(UJTCK RESULTS USE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS—THEY BRING BEST RESULTS—ONE CENT A WORD' f Edition Latest Edition 43. NO. 6984 CHAKLOTFE, N. C. FRIDA'V EVENING. MARCH 24, !91 1 P'DY^'C' (In Charlotte. ' cent^ a Copy Daily— SC^nts Sunday X IX ■) Outside Charlotte, j Cants a copy Daily and Sunday itor Simmons ady Foi the Fray Forces on Ha ,c d c Workers Busy - j-| .usand Copies or\ city Speech Mail- 2 he Fight is On | :t The Fight Will Coinered Affair- Kitchin Contest dy. E C. BRYANT.) ll»D:FOIIII IIII [ DtlNG \I A . . Hal!. ; .I’l'ii, . •:!»' busy davs in -. inrerosr- • . Ti'n' ratiiiiaiJiii b> Mr. Siiu- ':iidof v'ay, (Id'., i O'iM'i s have iheir M'- of the N ,: ,1 I'Hi'iiina C('n 'Ihe vot' tha; i'll. ' r oiiaior l.oriniP:' siH'iH !i he made ,«■ I;t- ' s; ssitin ad- ; ‘ Ma;uui [ ■ ■ '1: i: nor | . iii'inths. Senator I ;>'v,'r knuwn to: ''V I'Ocnt d Ho I ■ " ! loi'o ’he I'Oo- i - t:,d n' ,lie ro' i . Ih:;i4 li’.irried to :s m Field. I ’hf field in 'V.o ■ ■■••. urlar:'-' ■ i;.' K;:t :'i!i men. ;u>‘ i'''l i • ■ 1 ■-inie'is ' ur.i . a'ld da:;ii.L: !: ;• .'r has i' luat , ' !Ca; iuii ;n ’ I'e ' . ■ \ (I' I V;I I lie «;liVv t.* Iii; s ' . ' i ' ;«> :■ 'i'i’’;ted i'.' in : I'.e im arj . d' .•’a” By Associated Press. -Mihvankeo. .March 24.—Six fire- rntMi are dead, four others are dying and several suffering fixtin injurie.s. ^il\e lesiilt of the collap.'^e '>F tlie rodi I .MiddU'ton ^lan'iracuirinf; t'onipany Uuildiui; here ioda>. Fayette, Ala. \ Swept by Fire i r.\- A>sooi;'tev1 tM’rsS. j !’':‘iii;r.i:iiaui. Aia , March - The hiisiiu'^.s s(M-iion oi' 1'';i>etie. i A',;.. ' wesi of Hirn’.in^- "i.iMi, in the liatnrai ga? fields, vas (.tsirc't'd by :lre which started at ('Iv liiis nioi'niui; in Peteis and ^ iiiint;s drup: suue. Tv.fiiiy .sioies, { Hi' (o;:; I iidiist'. jai!. bank ami other' r.tKldiiius are 'I’he loss i:> esii- niafeii a' lUi'rt* than fi’oi'.nuii. A Later Report. '■'he I';' .!)• f'lre at Fa' eite i.-i iKiw ed at .S oi, whi'-h iu.s;!r;'!',!. (' is cari-ied to tl'e siiiu oi ; uni\- ST.'*.'"!'!. t Masked Men Held Tiain At Standstill For Two Hours REFORT ON SOP- Bold Bad Holdup Artists Blow Saje in Express Car And Escape With $20,000 in Money And Valuables, WATHCHING THE FIGHT BY DAIL Y ROUNDS I Two Young Ladies Dead As Result Of Lamp Exploding "Historic Mansion Burns Special to The Xews Wadeslioio, N. C'.. N’arcl. 2I.--\^\vs reached here this niorninu of a tei.i- ble accider.i last ni-vht in I'r.ion co'.ini\ I liar rei'ti'tCi of t'vo youn of a lanin. It was at tlu' hdiiie c'»f \i--. II, I til" twt) onc^^ beat'.’ii’ai giil.s di':'d truia iiieir liorrible Old M;?nsion Burns. ■'Sf'lnia llil';" the ho»ne of Col. Pv. 'P. TmiiL fi! a T1 £ COTTON By Associated Press. Wah-i ;Mgion. 1). C., The census bur eau’s report on the supply and distrib ution of cotton for the six months’ per iod ending February h. 1911, show ed the toirl sup.ply to be 12,7*;4,173 r\in- niiiii bales, made up ^.f stocks at be^in- niiis of i»eriod of 1,0}h,u4u; tiinninj;s. 11 ; net imports 1^5,oSl. The disti ibt’.t ion was; Kx])ort», fi,C.'’MS,4i)8. C’on.sumi)tion. 2.4nii,77(’. Stocks at clos«‘ of i»eriod. 4,024,'.K!7. General Peace Movement Planned By Associated l^icss. Xfu York, .March 2!.- ,\ jiuMic mass ineetir.',;' lo suiipon ihe ;:^eneral peace U10V! and iart iculaiiy to urge the at iiiiu. Scene oj Hold Up Was on Prairie Ne a i Kas, Robbers Autom obi le s Affair. Coffeyville, Escaped m — A Daring By Associated I’ress. (’offeyville. Kaii,, .\'.arch 21. Fur two hoin>T last niuhl maskfd uirii iii'ld Si. l.ouis, iron .Mountaiu and Scnnreru passengei- train Xo. ini al a standstill on the prairie about »i miU s south of this city, while they blew oikmi a sa.fe iu the express ear. 'I'hey ‘scapi-d in two automubiits, carrviut; with them money and valuables wiiicli, ii i-r bt- i lieved, will amounl to .'?2(i.H'm). j Tlie train left Little lltu-k al a. m. yeslerda>, bound for Kansas (^ity. l! ri-ached i.cuapah. Okla.. seutli of tl'iis cii\, at last liiuhl, half an hour late. ; .lust afur th,- train left Leu ipali Lii- ■ ^ineer L\iich livaru a sliarp cry; '"Hands up.” Tutiiiiig, !i(‘ saw a uiasl>:( d piau ;ot- un;4 on ihe le:!(k'r. poihun.u a rc'volver prcinj.-ed arbiira- m ;oiu;' lo r,(i I ialiticati(ui of tin jtion ireat\ beiwt^ r, thi,-. eoumi-y and you," said the man ! lui'dand is bein.u Ui’raii2,ed b\ Bishoj' i ('tie;-;- of I lie i'^ |.' scu | la 1 (lic^cesp ui the day s':'! for tht> iiiti^ri'ogaiion ol : Xew York it» take place iu liie new y .As.'C'ciai ed Press. \'itevl)o. L ai.', Mai cb 2 x.—Tliis was a liul •'I )i :v, in tile loss ot the lives j'i5;-nne>i wa.s d» luolished by (hMnesthisj women by the explosion j ni!V!iinu anoui nine o'cloci^. 'i'h'" tiiej |(au;4ht fiom tiie room wltlle Mis. Hei'-; Jeunai o !>batema,u;i !■,»,.'.h.e I'air.orrisi ^raihedral of Si. .J*)hn iht' Divine, soon nii o;t: a chimne\. i •. thr.'afi*T tlie eoiisecraiioii of iliai ediiice net I w nil !'■ iTy/C/ Y 1? 1 T1/a ^ Maucom. on (>li\(* li'ancu, aiui the ! wo j !'’i’ie!Uis •/U^L J. AAtXlliy I ()un:r ladies wiio iest tluir lives wereit'ould no; "Hif T^- "i'il' J' (Jiace. a^ed IT, his dau?;'hter. and only *j;oin: IflOJlClJ .t TOTYl " ^ ' i'.isiior in th.. lii'i;s(' al the time. Apss buildin.u', a!thoii':h all the furni'iive ^ I Pax is is tile dauf^hl' r ef !-i.ev. Cul and \ aluables saw'd. F\' ii liv' yi'''d I i i!ii;u diateiy neti- :i;>o;s and w i!!d;>'.v sashe;-: aiid v. iiidow- .'.t '.\ i)i-i('ans. l.a.. Marc-ii 21,—ilarr.\ '■ ,,(■ aceiiiei;!. Dei.t^s aie niea,-; i^anes lai-.en oui, C .:;iini»us. (ia,. passed ov- j, ins tha: ti.t' 'anti) e\-j M v.as ;; pitiful to see su' li i..'o:nM 'y in a ue\\l,\ Htnd. , yoioiu \.ere.:i -.ane c'd home sncc-ui);:; lo the , y si-i(iay that the ; siandiau' m a:' v.K^uuh tor ftie flamin;., t’ l'ues, wh.-a if ,ne.\- l.ad imsi had a ;i ' as not wisv k' let the j] i^n'te their elothiU'^, '!'he\ ran little water w lu n t!ie ]>eoMle fii’s: ar- , sci'eaiiiini;' iroi.' i lu^ I'ooni and the I'am- n\ed ihey eoutd easily ha\e sax'ui it, I il\ matie exei ,' eiTort :o )»ut ou* the'Fir* hor.s^ ■>'a.- co\pi,:‘d wiv'! $2..">)0 usii-'ii to he])), bill as they! ;e: v, a ter, the waur waini within about :N)0 varrts of 1'vhich it is hoped to rid tli? country on ,\pril 1M, lit Kso" • I- (tec’I ( a' ' 't ;vde!i i: i ai^e! f '.\ ii h a : ai.ii a'aordiii.ul.v increts- vj ' ; ■ 1(1 ;»2iM'. I'li-Uson wa,- ,^i) eia i’, I i>'-(W'H'( • c: havii.i’, an a.’r; ;■ '!( com'.''‘.ni;>a on his irip to >■’1 P'!- ■ :hat, r.) wi: hstandin.u ’he ae j iliiai’.:’ai" e ot '■ ss ih-!U ail ho.ir. he ^('Ua'(.! I prort'e’ >'(i ilie necessary cash w lu’ti liis I ■ 11 i('tul ■ 'iisc'A '. ; cd that he would have lio ii,n ovtr to >iie un'(u) station v.liete ihe s-aid he had left iiis bac:gane to [ rict m(.nev to ; ay a freiuiii i)ill of i ,-.iiiab:e n'en ; straimer "I'oiuetant h " aeeciite.l deadhn k,” jihe ti\e -Si:'* hitis which Diciison |)celerl| 'nt> h. ar.s in im'oi'UK-r ab'iut wlios-e e(.)Uiessicai thCj Slate iias built up the evidence upon | nieetiim will be national in sco)»e and Hislioj) (IrtM^i- lias written lo of tile criii'.iiiiil ears iias exacte and lioor, lobbi; i»i lu i ieai i lani'iiiU ol Vv in;, Vv liai iuav cosi i.im his i peace 'Uf ('a iueiiie. have (. N^'trcs.-.ed themseivi's ,L'a!;i/;a.i(^n tliai for jthe archl)i;-hop uf ('anleibury acu.uaint- i ‘ f‘.-u' ri'-h 'wiiii the plan aud insitin;^ liim ihe jM'Oiiosed meet hea.’tiiy iu favor oi iUL!,’ ’i iie dr'te of th+' i.'.eetiut?; will iie ar- tlame.' ibd'ore e'-e;' t;u e -,■ ill''' COIIH! 1m' (i(U’'^. !iO''' itisi’rame am! tlie h ii- VvM A, mM IS'O e'-'i np.ie-' at • )\i:tiii!i are >: at'i ' ;te hall. rtrl-'s Hran'ly ‘ir-^t ar.d the ard the t.a- Carc'lina" Ren- .'a\ inc an i;;'f r .,im or Ii>.-(.• by • i‘ >u ? w a: 'U'K'n- >-i\ aoy :nierna! ' break- -■;lls ;n VirRinia. ''ai-olina, rioov- a.n in any yoar a'ion or t hb !rom a bi^ toll ;ind proiusely thank -;i 1 ii,> (■.'•. ,r.i; ian for sa\ ini; him a i';- ble. k alk to tile station. IW' went It >!-(■ li- 'gl; ofli( e to settle the bill patronajiP d;^+-. bur in an iii, !ant return('d to the e of eonnnit- ha:;di'd the $1'"> back to •Dick-on. IP' would have to ,u) io the ! station afw r all, liu’ the frei;ihl b'.ii " as .> i''•i iiiste i.i of ‘ Tu , tut. saiil l)icivsm, wuo prominly peeled otf 'an addiiional (luiutt-t of twenties and Siiisjsu'(l on iiis tiiend acc('t)tin.t? them. With ta-' same show of reluctance ilu’ strani2cr took 'he S20n and went to se tie liis little frei.irht bill. After waii'i'tj hali au ho'ir Dickson went >ui to look for his friend, ana to his con st (, nr.ri ion disfcovored that it was not a fieicht oiric' after all. The (leorgiai! continued to K1 Pa'=^o I n.inus his amiable compatiion. xplanations, ' ‘ r.ilic sentimt;:' lie a (P'f i.ied i.'? iieliiini: .• e It is oasic; h and eouv: ' !ia\e evidem •' ■ ■ • d i iVicii! I i a-.;ii:si him. ■if; wlia' a nu'u- t,. society. i"n-!'iners seem latsievn Xorth ',; I' !i()I: 'r than • . ’i"n>* I'tieo (,f is li Ir than ; 1. ei.' i ; a: , iak‘ r;s!^s ili.Ji (.rdinari:'. I o k c life. ;,;,rt‘at 4-!w\vus i;;itaere ' ar:> iti the vicijii;;. o ilie v-oi.n .As.-^izes and " lieii ', ht -.e;.,-sion ojiened ihe roo.ii was pai.k d lo ii.. cai)acity. , . . , r,-, , .. . ra!i:.i;-( a it c;i c-pi iUicnce v.dii I'.iii;- I he deiense, so iU> as iii;j -\uoaie-i ." !iiav’f!io is com,:-.‘rued, v-'11 lie lira: ihe: i;;:-;. is aiie, a thaory sU‘(:TTs;rh:;*iiCt! : I - his iiesj^'crate lKd(.;,ies,5. Profesrsov | M. :• tc!e:,g;;i. au alieiii;-;; from the I'iii-i ;vcrsit\ (jf ii.oiiie. iias been retained lo jexa'.ciiie the infiM'nter, As the pro- M & M Company Fined $20,000 By Associated Press. Somerset. K,'.. March 2i.—A guard who was an the tender of a Cincinna’.i, Xew Orleau.s and Texas Pa('ilic rail road freight iiaiu -vas shot aud wcmnd- ed in ihe Ic^, uf.tr !:iinwood, Tenu., last ni.aht, acconiiiig to a disi'atch re ceived here toda.^ . The conductor of a north bound pas senger train reitorted that between ! lessor w-is iioi i.i court during the :moiniu,!-’, hours bbaietnaggio's interro- 'ga.iioii v.a..; (j(r'ferred nuitl the after- : noe.i s-essuui aiid I'lVsideiU Hiauchi (jp- U'ued tiie i'a'ocet,d!ugs with tiie exami- juatioii of (Jv'aiiaro 1 belli, loilo'.\ in,g tliis |uc;i ;he qia'Stiotiing of i/uigi Arena, i>.-^ss. !i)cl!i i,-' ;• :-,-Htd lo be ihe head ol hat biaucli i.f tiu' (’amorra v.hich op i .Vu."ii.-'ta, (ia.., .\!arch 21 iij lijti \'fsu\ ian villages. He jdosion at 4 o clocl-. this inoiniug i was one of the fat tv ihai dined with i catised the death of two negroes and 'Knricho .Mfano on the ni.ghi that (leu-1 seriously in.jnred two while men. The Presi-';iaro Cuoccolo a^d his wife were mur- Southern liatlway is puu-ing a draw in its trestle over the Sa\annah river here, and v,hile the ni.uht foice was 'v:; >• with on." I lie engineer obe.\cd. .\houi four lailes- out of l.euapah tii- c-oin- pell(l ti.e eugiuo'r to ,-;o)) tiie train r 'if a clump oi itHc,'. five mo:'e iiia-ik(.'d n!( n caiiie i.i.t of the wood, and. takin.u posiiioas (.-ii iilit r side ot liic train. bcL’an si;o(,>iing in the air and along ihe ,^ides oi' the train. 'i'heii while iv,ij of th-.- bandits stood ■j,iia;-d Id i ;-eveat :-ui\- pas-eug'' rs from lva\i!;.L;. Ihe four iiiarciud ili(‘ engi- lu c'l aud lirenie;! to iJu' d.i\ coa h and l,ii !;v(l liieMi in. mau liien look lo guard ihe i(Hr of tlie trail! aiiu ’iiiee went, inio tli(^ c\|'i'(-'ss ( ar. I'orced the two ;a''ss mc'-^sc!,? er.-^, io jiiiMp o;ii and si aud w'n-‘i'(' one ol' tie* side guat'tls laud where a similar meeting is to!-(>'i‘‘l coxercd. iie heid in Albr ,'t Hall ihroush llu‘; Alter nearly ai. hoi;! s work the eifo’-ts of the arclibi-iiop of (’amer-:’-tH-'ii had succeeded ni ius--r'ing a burv in co-op.'-ration with the fnevharge of nilro-g!ycerti;e into the chuVciies. "ihroiigh” safe in the ev.i»res« car. r’ne.\- blew the s:if© to )deces aud scat- i lo i»e iu'( '-t'ut !)olii at the conse(T.ition aiid mui :i(! ing exercises ami tlie pe-’.cp nuH-ting. Oiii- ri;e exp: Cl at ion I , r nc n ef iuiernai ional mtte in th."' iuvdr.ding .\i!Ii'( w Two Killed In Boiler Explosion -A boilfu- ex- deved. (tal\esion. Tex,. .Ma.rch ‘ deni Dia;' of .Mexico coutiinu'S to en Joy liood he: Iiii according to I.' , ’ !|.. was an'esied soon afterward , , - i Clt'orge ii. Ix'e. a member d' the fac-j i;,,t released upon the false re)>resenta-i working the boiler exidodeu be>^ause nltx of the l-;in-ersitv of Texa who;iion,. of the Driest Ciro Vitoz;d. I of the water being too ow in it. Har- returned home today from a i:i!. -o ; Luigi Arena was then callcd. Arena | O’ J lapp, coloied. was bloAu into f a.., .Mexico where he had a ’■;u‘; talk v.Miiiis the man who is, charged wiih hav- Dii/. a few da.xs 'igo. ()r. j,ec >■ ays i ing ealled '!))on his brotiier ('amorrists the venerable presidejit is in po'ses-'to kiU (.'uoccolo in revenge lor iii^t sion of all his faculties and outside f)f-own bet'.ayal. Abbatemaggio says lliat a slight impairment in his hearing due | Cuoccoio wished a portion of the spoils to advanciii? age, lie is .iust as hale!,,fa robbery committed by Arena and and heart.x’ as he was ten years a.go.;j-,,^ companions. This was refuseti, Dr. liee expressed the personal !,'pin-, ('ik)cco!o denounced the jlered its contents o\er ihe lifjor of the I car. "i'lK-y made no hnsie. h'i’ey had !ch(;s.en a strategic posriiion in which io Slop the train. 'I'lu* ' were at least throe niih'S from any human habiia- I! ion. I .\fter the three men had spent I nearly au hour o\ei' the !)ackages tak- I en Irom the sale, the lights ol iwo UiuionKd)il(;s '.v(:'re seen drawing near from the direciion of the Oklahoma ■iiie. .\s tliey came within about 20') \ard,s-of the train on riie cotiniry road *ih.a uutomobiU s disapt pared, ! I'asseiigers v, no iiad remained hud- idled in ihe coa. hes afraid to look out I of the windows relax jd and the disor- .iiauized train crew' got to their places. W'heu th(‘ train reached tiiis city the ! sheriff was no:ifled and with two depu- Danville and IZrlanger fully luo sliots ! were lired at his pain but that they j ion that Diaz requestied th.e Fn!t(‘d : o,^. j.olice and they were did no particular damage. | States lo setid troops to tlie _ border. ; |.-,on, his cell Arena i^ent 'J'he body i)f Carl Street, the strike- B' A soe f'd I’res-. Saxannah. tia.. .March :L—The breaking fireman who was shot from ambush at Robbins, Tenn., yesterday, is being held here until Avord is re- as Xew York city. Statesville's News Department Mtr(diani ..vc .Miners Transport at im Compan,' was fined $20,000 by Jud.ge iv.cory Speer iu the I'nited States cir cuit court t(j(la,' pursuant to its con-j Special to 'I'he News. fearing thai the revidution would readi ' ^ p’ostal ( art' to one of the leaders ask- such iiroporrions ’hat the government j ('iioccoio's deai ti as a traitor would he unable to guarantee l>iotec-i,^j^||^ (^amorra. tion to Americans and extensive Abbai eniat-gio is fast becoming American interests in .Mexico. Healso'^j^^ conspicuous figure in the . thought that the Mexicans would 1 Iips been onenlv thieatened, ceived from relatives as to its di^posi-j resent any imerferen-ce on the|^^,.jj^- i lion. Street gave uis home address i ,jart of the rniteu States. i pears to ha e nothing to lose, now j Special to The .Vews. th^atluudrol Uie seSSi^nart^eS! i! Statesville. March 24. can pres" in ^„re«ent‘crisi. and felt repudiates it . >!.» very indifterence , child of .las. and Laura Johnson. , nf n.-Tbowover. IS being uscd ments; Press Somers was also killed j ! I;ur his bod’.- has not yet been recover-; _ . i. „ . d and D. C. Wvke, a white man, aad i «m horseback south^aid W. A. Vowell of Columbia. S. C., sii- "' , vi ' perintendent of construction, also! ( ohe,v\il,e, aus xi’nnnta'in i white, were in.lured. The boiler '^as St Loui|-- .on M^ ! blown two hundred feet from the & I, nuH trestle and landed in the middle of ^ t wet u Coffevxiile and .enap. i . short!.'- after midni;?ht and alter loot ing the mail and exjaess cai' es;ap(Ml. '^riie amount d' the robbery is said to the liver. Mrs. Harrison Dead. \ id ion h,st f'Mda.x for \iolating the ac. of !h(' iiiK'isiate couni'erce act. 'Phe court inuicated that x\ hen the tormal l-('ntcnc(' was drax'ii *his attornoon it ' would be siiecifit'd on what counts the Jlli.r sho;i!d be placed. He stated also up twrnty-.that senten>’e would be deferred on Ihe -A H-months- Ije $20,000. Official Denies Report. Little Rock, Arl., March 24,—Super- • inteiident (ieorge f'\ .Johnston, of the Pacific KxjU’ess Comiiany. with head- i (|itariers here, slates that the nioa who h'dd uiJ and roblx^d Iron Moun tain train Xo. lt>4 in Oklahoma last niglit, got no money from the exi>ress cai- and that all the booty secured a.sigrived because some of the papers in this ctuintry had suggested an invas- i(Ui T Mexico. \’a., l e- banyer : :i, county L. s the ; iMiinnioii. -ay this. I hat we " of^’enders w/th a ’.X in,” (joclared Mr. assiiig our men in I ln‘li('\e \\e will :i;erie- this year oliier counts p(>nding the .good behav ior of ili" company. He characterized the findins; of the .iury as absolutely fair fiiid said the company had been guilty of a tiagrant violation of the law. It is generally believed the fine $20,000 will aii])l,v lo one of the twenty four coiinis of the indictment and the sen- >,.nc»> on the rest will be susi)ended. > ui>tered distilleries''I'he ainonnt of bond for an api>eal will |t)o agieed upon this afteinoon by the -(Mi'rred through-!'iovernnK'Hi ittorneys and counsel. 1 lie ' .\1« ichants & Miners attorneys slate I ee tinies as rnai’yiwiih enipliasis they will ajtpeal the ' :d as we have iiad ' case. I 'I'lio TK’W sliip Mf^rcliants & Miiurs. the Siiwanee. arrivi'd in port ! u>dav although the jiresident did not j .i’ipear in court to plead for his com- p:m.'- as was expected. He lelt all in il’.o hands of counsel. .Fudge Samiud p, Adams, ex-justice of the Georgia sii|)reme court..ai)peared to plead for tii(^ c(jnvicled corporation. Diaz 7 roops Plan Greensboro. X. March 2b.—^Irs. Dais-y Carraway Harrison, the belov ed wife of Dr. Fdmtind Harrison, died at his residence here yesterday after a desperate illness of two weeks, aged 2S. Funeral services were held at West Market Steel Methodist church today, the burial being in Green Hill c.enietery. AIis. Haiiison is sur\ 1aed ^ A&sociated I^ress. ’ ’ ' El F’aso, Texas, IMarch 24.—Minis by her husband, a sister, Mrs. John s' Jklichaux, of Greensboro, and tw’o small children. Ca|)t. C. C. Martin, for many years a conductor on the Page road, died last night at his home near Carthage after a lingering illness of several months with spinal trouble. The burial will be at Carthage loday. Mrs. W. W. Bowman died at her home, near Oak Ridge Wednesday to bolster upjoolored who live on Park street, was consisted of a few ‘sealed packages, the claim that he is mentally irrespon-1 i„„.ned that it died afierj’lie value of which is not gi'eat sible and has imagined the s-lory which of intense suffering. "^Ve no longer use this route for he tells. The mother left Ihe child in the room ! T'i'»'ttgh mom^.x- Should this defense be established | ^vent to the back yard i not an.x thing like '0(i in it would be of great importance to the sjjeak to another colored woman I ‘‘'f reported. j)risoners and its effect iiLimately on ; called her. She heard thei ' ' can not safely be ))redicted. i scream and on rushing back in-i BENJAMIN N J flclT However, the slate claims to have gath i lo house found its body envelop-1 WANTS QUiti LiPt. ered sufficient evidence to nrove the: flames. j _ ~. truth of the man's assertion even i Will Slockion. colored, has been com-1 By .\ssoc-iated Pi’ess. should his testimony be declared in-l^jiitted to jail by Justice King to^ Atlanta. (la., March 24. 1 am an competent. | await trial in sn])erior court for an as-j /Russia and China Fight? l'!'ess. it 2 i - }'ii"vate cables il-'ii ))iisiness houses •’ive.' in the far East ‘I'retiiig, 'I'hey assert ''ed Riissia will soon 'In riilna. The rate at ;■ on the oiitbeak ’I'u four we^kK jump* ' i; five lo ten t^'dn- Fandom Pleased at Charleston. By Associated Press. Charles-ton. S. C.. NTarch 24. Al though the local team "beaten to a frazzel" by the IMiiladelphia Ameri cans yesterday afternoon, fandora is l)leased at the gameness displayed by the Sea Gulls in sticking in the face of disheat tcning odds. This afternoon th'’ Rccond of the s-eries will attract a larrc crowd despite tlie chih -p.-eather. ter Limantotirs modified statemen., luihlished here today, created much satisfaction among the insurrecto leaders. It was re.garded as snbstan- tiating the hope, which had not en tirely been abandoned, that some form of a ])eace proposition would soon emanate from Mexico City. The revolutionists junta officials think it likely that Senor Liniantour and President Diaz will grant all re night. The ftineral services were held at the First Baptist church at Kerners-1 forms demanded, ville this morning, the burial being “Whatever reforms in the Kernersville cemetery. Royal Family Entertained Bv Associated Press. Vienna, March 24.—Emperor Wil liam. Empress Auguste Victoria and the others of the royal family who are en route for Corfu w'ere the guests to day of Emperor Francis Joseph at Schoenbrnnn castle. There is a disposition in some quar ters to attach political sitiniflcance to the visit but it Is the emperor’s prac tice to call upon his paternal friend on his annual trip to Corfu. are offered must be based on the agreement that Diaz be removed and that the insur rectos shall maintain arms during negotiations,'’ said Gonzales Garza, the insurrecto secretary of state. The insurrectos fear, it was stat ed, that President Diaz will grant par tial reforms pertaining chiefly to the state of Chihuahua which might have the effect of apjieasing a large ele ment witiiout enabli:*^“ Madero to achieve a complete sticcosri. COURT ROOM DOORS WERE LOCKED. Bv Associated Press. Isault with a deadlv weapon on Tom: battle of life over again-and I expect McLelland, also colored. to spend the rest of my days quietly I The will of Mrs. I. R. Alexander, of 'vith my books and my family, said ! Mooresville. who died a few days ago,; Benjamin T), Greene yesierday after- j was filed with the clerk of court yes-1 noon as he Jioarded a train for N'ew i terday for probate. The document is Vork after haviiig (.,u.jdeTed a lOUx- Independence, Kas.. March 24.—j dated April L5. HiO.V and Mr, T. J. Will- .'ear term in the federal juison here Such a large crowd w'as present to- jams, of Mfioresville. is named as ex- for complicity in the Savannah harnor dav at the trial of A. A. Truskett, I ecutor The estate is valued at from frauds case and taking the paupers charged with killing J. D. S. Neeley, of; $',,000 to $7,000. esca])e his big fine. Cireene Limo. O.. that Jud.ge J. R. Flannelly! Mr. Rufus .Alexander, husband of said he woubl make no effort to re ordered the doors of the court room Mrs. 1. R. Alexander, wdio died years build his shattei'ed Untune but would locked. . ^ ago, willed 200 acres of land to t he I out a quiet jilace somewhere and The county attorney announced bis j foreign mission board of the Southern! end his daxs there with his books and witnesses today would continue to Presbyterian church, the same to be; bis familx. testify along the line of the states the-i used by Mrs. .Alexander during her' J(din F. (iaynor, who was convicted ory that Truskett deliberately planned i life. This land will now be sold and'ith (Ireeiie lor the same oilense and the killing to “get even with” Xeeley.! the jtroceeds turned over to the mi.s- is still in jirison here although he has The Wichita pipe line comiiany. of I sion board. completed his sentence, hoj)es to gain which Xeeley was jiresident. had short-1 The Statesville district Methodist | Itis liberty tomorrow' w hen a hearing ly tiefore the shooting instituted legal i parsonage on ^^'est Front street, has; of his application lor leave to take l)ioceedings to declare illegal a valu-'heen sold to Prof. D. Matt Thompson jthe paujiers oath i»robably will be able oil lease owned by Trnskett. | for $3,100 and this amount, with an I ."'ven. Get Ready for Inspection. Ccharleston, S. C.. ^.arch 24.—The Charleston batallion of the third regl- “Three-Cent-Mayor” Better. i}y .Associated Press. Cleveland, O., March 24.—Former I additional sum to lie raised in the di.^ : trict, will be used in erecting a hand- : stmie new i.arsonage on the lot on j Walnut street. All three officers, 44 of the 52 pri Glenside Won Steeplechase. Liverpool, March 24.—The grand na tional steeple chase of three thousand sovereigns, for .j-year-olds and upward Mavor Tom L. .Johnson ■v\'ho is suffer-' vates and two bnglar.s who com!>ose i "as won toda.v b.v (iienside, an out- ment, national guards of South Caro- ing fiom a relapse after an illness of ti'e local military company, the Iredell, sider. against whom the betting was Una, is making ready for the inspec tions to begin Monday, the German Kusliere being first on the li&t. several months' duration, pas:;cd ;in-j I'd.ties, underwent the annual inspec-j 2u to 1. Rathually was second and other restful night and was reiiorted tion of the state and national officers | Shady Girl third. Tweuiy-six horsea to b® "fpeling fine" this morning. i Wednesday night. started.