, IjljUHHPIipi I. ...I lUJliil HI I ifppiipMm il QUICK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADJs—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENTRA”WORDI aiist Edition THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. Latest Edition 43. NO. 69c8 CHAKLOTTE, N. C.. MON DA\ EVENING, MARCH 6, 191 I nety Persons Vere Burned To Death Testerda y Breaks Out in ^irg Motion Pic~ Most of Victims ■cn-Forty Others Cause of Trouble at Port Au Prince Out While Ex- as in of Rescuers Were l>y A*so(Mat('il J’ress. Xow > uTK, M”rch ti.— viving; today on the steamer Albinsia ! ifoiii Hayti reported ihaf the troub’.c [ at I’on au I'ritice during President Simon s absence on the northern frcui- tier was due o liie fact that the I tary fiOve»’nors left in charge at il'.e y : capital took ad’ antage of the presi dent’s abs»pnce to punirfh personal ene mies.,A number of these, the Albingia's ^CulfuL SC672^Siprison j and afterward shot. Suoe President 'Simon’s return the situation in I’ort I au i’rincp has* been renorted nuiet. j Storit*.'-' of disiurbances in ail )iarts !lie rn'’cd Stales w(>re told by the vr.yagcrs on the bingla. One of the i asst'ii^eis was Roi'ort Kertzberg. cl;a\->llor ()f the legation a Port au I’l'M’- e V. !;a was taken ill at hi-; ])t)s’ nearly a tnort’n ago in tlie disiurbcd of aiTrirs was innble to find a p'l; 'ician. One native doctor wliose sei’vicfj, w. re teripovarily sectired. dis- aiipear-‘d and i: '.va> subsenuently Icarneu tint he had been iiuprisoii‘'d. 11» rtzbei’g filially d*H‘ided to (‘all on ' In Aigingia to oi); ain treatment here C.- .Vinety ■T, caildrt'n, • ■iiv oiho;s - d ;; mov- ■ S'ln- V - ’.'C iOi 'dV- I'i’ ' • ii'* I X- ' .Ml 1 quickiy FAKtW£|,>« LONC-F/' ../eu. TO ALL MY V C-F\ELATNE.Sst^ PENNSVLVANIA AVE-. THE VILLAIN REITRES » "P'D In Charlotte, J cents a Copy Daily—5 Cents Sunday t Outside Charlotte, 5 Cents a copy Daily and Sunday Chicken Fighters Found Guilty By Magistrate Cobb IlF STOLE 1 raniTiES Thirty-one, Found by Deputy Sheriff Porter in The County Sunday, Convicted After Brief Hearing This Morning, By Associated Press. New York, March 6.—George Ban croft, a banker, ^6 years old, dis- close lo -.1 i'lu i V i. '.vitr’ u't , lit ior'i'oly ’P tl'.e >u>\ incf Ti'ccps 0^ for Manila San I'rancis c 'lif' ciosc M’ the h?.c ) tn op siiii es.--.. March C. Not since Ii..iii^h-.vnit‘ricaii war sailed from ibis port 'y lesion Did Damage >!' l;.;ue a nutviher of men a:^ ibc rmiv.i Si:;ts transp'iit i.ogan will ''a!’'; when she leaves for .Manila to- dP'.. H»'r ' Otni.lenient ii'.cludes troo;is 1). E. (J ai.il • of ti;i> «'ii;i)!it cavalry, ihe L'ild and !''h co.apani.s (.»f o;.si aitil- lery; A. and B riiounta'n batceries of i.h?' s;'Cond iioUl artillery. 'i\ t!i' ;.o;^.;a’s (a:g'' ions of|i)t.vin S-’ -1 sivii: niiii'hinery to b^ user in ;.*rtilic;i;i(ai work at Corregidor i:s- lai.'.i. Legislature Rushing W 0 rk F or Eaily Adjom nment Tuesday JUDGE CHARLES FOUND DEAD BROWN LORE IN BED TODAY. \ 1'. h Missing Woman Found. By Asso( iated I’ress. .\iinncaiKdis, .Minn., March ^Mra. Buck, propiieiiess of the res- ..Tirani iti the S.vndic?ire bnildini, whi-h was d‘'!:-'royed by lire last night, a’.id h(» as one of t-he women yup- l)osrd to be missing, was found todav. She I'.ad been sta.xing witli friends. r>r-nha liadons. emi)loyed by Mrs. I^tick. -ilso reported missing, has not been •ict ai' (1. Crown Prince Arrives. i(H iaie(i Pre'^i-' W • II 1 ;j;:in‘ and ; ir d' oi'• n: and o\iin- .Tl l'ff;>;r> it could . ''licein.Mi notic 'd : 1 and lie lat'i : liiat'^h an e\ > '■ ^”!ed i l e s; i•! .> ] al^^o had 1 - f 'he i'uildiiu! jj,- ' 'air(>. l‘'g.M»t. March ti.—The Ger- ' n U'lrc and i'le ('rown Prince Frederick William 1’ r .r w* re -"rn- p,i today from Suez and was wd- : he gas cxplo-1J ,1,^-, f^iiway station by ^iie ' Khedive, the ministers and diplomat he si cond I v^sident here. Me will spend some . .fli' va- i'T'f-i ii,ne in Kgypt wit'll Crown Princess Cecilie, who. with her suite, has been i in tlie country for some time. Special to 'i'l)-' X' ■ s. j Kaleish, .March *1. In tl’.e house j an effort \va. made in vain to get ihej and Connor bills from ilie ta ble. "I'iio.'' aitprove («f a!i insurance j coin’iiission and a!*!;eaj trom tlie ru:-' inv; cU' the c-omiTiissioner of insurance, i Tiie mol ion lo take tiiei'a from tiie table failed of support. Would Settle Tfie 1 rouble at Albany Bv As‘=ociated Press. Wilmington, De'., March 6.—Charles Brown l.ore, chief justice of the Delaware courts for ir> years was found dead i?i bed today aL his resi dence in this city. He would have bt’cn eighty years of age on ]\!ai’ch Mr. l.ore was attorney general of Delaware in IStJT and served two 16. terms in congress beginning in 1882 as a deniof rat. His term as chief jus tice of the Delaware courts expired in 1909. two- .thirds majority bill to sf fons- iT'.v dii'-g ntimber By As‘.iocia,tod Press. Albany, X. Y., March 6.—A mes senger was sent l)y Governor Dix this ! afternoon 10 New York to urge upon . Tammany l-Iail leaders and William F. Sli€^n;^u 1’U‘ji'-'('cssity i-f : "'rttling i the senatorial situation in Nev* York , va low^'d dc ■(•ui ants of OENCY .’-.SIOERATIOiM : anl -’i.'-n ti^a- rt.trf lit S-. 1 I-:!- IV.- he re- nes- t! e ■ Pacific itt’ored ( oi’fcrred - • Vi Pa- ■nl ' •f,.i I Free Speech Fight. P.y Associated Press. Sacramento. Cal.. March 6.--An ad vance agent of the marching force of industrial Workers of the World arriv ed liere la:^t week, bring word tliat the |,arty would disband here if conditions .It Fiesno coutintied forceful. The men arr going to I*resno to join in the fvf‘(“-speech ti.2,hi which was amicably settled last week. Solicitors salary bill: the prohibit rnarriage. betvv'eeii fit ins and to i t'ovide for state't auditors ^YGi;|P among tlie tabled in the house. • state. Bills passed to allow commissioners', ^his followed the publication of a 'li cotinties to appropriate for road j statement by Governor Dix in reply im))rovemcn; demonstrations; to reS* 1 to the declaration of William F. Shee- ub.te shipnv.'nt of cattle into Nortn ji^n, the Tammany senatorial aspir- Carolina; to require prompt service l)v telegraph companies; incorporate the Raleigh, ('harlot te and South ern Railroad Company; allow married women to contract; provide payment of a reward for T.ewis West. -rs Meet. A mcet- D alcrs .\s- Viiginia State Debt Mattel By Associated I’ress. Washington, ^1yrch fi.—The sum of . 1 i'i\ e ' was * today by the su- ’ •.mi at pr^ine court of the United States to "■'I- ■ , n.liortion of the $33,fl0H.of|.| \va> cH!l!d v' Te welconi- .:>• wieni Frank rd .\. H. Mead- Shoe .\sso- w i made by ihl>. olfl X'irginia state del)t which West Virginia is under obligations to bear. The court left the final determina tion of the matter, including the fpu siion of interest, to the two states to decide by conference. Mr. McDonald introduced a bill ininient; the senate to reduce the ntmiber of pages in the assembly from 24 to 10, and number of laborers from 24 to Senator Barnes offered a bill to incorporate the Virginia and bast Carolina Railroad. The cc'mmittee s { the immediate substitute for the Brown club liquor | issue.’’ bill passed and was sent to the house, it being practically identical with the bill heretofore passed by the house as not interfering with liquor in lockers of club members. There was refusal by the house to concur in the senate amendment to appropriate a bill increasing tlie Soldiers’ Home appropriation to $40.- OOii the senate agreeing to put it i’)ack to $30,000. A conference com mittee v.as also named on senate amendments to the revenue bill. Both branches are rushing work to day to compleie the passage of bills so all will be enrolled tonight for ratification tomorrovv. so adjourn ment will be about noon Tuesday. an’., that he would not withdraw from the contest that has become a deadlock unless the caucus action thde him a candidate w'ere rescind ed. Governor Dix says in his state- “The failure of the legislature to select a federal senator is a vital and paramount issue confronting our party, and' our party is entijtled to know the names of those members of the legislature who are opposed lo settlement of this The forty first ballot today showed no quorum. Demociats Hold Impoitant Confeience DECILNED TO SERVE ON RECEPTION C0MIV1!TTEE. By Associated Pr'e.^s. Houston, Texas, March —Because of Col. Roosevelt’s attitude tOAvard Jefferson Davis, .fudge Norman (t. Kittrell has declined to serve on the reception c(unmittee which will meet the former-1 president licre next Sui’- day. Col. .lacob F. W^)iters accepted the vacant committee position to day, sStying he did so owing to the restoration by Col. Roosevelt of Davis' name on Cabin John Bridge near Washington, D. C. Death of Hilman Pulsifer. By Associated Press. Wasiiington, March fi.—Hilinan Piilsifrr, compiler of the navy year book, indexer of senate puldic docu ments and for many years clerk to, the senate committee on naval af-ji fairs ai\d widely known among naval» officers, died at his home early to day. Death w’a:^ causcd by pneumonia following an atack of ptomaine poi soning Mr. Puisifer was born in Auburn, Me., in 18.')2. lie came to Washington With Senator Hale thirty years ago. Until iiis last ‘llness lie Avas contin ually associated with the senator. Two Pleaded Guilty hut Justice Held 2 hat All Must Fare Alike and Fined Each The Sum oj $10—Appeals Taken Convicted before Magistrate J. W. cove.red today that he was robbed last of the charge of fighting, or Thursday afternoon of securities worth and abetting in figliting chick- approximately SIOO.OOO in the vesti-,ens Sunday afterijoon on the plantation bull of i^ie Produce . Kxchange Safety, of p]d. Cato, several miles I'rom the Deposit and Storage Conipany. ! city, SI people w'ere fined $10 and costs Last Thursday, Bancroft placed this morning. Twenty-nine asked for the securities in a large enveloi>o, an appeal through their attorney, Mr. tied with red ^^’1’^". ^nd bearing y \ Adams, who represented all of hnn B name in the corner. Alone he entered a plea of guiltv >valked aie two hundred feet iromM^ Simpson, office to the produce exchange, them^ oow^n a fiight of steps from the stieet . level entrance to the vaults. ^ n 1 1 • i « 1 4. * .lust as Mr. Bancroft was about to ^Heged chicken fighters yester- turn the corner at the end of the cor- a ternoon while gaves were being ridor into the vaults a tall man came! chickens on either side of running around the corner and col-j^ treshly-made pu. There were so lided with him. The shock threw Mr. | many around the pit that it was im- i'.ancroft oiT his feet and in falling' I’o^-sible for him to grab all of them, i'e dropped +he envelope i ^hre of the men remained and he That was the cue for an undersized but three of the men remained and he voting man who had been leaning np the sinews of war, such as dead against the corridot- wall. He stepped, chickens, live chickens, lap robes, up lo Mr. Bancroft, assisted him to' I’opes that enclosed the place, and a his feet and was solicitous to tuck un- sack of sharp steel gaves. Incidentally, der his arm an envelope. Mr. Ban- it may be said that this sack of gaves croft, of course, thought it was the was i)laced in the automobile of Mr. enveiope that fell. He went on to, Wilson Wallace, son of Sheriff Wal- deposit it in his box as usual. |lace and were taken from the machine Today when George Bancroft, .Tr., while the iirisoners were being round- his son, unlocked the box he found ed up at the home of Mr .Caton. that the only envelojie there contained' Learning that a chicken fight was to three old new'spapers. A clever sub- be pulled off in the neighborhood of stitution had been effected when the the Caton home the sheriff and deputy elder Bancroft was upset in the vault ^ijeriff w'ent to the scene. Sheriff Wal- corridor. ' I lace drove his horse and Mr. Porter The robbers, it is believed, knew on j ^vent in an automobile. Arriving at w'hat day and hour it was the firm’s jjie home of Ivir. Caton they found any custom to deijosit its securities. They 1 ^^j^ber of vehicles but nothing o£ the knew that Mr. Bancroft habitually car-, chicken fighters, lied them in an envelope of certain! ^ miuutes Mr. ('aton was appearance, for they provided theny j Qf selves in advance with so close a dupli-,^ shoulder. The officer met cate that it deceived even the man searched the bag, finding two who ot all others should have best cocks, one with its head l,\iiow'n its ap))earance. ^ ! nulled off and the other with two So bold a robbery in very heart of the city’s financial dis-j trict, shocked the jiolice. Years ago, have best , , ,, [pulled off and the other with daylight, in the j wounds under its throat. “What does this mean?” asked the Inspector Byrnes had drawn a dead ! wks the Deputy Porter then deputized Mr. Bv Associated Press. Welber ith Child Placed Charged Murdei - On Tnal M-’rrh. fi.—Charged H'l- murder of her own ‘ l{« lb* r. of Schene- . on n‘al before jus- sui)r'-me court to- '-n of .lanuaiT 13 the ijoy was found in a -:1s by a hunter on the any. The boys face I'Urned by poinson. of carbolic acid '>lato drops were the y tiie authorities unsuc- ht to learn thfe boys • n fJeorge Melber of . .1 black.smlth identified That of hifj grandson, ■ I. whom he had thought o phan asylum. The police a I arch for the child's p^^r- ''uud that Mrs. Melber had left the house where she was working in Schenectady. She w'as traced to the station in that city' and thence to Rochester, where she was arrested charged w'iLh the murder. After fuaile denial of her identity Mrs. Melber confessed the crime. She declared that she was ordered to take the boy from the Schenectady orphan asylum because she could not pay his board and that she came to Albany to put him into an institution here. Admission was refused, she said, and she pifrchased some acid and the candy, walked to the place where she body was found and poured the acid down the child’s throat when he com plained ot being thirsty and asked for water. ' . , Then, she said, she kissed him, laid his body on the ground and took the next car for Schenectady. She resumed her position as house maid and did not leave it until nearly a week after the commission of the murder, w'hen slie read of the finding of the bodi’. . Washington, IMarch (>.—The majority members of tlie new' ways and means committee of the democratis house of reiiresentatives held their first meet ing today to begin the formulation of a program which may include the se lection of all standing cbmmittees as well as a decision in regard to the extent the extraordinary session will go in the matter of revising the tariff. Chairman Underwood, of Alabama, presided and ail' of the fourteen mem bers were present. . The committee will be.compelled to listen to two factions. One is radical and will favor the enactment of a bill to carry out the terms of the Canadian reci])rocity agreement, but will favor also the reporting of a schedule-by schedule revision of tiie tariff, wath at least the w'oolen and cotton schedules tacked onto the Canadian agreement. The other plan urged by the more conservative members of the New Hojise, involves action on the Canadi an agreement and the consideration of a schediile-by-schedule revision in the regular session next winter. JUDGE LINDSAY Judge Ben B. Lindsay, of “Child Court' fame who has taken up the cudgels for eaual rights. Judge Lindsay who hails from Denver, Col., stopped off at Albany, N. Y., where a hot fight is being waked by suffragette’s to have an equal rights measure report ed to the senate, long enough to de liver an enthusiastic address for the “ciuse” and blast the statements of one Richard Barry, a magaxine writer who fathered a speech in which he held Colorado up to audi ences as bright and shinning exam- Die of a corrupt egual tuffraoe state. Important Rate Conjerence Held By Associated Press. Washington. March 6.—At a confer ence betw'een the interstate commerce commission and important officials of the eastern trunk lines today a con clusion. not yet made public, w^as reached as to the cancellation of the proposed, advance in rates in official classification territory. It was suggested to the commission that the carriers be permitted volun tarily to suspend the proposed ad vances from March 15 to some time next autumn in order that the car riers . might have an opportunity to ascertain how this final years’s busi ness might work out. The request was made with a view of taking this fiscal year’s business as a basis for another proposed advance in rates, perhaps next autumn, on which it is expected that a better showing in sup port of the increase may be made than was made in the recent cases. t line across the cut at Fulton, below, w'hich he ordered that no crook of,^®!”^ '^rinstan^'wilSn Wal.ace to.-eMa1„ .vlth the .^'o ti3e wUh the police. 1 dead chickens and the horses and ve- Having tried the order, the under-, hides and to detain any one who world ultimately obeyed, and for years'wanted to leave. the financial district was the safest; Guided by the crowing of roosters place in the world for a man with. the deputy tollowed a winding path large sums on his person. Bank run- through the woods, around a thick ners and messenger boys ran about briar patch, untH he was finally stand- the streets, their pockets literally ing at the side of the pit He recog- stuffed with bills of large denomina-j nized J. E. Paxton as one man who was on one side of the pit, putting a gave on a chicken. Several men were standing around him. On the opposite side another crowd was doing the same ! thing. I “1 turned to look at the other .tions. Three Men Captured. By Associated Press Espanola, Fla., March 6.—Three men —names not made l^nown—w-ere cap-, Porter, “when I heard tured this morning as a result of the ^ ^^owd was killing yes-terd^ ot . pePi^ty l!!!. ff leaving I looked at them run for White and A. Joh^ider 1 he sheriff,^ of this county declares they are p Qdjei’ crowd. Hearing another noise ties to an alleged conspiracy against the dead deputy. turned again and this crow'd was I couldn’t get all of them. White and Schneider were shot while eathered up 12 sacks, a lot of searching two Carrelton brothers and^^.^^ chickens, five dead chickens, some another man who had been arrested., robes and the ropes that enclosed — ^ it he pit. One man said these w^ere Bryce Cannot Attend. j buggy reins. It was all we could carry By Associated Press. j back to the house. When we got back Atlanta Ga.. March 6.—Ambassador 1 just waited until the men came up, lames BiVce of Great Britain, ’vill and t(K>k their names and had war- irauend the Southern Commercial! rants issued for them. All of them Congress, w'hich will open here next | were down Uiere. , , , „ Wednesdav. In a letter to Edwin I-I Where the fighting took place is 'Quarles, secretary of the congress, the spot very clos-s to tlie South Carolina ! diplomat declares engagements in a line and in his argument, ’ I distant part of the country will prevent ams said maybe the men thoi^ht the.v He was scheduled to , were out of North ( arolina. He at length upon what constituted aiding iand abetting, claiming that iJeople his attendance, make an address. /I could even look at the cock fight and ^Inot be participants. As a parallel case, Death of Judge Lowell. By Associated Press. jj^g deciaied that a man was shot at Boston, March 6.—Judge Francis Square some years ago and that Low'ell, of the I’nited Stales circuit hundreds congregated around. 'I’o court, died home here. THIRTY FERSONS INJURES SERIOUS FIRE DR. CHARLES F. AKED Dr. Charles F. Aksd, the celebrated pastor of the First Avenue Baptist church of New York, of which-John D. Rockefeller is a member, who has been formally called to the pastor ate of the First Congregational church of San Francisco. Dr. Aked has been in Caiifarnia several weeks preaching in various cities, and is said to view the summons' with favor. Y suddenly today at . hold those guilty who s-aw the fight i would mean that those who looked at the dead roan were aiding and abet- ting. For two men he did plead guilty, and asked that the court be lenient, because it was a sport that but few would resist the temptation to see Ywice did I^Ir. Adams argue, but to no avail, ’.Sfiuire Cobb holding that all were equally guiltj'. When ho an nounced the imposition of the fines, tlie two who had pleaded guilty signi fied their intentiop of paying the fine I and costs, while the rest said they By Associated Press. j would appeal. case will be an Minneapolis, Minn., March 6.—A. E. | interesting one when it is heard 111 Zoiine, of Conklin,a & Zone, managers the higher court. of. the Syndicate building, which was! Eleven of those against whom war- swept by a fire Sunday, causing a loss rants had been issued were not pres- estimated at $1,200,000 today announc- ent, but they were fined just the ed that it had been definitely estab- Two had' presented medical certm- lished that no lives were lost. Both cates. women reported missing have been ae- Those arrested and fined are: coiinted for among the 50 lodgers who! !'■ ^^cCall, J. C. Maynard, J. \v. were rescued from the blazing struc- Horton. J. B. Davis, T. J. Thon^)Son. ^ure. , J- H. McCall. J. W. Foster, Cal. Grier. Total Number of Persons Injured. T. B. Foster, F. P. Mosel^. Cleveland. O., March "6.—The toll Kistler, J. H. Newman. J. R. Gattis, of persons injured in a fire this Hart Lockman.'C. P. Phifer, T. M. M^- morning which consumed a three-sto-, tin, E. E. Moil is, Roy Cathey, J. L. ry apartment building, shows that Paxton, Frank Bostic, Charles? Davis. thi:’ty were hurt, some through the O. K. Phifer, W’. A. Hinson, . . W il- collapse of the floor but most of kinson, —. .—. Johnston, J. E. Moore, them in leaping from windows to B. Price, Albert Maynard and W., safety. Three may die. T. Sipap&on. •, ‘