THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. MARCH 19. I9II TAR HEEL SOCIAL CIRCLE Moomville Asheville\A Durham | >Tarch pretty Asheville. March, ic_ThP «»nriTi£r I r)urhani, X. C., March 17.—The chief ,1 social item of the week closing was Thnrpday e\>ninc v as t no , season, now approaching its ^ the banquet of the Durham Elks to the : hr^pitahty Ilf Miss l/.icile '''*■ 17f>nith. promises to exceed by a con- rei)resentHtives of the fifteen lodges r, when slie entertained at siderable extent that of several sea-' of the state, who were assem1)led here ..sons in the nnst. This city has espec-, AWdnesday evening. fr>i;r t.'ib 'i ot r’libical hcapts. l)oet» favored with the presence] The occasion of the convention was .r-frsemenrs of ihe house plants j of well known people. Among these the organization of the lodges into*a ... iw.-’s o.f spring: flo'wers ai.d|are President 'I'heodore N. Vail, of the state association for the purpose of . arna’ions gave (harm to The ( Amp,jean Rell Telei^hone & Telegraph having annual state conventions. The I he hands were skillfully ('omiiany and a party of friends, ex- secondary purpose ot the meeting >M-.; M'l a most rxrellont pl'O -1 r.overnor Warfield and daughter of Wednesday was to hold a conference . , ,t s- ' o \' as made l>y pavid Belasoo. the famous with the representatives of six railway • . "h«» \\;ts givon . pla\wright of New York, who will he systems relative to transportation of . ■ ' ;ii raiiue1 bon bon di.=h. I p liuiefinitely. and many oihers. It the North Carolinians to Atlantic City piep‘'nted f" Mi.=s Margar announced that President \V. in .July. It was agreed that the North Hh'-- n. " madf next higlu'st r.reen d1' the National Hiscnit Com- Carolina Elks should meet in Washing- \'r, K’ngsley Ctilbertson re ;,.ar.\ and a party of friends will arrive ton and there take the train for .Atlan- ^ ' ,e epi.'lenian s prize, a tray|nf^\i work for a stay of some while, tic City where they will put up at ar The hoste.5-s as.sist^d by The hotels and hoarding houses are the same hotel. \1r« Walter l..eak. I'f in wr'l filled. I At the banquet' Wednesday evening, . j a d- licii'UP salad i'o\irse.| social life at the hotels has .Judge R. H. Sykes of the city court t 't' .i sclortions hy the hv'st-, consisted of frequeuT bridge parties, was toastmaster and Exalted Ruler \\'. M r’ai;eison ret ;rr;-'^d M.'se? Ruth Hrawley. .Mary^jo;i-,r]y fiances, diivin • ‘ F”. I'tT.' I- William.son ret'- ],arties and one-day outings. .1). *’f II'' itiano and all Announrenient is made of the en- t ; (1 ,r M :ea\ing cam*\ ;agpment and a!uu\''achin£r marriage : ' s.T.i"g good !)vp to f,r Miss Lottie .May Sherrill, daughter ' f ■niiii hostess aiui lif'f of \ir. aril Mrs. Hul'us .(ones Sherrill, , ■ • M-s I.eak. who bad ,m;(v Walter C. Bateman, . . • '^.■r t'.p evenings ploa.s-:^ i;nown .\sheville business man. riie wedding will take plai'e the latter in the Durham lodge. I’iHt of .\pril. Miss Sherrill is one of .\nnotincement is made this week •- fron^ Sta!osvi.,p. ,ii„ ;-rav'tive girls of the younger set. of the coming marriage, March 29th, of ; i.vnt a \'cek with r«'ia ron'rie will reside in .Vsheville. > Miss .Vnnie Watkins and Mr. Oscar ! Sr. Patrick s Day social was given F’irr. of Salisbury, and yesterday at the parsonage of the ■i' fi • : F'lrr. of rhrrlotte, ate Methodist Protestant chiu'ch on ^ > .-■•r ffl’-'ier ! ere. Mr. and ' "T! ' ^ [scheme was carried out in all of the Pargor. o' Mount M'a. fj^corarions. refreshment?, music and i! ^ '■ 'V : :''thc:. Mr. Pa’ l ^reading.=5. j Mrs. William Canada>' entertained . :n W'h te, if Winston. 'ariejwith a dinner Thursda;-' evening in w-eis and is vu-jiing a the;honor of Mr. and Mrs. .lames T. C. .! \!r and .Mosrs Whit«" ;Kord. whose wedding occurred two thousands of North Carolinians. ■ ; i.-hns'on :'as reTurnrd . weeks ago and was madp public last The bridegroom is recalled by many ' a ''o" da^ - vjy!', ;\yonday. The bride was .Miss .Margaret football players as one of the backs ■i ■- Mrs. .1. F. H’-a.'- Sa> re. one of the most attractive girls of the Tniversity team of 1S96 and }of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ford left the bride as the pretty daughter of S’-'n-nd.'. '* S- Lcuis, Mo.itoday for their home in Cincinnati. Landlord W. W. Pickard of Pickard’s 2 . o- relaMve.s here. i.itrle Miss Virginia Hyams gave a hotel. Chapel Hill. •; ’ Mcl’her.-i’U. "f Raleigh. ^ delightftil birthday party FYiday after- A marriage of interest to Durham ■'p Wednf.^da 'o attend | noon to 2r> of her friends in celebration people was solemnized at the Chris- f 1 aunt, Mrs. Isabel R-;0f her tenth anniversary. Tian church of Mooresville Wednesday j The Woman's club met Monday with last, when Miss Nora Pugh became : A R held a pleasant meet- pirs Roben S. Carrol on Zillicoa street the bride of Mr. Ruby T. Scott, of Tar- M‘s= Kate Templeion on and after arranging some details in rytown, New York, a prn'.tn, at 'he home of Mr [connection with the meeting of the A musical festival association has ^ • ;'e’ >n State Federation of Woman s clubs been organized in the city with Pro- -.’d.- 'n Ph.rr ha.> May. the reading of the play fessor Frank Brown of the English and tnotoring (l. Bramham of Durham, who was chosen president of the state associa tion. welcomed the party of fraternal- ists. L. .1, Btandt of Greensboro was made first vice luesident; .James Fer- rall of Raleigh second vice jiresident; and lj. B. Markham secretary-treasur- er, Mr. Markham also holds a place .Jefferson Carlton of Birmingham. Ala. The wedding will be solemnized at the home of the bride's nother. Mrs. ,Ien- French Broad aventjo. The Irish color nie Goode Watkins. The bridegroom was formerly a resident of Durham. They will live in Birmingham. The marriage here Thursday night of Miss Blanche Pickard and I\ir. Fred (ieer Patterson, both of Chapel Hill, was an item of interest to many Statesville \ Statesville, March 18.—St. Patrick’s Day was fittingly celebrated last even ing at a social function held for that ptirpose at the home of Dr. and Mrs. 1 Shelby Shelby, N. C., March 18.—Mrs. P. L. Hennesea delightfully entertained a number of young people at her home on West Marion street on Thursday AI. R. Adams under the auspices of the I ^honor^ ^^her^sist^. Miss local Daughters of the Confederacy.^ ^ The house was beautifully decorated for the event with the Irish colors, a program of Irish music was rendered ice cream were served. Miss Mary Louise Hunter, of Charlotte. Progres sive forty-two, a fascinating domino game was played, after which cake '. New Orleans and .Mobile.:“Henry V." was taken up, under the deiiartment of Trinity college as pres- ■ ' e he spen^ rwn weelvs visit-idirection of AJrs. Charity Jiush Graig. ident. 'n'ivps. He ^a.s accotnpanied j The Friday Book club met yesterday The contract for a handsome resi- ■ • rather. F>r Piiarr. who at the home of Mrs. J. A. Sinclair on deuce, to cost $.'>0,000 for simple con- n Mobile time visit- Chestntit street and considered "Car- struction. has been let by ex-Alderman c’l’or. .Mis. .*an:c- Phairilyle" Mrs. K R. Russell read a paper .Fohii Si)runt Hill, the son-in-law of per .ionn Si)runt Hill, the son-in-law of "The Philo.souhy and Religion of George W. Watts. Durhaiii’s miilti-mil- 'rs .1 L Webprer and lirrle daueh-: Carlyle. ' lionaire philanthropist Mrs. Gustav Alexander and Mrs. The building is to be of re-inforced Louis Alexander entertained with a St. concrete and will be begun April the Patrick s Day party yesterday. Brid?e first. It will require a rear for com- was played and some novel features pletion and when finished, will be introduced. one of the four handsomest residences Mrs. Edward P. Childs was the hos- in Durham. It will consist of fifteen tess of the Current Literature club rooms, will sit upon a site of four evera! interesMnp pa-j Thursday afternoon at her home in acres and occupies one of the most -s fprved delici'Mis re-j Victories. The s-:i;dv of King Lear beautiful sections of town. was be?un nndr>r leadership of Mr.?. The coming weelc, though in the -\rthu!- .M. Field. T..enten season, will be marked by so- Mts.s Rebecca Hnvless of Covington, cial activity. Among the functions to O': 1 N r* . WirKepli'n’o ,■ ■‘^■ly a^te- .-pending some time " ^'rs Zt> Deaton. M’?s NVa! Par'erson deligh’;!ully en- t’.’.e mis-'ion study class evening at her home in -.Aftr^r hearing the ’esson ■a.ling ?ev Tv' n - .M, '';r.‘n^’ ' Mav na**iel. .M Nen'v has rernrr.pd •rn. where she visited Mrl.elliind rl.plliind and .Marv Ky.. is expected in Asheville shortly be given will be two receptions at the '■■achers ar th^ Stare to \ipit .Mrs. Heath Carrier. Southern Conservatory of Alusic, the •'r -,n,; ^Tr^ rim^r, of Mon- r > . ' 3 Vie here Weanesday to attend ■ fii’.i-MV' of their aunt. .Mrs. Isabel \i, irh took pla"e Thurs- • ' :i’-;noiin P',-.s»'v Calvine went to Trotit - Wedn»?';ay to attend the full er: ' of h's grandmother. ’Irs F A Carpenter returned home ^ .r.p.'^av evening from S'atesville ■ ^ ^ \:si*ed reiativps. M .1 Mrs. Robert ^'loninzer. of W t Dr. and .Mrs. H. H. Btiggs have re- first to the Lafayette and the second tttrned from a visit to ('incinnati and to the Amher.-t baseball teams Dayton. , Mr. and Mrs. Georee Heyward have returned from the far south where they ppent the winter and have opened their place at .\rden. •Mrs. Elizabeth Dawson of this city and .John M. Cranston of Augusta were married Wednesday at the Methodist EfMscopal. south !>arsonage. Dr. Char les W. Byrd performing the ceremony. Only a few intimate friends were arrived here Wednesday to present and so well was the secret I kept that they were not apprised of Lenoir X Special to The Simday News. Lenoir, March 17.—The announce ment of the approaching marriage of ^ f'arp^nter will entertain j the corning e\ ent tmtil at the parson- Harry W. Courtne.v. of I^enoir to K : .p. ..rry riub nn Friday after-|age. Mr. and Mrs. f'ranston left on the Miss Josie Rowe, of F]nnis Texas : ... l.«,ra a’ .he D.n.merrlal,.y,err,„on ,r„ii, for a trip to ihe east came as a surprise to thei'r manv land will reside at AiiCT.sia. Mrs. Cran; .Z ston has resided here for some years. section, which event Miss .Mary Orr entertained informal- place on 'Wednesday. June ly Tuesday afternoon with a bridge Hth. Mr. Courtney is one of Lenoir’s young business men of ability and -Mr.', .John A. Perry entertained has many friends in North Carolina Tuesday with a tea in honor of her w-ho will with his friends here join in si.'fer, Mrs. Sherman of New York. congratulating him. The bride to be , ,, , , and Mrs. Augustus Schulze have accompanied by her sister, visited rel- v' oT/''"' ^ Gudger] returned from their honeymoon spent atives here about two vears ago. Bv t . ' T 84ili \ear and it was | at La C’rosse, Wis. They are residing her lovable disposition and attractive in BUtmore. l)ersonal charms made manv friends •Miss Annie Colvin has gone to visit while here. This event will be one of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Simpson in An- interest in I^noir’s social circles. I T r . • • 'There are several other marriages •MIS. 1.. .Jenkins entertained Sat- slated among J.,enoir's .voting people urday afternoon with a daintily ap- during the spring and earlv summer pointed bridge party. Mrs. .Jenkins was l)ut the dates have not been an a.ssisted In serving l>y Miss Nellie Red- nounced. Genoese Miss Lina Ivey, who has been at several weeks on account of Misk Maiy J|iddles, a set of gold en- ill health, returned to Baltimore this au e ed bon bon spoons, and the con- week, to resume her studies at the Rolidadon by Mrs. Henry Penland, a Peabody Institute. ATiTii« \i-ii Miss .Josephine tho rh«ir'i»f AH entertained Newland spent several days in Char I^hpr hrm u ‘his week, guests of Mr. and at her home on Haywood street Mon day pvening. •Mrs. Robert William Brown, jr.. of Knox\ille is the guest t)f her parents ''^rld .Mrs, .J. W. Brawler are • •] I. "e tji,^ wppk from Grf^ens- i'* their mother, Mrs. -a • .e-'- fiav a large gathering of re!- '■i; fri*-nds met ar the cotint ry ' f .11= iiOiilnp (Jtidger. abotit •, ,-,f i)avidson. and had 1 a v‘>ry hajipy t'nip for her to ”n • m''ie tl:e children, grand- ‘ ti. and great grandchildren a numbfr of neighbor.s and ■I . ; ''l iiiri her hearthstone. The "K ari idfal spring day din- ’.vn'; Kf.i-vr-f) in a picnic mannet. * 'iring a long table made on awn and a mo.^f stimptuoua re- ST'ad thereon After dinner I" rT' t 'f '(> played 1)V the younger ' ■ rr:! tb«- o:dpr onos f Jiafted of the 't ' • ’tiat hari 'otiie to them ris hr- had Journpv*-d through lite. 'I.^tM '• ’Im incidents wore latigable I 'i pi.'dp hf-arts tipat vf)ung again. 1 I r>- " f‘r* f''ir children, *J0 grand • ' • Mrfti and ir gr^af grand rhildren, I ,f .rnThf-r, several i^pcps and the ■ ; runibering 72 in all. • A as to hp a surprise and vf)u and young ladies gowned in Irish cos tumes served refreshments. The af fair was a very pleasant one. Mr.s. D. J. Craig was hostess to the MacDowell music clui) last afternoon at her palatial home on Walunt street. .The Entre Nous ladies held a jileas- atn meeting with Mrs. A. P. Steele Friday afternoon. Hearts was the game of the occasion and Miss Marie Long was winner of the first prize, a pearl pin. Seasonable refreshments were served by the hostess. The members of the Elcricemoh club and many other guests were delightful- Iv entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. .J. G. Powell at her home on Cen ter street. The playing of .games was a source of amusement but in accord ance with the rules of the club no prizes Avere given. A salad course, fol- low'ed by ice cream and cake, were served by the hostess. Among the special guests for the afternoon were Mrs. T. C. Bryson, of Arkansas; Mrs. Lucia Parks Stephens, of Concord, and Miss Emma Carson, of Sparta, visitors in town. Mrs. D. .1. Graig entertained the members of the Bridge club and other friends Thursday afternoon, the affair being a very enjoyable one. In the game Mrs. B. F. Long won the visitor's prize, a beautifully enioroidered table cover, and Mrs. G. E. French was win ner of the club ])rize. a bottle of toilet water. The consolation, a vanity box, was awarded Miss Rosa Stephany. Re freshments were served in two courses. Mrs. Bascom Blackwelder, formerly of Hickory, now of Oklahoma, was Mrs. Craig's special guest. The ladies of the Hospital Associa tion held a meeting with Mrs. A. J. Evans. Mrs. R. B. W'ilson. of Asheville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Raynal. Mrs. J. W. Sherrill and Mrs, Ora Mitchell have returned from a visit to relatives in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Patterson, who were married in W'ashington about two weeks ago, arrived in Statesville Wed nesday and went from here to the home of Mr. Patterson near Hounston- ville, where they will live. Mrs. Patter son was Miss Katie B. Angle, of this ' county. Mrs. McBride Jenkins is at home after a visit to friends at Lexington. Mrs. D. J, Kimball and Miss Annie Click are guests of their sister, Mrs. J. W. Shepherd, in Winston. Mrs. F. A. Carpenter, who spent some time here with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Sherrill, has returned to her home at Mooresville. Miss Minnie Sherrill returned Wed nesday from an extended visit in New York. Baltimore and W’ashington. In New York she was the .guest of Miss Elizabeth Allison, of Statesville, who with Mrs. Allison is spending some time there with Mr. Wm. Allison, and while in Baltimore she was the guest of her brother, Mr. Everett Sherrill, who is a medical student at the Uni versity of Maryland. Mrs. J. M. Burrows is the guest of Dr, and Mrs. Lyle in Rock Hill, S. C. for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Coffev. who visit ed their son. Mr. ’SV. H. Coffey, at the Yadkin Vall&y Shooting club, returned this week to their home in Morgan- ton. Mrs. J. H. Cornell is here from Knox ville to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Anderson. Miss Kathleen Kimball, who spent several months here with her uncle, Mr. D. J. Kimball, left this week for her home in St. Louis, Mo. a DON’T KEEP HER Vv'.^ HOW A FASHION AROSE. Grey Sandifer and Mr. Zeb Mauney were the lucky prize winners in the game. The guests were given dainty hand painted place and score cards in violet design. The rooms were beauti fully decorated in violet and johnquils. Miss Hunter is well known in Shelby where she has made a host of friends on her frequent visit& here. 1 ^ ♦ On Saturday evening an ice cream* year 17S1 Leon- supjier was given in the basement' ard, hairdresser to Queen Marie An- of the Central Methodist church for ■ toinette, w^as confronted bv an alarm- the benefit of the Chinese sufferers. | j situation; her majestv’s hair was Miss I^ey. assisted by the pupils ot he' „ut. and with the fulfillment of chaiitaWe affaTr ^ this dread event would fall his credit. Duiing the Past ''eek there has, •’ Leonard puts it in his ’ Re- been a round of delighttul bridge par- collections,- which were translated les. On Thuisday afternoon, the I by M. E. Jules .Moras—he i»roceeded Bridge club was entertained by Mi.s-s to save his reputation. for the coal she needs so “good provided” it Is your pljVr that the coal bin is nevtr pr! dangerously near to i» s . and order us to spd '. you . clean, free burning co-al a‘ n- you’ll not alone have quality as well. R. r. HARD 'PHONE 1114. lific comi)osers, writj-L, I sitions in all. His first apjioaiiincf- at the asie of 9. and his c; cert artist ended it) v-r,t I came conductor oi il,i' .. mar. The coiiiposf.'r s ii- in 1SS6. + * The March. The march is iiroi>aii' style of coniiiosiiion ^ , I tory. dating back i.o tin ■ But with his native "Gascon quick-! fl,-st rude drums were r . Kate Cullum at the home of Mrs. W. P. Woodward; on Friday afternoon by "Madame,” said he one day to the queen, when he saw that the fall of Mrs. Capt Blanton, which Miss Mabel her hair was imminent, "the high head Bost of Lawndale was the attractive dress is becoming verv common; it is honoree; on Friday evening by Miss | long since the bourgeoise has taken Fan Barnett and Mrs. B. F. Falls at possession of it, and now it is the turn the home of Miss Barnett and on Sat- of the common people.” urday evening by Mrs. Dorittee in 'Good gracious, Leonard, what are honor of Mrs. Charles Webb, of Green- you telling me'.’ Do vou i^now it ville. Earlier in the week Miss Madge | grieves me to hear it?"^ Those head- Webb entertained at bridge in honor j dresses were so becoming to me!” ol her guest, Mrs. Charles Webb. "And what head-dress would not be- Miss Sara Doggett of Charlotte, is, come your majesty? * * * j have the attractive guest of Mrs. Charles j carefully thought over a total revolu- Doggett. jtion in your majesty's head-dress. I Mr. Carl Carpenter of Augusta w-as have even had your portrait drawn here last Tuesday, visiting his broth-1 with the new arrangement. I have er, Mr. R. E. Carpenter. j in view; and.- as I expected, my au- Dr. L. A. Gidney, now located in ■ sust sovereign, by adopting my inno Charlotte, spent the w'eek-end with vation, would be made younger by six relatives here. or seven years.” Miss Fan Barnett spent Sunday in! “Do you mean it, Leonard? The Gastonia. j first compositions. He was only 14 Mr. Lee W’eathers has just returned .'ears of age, but during that year had from a visit to friends in Danville and produced a quintet, quartet and be- Charlotte. j sides other instrumental works a long Mr. Claude McBrayer of the Marion ' Pjece in cantata form, "Hagar's bar was in town last week. I Klage.” Mrs. Gama London of Greenville is' found in Italy two visiting the home folks here. | students, Rossini and Donizetti, Miss Laura Graham Robinson re- later years did so much for turned last week from Baltimore. Miss Oeland Washburn recently ac- the music of that country. The former had already had a successful presen- cepted a lucrative position with the^®^^°^ ^ cantata and other works, Wade Manufacturing Company, of while Danizetti had started on his Charlotte. ' career he had not created anything Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchison spent of a stir. several days- here last week, the guest' , ^ time was w'lld over the of Mayor and Mrs. W. H. Jennings. I ^ ° Paganini, the violist, who Miss Elvira Faust of King’s Moun-i at the zenith of his powers and tain spent the week-end with friends hundreds of concerts all over here I country. Miss Frences Jennings has returned'. ‘''J ?' from a pleasant visit to her sister,i?.“>5f 5 Mrs, J, Theron Belue of Spartanburg,' ^ „ -rh ^ ;ears, Tv,T^ TVT^c Robert Schumann, with a year Mr, and .Mrs. Charles Webb of; anj fo„r months to his crkit, Greenville, S. C„ were pleasant SheI-_^,^ ^ by visitors last week. Miss Gertrude Hunnicutt spent the week-end at her home in Belwood. Miss Kate High of Louisburg was the attractive gues-t of her friend, Miss Ava Aycock for several days last w'eek. Trinity Class Special to The New'R. Trinity College. Durham, March 18. The inarch is a inili!;i written in two-fotir or ■ ■ and particulariy adaiiir-.' f struuienta. The eai' fxauii'. march form i.s tound -i >\’elsh war son.u,, ' Tl''-' Men of Harlech," whirii a. r-168. Marches generally (.pfii ,■ fare of truni])ets. .«,oi)ieiin;, ied by drums. The first li;. princijial one and consisi^ teen to thirty-two nu'a.- ii>> The second tiiPine l'.)!!.-- dominant key in a bri!iiii i then the first them.' middle movement is in li,, , a trio, a little slower, at,': . princiital theme is reiM'ai-n. by a ijiilliam C(Kla. or tlii.ilt There ai’e man.\ occasions . marches have been \\rii!;!i weddings, funerals, coion;i. ants, etc., and some ot the i ; • are the ?Nlarch Aiilitairc d . Rakoezy by Liszt, tiie Hct ii Chopin funeral inarclit-, ssohn's "Wedding Marc!' "Bridal Chorus'’ from l.oiu'' A Prayer for the Fair.i . (Robert Louis Steven? ; ■ Lord, behold our family hr’ . bled. We thank Thee for the ; w'hich we dwell; for the u.'. unites us, for the peace acoc>-,; this day; for the ho))e with ' ■ expect the morrow; for the !v work, the food and the !)! >vi; that, make oiir lives deligh'tii ; friends in all parts of the ea. our friendly heli)ers in thi.- ' company. Purge out of eve; v the lurking grudge. Give us ■ strength to forbear and to uer.; Offenders, give us the grace tn and forgive offenders. J-’orget: : selves, help us to bear chec-r^', forgetfulness of others. Give ' • and faith and the qui> • Spare us to our friends, sor. ■ our enemies. J^less us if ii in all o\ir innocent end^avois may not. give us strength to ■ that which is to come, th' brave in peril, constant in tri’vi' temperate in wrath and in all of fortune, down to the gate; ■ loyal ancj lovin.g one to anor.i ■ the clay to the ])atter. as the wi;, to the wind, as children of ih : we beseech of Thee this In .p marcy for Christ s sake. Many Would-Be Librarians. That nearly two hundred :i;. young women have aiijdied f" sion to the Wisconsin Libra:,' : in four years is shown by i)> of M. S. Dudgeon, secreiarv ■ Free library Coniniission. O- ' ty-six students can be ace.. M wfdl imagine thp surprijo when | Orange street. (apt. and Mrs. R. h. Fitzpatrick of al d ar f*ld lady looked out and Raw ’ha‘ diove of vehirlos dri\ing up th« door, .\fter a happy da.\' for !ii»*v left her wishing her manv nif r** .\oars and sho feeling goorl that had bppn there. Kpv>ral ol .Mrs. tjiidger's Hons live in M(K)resviIle. f-'Urt i& the substance in the wrong place Jam on a boy s fare and ink on hiP rtngers are dirt, while the one on Mrs. A. A. Chapman of Brevard is vi.siting .Mrs. W. H. Harrison in Grove Park. Mrs. J. B. Ivey. Mrs. Ora Mitchell and little daugh ter, of Statesville, are visiting at Mr. T. Fj. Walker's. Hon. George W. Wilson, of Gastonia, solicitor of the twelfth judicial dis trict, was a I.«noir visitor this week. ih** Englishman’s breakfast table and o I ">^^”Pied b thp other properly disposed upon pai.eri withdrawn. It i are tidy as can be. dorstood that the Smiths aco Rev. Frank Crane. He is truly a foolish man who will praise another woman's iiab.\ to a Suit for $85,000 Dropped. •Vorriston, Pa., M;irch IS.—The 000 suit for damages whicli Walter Sniitii and his wife of Phonexville, in stituted against W. Gordon Dyer for injuries received whfen Dyer's auto crashed into the team occupied by the is un accepted less than $10,000, the amount of the insurance w'hich Dyer maintained for accidents. Weds by Dead Mother’s Side. Pottstown, Pa. March IS.-Because death came too soon to permit their marriage, while her mother still lived, Etta Fryer and H. W’. Kimes, of Phoe- nixville, were married beside the cas ket containing the body of Mrs. Josiah Fryer, Sunday afternoon. Rev. I B. Kurtz, pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran church. jjerformed the ceremon.y, which It had been the mother’s wish that her dying eyes should witness. The announcement of the unusual w'edding was made today after the mother’s funeral. The couple w’ere at tended by the bride's father and her sister, Mrs. S. B. Trout. W’Oman who has one of her own.- ratfo News. -Chi- Wife Fears for Husband. Millville. X. J.. March IS.—Mrs. Al- j fred Silvers, of West Mill v’ille, is very i i.- always- morn somewhere in the '‘’'xifju.^ to learn the whereabouts of ■rid - Ilichard Hengest Horne. Limantour Reaches San Antonio. San Antonio Tex., March 18.-—The private car of .Jose \ ves Limantour. Mexican minister of finance, passed through here today enroute for Mexico Cit.v. As at all previous stops for the past twelve hours, no one at the sta tion appears to have seen the minis ter. The statements of train attaches that Senor Limantour and his party were in the car. but did not wish to be seen, was the nearest that a large corps of newspaj)er correspondents got to the distinguished traveler. Aft^r stopping a few minutes the train i)roceeded southward for Laredo on the Mexican border, where Liman- tour’s car must be attached to the Mexican National Railroad train in FuR rheumatism. The way to cure rheumatlBm is to remnvu its cause. Rheumacide removes the ('tuse and stops the pain quickly. lUieumaclde Is put up In liquid and fnhlet form, In 25c and 60c bottle®, an'l in sold by druggists gene’-ally. 1 ld'‘iH mailed on receipt of price. J^otjklet •' '»e. Bobbitt Chemical Co., Jiaiiinioie, Md. her husband who left his home six ^o proceed to Mexico City, weeks ago and has not sincc been heard from. .Mr. Silvers w'as for sev eral years a successful contractor and Took His Temperance. Doctor (to wife of patient)—And— builder here. When he left home he er—I hope you took his temperature said that he was going south, proba- this morning. bly to Jacksonville. Fla. Mrs. Silvers Wife—Well, it were like this, sir, fears that harm has befallen him. i jnit the barometer in ’is chest, and it went round in very dry, sir. If ever eyes were made for seeing, so I gave ’im a pint of beer. And’e Then lleauty is its own excuse for went to work this morning.—M. A*, being. p. Robinson’s 5% Profit Sharinq Plan You get duplicate ticket with •very purchase, and when these tickets amount to $5 or more you return them to our store and get u per cent of their value in cash. You make money by trad ing with us. Robinson’s Book Store summer of his existence. Besides the birth of Liszt there were other important happenings in the year ISii. namely, the founding of the Prague Conservatory, the birth of Am- broise Thomas, the composer of French operas, and the birth of Fer dinand Hiller, the piano virtuoso. Liszt was brought up in a musical atmosphere and his talents had every /m Y T% encouragement for development. ^ Book from his musical education his association with prominent people and his general knowledge made him w'on- derfully attractive. Add to this a prepossessing appear- rT^ • /-II, TT- 4. • 1 o. ,ance and romantic nature and it is —The Trinity College Historical such a favoi- ciety^ long active in the cause of jte with both men and women. Uszt North Carolina history, has made a ^ was 23 years of age w'hen he met contract for the publication of the, George Sand and his affair with her, momoirs of Gov W'illiam W Holden , to Heine, lasted for some ed each year in the ]iresei;' memoirs 01 GOV \\illiamw. Hoiaen I.until Madame Sand The demand for trah.ord i They will form the second volume of ! trangfej-j-ef] affections to the frail which has resulted in all 'li. : the John Lawson Monographs, a se- Chopin. 'of the Wisconsin Libiar.v S ries of books established last year, His next serious affair was with laining .^ood jyositinns, has !■ in which the aiitobiocranhv ' ^ountess Adele Lapounarede. Her bus- to take up lii>rary work. ‘ . j band, the count, though old, Avas als^o' The scliool was made |i;k Brai;tley lork has already been is- young musician, and T'niversity of Wisconsin i> sued. The forthcoming volume will, Liszt, upon invitation, went to their. legislature, which, howeve '. prove or interest to ail reaaers of chateau near Geneva to spend the appropriate any money to .n North Carolina history, for the an-, winter. i university to cooperate v.ith thor was for .years the editor of the; 'Here the curtain drops again. Next! I-ibrary Commission in devi ’ ■ North Carolina Standard, the leading in order is his affair with the Countess school to meet the needs of democratic paper before the war. and d'.Agoult, who gave up her husband students who de.sire to n t^ afterward was -elected governor un- and child and for ten years traveled course has been arraivjpti w’;' der the reconstruction acts. j with Liszt all. over Europe. Finallv dnts can complete ;lic Bishop John C. Kilgo left Thursday’the separation came and Liszt leads course and finish their 111: for Waterliet, New' York, to purchase a rather q-uiet life until 1861, when 'n the tour years usui'.il' ' a bell for Trinity College. j the rumors are afloAt of his intended college course. X The chief manager and chief mar-■ marriage with Princess Wittgenstein. ^ ‘ “ ' shall for commencement have been | .\side from his reputation as the “She separated ’ elected by the tw-o literary societies ’ world's greatest pianist Liszt, as is because he wouUln i give up of the college, and these gentlemen have selected their assistants. Fans at Trinity are at a loss to know' why the W'ake Forest baseball manager has cancelled the game that was to have been played here be tween the two teams on Easter Mon day. Instead of playing Trinity, Wake Forest will on that day play the A. & M. College at Raleigh. That team has a schedule of five games to play with Trinity this year, and the one that was to come on Easter Monday and to be played at Durham would in all probability have been the biggest of all. An effort is be ing made to bring some other team | here for that day. well known, was one of our most pro-> under a tlotid, a- POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The proof of the bluffer is in his fail ure to make good. * * « Hew to the line but see that the line is in the right place. * * * The man who pleases only himself has to supply the applause. * * Id The more stj'le some people put on the more collectors they put off. * * » Sidetrack fair weather friends by saving your money for a rainy day. * * « It takes a busy man to see through a joke and recognize the idiot behind: it. I How much money have you wasted ■ in trying to get something for noth ing? Stylish Womt Wear Women are apt to desire beauty more than brains but they know their own business. Uttttmte partly for its perfect fit and h ' partly because “Quiterite" Skirt all wool and made by the most e N. Y. men tailors. Ask your dealer to show yo ■ latest “Quiterite” models. No'e fine workmanship throughout, ev ■ the smallest details; such as pure silk stitching, fine seam bindin^i. faced plackets, 6 silk rings, etc. The price appeals to all women who have once seen “Qn Skirts.” $5.00 AND UP Manufactured by Louis Noschkes. New York City.

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