2 THE CHABLOTTE NEWS MARCH II. I9II AbsoButefy Pure The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Safi^^uaids the food against alunu Chemists’ tests bave shovwri that a part of the alum from biscuit made wltli an alum baking powder passes into the stomach, and that digestion is retarded thereby. Read the label snd mako sufo that youi* hiking powder Is not made from alumm EPISCOPAL. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. Corner North Tryon and Seventh streets. Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt, rec tor. Second Sunday in Lent. Celebra tion of Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. Morning prayer, Litany, ante-Commun- ion and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday school and catechising, and meeting of the rector’s Bible class- and lecture on Miracles of the Saviour. Evening prayer and serm: n at 7:45 p. m. Pews free. All are welcome. Mission of the Good Shepherd. Sunday school at the home of Mr. R, C. Lorraine, COl Elizabeth avenue, at 3 p. m. Church of the Holy Comforter. South Boulevard. Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11a. m, Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p. m. St. Martin’s Chapel. Davidson and Tenth streets. Sun day school and Bible class, 4 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. N PRES3YTERIAN. St. Andrew’s Chapel. Seversvillo. Sunday school 4 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at S o'clock. Chapel of Hop«. East Fifteenth street. Sunday s-chool, 3:30. Evening prayer and ser mon, 7:4.5 o’clock. F.rst Presbyterian Church. Rpv. T., riild^’ell, D. D, will j cai ! nf ii ■,'s, 11 a. in. and 7 1' lu. pvavor meeting at : ' a. rn. Sii’-nai:- scbnol at p. m. ^^>dnps^ay ovening pra.vor meetin.i; at I’cloi’k. A -irdial invitation extend- f'i ro ptrangert • ' ai;y ^nd all of these r c’*vic>?s. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Rev. Walter !! I'wr. Serricf's ■1 a .m. and 7: '.'i ;i;, by pastor. At !’ c'iii-ii r- '.;i. pa.-'i-i;' \ ii! prrai h » !. '..t M-.mI Wi.''-.” i.-; the second I ; a .-erio?* cf four ser-nons thac Mr. vr a the “ideal Home." SI !':)ol. Prayer meetir.;; \'.’t-Ir-f.-dav. T.ij p. m. All are cordlal- First A. R. P. Church. Rev. Geo. W. Hanna, pastor. Ser- vice!« at ll a. ra, and 8 }). m. Sab bath school at 10 a. ni. Y. P. C. I', at 7 p. ni. .Ttmior C. at 7 p. m. All avo cordially invited to worship with this conpregatlou. . Strangers especial ly invitfd. ‘erth Avenue Presbyterian Church. • V* \ -V. T, pa Si or. ’ •,!.l'ir.'; a- 11 a. m. by Dr. U. H. i i.i!, I'f t!;t- L'nired Presbyterian d T ! T •' Chalmers Memorial A. R. P. Church. South and East Boulevards, Dil- worrh. Rev. R. E. Hough, pasior. Pub- Me worship, 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. ^abbaih school immediately following ;’!orn‘ng service. Piayer meeting Wed- i':C?(iay evening at 7:4-5 o’clock. I'riends and strangers cordially invit ed. ♦ ♦ LUTHERAN. ♦ ♦ •€► St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. North Tryo . street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. Rev. Robt. L. Pat terson, iia&tor. Second Sunday in r.enf. Morning service at 11. Catechetical class at 2:30 p. m. Sunday school and Men s Bible class at 3:30. Evening ser vice at 7:45. The pastor will preach at the morning service on “What Cliris- tians Know;" at the evening service on “The Ten Commandments,” being the first in a series of Sunday evening services on "The Way ]\Iade Plain," or “Esp^'uiials In the \'^ay of Sahation.” fi..U ■ ’n. by Dr. J. R. idt-. - s ;^r . si m'oI at .T p. m. ai> ■.Ved'iiesiirty, ,S p. ni. ' n'T 'n>it-.'L Secord P'rsbyterisii Church. !“'• ’ 1 a. m. anv 7 p. m. by K'='. A. Mv-l-achy. D. D. . j()l ni d r..:t r;ra class r.ieot Pia.vf- me- ; Inu Wednes'day ; . • .'•I 1- and | : ’ i' - d to t-Tvices. j i er.t Averue Presbyterian Church. i; M. Prrss'iv. pastor. Service.s, ; i' itiii; .i, ii;. ►'ibie school. , .1 • 'i s r a.vs. t;:30 p. m. ' • “ \\ Is p. m. ' ' ' '". .i:!!!: iiiViieu lo all -1 --I’^ii'cs Wvs.- irster Pre=ir yterian Church. • ■ . :iastr,i-. rrr.iclr' ;g I ' • !'• 7.'.‘> ]). III. Sunda;'1 ■ i . V:. F’uhU.' cordially ' !' '! all > i'vi':cF;. i Villa Heights A. R. P. Church. Rev. E. G. Car‘=!on, pastor. Preach ing at 11:1.) a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. Special t^rmon to parents at the morn ing hour. Sabbath scho )1, lu a. m. .Ii;n- ior ChrisTian Union at 3 p. m. Pra.v- er meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. ni. Everyone is welcome to all services. Forest Grove A. R. P. Church. Preaching at 3:30 p. m. by Rev. E. G. (^arson, ; astor of Villa Heights A. R. P. chrrcU. Sabbath school at 2:30 p. 1:1. Pr;iyer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Y. P. C. U. meeting Tuesday t vening at 7:30. All are cordially in vited to Httcnd these services. Cf-'LDPFN AFFFCTED E/ Mct'^sr’i Focd and Drink. - ■ ■ ■ ii'.o i'fen lain''h 'd in- ' "‘j 'l Itiiiioi.- vv4>:i';enr'i by ’ ■ ■■ .-1 ".irli ilioii' mothers’ : !"'i l;c I .0 '•■nrpf.il * ‘.d ti.i u:-e •ivliile nih'sin.g • •« ■ • • I i. I •,..ripurr> nf Kansas City ' '■ I, r i.- a '"i-e in iioiuf,: i •'>. i)s a (',11 roTfff drinl'or from a i!!' .- !', 1 (ould io without '■ 1!'.: 1 ■' ki'-t it v%as doing ' l iiii? i'fii' .. ! I : ri l)e(>n troii- ''I 'i!/ziii>'-s, I)! I'fjre in.v ' ■ ' • i ! • in rnv hruri, to which ' ' .1 ‘ ll. I wo \i af.- lat -v, a chronic . ."iunia* h ■ :!»’ hnl)y -y;... ;)orn 7 months ago, " i.i :'linoKt from the hcainning. it, too, - lit-'id from sour tstoma ,*h. She was ■i King it from nvl 1-1 y dNi •( F consulted a friend uioi»> e.\»>fi iencp and si.e told me to ii pt cr.flee, that coTcp did not make uO'.fi Tiiilk. 1 h;ive .=^incf ascertained inr-.t it really (iri*-s up the milk. ■Sf>. 1 quit coriee ad lrio(i tea and 'as! cocoa, iiui th.ey did nf)t agn>e ^^ill' niP. M'lu-n 1 turupd to I’ostmn wjih (he hapipewt rosulls. It proved to hf! the very thing 1 needed. It not only agreed iieiTcctly with baby and ^clf, but it increased the flow of niy Fuiik. "M\ husband then quite coffoe and !isf 1 P.iKtuni and quickly got well of the il.'..->«‘ppsi;’, witii which he had i)een troubled. I no longer suffer from the dlz7,in'ss, hlind spells, pain in my heart or stomach. Xfjw we all drink Postum from my husband to my s-V(;n months’ old baby. It iia:-! jirovod to be the best hot drink \ve have ever used. We would not givo up Postum for the best coffee we i ver drank.” Xame given by Postum (’o., Hattie Creek, Mich. Gft the little book, ‘‘The Road to Wcllvlllo,” In pkgs. "There’s a Rca.son.” Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human IntereiL ♦ ♦ ♦ METHCDiST. '> > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Tryon btreet rvlethodist Church. Rev. G. T. itowe, pastor. Men's meet ing at in a. rn. Preaching by the pas- i(U' at i] a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday i'chool ai 3:o(i ii. m. Prayer meeting, 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. iDilwcrth Methodist Church. Preavhing a^ 11a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunda\ sc hool at 0: 15 a. m. Epworth at ('M.'. P"ayer meeting We^l- lu-.'^'la.N' evei.'in.g at 7:oO. Misison study (la.^.s j'lst afiei' prayer meeting. Triiiity Methodist‘Church. Rev. A’va \V. Plyler. pa-!tor. Services 11 a. m. :nid 8 p. ni. Preaching by the pastor. Subject of evening sermon, ■■'i'lie Perils of Social and Religious (■iiirormii.\. Sunday school. ,S:30 p. m. Praver n’.etieirg Wednesday. 8 p. m. coidial invitaiiou to these services. Calvary Methodist Church. Rev. A. T. Bell, pastor. Preacliing at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school a» 3:30 p. ra. Wednes day prayer meeting, 7:45 p. m.. BAPTIST. First Baptist Church. Dr. Herman H. Hulten, pastor. Morn ing worship at 11 o’clock. Subject: “VV’onders In Heaven and Earth.” Eve ning worship at 7:15. Subject: “Help From Above.” Sunday school at 3 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. All are welcome. North Charlotte Baptist Church. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. S. F. Conrad, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. All are welcome. Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church. South Boulevard. Rev. Dr. E. E. Bomar, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Preaching at both hours by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 in the morning. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening al 7:45. A welcome to all. Ninth Avenue Baotist Church. The pastor, Rev. L. R. Pruett, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun day school meets at 3 p. ra. Fine music by the orchestra and the choir. Prayer service W^ednesday at 8 p. m. All are welcome to all these services. Special Service of Song And Praise A service of song and praise will be held at St. Andrews’ Chapel (Se- versville) Sunday. March 12, 8 p. m. The solemn chants of the evening servicc will be rendered by the St. Martin’s choir. A small boys and girls vested choir from the Sunday Kchool of the chuirh of the Holy Com- loi'ter will render specially selected hymns. The offertory hymn will be sung by Mrs. F. D. Gatchell and the regular choir of the church of the Holy Comforter will assist. Several familiar and stirring hymns will be sung by the whole congregation and Rev. Fanrk ]\I. Osborne, minister in charge, will make an address on “’Prin- ciides of Divine Wor.^hin.” 8' p. m. is the hour and the whole community is cordially invited co be present. Rev, Dr, J, L, Caldwell to Speak At Hanna Ball The meeting for men nt the Young ?.Ien’s Christian Association Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock will be address ed by the Rev, Dr. ,J. L. Caldwell, the newly elected president of the Pies- byterian collegfe for wamen and who is at present supplying the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church jiending the call and coming of the new pastoi'. Dr. Caldwell is a man of great charm of personality and his service in Char lotte is being appreciated more and more as the weeks go by. He should be hoard by a large audience of men as he addresses them especially Sun day afternoon. The meeting will be held at 5 o’clock at Hanna Hall. ♦ ♦ •O PAW CREEK. ^ ♦ ♦ Preaching wa s held at Hickory school house next Sunday afternoon by Rev. W. A. Dainels, of Hopevvell, with large attendance. Mr. .Jim Blythe, who had a stroke of paralysis near Lincolnton some time ago has been brought to the home of Mr. Farances Abernethy in Paw Creek. Mr. Robert Houser of Charlotte spent Stmday with his children at the home of his brother, JMr. Lester Houser Mrs. Ed. Rozzle spent Sunday night and Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Sidney Luckey. Mr. Frank Dunn has his new store completed and has moved in. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S cASTO R I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A In Court lodayjot Trouble In Sept Otis Brooks, a young white man who last September is alle.ged to have shot and seriously wounded WMll Harmond, appeared in the rocorder’s court this morning with his attorney, Mr. Plum mer Stewart. He was recognized for his appearance next Saturday. No bond was required, Recorder Smith re cognizing the young man under his own recognizance. —Mr. Laurie Dixon has received news of Mr. Nisbet Latta that will be pleasing to his many friends, viz: that he has been tendered the position of first vice president of the Wiscon sin Engine Company at Corliss, Wis. This is a concern of world-wide fame. Mr. Latta’s ability to ebcome one of the officers of the company was quick ly noted with the result stated. He will accept the position and enter upon his new duties at once. Mrs. B. Gray Eczn i tiie Face Ssrinn Hofliors aid H Feelings CDrei—No Troiilile Since Tallsg Hood’s Sarsapanlla. More Than 40,000 Testimonials in Two Years. “From what I know personally concern- |ing the goodness of, and the cures by, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, I heartily recommend it for all spring hnmpra and tired feelings. I had eczema badly on my face, and also humors which seemed to be brought on or de* veloped by vac cination. I knew that my blood was in very poor condition". My face was very sore and I lost one eyebrow. Hood’s Sarsaparilla was recommended to me and I took a few bottles. The. humor entirely disap peared, and I have had no more trouble since. I have heard very many friends and neighbors speak of the excellence of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and cordially recommend it.” Mrs. Bertram Gray, 248 Arnold street, New* Bedford. Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla expels from the blood all humors and all impuri ties that cause and promote disease, removes weak, tired feelings, creates an appetite, gives health and vigor. It has probably effected m.ore cures than any other medicine. Thousands of grateful people testify to its benefi cent work—over forty thousand in two 3’ears. There is no real substitute for Hood’s Sarsapnril’a. If urged to buy any preparation said to be “just as good” you may be sure it is inferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Get Hood’s Sarsaparilla today. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. It is prepared by C.. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass., and is sold by druggists everywhere. OICT SLL [N mm As an ech'h of the chicken fighting near the farm of Ed. Caton in Sha ron township last Sunday, the grand jur\, so it was said today by a prominout citizen, would be asied to indict all of those who participated in the main, under the statute which provides for pijuishment fo^' cruelty to animals. It is specifically pointed out in the law that the word “ar.i- mal” shall apply to any fowl in this instance, and the penalty is a mis demeanor. No penalty is affixed under section 3290 which construes the law as to cruelty to animals, the offense sim ply being a misdemeanor. But in sec tion 8293, the punishment is fixed at not less than four months in jail nor more than ten years, or a fine. The tv.’o statutes uder which an indictment may be found are printed belo\v. The payment of the fines by more ■ than a score is an admission of guilt, say several eminent lawyers who were consulted this morning. The statutes: The Statutes. 3293, [Misdemeanors, Punishment of: All misdemeanors, where a spe cific punishment it not prescribed, shall be punished as misdemeanors at common law; but if the offense be infamous, or done in secrecy and malice, or with deceit and intent to defraud, the offender shall be punish ed by impvisonment in the county jail, not less than four months nor more than ten years, or be fined. 3299, Cruelty to; Construed how: If any person shall wilfully ovordirve, overload, wound, injure, torture, tor- mi nt, dejirive of necessary susten ance, or cruelly beat, or needlessly mutilate, or kill or cause or pro cure to be overdriven, overloaded, wounded, injured, tortured, tormented or deprived of necessary sustenance, or to be cruelly beaten, needlessly mutilated, or k^led as afore.said, any useful beast, towl or animal, every such offender shall for every such offense be guilty of a misdemeanor. In tiiis section, and in every law v^'hich may be enacted, relating to animals, the words “animals” and “dumb animals” shall be held to in clude every living creature; the words “torture,” torment” or “cruel ty” shall be held to include every act, omission or neglect, whereby unjusti fiable physical pain, suffering or death is caused or permitted; but such terms shall not be construed to prohibit lawful shooting of birds, deer and other gam'e for human food. Life Insurance Company of Virgl aNGORPQUATSD AS A STOCK COMPANY IN 1871 BT THE STATE 09 VIRGINIA) ( HOME OFFlCE:~RICHMOND, VA. OFFICERS: JOHN a. WALKER, Pra«ident T. WM. PEMBERTON, First Vic*-Pres!!or.t \V. L. T. R0QER80N, Sccood Ylce-Presideot E. D. HARRIS, SecreUty REQINALD GILHAM, TrcMunrer H. CABELL TAPB, M. D., Mcdlcal Director JOHN 51DNEV DAVENPORT, Jr., Actuary A. S. HURT, Auditor COKE * PKKRELL Qeneral Counsel DIRECTORSt ^ JOHN Q. WALKER T. WM. PEMBERTON W. L. T. ROQERSON JOHN a HAVf , o. A. FAIRLIE P. COOKE LANDON C. ROSE E. D. H \RRIS LANDON R, ' 1 / m&7'-9 7gg.zTA.ay /id99-i i§37J906.7Q \ Aooo-i u ‘72.02\ >3-$i.5ld!293ag 1904-8 l.68l.054.3g 1905-$1.869.868.47 I906-SZ098369.7; 1907-S 2.3 21.824 I908-S2,458.160. 1909-S 2.58a.934. 1910-$2.765.737 TWENTY FOUR YEARS Gl FINANCIAL.CONDITION, DECEMBER 3!, 1910 ASSETS Bonds and Mortsate Loans on Real Estate f$4,S93,337.75 *Railroad and Street Railway Bonds (Market Value) 325,612.00 •State B«nds (iHarket Value) 143,448.75 ^Municipal Bonds (Market Vahie) 189,198.64 *Mlscellcneous Bonds (Market Value) 99,635.00 Real Estate (.Market Value) 1(^6,233.08 *Bank Stocks (.Market Value) S5,875.00 *MisceIlaneouB Stocks (.Market Value) 4.000.CO Loans on CoHateral 99,873.69 Loans on Company's Policies 163,680.16 Cash in Basks on Interest 323,813.67 Cash in Offices and in Banks not on Interest 16,681.03 Interest and Rents Due and .Accrued 79,126.55 Net Uncollected and Deferred Premiums and Premluir Notes and all other Assets 86,380.03 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS $6,328,704.57 LIABILITIES Reserve, Actuaries’ 4 per cent., American 3^ and cent., and Standard Industrial 3h per cent Premiums Paid in advance Al! other Liabilities 3 per Total Liabilities.. Capital Stock Surplus Surplus of Assets over Liabilities .. $300,CW. 522,';0-o.iS TOTAL... 5:«.704.57 We have examined the books and records of the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA for the year cn^linp Eerember have yerified therefrom the above Statamect of Assets and Liabilltie.-} at the clo.'so ot businesa at the Home.'tJffice a,'? o'f that di;; V,’e hava examined and verifled the Bonds and Mortgages, Railroad, State, Municipal and other Bonds, Stocks and all othP“ In\ * -•.. by the Company or held as Collateral, and have proved that the Bonds and Stocks are valv.ed at market prices on December ol, r the Loans on Collateral aro fully secured. We have also counted the Cash on hand, and have veritied the biibnces \v ' lAic v-'am* v'u iia.Ai.vi. auvi ua \ tiia »* v L >> • . We have tested the clerical accuracv of the Reserve on Policies in force, ajs certified by the Actuary of t?'.? Companv, and havp ■ solves that all other Liabilities are duly provided for, end WE CERTIFY that the above Statemont of Assets and'Linbililief o forth the true financial oondltlon of the Company on December SI, I9i0. H. B. BOl D\k ' CertiSed Pr.bile . fed '''Subsequent-valuation of these items furnished by Committee of Insurance Commissioners increases Assets andSurp!.i^ >'>.%'■/.. r ■ STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DURING 1910 Premium Income $2,765,737.44 Increase in Premium Income $ 176,803.40 Gross Income 23,062,146.08 Increase in Gross Income $ 230,516.01 Increase in Assets $ 965,881.83 Insurance in Force S72.. Increase in Insurance in Force S i Total Number of Policies in Force Increase in Number of Policies In Force Death Claims, etc., Paid to Policjhoiders $ Total Payments to Policyholders Since Organization H. T. PAGE, Supt., 4(K)-l-2 Realty Bldg., Uhariotte, H. C. Gr. F. HALL, General Agent, 619 Eeaity Bids:.. Charlotte, 1^. C. Mr, J. 3, Wearn Elected President B, And L, Asso* Capt. Parker Offers To Go to Ike Front —Mr. J. C. Borroughs has left his old home on South Tryon street, which he recently sold to Mr. Latta and mov ed to the Central hotel where he will make his home. As forecasted in The News yesterday capt. John A. Parker has notified Mr, J. H. earn ^\as elected uiesideiit Adiutant General R. L. Le’ster of his of the Mechanics’ Perpetual Building ; v iningness to go to the Mexican bor- and Loan Association at the meeting; der if the adjutant general should see of the directors held last night in the j fit to designate him as one of the offi- office of the association, No. 207 North | cefs of the state guard for that pur- Tryon street. pose. Mr. Wearn will fill out the unexpir-1 It will be remembered that the sec- ed term of office of the late Mr. Samuel' retary of war has expressed his de- V/ittkowsky. Mr. Wearn is thoroughly, sire to have oflicers from every state versed in ail affairs related to the | guard send representatives to the bor- building and Joan work and is there-j der in order that they may gain some fore fully qualified to fill the important j exeprience with troops in the field, place to which he has been elected.' A number of officers of the state guard The annual meeting of the directors | have designated their willigness to and stockholders of the association i So to the front. will take place next Monday night) The oflicers of the newly organized week, March 20th, and there is no 1 Hornets’ Nest Rflemen yesterday were doubt he will be elected to the regular. notified by General Leinster of North Carolina national guard .cf their ap pointments as officers of Company D of the First Regiment. These are ]\Ir. J. A. Parker, captain; Mr. Brent S. Drane, first lieutenant: Rufus M. John ston, second lieutenant. NOT A WOkD of scandal marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W. P. Spaugh, of Manville, Wyo., who said: “she told me Dr. King’s New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman.” Easy, but sure rem edy for stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only 25c at W. L. Hand & Co.’s. Mr, C, 0, Kuster Made a Director in B, And L, Asso, At a meeting otfhe directors of the Mechanics’ Perpetual Building and Loan Association held la&t night at the office of the association, No. 207 North Tryon street, Mr. C. O. Kues- ter, head of the Kuester-Pharr Com pany and president of the Greater Charlotte Club, was elected a direc tor of the Building and Loan Associa tion. Mr. Kuester is- eipinently qualified fill the place of director in this import ant organization. He is one oi: the moat progressive and wide-awake young business men in the city and has been instrumental in making the Kuester- Pharr Company one of the most suc- ce&sful enterprises of its kind in the city. Yon can easily earn $5 t» $10 a day taking I orders for our Stylish, Made*to-Meaaurc clothe*—many asrents earn more. No money or experience necessan^we tncb you this I money-makinK business and back you with our capital Soils Pants «2S? tea nc ana wornniaiiBiHH ^ vriio tfus AcMt wanted in every town. £xeinaive n««-Writ« for outfit-ntee. PROGKESS TAILORING CO.. 241 Harrii— St.. WARNINt5 TO RAILROAD MEN. Look out for severe and even dan gerous kidney and bladder trotible re sulting from years of railroading. Geo. E. Bell, 639 Third St., Fort Wayne, Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plate. He says: “Twenty years ot railroading left my kidneys in terrible condition. There was a continual pain across my back and hips and my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most painful, I got a supply of Foley's Pills and the first bottle made a wonderful improve ment and four -bottles cured me com pletely. Since being cured I have re- A COLD, LA GRIPPE, THEN PNEUMONIA. Is too often the fatal sequence, Fo ley’s Honey and Tar expels the cold, checks the lagrippe and prevents pneu monia. It is a prompt and reliable cough medicine that contains no nar cotics. “Foley’s Honey and Ta;* is the best cough remedy I ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me,” says J. W. Kuhn, Pjinceton, Nebr. Just so quiclc- ly and surely it acts in all cases of coughs, colds, lagrippe and lung trou ble. It is as safe for your children as yourself, and should be used in all cases of croup, whooping cough and measles cough. Refuse substitutes. Bowen Drug Store, on North Square. North For Tre£;tmcn Special to The News. Union, S. C., Mareli H. C. Perrin, cashier and vlof , of the Nicholson Dank & 'i }tany, vvho has been so - ill for several veeks, loit ' noon for Jonn Hopkins i- to undergo treatment. Mother’s Joy is the gre'v and penumonia salve that i- For sale by R. H. Jordan v- • Court House Commissi': Special to The News. Union, S. C., March 11.-T’ house commission will mee; the office of the chairman. - iie Nicholson, for the ' cluing on the plans for ST5,000 court house Vv’hich ^ erected in Union soon. A' '• ing all arrangements v" fected. i v'tp;, kco^’ n. I eod lay Everybody Will Wear Badge During The 20th, Are you wearing a “Watch Charlotte Grow” badge? If not, why not? They can be had, and are being had, in great numbers, at the office of the Greater Charlotte Club. The design has a field of white with a . circle of blue, on that reading, ‘ The Greater Charlotte Club.” Inside that is a red field with the legend in white letters: “Watch Charlotte Grow.” The badge has a dainty black leather attachment v.iiich makes a handy and elegant watch fob. There is almost a rush for them just at present for, of course, every body wants to wear one the 20th of May week. They will be the talisman during the week of the 20th. Instead of the Masonic grip and other mysterious shiboletha, you will have only to dis commended Foley Kidney Pills to “Watch Charlotte Grow,"’ and many of my friends.” Bowen Drug Presto, everything will be open before Store on North Square. In the day time, ar ‘ dull, lazy and discou- you have every sympt a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z ' Regulator (The P Form) is a fine tonic disordered liver. 1- promptly. The bilio. purities which have fered with the free aci the liver are driven o stomach is cleanse strengthened so that more thoroughly digec The bowels are purifie- regular habit re-estab It is a splendid medic the whole system. Prr a feeling of energ>%^ r activity and cheerful: Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, Ask foi the genuine with th; Rc / label. If you cannot get it, r? ;i.:; Trill send it by mail, postpaid. Livet Regulator is also put up in I— for those who prefer it. Pnce ^' bottle. Look for the Red 54 labr!. J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Pro, St. Louis. Missouri Th»;a tinjf CAPSULES ai io ralsam of Cops :; ’ )ube!;sefSnj6ct:on?, lEUEyESin24H0Ohv- the SiRKi diseases ^ O’jf tnootiyeniitnce. , ■ .i