QUICK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD :st Edition ^TT XX E CH^VRLOTTE ws. • \ Latest Edition % 43. NO. 6978 CHARLOTrE, N. C. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 17. 1911 PP 1 In Charlotts. ! cerits a Copy Daily—') Cents Sunday -TV 1 OutsWe Charlutt*. > Cents a copy Daily and Sunday nor ^ders One Kitchin A) rest Of Ed. C. Caton ‘0 Sherijf Wallace 1 Raleigh Yesttr- Caton Jen Days :he Allegations. the trial court was sustained and ('ainn h\s;an liis sentence. His wife, in the meanwhile, instituted divorce proceed infts against him. It was something of a coniiiromise between aitorneys for each side that secured fh(> conditional pardon. Caion, at the time of iiis conditional i)ardon being signed by the governor, however, was an escaped cou\ict liaving bren away from the gang for several tlays. The cl'iic'f exocuiive was not aware of this wlion he signcfi the pardon. I Interest in tlie whole of Sharon ' 'owii^hip was a> fever heat from the j begirtuing. "t he jietition which went . r,ple or Sharon a Revocation of ! Pardon, Satis- n rtinn nf govenior praying a revocation U/ p.-Tvdon was couched in the Isnoiigesi language t>ossible and ii jwa.^ lollowed by many iiersonal let- r-‘is fri'tn go('d and lionest fanners tf the community in svhich ('aton livfd. i:i >t M fith'V'r r.i :ii 1,1 m>’u n be an\ rwa I’u T lU As-i'ci:tteil I’ross. Sav;in!i.iii, (la., March 1 the idea that ■f the pri^oii ctniimi Imiu'ess- tlie members i(v,i of the state • ' iawfrl '■ n;y (mc ’ 'as m- ■ ■ 1 p;>' diM' S.ti"Il I 'if: I u ".l ■ ■n nuic. M liip ■ :-d (b'i, irs vfiid t'-ii !■ ;ng under \ir-al. a 111! at bf I'.as 1 ar- > I') e Si'‘C- wa.' siM'^e . t'oil anti 'w. r an :! 11- ■ ".nliiwtn' ’ res -nts are iv;A i'!' !o ar- a’l.'u and him Ts;> foregi.iiv; ■r IP .Hired ir.to. stiall be law- iioubl get W'll actuiaiuted as pos- with ih>- st>iiiim nt of the people 1 > ti - conviction and seuience i!» ■;«;i!h >l .i. C. Hunter just denied it ■'^■>w ti ial by I he supreme court. Rev. •Icl'iU S. W i'dor. pastor of the South Sid - riai''i>i chi’rcli, is taking the or "p infovmall:' with commission- ■I Willi;’Mis aiHl Pavidson who are i; !■. ti>,:;i>. Mr. \\ ilder asketl the com- t^^^-i()vf■r■' u> t the public sentiment ■II >a\i'unah i! .a.ding t’he conviction uf Hunrer. 'Pk. i.- ,re many [jeople in Savannah. wli'.> ihiniv Hunter should noi in iiaiii;ed ur.o:i ’ ii-> circumstantial evi- ;lon;-e through wiilcli his sentence was cured. Dr. Taft Cured Him. .VssociaU'd Press X'V.' >'ork. March 17.—rongressman Martin W. i.ittlei')n, who is one ol proir'ineiit df'inocraiic candidates i'.i- ihe I ni'''.) State's senatorship from Ne'" \\»! k staie is back in New York vi'h. HU eiithusi.istic recommeu.dation f'.ir ‘ I)''. 'I'aft." of Augusta, (la. W'.i.'ii he started for .\ugasta a ts'V' wcek.-^ auo .t was wi:h the expectatioii luai he would have to sp?nd some time in a ho-'.'ntal as a rf'sult of an absceso €L>£AN iP AV MARCH 31 i wm “WILLIE, COME HERE !” IE PRESIDENT SHERMAN eUEST OF Wife and Son of The Dead Hotel Keeper Arrive In Raleigh MEKIGAN REREIS TINUINI THEIR WA R Mrs. Powell And John PGwell Camz to Take Charge of Body of Suicide—Burial ivill Jake Place in Raleigh To morrow. FIT i IIOTETO STRIKE (’. By Associated Press. Washington. March 17.—Two mil lion in round numbers is the approxi mate Irish-born i)Opularic>n living injty at the banquet of which the I'nited States. Wh.ile these arej'^'i^l principal oratoi not the official figures of Ihe thir-^^^*^^^’^'^ ^ By Associated Press. Xew York, March 17.—Drivers and helpers of the Adams, I'nited States and Wells Fargo Express Comi)anies By Associated Press. Charlesion. S. C., March 17.—Vice- President Sherman is here as the guest of the city and of the Hibernian Socle- later he . . lonighl, Mu Xew York C'ity and .Jersey City o the ITirited Slates. struck today in obedience to a general Tpon arrival teeiith census, it is a close estimate i greeted based upon the MM)t) ccusus and the'aldermen atul Irishmen and escorted of the Ameri('an ;iiid Xatioual Lxpiess immigration born per.sons lowing. this morning Mr. Sher- 'order issued in .iersey City shortly af- iid bv a coriimittee of midnight this uioriilng. Kmt)lo\es Irishmen and escorted of the American ;uid Xatioual h:xpress ami emijtraiion of Ulsl.-1 i.y the Charlestou 1.1*1,i Kragoons during the len years fol-i nf \virh a’select, they exiiected them to join the walii- There were exactly I,'!!9,149 Iiish- born in tIU' rniied States in 1900. Xew YorV; iiad the most, theie being 42r).r.r);i in tlie Kmpire Srafe; Mas- sachusett.'-' canu> second witli L’4'.',9h'.; Pen'nsylvania third with : llli- nois f:)ui'lii nidi ll-l.'fii." ai;d Xew .Iersey tifrli witli 94.S44. Immigi'iUion from Ireland for the past ten years iias been uniformly steady, averaging about ;{7.0i0 yea!- l.v. The Day in New York. Xew Voi'k, Marcii 17.— Bright, clear weather aided in making X'ew York's celebratimi of Si. Patricks he partook of breakfast with a select exi Blease. also a ; O'lt during the day. Ihe strike, it is company Governor will involve upwards of ,OOU guest of the Hibernians, assisted in s^abl, entenaiuing the vice-uresideat. .0.11-, toTuis brier stay Mr. Si.orma,. Is l«.'evtMlo. « |.rokm«fd » -er.0.,. ing shovvii a number of a'ientions by leading Charlestonians. Tomorrow he will be taken about the liarb(u- and up the Cooper Viver to the liUv.’ yard. St. Patricks day is the occasion for the Hibernian bafxijuet, the day iii being celebrated as a semi-holiday as I’lSual here. Caton take along '.he spine. He had been so in- f shall diuiy or'foi'tned by a physician who he consult- chargi's under ed. :e >'ith 'be p>'V- On the last day of his vacation Mr. ^ -ifier tlie ser- Littleton went along the golf links i clay one of the jiiggest and i)est in th,(. said V. ith :1m' pr^'.vident. Air. Taft beat iiim" recent years. As usual the parade on . .! arlmitted, :unl up and 1 to play but Ihe air was l;e revnked. and ajipareutly just what the congressman d to serve th - needed, for the treatment given him n' nce. from ! by "Dr. Taft ’ had broken tho abscess • nally pardoned* and h* returned to Xew i ork in excel- ; U nr health, a'! i of this wrii i I have here- }r (1 caused the r t» be affixel, '■ March, 1911. Kli'CHlX, (lovernnr. ‘he Case. ■ ‘r«(l here that S .ai'Ui tr>wnshM» lif'f^tuse Ilf the i.j of l-'d Caton. : t (• 'Ul !’. -(iuvict*'i| in f)f aiding and ’ 1*1" ht near his 'loHi, it was t’le ill' ramel's back, • iiitiiiiion of their I . . rs (,i (’:iriu«-l . ! ui’i* af!-‘vno(in 't I- Presbyieri'.tn ( of which lived ' - I resolutions 'hr man and (1 ii'f executiv(f iiilitiona! pardon. L.iK-d by scores ' to (lf)V. Ivitch- itaiiy since that V waited for the \t>ne thought for r 1* r-hief executive ' I V the gt>\ernor s hat the present iiself revoke the ■ law some one . . ^ ami this is seni i!, i-i ten da'-s. If ■ ri" l.y ('aftin within .■v^rnt.r d‘ems him liiui to serve out ' ii!*nco. ii'iiiced in the or- . '-iff is instructed to ■n uniil the expira- limit for thp an- •uions. 'Phis. ;n ef- ' il. :tnd he 'vill l;e ■; • (oiinty jail here I l ivi-n some kind of ■ ng. ‘ . in Sharon. i\ed in Sharon town- ui . r of ; . ar. He was • .iil> «l .IS a wealthy 'Hinrt. .\cross the "iroil!., he was ar- ,• hisiu'v and served ' !• He has been trl(*d . .f being a blind tiger ■aped conviction. Upon a morf serious nature '.^irK'ii named in the 1 layc 1 a prominent M-K'tfd, however, and I the coiiniy roads for ! ' • ase was taken to *'f)iirt but the decision of Won’t Try Night Rider Cases. By Associated Press. Hopkinsville. Ky.. March 17.—Xone of the pending cases against alleged 1 articii)ants in the night rider raid on this city in i'.i07 will be tried at this term of conrt. This announcement was made today following the acquital last night of 1)V. Davis Amoss, charged with being leader of the raiders and %vhose trial consumed ten court days to the e.vclusion of all other matters. Woodrow Wilson Apostle to South. By Associated Press. Savannah) Ga., March 17.—Col. George Harvey, editor of Harper’s Weekly and Hariier’s Magazine, who is here to respond to a toast at ihe !*!tth .iunuai hiuiquet t»f the Hibernian Society is looked upon as a sort of WOodrow Wilson apostle to the South. He lia.^ shown by his utterances here th.at he is for Wilson for presi dent. first, last and all the time. Great Woik Done At Panama Canal By .Associated Press. Somerset, Ky., March 1(.—Except for the receipt of orders by all idle engineers and trainmen here to report for service at Oakdale, Tenn., today, there was no develoi)nient in the strike of white firemen on the Cin cinnati. Xew (Jrleans & Texas Pacific Railroad. It was generally understood that this Older means that the company intends to center its efforts on restor ing full freight service across the mountains on the Kentucky-Tennessee border. Xo reports of trouble between Danville, Ky., and Oakdale, Tenn., reached here last night. lit. Capt. J. S. Barnes By Associated Press. New York, March 17.—Captain John Sanford Barnes is critically ill at his residence here. He served with dis* tinction in the navy during the Civil war, Avas head of the department of ethics at the naval academy, and was a member ot the firm of J. S. Kennedy & Co. One of his sona is James Barnes, the author. Fifth avenue %vas thee hief event of the day. 'i’here was no variation from the usual procedure of having tse old ‘ fighting sixty-ninth” regiment cf the national guard head the parade, which included men. Archl)ishop Farley at St. Patrick's cathedral review'ed the ))anuie. New Orleans Celebrated. Xew Orleans. March 17.—In com pany with sons of Erin all over the world, the Xew Orleans Irish contin gent todi’y celebrated St. Patrick’s day. S))ecial services were held in the Catholic churches and tonight a half dozen banquets will be given by various Irish societies. A Holiday In Illinois. Chicago, 111., March 17.-—St. Pat rick’s Day is praciic?.lly a legal holi day in Illinois loda.v. Mayor Busse made it so in Chicago by proclamation and ordered all city offices closed. At Spt'ingfield both houses of the legislature adopted a joint resolution declaring it a holiday for tlie legisla tors. In Chicago. Chicago, March 17.—Every office in the city hall except the police and fire departments were closed today in honor of Ireland-fi ])atroh saint, it being the first time in seventeen yeard thai the city officials shut up shop on this occasion. Part of the Cook county officials likewise aban doned work for the da.v. There was no parade in Chicago today. Savannah Celebrates. Savannah, Ga., March 17.—Savan nah is revelling in all the festivities that come with the observance of St. Patrick’s day. The Irish organizations had a big parade this morning and the I Irish Jasper Greens and Emmett Rifles fired a salute over the Jasper Greens monument following services at St. Patrick’s church, where Rev. Father McMahon delivered a panygeric on St. Patrick. Tonight the 99th annual ban quet of the Hibernian society will take place at the De Soto Hotel. The Day in Ireland. Dublin, March 17.—St. Patrick’s day was celebrated throughout Ireland with unusual enthusiasm because of the promise of home rule at an early date. Queen Mother Alexandra sent the customary present of Shamrock to the Irish guard, every soldier of whom w'as bedecked with a spray when on parade. Gunboat Tacoma Arrives. By Associated Press. Galveston, Texas, March 17.—The United States gunboat Tacoma arriv ed here at 8:30 this morning and anchored in the roads near the scout cruiser Salem. The Tacoma came from Puerto Cortea» Honduras via Puerto, Mexico* By Associated Press. Washington, ISIarch 17.—^The exca vation in the central division of the Panama canal, including the sreat Culebra cut and the Char.ges section during February was ilie greatest on record being 1,409.3?,8 cubic yards. Altogether in that division 71,0P.3,i>2^ yards have been excavated, leaving 2G,091,49fi yards to be removed. Taking the canal as a whole up to March there had been taken out 131,829,436 yards, leaving to -be exca vated 50,708,330 yards. The canal at the Pacific entrance is completed from deep water to a point opposite the Panama railroad wharf at Balboa, a distance of abo’it five miles. Inland from this point the open water channel extends three miles, varying from thirty feet to 45 feet in depth, and certain sections have been excavated to its final width of 500 feet. In the Atlantic entrance to the'ca- nal is completed to its full width of 500 feet. The Gatum dam, the greatest in the world, is about sixty iier cent completed. The concrete work on the locks at Pedi-o Miguel is more than Sil per cent completed and about 11 per cent of the concrete is in place at the Miraflores locks. Bids for the six emergency dams to safeguard all of the permanent locks on the canal will be opened in Washington March 30. tie u]) of express matter in this city will he tlie result. ''I'iie• su il;e slat ted several days ago with tho im-n or the .\dauio Conii)any, wiio complained of alle.t^ed discrimina- tion.»agaiiisc certain emplo\es involved in the gtiiv-.ai ■ i''j J-'st i'all. It was l.x'lieved laie \(-sier»hiy that a settle, luent of tlio (iiiliculty be’ween the Adams men and the company was in piosiiect. tl)rou2;h the lU’oinise of the leaders that tb.e men would return to work i,ending disoussion of settlement terms which .Mayor Gaynor had prom ised to bring afio!ii. Tins plan, however, was overttn’ned at a meeting of delegates of the vari ous companies last night in .Iersey City when it was decided not only to keej) the Adams men out but to ex tend the strike systematically to men of the other companies. Trouble liegan in Xew York when an .\danis driver was juilled from his seat and severaly beaten. Two arrests followed. Associated Press. El Faso, Texas, March 17.—The Mexican rebels will continue their war against the government of Pres ident Diaz des|)ite assurances that Senor I.imantour. minister of finance, has started plans for the termination of the revolution, the revolutionary leaders here declared today. “There will be no pause in hostil ities,’’ said Senor Gonzales Garza, in- surrecto secretary of state. "With the threat of the Mexican government hanging over us that we will be shot without a trial, our fi.ght for liberty and for the setting up. permanently of the Madero government will con tinue. Xo overture for peace will be considered official by us until it Itas come from Mexico Cit.v. It must come with a promise that Diaz will retire on the ground that his elec tion was not regular.” Notwithstanding this assertion, the report of Eimantour’s exertion in be half of peace has created a profound impression in the insurrecto ranks. It is known that a courier has been despatched to the field to inftnin Francisco I. Madero, the revolutionary president, of the latest of the situation. Madero already has been made acquainted with the prelimina ries. It is said no negotiations will be undertaken without his approval of the terms of armistice. The terms must be su.ch that if peace plans fail the insurrectos will not have hist an;,' strength by the efforts. Two hundred rounds of ammuni tion, a riPe, horse bjanket and ra tions consisting of freash meat, bean?, corn cakes and ^'cinnamon coffee” form the avera.ge equipment of the five thousand insurrectos now in the field, according to the reiiorts to the junta. .-\t night men sleep on the ground rolled up in i)lankets. They iirociire meat by killing cattle on the ranch ^s. Late reports from Chiahuahua city shoAv that food conditions are be coming serious ihere. (July occasiotiai- ly in "the last few weeks has tele graphic communication been jjossiide and the wire was used exclusively for federal official dispatches. The citizens are not allowed to venture beyond the oin;»osts and the lops of houses have been provided with piles of snnd bags to torin breastworks in (ase oi an attack. City Still Stirred Over Sensa tional Tragedy —Many Lad ies Have Narrow Escape From Bullets Fired by Man Before He Killed Himself. West and Stetson Convic- Let Down 1 he Divorce Bais By Associated Press. Reno, Nev., March 17.—The populari ty of the state of Nevada -a.s a place to secure quick action in divorce cas es was increased last night. Sjiecial to The News. Raleigh. March 17.—Mrs. Powell, widow of H. H. Powell, the Sanford hotel proprietor who created the Iianic in the union station here last afternoon b.y seriously wounding Charles H. Smith, firing upon Dun can p]. Mclver, a prominent lawyer, both of Sanford, and then turning his revolver upon himself taking hi.*? own life, arrived here this morning from Sanford, accomjianied by her son, John Povell, of Southern Pines. The fuiural and interment in the famil\- jtiat of uie Raleit;h cemetery is to take place Kunurrow at an hour that will have to be fixed after it is ascertained when another son, H. H. Powell, Jr., can rear h here frtnu his home in Johnson City, Tenn. The sensational tragedy stirred this ciiy th'oiily, Mr. Powell being well known and j;romiaently connect ed here and Mr. r\ic?vei’ and Mr. Smith, whose lives he attemiited to lake, liaving also hosts of fj'ienJs here. -\lis. K'lte Blacknall. of- Kitrcll, daughter of O. W. r.l-.icknall, had jirohably the most narrow escape from injury of any of the great num ber of ladies who thronged the sec tion' of the waiting room in which the shooting orourred. She '>\as als') ilireclly in line with the shol that was' fired by I'oweil ai >tr. Mclvm', the i)u]!('t having buried itself in the !-eat close by where she sat. Ail thiee sh'Ms. liie (Uie at .Mr. Si;i*th that at Mv. Mclver, and ihe shot t. took th(‘ life r^f the insane author ». the tragedy, wei'e in such quick suc- ce;^sion that thei'e was nr) lime for aiiy one to ijiterfere and block the man in this ierril>le crime. Deputy Sheriff W. I. X’e'wton, of Roxlioro, says lie was ciose l)y, and seeing Ihe first sliof and g tting the inipres.'-ion lliat F(.)\veil was insane'y starling it) iire a1 random in the ,Ktali(m, lie rlrew his own revolver, his inniulse being to shool the man down as a ])roreciiou lr» the crowd, bm before he ct)iild dr> this, however, Powell harl turnerl the gun rui him self and blown liis own brains out. Powell was a (’t)nfeth-'rate V'jieran, (i8 yea IS old, a iiatixi' r>f Wake couiiiy. lie farmed in ibis county for ' a number f)f years, tlir n moved to lAlieideen and later U> Sanfoirl where J he lias been I'liiuiiiig ihe Saiifoid Inn for five ycjirs. He has sisieis living The legislature let the bars down X'ii i^iuia and was on his way for further than they have been vvhen both houses passed a bill making a residence of six months the only re quirement in divt)rce actions. The priv- iioge of leaving the stale "v. liien nece.-;-1 |)iainied to ei’e('i a sary" is to be accortled to all wn > : i-;^ i — establishing a res-ideiice, The billj now goes to the governor. i a visit to tliem, aiihoiigli rh-velop- mr'ius iiirlicaie that liis ailar-k on Mc lver and Smith, had br-en jilanned. His impiession ln'iiig ihal iliesr* men coiiiiK-1 in;- hotel. ;afe. Un BUTTLE By Associated Press. San Diego, Cal., March 17.—Five men are said to have been killed and a number wounded at Tecate today in a fight between Mexican soldiers and insurrectos. It was reported to government officials at Tia Juana. It is said the Federals surprised the in surrectos and a panic followed. Condition of Senator Stone. By Associated Press. Kansas City, Mo.. March 17.--.Al though Tnited States Senator William J. Stone, ill with la i>vippe at ihe home of his i3-un, Kimbrough Stone, in th.s ijjaz yesterthiy, are safe anr city, is still confined to his bed, bi.-5|of f^ir tveainunt, a."-oiding U) condition was very much improved, graiihic arlvices rocf ived Americans By .\ssociaierl Pre.-^s. Wasliiiigion, h. ('., ''arr-h 17.—Amer- ir-aii citizens h^ld as prisoner.s' of war by Mexican auilHji\^ties at ( asas CJrau- (ies, wlu) lia’>e b; en rept)?if'd in dan- g(-r rif execuli()ii ai.'i Ileiirv W hiltle. whr» 'vas avrcstcri ai 'inda' l’t)vficrir) assii 1 ed lele- b',’ I ho state cording to his physician this vioru- (oriay frr)tn .-\nifrican con ing. -s-ular offirters in M-xico. - j Gruifcial Xavarro, commai.'dct '('f the federal forces at Casas Giaiiilcs, lias assureil the crms.ilar ofiir-ers that re- ])orts ihat the men are in danger a'o- withotit foundation. iHTffiSI Injured Men Improving. By Associated Press. Augusta, Ga., March 17.—Engineer Rasmussen and Fireman John Roe, the latter colored, injured in Southern wreck last night, are doing well as local hospitals and> will recover. No others were seriously injured. Superintendent Wrtssem, of the Charleston division of the Southern Railway, is here investigating the af fair. Special to The News. Wilson, N. C. .March, 17.—Court re convened at 2:30 o’clock when Judge Adams was notified that the jury had agreed. The prisoners were then brought into court and the verdict tak en. Louis West was convicted of mur der in the first degree, and Stetson of murder in the second degree. There was no demonstration. Judge Adams announced that he would not sentence the prisones today. Wilson, X. C., March 17.—Arguments of counsel in the trial of West and Stet&on, charged with the murder o:' TRIP TO MEK. UUILI I By Associated Press. Xew York, March 17.—The Madero family here is watching the progress By Associated Press. ^ 1 Savannah, (ia„ March li.--In the ot .lose _Ives I.imantour to«ai,t the Mexican fronti-'U' with the greatest anx- case of the Merchants and Miners’ iety. When they saw dispatches today Transportation (’omi>any, charg(;d with relating' that the insurrectos purpose |'iolatiug the Klkins act by granling a to burn the railwav bridges south ofi/’l^^^p freight rale on grain shipments to Duin lie . . , from Pniladeliihia ami havannah Laredo, thus cutting oil Limantour s j ^ veidic.i 'of guiliy. Judge route to ^lexicrj Cit}., the\ siiow'ed grave concern. “That would be a mistake,” said Gustav Madero. “Limantour is a iirac- tical man and the country needs him. Deputy Sheriff Mumford, were com-1 He ought not be kept out.” pleted this morning, and after he judge s charge the case went to thQ jury at 12:45. The court t-.'^n adjourned until 2:30. It is exected ihat the verdict f'l Avhether Stetson will be found guil ty of murder in the first degree, or sec ond degree, will tie up the jury for a while. As showing the attitude of the Mad- eros toward iieace^ negotiations, it be came known today*that Gustav recent ly visited Wall street with* an offer to sell part of the large family holdings of land but shortly oefore Limantour left, changed his mind and withdrew the commission. He admitted this re versal today but had no explanation of it to offer. Emory Speer annonnc(d iiiai lie would sentence the defendant comimny on Monday. The company was found guil ty on 14 counts and ihe jjenaliy is $1,- 0')O or more ihan on ear-li count. . 'Ihe rajiidiry v.ith whicii this ver dict was returned i'-.'SuUlU in the At lantic Coast Line railway and the Sea board Air line railway entering pleas of guilty to the indictments brought against iheni. Each was fined $20(i. 1.. F. Miller & Son, of Philadelphia, did not enier a ]>lea today and \\ill go to trial upon the indictments against them. They are alleged to have been j the beneficiaries under the illegal ra,te.j

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