Cri'.iiitf SavlmiP and Trust'Co.. of Maw 'liiver, h;is also bt'-n so seriously af- i.', I'd by tlif' failtiies as to fi)rco a i>f its door.'. 'rrollinger is iir .--iccii! Ilf the Tn'llii.xi Mfu;. ( ■>.. and s('cri'’ary of the llolf (Iranite Mf;,-. ('o. Liabilitit-s in l;is case are stated at ‘?2^'i,nno and as.-ets at M'ti ,\>'^ets of 'rrol!ins;\v(K)d Mfg. Co. are list.'d at $1T.H('h) with liabilities of !*,. S. Robertson, also inter est-,d in nunifrou'; mills in that sec- f’lin of the state, has liabilities to f ]-(f,! a-iiount (if ami assets amount- ir.^ If! Charles A. Sc-ott has '■v-'U iKii'i* 1 receiver for the Granite Savings a”. 1 Trust T'o, Its capital is ifiu witii ef)> (lei'>osi's. It is said ;!o ‘ sitors '.' ill not su!Tk>r. T’':- Tndlin-,\\on(l .\Hu. (’o. has 2.012 idles and capiMl 'd HoU- C ,.nit> Mt'X- ’'» is capitalized at! r, f;. K known t’ais | • imisiy .■’•T.'cw-d' i>y tlie' M'S .:d!h>>u.ih It is rei)orted that . I'-. r i.iil’.i ill i!i: t secti'tn may be I. r. rd inti' linridation. Cases of the i i’ . 1 t)ci it ieu"''s cam*’ bebore Referee A r LORIMER THAT OF CROOK OF THE SENATE IS THE SAME KIND ELEMENT STAND-PAT 7he Senate Passes Permanent Tanfi Bo at d Bill PBESENTEI! WITH SILVEB SERVICE Amid Scenes of Confusion, and During Protest From Gore And Stone Vote was Taken Which Resulted in Victoiy For Measure, THE in tli- (I ib-iu •r t. I •ard Sensation Will Be Sprung Before Recordei Smit h Louise Stevens And Dora Wil son, Are to Be Given a Pie- liminary Hearing at 3 0*clock in Basement of Court House. F'l- line t F' '.ju-'': 1. of (;rcen.boro and R. : Vo::r- hns un aiMKiintcd receiver for ;ii'.v (If '■ ; 1; «• '’’I ■Hin; wi';.l Mfg. Co. 11 " ' .- 111 \ \ ' torday that it was an A r. ' !'■ >ri!' • 1 t: 1; t t"iv large mills at ( il if- 1 ■ ' Wv i;i financial trouble. Onlv rrc- j.tly two Ir.rpe mills at ; 'ill-- > ‘ ' iMi.-li-c t;".’, ,\, C„ failed, and it is an- of ti! !' ! ‘ • ;i.- 1 t h; !t Trustee I'lies will sell ■ a '! '■ :i a ' f ic.ii (111 en^boro, N . ('., on : n’-'l :i v|. 2 '; ’1 l’.^- jdant of th^ Randle- .llK^’.l .M a icturiu4 ('onipany and the ,i. :! ti > (if the Nnami Falls \lant’. fac- ll I".' *;n;W ('om lany. of Burlington, )f tlu ’ -I Peary's Hopes Blighted. ci :;' ird in , nv Associated Press. ,N wlK'n i ‘Washington. .March 1.-—The linal , . a demo-I that Roboit K. I’eary would : ii.iLiie I'P-‘ jeceive at this session congressional .'c'layed [ rt-cognitiou of his attainment of th-3 Lvorth Pole vanished yesterday when ■incer man," ^ ivrkins. by a point of order, i'locked the attempt of Senator Crane to have Peary's iiromotion jjrovided or by an amendment to the naval ap- ])ropriation bill. i.f mv age, r-ntlv, ,;l,cr r-aaglit •II and turn- l.i.u^e was ■, .•;.lcied out tlif' , :■ i;]:!C(' when . • ’I) i-eiommit ■ ' The roll 'mI! a? to . I, i 'ion sliould ’ n' 'i,* n‘iuro ^ti>^ ! p] .) !‘s for the ■ ' 1 ' ''I:- prut eb ■ s na! '1' ■■ iioundi'd f'r '-a ! and imme- sergeant at ;.,i of his ■ . ui’ urib'r was I : i.y tiie donio- . .* Mie previotu? . ,.>i>t. d the res- ■:,o tariff bill • .:i • . the vote be- ;s;:'!it vfi^e on . : >’.li\v. icncy Bill. ■ •; ii’.i' r'ii'ferencp . : (U'^iciency bill ;ii'* This was ■ ly iiuastires to tionrd Bill Fight. ';.iiff board hill ■ iblif an I eader ’ ; ll* asked the fiiri ill vacatlnft I. ICliminate.s the • It .,f the tariff iiirmoil in the i ickad'd cnnfererce ijrlaiiiui bills was SIK PERSONS By Apsociated Press. ('enter. Texas. March •«.—Six per- sf)Hs were hnrned to^ death or killed oiKright in a fire here shortly after midnight. Many others wereh urt, at least two of them fatally. . The dead: ' Mrs. C. C. Lock, Will Booth. Will Mull. .lack Davis; Clifton Woodson, J L. Ciawford. Serionalv injured: Wood Dimith, I). W. Pierce, Kirk Martin and Martin Davis. ’I'he victims ws’re caught by the c»ilapsing walls of Mistrot Bros store, while engaged in caviVing the slock of gof)ds into the. street Some were killed outright while oth ers were T)urned. .At noon it was reported that sever al persons were missing and the Kmouldering ruins were^ being searcli- ed. The fire w'as a comparatively small one. being confined to tw,) store buildings. The inf)netary loss was sinall. the origin of the fire has ii'-'t been determined. of a’- the Sensational Testimony Expec ted at Rearing of Women Implicated in Death of A, J. Winn, Traveling Man From New Orleaub. More sensatioiiui features will be crammed into iesiinioii>' adduc'ed before Recorder 1). H. Smiih in the trial at I? o'clock, tir.s aiterno(ui xiuise Stevens and 'Joi'a ilson, cused of being inipli'.ated in deatli of A. .1. Winn, a fiav>liu? man, than have ever characterized a iial of any kind in (?iiarlot'.e. From the :ery iieginning until Ihe verdict has been delivered, some two hon.rs. per haps, after '-i o'clock, there will ue sensation after sensation. Freelv is it being predicted that he women will be acquitted of the terri!)le crime they nov,' stand cnai^- ed \Uth. Ttiey have talked to their attorneys, Messrs. Shannonhouse and lones, this morning, and .gested plans for their will appear on calm. Every - tion made by the coroners jury win be gone into, and the manner in which the testimony of the two wo men was gotten from them by tie iurors, will be an argument tised tell ingly by lawyers for the defendants. Both Sides Busy. Not until almost noon did the pros- Writ Granted Yesterday. Granting the writ of iiabeas corpus asked for^bv Attorneys Siiannonhouse and .lones. Solicitor (Jeorge W son Yesterday afternoon orde>'ed t la. 1.oni.se Stevens and Dora Wilstat. the women held by the coroner s ]u’.'y lu connection with th^ deain >■ • Winn in the I eland hotel last ' day morning, be given a predniin ' I hearing iiere bef(U’e Record ,'r sniiui. I The annoitP.cenierit "auie as U') sur- v'Jfi had f.)U'?''Ved trast in their cells. One is haggard and worn, disheveled and dejected. That is Ix)nise Stevens. The other, Dora Wilson, has never lost her spir it, her air of defiance, her haughti ness. She is perhaps a trifle paler, but that is all. Her voice is the same and there is not a sign of nervous ness. She is a strange young wo man. When they are brought from the jail it will be in a closed carriage and none will see them when tViey enter the court room. The hearing j shouid not last for an hour, unless some unex]iected turn is taken. Newbeiry Aioused Ove) Murder Speciaf to The News. Raleigh, March 4.—With indica tions of final adjournment Monday members of the ' house today pre sented Speaker W. C. Down, of Char lotte, with a silver service of ex ceptional beauty, while Mr. Turling ton, of Iredell, presided in the crair. Mr. Dillard, of Cherokee, was spokesman- for the members and in chaste, eloquent terras presented the service as coming from the appre ciative hearts for Mr. Dow'd's impar tial, able and kind administration of the high and responsible duties of Speaker for the session of 1»11. Mr. Dowd responded most feelingly to this manifestation of esteem, Members of the house stood during the response and applauded vigorous ly. The Torrens land title bill was passed by the house, (i7 to 11. and went by special messenger to the Senate which has defeated a similar bill. The bill to regulate crossings of railroads and ele(^tric lines with an amendment exepmting towns of less than .^.000 passed. The Dillard bill on state game com mission lost otit by a large vote. The house bill for additional educational qualifications for medical licenses. The senate concurred in the house amendment to increase the gover nor’s salary from $4.(100 to $.'i.OOO. The house resolution to investigate the sale of the Atlantic & Yadkin Railroad was laid (ui the table in spite of a protest of Senator Hob- good. The house joint resolution to in vestigate the conduct of lire iiAi- Favorite Bill of The President Was Carried Through on. Strictly Pai ty Lines —Demo crats Opposed it. SENATE ADJOURNS. ♦ F)y .\ssociated Press. Newberry, S. C,. March 4.—An an gry* mob of Newberry citizens is seacb'n" for Sam Boozer, a negro, who ] ance companies was referred to com- j.rise to those Y''i •• e-^t^rdav afternoon shot and killed j mittee on insurance over tlfe protest ihe case, a writ ot i.o n t. . o t n-, | of, Senator Baggett, who declared that the ■ml> .neans l-. um '.rA u , .Janits (.Mhani, a white man of the (3.d j ^ By Associated Press. ♦ Washington, D. C., March 4. —Senate Adjourned at 12:20. ♦ ♦ By Associated Press. Washington. D. C., March 4.—A blockade of the big appropriation bills, threatened by Senator Owen, of Okla homa. gave way at Jl;25 a. ui. when he agreed lo yield the rteor if the sen ate would agree to vote on a proposi- lion to couple Arizona with New Mex ico in a resolution finally adinitling them to the I’nlon as staies. This coupling was agreed t(j, ljut the resolution as thus amended was defeat ed, ayes noes 4.j. (Jnce more tiie senate began lo hum with business. Tho clock was set back at 11;:{() to 11;U2. Th^. conference re port on the sundry civil bill was • agred to. The parliamentary situation was mticli tangled. It develoi)ed, however, that in voting to defeat the coui)ling of Arizona with New Mexico, the sen ate had defeated the ratification of the New Mexico constitution as well. By a vote of 14 lo \M the senate took up, the Sullovay iJension. bill, \vhiMi v/ould increase ihje i>ension rolls about 000.000 a year. It has already pass- have sug- defense. They inquire into ))rc'ba’ile cause lu: h. uhl-1 neigiiborhood, following a difii-j committee bill to apportion iug prisoners for invt-'stigatioii if> i)etween Gilliam and two women | senate members of th.e general asseni- vice-president ruled that the i-'ven- of Boozer’s household, in which the j My passed and was sent to the house. (mestion v>as the amendment, TO /'riTVll »1 I'JP X i ,1 . ot Senator McCiiinber, winch would ui- , if iioo-.-n cqu”ht . - - cl ease the pension roll only about nig IS leaied it the nt^.o is causiu. jn-ict with two senators, thereb.v re- Details are dilficult to obtain, but; jug- tjie number of districts from Gilliai.i was numageing a farm about 3;) to 38. ten miles from Newberry. It is stated j 'phe i,j]] to incoi),'oraie the Pied- he had been drinking and made an at-j mont and P'orsyth Railway ('omi'-any, tack upon Boozer’s house, seriously j passed and Avas ordered enrolled, cutting the negro’s wife. Later Booz- xhe senate began consideratimi of j er sectned a shoigun and killed (jil- the machinery act. liam. jrand itiry Whe;! the recorder's court , , , ed in the morning at 0 o’clo. k a | negresses were bauly cut. dense crowd had gathered, an eager, curious H ong that wanted to near the horrii)le details if they could, :;nd if not able to satisfy this curlosny, then to gain one look at the unli-L'U- nate women. Young men were m the crowd mingling with old men. and there was just a Tew womf'H who wanted to look at the two peo ple who above all others have .)?eii most in the imblic eye of late. Pub‘c Kept Cut. Chief Christenbury announced at once that th.e hearing during the day some time would be behind closel doors. None but officers of the couit and the newspapers will be admitted. It was not expected in the morning that the hearing would last long. Tho record made by the secretary of the coroner’s jurv will be submitted, but the witness stand jit was said that the testimony of^’hc detail of the investiga-1 women would be excluded, certain \ detail 01 me -'ithat part of it told by Louise Ste ens implicating herselt in a bad light, a light that might prejudice heiSelf before the court. Recorder Smith did not shirk the duty imposed ujion him. It is a com pliment to his ability that the case was forwarded to his court. He “^an dismiss the case as not being one .showing ]>robable cause, or he caa order the women held under a nomi nal bond for an examination by the grand jury. At the couniy .jail this morning it was said the women, wiiile showing the effects of their confinement, were delighted with the prospects of soon appearing in court. They have been buoved up by words from their at torneys and they are confidently ex- l)ecting exoneration. Sergeant Serves Warrant. As soon as it became known laie yesterday afternoon that the women would be given a preliminary hea’’- ing here. Sergeant Scullion, who is also a justice of the peace, issued warrants against them and these w'ere served on them in their ceil at the jail. Heretofore they had been held upon the coroner's warranr alone and this would not admit of bail. The warrant against Louise Ste-, vens charges her with the murder of A. .J. Winn. That against Dora Wilson charges her with ’jeing an ac cessory. The women present a striking con- Betrand is President. B,' Assoi-iated Press. j Puerto Cortez, Honduras, March 4.— ^ Francisco Betrand has been agreed up on as provisional i)reeident of Hon duras to serve until a successor to President Davila is elected in Octo ber. as he u. OF m OFFEBS HIS BMlll j'.ue, March. 4.—Senator Bai- has resigned from the H- made no explanation leisons therefor. He first J the resicjnation to Vice Pres ident Sherman who refused to accept it. Mr. Bailey then wired his resigna tion to Governor Colquitt of Texas. Mr. Coutinutd ou Page Nine. ecution and the defense decide upon an hour. The state examined seveiai witnesses in Chief Christenbury s of fice in the morning, amcmg them be ing Mrs. Emily Costello, who ss housekeeper in the Leland where the ,raleving-man was stopping when he was found in a dying condition The defendants' attorneys were equally as alert and had summoned several wit nesses whom they will put on the stand to speak for the women. From the witnesses for the defense the sensations wiil come. “Prepar^ for an extra.” said Attorney Shan nonhouse, ’’for the evidence to come otii this afternoon will be the most sensational ever heard in any c room. The people are not half as much interested in the verdict they will be in the evidence, finished. , , ,, This was ihe air that pervaded the court room all the morning. The cu rious crowd was not told of the hour for the trial and questions were ask ed of every officei on. the street. In lact one bluecoat said he had been asked about the case so often that he thought he would print what he knew of and hand outs lips to inquir- 0TS One sensation that is entirely tin looked for, it is said, will be sprung and this will set a-talking. ' . ^ . Witnesses who are known to ha\e been summoned by the defense are Dr Ijinebach, Dr, C. S. McLaughlin Frank Hovis. and Tally Lowe, the laiier a negro bell bo.v in the hotel. The state will use Henry C. W’^il liams. jiroprietor of the Leland; Mrs Emil.v Costello, housekeeper in the hostclrv, and .T. R. Jones, who was a guest at the place and who w'ent up the steps, ac-cording to his testimony before the coroner’s jury, just be hind Col. Williams. Other state wit nesses will he used but their names are as vet unknown. Each side all the morning worked against the other side, and the de fendants’ attorneys were sanguine of acquittal, while at the same time predicting sensational testimony. the w’hole city PEfiPLE IT FAILEO TO 00 .■)00,(M)0. Seiiati>i- Lodge look the tioor in the oi'i>'>Kiiion to any general pen sion legislacioii. Senator Lodge demanded the right of the report 011 the Sullovay i)ensioix bil, and, it becoining evident to Mr. Scot! that Ihe |)tir|>ose was to filibuster tile bill 10 (U'ath, he withdrew it. By As.^ociated Press. Knoxville. Tenn.. March 4. persons were injured when Southern mountains. Railway east bound train No. 26, known as the Memphis special. Avas erailed one mile east of Bear Den this morning. The cause of the derailment is not known. The injured By Associated Press. Washington. March 4.—Out of the , grist of iiills that went to the mill of congress in the session that ended to- I da.v emerge those results of more or less imperative interest, j Poo.cive Results, j Provision of ;0,00u for the forti fication of the Panama canal. Proviiiions for two nevv battleships. I Re-codification of the judicial code —regarded as most important toi‘ the — I amelioration of the laws delaj s. I Creation of forest jiieserves in the Eight Southern Ai)palaciiiaii and Whiie are: K. M. Hodge, mail cjerk, Bristol. .1. f:. Keehle, mail ^erk. F. H. Pierce, mail clerk, Bristol. .1., M. Dawn, mail clerk, Bristol. H. E. Wiley, mail clerk. A. P. Whaley, passenger, of Cleve land. * Mrs. Lydia St, John, Bluff City, Tenn, Sam Pleff, passenger, Rochester, N, Y. The tender of the locomotive left the rials, carrying every coach off the track except the rear sleeper. The derailed cars were only saved Providing for the cons-t met ion ot embass.v and legation building abroad. Requiring the inspection of locomo tive boilers. Negative Results. Failure of the Canadian reciinocity agreement in the senate and conse quent certainty of an extra session. Failure of the permanent tariff board bill, which passed the senate, but wa& killed by a filibuster in the house today. . Failure, of the resolution to admit, to statehood Arizona and New Mexico, which was killed by a filibuster in the passenger. 1 t Failure of the proposal to increase ‘1 WANT A MAN' Hundreds of housekeepers are thinking this right now. Garden is to make; vines, trees and bushes to trim; law^n to fix up; carpets and rugs to take up and all kinds of spring cleaning to be done. Where is the man to do this work ■? A Want Ad in The News will bring him quick. One cent a word and always on page S. the late postage on the advertising sections of the large magazines. Failure of the senate resolution pro viding for the direct election of Unit-' ed States senators. Failure of the gerenal age pension from being turned completely over by bill. n- u a high embankment. Polls were I'ailure to act on Ballinger Pinchot broken down, causing telegraph com- investigation reports, munication to be cut off from this , Failure to enact the ocean mail sub city for over two iionrs. - ^idy bill, passed by the senate alone. ™^isrTiFrrssy¥(jiiL^ FDnmniisFssnDFCDHS By Associated Press. Washington, D. C.. March 4. Presi dent Taft at 12:07 announced that this afternoon he would issue his call tor an extra session of congress, v The president Is considering March At 1:30 o’clock this afternoon, fol lowing a conference with house and senate leaders. President Taft an nounced'the extra session of congress would be called for just one month AN'ashington. 1). C., March 4.—The senate today passed the itennanent ta- I’ilf boar.d bill by a vote ol 55 to 2'5. ’i’he end of the long fi.ght foi' this board, strongly recommended by Presi dent 'raft came at S:30 - c U)ck this morning. .At that hour the vice-presi- derit directed the clerk to call the roll. Several democratic senators were ;(Mi iheii' feet clamroing for recognition jat the lime and there was much confu sion. I 'I'he vice-iH-esident declined to recog- jnize. asserting that debate was not in order. i Senator Gore, of Oklahoma. declin d I to be taken off liis fee! and insis-ted on making a siaTement while the clerk was taking Tne vote. ' Tiie V(;te was along i)ar‘„y lines, the republicans, iiisui'genis and regular alike voting for the bill with but two excejjtions, and the democrats gener ally opo)*sing it. Senators Btilkley, of Connecticut, and Heybtirn, of Idaho, were the refuiblicans- who recorded themselves against the bill. l''(jur dem ocrats voted fov i; as follows; Clark, of Arkansas; N^wlands. of Nevada; Owen, (»f Oklahoma, and Thornton, of Louisiana. As soon as the re.S'Ult was announced Senator Hailey arose and stated that he had not voted because he did'not believe the vote had been proi)erly or dered. He said he would have voted “no.” Senator Stone, of Missouri, moved to reconsider the vote. Senator Bev eridge took the floor and made a clos ing speech in favor of the tariff board. There were but few of the fagged out, senatorsr in their places when he be gan to si>eak. Along toward 8:20 o'clock. With the hour approaching for the time of the vote. Senator Smoot suggested th« absence of a (piorum. He did this to in sure a f’lill vote on the bill WhJ r. tl'i': roll had been concluded four minutes were left, Mr. Beveridge occupying these. Promptly at 8:30 o’clock Senator Gore arose. Senator Stone was also on his feet. They were loudly addre»s- ing the chair. ‘•Debate is out of order,'’ ruled tho vice-president, “But, Mr. President—” insisted Mr. (jore, “Any utteVance is debate,” ruled the chair, “the clerk will call the roll.” “Mr. President,” shouted Senators _ Gore and Stone in unison. “Senators cannot interrupt a roll call,” ruled Mr. Sherman. “But I Ava;-; address-ing the chair be fore the call was ordered,” shouted Mr. Gore. Meantime ihe clerk w'as proceeding to call through the first letters of the alphabet in the list. Mr. Gore asked for recognition on the ground of personal privilege and Mr. Stone seconded him from today—April 4. This is assumed ‘’Stli oV April 4th. for the convening to be in deference to wishes of dem-iln his request, of the extra session. . ocratic leaders. \ (.Continued on I’age Five.)