I’KE CHAEi.Oiiii. NEWS, MARCH 18, 191 ? 3 w Muniapality Can dp The Houi>ewije” Now Idoa.) ^!r . H A. Murrlll ■vst lio'fl Kcononilcs 1.1 Wnnian's Club at i If we wlio are rh' Ti to cr>ino: our V'Mi'd he huii!» :it 'A j*re wiMin^ to I riinv to shcftiUler ' i --ibilitie.s wliiiMi krowlt'dRe. will- ' • 'Ml fhii‘ armour :i ‘ 'lu“ ruini^uis ■ :t ti) attacK our , 's !Zut try as . oirajo that is •' .vnnquish theui. • 1,1 ! I: will omble *'cr ^roar work, \v»il ;uul stronij 'ho \\i>rl(l and 'i\t'r. who, with Detroit is almost a femokeless city. In 190S, twenty ciiies iiad joined In the first asainst smoke. Buffalo, Rochester, New York, Syracuse, Read ing. Sprinf;neld. Mass., Philadelphia, iloston and Froviaenco in the East, Cleveland, C'licinnati. Pittsbure. Mil waukee. Cfiand Rapids, Mii.neapolis. St. I.ouis. Dayton. Kiius;-s C’itv adii j to the pens where the animals await j their turns in the killing shed. I Monte;omery, Alabama, a city so far ! in the South that heat makes its iirob- Ifins rather more difficult than that of the average municipality, has estab lished one of the best records in the country for the enforcement of her laws upon meat inspection. Montgom ery begins in the pens. When an inspector doubts that a live animal is in perfect ])hysical con dition, he I'uts a metal tan' in its ear, bearing a seriaT number and the words “condemned Montgomery”. The.se words are also painted in great yel low leterr, unon the animal itself. There is no i)o.ssibility of tliat animal getting mixed with the others. 'I'he condemned animals are placed Deiroit in tlu' Middle Wo.-t, and Den-i. ver in the West, nuide uu tbi.-^ honor j separate i.ens and more carefully roll. Toledo. Newark and Indiauapo-i ^lontgomery makes sure lis hav>‘ also be;.;nn acaive work to-i aw^ay to be sold to ward smoke aba pnieut. ; some iinw;iry butcher just without the Dust and smoke are visible and tan-1 \+i i m • i Kil.le eneniifK to gocrt li.Kisi Bin tlic liousewlfe who 1ms arluevocl!"is^l’eciion. a clean house and a7i unpolluled c’.v- : mosphore has only begmi her task. She nuisi give her family wholesome food to eAt. If tlie milk store is clean and the milk bottles i aprt ntly so. and there is no dirt d«'i'Osit at the bottom of in (Mire tbeithe milk bottle the housewife assumes 1'he uiuni-|that sl.e is rec'iving clean milk. 11 ili>' weltarei Shovi j she Iiave li! r doubts about as k»'('nji])(> liiaticr, ii is impos^i!,le for her !Ti> v.'rify tiu-m. for the .n iliiCiion of » iii''ptis. di^.s-cit'an milj; :;u s oiiwide -i iiu' city oH- -limits Ivk-k- ’o ihe farm. ■:;iU!-‘ip:iliti-. th-' most niuiortj'nt of all bii’i i s t; V and b. pl'>d !p IS ,^t)^d I he . ihr iv! (l w iiicii the houscv. i;' [ M i;- ci'. vw , li'.u v- , . :hev v.iu. iu'^y ' (■ ntairviiati (1, and i’. is th i in i’alius .ukI 'v.' u;Mti'” L’rl li p’dles. 0 ' 1 i ' \ . . V; l wl .> I'roiH ' 'd iu>Mse- • ,i u. 1 r'l.ii.i- ipnli 1 • eu i\i'‘ \iul ptc'bub!; i* SI l■>^od ■'bl. e :>r lood )f lilib. >‘hil(h''n. ;;r(> !!.'(• p;i':lc' io iiif-'c:i' n it irJ. a.- .i wiajie. the dir- V,' Ti’ n:\y i':-iK in' 1 '1 [; 'V' liii . • 1. an. • it ; .UiohiK- a iiitii- I th:-i "1 wiii- 1 furp.i- . or, 11 if she could. '■> Ol’t r’illii iis ot .; ;'ke rbc (’u-i •Ml u!i'v.>lc«inie ’ . . ■!' !’;Mni- ^ ■ c'lv V i.h n • iUil .. n r. i ■:c>i i"' V' !i;'u Uo-, •n;l t!> -t.' V :1. tl !!l-’v ■ .nc^- r 'A I■ !•(' 1 r; ;' : ■!(] ils : ; ir:;y b:n; l;'-.':-ri vi-'it.-,! 1 \’;‘'i.!-t .-uch d^u ii:'X '.f infect’ w.'l tirusewU'f' '■ -w municii'iUi-:■ c; d ein'i.rc.' >r puro :'ii!k ;’ii(i on!v • will a^ watch tIms i a most co’ii’i,iic;uO' time i'll! I] i!i,-oht's iln' nassagi of fu'ly drown or(’inances iv; • ''sin'^ v'cila,nce of in'^iieci. viiU". Kont'K Vy, ;mi 0'( tl:.- oii \ Tlie oiuiliaiM-e {•oiU'iilis ^>cv■^on' 1 occi'us r l'a:es (if priii’.;';] m;'tfer. : ; lo ('•'(- '' li’y '•' t*' *b{' unv•Cl•^pu^^us ilr j 'ri,i ordii • er anl ib' U’ t a»ii!Sf.- i.'Ts am into li.o v’-ir'i ’I CM" s or t;: i' 'VV I . :iO 1 : ■,,. • ■:' V' '.old I'V’V i --.-r U ■> i, (. aiul ' :!‘’cor.'i na il- I'.r.t Mio ii- .-a;' ’ly inii'':. it it 1 Dvore-s. iiK -i ( arv.'- ri tbe ;tn- ‘I-. l.ouis- o-di- ^ rry-"(Mir I’.ty-tiiroe i:ul is d;'- ;o'-.^ -'f ("■- al'v. ice I'etiiis with tbe -U'-’l- V 'he r: ; ;i''il’ty foi’ ^ scld .'liv- i r:k i to ('''•! ’ i!c:'b'r h’li. : ’‘.iii-v, T. (>'t-'ins his niil;> :;nd staiu'e of its niodi’.c'ion i)vod'i(‘o’.- is rc- • t^’c number of rows, t;-" brc-r COWL'., 'h''' tl'MV' M- ( . b wl'Kiii wb.fi'. f"c CO .. . • r lie n t | .. u..fM I'lu V,;-! :■ rdar.ttr'd fi-!’; ' are row, vnf'uiun ma-i ui \ iow, ;ind ; ,-fuldisr-! ■ . ‘ i are i tr -t* d *'(■■• i:;;o:;sc\ bf>v. 1,- which lun >' I ;i 11,] p^.^tuiT'^ ave. liov,' ..., r-’-nn^od. CMrvi'':! : All hogs are tagged and numbered. I From each one is taken several miis- I cles which are examined under the iiucroscope for tricoma—the parasite which in a human being becomes the tai'ewn'm. If they are found unclean :lhey are condemned, but it is permit ted to use them in making lard or in : smokin.cr hams, where any i;arasites : M ill in’omptly meet death in the in tense heat. Kalamazoo, Michigan, is! i a .second citv which has a fairly good ; record for m^at insi»ection. 1 ('urioiisly enough in mis instance, ;rlu‘ housewives, headed by Rev. Caro- |line Bartlett Curne forcod the munici- : pviliir ro help them by instituting prop- iu,ai f,j- i.-i^vs and In- seeing that these law's eii'ily 1)1* V, o: e eutorc^^d. Rig Rapii's, ?klichigan, promiiiiy t'oll'.iwod !salan>;izoo’s exam- !'lo. and Padii(\:h, Kcn'ucky, mention- eisewiiere la rliis ai 'icie a.-; an ex- ai'iple 'f a city with (iu->!ess streets, ai.-o iia- a y',;id meat rccord. Doc: • iiig iTi'use in b'-»b |ail and lot ai* nor only dangerous br,! form I )',v“''i ., .ira’Ui.is ix.T flies, mosqi-itoes n'lii gnats. '.'iu' '.si-^m of gnriiacre collection : nd (ii.- M'sa! in opeia.ion at Lat'ayeffe, a. tori;;,' ;• welrome cont;'ast to Tl -) I'rvf^uent in; thod. The muni- I ii)alit,\ of i.nl'ayette l\as a garliage ■:i'’U>ai fv-y .siti:atod jiu-:t oatslfle the "Mv limits. In it all city garbage i.:i it;d:icevi ro ashes. '■'he ciemato;y i.s i)uilr apon scien- iif'c li: '3 and has always jiroved sat- isi'actoi: the bunung garbage emits i;o oeor which is pei‘cei)tible to tlie I'.a-;ser-iiy. Four ( overed wagons visii every res- ir’ence twice v.'eel.iy and “emove all roMise from lightly coveied lecepta- clc.- Sir I. as are reciiured ])v law. Tiiese 1 f'ceptacles ii'ay ia;t be fiHsd with’.n l'(;'ir iiU-'ies of liie to]), so that there i no drciige’- of the lid not lilting tight.' S' rac!r-e, .V. Y., F"; t Wayne, Indiana, :’:ul Easr Orange, Xew .Jersey, are O'h- '■i' s’.iU'.ll cities which have sinsilar ef- I'.'Ctive r.xstems. Th ■> (‘o-nmon hour.e-tiy ]ias long been a 'uiisance to tli!' housewife. With Hy-catc!ie;-s and screens and a vii'.«-.rous wii-'!ding of the broom a:id old i'i‘-'.vspai!ers in dai’kened rooms, she tl' sta':e! ■'•■’’•t'ceeded in keejiing him out of the (1 .;r 1’. • iWr-e. And then she tool-: her market '(1 rriAvs. i basket ?iid went to the nearest gro- ,v ■ w- i o and found hies exploring the A Bad Hiior Brote Ont as a Siall Sere—Mease Snfferiiii fcr Fife Years. A Permanent Cure by hiood’s Sarsaparilla. "On getting: up one morning I found Tviiat seemed to be a mosquito bite on the calf of my right leg. Soon tlie sore grew larger and continued day after day, becoming more and more troublesome. One physician advised poulticing, another physician lold me to use a rubber bandage, but the sore grew ■worse until there was not a spot of healthy skin as large as a ten-cent piece between my knee and ankle. A third physician prescribed a paste, and then a specialist in scrofulous troubles treated me for a year. The sore seemed to be healing, but in a few months broke out as bad as ever. I had now been suffering for more than five years. My leg was a dreadful i sight. There were places so large and I deep that an egg might have been put into them. I "n^as told the leg must be amputated. “One day a neighbor spoke of the value of Hood’s Sarsaparilla for scrofula, and I thought I might as M-ell take it. Rofore I finished the first boitle, I suffered less pain and could .«f-e the edges of the sore fcegiu- ning to heal. “So I contTnued taking Hood’s Sar saparilla, and before long the sore was co.vipleielr healed and my general health perfect. I believe it my duty to tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me." Mrs. Jo.sephine Sar gent, 28 I^incoln street, ExeLer, N. H. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. (From the Xev York Press.) I There's a perpetual resurrection for family skeletons. A great man has tc listen to nc end of advice from little men. A woman knows how much a man loves her by hov/ much she wants him to. A. politician seems never lo be ashamed of himself, but maybe he wishes he could be. The more you hammer a strong man the stouter he is: the more you coddle a weak man the softer he is. Charity begins at home, but honey moons end there. A man wouid make a great hit with his own w^ife by trying lo elope with her. You can hate a man more for achieving lionor than for committing a crime. Any woman ■'vho knoAvs how to be successful with men knows better than to let him know she does. About the easiest thing is for a man to ask his wife to wear a certain thing for liim, bui the tool never ihiuks of it. The Plumber I elsptaes Do You? ! Hood’s Sarsaparilla effects its won- ! derful cures, not simply because it I contains sarsaparilla but because it j combines the utmost remedial values j of more than 20 different ingredients, : each greatly strengthened and ei;- j riched by this peculiar combination. 1 Th^re is no real substitute for it. If I xirgc'd to buy anj' preparation said to I be “just as good” you may be sure it j Is inferior, costs less to make, and i vields the dealer a larger piofit. Get I ** Hood’s Sarsapanlta T -iday in usual liquid form or in choc olated tablets known as Sarsatabs. v> 1'•! ! :! i. .'Miit I.) se’l, r.'-. .m V. h ro he I'v i'-' I ii’fuin- ■d fever and ’un. Tiio ci;> • f ^ .1'. 11. M.n kirn's, . r' : t ' O, ’ w 11 I tl .'■M'tA - • ■ i. . •!. ■! :u .'i '• . The I o’’ VO 'd ■ i. :';u-d Ijy Th‘- wai U:,. a r.i'n ■lud }’nd re- - s i^ ! r,' d and u-inov.‘d fl i. ;.:ng.^. r I'li ivo the (lii'ti. alT^c. In hoi. v;;"'n a.'- dnwa tlie •\ci of du^-t less i c.m lilt lb |t('iid , fli-an. in, 11 Iriiulr-(is oi', .■ t tiio .\:id(iioJ .. '\\i\i'S shako; a'-au covers; i' 'on tl.Vi '•iv c iho fann I siigar bi^nrol raid visiting the ])rune >;'t.’i ilic cnwih.'ox, Ilio-; sampling the loaves of Ijread 1.1 I'-, ;!',cd. !an) enjoying the cookies and she won- Hc nu;.-;t gi\e i’'!* o 'tb“ ;-rabl '"'-. ■ b ■ ed whether it. was worth while to heiiil'.t, ,‘■'.uila'io;i lloo'i'iu' I li «' the lly-catc Iiers and the broom. i[!.‘ V; ;.-' it-i)"ii il'io o!' w'-M^oih the hctu^ewife* and the municipal- ■t“’-;ti r givon :ii'' cow.-: :o drink, ''o kiiidjiiy. however, regarded rho fly as a *' *'i "I’ld .ruP.i'Tiiy of f'V'd ■ iv;-r :l'(Mn to ori. i ii!’isance rather t'lan a danger. ' rcDort ui'on tiu' .iic tlutd of (U - ,'.o-:a’ of | U is only finco it has been dcfinite- m •ni;v.‘. th^ mcrb.o'^' of -lilKinsr. t!ie i 1> P-roved that as a distributor of ty))h- I'liicc^'-s of cocMn^'riui st v.:-;-",;-ihc rnil'A.l oid fever by mean.; of bacilH carried TP -u t iI’..' r';iii..i I'-. C miilvj aitoui; unon his feet and body the '■ 1 vriiiis or V.agon, giving ti'*'numlii r bonse-ily is a nifnace to the whole of fans .an;'' "aliens. th^ nnnie and nnm-! community, that the municipality and ber of the country and ci'v shipping the housewife have been gravely cou- Iai*'orais. C‘. rned fo- his effacem.ent. Afto!' the city insi '-ctnr l:as voiifiod -dunici;>;ilities have begun to battle all tlu stat'mcnts inade in wi'ira-v \iy a:rainst the flv from two' sides. They ,he prodi’ccr. and aM condii' .I'S hi\e '-tve endeavored to prevent his coni- orovod ; aiisi'.'.ctor'v. a i i is.^uod :ng info tlio worid and they have en- to tb.e jirodncer to sell milk to the dealer. Tit" dealm- then secures a iic’mlt which onaM s him to bnv tniU-- from a .M’odiifcr holding a ne-.anit. and pro vides for the snff' deliv'^r'- of ii^e milk- to til'' door of the housewire. Tins permit is good for one year froai date of issue when cit>' inspicctor must veri- f'- the sr.itements n ;ide. To Capture Wi^d Horses. By As-ociated Press. Salt Lake City. Utah, March 18.— A novel scheme has been devised by tw’o Salt Lake men to capture alive the best of the wild horses that roam in southern Nevada. It is proposed to s-hoot the animals with bullets iii;ped with magnesium and containing a gelatine capsule filled with a narcotic drug. The magnesiu'ai, it has been found, dissolves the flesh and causes no permannent injury if a vital organ is not penetrated v.hile the opiate de prives I he game temporarily of the power of locomotion. In the n jmadic equine bands are many magnificent specimens. Stallions valued at $1,000 a iiead are not uncom mon. The preseiu method of capturing is lo wear them out by chas-ing them in relays. If the method proves successful in Nevada, Salt Lakers will try it on wild beasts valuable for exhibition pur poses. / “M' Y man says your kitchen fauc^ worn out. I’m sending up a new one.” Frequent emergencies arisf wftere the services of the plumber are imperatively needed in the home. . Delay may mean serious damage—always incon venience. The plumber can be reached from the city or country residence with the universal Sell Telephone System. You shoitid have a Bell Telephone SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY A Somewhat Different. '‘■My name,” said the great trage dian, ‘ has adorned many billboards.” “And mine.” rejoined the low’ come dian, “has adorned many bci.rd bills.” —Chicago News. Ill i;ttb‘ , not con-1 powered to stop t'.nrl to remove -anvili s cf m;!i tiT labo- ra'ory testing and to if'port to Uk' i'o- lic'' couri all de;ilers ho have f:\i.cd to comply with the letter '.f the law so that siich permits may lie promi*tly revoked. This ordinaiice has be'^n fur ther reinforced >i>' the bo;:rd of health of Loi'.isvilie niakin'.’; the tn’-^rculin test of all cows imi»era‘i'. e. The mU'.v ordinance of [.^ouisville i.i tniorced to tho leUer. Nfxt to milk, meat food in the home. The housewife who sees a cleanly Viutchci’ shoji iLatr.Tally assumes tl\ut th^' meat sold in tiie shou cleanly also. Not so her co-worker. V.Hicn a municipalit > il :'^iies to pro vide ltd housewives with chan meat it goes behind the butclu r snop, into the ice boxes, through ihe stora.g' info t! dciivorc.i to starve him out if he eludes them and gets in. Few cities have planned to starve the lly more thoroughly than Chatta- iiooga, Tenn. Chatlanooga has passed nn ordinance which orders that ali jii.'^es scling anything in food or drinks thall bo screened. It further provides ihr.t all screens shall be iiermanently fixed or be self closing and that the shall be num- In a h'ition. the In alih oiTirer is em- niesh used in scree’iinj. n:ilk wagons any '.ime bev fourteen. adiu-re :o I i. 1111-. float f ■ I 111’ best them a-; fas. Mii.- form of Slid cities • r il rc'^ion-' M'.;ns agaiiisi ar;. evil. ,'tp.okelos.-: fac- ;;ud smoke- oi‘ passed a line the cmis- .n!ve from anv V. Mpde’ prn- ' f fine. Tie nrdinanee cor to inves- .\s a resub 1 ho screens must be init up not later than April fifteenth and remain up until November sixteenth. All food, fruits and vegetables dis] layed upon tlie sidewalks must be screened anrl all food peddled in wagons through the streets must be entirely covered with a tni'ianlin. • .Altoona, Penn., hns bi’sicd itself with the other side of ti e fight. This city has passed an ordinance prohibiting is Ihe dirtiest f^n,.- uu^creened filihs from standing within the city limits, as such piles are a favorite brceding-])lace for flies. Wilkcsbarre has gone still farther ai;d last spring went thi'ough a city hoase-cleaning that wa,s far-reaching i.-; its effects. The sanitary committee of councils ordered the first week of May to be ca.Iled “Clean-up Week.” Following this order, councils issued rooms. through the slaughter liouses a circular telling how^ Cuba had reduc- ed typhoid. ..lalaria, yellow smallpox by the simple expedient of keeping the cities clean, and calling upon all citizens to aid in cleaning up the city. The circular further advised every citi/.en to whitewash tlie cellar, and air and clean it. to reiiair and white- v.ash or paint his fences, to liurn aTl rubbish that could be burned, to cut all weeds, and to rake up all tin cans, bottles and wire, and have them haul ed away. The circular asked that ail plumliing be inspected, that back yards tie planted, and ordered storage bins built for all manure. The >Vomen's Civic Club wdio had originated the idea, went to work with a will, the cit.\ delegated inspectors to help during the “Clean-uii Week," and as a result, Wilkesbarre rid itself in a sh(nt time of filth and rubbii-h. On the last day of the week the may or, the city clerk, the health officer, and the secretary of the board of trade, together Avitli several of the council- men made an inspection toiir. VVilkeG- barre housekeepers as a. result have had less ily-chasing this year thau j ever before. If the fly is a pest by day, the mos- puito is an ecpially dangeious post by night. There is just one woy in which the municipality can eradicate this I'.est and that is by oilijig the ponds and pools of water in or near the city. Comparative>y rew municipalities have enforced ordinances with regard to w^eights and measures, but so rapid ly is the idea gaining in favor that many cities are now iirejiaring to pass and eniorce ordinances protecting iiousewixes in this regsJrd. In New York City last spring a well- knov.n firm selling milk and butter was held because the "pound” of but ter sold was only a pound when wrai'i- ped and placed in a pasteboard box. The firm explained that the pound was gross weight, but as the price of the butter was the same as the same qual ity sold without the box, the explana tion was deemed insufficient. In Chattanooga there is an ordinance which makes the food insjiector a scaler of weights and measures with full authority to examine all v.'eights and measures at any time. The ordin ance provides a fine fcr any sliortage. Despite this, an enterprising coal dealer invented a method of cheating his patrons successfully for some time. This dealer had one set of papers for the inspector and another for his pat ron. The one for the patron showed some fil'teeii or twenty .bushels more of coal than the one sent to the inspec tor. ' The dealer advertised in the new'S- liaiiers that if the coal vras thought to be short in weight it might be returned and weighed in the presence of the patron, the patron to assume the ex pense if the w’eight w'as correct. Those who took advantage of this oiYer al ways sorrowfully paid the extra ex pense of cartage, for the coal dealer had an ingenious arrangement of a beam connected with his banance, that came up underneath a trap-door on the inside of his scale house. By standing on the trap door and adjusting his own w'eight, he could register weight anyw'here from a few ounces to three- fourths of a ton more than the scales actually held. The city inspector discovered the trick, the dealer w'as fined, and the newspaper publicity accompanying the case created such adverse sentiment that he was forced out of business. Dust, soot, flies, mosquitoes—these the the things wdiich the municipality can help the housev.’ife to banish from her home. Clean milk* clean meats, and fair weights are among the gifts wdiich it can bestow' upon her. None of this can she accomplish alone. As an intelligent ccworker the municipality: is more to be prized than a faithful servant. His Punishment. Blobbs—When she w^asn’t looking I kissed her. Stobbs—^^liat did she do? Blobbs—Refused to look at me for the rest of the evening.—Philadelphia Record. FOR RriE’»jrviAr«S!Vt. The way to cure rheumatism Is to femove Its cause. Rheumacide removes the cause and stops the pain quickly. Rheumacide is put up In liquid and tablet form, in 25c and 50c bottles, and is sold by druggists generally. Tablets mailed on receipt of price. Booldet ^'-'^e. Bobbitt Chemical Co.. Baltimore, Md. THE NFiiWS JOB OFFICE is equipped to do your Job Printing. 'Phone 1530. aeaaoa Does Your ROOF LEAR? If so, let us send one or our expert v/orkers to repair it. We are prepared to handle anything in Slate, Tin or general sheet metal work. J. N. McCausland & Company STOVE DEiALEPS AND ROOFING CONTRACTORS. 221 S. Tryon. Join the Greater Charlotte Club and help make Charlotte Grow. aise Spring is Almost Here Again. You will want Summer Furniture. Our Store will show’ everything to make the home comfortable during the Early Spring and Summer. Porch Chairs and Rockers Porch Swings and Settees Porch Hammocks and Settees Porch Rugs and N.ew Style Awnings Porch Shades Furniture, Carpets and Rugs Stocks were never so complete as now. Visit This Store. Parker-Gardner Company SPECIAL FRAMED PICTURES TODAY. Handsome frames of 1 1-2 Inch mission oak. 13x23, com plete Vvfth glass, 59c. One lot beautifully colored .scenes and fruit subjects, also a big line of spia jirints with frames to match. • otogr3ph show* part ur inc ~ v • r .. Qmith street# of Philadelphia to embark on the Transport Dixie for the Sou . Lieutenant B. B. Le« of the Naval Academy. ANNAPOLIS NAVAL CADETS of the 137 Annapolis Naval Cadets ordered to the Mexican border, marching These men are under the All to the Good. “I hear you have secured a fine press agent.” said Yorick Kamm. “Best ever,” declared Hamlet Fatt. "That fellow used to be with a prom inent breakfast food.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. GREAT BARGAINS >59c EACH. AT Don't forget our line of un framed ])ictures w’e have now on special sale at lie each or two for 25c. Come in and wait on your car here. The clock will tell you when to leave to catch the car you w ant. Stofle & Barringer Company Booksellers and Stationers, No. 15 East Trade. Telephones 220 and 101. Remember our schedule clock and v/ait here for cars. OFFICE OF THE Mechanics’ Pepetual Build ing & Loan Association 207 North Tryon Street Our friends are more enthusiastic than ever for shares in the 57 th Series which commenced Saturday, March 4th, and was a record-breaker, 2,558 Shares being paid for. Books are still open for additional subscribers. R J. H. WEARN, Vice-Pres. .E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas.

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